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United States Privacy Technology

Consumer Groups Seek To Defend California Data Privacy Law ( 16

A collection of consumer groups has written a letter to California lawmakers urging them to keep the strong protections in a state law due to take effect next year. From a report: The California law, if left largely as is, could usher in a range of new consumer protections. However, direct marketers and tech companies, working through various entities, have been seeking to water down the law. A coalition of 10 consumer groups -- including ACLU -- has written to California State Senate leader Toni Atkins encouraging legislators to explore the background of the Nonprofit Alliance, a group that has been pushing to have the law weakened. "We are asking that the Nonprofit Alliance release their financial information; explain their ties to corporate donors; and clarify their leadership, mission, and membership," the group said in the letter.
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Consumer Groups Seek To Defend California Data Privacy Law

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    Let's investigate all groups, pushing to water down the law or strengthen it. No lawyer groups who want something to sue over, I'm sure, are pushing it.

  • by Jim Sadler ( 5963822 ) on Monday August 26, 2019 @12:54PM (#59126290)
    Data is collected. The one that collects it owns it. When someone studies you they own the study. You do not own the data or the study. The idea of my data can not be allowed to control the data collected by others as it is a taking of the true owner's property.
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by the_B0fh ( 208483 ) on Monday August 26, 2019 @01:16PM (#59126402) Homepage

      Why does a photographer need a model's release then?

      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Which is why I lie through my back teeth when I answer surveys. The last one I completed, I told them that I came from South Georgia. As no one lives there good luck with my dataset.

    • JimSadler3473 babbled:

      Data is collected. The one that collects it owns it. When someone studies you they own the study. You do not own the data or the study. The idea of my data can not be allowed to control the data collected by others as it is a taking of the true owner's property.

      So, if I'm correctly unpacking your garbled syntax, what you're saying is, "If a retailer collects, say, my credit card number, expiration date, and security code, it has the absolute right to sell that information - along with my name - to any interested buyer, and neither I nor the state of California, nor anyone else has the authority to stop the sale."

      That's 100% pure, Grade A, USDA-inspected bullshit. There are existing laws that forbid doing that, and those laws have big, sharp t

      • It seems to me that this is more of a question about whether the internet is a "public space" or a "private space".

        As I understand it, it may not be legal to spy on people e.g. in their own homes, but anything they do in public is fair game. As an example, if I overhear two people at a cafe (public space) talking about something they did last night, and someone else comes over to ask me what I heard, I am free to tell that person (and to charge for the information as well).

        There are restrictions on install
  • A coalition of 10 consumer groups -- including ACLU -- has written to California State Senate leader Toni Atkins encouraging legislators to explore the background of the Nonprofit Alliance, a group that has been pushing to have the law weakened.

    Instead of defending the law they attack anyone opposed to it.

  • Data about me. I feel belongs to ME and ME ALONE to disseminate as I choose. It is not the property for a third party to profit from it without either my consent or compensation. If my image belongs to me why not my information such as likes or dislikes, political affiliation or opinions, all the things that define me within the digital world as a unique person belong to me and define ONLY me as a human being within the land of 1s and 0s. Another comment raised the question of the internet is a public plac

"Indecision is the basis of flexibility" -- button at a Science Fiction convention.
