
EU To Make Crypto Companies Report Tax Details To Authorities (coindesk.com) 26

The European Commission plans to make crypto companies report user holdings to tax authorities, it said Thursday -- but the European Union (EU) body says it's still working on how to enforce the measures on wallet providers or exchanges based outside the bloc. From a report: As previously reported by CoinDesk, the proposed new tax rules, known as the eighth Directive on Administrative Cooperation or DAC8, seeks to halt billions of euros in evasion by taxpayers stashing crypto abroad. "Anonymity means that many crypto-asset users making significant profits fall under the radar of national tax authorities. This is not acceptable," Paolo Gentiloni, EU Commissioner for tax, said in a statement. When asked how the EU will enforce the measures on companies outside the bloc, Gentiloni told reporters, "we will work on that. What counts for us is that EU residents are targeted by these measures," even if they use crypto providers from elsewhere, he said. Gentiloni's measures would further the EU's Markets in Crypto Assets Regulation (MiCA), which allows foreign companies to gain EU clients using a procedure called reverse solicitation.

Meta's Behavioral Ads Will Finally Face GDPR Privacy Reckoning In January (techcrunch.com) 8

An anonymous reader quotes a report from TechCrunch: Major privacy complaints targeting the legality of Meta's core advertising business model in Europe have finally been settled via a dispute resolution mechanism baked into the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The complaints, which date back to May 2018, take aim at the tech giant's so-called forced consent to continue tracking and targeting users by processing their personal data to build profiles for behavioral advertising, so the outcome could have major ramifications for how Meta operates if regulators order the company to amend its practices. The GDPR also allows for large fines for major violations -- up to 4% of global annual turnover.

The European Data Protection Board (EDPB), a steering body for the GDPR, confirmed today it has stepped in to three binding decisions in the three complaints against Meta platforms Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. The trio of complaints were filed by European privacy campaign group noyb as soon as the GDPR entered into application across the EU. So it's taken some 4.5 years just to get to this point. [...] What exactly has been decided? The EDPB is not disclosing that yet. The protocol it's following means it passes its binding decisions back to the Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC), Meta's lead privacy regulator in the EU, which must then apply them in the final decisions it will issue. The DPC now has one month to issue final decisions and confirm any financial penalties. So we should get the full gory details by early next year.

The Wall Street Journal may offer a glimpse of what's to come: It's reporting that Meta's ad model will face restrictions in the EU -- citing "people familiar with the situation." It also reports the company will face "significant" fines for breaching the GDPR. "The board's rulings Monday, which haven't yet been disclosed publicly, don't directly order Meta to change practices but rather call for Ireland's Data Protection Commission to issue public orders that reflect its decisions, along with significant fines," the WSJ wrote, citing unnamed sources. [...] The company was recently spotted in a filing setting aside 3 billion euros for data protection fines in 2022 and 2023 -- a large chunk of which has yet to land.
"In line with Art. 65 (5) GDPR, we cannot comment on the content of the decisions until after the Irish DPC has notified the controller of its final decisions," said a spokesperson for the EDPB. "As indicated in our press release, the EDPB looked into whether or not the processing of personal data for the performance of a contract is a suitable legal basis for behavioral advertising, but at this point in time we cannot confirm what the EDPB's decision in this matter was."

The DPC also declined to comment on the newspaper's report -- but deputy commissioner Graham Doyle confirmed to TechCrunch that it will announce binding decisions on these complaints in early January.

A Meta spokesperson issued the following statement to TechCrunch: "This is not the final decision and it is too early to speculate. GDPR allows for a range of legal bases under which data can be processed, beyond consent or performance of a contract. Under the GDPR there is no hierarchy between these legal bases, and none should be considered better than any other. We've engaged fully with the DPC on their inquiries and will continue to engage with them as they finalize their decision."

Amazon Agrees Final Deal To Close EU Antitrust Probes (ft.com) 6

Amazon has reached a final deal with EU antitrust regulators over concerns its use of data undermined rivals, in a move that will close two of the most high-profile probes in Brussels. From a report: The US ecommerce group has committed to increasing the visibility of rival products by giving them equal treatment on Amazon's "buy box," which generates the majority of purchases on the site. It will also create an alternative featured offer for those buyers where speed of delivery is less important. The European Commission plans to announce the deal on December 20, according to four people with direct knowledge of the timing. However they warned the date could still change at the last minute.

The commitments, which are set to remain in force for five years, have been "market tested" with rivals and agreed with EU officials, these people said. "There's very little to discuss," a person with knowledge of the process said. The move represents a win for the EU as it will serve as a blueprint for the tech group's compliance with the new Digital Markets Act, a piece of legislation aimed at curbing the power of Big Tech. It also means Amazon will avoid formal charges of breaking EU law and a large fine of up to 10 per cent of global revenues.


Risky Online Behaviour Such as Piracy 'Almost Normalized' Among Young People, Says Study (theguardian.com) 156

Risky and criminal online behaviour is in danger of becoming normalized among a generation of young people across Europe, according to EU-funded research that found one in four 16- to 19-year-olds have trolled someone online and one in three have engaged in digital piracy. From a report: An EU-funded study found evidence of widespread criminal, risky and delinquent behaviour among the 16-19 age group in nine European countries including the UK. A survey of 8,000 young people found that one in four have tracked or trolled someone online, one in eight have engaged in online harassment, one in 10 have engaged in hate speech or hacking, one in five have engaged in sexting and one in three have engaged in digital piracy. It also found that four out of 10 have watched pornography.

Julia Davidson, a co-author of the research and professor of criminology at the University of East London (UEL), said risky and criminal online behaviour was becoming almost normalised among a generation of European young people. "The research indicates that a large proportion of young people in the EU are engaging in some form of cybercrime, to such an extent that the conduct of low-level crimes online and online risk-taking has become almost normalised," she said.


EU Hosted 24-Hour Party In Its $400,000 Metaverse. Very Few People Turned Up. (businessinsider.com) 88

An anonymous reader shares a report: The European Union hosted a 24-hour party in its $407,000 metaverse, but only a handful of people turned up, according to journalist Vince Chadwick, one of the attendees. Last week's event was billed as a "beach party" offering "music and fun" to launch the EU's "Global Gateway" strategy. When the costly virtual-reality world was first shown in October, EU staff were already raising concerns, per Devex.

"Depressing and embarrasing" and "digital garbage" were among the department's first responses to the underwhelming $407,000 venue. The EU told the news site that its metaverse aimed to increase awareness among 18-35 year olds "primarily on TikTok and Instagram" who aren't politically engaged. But as it moved from promotional video to virtual reality, it seems the message didn't reach too many people. Chadwick tweeted about his experience at the party, saying that there were just five other people in attendance. He described "bemused chats" with the other partygoers, as they couldn't figure out where it was supposed to be.


Meet DTV's Successor: NextGen TV (cnet.com) 135

Around 2009 Slashdot was abuzz about how over-the-air broadcasting in North America was switching to a new standard called DTV. (Fun fact: North America and South America have two entirely different broadcast TV standards — both of which are different from the DVB-T standard used in Europe/Africa/Australia.) But 2022 ends with us already talking about DTV's successor in North America: the new broadcast standard NextGen TV.

This time the new standard isn't mandatory for TV stations, CNET points out — and it won't affect cable, satellite or streaming TV. But now even if you're not paying for a streaming TV service, another article points out, in most major American cities "an inexpensive antenna is all you'll need to get get ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC and PBS stations" — and often with a better picture quality: NextGen TV, formerly known as ATSC 3.0, is continuing to roll out across the U.S. It's already widely available, with stations throughout the country broadcasting in the new standard. There are many new TVs with compatible tuners plus several stand-alone tuners to add NextGen to just about any TV. As the name suggests, NextGen TV is the next generation of over-the-air broadcasts, replacing or supplementing the free HD broadcasts we've had for over two decades. NextGen not only improves on HDTV, but adds the potential for new features like free over-the-air 4K and HDR, though those aren't yet widely available.

Even so, the image quality with NextGen is likely better than what you're used to from streaming or even cable/satellite. If you already have an antenna and watch HD broadcasts, the reception you get with NextGen might be better, too.... Because of how it works, you'll likely get better reception if you're far from the TV tower.

The short version is: NextGen is free over-the-air television with potentially more channels and better image quality than older over-the-air broadcasts.

U.S. broadcast companies have also created a site at WatchNextGenTV.com showing options for purchasing a compatible new TV. That site also features a video touting NextGen TV's "brilliant colors and a sharper picture with a wider range of contrast" and its Dolby audio system (with "immersive, movie theatre-quality sound" with enhancements for voice and dialogue "so you get all of the story.") And in the video there's also examples of upcoming interactive features like on-screen quizzes, voting, and shopping, as well as the ability to select multiple camera angles or different audio tracks.

"One potential downside? ATSC 3.0 will also let broadcasters track your viewing habits," CNet reported earlier this year, calling the data "information that can be used for targeted advertising, just like companies such as Facebook and Google use today...

"Ads specific to your viewing habits, income level and even ethnicity (presumed by your neighborhood, for example) could get slotted in by your local station.... but here's the thing: If your TV is connected to the internet, it's already tracking you. Pretty much every app, streaming service, smart TV and cable or satellite box all track your usage to a greater or lesser extent."

But on the plus side... NextGen TV is IP-based, so in practice it can be moved around your home just like any internet content can right now. For example, you connect an antenna to a tuner box inside your home, but that box is not connected to your TV at all. Instead, it's connected to your router. This means anything with access to your network can have access to over-the-air TV, be it your TV, your phone, your tablet or even a streaming device like Apple TV....

This also means it's possible we'll see mobile devices with built-in tuners, so you can watch live TV while you're out and about, like you can with Netflix and YouTube now. How willing phone companies will be to put tuners in their phones remains to be seen, however. You don't see a lot of phones that can get radio broadcasts now, even though such a thing is easy to implement.

But whatever you think — it's already here. By August NextGen TV was already reaching half of America's population, according to a press release from a U.S. broadcaster's coalition. That press release also bragged that 40% of consumers had actually heard of NextGen TV — "up 25% from last year among those in markets where it is available."

'Germans Have Seen the Future, and It's a Heat Pump' (nytimes.com) 203

Facing higher prices for natural gas, Germans are now embracing climate-friendly heat pumps, reports the New York Times. "So much so that heat pumps are often sold out, and the wait for a qualified installer can last months." The German government is among the fans. "This is the technology of the future," Robert Habeck, the minister for the economy, told reporters last month while announcing a government plan to promote heat pumps. "To achieve our goals, we want to get to six million customers by 2030," Mr. Habeck said....

The cost for the electricity needed to power a heat pump is about 35 percent cheaper than natural gas, according to Verivox, a company that compares energy prices for German consumers. The savings are even greater for those who can run their heat pumps off solar panels.... Sales of heat pumps in Germany have more than doubled in the past two years, especially as the price of gas has soared.... To encourage people to make the change, the government is offering subsidies that can cover up to a quarter of the upfront price of a unit, along with subsidies for other energy-efficiency improvements up to a total of €60,000.

Germany lags far behind its European neighbors, where imported natural gas was not as affordable or abundant. Residents of Finland and Norway, which rely more on electricity, have 10 times the number of heat pumps as do Germans, according to Agora Energiewende, a policy institute in Berlin. Even the Netherlands, which sits on its own wealth of natural gas but made a push for the more climate-friendly machines several years ago, has double the number of the units that Germany has.


Google Takes Fight To Topple Record Fine Over Android To EU's Top Court 35

Google will take its appeal of the record $4.5 billion European Union antitrust fine over its dominance in the Android mobile market to the bloc's top court. From a report: The penalty hits at the heart of the US tech giant's power over the Android mobile-phone ecosystem, and in September judges at a lower court mostly sided with the European Commission's arguments but reduced the overall fine to $4.3 billion.

EU Unveils Plans To Cut Europe's Plastic and Packaging Waste 29

The EU executive wants to ban mini-shampoo bottles in hotels and the use of throwaway cups in cafes and restaurants, as part of sweeping legal proposals to curb Europe's mountains of waste. The Guardian reports: A draft EU regulation published on Wednesday also proposes mandatory deposit and return schemes for single-use plastic drinks bottles and metal cans, as well as an end to e-commerce firms wrapping small items in huge boxes. The new rules, which will have to be approved by EU member states and the European parliament, are intended to tackle the surge in plastic and other packaging waste. EU officials estimate that 40% of new plastics and 50% of paper are used in packaging, making the sector a vast consumer of virgin materials.

The EU passed a law in 2019 to ban the most common single-use plastic items, such as plastic cutlery, stirrers and straws, but officials want to go further to tackle soaring amounts of packaging rubbish. The average European is thought to generate 180kg of packaging waste each year, which could rise by 19% by 2030, without action. Under the latest proposals, EU member states would have to reduce packaging waste per capita by 15% by 2040 compared with 2018. Officials think this could be achieved by more reuse and refilling, as well as tighter controls on packaging. For example, e-commerce retailers would have to ensure that empty space in a box is a maximum 40% in relation to the product.

The commission also hopes to end confusion about recycling: it proposes harmonized labels, probably pictograms, to make it clear to consumers which bin to use. In a separate law, the commission seeks to ensure that products claiming to be "biobased," "biodegradable" or "compostable" meet minimum standards. In an attempt to clamp down on greenwashing, consumers would be able to tell how long it takes an item to biodegrade, how much biomass was used in its production and whether it is really suitable for home composting.

Microsoft Likely To Offer EU Concessions Soon in Activision Deal (theverge.com) 9

Microsoft is likely to offer remedies to EU antitrust regulators in the coming weeks to stave off formal objections to its $69 billion bid for "Call of Duty" maker Activision Blizzard, Reuters reported Monday, citing people familiar with the matter. From the report: The U.S. software giant and Xbox maker announced the deal in January to help it compete better with leaders Tencent and Sony. It has since then faced regulatory headwinds in the European Union, Britain and in the United States, with Sony criticising the deal and even calling for a regulatory veto.

The deadline for the European Commission, which is investigating the deal, to set out a formal list of competition concerns known as a statement of objection is in January. Offering remedies before such a document is issued could shorten the regulatory process. [...] Microsoft's remedy would consist mainly of a 10-year licensing deal to Playstation owner Sony, another person with direct knowledge said.


Meta Fined $277 Million for Leak of Half a Billion Users (bloomberg.com) 22

Meta Platforms was slapped with a $277 million fine for failing to prevent the leak of the personal data of more than half a billion users of its Facebook service. From a report: The Irish Data Protection Commission, the main privacy watchdog for Meta in the European Union, levied the fine following a probe that found the social-media company had failed to apply strict safeguards required under the bloc's sweeping General Data Protection Regulation.

On top of the fine -- the third-biggest under GDPR -- the watchdog ordered Meta's Irish unit to make sure its processing complies with the law, according to an emailed statement on Monday. The Irish authority is the lead watchdog for some of Silicon Valley's biggest tech firms that have set up an EU base in the country, including Meta. It opened its probe following revelations that "a collated dataset of Facebook personal data" had been published on the internet. Personal information on 533 million Facebook users worldwide reemerged on a hacker website last year, including their phone numbers and email addresses.


'How Washington Chased Huawei Out of Europe' (politico.eu) 102

Huawei "is giving up on Europe," writes Politico, saying the Chinese telecommunications company is "retrenching its European operations and putting its ambitions for global leadership on ice."

"The reasons for doing this have little to do with the company's commercial potential — Huawei is still able to offer cutting-edge technology at lower costs than its competitors — and everything to do with politics, according to interviews with more than 20 current and former staff and strategic advisers to the company." Pressed by the United States and increasingly shunned on a Continent it once considered its most strategic overseas market, Huawei is pivoting back toward the Chinese market, focusing its remaining European attention on the few countries — Germany and Spain, but also Hungary — still willing to play host to a company widely viewed in the West as a security risk.

"It's no longer a company floating on globalization," said one Huawei official. "It's a company saving its ass on the domestic market...."

Huawei's predicament was summed up by the company's founder Ren Zhengfei in a speech to executives at the company's Shenzhen headquarters in July. He laid out the trifecta of challenges the company has faced over the last three years: hostility from Washington; disruptions from the coronavirus pandemic; and Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which upended global supply chains and heightened European concerns about over-dependence on countries like China. "The environment we faced in 2019 was different from the one we face today," Ren said in his speech, which wasn't made public but was seen by POLITICO. "Don't assume that we will have a brighter future."

"We previously had an ideal for globalization striving to serve all humanity," he added. "What is our ideal today? Survival....!"

The company is also retrenching elsewhere, according to Ren. "We will give up markets in some countries," the firm's founder said in his speech this summer. "For example, we will give up markets in the Five Eyes countries and India." The "Five Eyes" refers to an intelligence-sharing arrangement between the U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia and New Zealand. All five countries have banned or are in the process of banning Huawei and other Chinese companies from their critical infrastructure because of security concerns.

Thanks to Slashdot reader fbobraga for submitting the article.

EU Allows Smartphones During Flights (brusselstimes.com) 68

Within the European Union, airlines will be able to install the latest 5G technology on their aircraft, allowing passengers to use their smartphones and other connected devices just as they do on the ground. From a report: The European Commission has adapted the legislation on mobile communications to the most modern standards. As a result, 5G coverage can also be made available on aircraft. "The sky is no longer the limit when it comes to high-speed, high-capacity connections," said EU Commissioner for the Internal Market Thierry Breton. "5G will enable innovative services for people and growth opportunities for European companies." The 5G coverage will be made possible by installing a so-called "pico-cell" in the aircraft.

EU Countries Back Billion-Euro Chip Plan Ahead of Talks With Lawmakers (reuters.com) 34

EU countries agreed to a 45-billion-euro ($46.6 billion) plan to fund the production of chips, putting the 27-country bloc a step closer to its goal of reducing its reliance on U.S. and Asian manufacturers. From a report: EU envoys unanimously backed an amended version of the European Commission's proposal, the Czech Republic which holds the rotating EU presidency said. European Union ministers will meet on Dec. 1 to rubber stamp the chip plan that will still need to be debated with the European Parliament next year before it can become law. The EU executive, which is hoping state subsidies will help the bloc achieve a 20% share of global chip capacity by 2030, came up with its proposal after a global chip shortage and supply chain bottlenecks hit car makers, healthcare providers and telecoms operators.

EU Confirms Multiple Ongoing Investigations Into TikTok Data Practices (engadget.com) 7

The president of the European Commission, the executive branch of the European Union, has confirmed there are multiple ongoing investigations into TikTok. From a report: The probes concern the transfer of EU citizens' data to China and targeted advertising aimed at minors. Investigators are seeking to ensure that TikTok meets General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements. "The data practices of TikTok, including with respect to international data transfers, are the object of several ongoing proceedings," Ursula von der Leyden wrote in a letter shared by Federal Communications Commissioner Brendan Carr.

"This includes an investigation by the Irish [Data Protection Commission] about TikTok's compliance with several GDPR requirements, including as regards data transfers to China and the processing of data of minors, and litigation before the Dutch courts (in particular concerning targeted advertising regarding minors and data transfers to China)." Von der Leyden was responding to concerns raised by members of the European Parliament regarding Chinese public authorities potentially gaining access to EU citizens' TikTok data, following a report by BuzzFeed News. The app's data practices have been under the EU's spotlight for a while. Earlier this year, TikTok agreed to enforce certain policies concerning ads and branded content following a complaint that accused the app of breaching EU consumer rules.


Protocol, the Tech-News Focused Website, Will Shutter and Lay Off Its Entire Staff (cnn.com) 30

Protocol, the upstart technology news website launched by former Politico owner and publisher Robert Allbritton in early 2020, will shutter later this week and lay off dozens of staffers, people familiar with the matter told CNN on Tuesday. From the report: Staffers were told at an all-hands meeting Tuesday that the news organization will cease publishing on its website Thursday. The outlet's flagship newsletter, Source Code, will continue publishing for several more weeks, but all other newsletters will stop after Tuesday. The shuttering of the news organization will impact approximately 60 staffers, people familiar with the matter said. They will remain active employees through Friday, December 16, and then be eligible for eight weeks of severance, the people added.

Allbritton announced the launch of Protocol in late 2019 to much buzz. The Washington media mogul told Vanity Fair at the time that he wanted to replicate Politico's successful model for the technology industry. "I would love for this to be as big as, if not larger than, Politico is right now," Allbritton told Vanity Fair in 2019. But Protocol never had much luck. Shortly after launching, the global pandemic unleashed brutal economic headwinds on the media industry, resulting in some cuts to staff. Finally, when it seemed that the outlet might catch its footing as the pandemic's grip on the economy lifted, German publishing giant Axel Springer closed a deal to purchase Politico. That acquisition resulted in Protocol, which had operated independently, being folded into Politico Media Group.
"We have great appreciation for the impact of the journalism that Protocol has produced, and I want to personally thank each of them for the unique talents they brought to Protocol," Goli Sheikholeslami, the chief executive of Political Media Group, wrote in an email to staffers Tuesday afternoon. Sheikholeslami reiterated that Politico sees "great opportunity in technology coverage" and wants "to win the conversation on the future of tech in the same way we do politics."

Sheikholeslami also said Politico US and EU will combine to form one operational company with a single executive team.

LF Europe's Project Sylva Wants To Create an Open Source Telco Cloud Stack (techcrunch.com) 7

The Linux Foundation Europe (LF Europe) -- the recently launched European offshoot of the open source Linux Foundation -- today announced the launch of Project Sylva, which aims to create an open source telco cloud framework for European telcos and vendors. TechCrunch: This is the first project hosted by LF Europe and is a good example of what the organization is trying to achieve. The project aims to create a production-grade open source telco cloud stack and a common framework and reference implementation to "reduce fragmentation of the cloud infrastructure layer for telecommunication and edge services." Currently, five carriers (Telefonica, Telecom Italia, Orange, Vodafone and Deutsche Telekom) and two vendors (Ericsson and Nokia) are working on the project.

"There's a whole bunch of Linux Foundation networking projects already that have taken telecommunications into the open source era," Arpit Joshipura, the general manager for Networking, Edge and IoT at the Linux Foundation, told me. "All those projects are under what is called the [LF] Networking foundation. [â¦] So whatever that work is that is done by the telcos, Sylva is going to leverage and build on top of it with these European vendors to solve EU specific requirements. Those are security, energy, federated computing, edge and data trust." At the core of Sylva is a framework for a compute platform that can be agnostic to whether a workload is running on the telco access network, edge or in the core. The project aims to build a reference implementation, leveraging all of the work already being done by LF Networking, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (the home of Kubernetes and other cloud-native infrastructure projects), LF Energy and others.


Paris Overtakes London As Europe's Largest Stock Market (independent.co.uk) 110

Britain has lost its position as Europe's largest stock market, as Paris overtook London for the first time since records began in 2003. The Independent reports: According to Bloomberg, the combined market value of primary listings on Monday on the Paris bourse ($2.823 trillion ) surpassed that of the London Stock Exchange ($2.821 trillion) -- finally closing a gap of around $1.5 trillion which has been narrowing since the Brexit referendum. The milestone shift on Monday came as French stocks were buoyed by optimism over the demand for French luxury goods in response to China's slight easing of Covid-19 restrictions, while the sharper fall in the pound's value against the dollar compared with that of the euro this year has also played a role, Bloomberg noted.

While the UK's FTSE 100 index has remain relatively stable this year, thanks in part to export revenues boosted by a lower pound, the FTSE 250 index -- comprising smaller, medium-sized businesses -- has plummeted in value by 17 per cent. This fall has been fueled by concerns over rocketing energy bills and interest rates, the latter of which surged in the wake of Liz Truss's disastrous mini-Budget which spooked investors with her rapidly-announced raft of unfunded tax cuts. By the fourth week of Ms Truss's premiership, British stock and bond markets had lost roughly $500 billion in combined value, Bloomberg reported.

Speaking as Office for National Statistics figures showed that Britain's was the only G7 economy to shrink in the three months to September, the chancellor said on Friday he was "under no illusion that there is a tough road ahead" requiring "extremely difficult decisions to restore confidence and economic stability." "But to achieve long-term, sustainable growth, we need to grip inflation, balance the books and get debt falling," Mr Hunt insisted, adding: "There is no other way." However, Michael Saunders -- an economist who, until August, spent six years as one of the nine members on the Bank of England committee responsible for setting interest rates -- suggested on Monday that, were it not for Brexit, "we probably wouldn't be talking about an austerity budget this week."


KFC Blames Semi-Automated Bot for Insensitive App Alert on Kristallnacht (bbc.com) 129

"KFC has apologised after sending a promotional message to customers in Germany, urging them to commemorate Kristallnacht with cheesy chicken," reports the BBC. The Nazi-led series of attacks in the country in 1938 left more than 90 people dead, and destroyed Jewish-owned businesses and places of worship. It is widely seen as the beginning of the Holocaust....

The fast-food chain sent an app alert on Wednesday, saying: "It's memorial day for Kristallnacht! Treat yourself with more tender cheese on your crispy chicken. Now at KFCheese!"

Around an hour later another message was sent with an apology, according to the Bild newspaper. "We are very sorry, we will check our internal processes immediately so that this does not happen again. Please excuse this error," the message is reported to have said.

The fast food chain "apologized for the error," reports the Jerusalem Post, "explaining that they 'use a semi-automated content creation process linked to calendars that include national observances.'" "In this instance, our internal review process was not properly followed, resulting in a non-approved notification being shared." Calling the mistake "obviously wrong, insensitive and unacceptable," KFC Germany added that they "have suspended app communications while we examine our current process to ensure such an issue does not occur again.

Egypt's COP27 Summit App is a Cyber Weapon, Experts Warn (politico.eu) 28

Western security advisers are warning delegates at the COP27 climate summit not to download the host Egyptian government's official smartphone app, amid fears it could be used to hack their private emails, texts and even voice conversations. From a report: Policymakers from Germany, France and Canada were among those who had downloaded the app by November 8, according to two separate Western security officials briefed on discussions within these delegations at the U.N. climate summit.

Other Western governments have advised officials not to download the app, said another official from a European government. All of the officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss international government deliberations. The potential vulnerability from the Android app, which has been downloaded thousands of times and provides a gateway for participants at COP27, was confirmed separately by four cybersecurity experts who reviewed the digital application for POLITICO. The app is being promoted as a tool to help attendees navigate the event. But it risks giving the Egyptian government permission to read users' emails and messages. Even messages shared via encrypted services like WhatsApp are vulnerable, according to POLITICO's technical review of the application, and two of the outside experts.

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