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Code Monkey Like Fritos 196

Greyjack writes "Jonathan Coulton's latest song in his thing-a-week series, Code Monkey, is an anthem for under-appreciated developers everywhere. From the song: 'Code Monkey get up get coffee / Code Monkey go to job / Code monkey have boring meeting, with boring manager Rob / Rob say Code Monkey very diligent / But his output stink / His code not functional or elegant / What do Code Monkey think?' Like virtually everything he does, he's released it under a Creative Commons license -- go forth, download, and share the goodness!" Update: 04/23 19:23 GMT by SM: Several users have also provided a torrent.
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Code Monkey Like Fritos

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"What if" is a trademark of Hewlett Packard, so stop using it in your sentences without permission, or risk being sued.
