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Garfield Phones Beach Mystery Finally Solved After 35 Years ( 70

An anonymous reader shares a report: A French coastal community has finally cracked the mystery behind the Garfield telephones that have plagued its picturesque beaches for decades. Since the 1980s, the Iroise coast in Brittany has received a supply of bright orange landline novelty phones shaped like the famous cartoon cat. Anti-litter campaigners have been collecting fragments of the feline for years as they clean the beaches.

But now, the source of the problem has been found -- a lost shipping container. Last year, campaigners from the Ar Vilantsou anti-litter group made the novelty phone a symbol of the plastic pollution on the beaches of the Finistere region -- part of which is a designated marine park. Once a common household item, its eyes open when the landline receiver is picked up, and thousands were made and sold during the 1980s. Collectors still buy and sell the vintage Garfield phone online today. The beach-cleaning teams had long suspected that a lost shipping container -- perhaps blown overboard -- had regurgitated its precious orange cargo. But they had never been able to find it.

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Garfield Phones Beach Mystery Finally Solved After 35 Years

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  • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Thursday March 28, 2019 @03:06PM (#58349746)

    I'll throw this out there as a fun out of context quote:

    "Ar Viltansou and local officials say they will continue to harvest Garfields from the coastline."


    • by McLoud ( 92118 )

      I'll throw this out there as a fun out of context quote:

      "Ar Viltansou and local officials say they will continue to harvest Garfields from the coastline."


      My non-existent criptocoins for mod points, that was as good one

    • by indytx ( 825419 )

      I'll throw this out there as a fun out of context quote:

      "Ar Viltansou and local officials say they will continue to harvest Garfields from the coastline."


      The French will eat anything.

    • That is fun!

      This whole story is fun. The very idea of a French beach inexplicably amassing bits of Garfield is just delightfully funny.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    A guy knew the location of the container in the early 80s, but nobody else knew about it for 35 years yet this phenomena of washed up phones was well known? Geez, does anyone go exploring anymore?

  • by Nidi62 ( 1525137 ) on Thursday March 28, 2019 @03:22PM (#58349876)

    They should have either put some lasagna on another beach or set up a couple Nermal statues on the beach. Between the 2 that should keep Garfield well away fro the beach.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    This will help protect the environment.
  • "Garfield" - could be a person or a place, let's keep going
    "Garfield phones" - OK, Garfield is phoning someone.
    "Garfield phones beach" - maybe a public phone on the beach, or we'll get a useful continuation like "lifeguard" to which "beach" is an adjective.
    "Garfield phones beach mystery" - OK, I've lost the plot here. Abstract concepts don't usually accept phone calls. Maybe "lifeguard" will still come next to rescue some sense out of this.
    "Garfield phones beach mystery finally". Nope, no lifeguard, no resc

  • Why would they use the phone as a symbol for their anti-litter campaign when they knew it wasn't litter?

"Laugh while you can, monkey-boy." -- Dr. Emilio Lizardo
