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Ask AtheOS Creator Kurt Skauen About His Creature 278

Developer Kurt Skauen, programming for fun, ended up answering the frequent cries to write a graphical Free OS not tied to the X Window system by doing just that. His AtheOS has been mentioned here a few times before -- it's a Free (as in GPL) Operating System for Intel-and-compatible CPUs with an integrated GUI, a tendency toward POSIX, and more than a hint of BeOS. There are quite a few sites with more information about AtheOS, but you may have trouble just getting past the beautiful screenshots and nearly as beautiful AtheOS FAQ. (There are also ASCII parrots.) Ask Kurt about the past, present, and future of AtheOS here (ask as many questions as you'd like, but please only one per post) and we'll forward the best ones to Kurt for his answers.
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Ask AtheOS Creator Kurt Skauen About His Creature

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  • Re:Stress-testing (Score:2, Informative)

    by kurt.skauen ( 148319 ) on Friday August 24, 2001 @05:37PM (#2215538) Homepage
    This is the fourth time www.atheos.cx (running AtheOS) hit the front page of /. and it still have not crashed a single time due to the load it generates. This time (with a new link and much work spendt on the TCP/IP stack lately) it even seem to be quite easily accessible. It choked quite badly in the beginning but after moving images and static downloads to a spearate HTTP server (on the same machine) it now seems to be quite responsive.

I tell them to turn to the study of mathematics, for it is only there that they might escape the lusts of the flesh. -- Thomas Mann, "The Magic Mountain"
