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Amazon To Let Libraries Lend Kindle Books 135

Last month we reported that Amazon was confronting lenders of Kindle e-books. Today, thebian writes "Amazon announced yesterday that it would allow 11,000 libraries in the US to lend ebooks. The press release doesn't say exactly when this will start. Amazon is trying to speed the adoption of the Kindles. If people are slow to flock to the device the reason is the high prices the publishers cling to. Amazon itself sometimes undercuts Kindle prices, and almost always some booksellers on the Amazon Marketplace undercut the Kindle. There's no indication about what books might be offered through this program."
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Amazon To Let Libraries Lend Kindle Books

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  • by woolpert ( 1442969 ) on Thursday April 21, 2011 @09:05AM (#35892440)

    As it stands now savvy users can simply check out a epub library book to their PC with Adobe Digital Editions, seamlessly remove the DRM with calibre, then convert and upload to their Kindle with one-button via your Kindle's free email address. If Amazon doesn't make their service work without a PC I've gained nothing.

    I almost died of the analysis-paralysis suffered looking for an ebook reader, and finally settled on the Kindle as the best bang for the buck today. While I feel epub is the future (especially now that google has weighed in) with calibre I Just Don't Care.

  • Be more like MS (Score:4, Interesting)

    by spinkham ( 56603 ) on Thursday April 21, 2011 @09:08AM (#35892466)

    This is a great thing. Amazon is learning. In the past Amazon has been too much like Apple, with their being a controlling dick about everything upfront.

    They should learn from MS, and be kind upfront, only to be a controlling dick later after they have huge market share.

  • by Xian97 ( 714198 ) on Thursday April 21, 2011 @09:26AM (#35892680)
    For the very reason that you noted, Amazon has allowed this feature. People were going to other e-readers because of the Kindle lacking library lending. Now they are taking away one of the main reasons to buy from the competition. It may be too late for you, but there are a lot more people that were on the fence that were waiting for this feature before making a purchase.

    I like the Nook color, a Coworker has one, but for reading I prefer an e-ink display instead of the Nook Color display.

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