Role Playing (Games)

White Wolf Ends The World Of Darkness 94

KrinnDNZ writes "So White Wolf has been providing us geeks with angsty roleplaying pleasure as vampires, werewolves, and various other beasties, ever since the early 90s. Guess what - it's over. I'll have to admit that it takes guts to have your RPGs' 'big story' include the end of their world, but they're doing it, and they've got a date, 171 days from now." This seems to mean that well-known pen-and-paper RPG titles like Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Mage: The Ascension, and Hunter: The Reckoning are genuinely being retired.
PC Games (Games)

Meridian 59 - Old Gods, Nearly Dead 19

Thanks to GameZone for their interview with Brian 'Psychochild' Green of Near Death Studios, talking about their resurrection of the 3D graphical MMORPG for PC, Meridian 59, which first launched in 1996, a year before even Ultima Online. Some of the original developers bought the property back from 3DO in 2001, and are "unveiling a new graphics engine" at this year's GenCon. According to Brian, "We think that Meridian 59 still has a lot to offer online RPG fans with it's innovative gameplay, interesting character advancement, well-balanced PvP, and great communication tools. Unfortunately, the graphical presentation gets in the way of people appreciating the game."
GameCube (Games)

Gladius - LucasArts Goes FF Tactics? 16

Thanks to an anonymous reader for pointing to the GameSpy preview of LucasArts' Gladius, a PS2/GameCube/Xbox "epic tactical RPG that'll have you building an army of gladiators, one axe swing at a time." There's also a new Gladius preview at RPGamer giving a combat overview: ".. [it] takes place on a standard, tactical-RPG square grid, but the graphics do a good job of hiding it... combat is turn-based, but.. using certain attacks on a foe necessitates the use of several action/arcade elements, such as combo attacks strung together by timed button-presses." They also comment on the unexpected genre choice: "American-developed as it may be, Gladius is a tactical RPG that takes its cue from the old favorites, while at the same time trying to expand the genre." Might this title improve on LucasArts' recent efforts?

Nintendo, Square - Embarrassing? 59

Thanks to EvilAvatar for pointing to a recent update at the sadly semi-retired ToastyFrog site, in which Nintendo and Square are added to the list of The 20 Most Embarrassing Game Companies. A gentle roasting is applied to Nintendo for being "..called the gaming equivalent of Walt Disney. Partly because their work is innovative, polished and marketable, but also because a pervasive stench of evil hovers over the company", and a similar treatment is applied to Square, of which ToastyFrog posits: "Which is worse, the company, its fanboys or its ex-fanboys? The world may never know." However, this tongue-in-cheek cynicism produces plenty of good points, most notably Square's Tom Sawyer RPG as a "terrible cultural hiccup."
PC Games (Games)

Yo Ho Ho - It's Puzzle Pirates! 13

Thanks to IGN PC for their hands-on preview of Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates, the unique-looking massively multiplayer puzzle RPG from Three Rings Design for Windows and Linux. According to the article, "For anyone who ever wasted hours playing Tetris or Bejeweled, this is the game that takes that style of entertainment to the next level", and the concept of playing puzzle games to win money and buy property in this "quirky persistent state world", currently in open Beta, is discussed enthusiastically - the screenshots on the official site seem about right for those puzzle game freaks looking for a little social contact and eye patches with their puzzlin'.
PC Games (Games)

Dungeon Siege II Busts Out Trailer 22

Thanks to RPGDot for pointing out there's a trailer for Microsoft/Gas Powered Games' Dungeon Siege II available from the official DSII site, as well as via Gamers Hell, showcasing a lush cinematic-style teaser (using the in-game engine) for this PC RPG sequel, which is simply listed as "coming 2004". The original Dungeon Siege was largely well-received, but sparked some complaints about repetitiveness/linearity, so it'll be interesting to see how the sequel develops the gameplay.
GameCube (Games)

Xenosaga Episode II, Baten Kaitos Unveiled 25

Thanks to GameSpot for their article revealing the first details on Xenosaga Episode II, subtitled 'Jenseits von Gut und Bose' ('Beyond Good And Evil'), and a follow-up to the popular, if long-winded PS2 sci-fi RPG from MonolithSoft/Namco. Screenshots reveal the major characters have returned, "..and some of them have been given a more-mature look for the new game." In related news, GamePro reported on new details and screenshots from MonolithSoft's GameCube-exclusive RPG, Baten Kaitos (named after a star in the Cetus constellation), which is "set in a collection of five floating continents in the sky", and surprisingly, has a "..fighting system [which] will involve the use of cards." Both are likely, but as yet unconfirmed for release outside Japan.
PC Games (Games)

Escape Velocity Makes It To Windows 39

DrStrange66 writes "Escape Velocity: Nova, one of the greatest games to ever come out for the Mac OS, is now available for Windows over at the Ambrosia Software site - try it out!" You'll get 30 days free play before registration is needed for this 2D shareware title, the third in a series, which has a myriad of Mac fans, and has been described in enthusiastic reviews as "equal parts trading sim, action-adventure, strategy game, and even contains elements of an RPG". There's more info in the official FAQ.
Role Playing (Games)

Star Wars - KOTOR Rated, Raved 58

Thanks to IGN Xbox for their full review of Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic, the ravenously-awaited Xbox RPG from BioWare, which has gone gold and ships on the 16th July (Wednesday) in the U.S. The review gives the game 9.5 out of 10, and concludes that KOTOR is "..an outstanding game because it covers every single angle in terms of audience expectations. It's got enough Star Wars to satisfy the fans and enough pure fun to draw in people who normally wouldn't get into role-playing games. You'll see this on several Game of the Year nomination lists." There's also a mini-review at Unlimitedlives.com which is similarly effusive, if a little brief.
PC Games (Games)

Lineage II Gets Unreal 5

Thanks to an anonymous reader for pointing to the GameSpot story interviewing Lineage II's lead designer, Raoul Kim. This Unreal-engine PC MMORPG from Korean publisher NCSoft is the sequel to the world's best-selling massively multiplayer game, and the discussion centers on subject such as engine choice ("We looked primarily at three engines to use for Lineage II: the Unreal engine, the Quake engine, and the Lithtech engine.. the Unreal engine was the most attractive to us because of its powerful editing features and its outdoor-rendering ability") and continuing the signature large-scale battles of Lineage into the sequel ("..one of the main features of Lineage II is siege warfare.. it is now possible to attack the enemy during a siege by using a flying unit such as a dragon.")
Role Playing (Games)

Naming Your Character In RPGs? 229

Thanks to InsertCredit for their feature discussing the player-inputted choice for character names in videogames. They discuss some of the joys of DIY character naming ("Some people will buy an RPG, only to name the characters after their favorite profane words"), as well some more unlikely pleasures ("I became obsessed with buying used Final Fantasy VI cartridges for 100 yen at a certain game shop in Akihabara, just to see what all the characters had been named.") Taking a lead from this distinctly unconventional article, what names have Slashdot Games readers entered for characters in their favorite RPGs, and why?
Role Playing (Games)

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Reviewed 125

WorselWorsel writes "The new edition of the seminal Dungeons & Dragons paper-RPG comes out this Friday and d20zines.com has this review. This is the first new edition of D&D since Hasbro acquired Wizards of the Coast. The last edition came out almost two years ago, and this time around the prices of three core books are up by $10 each. Since these are partially incompatible with older 3rd edition books, WotC is printing/making downloadable a short booklet explaining some changes." In addition to being a product review, it's a good overview of what's changed since 3rd edition, and really helps one decide if the changes are important enough to rebuy the core rulebooks.
PlayStation (Games)

Kiss You Through The PS2 Chu-Lips 24

Thanks to GamePro for covering the news that Natsume have picked up the U.S. distribution rights for the Japanese PlayStation 2 RPG adventure Chu-lip. According to the article about this 'unique' title, "As a young boy who's just moved into the town of Tsurukame, you must build up your street cred in a quest to impress the woman of your dreams - the thing is, and the story behind this is a little complicated, you must do this by kissing as many of the town's inhabitants as possible." The aim of this very bizarre game is apparently to "work out the daily schedule of each townsperson (or towns-creature), and what he or she wants from you in exchange for a kiss."
Role Playing (Games)

Warriors Of Freedom Prompted Rampage Attempt? 771

Thanks to an anonymous reader for pointing to a Philadelphia Inquirer article linking videogames to an alleged spree killing attempt. According to the article, "Investigators suspect the three teens arrested.. as they allegedly were about to launch a killing rampage in the small town, found inspiration in violent computer games.. [police] learned that the name the three reportedly had given themselves - Warriors of Freedom - is also an Internet-based combat game." But only a few media reports mention that the violent game connection was made by Jack Thompson, a Miami lawyer and outspoken critic of violent video and computer games - is this a case of shameless Googling to find any obscure game with a similar name and make a connection, or is there genuine evidence here?
PC Games (Games)

Guild Wars - Competitive MMO, No Subscription? 18

Thanks to IGN RPGVault for a new interview with the ArenaNet team, developers of Guild Wars. These ex-Blizzard developers, whose company was recently acquired by Korean RPG behemoth NCSoft, talk in-depth about Guild Wars, which they call "..a competitive online role-playing game, which we believe to be a new genre." According to the article, "..gameplay options will include cooperative group combat, single-player adventures and large-scale guild battles.. [with] persistent characters but a non-persistent game world", and there will be no monthly subscription fee for this intriguing PC title, which is due out later in 2004.
Role Playing (Games)

MMORPG Subscriptions Taxed In Europe 30

Thanks to GameSpot for posting an article noting that MMORPG subscriptions from players in many European countries now have 17.5 percent VAT added, implementing "an European union directive on sales of electronically delivered goods and services" which became effective on the 1st July, and was something we mentioned a few weeks back. The specific reminder came as a "..news item on Sony Online's official sites for EverQuest, PlanetSide, and Star Wars Galaxies", and it'll be interesting to see how forcefully other MMORPGs will enforce this rule.
PC Games (Games)

Star Wars - KOTOR Combats Sith 20

Thanks to an anonymous reader for pointing to the IGN Xbox preview of Bioware's Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic, the Xbox RPG that's now a couple of weeks away from release (and has a PC version shipping in October.) The article suggests that "..serious pen-and-paper role playing fans will appreciate all of the stat-heavy terminology deep within the game's menu system but run-of-the-mill Star Wars fans will still get a kick out of all of the Greedos, wookies and laser blasts going on", and according to another preview at GamePro, this title from the renowned PC RPG creators has a "..battle system [which] is perhaps KOTOR's most singular achievement - it looks like it belongs in an action RPG, but it's actually turn-based and not far removed from the Baldur's Gate fight engine."
PC Games (Games)

Biblically Themed RPG Discussed 140

Thanks to an anonymous reader for pointing to an RPGRadar interview with the creators of biblically themed PC RPG Eon Of Tears. This title, which the makers stress is not "..an edutainment title or a game under the pro-Catholic banner" is set to "show known events in a new, fantasy light." The main concept behind this early-in-development Evillusion-developed RPG is that the player will "...get a shot at the biggest events in the Bible: unleashing the ten plagues of Egypt, seeing the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, leading the conquest of Canaan, or performing some of the miracles as Jesus Christ", and it's intended that your game actions affect your playable characters - "..a player that acts evil most of the time won't get to play Jesus, but Judas instead, or a Pharaoh's troop commander instead of Moses."
Role Playing (Games)

Ragnarok Online Hacked, User Data Leaked 28

Thanks to GameSpot for their article indicating a major hacking incident on the PC MMORPG Ragnarok Online. According to the piece, developers Gravity initially "..reacted by rolling back the game's data a day, as a number of users had created items with game-master privileges", but then the problem worsened and revealed an apparent server-side hack, as opposed to the client-side hacking of Shadowbane, as "...a full list of user IDs and passwords was leaked to the general public... allowing anybody to gain access to any user account." There's also a very informative post on the GameFAQs messageboards detailing the spread of the 'user.txt' file around messageboards and P2P networks. The official Ragnarok site currently only has a form for players to reconfirm their identities via email, and has offered no official statement.
PlayStation (Games)

The 10 Biggest PS2 Rumors Analyzed 24

Thanks to an anonymous reader for pointing to IGN.com's article discussing the 10 biggest Playstation 2 rumors currently circulating. Subjects discussed include whether Final Fantasy VII-2 is really planned, if there's actually a sequel to Ico called Nico, the chances of Starcraft:Ghost ever appearing on PS2 (low, apparently?), the likelihood that UGO/Sega are working on an Astro Boy game, and, naturally, rumors about the PS3. As IGN so succintly puts it: "What's the truth worth when you have imagination?"

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