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Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code 99

SEGV has returned and is continuing his excellent set of reviews. This time around, we're looking at Martin Fowler's (with Kent Beck, John Brant, William Opdyke, and Don Roberts) Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code. Click below for more details.
Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code
author Martin Fowler with Kent Beck, John Brant, William Opdyke,
pages 431
publisher Addison-Wesley
rating 9/10
reviewer SEGV
summary Just what the working programmer ordered: a catalogue of practical refactorings with solid advice on when and how to apply them.


This book could very well do for refactoring what the "Gang of Four" book did for design patterns. In fact, with the number of contributing authors, this might well become known as the "Gang of Five" book. (They contributed content to chapters 3 and 12 through 15.)


Refactoring leaps in feet first with an extended example. I found this to be a surprisingly effective opener: it didn't overwhelm me, and left me hungry for more. The first chapter follows a sample program through several incremental refactorings, and the reader gets the idea via osmosis.

To illustrate the technique of refactoring, the first chapter presents the original code on the left page, and the resulting code on the right, with changes in bold. This presentation, coupled with explanatory text, makes it easy to see what's going on and focus on what's happening. It's as if you're looking over the author's shoulder as he edits, compiles, and tests code in his development environment.

What is Refactoring?

Now that you've done a refactoring, you might be curious to know more about what refactoring is. The next few chapters provide the relevant background.

Refactoring is what the book's subtitle suggests: changing code in in ways that preserve behaviour, but improve the way that behaviour is generated. This could be as trivial as renaming a method, or as tricky as separating domain and presentation classes.

Why go through this trouble? In the end, the code is different but it acts the same; there has been no new functionality added. Why? You do this to place yourself in a better position to add new functionality to the software. If you don't, you eventually end up with spaghetti code that is unmaintainable and will not support new functionality at all.

I think anyone who has worked on real code can appreciate the need for refactoring. In fact, most good programmers already do it, although perhaps only on a subconscious level. What this book aims to do is to raise that ad-hoc activity to a higher level of applied technique. Just as there are principles and practices in GUI design (as opposed to merely throwing widgets together randomly), there are principles and practices in refactoring activity: this book catalogues them.


Sandwiched between introductory and summary chapters is the meat of the book: a catalogue of over seventy refactorings. This catalogue follows in the footsteps of the highly successful Design Patterns format: Pattern Name and Classification, Intent, Also Known As, Motivation, Applicability, Structure, Participants, Collaborations, Implementation, Sample Code, Known Uses, and Related Patterns. Since the individual refactorings are less complex than patterns, this catalogue uses the format: Name, Summary, Motivation, Mechanics, and Examples.

The idea is the same. The name and summary provide a definitive vocabulary and a reference-card example. The motivation explains the relevance of the refactoring. The mechanics cover the step-by-step details of how the refactoring is executed. Then a series of examples demonstrate the variations.


I like the catalogue. Although some refactorings seem deceptively trivial, it is useful to have them laid out in step-by-step detail. You never know when you will make a mistake, and when you absolutely positively must fix a bug or add a feature by the next day, and need to refactor to do it, slow and steady wins the race.

Further, other refactorings are not so trivial and familiar, and it is certainly useful to have their traps and pitfalls exposed. Frequently, they rely on the smaller refactorings themselves.

I can see this book becoming well-used in a shop with plenty of production code.

Supplementary Material

The non-catalogue chapters are informative as well. I especially appreciate the metaphor of bad smells in the code: the "if it stinks, change it" philosophy is the perfect counter-point to the oft-cited "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" mentality.

The chapter on refactoring tools discusses the possibility of automating much of the mechanical work of refactoring. Although there is a Refactoring Browser for Smalltalk, I suspect that Java and C++ versions are a little ways off. I'd wager that, as with the UML, tool support will lag industry practice for some time.


As always, the author's writing style is down-to-earth and easy to read. Martin tells you straight up what he's found useful and what he hasn't. He tells you where he's made mistakes, and where the risk is less pronounced.

I like the way he goes through an example, then goes through it again under different conditions, thereby revealing the many-splendoured variations. Frequently he continues examples that were left off from other refactorings.

Plenty of further reading is suggested; I always like that.


The book has a Java focus, and that is the language used for the examples. There is some mention of Smalltalk and C++, but not much; far less than Design Patterns, for example. Still, the book is quite understandable to anyone with object-oriented development experience.

The book references design patterns; some refactorings even apply and manipulate patterns. However, I wish there were more direct references to the Design Patterns book. That would especially help those new to both refactorings and design patterns.

There are a few minor typos (nothing major), so check the author's web site for errata and try to get a recent printing if you can.


It's no secret that I think this is a book whose time has come. I'm hoping it will codify my approach to refactoring, to help me be more efficient in my development.

I recommend this book as both a practical catalogue, and as a general work on the theory and practice of refactoring. I think that the refactoring community will grow much as the patterns community before it, and that we will see more published on the subject.

Until then, this book is a good start.

Purchase this at Amazon.


1. Refactoring, a First Example
2. Principles in Refactoring
3. Bad Smells in Code
4. Building Tests
5. Toward a Catalog of Refactorings
6. Composing Methods
7. Moving Features Between Objects
8. Organizing Data
9. Simplifying Conditional Expressions
10. Making Method Calls Simpler
11. Dealing with Generalization
12. Big Refactorings
13. Refactoring, Reuse, and Reality
14. Refactoring Tools
15. Putting It All Together
List of Soundbites

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Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code

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