Emulation (Games)

BlackAura on Dreamcast Emulation/Homebrew Scene 19

Wraggster writes "Over at DCEmu.co.uk, we have an interesting interview with the author of NxDoom, NxQuake (both excellent ports to the Sega Dreamcast) and also a Genesis/Megadrive emulator for the Dreamcast called Genesis Plus. Check out the interview with BlackAura."
Emulation (Games)

Nintendo Patents Handheld Emulation, Cracks Down 658

mclove writes "Looks like Nintendo has recently been granted a patent that gives them new leverage in their fight against emulators: Patent 6,672,963 mainly appears to cover emulators like UltraHLE that are custom-tailored for particular games, but they're already using it to suppress a new Game Boy Advance emulator for the Tapwave Zodiac, Firestorm gbaZ, and there's no reason to think they won't start leveraging it against anyone else trying to emulate their systems." The reprinted lawyer's letter from Nintendo also notes: "Whether you have an authentic game or not, it is illegal to copy a Nintendo game from a cartridge or to download and play a Nintendo ROM from the Internet."
Wireless Networking

VPN Connectivity From Iraq And Kuwait? 32

direktorjb writes "I have an urgent need to connect about 6 users in Baghdad and another 6 in Kuwait to an AS400 app (5250 emulation) back in the states. Is anyone aware of a decent ISP in those regions? If I cant get a reliable ISP (and therefore a solid VPN connection), what are my other choices? Should I check out VSAT?"
Classic Games (Games)

Play Classic Video Games In NY, At Home 132

Iphtashu Fitz writes "If you'd like to play classic arcade games from the 1980s, then it might be time for you to take a trip to New York, according to Wired News, since the American Museum of the Moving Image is holding an exhibition called Blip! where you can play a selection of the classics, including some of those referenced in an earlier exhibition. Also mentioned on their site is the X-Arcade cabinet for playing arcade-style classics at home through emulation." Much easier than building your own cabinet.
Emulation (Games)

PSX Emulator Performance Investigated 10

An anonymous reader writes "AnandTech took a look at console emulators (ePSXe as well as a preview of a GameCube emulator) and how the latest ATI and NVIDIA cards perform at emulating. The author also compares Intel and AMD CPUs and their impact on ePSXe emulation performance. It turns out that emulating PSX games is pretty pixel shader intensive, as pixel shaders are required to emulate a lot of the PSX's effects."
Role Playing (Games)

EFF Continues Fight On Blizzard Vs. Bnetd Case 201

Thanks to an anonymous reader for pointing to a Boing Boing post discussing the continuing conflict between Blizzard Software and the makers of bnetd, linking to the latest EFF-authored court documents (PDF) in a continuing legal battle over "the free bnetd software that emulates Blizzard's free Battle.net gaming service." Boing Boing argues of the EFF's new documents: "The prose here positively sings, and is as good a treatise on fair-use reverse engineering as you could hope to read", going on to quote their argument that "...the dissimilarity between the 'BATTLE.NET' and 'bnetd project' marks alone warrants summary judgment for the Defendants on Blizzard's Count III. Also weighing heavily in Defendants' favor is the fact that Blizzard has still failed to come forward with any admissible evidence of actual customer confusion." We've previously covered this long-running legal battle on several occasions. In related news, other readers point out a $1.2 million bequest to the EFF from the estate of Leonard Zubkoff "to establish the EFF Endowment Fund for Digital Civil Liberties."

IBM Wants to Port Office to Linux 662

shfted! writes "OSNews reports: As part of its initiative to put Linux on the desktop, IBM Corp. wants to migrate Microsoft Corp.'s Office suite to Linux. Microsoft said it's not involved and suggests that IBM might do it by emulation."

WINE for Mac OS X in Development 150

TylerL82 writes "The Darwine Project aims to get WINE up and running through X11 on Mac OS X/Darwin. According to the site, WINE itself compiles rather well, and they'll be using Bochs for the actual x86 emulation. Quite an interesting idea. It's crazy, but it just might work!"

DOS Emulation Under Linux - a Simple Guide 299

David Precious writes "With just a little work, it's possible to get your Linux system to run DOS applications with very little trouble. Whether you need to run some legacy corporate application, or just want to play some of those old classic DOS games, it's easy to get going. To make it easy, I've produced a simple guide to explain it. Hopefully it'll be of use to some people."

Transmeta's New Smaller, Faster Chips Announced 235

billstewart writes "Transmeta announced their new 5900 and 5700 CPUs. They're 50% smaller than the 5800, intended for low-power, low-heat, high-speed applications, and contain an integrated Northbridge. They're sampling now, production in January 2004, and expect to have a mini-ITX board out in 1Q04. The core chip is a 128-bit VLIW hidden by x86 emulation (as opposed to their new Efficeon, which is 256-bit VLIW.) The difference between the 5900 and 5700 seems to be L2 cache size. There are several other stories on Google News."

NetBSD's COMPAT_DARWIN Adds XDarwin Support 255

Dan writes "NetBSD's Emmanual Dreyfus says that COMPAT_DARWIN is now able to run Mac OS X's XDarwin (this is, the X Window server for Darwin). The server is fully functional: display, keyboard and mouse work. He says that running Darwin has no interest in itself, but having it working ensures that NetBSD's IOKit (1) emulation is good enough to be used. Darwin is Apple's Mac OS X core. A fully functional Darwin binary compatibility on NetBSD/powerpc & NetBSD/i386 will imply getting MacOS X libraries to run any Mac OS X program, just like NetBSD is now able to run binaries from Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, and many other OSes."
The Courts

Roland Attacks MT-32 Emulator Project 219

canadacow writes "The MT-32 emulation project, which is an offshoot of the DosBox project recently received a cease and desist letter regarding the use of the PCM samples from the synthesizer. Normally this would be an open and shut case, but it just so happens that U.S. Copyright law (specifically 17 U.S.C. section 405) shows that Roland lost their copyright because nowhere did they explicity register it, and registering (or atleast copyright marking) was required before 1989. The MT-32, of course, was produced in 1987. You can find more details at the emulation forum on Vogons" In particular, read through this thread for Canadacow's response to Roland's lawyers, for the type of response that most lawyers probably don't expect from most programmers.
Classic Games (Games)

Emulating Classic Games As A Profession? 28

jvm writes "Jeff Vavasour has been working on commercial emulation of arcade games at Digital Eclipse since the mid-1990s and Curmudgeon Gamer just posted an extensive three-part interview with him. The first part is for gearheads, delving into the origins of commercial emulation and the issues emulation vs. simulation. The second part is about the business of emulation, and describes a crisis of confidence in the late 1990s not unlike what the recording industry now faces. (Note, the emulation industry overcame their fear of downloadable ROMs!) The third part asks some personal questions, looks to the future of emulation, and reveals that some long-awaited arcade games may actually receive professional, commercial emulation attention. (Anyone remember I, Robot?)"
Red Hat Software

Two Books On Red Hat 9 115

Read on below for two readers' review of books aimed at Red Hat 9 users: acemics writes with a quick review of Red Hat Linux 9 Professional Secrets, and reader skogs contributes a longer look at Sam's Publishing's Red Hat Linux 9: Unleashed.
Emulation (Games)

PS3 Backwards Compatibility Confirmed 73

Thanks to Gamesindustry.biz for their story confirming that the PlayStation 3 will offer backwards compatibility with earlier PlayStation consoles via emulation, offering a quote from Sony boss Ken Kutaragi, sourced from the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun: "PSone runs on the PlayStation 2 through emulation rather than actual hardware. PlayStation 3 will offer the same compatibility for PS2 software and the format will continue forever." He also partially attributed the PS2's success to its multi-purpose nature, saying "[PS2] offers a sense of insurance because it is compatible with PSone and DVD movies", echoing earlier suggestions about DVD players in consoles, and obvious advantages to backwards software compatibility.

New High-End HP Calculator? 345

mschaef writes "There's a pretty convincing looking story over on hpcalc.org describing a new high-end HP calculator. The bottom line: 75MHz ARM9, USB Port, IrDA compatibility, 128x80 display, and a slot for SD cards. It also looks like the same basic software is running, either ported or via emulation of the venerable Saturn (HP-propriatary) CPU. The full story is over at HPcalc.org. It's good to see HP back in the game (hopefully) like this."
PlayStation (Games)

Sony Hiring Emulation Experts? 59

Thanks to TotalVideoGames for their article indicating that Sony are hiring an 'Emulator Development Engineer' on their Japanese website. According to TVG, the move "..fuels speculation that the PlayStation 3 will indeed run PSOne and PlayStation 2 titles", though it could equally be for the handheld PSP or, well, a red herring. But the site still boldly claims: "It's an ironic situation however and re-ignites the debate between Bleem! and Sony; for those who missed out on the multi-million dollar law-suit, Sony successfully muscled Bleem! from the market for selling emulated PSOne titles for the Dreamcast."

Ponie: Perl On New Internal Engine 47

caseywest writes "Today at his State of the Onion speech during the 2003 O'Reilly Open Source Convention, Larry Wall announced the Ponie project (somewhere within his legendary humorous presentation). Ponie involves rewriting central parts of the Perl 5 interpreter to run on Parrot, the Perl 6 virtual machine, including a C API emulation layer to make existing XS code work. Arthur 'sky' Bergman is sponsored by his employer Fotango to develop Ponie. Currently, a press release and a FAQ are available. More details will be available in due time."

RealPC For Mac Delayed By MS Cease And Desist 100

mgh02114 writes "Microsoft recently purchased the Windows-on-a-Mac emulation program "Virtual PC" from Connectix. Since then, FWB announced that they were working to revive their competing 'Real PC' Windows emulation program for Macintosh OS X. Well, now it looks like Microsoft is trying to kill that program as well. FWB announced that: 'FWB is working diligently to update Real PC and Softwindows for OSX. In May, while working on this project, we received a setback in the form of a cease and desist letter from Microsoft. We are working to resolve the issues with Microsoft, and this has caused some delay, much to our frustration. We are committed to having a beta for you to test for us and help us optimize, this summer. We think we have only lost a few weeks of time to this issue.' FWB appreciates your continued patience and support."

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