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Open Source Software Groupware 3.3 Release Adds Tags, Notes, and Dozens of Other Features 26

jrepin (667425) writes Version 3.3 of, a free and open source groupware solution, has been released. It is now possible to add tags to email messages, work with notes right in the webclient, and manage your resources more easily. 3.3 introduces a new folder navigation view that allows you to search and subscribe to shared calendars, address books, task lists etc. directly from within the respective view. The calendar got a quickview mode which allows you to open an undistorted view on a single calendar. The user interface can now be fully operated with the keyboard and has support for screen readers as well as voice output as suggested by the WCAG 2.0 Guidelines and WAI ARIA standards.
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  • by Fencepost ( 107992 ) on Wednesday August 20, 2014 @11:30AM (#47712583) Journal
    Kolab is a "groupware" server bundle, including an IMAP based mail system, calendaring, etc. The UI is Roundcube, a browser-based mail client (PHP on backend, lots of AJAX in the browser). Some of what you're seeing here is enhancements and extensions to Roundcube to bring it closer to the capabilities of a "fat" mail/groupware client.

    If you need in-house email/groupware on a budget, it's not a bad choice - it's actively developed and hasn't had some of the drama and ownership shuffles of similar products such as Zimbra and Scalix. My (possibly incorrect) understanding is that Kolab is an open source project/product with a supported enterprise version available rather than an enterprise product with a "community" open source version available.

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