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YouTube Kids Has Videos on How Reptilians Rule the World, Moon Landing Was Fake ( 258

An anonymous reader shares a report: YouTube Kids, the supposedly child-friendly version of YouTube that's been shown to often play host to troves of slop content and disturbing videos, apparently was showing videos from British conspiracy theorist David Icke, a guy who believes reptilian aliens secretly control the world and are responsible for the Holocaust. According to a Saturday report in Business Insider, searching for the term "UFO" on YouTube kids turned up a video purporting "to show a UFO shooting at a chemtrail." The suggested followups for that video featured a number of Icke's clips, including a nearly five-hour lecture on how aliens built the pyramids and secretly run the planet through a ruling class extraterrestrial-human hybrids. The video also delves into a number of other conspiracy theories, including claims Freemasons indulge in human sacrifice and President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by his own government.

According to Business Insider, "Two other conspiracy theory videos by Icke appeared in the related videos, meaning it was easy for children to quickly go from watching relatively innocent videos about toys to conspiracy content." Searching for the term "moon landing" also resulted in a number of conspiratorial videos emerging, including one making the claim that CERN's Large Hadron Collider had opened a portal to another world that an unfortunate employee then vanished in.

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YouTube Kids Has Videos on How Reptilians Rule the World, Moon Landing Was Fake

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  • Demonetization (Score:5, Insightful)

    by SmaryJerry ( 2759091 ) on Sunday March 18, 2018 @03:02PM (#56280501)
    I thought YouTube had already turned their whole website into YouTube Kids by demonetizing anything for adults.
    • Re:Demonetization (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Z00L00K ( 682162 ) on Sunday March 18, 2018 @04:15PM (#56280773) Homepage Journal

      Especially the gun related channels - even if most of them are actually pretty informative, like "forgotten weapons".

      Another channel that I do follow is bosnianbill.

      • by Luckyo ( 1726890 )

        That one has been very weird, considering that some advertisers were reporting that they were unable to advertise even through they wanted to.

      • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

        by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        Did YouTube demonetize them or did advertisers ask not to be on gun related channels? The advertisers are the ones driving this. After a serious of scandals they want to protect their brands and are quite conservative.

        • I'd have to guess demonetization or that YouTube's ability for advertisers to pick which channels they want to target are severely lacking. Otherwise you're basically telling me that there aren't any companies that want to advertise to gun owners, which given the number of NRA ads I've seen on YouTube recently seems patently absurd.

          They're really screwing themselves over with it as well as channels are going to start reading some ad copy before videos similar to how many podcasts support themselves finan
          • by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

            I'd have to guess demonetization or that YouTube's ability for advertisers to pick which channels they want to target are severely lacking. Otherwise you're basically telling me that there aren't any companies that want to advertise to gun owners, which given the number of NRA ads I've seen on YouTube recently seems patently absurd.

            They're really screwing themselves over with it as well as channels are going to start reading some ad copy before videos similar to how many podcasts support themselves financia

    • by ( 4475953 )

      I don't understand. Why would demonetization make the videos more suitable for children? AFAIK, it just leads to less clickbait.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    David Icke, a guy who believes reptilian aliens secretly control the world and are responsible for the Holocaust.

    What a moron. Everyone knows the Holocaust didn't happen.

    • by Z00L00K ( 682162 )

      So Nazi Germany never happened?

      Are you from Blight Insular 1 [] by any chance?

      • by Z80a ( 971949 )

        Most of the holocaust deniers say that the prisoners died out of hunger rather than being systematically eliminated, due the lack of resources due the war etc..
        But i don't think that makes it any better, as now we have a scenario where the nazi just sat and watched everyone starve to death, instead of just surrendering em to the allies etc..

        • I think revisionist is a better label than denier which is something of a pejorative. While it may still be offensive, many of their positions seem to be along the lines of "this building couldn't have been used for a gas chamber". Stuff like that. These are things we should be able to debate in the light of day.
  • by Camel Pilot ( 78781 ) on Sunday March 18, 2018 @03:06PM (#56280531) Homepage Journal

    In the 90's I once heard someone boast that the Internet is the place where religions go to die...

    Little did he know that the Internet is where even more bizarre and unsustainable ideas such as Flat Earth and Lizard rulers go to get new life and willing meme hosts.

    • by asavage ( 548758 )
      I also thought in the early 90's the internet could bring enlightenment as everyone in the world would have access human knowledge. Unfortunately in reality people have just sought out like minded individuals.
  • ... Reptilians Rule the World ...

    Have you seen photos of our World Leaders and Corporate Overlords? Many of them probably keep really young spouses hostage so they can leech youth from them while they sleep.

    Of course, like all reptiles, they love their sunshine [].

    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward

      I agree! Has anyone ever tried to negotiate with an alligator? They ignore your offers and the only counter-offer is biting down hard on you and rapidly spinning. Your body parts come off and they eat you. End of negotiations.

    • I have seen a picture of Macron's wife, yes.

    • I don't know why this is particularly worrying. There are lots of children's stories that are more horrific and less believable: Hansel and Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood, Jack and the Beanstalk etc. That's providing you look at the originals and not the heavily sanitized Disney versions.

      Most kids are smart enough to realize that the world is not run by reptilian aliens in the same way that they don't worry about running into an evil witch who eats children and lives in a gingerbread house every time the
  • That's Icke (Score:2, Interesting)

    by PopeRatzo ( 965947 )

    The difference between the "alternative" and conspiracy media in the UK and the US outlets like Infowars is that David Icke actually challenges the prevailing political power structure, where Infowars supports and is used by the prevailing political power structure.

    This is a complete reversal for conspiracy media in the United States. Until very recently, it was always hostile to those in power. Today, it is the tool of those in power.

  • by thinkwaitfast ( 4150389 ) on Sunday March 18, 2018 @03:14PM (#56280567)
    they are very entertaining. The best(worst) are the contrail conspiracies.
    • by sad_ ( 7868 )

      isn't that right? i mean, maybe this Icke guy is just a joker. who can tell the difference between the onion and real news anymore these days?

  • by I'm New Around Here ( 1154723 ) on Sunday March 18, 2018 @03:29PM (#56280613)

    Why shouldn't the kids see these videos? It's not like it's porn or bloody murder. So they get to see a kook, and their parents get a lot of questions for a week.

    • Kids are very suggestable. Even if they can identify a lot of it is garbage, there may be some parts that they internalise and later come to believe as the truth, just through distorted memories and "hearing from someone once". Doesn't take much for 1 kid to tell another kid about this "truth", and the 2nd kid believes it and repeats it everywhere.

      Also I doubt a kid is going to watch a 5 hour lecture, but they might watch the first 5 minutes and take whatever is said away.

      • by chihowa ( 366380 )

        So we agree that kids are very suggestible and we (as a society) have come to the conclusion that massive advertising agencies with teams of people that are trained in psychological manipulation can have access to children (for profit), but children can't even be accidentally exposed to crackpots because something might be repeated to another kid.

        Actually, it is't we as a society that have come to this conclusion but Alphabet, the largest advertising company in the world.

      • So.. who determines what is "wrong think"? Does this mean all christian, jewish, islamic, buddhist and mythological content is out of bounds? Assuming Ike isn't going into sex cults and any of his more adult oriented video content should he really be excluded?
      • Ironically, one of the things my son has internalized is that everything is marketing (Thanks, Adam Conover!). Now when he sees somebody who probably doesn't have an agenda, his first instinct is to assume they have a profit motive and are lying. Kind of sad for him to lose that innocence, but good for him to be aware. I wish I had had a little less naivety growing up. Would have saved me a lot of trouble (and money).
    • Why shouldn't the kids see these videos?

      Indeed! And someone has to tell the kids about Slenderman. It's better than having them find out the hard way.

  • Google needs to stop being greedy and spend money on staff to vet EVERY video. After all, that service isn't free.
  • And videos on how Liberals want to save us everything they see as evil is a conspiracy? And videos on how conservatives have our best interests in mind on the economy isn't a conspiracy? Holy SHIT! Everything you see in video is a conspiracy theory? Hell even HILLARY was into conspiracy theories - remember "it's a right wing conspiracy!"

    Hell how do we know David Icke isn't right? How do we know Trump is REALLY president and not someone else? Heck even the sun shining is a conspiracy theory! You just THINK i

    • One gets around this with actual measurements on the quality and length of life [].

      It's getting better, and, as long as people are economically free to solve problems, they will be solved faster than they become serious, and conditions will continue to improve.

      The error in the so-called Chicken Little warnings was refusing to recognize this process works, and so well you can make predictions with it on the quality and length of life, price of commodities, and so on.

      Actual measurements.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    The problem with Icke is that he constantly speads an ANTI-WAR agenda, with well considered pro-Humanist arguments. The exact opposite of team Blair/Clinton/Merkel/Macron etc.

    David Icke is the enemy of all Fabian (named as Ingsoc in Orwell's 1984) organisations, especially the BBC and Guardian newspaper (both of which were at the forefront of pushing Blair's Iraq WMD lies to the planet).

    Icke's books are remarkable when you ignore the 10% of colourful fantasy all such thinkers seem to include. But it is the

  • It seems that just mentioning YouTube in a story automatically conjures up a 15 point drop in the average IQ of its commenters.

  • But could someone check if there are some good videos of Jesus riding a dinosaur in the kids section?

    I pretty mush only use youtube for (free) movies, music videos and Russian Car Crash videos.

  • Good to see legitimately educational videos being made easily available to kids online. It's like vaccination: expose them to just enough stupid for them to build up a sufficient tolerance.
  • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Sunday March 18, 2018 @04:56PM (#56280921)

    Instead of removing the conspiracy videos, we need MORE of them.

    Remember the Calvin & Hobbes comics, where the dad would make up nonsense about the past - like the world being in black & white until 1950 or so? Well Dads (and uncles) across time have reserved the right to feed kids the most outlandish nonsense about how the universe is or works.

    Besides the LOLs, it provides great practical value for the kids as they learn to question EVERYTHING. I just see conspiracy videos playing into that grad tradition.

  • They should only allow content from respectable people like Louis Farrakhan []!
  • by nospam007 ( 722110 ) * on Sunday March 18, 2018 @05:56PM (#56281131)

    It issss abssssssolutely a ssssstupid thing to believe.

    • by LesFerg ( 452838 )

      Sure, as soon as the reptilians saw that we are educating the children about reality, they want to take those vids down.
      Now the children will only hear about this stuff through rumor and gossip, so they won't possibly find it believable.

  • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Monday March 19, 2018 @03:54AM (#56282391)

    Psychologists all over the world agree that kids need fairy tales.

    • I was exposed to lots of fairy tales as a kid. No one swore up and down that they were *real*, though. It was always clear (to me, at least), that they were make-believe and meant either as entertainment or lessons. When fairy tales are presented as *fact*, we have a problem.
  • They need to understand from a very young age that there is a lot of false information on the internet. If they end up watching these videos it's in large parts because they're interested in it. When they find out a few things they've been shown are false, they'll be more likely to start digging deeper for answers.

    Stop trying to cover stuff; it only adds credibility to the lie.

  • > the claim that CERN's Large Hadron Collider had opened a portal to another world that an unfortunate employee then vanished in.

    Was his name, per chance, Gordon Freeman?

panic: can't find /
