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Data Crunching 94

Vern Ceder writes "I really expected to love Data Crunching. The Pragmatic Bookshelf has come up with some very good and, well, "pragmatic" texts in the past so I was looking for more of the same. Even better, the subject of the book was the routine data extraction, massaging and formatting that I (and a lot of other coders) spend so much time on. I was really looking forward to adding a couple more pragmatic tools to my coding toolbox. Unfortunately (as you may have guessed), I really can't say I love Data Crunching. It's a good book, but there are several minor points that keep if from being a truly great book." Read on for the rest of Ceder's review.
Data Crunching: Solve Everyday Problems Using Java, Python, and more.
author Greg Wilson
pages 176
publisher Pragmatic Bookshelf
rating 7
reviewer Vern Ceder
ISBN 0974514071
summary A good introduction to data crunching, but watch the examples.

On the positive side, there is a lot of good stuff in this book. I would even go so far as to recommend it to everyone who writes code to extract or manipulate data, particularly those less experienced. Greg Wilson should be praised for taking the idea of data crunching seriously and for systematically dealing with its patterns and pitfalls. A lot of important work gets done every day with one-off programs and behind the scenes scripts and Wilson is right that the techniques that go into this sort of coding are different, but just as important, as those that go into full-blown application development.

The strength of this book is that it offers useful approaches and patterns for dealing with a variety of common programming situations and types of data, while also pointing out their common traps and pitfalls. Wilson starts with techniques for crunching text data, moves on to the use of regular expressions, XML, binary data, and SQL databases before concluding with a special section on "horseshoe nails," various little techniques which just might save help save the day. Quite often he uses examples in both Python, which he calls an "agile" language and Java, a "sturdy" language. The basic advice offered is sound, if not shocking -- keep things simple, test as you develop, don't duplicate code, use existing scripts and utilities when possible, and so on. The combination of such sound advice with a wealth of practical examples is makes for a very effective handbook, particularly for someone new to data crunching.

So is Data Crunching a good book? Definitely. Should you read it if you regularly do routine data manipulation and extraction? Absolutely. And yet...

And yet there are number of things that just aren't quite right. The text and binary sections are the best, while I would say that the XML and SQL sections are the weakest, partly because those topics are too broad to cover in a single slim chapter. If you already have an idea of how you might want to use XML or how to extract data from a SQL database, you're likely find something handy in those chapters. On the other hand, if you're unfamiliar with them, this book probably doesn't have enough detail to get you writing useful code. I should say it doesn't have enough detail to get you writing useful code knowing what you're doing. And data crunching without knowing what you're doing is a bad idea. Trust me on that one.

I have another problem with the section on SQL. Several of the slicker SQL recipes rely on nested queries (page 147-151). MySQL, clearly a very popular SQL database, has nested queries only in its latest versions, so many, if not the majority, of MySQL installations do not yet have that capability. Yet the text carries on as if nested queries were universal, without so much as parenthetical mention that some things might not work on all SQL implementations. It seems to me that this is exactly the sort of pitfall a book like this should inform the reader of.

There are also several coding examples that bother me. Since I tend to both learn and teach by paying close attention to examples, I get uncomfortable with examples that seem to suggest something other than what they should.

For instance, the very first pieces of sample code (pages 9-10) in the text chapter are Python and Java programs to reverse the order of lines in a text file. I don't have a problem with the exercise itself, I've often assigned it to beginning programmers. However, this book is about quick and reliable solutions to common data handling problems, not leading people through basic programming exercises. Ironically, the very same chapter discusses the advantages of using the Unix command-line and its wealth of little tools. So wouldn't it be reasonable to expect at least a brief note or example showing that the REALLY easy way to solve the problem is with a single line: $ tac filename > filename2? Yet tac is not even in the list of "Useful Commands" on page 24. If reversing lines is just a programming example, it shouldn't be the lead example in a book like this, and if it is important, then you should mention that the problem has already been solved.

In the same vein, Wilson spends a fair amount of time in the text chapter illustrating code to parse command-line parameters, before admitting that libraries for the task abound in most languages. Granted, being able to snag a parameter or two off of the command-line without using a library can sometimes be handy; but implementing a more involved command-line parser is a problem that has already been abundantly solved.

Similarly, one of the examples in the chapter on regular expressions uses a regular expression to check to see if a string contains a valid IP address (pages 65-66). After showing how to use a regular expression to scan a dotted quad of digits, the text then admits that using a regular expression alone would lead to too much complexity, since it's hard to use a regular expression to check to see if a 1 to 3 digit number is less than 255 (or 127, which is what he uses in his code). So the example on page 66 ends up compiling and matching a regular expression like this:

pat = re.compile("(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\ .(\\d{1,3})")
. . .
m = pat.match(text)
for g in m.groups():
. . .
when a Python coder would more naturally just use:

quads = text.split('.')
for number in quads:

Sure, it's a good example of how to extract matched items, but the implication is that using a regular expression is the best way to extract extract numbers separated by dots, when in fact the Python has a simpler, easier and more reliable way to deal with it. Again a quick mention of the "easy" way to solve the problem would have been appropriate.

These kinds of issues are what keeps Data Crunching from being a great book. In spite of them, it is still a very good and useful book and Mark Wilson has done a good job with a topic all too often ignored. The general idea is great, and the principles, problems and solutions are well-explained and relevant. If data crunching is something you do, I would certainly recommend that you read this book, but with a somewhat critical eye.

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Data Crunching

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1 + 1 = 3, for large values of 1.
