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Slashdot Announcements/T-Shirt Contest Ends 50

First off, congratulations to Tom Lam and Jim Sproull who are the winners of the Slashdot T-Shirt Design contest. They each get a $100 credit at CopyLeft. The designs will be available in a few weeks (don't worry, we'll announce them), and Tom, please email me an updated URL or your image since your server seems to be down right now and your email is bouncing. Second, I added some new code in the User Preferences: Short Comment Penalty and Long Comment Bonus. It allows you to +1 and -1 comments based on their lengths- nice for filtering out "Me Too" kinda comments. Finally, CowboyNeal, Slashbox poo-bah has notified me that we now have Slashboxes for I, Cringely,,, PBS Online, Dr. Dobb's TechNetCast, and Riva Extreme. So login and play with them if you are interested in these things.
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Slashdot Announcements/T-Shirt Contest Ends

Comments Filter:
  • If anyone is actually reading this, you can find the shirt designs over here []. I'm guessing that's the designs and shirts this topic was about, anyway, I think the "News for Nerds" looks the best. I wonder when they will announce them on the main page?
  • That would be a great idea, I'd like to see Geocities server crash.
  • Anyone know how much the shirts will be? Or will they be Open Source, so they give them out? : )
  • I don't think Rob & Co. really care about Slash being used in this manner. Atleast not enough to get a CVS server up an running with the Slash code. I think they care more about keeping Slashdot running and the content. I can't blame them, it is that which has made them rich, not the Slash engine itself.

    Still I would really really really like to see Slash put on a CVS server. Then I could download it and tinker with it. It would be pretty cool to do an all hardware site with the slash engine. Or any number of other specialized topics.


  • /rant Slashdot stats needs to be fixed it's been broken for almost a month. /rant
    Before adding more boxes fix the ones that are broken.
  • if (CowboyNeal + allLeatherRidingOutfit) == 1 { world.end(now); cyanide.distribute(to_all); hell.freezeOver(); }

    // in cowboyneal's defense, this function is probabaly applicable to all geeks... I must admit I'd like to see a large rubber CmdrTaco figure with a straw coming out of his head.

  • Me, too posts can serve a valid function--they serve to alert the rest of the slashdot community the person posting them cares enough to have an opinion, although not enough to try and support it. I guess it's kind of lind a multiple-choice poll in that respect...
  • hey wanna show me your design? i'll show you mine, hehe :)

    Tom Lam
  • When I edited my Prefs for the first time I was pretty pumped to see a stats box. The concept is great, but it's a shame that it's broken. A Slashbox that contains most visited stories by hits would also be cool.
  • Maybe if I get ambitious I'll create a geocities account or something.

    You might want to think twice [] about that..

  • Whatever happened to the MacOS Rumors slashbox?
  • I hate to just post saying "I agree" but...

    I regularly skip "windbag" posts. Thoughtful discussion is great, but when people post long, boring repetitious posts, well, I find that I just tend to pass them. We need to encourage people to post shorter, succinct posts, not longer ones. I don't know, maybe it's the intimidating length and mass of multiple paragraphs that gets me; when there are 200+ posts and replies to wade through on a particular subject, often it is the succinct one liner that cuts through the rhetoric, peircing through the tangle of words like a... a.. a big..umm....

    (Aww hell, I was going to make my point by going on and on about this for four paragraphs, but I just don't have the heart.)

  • Mmmm, just how many of us girls ARE there in /. land?
    I would enter in a heartbeat! AND WIN! lol
    Goddess help me seek the truth, but spare me the company of those who've found it.
  • If you want to see the most visited stories by hits, click on the Hall of Fame link (hof) on the upper left side of the window.

    Or, if you are too lazy: []
  • If you want to weed out 'me too' posts, put in a 'me too, -1' moderator option. Length has nothing to do with it, since you can say something original in two sentances and you can say 'me too' in five paragraphs.

    Quantity and quality are not the same thing. That's why they get their own words.

    There are times when it is necessary to speak.

  • Open Source T-Shirts would allow you to *see* the design, or modify it, but you'd still probably have to pay cost of media (t-shirt). And of course, any modifications you released would have to be released back to the public.
  • me three. asshole.
  • You should really check out the slashdot t-shirt the red-headed babe is wearing over on After Y2K []. I voted for her, sorry Hemos.
  • Could we have link[s] to the winning design[s]?
  • We need slashdot wallpaper too! And hats and shoes!
  • How short is short? Is it based upon the number of lines or characters? The same for long comments...any clues for us?

    Now we'll probably get a relly long list of "me too"s stringed together.
  • Posted by FascDot Killed My Previous Use:

    How about one for
    Put Hemos through English 101!
  • What we need now is a page with all the slashboxes on it. I suppose I could just go and turn them all on, and turn off the ones I don't like, but I would prefer to have a page with all of them where I can select which ones I want.
  • We need a "To the Point" bonus and a "Windbag" penalty.

    Comments are like functions. Too long and they become unreadable.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    ...what about the Slashdot wet T-Shirt contest?
  • Did you check Pricewatch []. I think it is one of the best places to start.
  • [raises hand] Ooh! Ooh! I know! :-)

    If you look in your preferences, you'll see two new options to customise. These are the +/- Rob was talking about. Basically, it's a per-user option, not a global thing, so don't worry.

  • Makes me think of Space Balls.

    Slashdot the breakfast cereal!

    Slashdot the flamethrower! (I'd buy that)

    John Casey
    Gif Frobber
  • Its the CmdrTaco taco bell cup, free with any large soft drink. See the JarJarBinks death scene.

    The Hemos action figure comes with toy light saber and a tiny linux box*.

    The JonKatz voodoo doll. 'nuff said :-)

    The CowboyNeal signature collection all leather riding outfit.

    Slashdot merchandising, because Rob and Hemos aren't rich enough yet.

    *Internet connection not included.
  • I was aware of the hall of fame, but I was hoping for some variation on that cool concept. The top 5 hit sites in terms of hits in the last week might be something cool.
  • link: []
    Reveal your Source, Unleash the Power. (tm)
  • Well, I for one agree with the current method of promoting longer posts--they usually have better content IMHO. I've thought of suggesting it before, but Rob seems to have beat me to it. Yay! (Though the fact that so many would like the other way around probably means that there should be a choice between the opposites--radio button time obviously)

    Though I like the system, it'd be nice if I can tell where it kicked in. Maybe you could change it so the point totals showed up like: "(2+1: Interesting)" or "(3: Interesting, Long Comment Bonus)" or somesuch. Maybe it's just me, but I'd prefer to know when somebody else liked (my) post and when it was just my preferences.

  • It is based on the number of characters. I don't know if it counts spaces/newlines/html as characters... but I'd be interested to find out....
  • There was a long article about short functions in... No, wait, it was Goto, nevermind. Short comments can be good, but if they're too short, they're unlikely to contain anything useful. On the other hand, most long-posts (I mean anything over 2 paragraphs) have some useful content. The way the preferences are set up, it's based on your own choice of character counts. I figure anything under 50-100 characters isn't likely to contain some amazing message. I'm still undecided on how long is a long post.
    ~Anguirel (lit. Living Star-Iron)
    "Veni; Vidi; Vi C++"
  • For a peek at sexy slashdot models, check out today's After Y2K []. It's a hoot!

  • I would post a link to my design, but I don't feel like having my home box /.'d Maybe if I get ambitious I'll create a geocities account or something.

    Jim Sproull
  • Thanks for the link, this should be a news item on /.

  • Yeah, right.
    Do you think that if I came up with a site called [] anyone would go? They'd try to split the market, and lose.

    Maybe someone will make an unrelated site using slashdot's code, like a site discussion the creation and distribution of water pools, called [], or a site discussing the saving of the Endagered Idaho Potatoe, called []

    I think /. is pretty safe.
  • While the potential is there for useful comments to be filtered out, it is there as an OPTION, not a requirement. Same thing could be said about the Anonymous Coward issue, the Moderator issue, the ability to sort threads, etc.

"Facts are stupid things." -- President Ronald Reagan (a blooper from his speeach at the '88 GOP convention)
