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Practical Web 2.0 Applications with PHP 153

Michael J. Ross writes "Web 2.0 applications and sites commonly employ a number of technologies: PHP, MySQL, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript/Ajax, microformats (standard formats for HTML data), tags (keywords for categorizing site content), and Web feeds (formatted and streamed Web content, usually in XML, such as an RSS feed). Because learning and using most of these technologies can be rather challenging to a Web developer, perhaps the best way to get started doing so is by using all of them to create a single Web-based application, with no pretense at mastering any one of them. This is the approach taken in Quentin Zervaas's book, Practical Web 2.0 Applications with PHP." Read on for the rest of Michael's review.
Practical Web 2.0 Applications with PHP
author Quentin Zervaas
pages 569
publisher Apress
rating 7/10
reviewer Michael J. Ross
ISBN 1590599063
summary An example-based guide to PHP and Web 2.0 technologies.
The book was published by Apress, on 20 December 2007, under the ISBNs 1590599063 and 978-1590599068. On the book's Web page, visitors can read and submit errata (apparently none, as of this writing), read the online table of contents, download Chapter 11 ("A Dynamic Image Gallery") as a PDF file, and purchase an electronic version of the book.

Given the number and complexity of the technologies discussed in the book, it is little wonder that it is 569 pages long. There is certainly a generous amount of material, and it is grouped into 14 chapters: planning and designing the sample application; application framework setup; user authentication, authorization, and management; user registration, login, and logout; Prototype and Scriptaculous; page styling using CSS; creating a blogging system; extending the blog manager; personalized user areas; Web 2.0 features (tags, Web feeds, microformats, and public profiles); the image gallery; site search functionality; integrating Google Maps; deploying and maintaining the site.

The first two chapters set the stage for the rest of the book. Chapter 1 provides a brief overview of Web 2.0, the sample Web-based application to be developed in the book, database connectivity, search engine optimization, PHPDoc, templating, and security, as well as the major features of the sample application, namely, a blog site. Chapter 2 describes how the reader can set up the application framework needed to follow along as the author explains how to build the sample application. This includes brief descriptions of how to install Apache, MySQL, PHP, and the Zend Framework. In fact, the book makes so much use of the Zend Framework that, after reading it from cover to cover, the reader will have gained a strong understanding of how some of the most popular components of that framework can be employed in their own projects. The chapter describes the file system structure the author has chosen, how to configure your Web server, how to set up the database, and how to connect to that database. It also provides an introduction to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, as well as the Smarty template engine — both of which are used later.

While the introductory material in the first two chapters is essential — particularly to any inexperienced programmer — and generally spot on, some of the material could use a significant amount of expansion and clarification. For instance, in Chapter 2, the instructions on how to configure one's Web server, could easily prove confusing to most readers, because the author refers to the IP address, with no explanation as to what it is and how it relates to the usual local Web server address, (localhost). His recommendation for a "hosts" file entry, " phpweb20," certainly does not help clarify matters. Furthermore, the author does not explain why "phpweb20" should be used instead of "localhost." In the subsequent discussion on virtual hosting and Linux, in a "Note," he mentions that the reader "must have previously included the NameVirtualHost in your main Web server configuration..." In another note on the same page, he provides instructions on the PHP setup that should have been included earlier, in the section on installing PHP. In general, there are too many instances in the early chapters where key information is presented not where the reader would need it, but pages later. This can be especially exasperating to readers who are fairly new to the technologies, and are trying their best to follow the author's examples, every step of the way.

Chapter 3 discusses user authentication, authorization, and management. Unlike most PHP books, this one does not limit the reader to using MySQL as the relational database management system in conjunction with the sample application. The downloadable code for the book makes it possible for the reader to use PostgreSQL, even though the text itself focuses on MySQL. This flexibility is made possible by the author's use of the Zend_Db class. Admittedly of little significance, some of the book's SQL code looks a bit puzzling in some places. For instance, on pages 46-47, unneeded blank lines are contained within the "create table users" statement, with no reason given. Of greater importance, the chapter includes a short but valuable section describing the potential problems of date and datetime values in MySQL caused by server time zones, daylight savings, etc. — a topic well worth reading up on. The fourth chapter explores user registration, login, and logout functionality. Crucial topics such as password reset are covered, while some others, such as password strength, are not — no doubt due to space limitations.

Ajax is considered a central part of the new Web 2.0 trend, and for doing Ajax, the author recommends Scriptaculous, which is based on Prototype — both introduced in Chapter 5. The basic CSS styling of the sample application's Web pages, is covered in Chapter 6. The only flaw in the sample CSS code is that the author formats the declarations within each rule inconsistently, with some rules having multiple declarations on a single line, and others having each declaration on a separate line, which most people find easier to read and maintain. A highlight of the chapter is the author's comparison of the advantages and disadvantages to using a print-only CSS stylesheet versus a dedicated secondary print page — a topic not even seen in Web programming books that focus on design and CSS. The chapter concludes with a discussion of client-side form validation using JSON.

Chapters 7 through 13 focus much more on the sample application's functionality: implementing the user blogging system, and supplementing it with a blog manager index, Ajax capabilities, and a WYSIWYG editor (FCKeditor); creating user areas that can be customized by the users themselves; implementing the aforesaid Web 2.0 features (tags, Web feeds, microformats, and public profiles); implementing a dynamic image gallery, using GD for resizing, etc.; adding site search capabilities using Zend_Search_Lucene; incorporating Google Maps into the users' public blogs. All of these chapters are chock full of sample code, which the energetic reader may want to test out in their own development environments — particularly if they want to follow the author in creating the sample application. Fortunately, the reader will not have to waste any of that energy typing in code, because it can all be downloaded from the author's book site.

Specifically, Chapters 7 and 8 are devoted to the blogging capabilities of the sample application. While the discussion of permanent links, filtering, and the FCKeditor WYSIWYG editor may be of interest to a reader not implementing blogging themselves, the book at this point becomes more narrow in the information that it conveys — focusing even more on the code of the sample application. After reading through dozens of pages listing the code for blog entry management, readers may begin asking themselves, "Why not just use a CMS, instead of reinventing the wheel?" It should be borne in mind that the point of the book is not to advocate reinventing the wheel, but rather to show how a sturdy and reliable wheel can be built. Nonetheless, readers will need fortitude to plow through the many pages of code.

Despite the obvious expertise of the author, readers should be alert and open-minded to potential pitfalls. In the sample application's code, for generating passwords, the author uses only a hash function, md5(), despite its vulnerability to rainbow tables. The reader is advised to use an encryption function instead of — or in conjunction with — any hash function. The book contains another example of inattention to data security: In Chapter 4, as part of the user registration process, the user's password is e-mailed to the new registrant, naturally in plaintext, making it visible to anyone who intercepts the e-mail message. Years ago, all sorts of online organizations were following this lamentable practice; fortunately, "nasty grams" from security-savvy users seem to be turning the tide.

After exploring the possibilities of dynamic image galleries and Google Maps, the last chapter may appear relatively uninteresting to the reader, because it discusses application logging, error handling., and Web site deployment and maintenance, including backups. These topics may not seem too exciting, but failing to take the lessons to heart, and then experiencing a heart-stopping crisis on one's production site, will be the kind of excitement no Web programmer wants to experience.

What distinguishes this book from the majority of other PHP titles — for better or for worse — is that the author makes extensive use of specific frameworks and other tools, such as the Smarty templating engine and the Zend Framework, as well as classes that he has written, which are freely available in the source code. As a result, the value of the book to the reader is, to a certain extent, proportional to how much that reader wants to learn and possibly use those components. For example, if the reader chooses, for whatever reason, to not use the MVC design pattern and the Zend_Controller class for implementing MVC in their application, then the author's use of these will appreciably reduce the value of the book to that particular reader. In fact, given how lengthy Chapter 2 is, such a reader may mistakenly conclude that the rest of the book would be of no greater interest to them, and consequently become discouraged and quit reading. Other examples include the homebrew DatabaseObject and Profile classes, discussed in Chapter 3. Regardless, some readers may find that even if they do not use the author's chosen tools for their own applications, there is enough other programming and application-focused information that makes the book worthwhile to them. Other readers will be disappointed in the overall value of the book should they choose not to follow the author's recommended approaches. In addition, some programmers may be quite hesitant to base one of their own applications — particularly for paying clients — on classes created by a single developer, with no accompanying unit testing code to verify its soundness.

In terms of the production of the book, it is definitely up to par, with a font that is readable and yet small enough to get plenty of information on each page — in conjunction with the bottom margins being utilized better than in other books. However, at least for my particular copy of the book, several blocks of pages were cut with different widths, making it appear as if one or two blocks had become detached from the glue binding, when in fact they were all well attached. Within the binding glue, they were all attached at an equal depth, indicating that it was the cutting of the pages that caused the problem, and not how the blocks were set in the binding.

Even though some readers may find the book overly focused on particular frameworks and other tools, Practical Web 2.0 Applications with PHP is an instructive and expert demonstration of how to use PHP, MySQL, the Zend Framework, Smarty, Ajax, and other powerful technologies for creating robust Web sites.

Michael J. Ross is a Web developer, writer, and freelance editor.

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Practical Web 2.0 Applications with PHP

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  • Learning PHP (Score:2, Interesting)

    by DigitalisAkujin ( 846133 ) on Monday February 25, 2008 @04:15PM (#22549966) Homepage
    Personally, I learned PHP over the years by creating simple web applications for various tasks and eventually because the web applications required more and more as they got more complex I was able to slowly and methodically work my way into a private framework I coded myself.

    This book, like many other skips over this whole learning process. To really teach a language, any language, you have to explain why you do things as well as the goals.

    I also don't like the fact that many PHP books attempt to half ass the teaching of installing LAMP on a LAN server location (localhost or otherwise). They should simply recommend some good hosts and explain the PHP.INI settings that might be of interest as they come up in the programming itself.
  • by Bobb Sledd ( 307434 ) on Monday February 25, 2008 @04:19PM (#22550014) Homepage
    Say what you want about any language, any database, any scripting... but I have always said: if you have decided that you want to learn that language, then first find out what its capabilities are (do your best to understand their limitations), but come up with a big project that you want to do.

    That is how I learned PHP, Javascript, and SQL simultaneously. I decided I wanted a web site that was database-driven and would stream MP3's. I knew what needed to be done, but I didn't always know how. I found people's examples on very helpful, and went off on all kinds of tangents reading "Oh, hey if you have this situation, watch out for this...."

    Now I can actually do stuff without having to look up function names all the time (though I still have to occasionally).

    What did it get me? Well it got me off the telephone with a nice paying job that nearly doubled my salary, and to-date I'm about the best guy I know who does this sort of stuff. (Please don't take me wrong... I know there are people far more proficient at this than me; I'm not saying I'm the best -- just better than 90% of the industry out there, and I am creating useful things.)

    I owe it all to that one project I decided to do.

  • by Hamstaus ( 586402 ) on Monday February 25, 2008 @04:24PM (#22550084) Homepage
    For building web apps? Facebook might disagree with you. The people who start the PHP/.NET/Java flamewars somehow almost always forget that PHP is a language solely designed for building web sites, whereas Java and the .Net framework are not. Java and .Net can build web sites, but if you're going to compare them, you need to compare them on that level.
  • by blanks ( 108019 ) on Monday February 25, 2008 @04:30PM (#22550184) Homepage Journal
    I've been a web developer for about 12 years now, and have worked with .net, asp, php, CGI and so on over the years.

    From my expierence of learning new languages and techniques as well as teaching others who are new to web development with such techiques as AJAX; learning off a full blown app with all the bells and whistles all ready added makes it difficult and even more challanging. Many times the code can be misleading and often confusing (most AJAX code I have worked with has been a nightmare) and can often lead to most people not learning but instead simply doing copy/paste of code snippets and simply relying on the fact of "this piece of code works with this form, it will work on this form also" type of mentality of programming.

    Don't get me wrong; I am a firm believer that the best way to learn how to program is by trying pre-existing apps that are around to get your feet wet and to see things in action which many of the chapters in the book touch on (authenicating users, user logins) but for many people who are getting into programming IMO planning and designing and application frameworks are not the type of thing anyone should focus on first. How can you start to learn about designing a web application if you have had hardly any expierence with the language itself. And even more so with PHP as this is the gateway drug; er language many people are starting off with in their first step into programming.
  • Re:wrong question (Score:3, Interesting)

    by ianare ( 1132971 ) on Monday February 25, 2008 @05:02PM (#22550608)
    What is so difficult with:


    print 'My content';

    or ...

    print 'top of page';


    print 'bottom of page';

    ... where the content is changed with a GET variable, i.e. mylayout.php?page=mycontent

    (using print rather than escaping to html due to slashdot restrictions)
  • Re:Wait... (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 25, 2008 @05:42PM (#22551042)
    You should try Komodo. It's fantastic. Komodo Edit is free (as in beer and speech), too.
  • Re:wrong question (Score:3, Interesting)

    by ianare ( 1132971 ) on Monday February 25, 2008 @07:18PM (#22552194)
    I've used something similar to yours, but with different types of content (not processing), some pages would have extra content that needed some extra styling. I just split the file in 2, then do a test for 'mycontent_extra.php' to see whether I should load these.

    It's not pretty, but it is flexible.
    That's how I feel about PHP as a whole. :-)

    When I discovered Python after PHP/Perl I was hooked ... much cleaner, much easier to read, and there should be only one way of doing things - the right way.
    But you still can't beat PHP when it comes to ease and flexibility for web apps/sites, especially when interfacing with a DB.
  • Re:wrong question (Score:2, Interesting)

    by smellotron ( 1039250 ) on Monday February 25, 2008 @09:12PM (#22553446)
    Because it's better (in general) to do something like this:

    <?php require('header.php'); ?>
    rest of the page in here
    <?php require('footer.php'); ?>

    * no risk of parameter injection
    * better URLs, especially combined with Apache MultiViews (which lets you omit file extensions, so no .html or .php required in URLs)
    * cache-friendly, since many HTTP proxies such as squid will never cache URLs with querystring parameters

    There are other ways to do it, but in general, it's safest to view individual pages as "subclasses" of a common page layout, where querystring parameters are only necessary for *actually optional items*, the way the HTTP RFCs specify them.  Don't try to make a huge framework inside PHP... the more you offload onto Apache/Squid/what-have-you, the more lightweight/simple your result will be... and that's one of the few strengths PHP has left (^:

I've noticed several design suggestions in your code.
