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First Ever Pulitzer For Non-Print Series 16

decora writes "Last year ProPublica won the first Pulitzer for an online news site. This year, they have been awarded the first Pulitzer for a series that did not appear in print. The series was Eisinger and Bernstein's 'The Wall Street Money Machine,' which described how hedge funds and financiers profited from the collapse of the economy. ProPublica publishes under a Creative Commons license and hosts a Nerd Blog where they write about journalism-related hacking and publish open source tools they have developed."
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First Ever Pulitzer For Non-Print Series

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  • Frontline (Score:5, Interesting)

    by pspahn ( 1175617 ) on Monday May 02, 2011 @10:11PM (#36006882)

    Aren't they part of many of the Frontline episodes?

    Good for them. From what I've seen, they do a fine job of remaining unbiased about issues which 99% of the people I've ever met in my life get petty and insulting about.

    If civil discourse is a lost art, Pro Publica is... I dunno... some kind of lost artist.

  • by loteck ( 533317 ) on Monday May 02, 2011 @10:15PM (#36006900) Homepage

    The non-profit, online-only journalism model is being tested out across the country to some notable success. Granted, the orgs tend to partner with print and TV media to get their stories a wider audience (like ProPublica has done with the NYT, NPR and FrontLine), but the non-profit membership model of news gathering (like your local NPR affiliate or like ProPublica) is gaining steam.

    Freedom of the press doesn't guarantee quality, which is what I think we all want. Put your money where your eyeballs are and throw a few bucks at ProPublica [propublica.org] if you admire their work.

    I don't work for them, btw... just a fan.

  • by schnell ( 163007 ) <me@schnelBLUEl.net minus berry> on Monday May 02, 2011 @11:31PM (#36007184) Homepage

    The non-profit, online-only journalism model is being tested out across the country to some notable success.

    You are right, and Pro Publica is a great exemplar of investigative journalism done right in the service of its audience.They collaborated with This American Life [thisamericanlife.org] to do an audio episode based on the stories that won them the Pulitzer and it was fantastic - you can download the podcast version here [thisamericanlife.org].

    However, before the Slashbot crowd comes out to cite this as proof positive that nobody should have to pay for news, information wants to be free, the establishment is keeping them down, skateboarding is not a crime, etc. - it should be noted that Pro Publica was created specifically to do a certain kind of investigative reporting [propublica.org] and relies on donations and grants from organizations that think the commercial media don't do enough of those stories. i.e., there is something that the commercial press doesn't do, and people are willing to donate in order to fill that particular need.

    Unfortunately, that doesn't necessarily mean that there is a sustainable model in which foundations will give out grants or individuals will donate to have someone cover your local city council meeting, write up the police blotter, ask questions at White House press conferences or report on the scene from the Zimbabwean elections - the kind of thing that the Associated Press and individual for-profit media (TV or newspaper/online) outlets do. So while Pro Publica is a wonderful resource and a great example of how non-profit journalism can work, it is not necessarily a replacement for the existing commercial media industry.

Happiness is twin floppies.
