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Bitcoin United States

New York AG Proposes Landmark Crypto Law, Citing 'Dysfunction' ( 19

New York Attorney General Letitia James proposed a state law to tighten rules over cryptocurrency companies in her latest swing at an industry she claims is suffering from "rampant fraud and dysfunction." From a report: Under her proposal, New York would require independent public audits of crypto exchanges and bar people from owning both brokerages and tokens to prevent conflicts of interest. In a statement Friday, James called her proposal "the strongest and most comprehensive set of regulations on cryptocurrency in the nation." The measures, which first need to be adopted by state lawmakers, also would require crypto platforms to reimburse customers who are victims of fraud and strengthen the authority of the New York State Department of Financial Services to regulate digital assets, according to the statement. "Millions of investors have lost hundreds of billions in the value of their cryptocurrency investments because of rampant fraud, including market manipulation, hacking, and opaque business practices," James said. According to the attorney general, her proposal will be submitted to lawmakers for the 2023 legislative session.
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New York AG Proposes Landmark Crypto Law, Citing 'Dysfunction'

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  • I Propose something. How about we stop falling for clickbait bullshit headlines talking about "proposed" change that we already know will be shitcanned by Greed 3-6 months from now.

    Gets old watching the general public fall for that stupid shit every damn time.

    • But this is interesting:) On the one hand, there's crypto, which is a world of scam that is basically prosecution futures. So yeah, pull the plug! On the other hand, the bill comes from NY, which is also a world of scam and a meme of incompetence with no future. So yeah, hell no!

      We need some kind of new formal logic and legal theory here, so that we can make sense of both supporting and opposing the bill, and passing and blocking the bill, all at the same time.

      • We need some kind of new formal logic and legal theory here, so that we can make sense of both supporting and opposing the bill, and passing and blocking the bill, all at the same time.

        Speaking of Catch-22s, is there a way I can invest in prosecution futures? That sounds like the kind of Americanized self-feeding demise that creates profit in a delusional fucked kind of way...

    • Disagree, these threads tend to generate delicious cryptobro conman tears :-P

    • it'll push the federal gov't into (further) action, likely resulting in stronger overall regulations (which the "industry" absolutely does not want).

      These kind of proposed rules at the state level are usually a precursor to federal regs. They're a way for the state AGs to get a wish list in. And if the Fed doesn't act well, then they become law.
  • They would gladly tax everything if they could, and they are trying. We're at the point now where they even expect you to pay taxes on money from used items that you sell; items that you already paid taxes on back when you bought them new. They want their chunk of any and all person to person transactions. They HATE the fact that Crypto allows for these kinds of transactions to occur outside of their grasp.
  • A pretty good description of half the problem
    The other half is the idiots willing to part with their money :)
  • by DeplorableCodeMonkey ( 4828467 ) on Friday May 05, 2023 @03:33PM (#63500157)

    bar people from owning both brokerages and tokens to prevent conflicts of interest

    That would have not been even a speed bump to SBF w/ FTX because he'd have just put FTX Coin under Alameda and had Alameda do some sort of incestuous corporate deal with FTX.

    What SBF did was already covered by existing regulations and criminal statutes. *Checks notes* Oh, right. He is facing about 11 felony counts at the federal level.

    Note that this is a lot more time than Jon Corzine faced (0 years) when MF Global got caught using client assets for corporate bets. Some flunky under Corzine went to prison instead, despite the fact that Corzine was involved and aware of the accounting shenanigans.

  • by boxless ( 35756 ) on Friday May 05, 2023 @05:56PM (#63500521)

    Donâ(TM)t regulate it and give it a veneer of respectability. Let as many people as possible get utterly destroyed so that it all collapses.

A sine curve goes off to infinity, or at least the end of the blackboard. -- Prof. Steiner
