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Bootleg Tron 2 Trailer Is Out In the Wild 216

An anonymous reader writes "Gizmodo and Filmstalker are showing the Tron 2 (aka Tr2n) teaser from Comic-Con 08. From the Giz article: 'It's a tiny bootleg video, but I don't care. You can see that the 3D looks amazing, the new lightcycles are stunning (and move like real bikes), the world and the whole mood is Batman-like dark. And Jeff Bridges ... well, he is Jeff Bridges. What can I say, he looks like a badass version of The Dude. "It's just a game!" he shouts. No, it's not. It's Tr2n. At last. Note: excuse the excitement, but I saw the original in the movie theater, and 200 times after that. With War Games, it's what got me into technology when I was a kid, and ultimately here in Giz. The only thing that has me worried is that the characters in the computer world are fully 3D.'"
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Bootleg Tron 2 Trailer Is Out In the Wild

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  • Re:first post (Score:5, Interesting)

    by negRo_slim ( 636783 ) <> on Saturday July 26, 2008 @01:39PM (#24349339) Homepage

    i don't give a shit.

    Not very surprising. I'm 25 years old and I would be hard pressed to find anyone I know that has even seen it let a lone someone that would be excited for a sequel (myself.. I'm leaning towards meh on the whole thing). With that insipid 2 in the name and the almost certainty it will be another 3D eye candy stroke fest (Beowulf anyone?) I'm finding it hard to get pumped, I know.. I know.. fast shiny motorbikes I should have a hard on and a taste for red meat and a bar fight, but I just don't!

  • by Tablizer ( 95088 ) on Saturday July 26, 2008 @02:01PM (#24349487) Journal

    1. Make Tron in 1980's and lose money
    2. Make sequel to the failure movie
    3. ???
    4. PROFIT!!!

    Wouldn't investors want more details about step 3?

  • by Daniel Dvorkin ( 106857 ) * on Saturday July 26, 2008 @02:46PM (#24349813) Homepage Journal

    So much so, in fact, that it looks like a couple of guys riding bikes around a neon-lit soundstage. Woo-hoo.

    Maybe I'm just a bitter old fart, but one of my problems with a lot of modern video games is that the physics are kind of in the uncanny valley for me -- they're undeniably much more realistic than they were when I was a teenage gaming geek a quarter of a century ago (and we used real quarters back then, whippersnapper!) but they're still not quite realistic enough, so I find them constantly distracting. The light cycles in the original Tron moved like they could, in fact, exist only in a video game universe; the scenes with them were maybe the only part of the movie where you could really believe you were seeing a world completely different from that outside the machine. If Tr2n has the almost-but-not-quite-real look of most modern video games, which is what the trailer seems to indicate, then it will be quite a disappointment ... maybe not to younger viewers, but to those of us who were teenagers when the original came out, and I think we're the target demographic here.

    Ah, what the hell. Of course I'll go see it. ;)

  • Re:first post (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday July 26, 2008 @03:21PM (#24350129)

    as a 20yr old, I can say I'm excited. The origonal movie was grapicaly out of this world for its time, and I want to see how they improve on both that and the good storyline of the origonal.

    Sonny (no offense :)), when referring to a remake of a good movie, you'll find that "improve" is never used in a positive sense after you've seen it. :)

    TRON was what it was: a great sample at CGI in its infancy - I think it should be remembered that way. Most of the movie actually was standard hand-work (mattes, backlighting, filters) intercut with genuine CGI and everyone who appreciated the original movie did so for the effect and the effort put into it.

    Making a new version means that they did it ALL by computer, either threw away the old storyline or mutated it beyond all comprehension, and most likely gave the characters personal lives /backgrounds /needs /wants /lusts /life-problems that the audience really can't bring themselves to care about.

    It'll probably have global warming, vote-obama-for-god, bad-wars, stupid-conservatives, go-hurray-liberals, UN, conservation, castrate-mccain, pay-your-taxes, free-rights-for-kids messages in it too. I guess about all we can do is thank our favorite deity(s) that wilSmith or samJackson or denzelWashington,, isn't in it.

    The Mona Lisa stands as an original, so does Mount Rushmore, the Washington Monument, Blade Runner, the Last Supper, Xanadu... And, like TRON, it would be WRONG to make **2*-versions of THEM.

  • by Dachannien ( 617929 ) on Saturday July 26, 2008 @03:31PM (#24350193)

    Two things:

    1. In the future, programs will fight each other using Aerobies rather than Frisbees.

    2. It's a helluva lot harder to get derezzed than it used to be.

  • by Dogtanian ( 588974 ) on Saturday July 26, 2008 @03:55PM (#24350401) Homepage

    Which I still remember as being a lousy movie even when I was a kid. Kept up the standard disney mediocrity from the Barefoot Executive to the Black Hole. Even the metaphors to how computers really worked seemed lame. The only area where the movie works for me is in the visuals.

    I think you're being slightly harsh, but I agree that Tron isn't a particularly great movie overall- and also that the visuals are by far and away the best thing about it.

    To be fair, although I'm in my early thirties and old enough to have seen (and clearly remembered) Tron when it first came out, I didn't. (*) It wasn't until years later that I caught it on TV. That might colour my judgement- but also to be fair, I could say the same about the nostalgia of people who saw it as kids when it first came out.

    Problem isn't just that the plot is flimsy, it's that the film never really makes you believe in the characters or care about what's at stake. The dialogue is clunky and the acting nothing special. I could tolerate the cheesiness, but not that.

    So, no... Tron isn't- and never was- a Matrix for its times. Despite being a staple of 80s "nostalgia", its influence on most people at the time was minimal. However, I do think it's visually and technically brilliant, and although some aspects of its attempt to bring the then-new computer culture to the mainstream were quite cheesy, it deserves some credit for the attempt (and has to be seen in the context of the time).

    I could say more, but I already said a lot of what I wanted to say in two previous posts; why I think trying to make a Tron sequel after 20-25 years is pointless [] and why Tron's true technical achievements with pre-digital film-matte animation went sadly unrecognised []. Both with Score:5 goodness :-)

    (*) I did, however, get to see ET, like most other people did. Vastly overrated film, I never liked it.

  • Re:Tr2n? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Yvan256 ( 722131 ) on Saturday July 26, 2008 @04:13PM (#24350561) Homepage Journal

    You have my vote for "Tron 10". Write is as such but say "Tron 2" when speaking it out loud.

    Would confuse the hell of out of people. :D

  • Re:Lame (Score:3, Interesting)

    by gaijin99 ( 143693 ) on Sunday July 27, 2008 @06:57AM (#24356569) Journal

    Maybe. OTOH the original light cycles were cool and abused physics with those 90 degree turns, they looked nifty and shouted in all caps "this is not the world you're used to!". The new light cycles come to a stop (WTF?) and make boring real world type turns, for all you know they're just a bunch of twits in downtown LA with neon lights on their racing bikes.

Prediction is very difficult, especially of the future. - Niels Bohr
