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United States Government

New York Orders Residents To Wear Masks In Public ( 247

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: Imposing a stricter measure to control the spread of the coronavirus, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said on Wednesday that he would start requiring people in New York to wear masks or face coverings in public whenever social distancing was not possible. The order will take effect on Friday and will apply to people who are unable to keep six feet away from others in public settings, such as on a bus or subway, on a crowded sidewalk or inside a grocery store.

Mr. Cuomo said local governments would enforce the order, but he noted that riders without face coverings would not be ejected from public transit. The pandemic has devastated New York's public transit system, with 59 workers having died of the virus and 2,269 testing positive for the infection. The state would consider issuing civil penalties to people who fail to abide by the order, but not criminal penalties: "You're not going to go to jail for not wearing a mask," Mr. Cuomo said. Permitted face coverings include proper masks, as well as scarves or bandannas, the governor said.
Maryland and New Jersey have also issued similar rules.
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New York Orders Residents To Wear Masks In Public

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  • Comment removed (Score:5, Informative)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Thursday April 16, 2020 @09:02AM (#59954376)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Guy Fawkes masks? If set up to be medically effective this "mandate" could turn into fun.

      Sucks to be the guy working on AI facial recognition tech right now.

      • "Guy Fawkes masks? If set up to be medically effective this "mandate" could turn into fun."

        Alien Facehugger masks would be way cooler.

      • No worry. China sorted that out for you. []

      • No, not perfect, but better than nothing. Much better than a sneeze into the elbow or sleeve There is a new theory sustained exposure makes you more vulnerable, and my theory wind tunnels between high rises and or airports amplify spread distance. Or you could have a mini-umbrella open - over your face. Most people cant fit a mask properly, and those who do touch their eyes/face anyway.
        • by stooo ( 2202012 )

          A mask reminds you not to touch your face.

          • by infolation ( 840436 ) on Thursday April 16, 2020 @09:37AM (#59954486)
            Until you touch your face to adjust it.
            • put it on, or remove it, or put it wherever you put it at home. (Before or after washing your hands?)

              On that subject: It is beyond me, how people in supposedly developed countries still go their way every day, touching water taps with their dirty hands, wash their hand clean, then touch the same dirt on the same tap again with their now formerly clean hands, to close it. It shows that the vast majority of people, for the vast majority of time, are just mindless automatons in a walking daze, reeling of

        • It is not a new theory that the amount of virus matters. A mask, even the most basic one, reduces the amount being spread and it reduces the uptake.
          Since outside dilutes a lot I I think there is little to worry about there.

      • Guy Fawkes masks? If set up to be medically effective this "mandate" could turn into fun.

        Sucks to be the guy working on AI facial recognition tech right now.

        And to add some excitement to the dull quarantined life, medical personnel should wear those masks that look like bird heads.

    • That's nothing. In Nigeria they kill you.
    • by infolation ( 840436 ) on Thursday April 16, 2020 @09:35AM (#59954476)
      HK: prosecuted for wearing mask
      NY: prosecuted for not wearing mask
      • by sabri ( 584428 )

        NY: prosecuted for not wearing mask

        Not really. []:

        Being masked or in any manner disguised by unusual or unnatural attire or facial alteration, loiters, remains or congregates in a public place with other persons so masked or disguised, or knowingly permits or aids persons so masked or disguised to congregate in a public place; â

        So yeah, illegal in NY as well. The mayor is ordering you to violate state law. State law trumps local law.

        Welcome to the clusterfuck of NY government.

    • by Osgeld ( 1900440 )

      yea but their mask's have pointed hats to go with them

    • by mark-t ( 151149 )

      What if you don't have one?

      They are, after all, quite impossible to find now.

  • by 110010001000 ( 697113 ) on Thursday April 16, 2020 @09:17AM (#59954414) Homepage Journal

    NYC has 70,000 transit workers.

    • by stooo ( 2202012 )

      Yep. That's 43% more than in the rest of the population of NY.

  • Enforce mask rules by not doing anything to dipshits not following your limp wristed suggestion

    • About the most you can hope for is to give people "permission" to not be embarrassed to have a mask in public. Enforcement requires close contact with police. And in the current cultural climate, trying to do anything that has the slightest hint of authority is going to lead to mass stupid rebellion - more dangerous than the status quo.

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  • Remember when they were saying that masks don't work, that they are even counterproductive because us rubes won't use them properly and will be touching our faces more, etc?

    Now they are saying you have to wear one. Good thing I didn't listen to them before and have some to wear.

    Signed, Winston Smith ...

    • Was that a real claim or just an attempt to persuade people not to hoard needed medical supplies? In the end, it turned out to be the wrong move. But at the time, it sure seemed like an indirect attempt to just prevent hoarding/gouging.

      • No it's a bad move because no people are more distrustful and more likely to ignore future advice. The right solution would have been to admit that masks can be effective, but that they're most effective in the hands of medical professionals who will have the most exposure and that due to shortages it's asked that people who can avoid going out do so and not hoard masks so that there will be enough for medical professionals.
    • The guy who delivers drinking water to my work was wearing a mask and gloves. He was adjusting the shit out of his mask. With the gloves on, that he touched everything with. So he was spreading anything relevant in both directions.

      I'm more worried for black people, who have been harassed for wearing masks. Now they have to wear them if they go outside... Or just stay home

    • Remember when they were saying that masks don't work, that they are even counterproductive because us rubes won't use them properly and will be touching our faces more, etc?

      Which is still true.

      Now they are saying you have to wear one

      Because this is coming from government officials that have to adapt to what the situation on the ground actually is. People aren't doing the thing that they're supposed to be doing which is staying the fuck home. So officials are doing what they can to at least get people to do something to stop the spread. Because it's becoming clear that everyone is just begging for the military to be called in because the whole staying at home of your own volition is something that's not going to h

      • Can't tell if you're trying to argue with a Libertarian or not. The OP might be joking. However, I do think that I can address the substance of your comment thusly:

        Some people are extremely confused. They think this is a case of "Live free or die" when they are actually arguing for "Live free and kill". Obviously they don't believe that they, themselves, are going to be the people they kill, but they definitely believe that getting more money in their own pockets is more important than thinking too much.


    • Remember when they were saying that masks don't work, that they are even counterproductive because us rubes won't use them properly and will be touching our faces more, etc?

      Now they are saying you have to wear one.

      The reason for the change in recommendation is new information about the spread of the virus from asymptomatic people. As data has come in, it has become clear that many people who have the virus do not show symptoms, and are thereby unknowingly spreading it. As we get new data, the recommended best defenses against spread change. It's, y'know, science.

      • Yeah, we knew about asymptomatic spread LONG before the mask recommendations, which were not that long ago.

        It's, y'know, trivial to look up. It's not even science, it's just facts.

    • Remember when they were saying that masks don't work, that they are even counterproductive because us rubes won't use them properly and will be touching our faces more, etc?

      Now they are saying you have to wear one. Good thing I didn't listen to them before and have some to wear.

      Another take on this...

      Public relations. It could still be slightly worse for North Americans who are unaccustomed to safe use of masks, but if the public opinion has mostly shifted to "well, South Korea uses them and they're doing great", there's serious pressure to change guidance. With a case like this where it's theoretical, there's no clear right answer so public opinion alone might be enough to change official guidance.

      How many people will become infected due to mishandling of masks? Unknown, bu

    • Remember when people were smart enough to change their recommendations when new information came in that contradicted the old information?

      Apparently, you don't.

      The larger-than-previously-thought asymptomatic but infected people means the math changes on wearing masks.

  • Hand out masks (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Dixie_Flatline ( 5077 ) <vincent.jan.goh@gma i l . com> on Thursday April 16, 2020 @10:08AM (#59954642) Homepage

    Really, if you're going to demand that your citizens wear masks, you have to make them available. 'Make your own' or 'use a bandana' are pretty mediocre options. Better than nothing, but a proper pleated mask with ear loops and a little instruction poster showing people how to don and doff them would go a long way. Otherwise you're just getting people to touch their face or their contaminated mask and spread things around.

    Also: a mask isn't a replacement for standing away from other people. You really need to try to do both.

    • by mark-t ( 151149 )

      Make your own' or 'use a bandana' are pretty mediocre options. Better than nothing...

      It's arguably worse than nothing, since such a mask would offer literally *zero* protection to an uninfected person from the virus, and may give them a false sense of security, leading them to be less careful about maintaining social distancing.

      A cloth mask will stop you from giving the virus to other people, but that's only applicable if you are actually infected with it, and is no more effective at stopping the spread t

  • If you cannot afford a piece of cloth, NY will fine you. Rich people, will get a warning. Middle class people will get fined. The poorest will likely be given a pass. And then they will WONDER WHY Covid ravages the poorest the most.
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by mark-t ( 151149 )
      A piece of cloth offers absolutely no protection against COVID19 and stops transmission approximately as effectively as just covering your mouth whenever you sneeze or cough.
      • It's not about protecting you from COVID-19. It's about protecting everyone else from you.

        The larger-than-expected number of asymptomatic but infected people mean it's better for everyone to slap a piece of cloth on their face to keep them from spreading it.

        And it is much more effective at that than covering your mouth when you sneeze or cough.

        • by mark-t ( 151149 )

          It's not about protecting you from COVID-19. It's about protecting everyone else from you.

          You can't infect anyone else if you aren't infected.

          And yes, I know that asymptomatic spread is a thing, but that *only* happens when people are in quite close proximity because the water droplets do not travel very far before hitting the ground on account of gravity. If you keep your mouth shut when you cannot avoid breathing on other people you won't be spreading it to anyone else, period.

  • It's a little funny to think that the person not wearing a mask at the bank is the one that everyone is going to be eyeing suspiciously or yelling at.
  • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Thursday April 16, 2020 @10:50AM (#59954786)
    if you don't have one. Will NYPD do the same?

    Yes, you can make one, but that can be difficult, especially if you're elderly.

    And, well, the American police do not have a good track record with public interactions...

    I'm not saying this isn't a good idea. It is. But again, we need more support to make it happen. And that means a government that can and will take positive action (giving people masks) instead of negative action (ticketing or arresting for not having a mask).
  • Aside from "unity" and everyone just saying "I've recovered" (when they haven't) ?

    We have our localized herd immunity and would just like to get on with it. You all in this pandemic are becoming boring.

    ** probably we'll be the first to die of covid-20, the mutation.

    • It's not known yet. We know that the recovered can get infected again, they're just going to fight it off very quickly. We don't know if they can spread it during that brief infected period.

  • Serious question, do non surgical masks have any effect on the transmission of this virus?

    • Serious question, do non surgical masks have any effect on the transmission of this virus?

      Obviously the material involved and the snugness of fit matter a lot. That said, there's nothing like layers to make things work better. Just because the pores in the cloth are much larger than the virus doesn't mean NONE of the particles get caught.

      Here's a purely theoretical example: suppose a single layer of cloth stops 75% of the virus particles. Then four layers stops close to 99%. (this depends on the cloth being purely random in structure and so on and so on).

  • Cuomo refused to shut down the public transit system? Hundreds of people packed like sardines in busses and metro cars is a recipe for disaster. Nobody is supposed to be going to work anyway, why have a public transit system operational?

  • ... and wearing a scarf or bandanna to cover your face if you *are* infected is approximately as effective at preventing transmitting the virus as just covering your mouth when you sneeze, and similarly has absolutely zero effectiveness against getting it. Asymptomatic spread only happens at distances within about arm's length, and because it is water-borne is only going to happen if you are spitting while talking. In some cases, I know that can't be helped, but the distance those droplets can travel be

  • What concerns me with forcing people to wear a mask is the principle. What else can government force you to wear? I am always paranoid of government overreach where the average citizen can be told what to do.

    Before anyone else says "I'm the problem" or such, please understand my real concern. Also, see what happens when you do go too far. Take a look at the small revolt against their state mandates. Not that I'm calling what they did good or bad, but if you push people too far they will just ignore you

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