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The Media Censorship It's funny.  Laugh. Media Music

MTV Bleeps Filesharing Software Names In Weird Al Video 395

An anonymous reader writes "We've all heard Weird Al Yankovic's 'Don't Download This Song,' which came out a couple years ago, but did you know that MTV is apparently so afraid that kids listening to the song will discover for the first time that file sharing offerings exist that in its video of the song, MTV bleeps out their names? There's a line in the song that lists out Morpheus, Grokster, Kazaa and Limewire (most of whom don't really exist any more), but for some reason MTV considers those names to be bleep worthy." Unless this is all one grand inside joke from Weird Al.
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MTV Bleeps Filesharing Software Names In Weird Al Video

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  • by Fluffeh ( 1273756 ) on Thursday October 30, 2008 @07:43PM (#25577311)
    Well, I bleep bleep welcome bleep new bleeps!
    • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday October 30, 2008 @07:49PM (#25577375)
      Marklar, marklar marklar. Marklar marklar!
    • by PPH ( 736903 )
      Hey, its funny when Jimmy Kimmel [youtube.com] does it.
    • by clockwise_music ( 594832 ) on Thursday October 30, 2008 @08:56PM (#25577991) Homepage Journal
      I would vote for it being a joke by Weird Al. The guy is extremely clever and is very likely to come up with something like this. After all, he did write "Bob".
    • MTV Get Off the Air! (Score:5, Interesting)

      by megamerican ( 1073936 ) on Thursday October 30, 2008 @09:45PM (#25578349)

      The Dead Kennedy's had it right.

      M.T.V.-Get Off The Air"

      Fun Fun Fun in the fluffy chair
      Flame up the herb
      Woof down the beer
      I'm your video DJ
      I always talk like I'm wigged out on Quaalude's
      I wear a satin baseball jacket everywhere I go

      My job is to help destroy
      What's left of your imagination
      By feeding you endless doses
      Of sugar-coated mindless garbage

      So don't create
      Be sedate
      Be a vegetable at home
      And thwack on that dial
      If we have our way even you will believe
      This is the future of rock and roll

      How far will you go
      How low will you stoop
      To tranquilize our minds with your sugar-coated swill

      You've turned rock and roll rebellion
      Into Pat Boone sedation
      Making sure nothing's left to the imagination

      M.T.V. Get off the
      M.T.V. Get off the
      M.T.V. Get off the air
      Get off the air

      See the latest rejects from the muppet show
      Wag their tits and their dicks
      As they lip-sync on screen
      There's something I don't like
      About a band who always smiles
      Another tax write-off
      For some schmuck who doesn't care

      M.T.V. Get off the air
      And so it was
      Our beloved corporate gods
      Claimed they created rock video
      Allowing it to sink as low in one year
      As commercial TV has in 25
      "It's the new frontier," they say
      It's wide open, anything can happen
      But you've got a lot of nerve
      To call yourself a pioneer
      When you're too god-damn conservative
      To take real chances.

      Graph-paper brained accountants
      Instead of music fans
      Call all the shots at giant record companies now

      The lowest common denominator rules
      Forget honesty
      Forget creativity
      The dumbest buy the mostest
      That's the name of the game

      But sales are slumping
      And no one will say why
      Could it be they put out one too many lousy records?!?

      M.T.V.-Get off the air!

  • But (Score:5, Insightful)

    by ohxten ( 1248800 ) on Thursday October 30, 2008 @07:44PM (#25577331) Homepage
    But we can watch scantily clad ladies dancing around and gangstas promoting the dirty life?
    • Re:But (Score:5, Funny)

      by Loibisch ( 964797 ) on Thursday October 30, 2008 @07:46PM (#25577347)

      Sure, live the dirty live, but watch your filthy mouth.

    • Re:But (Score:5, Informative)

      by Corpuscavernosa ( 996139 ) on Thursday October 30, 2008 @07:53PM (#25577437)
      Yeah they bleep out "nine" when referring to a gun but you got titties and ass jiggling all over the place. I guess MTV only wishes to influence certain types of moral issues.
      • Re:But (Score:5, Insightful)

        by lysergic.acid ( 845423 ) on Thursday October 30, 2008 @08:32PM (#25577797) Homepage

        that makes more sense than the American film ratings board who worry more about kids/teenagers seeing nipples or other parts of the human body (even in non-sexual contexts) or hearing swear words but will still give movies depicting gun violence, murder, etc. PG or PG-13 ratings.

        • Re:But (Score:5, Funny)

          by Dark_Matter88 ( 1150591 ) on Thursday October 30, 2008 @09:04PM (#25578065) Homepage
          Yea totally. look at the america/german divide...the amercas fear the body's love making but love the death and murder, whereas germany censors violence and allows all kinds of sex. To me, sex is way more natural than murder. The human body is beautiful, but it already has the right amount of holes, no matter how much rappers think they can improve it!!
          • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

            by Toonol ( 1057698 )
            Yea totally. look at the america/german divide...the amercas fear the body's love making but love the death and murder, whereas germany censors violence and allows all kinds of sex.

            In defense of America, sex is much more of a temptation than violence is. 99.9% of kids won't commit murder regardless of what movies they watch, but 99.9% of them will make stupid decisions at some point regarding sex.

            Now, I don't agree with the movie ratings in America, I think they're too prudish, and censoring nudity
            • Re:But (Score:5, Insightful)

              by schon ( 31600 ) on Thursday October 30, 2008 @09:48PM (#25578371)

              In defense of America

              If you had even an inkling of understanding, you wouldn't characterize it as "defense".

              sex is much more of a temptation than violence is. 99.9% of kids won't commit murder regardless of what movies they watch, but 99.9% of them will make stupid decisions at some point regarding sex

              And why do you think that is?

              Has it not occurred to you that perhaps it's because they're told from an early age that sex is bad and guns are good, and so therefore want to experiment with the taboo?

              Youth is all about rebellion. Tell kids that they shouldn't do something is a surefire way to get them to want to do it.

              • Re:But (Score:4, Insightful)

                by lysergic.acid ( 845423 ) on Thursday October 30, 2008 @10:52PM (#25578969) Homepage

                makes sense. that's why the most conservative/repressive cultures are also the most fucked up. i've noticed that extremely repressive Asian cultures like Taiwan and Japan tend to have very polarized populations, where most people are either complete prudes who lead unhealthy, overly sheltered lives devoid of any sort of pleasure, or they lead equally unhealthy lives partying way too much, with absolutely no sense of moderation or self-restraint.

                when everything is taboo then there's no difference between having a few drink with your friends and getting completely shitfaced and coked out of your mind. so people end up either being a virgin their entire life, or become extremely promiscuous and have unprotected casual sex with random strangers.

                • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

                  by Anonymous Coward

                  makes sense. that's why the most conservative/repressive cultures are also the most fucked up. i've noticed that extremely repressive Asian cultures like Taiwan and Japan tend to have very polarized populations, where most people are either complete prudes who lead unhealthy, overly sheltered lives devoid of any sort of pleasure, or they lead equally unhealthy lives partying way too much, with absolutely no sense of moderation or self-restraint.

                  So, what are you basing your observations from? Most Asians believe Americans will fuck a stranger at the drop of a hat and American Pie is a realistic depiction of what college life is like in the US. Do your jobs mod, I'm at least as insightful as my parent post.

                  • Re:But (Score:5, Interesting)

                    by lysergic.acid ( 845423 ) on Friday October 31, 2008 @01:38AM (#25580097) Homepage

                    mostly based on the fact that all of my cousins in Taiwan are either really crazy, or really boring. two of my cousin are always in and out of prison because of their drug problem, and possibly gang affiliations. a few others ran away from home when they were in their teens, and the one whom i'm still in contact with drinks a lot, does coke/ketamine/ecstasy/etc. (i know this because i partied with her that last time i visited Taiwan). and aside from maybe 1 cousin who's relatively normal and doesn't abuse any kind of substance, the rest all seem incredibly boring and somewhat socially maladjusted--one of whom i found out joined the Mormon church.

                    most of my cousins seem to fall into one extreme or the other. even most of my aunts and uncles are like that. it really is night and day when you compare one group with the other. i mean, i know tweakers, heroin addicts, gangbangers, convicted bank robbers, and all kinds of crazy people here in the U.S. too. but there's a much more even distribution across the entire breadth of the social spectrum here. and really the thing i can think of that accounts for this are the different cultural values and parenting styles.

                    i mean, there are strict/overbearing parents in the U.S. too. heck, i dated a girl whose parents were absolutely nuts and wouldn't let her date or even socialize with male friends, and she ended up being the biggest nympho i've ever met. similarly, there was this Korean kid from my home town who went to prison for killing his mom and his younger sibling. he basically just snapped because his parents were so strict and pushed him too hard. granted, that's an extreme case, but you can still see the general pattern that's emerging.

          • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

            by zakezuke ( 229119 )

            The human body is beautiful

            In a vacuum perhaps, but in practice there are some damn ugly humans.

            • Re:But (Score:5, Funny)

              by TACD ( 514008 ) on Thursday October 30, 2008 @10:05PM (#25578547) Homepage

              The human body is beautiful

              In a vacuum perhaps, but in practice there are some damn ugly humans.

              In a vacuum? They tend to get too bloaty and cold for my liking, but if you're into that sort of thing then be my guest.

              • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

                In a vacuum? They tend to get too bloaty and cold for my liking, but if you're into that sort of thing then be my guest.

                It's not as easy as you think: "I can't cum unless you pretend to be dead... wait, where are you going? Damnit, that's the third one this week! What am I supposed to do with THIS?..."

                And then it's back to match.com to find another one.

          • Re:But (Score:5, Insightful)

            by Darby ( 84953 ) on Friday October 31, 2008 @02:44AM (#25580479)

            To me, sex is way more natural than murder.

            Now now, they're equally natural. Just one is moral, ethical and wonderful and one is immoral, unethical and disgusting.

            The problem is that there are too many lunatics around who can't figure out which is which.

          • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

            "The human body is beautiful"

            Apparently, you've never seen the overly hairy and obese old men in speedos that seem to inhabit every public beach.

            "the amercas fear the body's love making"

            You know, the U.S. has this massive financial machine called The Porn Industry.....

        • If the word "nine" depicted gun violence, murder, etc., then you'd have a point, but it doesn't.

        • by Chordonblue ( 585047 ) on Thursday October 30, 2008 @09:59PM (#25578479) Journal

          You know, promoting music that encourages people to break the law might also encourage them to download music. After all, those 'rap guys' are always stealing shit, and downloading music isn't exactly breaking into a store and grabbing all the CD's you can before the cops get there, right?

          I think the record industry may be figuring out that all that moral ambiguity they promoted in the past is now going to bite them in the ass - big time.

          See, to paraphrase the great Reverend Wright... The chickens... Have come home... To ROOST! :)

      • I swear to God they let Trent Reznor say "fuck" on the air in the video for Closer.

        Once I saw that video, followed by a rap video where they bleeped both "fuck" and "nine m".

      • Re:But (Score:5, Insightful)

        by MightyYar ( 622222 ) on Thursday October 30, 2008 @09:09PM (#25578093)

        I'd much rather have my kid playing with titties and ass than 9mm pistols.

        Just sayin'.

      • as an aside/tangent for the song Rockstar by Nickleback the radio stations here in DC bleep ass from "Hire eight body guards that love to beat up assholes" but just 19 words later in the song they leave it in for "I think I'm gonna dress my ass with the latest fashion". That always made me laugh.

        • You must listen to the same stations I do.

          They also bleep out "drugs" in "girls come easy and the drugs come cheap", "drug" in "everybody's got a drug dealer on speed dial", and "pills" from "gonna pop my pills from a pez dispenser".

          My attitude is if you are bleeping out words, then you don't understand the point of that particular song, and shouldn't be playing it on your station.

    • by Valdrax ( 32670 )

      But we can watch scantily clad ladies dancing around and gangstas promoting the dirty life?

      Do they promote consumption, particularly of goods sold by the advertisers on MTV?

      Then, yes.

      (And MTV still shows videos? Do they ever run in timeslots where you don't have fear losing ratings to the infomercial for the juicing machine and the $50 sit-up machine?)

    • But we can watch scantily clad ladies dancing around and gangstas promoting the dirty life?

      You can do drugs and abuse women all you want, so long as you don't pirate music.

      At least, that's how the recording industry feels.

  • Prohibited in Canada (Score:5, Informative)

    by akorvemaker ( 617072 ) on Thursday October 30, 2008 @07:45PM (#25577341) Homepage
    From Canada, I can't even watch the bleeped video in the article. "Copyrights restrict us from playing this video outside the U.S." Pfft! Pfft, I say!
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday October 30, 2008 @07:45PM (#25577345)

    MTV plays music videos?

    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by cashman73 ( 855518 )
      Umm, yeah,... looks like you missed yesterday's discussion [slashdot.org].
    • by Alsee ( 515537 )

      MTV plays music videos?

      Yes, I've seen MTV play music videos.

      MTV premiered with the Buggle's Video Killed The Radio Star. The cable remote control was a big box connected to the TV by a 15 foot wire, it had one button for each channel.



  • by TheNarrator ( 200498 ) on Thursday October 30, 2008 @07:48PM (#25577369)

    I was watching MTV several years ago and remember hearing the words "Burger King" getting bleeped out in the "Humpty Dance" song in the verse "I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom".

    So, IMHO, I think this is probably part of a general policy to not allow product placement in song lyrics.

    • Maybe, but it's also possible that MTV due to its close ties to the RIAA is strongly against the proliferation of p2p by any means. Assuming that this isn't in fact all one grand inside joke from Weird Al, it would be pretty consistent. Remember, this is the organization which spends millions of dollars on propaganda campaigns trying to stigmatize p2p, labeling it as piracy and such, trying to get it subconsciously associated pillaging cargo.

      However, this moral campaign only gets as much traction as it does

    • by nobodyman ( 90587 ) on Thursday October 30, 2008 @08:58PM (#25578001) Homepage

      But doesn't he explicitly mention "MySpace" in White and Nerdy [azlyrics.com]? Does that get bleeped out?

    • Heh, I want to see them play REM's "Orange Crush" video, just for laughs.

  • And watch Youtube instead.
    Any time you give corporations power, they try to take even more away from you.

  • by Andr T. ( 1006215 ) <andretaff@nOspam.gmail.com> on Thursday October 30, 2008 @07:50PM (#25577397)
    The Who, The the
    Damn clumsy search systems.
  • *bleep* (Score:2, Insightful)

    Why would *bleep* do this? It really disrupts the flow of the song.
    Still, this doesn't look as one of *bleep*-*bleep*'s best so I'm not going to look the uncensored version up on *bleep*.
    Good night everyone here on *bleep*...
  • by notaspy ( 457709 ) <imnotaspy@noSPAm.yahoo.com> on Thursday October 30, 2008 @07:55PM (#25577455)

    A local radio station (northern NH) bleeps out the the words "white boy" after "Play that funky music...."
    That's when I turn the dial to NPR.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday October 30, 2008 @08:43PM (#25577875)

      You are missing out on a golden opportunity for fun.

      Call up the station and complain, but don't complain about the censorship itself. Escalate the call has high as possible. Tell them you are insulted that they think "white boy" is some type of slur. Ask them what they have against white people - "or is it just white males?" Make sure you throw the word racist around a few times, especially if they try to justify the censorship. Demand they censor ALL racial or ethnic words in all their songs.

      Sing a few bars:

      "I think I'm turning BLEEP I think I'm turning BLEEP I really think so"
      "I'm on a BLEEP radio. I'm a BLEEP, woah, radio"
      "BLEEP and BLEEP live together in perfect harmony"
      "The ink is BLEEP the page is BLEEP together we learn to read and write"

      Also demand they edit band and album names
      "And now Iron Man by BLEEP Sabbath."
      "From the BLEEP album, The Unforgiven."

      And as fun as I think this would be, I bet it would be effective, too.

  • by heretic108 ( 454817 ) on Thursday October 30, 2008 @07:55PM (#25577461)

    If MTV left the names of the file-sharing programs intact in the song, they could theoretically be a target for a contributory liability suit.

  • by tomd123 ( 1007793 ) on Thursday October 30, 2008 @07:57PM (#25577479)
    File sharing should totally be censored... songs about rape, one night stands, drugs, money bitches, hoes, sluts... etc is perfectly fine though.. Thank God for such brilliant minds.
  • Please! (Score:4, Funny)

    by PPH ( 736903 ) on Thursday October 30, 2008 @08:15PM (#25577651)
    Don't bleep me, bro!
  • by popmaker ( 570147 ) on Thursday October 30, 2008 @08:22PM (#25577717)
    The 12 words you can't say on TV:
    Shit, piss, tits, fuck, cocksucker, motherfucker, cunt, Morpheus, Grokster, Kazaa, Limewire and (*inhale*) bittorrent.

    I can't wait for the "clean" version of the Matrix now.
    • by syousef ( 465911 ) on Thursday October 30, 2008 @08:56PM (#25577989) Journal

      The 12 words you can't say on TV:
      Shit, piss, tits, fuck, cocksucker, motherfucker, cunt, Morpheus, Grokster, Kazaa, Limewire and (*inhale*) bittorrent.

      Damn! Samuel L. Jackson's going to be hitting that unemployment queue! The censored version of Pulp Fiction must be a silent movie!

      • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

        by Andr T. ( 1006215 )
        I've heard that Kevin Smith's movies are heavily affected already. Silent Bob [wikipedia.org] was meant to be named "Cursing-bittorrent-downloading Bob".
    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by dkleinsc ( 563838 )

      2 problems:
      1. You left out "semprini".
      2. "Tits" doesn't even belong on the list. It sounds like a nickname.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by elmartinos ( 228710 )

      You just can't say these words on america tv/radio. I remember an interview here in Austria of some American singer that went something like this:

      Singer: ... and he was really fucked up. Oh my god I said the f word!
      Moderator: Ha, we can say here whatever we want. Fuck Shit fuck shit fuck fuck. Its really cool.
      Singer: ffffucking awesome!

  • Bleep MTV (Score:3, Insightful)

    by jimbertling ( 1309387 ) on Thursday October 30, 2008 @08:32PM (#25577799)
    What more can I say?
  • by Proudrooster ( 580120 ) on Thursday October 30, 2008 @09:38PM (#25578295) Homepage
    Wow, I'm shocked! Last I checked MTV had gone to 7x24x365 of uncensored reality trash TV. I had no idea they were still showing videos. I am even more shocked to learn that MTV has censors. This channel spews so much vulgar garbage and stupidity that I don't even have it programmed on the channel list to prevent it lowering my IQ if I should happen to pause while channel surfing.

    Hey Kids! It's acceptable to have sex, do drugs, and abuse alcohol, but by golly we here at MTV have to draw the line at filesharing. Sorry.
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      This channel spews so much vulgar garbage and stupidity that I don't even have it programmed on the channel list to prevent it lowering my IQ if I should happen to pause while channel surfing.

      I'm just double checking, you were talking about cspan here right?

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by Dirtside ( 91468 )

      Don't be naive; they block what they think they have to to avoid shitstorms from the FCC. They'll show everything else. It's not like MTV was wandering out in the woods and whilst contemplating nature came up with a moral line. It's strictly what they (and, I must confess, we -- I work for an MTVN subsidiary) won't get shit for.

  • MTV will not bleep out swear words in Gansta Rap videos, but they will bleep out the names of popular file sharing applications?

    Ok now we know that the MAAFIA (RIAA/MPAA) is in bed with MTV and Time/Warner/AOL/Turner House of Pancakes running MTV are looney ultra-left-wing Liberals working for Hollywood and Record Companies who bribe them to play the same 12 videos over and over again each day to promote their sales.

    Kids today are smart, all they need do is use Google with the words "file sharing programs" and they'll get millions of hits and find out not only the names of file sharing programs, but also how to download and install them and even poke a hole in Windows Firewall to get faster downloads.

    "Weird" Al Yankovic was making fun of the MAAFIA in his "Don't Download This Song" video because of their totalitarian tactics of suing everyone that are fans of the music and videos. In fact, "Weird" Al Yankovic got even more popular when pirates downloaded his MP3 files and then went out to buy the "Straight Out Of Lindwood" CD that also doubles on the back as a DVD full of videos because "Weird" Al knows that pirates love to try before they buy, so they don't buy a CD for $35 only to find out when they get home to play it that most of the song suck and they only like 1 or 2 of the songs on the whole CD. That is why, unlike Metalica and Prince, "Wierd" Al doesn't sue his fans for downloading his songs in MP3 format, because he knows most of them will go out and buy his CD because "Weird" Al is too white and nerdy like his fans and is computer savvy enough to know that piracy actually helps him become more popular and sell more CDs, and more concert tickets.

  • by Alsee ( 515537 ) on Friday October 31, 2008 @12:42AM (#25579773) Homepage

    I want my P2P!


  • by gsslay ( 807818 ) on Friday October 31, 2008 @05:57AM (#25581125)

    This is a step in the right direction. But, please, let's not stop there. With a little more effort we can remove the scourge of "Weird" Al's lame parody songs from our airwaves. Even if it means bleeping out a word at a time, it's still worth doing.

  • my gosh (Score:3, Insightful)

    if you are learning about filesharing (ancient concept)

    in its defunct formats (morpheus? limewire? are we going to learn about doom? microsoft bob?)

    from MTV (dead network)

    on a music video (dead form of art)

    by wierd al yankovic (is he still alive?)

    you are really really off the map, on some deserted island or in prisoner camp

  • by camg188 ( 932324 ) on Friday October 31, 2008 @09:30AM (#25582269)
    Has it been confirmed that MTV did the bleeping?
    I don't know how videos get distributed, but it could have been the artist or label that censored it or even some legal reason that forced MTV to do it.

Waste not, get your budget cut next year.
