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Juror From RIAA Trial Speaks 918

Damon Tog notes a Wired blog posting featuring quotes from a juror who took part in the recent RIAA trial. Some excerpts: "She should have settled out of court for a few thousand dollars... Spoofing? We're thinking, "Oh my God, you got to be kidding."... She lied. There was no defense. Her defense sucked... I think she thought a jury from Duluth would be naive. We're not that stupid up here. I don't know what the f**k she was thinking, to tell you the truth."
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Juror From RIAA Trial Speaks

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  • by tgd ( 2822 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @09:46PM (#20920473)
    Why? The case was cut n dry, she broke the law and she lost.

    The jury's job is to determine if she broke the law, not determine if the law makes sense.
  • by Tweekster ( 949766 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @09:49PM (#20920507)
    Apparently you are lady, you put a judgement of 200K over a few songs.

    She could have shoplifted the cds for a few hundred dollars in fines.
  • by Paktu ( 1103861 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @09:50PM (#20920519)
    This really was an open and shut case. There was very little doubt the woman was guilty, that's why the RIAA didn't drop the case. I think her hope was that the jury would see a bunch of rich record labels going after some poor ignorant middle aged woman, and the jury would say "fuck you" to the labels. The only gripe I have with this was the size of the award- $10K per song is pretty stiff.
  • Dumb (Score:1, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @09:51PM (#20920525)
    Though the "IP address = person" argument is obviously pretty weak, more attention should be paid to the damages the law says is reasonable. 222,000 is in no way reasonable (~9k per song). Even if the jury gave her the minimum set by law(~700 iirc), it wouldn't be reasonable.
  • by Xeth ( 614132 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @09:53PM (#20920543) Journal

    Well, yeah, she was pretty clearly guilty (e.g. wiping the hard drive after she got in trouble). That's not the issue. It's a question as to whether the ruinous damages were justified.

    They weren't.

  • by garcia ( 6573 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @09:53PM (#20920553)
    "That is a compromise, yes," said Hegg, a 38-year-old steelworker from Duluth, Minnesota. "We wanted to send a message that you don't do this, that you have been warned."

    Sorry, $9,250 is ridiculous and doesn't send a message about anything other than the fact that, contrary to the comment of your fellow juror that you do in fact know what's going on in Duluth, you really don't know what the fuck is going on. You awarded money that was originally meant for people who were *SELLING* copyrighted songs, not "sharing" for free.
  • White Bronco Redux (Score:5, Insightful)

    by corby ( 56462 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @09:53PM (#20920561)
    All of the Slashdotters who are holding up Jammie Thomas as some kind of martyr remind me of the African-Americans who embraced OJ Simpson as some symbol of racial injustice.

    You guys have picked the wrong horse.

  • by QuantumG ( 50515 ) <> on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @09:54PM (#20920569) Homepage Journal

    It wasn't a criminal trial. What are you talking about?

  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @09:56PM (#20920609)

    She could have shoplifted the cds for a few hundred dollars in fines.
    Except she was fined for distributing the songs on Kazaa, not simply possessing them.
    Thats a totally different scenario.
  • by mosch ( 204 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @09:57PM (#20920621) Homepage
    The job of the jury isn't to decide on the basis of a popularity contest; the decision is...did she break the law or not?

    They got to choose what her financial penalty was.

    They purposefully picked an amount that had absolutely no relationship, whatsoever, to the financial damages that may have been incurred. This was not a matter of law. This was a bunch of citizens sitting in a room and purposefully deciding to ruin the life of somebody that they didn't like.
  • by schwaang ( 667808 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @09:58PM (#20920637)
    The jury decided the penalty, and it's plain ridiculous.

    Let's assume we agree that the defendant was, as this juror said, an obvious liar, and guilty on all counts.
    Should she really lose her house or retirement savings over this?

    I'm personally against stealing copyrighted music. But this penalty is waaaaay out of proportion to the crime, IMHO.
  • by voidptr ( 609 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @09:59PM (#20920645) Homepage Journal
    Wrong []. Half the point of having a jury of peers instead of government officials is to add another check to the system if the jury feels the law itself is a just one.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @10:00PM (#20920657)
    Contrary to what the judge and lawyers would have you believe, it is the jury's job to decide if the law makes sense. Read up on jury nullification.
  • by BadAnalogyGuy ( 945258 ) <> on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @10:01PM (#20920663)
    This was a bunch of citizens sitting in a room and purposefully deciding to ruin the life of somebody that they didn't like.

    May I introduce you to the U.S. Congress?
  • by SplatMan_DK ( 1035528 ) * on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @10:01PM (#20920669) Homepage Journal

    she broke the law and she lost.
    We don't actually know that yet. She did appeal the case.

    The law says you can't distribute stuff when you don't hold the copyright.

    Did she distribute?

    She was convicted of distribution. Actually, she was also convicted to pay more than 9000$ for each song she allegedly distributed. But there wasn't a shred of evidence that she distributed anything.

    For that simple reason, she should not have been convicted.

    Don't get me wrong here. I am no pirate. I fact I am probably one of the few rare examples of people who don't have a single illegal MP3 file or movie. I also believe that pirates should be punished.

    But the evidence must be present. No matter how much I dislike pirates, ensuring a fair trial (with appropriate evidence) is far more important that collecting money for the greedy "content industry".

    - Jesper
  • by InlawBiker ( 1124825 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @10:02PM (#20920675)
    It's sort of the perfect target for the RIAA. Somebody was caught and then stubbornly played dumb, ignoring the possible repercussions. The result is exactly what they wanted - big headlines to scare the general file-sharing public. The money reward is pocket change.

    Meanwhile, will it really deter piracy? No. Does the punishment fit the crime? No. They can see all that money slipping away and there's not a thing they can do about it.

  • by joshuac ( 53492 ) * on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @10:02PM (#20920685) Journal
    This is true, the guilty/not guilty part is what I meant in the context of "popularity contest". Bald faced lies in front the jury on the other hand...they have plenty of leeway to decide what her punishment will be.
  • Re:So what? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Cecil ( 37810 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @10:03PM (#20920693) Homepage
    No, they decided to turn her life upside down and bankrupt her over lying to a jury. The MP3 collection was just the vehicle.
  • I agree but ... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Durandal64 ( 658649 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @10:05PM (#20920727)
    The most disturbing part of these interviews was that the jurors said they would've reached the same conclusion regardless of whether a transfer had to take place to be infringement, especially since none of the case coverage mentioned the RIAA lawyers showing evidence that any transfers took place at all. They mainly focused on how file sharing is terrible for their cartel, estimates for its effect on their cartel as a whole, etc ... They never said anything like, "As a result of her making files available, N people downloaded the song for free, which translates to $D in lost sales". Absent any evidence that transfers took place, there was no way the jury could have found her guilty of infringement if the instruction was "Infringement only occurs when a transfer takes place".

    The jury definitely had their minds made up well before their deliberations. They came to the right legal conclusion for the wrong reasons: they felt insulted.
  • by EvanED ( 569694 ) <> on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @10:09PM (#20920773)
    Appeals aren't decided by juries. In fact, they are almost entirely to decide legal questions and procedural questions; an appeals court more or less doesn't redecide a jury's finding of fact.

    If the appeals court decides, for instance, that the trial judge was wrong in the instructions to the jury in a material way, the case could be retried, but the retrial itself isn't the appeal.
  • by The Empiricist ( 854346 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @10:09PM (#20920789)
    Jury nullification is a consequence of the constitutional ban on double-jeopardy. This ban was put in place to protect citizens from oppressive practices by the government in the realm of criminal law. It was not designed specifically to enable juries to ignore the law.

    In a civil trial (such as this one), the judge can set aside the jury's verdict if the judge finds that the jury's findings are unreasonable. So even if the jury hates copyright law and wants to find for the defendant, the judge can still impose liability (especially since there is a $750 per work minimum for infringement, a minimum that the jury cannot ignore).
  • by techstar25 ( 556988 ) <techstar25@gmail ... minus herbivore> on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @10:11PM (#20920811) Journal
    You are absolutely right. Sure, we all hate the RIAA because their tactics are suspect, but the fact is that the music she downloaded and shared was not hers to distribute. The rights belonged to the artists who recorded it, and those artists made a decision to sign with a record label and therefore protected by the RIAA. What she did is wrong. Did the penalty fit the "crime". No way. But she should not be vilified. She fucked up. Bad.
    The lesson learned is that the next person who get a fine from the RIAA, and the opportunity to settle had damn sure better have a solid defense if they take it to court. Claiming someone outside your apt hacked your wifi when you don't own a wireless router just won't cut it, even in RedneckVille, USA.
  • by mosch ( 204 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @10:13PM (#20920833) Homepage
    The only thing this jury proved, IMO, is that people tend to abuse any power that is given them.

    They were legally required to assign a penalty appropriate to the crime, but they did not do so. They ignored this obligation, choosing instead to "send a message" to a woman who they did not like.

    They used the law as a weapon to destroy a person who offended them personally. They succeeded only in proving that feeble people, when given power, tend to abuse it, and that Duluth has plenty of feeble people.

  • by QuantumG ( 50515 ) <> on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @10:18PM (#20920881) Homepage Journal
    It's interesting that a judge would have to recuse himself if he was unqualified to understand the evidence being presented, but a member of the jury isn't.

  • by Kalriath ( 849904 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @10:34PM (#20921047)
    Well, actually, it's more like $200,000 for illegally downloading and distributing copyrighted material, and wasting a court's time with lies and deception to try and get off it.

    She would have paid far less if she hadn't wasted the court's time and insulted the intelligence of the Jury.

    I support more excessive remedies for people who bring lawsuits or escalate civil action to court under fraudulent circumstances (yes, on both sides of the battlefield).
  • by architimmy ( 727047 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @10:38PM (#20921085) Homepage
    When I first read about this I though "finally, someone got a jury trial." Then I read about the circumstances and the defense's strategy and immediately realized this was a cut and dry case. She clearly broke the law and didn't take the settlement offered. I personally think she deserves the penalty. If not for her blatant disregard for the law, than at least for setting such a terrible precedent that the RIAA can now use as a bat to beat over other defendants in other court cases.
  • by Workaphobia ( 931620 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @10:40PM (#20921109) Journal
    And that's the jury's fault? The maximum was, according to TFA, $150,000 a song, and the minimum $750. They settled on less than $10,000. The law screwed her over long before the jury became involved (at least on damages; she seems to have screwed herself on the facts of the case and her defense).
  • by geekoid ( 135745 ) <dadinportland@yah o o .com> on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @10:42PM (#20921131) Homepage Journal
    I believe in copyright law.
    Unfortunately the current laws regarding copyright, and it's power in enforcement is completely unjust, and against it's intent.
    Not to mention paying a 100 times the common sale value of something as a fine is excessive.

  • let's assume that the woman DID share the files.

    OK, let's assume there were 50 to 100 total downloads.

    100 downloads, at 0.99 cents a piece (let's be realistic here), equal = 100 dollars!

    So, what's the basis to affirm that she should pay $222,000 for 24 songs? This is where the RIAA's case is illogical. They assume that the downloaders will distribute and that this will cause them many losses. But that's THE DOWNLOADERS' FAULT, not hers.

    They're making her responsible for what EVERY DOWNLOADER DID. Instead of downloading from her they could have bought a CD (even pirated!) or downloaded from someone else.

    And this is where "making available" doesn't equal massive infringement. The fines MUST BE PROPORTIONAL TO THE NUMBER OF DOWNLOADS.
  • by Tweekster ( 949766 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @10:50PM (#20921233)
    Are you drunk?

    It would have been impossible to distribute 2 million copies in one day. Her lawyer totally failed if he allowed that to be used as a basis.
  • by no-body ( 127863 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @10:51PM (#20921237)
    It clearly shows what is going on in minds of regular (and "better") people in the US.

    One aspect is that, if somebody is not doing well, or has done something wrong, it's ok to kick even more so s/he "learns" and gets better (the stern father penalizes).

    Effects are overpopulated prisons, total weak or missing social umbrella and an increasing number of people under poorness level.

    The other fact shown here is that people are totally out of touch with financial reality. Financially ruining a life of (is she a single mother?) a person with the idea to doing something "right" shows an overwhelming degree of insensitivity.

    I am appalled!

  • Re:Conclusion (Score:3, Insightful)

    by geekoid ( 135745 ) <dadinportland@yah o o .com> on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @10:53PM (#20921271) Homepage Journal
    They issue isn't about breaking the law, the issue is about proper punishment.
    10,000 time the value of a track isn't not all.

  • by pla ( 258480 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @10:54PM (#20921287) Journal
    And that's the jury's fault?

    Yes. every juror has an obligation to understand the concept of "jury nullification". End of story.
  • Don't Lie (Score:5, Insightful)

    by DudeBroccoli ( 316192 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @10:54PM (#20921289)
    I think the real lesson here is that you shouldn't lie to a jury. It sounds like the juror was pissed off that the defendant didn't respect them enough to tell the truth.
    If you're going to get up and give testimony, don't tell obvious lies.
    The jurors have been called away from their everyday lives to sit and listen to an argument between two parties they have no interest in. The least you can do is show them some respect.
    If I was on that jury, I would have counted that as a big strike against the defendant as well.
  • by sholden ( 12227 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @10:55PM (#20921293) Homepage
    They succeeded only in proving that feeble people, when given power, tend to abuse it

    all people.

    Feeble people just need to be given less power in order to start abusing it...
  • by davmoo ( 63521 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @10:55PM (#20921295)
    IANAL, but I have served on several juries, both criminal and civil.

    Its obvious from reading some of the jackass comments on here that most of you have a) never served on a jury, and b) have no concept of what a jury does.

    Contrary to what a bunch of people here seem to think, a jury does NOT have the option of totally ignoring the law. A jury has only two choices...does the evidence support the plaintiff/prosecution (civil trial/criminal trial) by a preponderance of the evidence/beyond a reasonable doubt (again, civil trial/criminal trial), or does it not. It all boils down to those two choices, and only those two choices. A ruling of "she might have broken a law but the law sucks so we find in her favor/innocent" (again, civil/criminal) is not allowable in most states, and I'd be surprised if its allowable in any.

    In the eyes of this jury, not only was she at fault, she blatantly lied to the jury (in their opinion). So not only did they agree with the prosecution that by a preponderance of the evidence she did violate copyright law, they whacked her for thinking they were stupid.

    Had I been on this jury and been presented with the same evidence that we've seen in the press, I'd have voted for the plaintiffs also. I'm not sure I would have gone so high on the fine, but I for damned sure would not have let her off at the bottom of the scale either.

    Not only was she stupid to not settle beforehand, she's stupid for appealing. What her boneheaded lawyer should now be doing is trying to find out if the record companies would settle for a smaller amount that they have reasonable amount of being able to collect. And maybe now she'll make sure she acquires her music legally, and does not make it available for mass distribution to others...but I doubt she's that smart.
  • by Ungrounded Lightning ( 62228 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @10:56PM (#20921303) Journal
    ... [$]222,000 is in no way reasonable (~9k per song).

    Penalties for copyright violations are deliberately draconian and have been since the beginning of the law.

    The idea is apparently that:
      - It's very hard to identify the violators (or even that a violation took place).
      - So only a small fraction will be caught.
      - If the penalties are comparable to the actual damage of the offense (a pittance), potential offenders may simply make take the chance - and be rewarded on the average by nearly-free copies.
      - So the penalties are set high in proportion to this fraction.
      - With high penalties the offenders' bet becomes a losing proposition, a low probability of a big hit. Paying for the content in the first place becomes cheap insurance.
      - And with high penalties the copyright holders can make enough from the small fraction they do catch and convict to be "made whole" on their losses from the great mass they miss.

    Of course there are problems with this. And the biggest one is with the standard of proof.

    Civil law is about making things right. Two roughly equal parties with a dispute go to a court. The court decides which is more likely to be right ("preponderance of evidence" rather than "beyond a reasonable doubt"). The one found to be in the wrong pays the amount needed to make things right. If the one found in the wrong was found to have known what was right and been wrong deliberately, that typically means he pays the wronged party three times the amount of correcting the harm, rather than just the amount.

      - Draconian penalties to shift the expected outcome of a rule-breaker's bet is the stuff of criminal law, with its higher standard of proof.

      - A person paying, not only for his own misdeeds, but for that of thousands of others, is hardly "setting right" the result of their own misbehavior.

      - If the punishment is to be, not three times, but nine thousand times the cost of the alleged offense, how fair is it to use a "more likely than not" standard? If an innocent person is to be put at risk of paying nine thousand times the price of the stuff he allegedly obtained, shouldn't this require a "nine-thousand-to-one" standard to prove the case?
  • by Mattintosh ( 758112 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @10:57PM (#20921311)
    just because a jury can go against the law doesn't mean that's half the purpose of a jury.

    It's not "half the purpose of a jury", it's the whole purpose of a jury of the defendant's peers. When the law is wrong, the jury's constitutional, patriotic duty is to overturn the bad law. If not for jury nullification, a jury of peers is useless. Laws are laws and peers or not, a jury would have to uphold them against any benefit to society allowed by removing the bad laws. Except they can nullify bad laws and not have to uphold them.

    Only in the case of a good law (i.e. not indefinite copyrights held by non-human, non-individual entities) would a jury need to find the accused guilty.
  • by eggnoglatte ( 1047660 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @10:57PM (#20921313)
    No, but she made the songs available to all of them, and that is what she got punished for.
  • by godscent ( 22976 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @11:03PM (#20921393)

    And that's the jury's fault? The maximum was, according to TFA, $150,000 a song, and the minimum $750. They settled on less than $10,000. The law screwed her over long before the jury became involved (at least on damages; she seems to have screwed herself on the facts of the case and her defense).

    So they could have settled on a penalty of anywhere between $18,000 and $3,600,000? Certainly that upper limit is absurd, but I don't see how that takes the blame out of the jury's hands for choosing $222,000 when they could have chosen something more reasonable.
  • by Marrshu ( 994708 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @11:05PM (#20921413)
    In Soviet Russia, the fines are... actually reasonable?
  • by Wavicle ( 181176 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @11:07PM (#20921437)
    Yes. every juror has an obligation to understand the concept of "jury nullification".

    Says who?

    Even if you had a right to jury nullification (which you don't) the jurors didn't much seem interested in finding for the defendant. The evidence of infringement was overwhelming, the defendant repeatedly lied to avoid a judgment. The jury had the option of fixing penalties at $750 per song. They opted for more than 10x that.
  • by jafiwam ( 310805 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @11:12PM (#20921487) Homepage Journal
    How does no evidence... none... not a fucking shred.... Equate to the defendant "wasting the court's time" exactly, idiot?

    Fine the judge, jury, and the useless sack of garbage that is the RIAA if you want.

    But in THIS country, evidence is what is used to convict or punish. Not "not gitten no respect" like you seem to imply.

    "I support more excessive remedies for people who bring lawsuits or escalate civil action to court under fraudulent circumstances... "

    Liar. That sentence is incompatible with the rest of your expressed views.

    I really really hope some cop gets a bug in his blue bonnet about you glancing at his well-beaten girlfriend and tasers your ass, throws you in jail under "resisting arrest". After all, it's a bad bad thing to piss off the authorities in your view. The evidence be damned, and fuck you if you are unlucky enough to get noticed.
  • by thegnu ( 557446 ) <.thegnu. .at.> on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @11:12PM (#20921489) Journal

    and secondly, if she did all that trickery, wouldn't it be plausible that she did shared *knowing* that it was illegal?

    I think she was probably informed by the prosecution that she had broken the law. But I could be wrong. Those RIAA lawyers are wacky.

    the fines are in the "low" side of the possible spectrum (from $750 to $150,000). Just consider she could have faced a $3'600,000 fine... now THAT would be outrageous.

    If I'm ever on a jury and I disagree with the spectrum for something like the 'theft' of 'intellectual property,' I'm going with not guilty. I don't think it's fair to charge 220,000 for 25 songs, which works out in the neighborhood of $9,000 per song. Let's just pretend she got songs from 25 different CDs, and that the CDs are $20 apiece. That's only $500 that she could have possibly ACTUALLY stolen. In theory. How about we then fine her half a year's salary, say, ohhhhh $15k, and her kids have to eat ramen, don't get vitamins, and get to go to community college on pell grants. now THAT'S reasonable.

    $220k? Not fucking reasonable. At a dollar per song, that's 220,000 people that downloaded it from her. What the fuck? This did not happen. I personally object to the whole thing based on the RIAA's:

    1. 100-year reputation of treating artists and consumers like shit
    2. argument that copyright infringement is theft, when last time I checked, theft was measured by the material loss of the victim.
    3. everything else. I'm getting tired.
  • by martin-boundary ( 547041 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @11:13PM (#20921511)
    It's a simple issue. If nobody complains when a less than saintly person gets unusual and vindictive punishment, it's all the more harder to complain when later a saintly person gets the same punishment.

    This is because the British and American systems of law are based on precedents (unlike many European systems that are derived from Roman law), and like it or not, the precedent is now there to fine YOU a quarter of a million dollars for no good reason if this stands.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @11:14PM (#20921521)

    Why? The case was cut n dry, she broke the law and she lost.
    Cut and dry? BULLSHIT While I was not there, every article I have seen on this indicates the RIAA wasted most of their and everyone else's time ranting about what "piracy" was doing to the industry, the only "evidence" that might have indicated there was even the possibility that she had even so much as a kazaa account was the testimony from their "expert witness".

    That witness does not even validly qualify as an "expert witness" and has had their testimony thrown out of numerous courts as well as being threatened with legal action if they continued their work in the state of Texas. Their "facts" have been proven invalid again and again as well as being laughed at and torn apart here at Slashdot. Unfortunately her lawyer didn't mount a strong attack on this or apparently even object to their ranting in court about all the harm being done by "pirates" as being irrelevent as to the matter of whether or not his client was liable in this particular case. Further, the "expert witness" has been known to break into people's computers to look for evidence, once that happens how can you expect to be able to call anything they "find" on a computer to be valid?

    The interviewed juror seemed to think spoofing was an unbelieveable claim just because he didn't know how ("we aren't stupid") and with his comment about his wife you have to wonder if he didn't discuss it with her, which would be a conduct violation on his part. Being as this jury wanted to prove "we aren't stupid around here" then it was likely that in their ignorance they decided to go with the "higher authority" and perceiving that to be the RIAA instead of one individual.

    All this case proves is that the system works and I don't mean the Justice System, I mean the one that starts with you being taught to blindly accept authority by the Public School System. The jurors perceived the RIAA as the authority here and accepted all the crap they fed them.

    One of the major problems with the civil justice system is that "preponderance of evidence" is too often equated with who produced the most evidence. It is undeniable that a corporation can afford to produce a greater quantity of "evidence" then an individual can and it is almost impossible to prove you did NOT do something. In this case Best Buy even had the sales records where she had purchased the albums that include the songs she was accused of sharing. There was no Kazaa software on her hard drive nor any evidence it had been there. Yes the drive had been replaced but it was testified by the Best Buy tech that this had been done before the alledged events.

    She testified she ripped all those songs from cds she owned, RIAA tried to say she couldn't have done it as fast as the times indicated. Feel free to test this, grab a fast entire cd at a time ripper and race it against finding and downloading the same tunes, willing to bet the ripping process wins hands down especially if you have your cd collection right there and run it like the back up operation it is.

    There is more that could be said but I am tired of ranting. Maybe Mr. Beckerman will log in and give that "cut and dry" line a proper roasting.
  • by Score Whore ( 32328 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @11:17PM (#20921535)

    Financially ruining a life of (is she a single mother?) a person with the idea to doing something "right" shows an overwhelming degree of insensitivity.

    Um. Do you think that's what she was figuring when she was breaking the law:

    "I've got a good job and two kids. But you know, I want to get music for free instead of paying for it. So I'll go ahead and break the law and if they catch me I'll tell them I'm a single mother."

    Ultimately it's her job to make sure that she provides a good home for her kids. I mean, having kids doesn't suddenly mean that all criminal punishments are reduced because you have to take care of children.
  • by DoofusOfDeath ( 636671 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @11:19PM (#20921561)

    Supreme Court of California have held that Jury Nullification is "contrary to [the court's] ideal of justice of equal justice for all and permits both the prosecution's case and the defendant's fate to depend upon the whims of a particular jury, rather than upon the equal application of settled rules of law."

    The application of law is already whimsical and often capricious. Bush had the Justice Dept. stop prosecuting Microsoft. Cops have the freedom to not give tickets to friends. DA's have the freedom to (silently) choose not to prosecute for political reasons.

    And besides, we can't really expect judges to support the people's overriding of a conviction the judge would like to make. We the People are the final authority in the U.S. system, even if judges, DA's, congressmen, and Presidents claim otherwise. I submit that we just lack the balls to consistently assert our authority.

  • by OctoberSky ( 888619 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @11:20PM (#20921575)
    Windows is crapping the fuck out on me lately. I think it's time for a reinstall. Do I need to have a judge sign and affidavit stating that I did it soley for the purposes of fixing the fact that Windows doesn't load half the stuff I want it to on boot up (I want my Volume control dammit!).
  • by Xaositecte ( 897197 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @11:23PM (#20921611) Journal
    Jury Nullification [] refers to a rendering of a not guilty verdict by a trial jury, disagreeing with the instructions by the judge concerning what the law is, or whether such law is applicable to the case, taking into account all of the evidence presented.

    You not only have the right to do so, but the civic duty. In this case, being charged thousands of dollars per song she wasn't commercializing is simply ridiculous.

    I agree with you in principle, she broke the law and deserves some kind of punishment. The damage inflicted by her, however, doesn't fit the punishment she recieved.
  • by fluxrad ( 125130 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @11:25PM (#20921623)
    RTFA before you comment. The juror quoted was one Michael Hegg. Also, the fairness of a jury's awarding of damages is one of opinion, not intellect. See: punitive damages.
  • by evann ( 667628 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @11:28PM (#20921649)
    in light of the 10 year anniversary of /. and a bunch of people completely pissed off at the RIAA agenda, someone could easily setup a paypal donation account or something of the sort and we could see if /. user base really cares about a woman who's life has been ruined by the RIAA. That would make sense, be easy, help someone who thousands of people find has received injustice, piss RIAA off, and perhaps grab headlines around the globe. She may be guilty of sharing the songs, she may owe SOMETHING, but if so many people can plainly see the injustice, then how come no one helps another citizen? Corporations and government have already won, good game.
  • by Hemogoblin ( 982564 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @11:29PM (#20921653)
    Disclaimer: I'm as anti-riaa as the next man, who is the crazed tinfoil slashdot poster.

    They were legally required to assign a penalty appropriate to the crime, but they did not do so
    It can be argued that what they assigned was completely "appropriate", according to the way the law is written. Statutory damages are the amount that is set out in the statute that would be considered "fair" against someone who committed that offence. After their finding of guilt, the jury HAD to pick an amount of damages ranging from $750 to $150,000 per song. Since its laid out in the statute, you can't blame them for picking that amount. Who you SHOULD be blaming are the silly politicians that included these "statutory damages" when they wrote the law. Instead, they should have left out the damages entirely and left it up to the discretion of the judge.

    Thankfully I live in Canada where the amount of statutory damages are far more sensible for a crime of this nature. To quote Michael Geist from his blog []:

    Second, the statutory damages provision in Canada is marginally better, with the prospect that a court would never arrive at this kind of award. Indeed, the Act allows a court to go below $200 per infringement. Statutory damages still have no place in these kinds of cases, but at least Canadian law is a bit more reasonable.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @11:30PM (#20921677)
    IANAL either, but my fiancee who is assures me that jury nullification is alive; the courts just don't want to mentioned.

    Your woeful ignorance of the concept of jury nullification not only bothers me, but it terrifies me. The jury is the final arbiter of truth, and a not guilty verdict cannot be overturned, "legal" or not. It has a long standing tradition in North America, predating the American Revolution. In fact, citizens of the colonies used jury nullification several times to "nullify" laws they found unjust. Since you've served on so many juries, no doubt you noticed that the jury doesn't read the verdict plus a paragraph of reasoning? Jury nullification cannot be truly removed with the current system we have in place.

    That said, I also believe that she was shown guilty far beyond what the law calls for.
  • by ConceptJunkie ( 24823 ) * on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @11:33PM (#20921715) Homepage Journal
    If you are a competent, intelligent human being, you're probably going to be disqualified for jury duty anyway. Lawyers want rubes they can sway or intimidate with lame emotional appeals or spurious logic. They certainly don't want the case tried on its merits.

  • by darkmeridian ( 119044 ) <william.chuang@ g m a i l . com> on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @11:39PM (#20921775) Homepage
    The law that was violated allowed for damages many times heavier than what the jury alloted. The jury, believe it or not, showed restraint in not grinding the defendant into the ground. The defendant's utter lack of a case and seemingly frivolous defense must have annoyed the jury.

    The law is the law. If you don't like the law, change it at the ballots, not the jury box. It's a democracy, after all. If the law was applied based on how the jury feels about the defendant, there'd really be no point in having courts. "Oh, she's a single mother--let's let her off." "Oh, she's disabled, let's let her off." "Oh, she's white! Let's let her off." "Oh, she's black, single mother scamming disability--let's screw her!"

    I think the law is retarded. But blaming the jury is like blaming the soldier on the ground in Iraq for the war--he just does what he's told, and not what he thinks should be done.
  • by Xenographic ( 557057 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @11:41PM (#20921795) Journal
    Here's one of the more interesting quotes from the juror:

    Hegg, a married father of two who said he formerly raced snowmobiles, said he has never been on the internet. He said his wife is an administrator at a local hospital and an "internet guru."

    I think we can all see the problem here. Anyone in the US who hasn't been on the internet by 2008, well, they have no clue what the hell they're talking about. Also this guy calls her a "liar", while she was off by a year in terms of when she had the HD replaced, she had it replaced *before* the RIAA notified her and the guy who replaced it testified that it was really, honestly broken.

    Apparently, there was only one juror who held out for reasonable damages (the $750 minimum) and the $9,250 per song was a compromise.

    "I think she thought a jury from Duluth would be naïve. We're not that stupid up here," he said. "I don't know what the fuck she was thinking, to tell you the truth."

    Naïve? No. Ignorant? Yes.

    At least she plans to appeal [].
  • by darkmeridian ( 119044 ) <william.chuang@ g m a i l . com> on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @11:46PM (#20921853) Homepage
    "However, during the Civil Rights era, all-white juries were known to refuse to convict white defendants for the murder of African-Americans."

    From the Wikipedia article on jury nullification. If the laws are unjust, let them stand and be mocked. Let them be remembered in history as a shameful chapter. But don't take matters into your own hands in a back room.
  • by joshv ( 13017 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @11:49PM (#20921871)
    I've been around Slashdot for quite awhile. Based on what I've read, I would have found her liable. Remember, the standard of proof is "more likely than not" in a civil trial. And yes, most likely this woman distributed the tracks they say she did, in violation of copyright laws.

    My intimate knowledge of how software "REALLY works" wouldn't really have much to do with this decision. Sure - maybe her IP address or MAC address were spoofed. It's possible, but unlikely, given all of the evidence supplied.
  • by fishbowl ( 7759 ) on Tuesday October 09, 2007 @11:56PM (#20921949)
    >Let's assume we agree that the defendant was, as this juror said, an obvious liar, and guilty on all counts.
    >Should she really lose her house or retirement savings over this?

    Sure. Lie in court to the extent that even the judge and jury understand you are blatantly lying, and you should probably go to prison.
    If we accept people being dishonest in court, we have no justice system, and no rule of law.

    I don't believe the penalty corresponds to the damage of the original claim, but I don't think any punishment is too severe for a person who lies in court.
  • by Kjella ( 173770 ) on Wednesday October 10, 2007 @12:01AM (#20921993) Homepage
    The application of law is already whimsical and often capricious. Bush had the Justice Dept. stop prosecuting Microsoft. Cops have the freedom to not give tickets to friends. DA's have the freedom to (silently) choose not to prosecute for political reasons.

    In other words because the system isn't perfect, we should make it worse?

    And besides, we can't really expect judges to support the people's overriding of a conviction the judge would like to make. We the People are the final authority in the U.S. system, even if judges, DA's, congressmen, and Presidents claim otherwise. I submit that we just lack the balls to consistently assert our authority.

    The jury already has authority on matters of fact, and it's typically the evidence that's lacking when if the judge is out to "get someone". The judge has very little leeway to interpret law, and is likely to get overturned on appeal if he tries. There are in fact supreme courts that only deal with matters of law and whether it was correctly applied. From what I've understood, the primary function of jury nullification is to counteract corrupt laws.

    But when the legislative process is working properly, I'd much rather trust the "we the people" that through representative elections vote in congressmen which pass law, rather than the "we the people" biased sample of a dozen, where any single individual is given the authority to fuck the process. To give one member of the public the authority to override the authority of we the people, is not to empower the people.
  • by ArcherB ( 796902 ) * on Wednesday October 10, 2007 @12:04AM (#20922033) Journal
    The woman had an opportunity to settle out of court for a much lower amount. She chose to pass up the opportunity to settle and instead decided to push the issue knowing what the possible outcomes were (anywhere from her winning to around $150000 per song). She lost and got a smallish fine compared to what it could have been.

    OK. So when someone threatens you with a law suit but offers to settle for a much lower amount, you should always settle. Well, if that's how you feel. Your name here on slashdot offends me. It is too close to dick, which is a common euphemism for a penis. I'm going to sue you for 10 Billion dollars. You have the option, of course, for settling for a measly $5 million if you so choose. Since that is so much lower than the total amount (less than 1%), I expect that you will be settling. Send me a message via slashdot with your bank account information so I can go ahead and do a reverse ACH payment and we will consider this little matter closed. I expect you to have the money within a week.

  • by mOdQuArK! ( 87332 ) on Wednesday October 10, 2007 @12:12AM (#20922103)
    Perhaps you can explain WHY the Constitution specifically requires that people can be tried by a "jury of their peers", if not for the reason if giving common citizens a way to nullify unjust laws or judicial decisions.

    A little hint: it's not because such a jury is going to "weigh the evidence" better than a panel of people who have received training in analyzing legal & evidentiary issues.

    It's specifically because the Founders wanted a last-ditch mechanism for common citizens to protect each other if all three branches of government are operating out of the bounds of common sense.

    It's only natural that the judicial system try and discourage this kind of thinking (and it's a damn shame that schools don't teach enough American Civics anymore to make people aware of their duties in this area), but that doesn't change the original intent of the Founders, and it's one damn good way for people to push back against an out-of-control government.

    It's too bad there aren't more such ways. I personally think that it should be a Constitutional right to vote, regardless of whether you've been convicted of a crime or not (unlike the usual policies of disenfranchising convicted felons).

    The way I see it, if your society is running in a healthy way, then there shouldn't be too many criminals & their vote won't have much of an effect on votes/elections.

    If the government is heading in a direction where it's criminalizing a large chunk of the populace, however (which is a common tactic when the "leaders" of a society want to disenfranchise people who don't support them), then the votes of the convicted should provide a valuable negative feedback mechanism to the officials being elected to make them think twice about what kinds of laws they are passing.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday October 10, 2007 @12:18AM (#20922165)
    Not a damned thing they can do about it?

    It's called Judgment Notwithstanding the Verdict. You know, the other half to jury nullification, which itself is nullified when the jury does not obey instructions not to engage in questions of law. Jury nullification is when a jury refuses to punish an individual for violating the law. It is *not* an open-season referendum on whether the law should be enforced.
  • by jedidiah ( 1196 ) on Wednesday October 10, 2007 @12:36AM (#20922327) Homepage
    Want a higher principle?

    Lets start with the notion that copyright is meant to serve the public interest.

    Follow that up with the notion that "cruel and unusual" punishment is wrong.

    Yesterdays top 40 hits simply aren't worth ruining a civilian's life over.
  • by Angst Badger ( 8636 ) on Wednesday October 10, 2007 @12:46AM (#20922419)
    For the same reason that buying animals at a pet store because you feel sorry for the way they're being treated is self-defeating. If you shovel a bunch of money down the maw of the RIAA, they'll come back for more. Contrary to the popular (and petulant) belief around here, the RIAA doesn't actually care about music piracy. What they care about is making money. It just happens that music piracy stands in the way of that goal. They're just as happy to make their money by draining legal defense funds as they are by selling CDs.

    If you want to fuck with the RIAA, a) write a letter to your congresscritter, perhaps along with a campaign donation, and b) don't buy RIAA products. But don't think giving a bunch of money to the RIAA is going to discourage them.
  • by Walpurgiss ( 723989 ) on Wednesday October 10, 2007 @12:50AM (#20922449)
    Most jurors probably are not aware of jury nullification, and no judge or prosecutor is going to go out of their way to tell them about it. Imagine: Judge: Instruction number 1: Stealing music is against the law. Please determine the defendant's guilt or innocence. By the way, even though theft is illegal, if you, as a jury, disagree with this law, you have the right to throw it out by means of jury nullification. After all, it was just music. Ok, please go deliberate.
  • by Sheetrock ( 152993 ) on Wednesday October 10, 2007 @12:52AM (#20922469) Homepage Journal

    It depends on what you want to focus on. It'd be a pretty hard sell to explain to 11 people who have at best a passing familiarity with computers how spoofing and viruses introduce an element of doubt into who has what IP address on a filesharing network. It'd be easier to wonder aloud whether $750/song ($18,000) wouldn't be more than enough deterrent to casual downloading on the defendant's behalf. And it'd probably be easiest to speculate that if there are millions of people on P2P networks at any given point the odds are pretty good that even a steelworker's kids might find their way into some pretty major financial damages on the family computer without his knowledge until it's too late. I think it's easier to change minds when the argument you put forward is in terms that others can understand, process, and judge based on what they know, so if it comes down to explaining technology against trying to work out how long it'd take anybody in the room to pay off $222,000, I'd definitely try the latter approach.

    In a federal civil trial the verdict must be unanimous unless both sides agree to a non-unanimous verdict; basically, if you're sufficiently motivated you can stick to your own decision and force a new trial (likely after a few days of being sent back in the little room by the judge and getting 11 people + most of the courtroom frustrated with you.) So -- depending on the Slashdotter -- the result could have been significantly different, but as it depends on either employing persuasive communication techniques or sacrificing personal comfort for the greater good... well, I don't know that I'd put money on it.

  • by E++99 ( 880734 ) on Wednesday October 10, 2007 @12:53AM (#20922485) Homepage

    When the law is wrong, the jury's constitutional, patriotic duty is to overturn the bad law.

    There is nothing in the Constitution that even REMOTELY implies that juries should have the power to determine which laws are good and which are bad. And the mandate in the Constitution for equal protection under the law completely opposes that argument. The purpose of having a jury of your peers is to have an objective judgment concerning the facts of the case. It is not their role to judge the law.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday October 10, 2007 @01:23AM (#20922723)

    Jury Nullification in its historical - American - context has been profoundly corrupting. It sets the Klansman free on the proven charge of murder and sends the black man to the gallows on a fraudulent charge of rape.

    Irrelevant. There's a reason Thomas Jefferson held trial by jury as more important to democracy than a representative legislature - because ultimately, on issues where the law is in question, the people have to be able to decide a law should not be enforced because the law is wrong.

    This is only going to occur in cases when the legislature has profoundly misrepresented the people by passing laws the people don't support (for example, granting ridiculously high damages in copyright cases). THIS is why Jefferson understood that a jury gives people the most power.

    Jury nullification IS a right, but one that should be practiced very, very carefully. That some have abused it does not relieve us of its value in a democratic system.
  • by jubei ( 89485 ) on Wednesday October 10, 2007 @01:38AM (#20922795)
    If she was aware that she was breaking the law, she probably didn't think the punishment would be so ridiculous.

    If mp3 copyright infringement was prosecuted as this case was, 99% of the people aged 15-22 would be in bankruptcy.

    This case was akin to being charged a $1,000,000 fine for a speeding citation. The statutory minimum damages are unreasonable, and the jury is even more unreasonable for assigning an even higher fine.
  • by Pie-rate ( 1098693 ) on Wednesday October 10, 2007 @01:47AM (#20922851)
    If she stole 25 CDs from a record store, she'd have to return the stolen goods and she'd go to jail for *up to* six months (in california - []) I bet her income is less than $440,000 a year.
  • alas no (Score:3, Insightful)

    by rucs_hack ( 784150 ) on Wednesday October 10, 2007 @02:27AM (#20923073)
    If the RIAA cared about her at all they wouldn't have tried to go for a per mp3 infringement ruling. They could have argued it was just one,or gone for some other measure. Note that the RIAA did not actually want this court case, but since she wanted it, well, they decided to slap her down hard.

    They did try to be nice, in their warped world view, by asking for their original small fine that is piddling in the face of this court ordered fine. I wonder at her intelligence to be honest, she was caught stealing, whatever the nature. They said uploading, but she downloaded too, both aren't especially wise. The best course of action would have been to admit it, pay the small settlement amount and move on. She did bring this upon herself.

    I am distressed more by the way the government appeared to applaud the destruction of her life in this manner.
  • by Maxo-Texas ( 864189 ) on Wednesday October 10, 2007 @02:36AM (#20923143)
    One key thing to remember.

    If someone comes to kill someone and asks you if you know where they are hiding, it is moral to lie.

    If someone asks you if you believe in jury nullification, it is moral to like and say "no" since saying "yes" would get you disqualified from the jury. If you do so, you must use any reason besides jury nullification as your reason for finding the defending "not guilty" or you could face contempt charges. However if you just pick some stupid ass reason and stick to it then you are okay. "I just don't believe that she is guilty-- I can't really say why but i just do not believe it. Just a 'gut' feeling, okay?"
  • by m2943 ( 1140797 ) on Wednesday October 10, 2007 @03:46AM (#20923485)
    I'd rather have guilty people go free than have innocent people be found guilty. Jury nullification achieves that. (And a judge can prevent a jury from convicting someone unjustly, so there is balance.)
  • by Wavicle ( 181176 ) on Wednesday October 10, 2007 @03:50AM (#20923513)
    You not only have the right to do so, but the civic duty.

    Much as I hate to split hairs... I'm gonna split hairs.

    A right is something granted to you by some entity. Nowhere are you given explicit permission to nullify the law. Jury nullification is an option open to a jury as a side effect of the jury being an unquestioned trier of fact in court. It is almost always a bad option. In rare cases has jury nullification been used to block implementation of an unjust law. More often than not it is used to excuse criminal behavior and deny justice to the victims because the jury is biased.

    Jury nullification is a "right" the same way the US has the "right" to launch nukes. They are both options always available to their respective parties, they are nearly always very bad ideas, and calling them "rights" is being a bit liberal with the term.

    I am not unsympathetic to your position. I am on record at the local superior court as having stated plainly during jury selection that I _will_ hang a jury if I believe a guilty verdict would lead to an execution because I believe that the death penalty is unjust. I still do not see this as a right. I see it as a very undesirable option.
  • by ultranova ( 717540 ) on Wednesday October 10, 2007 @04:55AM (#20923787)

    think the law is retarded. But blaming the jury is like blaming the soldier on the ground in Iraq for the war--he just does what he's told, and not what he thinks should be done.

    Blaming a US soldier serving in Iraq for Iraq war would be like blaming a Mafia thug for helping enable the crimes of Mafia. US doesn't have conscription, but a voluntary for-pay army. If you choose to take money from it in order to help it in its activities, of your own free will and under no coercion, then of course you can be blamed for taking part in said activities. Why on Earth would US soldiers be exempt from being held accountable for their choices ?

    As for the jury, it decided to enforce an unjust law when it had the option of not doing so, and not only that, but ordered higher penalties than the law required. It is guilty as Hell.

    Besides, if the jury must uphold the law, then just why are they there ?

  • by PDAllen ( 709106 ) on Wednesday October 10, 2007 @05:58AM (#20924089)
    You're missing the reason for the penalty, I think.

    If this woman had downloaded 22 songs and been caught, _then_ turned over the right hard drive and not told lies, taken straight to court with no reasonable offer to settle and been honest, then probably either the jury would've decided on the minimum $750/song penalty or refused to convict. Because then all she would have done would be download a few songs and probably share a few back, total money lost maybe $200 even with the price of a single.

    However, what she actually did do was obstruct the police and lie a lot (which juries do not like, especially when it's obvious after the fact that the lies were never going to work), then when she had an offer to settle (which was larger than a 'reasonable offer' would be in the previous case, but after the lies it was probably the best option) she rejected it.

    So this jury was not going to be some bunch of totally impartial citizens looking at the money lost by the RIAA only, instead they were a bunch of citizens who probably had lots of better things to do than be grabbed for jury duty, who gave a penalty mainly for lying and acting like an asshat after the downloading. This is why most financial penalties come with a wide range of possibilities: so the jury can either take a bit off if they feel there are mitigating circumstances somehow, or add a bit on if they feel it's necessary. That said, the low end of the range here is far too high.

    Short version: if you're on the wrong end of this sort of thing, don't start lying and being obstructive unless you're sure that you can actually get away with it. Instead tell the, truth then if you get a settlement offer below $20/song you probably should take it, otherwise go to court, stand up and say you did download what the prosecution say you did (assuming they don't try to lie which they almost certainly won't) but you do not believe $750/song is reasonable and you hope the jury will agree.
  • by OgreChow ( 206018 ) on Wednesday October 10, 2007 @07:34AM (#20924585)
    If we only catch one in three murderers, should each one caught get the death penalty for a triple homicide? Since when are criminals liable for the actions of others? I agree that the offender should pay more than the actual cost of the stolen goods in order to deter the crime, but having the caught offenders covering lost profits from all offenders is going too far.
  • by wlad ( 1171323 ) on Wednesday October 10, 2007 @07:52AM (#20924711)
    I'm used to reading bad things about the American law system, but generally I don't comment on it, but this is extremely shocking to me. Yes, she was doing illegal things, but so is, for example, someone that drives through a red light. In that case someone gets away with a fine, even though endangering other road users with their life. At the reasonable limit, I'd expect something in the $100-$1000 dollar range for sharing copyrighted files for an individual. But $220,000... sheesh, that is so far out of proportion that I don't have words for it. There is no way in which she could have caused that big a damage, it's quite a part of the total earnings on that 24 songs I assume. How can a jury of 'normal' people, that you'd expect to have some empathy, as the same could happen to them or some kid or family member of them, decide on something like this? It just completely eludes me. It makes me think of the Milgram experiment somehow, those people were convinced of acting on some ideological ground, entirely disregarding any human aspect. They ruined the rest of her life, and for what? To set an example? This is crazy, it completely spun out of control...
  • Re:alas no (Score:5, Insightful)

    by sherms ( 15634 ) * on Wednesday October 10, 2007 @08:35AM (#20924999) Journal
    Looking at it from several perspectives. Yes they look guilty. But as stated above. The punishment should fit the crime. Be it this was a civil case not criminal. The same stands. The Jury was obviously pissed off by the defendant and nailed that person on not just fact, but emotion. Just look at the jurors statement! Its pretty obvious. The amount IS ludicrous. At worst the Jury should have only doubled the original settlement. I guess you could say don't piss off the jury, but thats obvious. But in this case, the jury did cross the line. Again, see juror's statement. I've spent a lot of time in the courtroom (not as a defendant). Jury's can unfortunately get to emotional and prejudicial.

    There's really few options this person has now.
  • by tiqui ( 1024021 ) on Wednesday October 10, 2007 @09:47AM (#20925761)

    let's assume that the woman DID share the files. OK, let's assume there were 50 to 100 total downloads. 100 downloads, at 0.99 cents a piece (let's be realistic here), equal = 100 dollars!

    OR, let's assume there were 800 million downloads...let's see that's about 800 million bucks. This is the problem. Nobody KNOWS how many people got pirate copies of music from her, and just pulling numbers out of your posterior is meaningless, as I have just illustrated.

    So, what's the basis to affirm that she should pay $222,000 for 24 songs? This is where the RIAA's case is illogical.

    No, that's the law. The RIAA case is every bit as logical as the laws they have bought, thanks to all the "file sharers"

    They assume that the downloaders will distribute and that this will cause them many losses. But that's THE DOWNLOADERS' FAULT, not hers.

    I would agree, except that it is impossible to find out who did the downloading and many were probably in jurisdictions where the copyright owners of any particular works (not just the evil people of the RIAA, but ANY copyright owners) cannot catch-up with them. THIS woman is, however, a willing accomplice just as a bank employee who willingly helps her friends rob a bank is an accomplice even if she does not end up with any ill-gotten gains

    They're making her responsible for what EVERY DOWNLOADER DID. Instead of downloading from her they could have bought a CD (even pirated!) or downloaded from someone else.

    Yes, "they" could have done ANYTHING. The anonymous downloaders might have killed somebody too. Who knows? Unfortunately for her, and for all of us, she helped them with the copyright violations and she set bad legal precedents WE will now all have to live with.

    And this is where "making available" doesn't equal massive infringement.

    It sure does. If you intentionally do it, you have intentionally helped somebody else break the law. Even if that somebody else, gets away with it, there is no guarantee that you will or that you should


    I Agree! Let's assume copies of the MP3 files she "made available" echo around the internet for the next 50 years and get copied on every continent by millions of people. Shall we setup a "tab" for her and just keep adding-up the penalty? What sort of payment system will she be using? Will she be establishing a fund to keep paying when she is an old lady in a nursing home? Never demand true might get it when what you would rather have is mercy.

    "file sharing" of copyrighted works is a fraud and a sham and I am tired of having to live with the resulting side-effects. When you "share" something, you take something you rightfully have and let somebody else have it (temporarily, as in "sharing a book", or permanently as in "sharing half of a sandwich) and you are deprived of it while you are "sharing" it. THIS is the morally "nice" form of sharing your mom tried to teach you. There is nothing morally superior in usurping somebody else's copy RIGHT, and distributing THEIR work to others under YOUR chosen terms and not THEIRS. All the rampant "file sharing" of copyrighted works is what gave the RIAA and MPAA the ability to go to congress and get all the laws (like DMCA), and all the DRM put in place so that we cannot watch and/or listen to ANY of the content we buy on ANY of the devices we own. The lawlessness has had a HUGE impact upon all of us, particularly the people who never did any illegal and unethical "file sharing" of SOMEBODY ELSE'S copyrighted works. I hate the big media companies as much as the next guy, and I stopped buying CDs when they started the lawsuits (I have plenty of good music and can live without newer tracks), but the rampant "file sharing" turned out to be not-so-free. Free as in beer, perhaps (for those willing to do it), but not "free" in any sense that really matters.

  • by trenien ( 974611 ) on Wednesday October 10, 2007 @09:58AM (#20925871)

    I agree with you in principle, she broke the law and deserves some kind of punishment.

    I disagree with you, on principles. She broke the law and, considering what that law is, didn't deserve any kind of punishment.

    She did no damage whatsoever: no matter how loudly and how long they'll say it, copyright infrigement isn't thief.

  • Yes and (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday October 10, 2007 @10:06AM (#20926027)
    I would just like to point out that my peers are technically literate and know a little something about justice (and jury nullification).

    I am not actually guaranteed a trial by my "peers," but rather by the lowest common denominator of whatever turns up in a completely random sample. Anyone who is intelligent enough to think critically about the situation will be the first pass of the opposing lawyer.

    The idea is nice in theory, but falls down in practice.

    Aside: this is a fine example of how one person's stupidity makes her dangerous to those around her. Choosing ignorance for bliss is not simply a self-indulgent lifestyle preference, it is also directly harmful to others. I don't look down on stupid people because I am arrogant, but because they are a threat to me.

  • by GodInHell ( 258915 ) on Wednesday October 10, 2007 @10:30AM (#20926363) Homepage
    Jurry nullification dosen't work in civil cases.

    In Criminal cases, the jury is the sole arbiter of the facts and law. They read the law as given in jury instrcutions as given by the judge, apply them to the facts, and come up with the verdict. Abesnt evidence of serious corruption within the jury room - that's the end of the road and the Prosecution can't bring the case again or ask the judge to overturn the jury (as opposed to the defense who can ask the judge to toss out a guilty verdict.

    In a CIVIL case like this, the Judge is the sole arbiter of the law, the jury decides the facts. If the Jury tosses the law out the window and makes a decision which is contrary to law -- the plaintiff may enter a motion for Judgement as a Matter of Law (formerly: Judgment Notwithstanding the Verdict.) [this is a summary, post trial JMOL is actually a renewed JMOL, if you want to read up on it.. wikipedia is a good source: here [].]

    Essentially, since the judge has determined that "making available" is a sufficient act to violate a copyright - the question for the jury was "did the defendant make songs available for download." Evidence at trial linked her to the share folder - the kazaa username was the same that the defendant uses on myspace, and a small collection of other sites. She also wiped her drive / possibly handed over a false drive durring discovery (trying to hold back evidence == bad in the eyes of the court - as attempting to flee is evidence of guilt, attempting to hide or destroy evidence is evidence of a guilt.) The judge must then ask (in response to the JMOL) could a reasonable juror reach the conclusion that it is more likely the defendant did NOT make those files available for download? If no - then the JMOL is granted - the jury finding gets tossed, and they move on to determining the damages.

    Jury Nulification is NOT for the win in RIAA cases.

  • by Drachemorder ( 549870 ) <> on Wednesday October 10, 2007 @10:44AM (#20926567) Homepage
    Jury nullification is a tool. Like any other tool, it can be used for good or evil. Just because some people in the past have used it for the wrong reasons doesn't mean it can't have good reasons as well. The fact is that the law can't account for every possible situation, and the law can be wrong. People need to understand that there can be times when the law is clearly wrong, and in those cases it's quite acceptable for a jury to do what they believe is right, even if the law indicates otherwise. I'm not saying that the RIAA case is or isn't such a thing, only that jury nullification is something that really needs to exist.
  • 17 USC Sec. 106 Subject to sections 107 through 122, the owner of copyright under this title has the exclusive rights to do and to authorize any of the following: (1) to reproduce the copyrighted work in copies or phonorecords; (2) to prepare derivative works based upon the copyrighted work; (3) to distribute copies or phonorecords of the copyrighted work to the public by sale or other transfer of ownership, or by rental, lease, or lending; (4) in the case of literary, musical, dramatic, and choreographic works, pantomimes, and motion pictures and other audiovisual works, to perform the copyrighted work publicly; (5) in the case of literary, musical, dramatic, and choreographic works, pantomimes, and pictorial, graphic, or sculptural works, including the individual images of a motion picture or other audiovisual work, to display the copyrighted work publicly; and (6) in the case of sound recordings, to perform the copyrighted work publicly by means of a digital audio transmission. (emphasis added) Notice that it doesn't say "make and distribute copies", just "distribute copies". Distribution is one of the exclusive rights granted to a copyright owner. If you distribute without permission, you infringe. IANAL. YAONALE.
    Yes and it says there must have been
    -copies or phonorecords distributed (which there weren't) and
    -they must have been distributed "to the public" (which they weren't) and
    -there must have been "sale[s] or other transfer[s] of ownership, or .... rental[s], lease[s], or lending[s]", which there weren't.

    So, out of all of the required elements, the RIAA proved exactly..... none. And under the jury instructions, were required to prove exactly..... none.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday October 10, 2007 @11:49AM (#20927561)
    and that's why YOU aren't in charge of anything.

That does not compute.
