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India Enlists Teen "Hackers" as Cyber Cops 106

Popocatepetl writes "Apparently, you can get a job if you tell Indian government officials you can "hack" a government web site. This story is short on details, but may be interesting nonetheless, especially since the FBI is mentioned."
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India Enlists Teen "Hackers" as Cyber Cops

Comments Filter:
  • So what? Am I the only the one who finds this a "non-news" item? I hardly think so...
  • by Anonymous Coward
    but can they first post ?
  • by Anonymous Coward
    only instead of working for the government, they just pay for your room, board and food for a few years.
  • That wouldn't be a bad summer job...Beats a paper route.
  • From the article:
    "Hacker is a term used to describe those who illegally break into computer systems to steal or copy information. "
    Need a tissue faggot?
  • by B00yah ( 213676 ) on Wednesday January 03, 2001 @10:27AM (#533358) Homepage
    "They told me within 5 min. they could hack the govt. web page" ==from the article. Just because they say they can do it, does not mean they can.
  • that the job includes wearing an orange jumper and picking up trash along side of thousands of miles of railroad tracks...
  • cause 3y3 c4n ha>

    (woops, wrong kind of hacker.. P.S - learn to be l337haxor over at []

  • by Psyiode ( 239279 )
    I wonder how much they would pay you for that. -Psyiode
  • ...but the lack of details and general 'feel' of the article kinda makes me feel like this is an elaborate 'sting'. Have kiddies write/call in saying "I know how to crack a government site!". Bingo, instant crackdown on would-be crackerz.

    I'd say stay away from this least in the US, admitting to goverment officials that you're knowledgeable (and capable) of "compromising the security of federal property" isn't the best idea.

    --Just Another Pimp A$$ Perl Hacker
  • Oh yeah? Well, I can break into the NSA's computers in under 4 minutes...

    So, where's my new job?

  • by bool ( 144199 ) on Wednesday January 03, 2001 @10:31AM (#533364) Homepage
    "They are brilliant. They told me that within five minutes they can hack the (Indian) defense ministry Web site...," he said.
    Hummmm let's think about this one. How brilliant can someone be who would easily and openly admit to such a thing?

    do { Work(); PayTaxes(); Eat(); Sleep(); } while (alive)
  • I could be WAY off here, but it seems to me that governments have been hiring young hackers for quite some time... Has the US not one this? We don't here much about the Gov's security teams, but it seems to me that these kind of people are the logical choice.

    Can anyone confirm any previous examples of this? Or am I an idiot?

    um.. I done, you can stop reading...
  • by The Queen ( 56621 ) on Wednesday January 03, 2001 @10:32AM (#533366) Homepage
    "We want to use them positively so that they can create adequate firewalls so that nobody can hack our country's Web sites," he added.

    Okay somebody answer me this: using hackers to catch/thwart hackers sounds good, but is it really feasible? What's to say that little Wali, age 14, who built your firewall, won't share those techniques with, oh, say some kid in Minnesota who happens to post regularly to places like Slashdot, and so now your custom defense can be cracked by k1dd13s? Do they sign a NDA or something?

    "I'm not a bitch, I just play one on /."
  • ...someone who claims to have broken into your site, and expect them to not try to continue breaking into your sites after they start working for you? Short answer: you wouldn't.

    However, you may want to pay these people to hack other sites. Sites of companies in your country. Sites of forien countries. And I'm sure you could get them busy enough hacking on other targets for fun and profit so you didn't have to worry about the hacking at home.

    I'm not sure advertising it would be smart, however.

  • ha ha - that was actually funny. Too bad I already posted in the story, otherwise I would mod this up - good job, anonymous coward!

  • "They are brilliant. They told me that within five minutes they can hack (sic) the (Indian) defense ministry Web site...," he (J. Random Suit) said.

    I think the operative words here are "they told me".

    I mean, the idea of co-opting the opposition talent sounds great on paper, but come on. (a) If you're going around cracking military websites, you're not going to go out of your way to attract attention to anything but your IRC pseudonym, and (2), a military website is still a website, and therefore vulnerable to script kiddies. It's not like these brats are grabbing the launch codes or anything.


    - B

  • This should be stopped. Just because I'm 30 doesn't mean that I can't "Hack a Government Web Site". This is yet another example of how us "oldsters" get pre-judged as being technically inferior to the younger set.


  • Do you realize that you just set off every red flag on Echelon? I'd behave for a couple months if I was you. :)
  • If I do see them, does that mean I should clean my monitor?
  • Does anyone else remember what they were like at 14? It was all about the c0dez and the warez. I know that I wasn't mature enough to have enough moral standing to be trusted with such a position. What are these people thinking? I Wouldn't be surprised if the next headline we see is "India is off-line." Nothing aginst the youngster, but 14?!? Come on!

    do { Work(); PayTaxes(); Eat(); Sleep(); } while (alive)
  • Hack is a term used to describe someone who writes articles for CNN.

  • About ten years ago, there was an article about youngsters being the brightest little hackers. Do the math, that was you.

    You're old?


  • "We want to use them positively so that they can create adequate firewalls so that nobody can hack our country's Web sites," he added.

    Yep, that's the key! If you have (a) firewall(s), you are perfectly safe! Log reviews, administrator policies, good computing practices - those are all optional. The firewall - that's all you need.
    They shouldn't need a 14-year-old to tell them that it's that kind of thinking that gets IT managers fired.

    OTOH, if they subscribe to "an eye for an eye" in India (I honestly can't remember if that's Hindu as well as some Muslim sects' belief), what happens to you if you hack a web server? Do you have to wear the company's T-Shirt for a week? ;-)

  • wait a minute.... this is how companies have been hiring for years... find a security tech that one a "white Hat" hacker... this isnt news (its interesting yes, but news... no)
  • by TheWhiteOtaku ( 266508 ) on Wednesday January 03, 2001 @10:47AM (#533378) Homepage
    Which is more likely? That India hired a bunch of very aggressive hackers, who know more about breaking firewalls than creating them, with the sole intention of "defense from rogue hackers" or that India is really using some of the most distructive forces of the internet against others (Pakistan perhaps?)

    I sincerely doubt a government is dumb enough to hire a hacker to put up a firewall which he would be extremely interested in taking down.

  • "Hacking, spreading viruses are much bigger criminal offenses in cyber terrorism than pornography," Mehta said.
    Since when did that become a crime? And who in the world would equate looking at pornography with breaking into a computer system or spreading malicious virri? I am glad Mehta cleared that up for me...

    "They are brilliant. They told me that within five minutes they can hack the (Indian) defense ministry Web site...," he said.

    "We want to use them positively so that they can create adequate firewalls so that nobody can hack our country's Web sites," he added.
    hm... they tell someone that they can break into a government computer in five minutes. I don't know anything about breaking into computers but the security must be pretty awefull if they can be compromised by anyone in that amount of time. Don't tell me they use 'welcome' as their admin password...
    that is a really informative article. India is hiring 15-19 year olds who say they can break into a computer in five minutes to install firewalls and configure servers? The only reason I could see to hire some 16-19 year old 'hackers' is to get cheap and semi-knowledgable labor.
    Maybe they should starting hiring the microsoft 'temps' that are in charge of securing their servers.

    I am confused... could someone explain why this article is important enough to be posted on slashdot?

  • AGE DISCRIMINATION AGAINST THE OLD!?!?! you gotta be friggin kiddin me! I'm a teen and I can't go to school/walk the street/step foot in a respectable business establishment etc.. just because everyone i see assumes that anyone under the age of thirty is a criminla,druggie or some other form of scumbag. And you wanna whine because nobody belives your a 1337 h4x0r?! your a fool. You should quit your whining and appreciate the fact that you don't get pre-judged as a second class citizen.
  • This is annoying. Just because I could be a script kiddie that knows how to deface a web page, that means nothing that I am able to create firewalls. For my ability to work with security issues and to configure firewalls within our corporate network(which our web pages tend to be only semi-inside of) I have had training and a lot of experience. Mostly the experience and looking. Yes it is possible for some punk to run a port scan and find a backdoor but that is more than likely because I screwed up or I am having to leave a small door open for one of our customers to communicate with us. We have had attempts I am sure but I have never seen a true breach of our network. I know that if my company fired me to hire some kid with no experience and only the ability to run a script and root some poorly configured server somewhere I would laugh all the way to my next job as I watched their network crumble. I'm basing this rant on this quote: "We want to use them positively so that they can create adequate firewalls so that nobody can hack our country's Web sites," If they plan only to have them as a panel to educate the law enforcement and say hey look its mostly harmless but we need to educate people to ensure proper safeguards are in place so that no one can do serious damage then cool. If that is the case then this is good. If they plan to have these guys designing firewalls then hehehehehehehe. I know that I will not be getting one.
  • by VAXGeek ( 3443 ) on Wednesday January 03, 2001 @10:55AM (#533382) Homepage
    d33R 1nD14nz:

    1 c4N h4x0r 4nD cR4x0r 4 r33l. n0w G1v3 m3 4 j0b!

    a funny comment: 1 karma
    an insightful comment: 1 karma
    a good old-fashioned flame: priceless
  • From the article: "The National Cyber Cop Committee set up by the industry will be advised by a group of 19 hackers, all between 14 and 19 years of age..."

    What the article failed to mention was that like the band Menudo the members will be forced to retire when they reach puberty.

    J, Pixel God

  • 3y3 4m 4 1337 H4><0r
    3y3 4m iN73r3$73d i/\/ 4 j0b 1n jO0r c0mP4ny

    mY r3f3r3n©3s:

    1. 1995-1999: 3y3 wU$ w17h M@O-M0d, 3y3 h4><0r3d []

      aw screw it, this'll get stopped by the lameness filter anyway

  • From the article:

    "Hacking, spreading viruses are much bigger criminal offenses in cyber terrorism than pornography," Mehta said.

    So in India, pornography is an offense in cyber terrorism? Thank god I don't live there! Damn!

  • by canning ( 228134 ) on Wednesday January 03, 2001 @10:58AM (#533386) Homepage
    National Bank of India needs young but experienced bank robbers to work as security guards. You will be required to transport and protect large sums of currency as well as securing the premises during night hours. Firearm and uniform provided. Only the most shifty of applicants will be considered. Apply in person.

  • I guess after reading this everyone will feel that people under 30 can't take a joke.
  • It sounds like these crackers are going to be only an advisory group to the Indian "Cyber Cop Force" talked about in this article [], which itself is mostly advisory.
    I don't see anything in the article that implies that these kids are going to be building firewalls. That, I agree, would not be a great security stategy.
    But if they are, they're welcome to share their techniques with this kid from Minnesota who posts to slashdot. It's too cold up here to play outside.
  • I would guess (and its only a guess) that it would be feasible. Employing teen hackers would allow them to stay in touch with the 'zeitgeist' (coo, I knew an Austrian once;)

    Also, teenagers in India aren't really like teenagers over here. People grow up fast in India - by aged fourteen they are often married while our teens are still fumbling behind the bike shed! And when it comes to discipline, countries like India don't muck about. American children I have met tend to be very undisciplined (though creative) while their counterparts in India have to grow up fast indeed. Its a different culture!

  • ...If someone in India fixed the northern Indian power grid!!!
  • Is this what it comes down to, it takes one to know one? Use a Script Kiddie to catch a Script Kiddie? Since when did Hacking become Cracking?

    Just shadow your Unix password list, move the location of your logs, get a better firewall software and apply the latest security updates to your OS, and see what the logs turn up.

    For more info please visit Hacker's Haven 7843 []

  • This is coming from a country that worships a giant penis? I've never quite understood that.
  • Every Indian developer I've had the misfortune of dealing with has been exceptionally skilled in talking up their non-existant skills. Somehow I doubt that these script kiddies are any different.

    "j0, 3y3 c4n h4x0r n3tH1nG! MmM... p4p4duMz."

  • by heikkile ( 111814 ) on Wednesday January 03, 2001 @11:16AM (#533394)
    Cracking and defacing web sites may be exciting and a thrill to youngsters, but how many of them are really to have the patience to do a serious security audit? That is (should be) lot of paper work, and boring checklists.
  • A play based on this:

    Government: "If you can hack us, well hire you!"
    JoeSchmoeHacker: "Cool! I can hack you!"

    Government operatives storm in, destroying windows, doors, walls, etcetera, and smash the computer, beat and handcuff the guy, and haul his ass away

    Government Operative: This is gettin' just too easy! Pretty soon, we'll get everyone who can take us down!

    "Titanic was 3hr and 17min long. They could have lost 3hr and 17min from that."
  • I'm 14 and I'm mature enough to do it. I can't speak for all 14 year olds....
  • Yet again the press messes up with the use of the term hacker. If they are going to use a term i wish they would take the time to look up the meaning of things and use teh right bloody term. How many times are we going to let them get away with it.

    Now i think they have the right idea about using hackers(using their terminology) but using kids to do a job like that isn't the best of ideas. If a 14 year old told you that he just hacked a government site would you believe him? I wouldn't. And also they said that teh kids don't have any crimal records, that means that they either have never done anything illegal before or haven't been caught.
  • The guy who said that, Dewang Mehta, is head of a group of Technology Industries. He is not a hacker himself, and I don't think the hackers themselves said anything. The article mainly speaks about the open-mindedness of the Indian industries over this issue. For one they are clear about the difference between a "hacker" and a "cracker". This is a big step in itself. It was a late jesture, now that many indian websites have been hacked in the past few weeks, but neverthless its still a right step. its better than letting those kids go wild cracking other sites... ...empty brain is a devils playground. rkt
  • "Hacker is a term used to describe those who illegally break into computer systems to steal or copy information. Sometimes, they alter the content on a Web site and write offensive material". my reaction to the above text: 1. hysterical laughter starts 2. milk is coming out of my nose 3. i fall off my chair 4. i roll around on the ground for 15 minutes 5. i read the entire article again and goto step 1 fucking retards...
  • by tve ( 95573 ) <tripudium.chello@nl> on Wednesday January 03, 2001 @11:30AM (#533400) Homepage
    "Hacker is a term used to describe those who illegally break into computer systems to steal or copy information."

    For one they are clear about the difference between a "hacker" and a "cracker".

    So, which article did *you* read?
  • I think you missed the "they told me" part.

    Besides, what type of message does it send to have criminals working for your government? Would this not encourage more people to turn to a life of crime just to be hired away by their ever declining nation. How does it make ANY sense to reward bad with good?

    do { Work(); PayTaxes(); Eat(); Sleep(); } while (alive)
  • Then why don't you take your own actions into accountability?

    To qualify myself, I am 20 years old.

    I walked into a local auto mall, sat down in a Mercedes 430 CLK loaded that had a sticker of $89,000 -- you know what? They knew I could afford the damn car because of how I acted. I wasn't dressed that nice. Wearing a black leather jacket, a pocket linux tshirt, a pair of casual pants and boots.

    But, I act like I'm not some kid who is just there to waste there time. I was there because I wanted to look at a CLK 430.

    Same thing with the Honda S2000, my motorcycle (that I bought in favor of the S2000) - I get asked, "Are you going to be paying in cash" more times then I get a cold shoulder while looking at expensive toys. And I purchased my motorcycle while I was 19.

    The only time I get brushed off is while I'm looking at a $400 suit - ironic, eh?

    Your the fool in this circumstance, because me and my younger friends (16-20) all have no problems because we know how to act. Take accountability in your own actions.

  • Oh Great....
    Does this mean that if I go to, I will be greeted with a front page of:
    Are U From India?
    ASL pls.

  • by Im2kul ( 248882 ) on Wednesday January 03, 2001 @11:45AM (#533404)
    >>This is coming from a country that worships a giant penis? I've never quite understood that.

    yes, and thats exactly the reason. The Shiv Ling [] depicted in consummate union with the Yoni ( vulva ) of Shakti (power), is representative of the most wonderful and miraculous feature of life itself. What distinguishes life from non-life, after all? Above all else, the ability to reproduce its own kind. If indians are to revere the concept that life itself is sacred- which even the Christians claim to believe- why is the most characteristic feature of life, the act of progenition, any less sacred? It is not only sex that I'm talking about here. It is the consummation of the vast and different energies of the male and female universal prerogative, of which the Shiv Ling in union is a symbol- celebrating the fact that humankind has two sexes, each with its unique attributes and qualities, and when they come together, they produce a synergy, they create MORE life, they become more than the sum of their individual parts. Many ancient civilisations recognized the wonder of this concept- including the Chinese, who represent it somewhat more abstractly in the symbol of Yin and Yang. It is a tribute to these ancient and wise people that they were able to perceive true miracles, true wonderment, in the very features of life which surround us in our everyday existence. They did not need to have some man walk upon water to see a miracle, nor see crippled people cured instantaneously- or, worse yet, read about it in some book and call their blind adherence to such beliefs "faith".

  • by Shotgun ( 30919 ) on Wednesday January 03, 2001 @11:48AM (#533405)
    "They are brilliant. They told me that within five minutes they can hack the (Indian) defense ministry Web site...," he said.

    Crack a server in five minutes. This doesn't sound like brilliance. It sounds like some script kiddies attacking servers deployed with default security settings.

    Seriously folks, outside of Hollywood movies, cracking takes a lot of time and effort, except when it's packaged up and distributed to the script kiddies. Learning to use the scripts does take a minimal amount of intelligence, but the main investment is time to hang in the right usenet forum or chat room to search the scripts out. Grokking of networking dynamics or basic algorithms are not required to use the scripts. Once the script parameters have been memorized, using it is trivial; however, the change anything that breaks the script and the kiddies are SOL.

    For instance, I have a nephew who considers himself 3733t due to his ability to crack copy protection on CD games using scripts he's found on the net. The dunderhead can't even count in binary and is totally baffled when presented with hex. I ask you, where is the brilliance? He doesn't create or understand anything. He just blindly copies what someone else has told him to do.

    Even people that understand aspects of networking and the vulnerabilities of various OS' are not necessarily smart. Knowledge does not equal intelligence, though there is a strong correlation. I'm not saying these kids are dumb. I'm saying that 'brilliant' should be reserved for someone who can analyze a system and design an effective attack. The sort of analysis that take hours, days or weeks. The term does not apply to someone who can run a script, which is what the kids are relying on if they can be so cavalier in their claims.

    Noting that, the Indian authorities still appear to be smarter than their American counterparts. Even if these kids are dumb as bricks, they have knowledge that is beneficial for law enforcement. Recruiting their help is very wise.

  • Any fears of impending US / India conflicts can be alleviated by sending the US's most prominent butcher of the English language, JeffK [] to serve on the aforementioned committee. Last I heard, the NSA was trying to get ahold of him and could not be reached for comment. Experts warned that Jeff's strange style of communication could have adverse effects on India at large.
  • Perhaps they could be better utilized to enforce the ban on Encyclopedia Britannica.
  • I was wondering how long it would be before a non-anonymous person would whine about the use of the word "hacker" as opposed to "cracker."

    How long is it going to be before nerds realize that their usage of terms has no direct correlation with, or influence on, the usage of terminology by the general public? The general public uses the word "hacker" to describe someone who breaks into web sites, steals data, destroys hard drives, etc. That IS NOT going to change, and it CERTAINLY isn't going to change because of whining nerds who like to call themselves hackers.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm a nerd in many ways. However, I have learned enough about the English language to realize that definitions change and adapt over time to the way words are used by the majority. Get with the program and quit yer whining.

    Of course, I still think that jamming someone in the side with your finger should be called something besides a "poke".

  • hiring a bunch of script kiddies means nothing, sure they can break in with latest exploits they downloaded, but they know nothing about securing. the saddest thing, was they mentioned that the kids will "write" firewall. muhaha.
    in all fairness, let's assume that these kids can break into computers and also secure them. they are still kids! they will abuse it, they will share with friends outside of work, perhaps for acceptance/favor. it would be much better, if the kids were hired and put under a talented software house so their skills can be developed if any into programming.

  • Personally, I would have hired "The A-team" if you could get Mr T. "the toughest man alive" why would you even turn an ear to a pre-pubesant script kiddie.
  • login:root

    We're sorry but our webserver is now protected by an army of 3l33t sc1pt kidd135. Your IP has been logged.

    Thank you come again!
  • You're bragging because you have "sucker" written on your forehead instead of "loser"? Whatever makes you happy, I guess.
  • yeh, sure..haven't you ever read the disclaimers on those sites that state that it is illegal to access it if you are in ____ countries?

    Not that I have ever been to one of those sites...

  • least according to CNN. The following is an actual excerpt from the article:
    Hacker is a term used to describe those who illegally break into computer systems to steal or copy information. Sometimes, they alter the content on a Web site and write offensive material.
    Young, adventurous minds are said to resemble those of hackers.
  • Sucker?

    Harsh judgement considering you do not know me. Because I look at a car that has a sticker of $89K doesn't make me a sucker. It makes me appreciate what I can purchase because of the choices I have made in life.

    Do I own the car? Nope, I have a Camry and I'm buying a Jeep in feb. -- it's just fun to tinker around with a Mercedes sports car, but in realism the only sport vehicle I'll have is a motorcycle.

    Now, that really sounds like a sucker right?

  • did he say supercomputers? becuase i heard him say computers...
  • what are you getting at?

    you mean i have to read the *whole* article before i post?

    how come tacoboy doesn't have to read the articles before he posts the link?

    what a drag!

  • Just because the general population starts using our words in a different manner doesn't mean that we have to like it. What do you think fire fighters would do if people started calling arsonists "Firemen"? They'd probably be pretty upset about it.

    The same words can mean different things. If you're playing pool and ask someone for an 8-ball, it's drastically different if your in a crack house and ask for one.

    A hacker is a hacker, a cracker is a cracker. Let the media screw it up, we can stil use our terms in our environment correctly.
  • this is probably the best example of both media and governmental ignorance and stupidity...and its all in one nifty little package. first of all the term "hacker" can't really be defined, but it sure as hell isn't someone who illegally breaks into computer systems to steal or copy information. or content on a Web site and write offensive material. Does their age really matter? age doesn't tell you shit about someones ability to use (or break into) a computer. Also, wouldn't someone who is stupid enough to "hack" for a government just cause that goverment more problems than it solves. why is it not terrorism if the government does it?
  • You've had the misfortune of meeting some quacks then... you should take a trip down there someday... maybe you'll learn a thing or two.
  • CHILL. It was a joke. J - O - K - E. There, I spelled it out for you. Anyone who has been to a convenience store and seen the sign that says "no more then 3 students allowed inside at a time" knows that teens are discriminated against.

    And yes, there is such a thing as age discrimination against the old, although I am still young enough that I have not felt it yet.

    One last thing: I would NEVER claim to be a "l337 h4x0r".
  • And one thing leads to another... So you find yourself irritating, What's so bad about that? Most of the world's population would definitely agree!!
  • Am I old?
    When I see some 17-year-old kid whizzing through BSD at the commandline faster then I can loose at a game of Quake, I sure do feel it.

    I had that experience when I was working on someone's webserver at $50-an-hour. This young kid sat down at the machine and started to make it sing. I told the server's owner to drop me on the spot and hire the kid.

  • Everything said and done, it is most uninteresting news.
    Like someone correctly pointed out, If they were smart, they would not admit to being able to crack the servers...
    Leaving aside personal and racist remarks, people must have better things to discuss, wouldn't you agree?
  • Wow - a 14 year old kid who claims that they are an ace cracker - and who better to judge than someone who clearly doesn't know their arse from their elbow when it comes to computers. Their idea of defacing a website is probably doing a "First Post" on Slashdot.


  • wtf?when i got a "modern" computer, bout a year and a half ago, was just getting into linux n stuff, it seemed that to be a "hacker" was a GOOD thing, you know, someone who just likes to fuck w/ hardcore computer stuff, thesting the limits and so forth. NOW within this past year or so the perspective of "hackers" has returned to a near 80's/early 90's hysteria. am i wrong? it seems to me that this hysteria is generated mainly by large commercial figures (the ones w/ the money)
    expecting the technology to be more secure than it will EVER be. if you don't want it hacked, don't hook it up 2 the net. 8P

    anyway, in the article, is says that they consider virii and hack related crimes worse than pornography. riiiiight. i think catching the bastards who post childporn snd snuff should be top priority, and not expecting the technology to be more secure than it will EVER be. there will always be those testing the limits.
    i hope.
  • Well, aside from the possible 'sting' function here, the only thing I can think of is cheap labor to test the firewalls. Use the kiddies to test systems; pay 'em money to let them run wild and try to crack the system, just like the RIAA set up the contest for SDMI. I doubt they're hiring these kids to actually set these things up...
  • /* Try writing 'GNU' without using an acronym. Go ahead. Try it. I dare ya. */

    Not Unix

  • You name one standard *nix that has a login program that displays asterisks when you type in a password. I haven't seen any.
    Genius dies of the same blow that destroys liberty.
  • Stack Overflowx's Not Unix's Not Unix's Not
    dwon@zed:~$ nix's Not Unix's Not Unix's Not
    Unix's Not Unix's Not Unix's Not Unix's Not
    Unix's Not Unix's Not Unix's Not Unix's Not
    Unix's Not Unix's Not Unix's Not Unix's Not
    Unix's Not Unix's Not Unix's Not Unix's Not
    Unix's Not Unix's Not Unix's Not Unix's Not
    Unix's Not Unix's Not Unix's Not Unix's Not
    Unix's Not Unix's Not Unix's Not Unix's Not
    Unix's Not Unix's Not Unix's Not Unix's Not
    Unix's Not Unix's Not Unix's Not Unix

    Genius dies of the same blow that destroys liberty.
  • From the story:

    Hacker is a term used to describe those who illegally break into computer systems to steal or copy information. Sometimes, they alter the content on a Web site and write offensive material. Young, adventurous minds are said to resemble those of hackers.
  • Besides, what type of message does it send to have criminals working for your government?
    Isn't that what happens in the US?
  • its just plain ignorant for you to judge a persons knowledge by their age. i happen to be 15 and know quite a bit about computers
  • > Hummmm let's think about this one. How brilliant > can someone be who would easily
    > and openly admit to such a thing?

    even then... is someone who breaks into houses with wide-openned doors a fantastic thieve?

    People that have nothing better to do than cracking webpages should do something more useful... (yeah, like posting on slashdot! )

  • According to this story [] the F.B.I. recently arrested some script kiddies under suspicion, not evidence, but suspicion, that they were going to create denials of service attacks. These script kiddiots in turn turned over some other Israeli script kiddiots in an effort perhaps to save their own ass.

    So ponder this question a bit and toss it into a conspiracy theory if you want; The F.B.I. who can track down the persons responsible for bombing the U.S.S. Cole can't keep track of script kiddies?

    I think the bigger picture should be clear that certain agencies know damn well who these kids are and allow them do wreck havoc until damages of hundreds perhaps millions of dollars occur and then they use them as script kiddiot snitches in hopes of catching more morons to make themselves look good.

    If you take a few minutes to view the cases at Cybercrime [] you can notice that most arrests occur monthly and the damage done on these crimes are at a very high price with the perps often getting little to no time as is seen in Coolio's [] case in which he's getting sentenced for misdemeanors while commiting felonies at an adult age. There is a lot more going on behind the scenes than most people realize or maybe care to know.

    As for minors securing a network I don't see how exactly the intend on allowing this to fully materialize when half of these rootards don't even understand the meanings of IS-IS, IPSec, ISAKMP, CA, let alone fully understand upper crust protocols.

    Theres a lot more thats happening thats not being mentioned here.

    removing the dot in []

  • just because you're an ignorant and underqualified person doesn't mean you should get a job insted of an indian person.
  • Website defacement isn't the same as real cracking anyway. Why recruit script kiddies when there are people out there who can legitimately break into government computers. Or maybe they tried, and only the kiddies were stupid enough to tell the government "hey, I'm a hacker!"
  • This is coming from a country that worships a giant penis? I've never quite understood that.

    Maybe you haven't watched enough pr0n lately.

  • The term "Hacker" originally described a very poor programmer. Someone who developed code "with an axe". But the english language is dynamic, and the meaning of the term changed. A "Hacker" became someone who was gifted.

    Now the language morphs again. To the vast majority of people, a "Hacker" is an anti-social, unscrupulous, destructive computer criminal. And if the majority says that's what the word means, then that is what the word means.

    Get over it.

  • Everyone.. please note that it is NOT the Indian Government doing the hiring here. It is actually a private organization called NASSCOM [] (National Association of Software and Services Companies) that is doing the "hiring".

    Check out either this article [] or this one []to find out that its not "India" doing the recruitment but an independant association
  • Harsh judgement considering you do not know me.

    Interesting way to think. Keep that same thought in mind as you go back and read your response to the first poster.

    Because I look at a car that has a sticker of $89K doesn't make me a sucker.

    You read too much into my post; being labeled something doesn't make you something. It's not your act of looking that labels you, but rather the salesman's acts of kissing ass. The instant a salesman wants to "be your buddy" or makes other similar gestures, it's only for the purpose of taking your money (that's not said in a bad way; it's their job). I've had no cash and I've had sick cash, and the respect I get for dropping a wad of bills is so transparent it's disgusting. It's a sad day when you first notice it, and a sadder day still if you never do.

  • I never said 15 year olds are ignorant. Hiring young people soley because they claim that they can crack into a computer in five minutes is ridiculous. I know that there are teenagers out there who are fully capable of securing systems. It is just that one needs some sort of proof, whether it be a degree, actual previous work experience with good feedback, or an actual demonstration of knowledge, before they get hired.

    There are a lot of teenagers who are stupid, lame, and think they are smarter than adults. I know becuase I used to be one of them. Now I am 20 and I have come to realize there is a great deal I don't know. If they didn't do their homework, they probably hired some of these 1337 h4x0rs.

    so, to wrap this up, I never indicated that I have judged a single person by his/her age. Next time, if you want to make someone believe you have a brain, look carefully at what is said before doing a knee-jerk reply claiming a person's ignorance. Who is the fool now? God help India if they hired 'hackers' like you =p

    oh, and God help India if they hired me, becuase I probably know even less about computer security.

  • I've got no problem with people using whatever terms they wish. Heck, that was my point. My further point is that if I tell Joe Blow a cracker crashed my computer, he is going to ask me if it was saltine or Ritz.

    My only complaint is with the complaining. I do that a lot, which makes me a complainer too!

  • I am really sad that people like Mr. Mehta is held at such high esteem by Indian computer "pros". The guy doesn't even know the true meaning of hacker. He really has made a complete jackass of himself, he believes the 14-19 yr. olds are going to protect the govt. servers from really determined and technically proficient crackers who are unquestionably "brilliance gone wrong!" , well, he is in for a big surprise. The true fact is that talented Indian security professionals don't want to work for the govt. because they are completely disillusioned with the whole Indian system - it justs sucks BAD!!! The situation is so bad that the govt. has to hire script kiddies for such jobs. As usual the govt. is trying to save money; like what would little 14yr. old W3D0wn want as a salary maybe a years supply of candy! Come to think of it the govt. has shown brilliance in this matter. At least they are doing something right.

    Here come the Indian Cyber Cops beware or they will cry MOMMY!!! MOMMY!!!

    People who want to start with me can mail me at Didar Hossain

    PS: I'm seriously considering the idea of collecting all information regarding the term "hacker" and posting them to Mr. Mehta. Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated.

    *Educating Dewang* BTW (Mr. Mehta's website is at ~

  • "Hacking, spreading viruses are much bigger criminal offenses in cyber terrorism than pornography,"
    Since when did that become a crime?

    Well, we in India aren't allowed By LAW to possess explicit pornography in any form what so ever.
    Believe it or not, we're punishable by 2 years RI.

    Mehta is a DUMB ASS SUIT.
    He knows very little of computers (from what I kno w of him) but manages to be clicked with the right people in the right places.

    India is hiring 15-19 year olds who say they can break into a computer in five minutes to install firewalls and configure servers? The only reason I could see to hire some 16-19 year old 'hackers' is to get cheap and semi-knowledgable labor.

    They don't pay them much except paying for their internet costs (which are pretty high in India).
    The people in charge are b'crats (read idiots).
    The real HACKERS (take the meaning mentioned in the Jargon File Jargon []) don't work or associate themselves with the GOVT.
    Most of them go to institutes like the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, IISc Banglore et al.
    The next time you read anything about Mehta, take it with a pinch nay a sack of salt
  • "Hummmm let's think about this one. How brilliant can someone be who would easily and openly admit to such a thing?"

    So when did it become illegal, warrant surveillance or whatnot just because you admit you have the ability to commit a crime?

    - Steeltoe
  • heh...
    thanks for the information, SevenSeasOfRhye.
    I thought the whole thing smelled like a scam to get really cheap computer help and possibly to get india a little publicity for recruting teenage genius hackers.

    I guess they will also save on bandwidth costs since the adult content is not allowed =p

  • I thought the whole thing smelled like a scam to get really cheap computer help and possibly to get india a little publicity for recruting teenage genius hackers.

    You're not off the mark by much.

    We in India (the educated persons) are disenchanted with the government and 50+ years of freedom have got us not far from nowhere.
    The Govt. does not have much to cheer for and neither do we.
    To steer our (read everyone) attention from their screw-ups, the govt is hyping Information Technology and "Indians are so darn good at it" kind of crap.
    The whole thing is a scam

    Really intelligent Indians rarely work in the IT sector (yep - thats what they call it). Most of the geniuses do research etc. e.g. I know this guy who is 23 and he is an authority on the butterflies found in the Indian subcontinent. He has written a book and has tremendous knowledge when it comes to his subject.
  • Just to fix a misconception:

    It's not the Indian Government.

    This group has been formed by NASSCOM which is an Indian association which claims to represent the Indian IT industry.

    Amongst those of us who really do any work here, NASSCOM is well known as a publicity machine for
    Mr Dewang Mehta.

    This is obviously a publicity stunt and 14-year-old Wali will be out of a job the moment the headlines generated by this story evaporate.

  • No one takes Dewang Mehta seriously out here. His organisation NASSCOM doesn't even know how to run a Web site. See what I mean: [] []

    Kiran Jonnalagadda
  • Sometimes, they alter the content on a Web site and write offensive material.

    If I take a picture of my ass and deface the Department of Urban Development with it do I get the job????

    [Press Here To Hack]
    ( ) AOL Screenname
    ( ) Government Web Site
  • by metlin ( 258108 )
    It pains me that such things happen in my country, but I'm definitely not surprised.

    This is precisely what would happen if people with absolutely no knowledge of computers come into such positions of power. But unfortunate bureaucracy and what not has made this happen.

    At a point of time, this guy Dewang Mehta used be the host on computer TV shows in our nat'l television channel.

    He is akin to people who think that they are technology freaks cool after reading wired, or in this case, after using MS products. In one show of his, he advocated the use of Windows as the best and most trustworthy OS available. Wow!

    And the sad part is that all the good minds are scared to do anything. A lot of people I know are afraid to publish articles pertaining to sites with weak security for fear of getting caught. You may wonder why.....

    It so happens that we have formulated "anti-hacking laws" to catch the so called hackers, and these guys are on the lookout for anybody even vaguely fitting the profile. You see, they have not even made a single arrest as of date, and so they're waiting for some poor curious soul to get trapped so that they can immediately brand him a damn hacker who tried to jeopardise the nation's security (or something to that effect).

    And in the end, the ppl end up hiring script kiddiez for security? Wow! My country is really going to dogs.

    "...Fear the people who fear your computer"

FORTUNE'S FUN FACTS TO KNOW AND TELL: A giant panda bear is really a member of the racoon family.
