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AT&T Communications United States

AT&T Will Offer a Lower-Quality Video Option But Without a Discount ( 48

After T-Mobile and Sprint introduced lower-cost wireless plans in return for customers accepting lower quality video streaming, AT&T is following suit. An anonymous reader shares a Fortune report:The second-largest wireless carrier said it would introduce a feature starting next year called "Stream Saver" to let customers voluntarily downgrade streaming video from any service -- including YouTube and Netflix -- to DVD quality. But AT&T will not lower prices or give a discount to customers activating the lower-quality stream, which would use much less data than watching a typical high-definition video stream. The data used will also still count against a customer's monthly data allowance. AT&T emphasized that the optional feature was intended to help customers use less data, essentially stretching their monthly allowance to go further. "Stream saver lets them enjoy more of what they love," David Christopher, chief marketing officer in AT&T's entertainment group, said in a statement. "And, they are in control -- it's their choice on how to use this innovative feature."
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AT&T Will Offer a Lower-Quality Video Option But Without a Discount

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  • Watching Netflix on a phone - maybe my eyes aren't good but I can't tell much of a difference between DVD quality and 1080p or whatever anyway. DVD is juuust fine. But can't you downgrade that quality on Netflix settings anyway?
  • When I'm in an area with low-bandwidth, I'd rather have lower-resolution with smooth video than high-resolution choppy video.

    Ditto if I'm in an area with high-speed-but-crappy/dropout-prone service, as I can buffer enough to not notice if I'm watching at low-resolution.

    I put "win" in quotes because while this seems like a win for the customer, it's really a way for AT&T to not have to spend money as fast improving their network. So it's a real win for them and a "win" for customers.

  • Innovative (Score:5, Informative)

    by 93 Escort Wagon ( 326346 ) on Friday November 11, 2016 @02:12PM (#53266571)

    You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

    • From The Marketer's Dictionary and Book of Phrases:

      Innovative: Adj., used to describe a thing worth reading about.

      Worth reading about: see: worth buying

      Worth buying: something marketed to gullible people with money

      Translation from maketspeak:

      Innovative: something marketed to gullible people with money.

  • by JoeyRox ( 2711699 ) on Friday November 11, 2016 @02:16PM (#53266589)
    Not sure why the mention of no discount is even relevant. You're still using AT&T's data, at the same rate you agreed to in your contract. You'd just be using less of it while watching video, meaning you'd have more data available for other usage.
  • AFAIK 480p quality is "free" on T-Mobile data network, meaning it does not count on your data, same for music.
  • by PPH ( 736903 ) on Friday November 11, 2016 @03:10PM (#53267041)

    ... it's raw data. If I want to reduce the resolution, I'll do so via my client settings. AT&T has no business inspecting those packets.

    • by srg33 ( 1095679 )

      It seems to be voluntary. Do you use a separate client for each and every video streaming service?
      When I'm using my phone for streaming, it is usually in browser.

      • by PPH ( 736903 )

        When I'm using my phone for streaming, it is usually in browser.

        Also none of AT&T's business. I'll use whatever browser I feel like. The video quality negotiations happens between that client and the content server. The result is I use some bandwidth. Whatever that ends up being, charge me for it.

  • I'm still stung by AT&T dropping support for Picturephone []

  • I farm. I raise pigs on pasture and sell the pork to our customers weekly. As a special feature starting in 2017 to help you reduce your calorie consumption I will be selling you 2 oz when you buy 1 pound of meat. The 2 oz of meat will be packaged with 14 oz of water. This way you can enjoy eating three pounds a day and still stay within your caloric budget.

    Wait a minute. If I did that I would be arrested, quite rightfully, and thrown in jail for cheating my customers. What AT&T is offering is just as a

    • Nonsense - AT&T is renting you bandwidth by the second (marketed as selling you data access by the MB), and nothing about this is changing anything about the amount of total amount of data you can download for your money.

      All they're doing is offering an extra feature that gives you the option of automatically using lower quality video streams so that you you're consuming that data more slowly when watching video on a tiny screen where you'll probably barely notice the quality difference anyway.

      Now, if i

  • How can they degrade a Youtube video flowing through a TLS session?
    • Youtube normally offers lots of degraded options built in, seems like it shouldn't be terribly difficult to modify which one is requested. Might require going through a proxy though.

Philosophy: A route of many roads leading from nowhere to nothing. -- Ambrose Bierce
