
Python Moving into the Enterprise 818

Qa1 writes "Seems that Python is moving into the enterprise. At the recent PyCon it has become apparent that it's not just Google, GIS, Nokia or even Microsoft anymore. The article points out that Python is increasingly becoming a perfectly viable and even preferred choice for the enterprise. More and more companies are looking at Python as a good alternative to past favorites like Java. Will we finally be able to code for living in a language that's not painful? Exciting times!"

Gallery and Coppermine Merger 32

ckdake writes "In a move designed to stun the market, the Gallery team has publicly announced its plans to merge with the Coppermine project. 'After Yahoo bought Flickr we started feeling a little bit left out! Why do those corporate droids get to do all the acquisitions?' asked Bharat Mediratta, co-founder of the Gallery project, in a joint press conference. Joachim "GauGau" Müller, the lead developer for Coppermine, added 'It's time for us open source guys to get in on the fun of burning money by making senseless acquisitions!' Get the full story at coppergallery.org (Coral link)"

Internet Providers Band Together to Fight Evil 116

A user writes "A group of prominent Internet providers are teaming up with a security vendor Arbor Networks to form the Fingerprint Sharing Alliance. Through the use of Arbor Networks Peakflow SP internet appliance (which is an OpenBSD box with some secret sauce mixed in), members of the alliance can share internet threat information with each other in real time. It sounds a bit like Razor, doesn't it?"

Blackbox (Finally) Updated 311

mpeg4codec writes "OSNews reported earlier this month that the lightweight Blackbox window manager has been updated to 0.70. Among the new features are EWMH compliance, anti-aliased fonts, unicode support, and backwards compatibility with previous versions' styles. Of course, it brings you all these new features (well, some are optional) while retaining its small binary size, small memory footprint, and short list of dependencies. I for one think it's about time."

A Perspective on Microsoft's Shared Source 179

Masa writes "ONLamp has an insightful article by Stephen R. Walli about Microsoft Shared Source Initiative and some thoughts, what it would really mean if Microsoft would open-source their operating system. The article gives a nice perspective on the Shared Source Initiative and what it is meant to be. It also shows that even if it might look that Microsoft doesn't understand the value of open source, there actually are some projects under the OSI-approved licenses, for example the WiX Toolset, which is a good example of a successful open source project by Microsoft."

History Flow Shows How Wiki Articles Evolve 117

teslatug writes "IBM has released a preliminary alpha version of its History Flow Visualization Application that shows how collaboratively created documents evolve. The tool is written in Java and it's available for download along with plugins for MoinMoin and MediaWiki. They have some interesting screenshots of the Wikipedia articles on abortion, Brazil, and love."

Open Source AV Proxies and Network Scanners? 35

Zphbeeblbrox asks: "Our Company is looking to set up a central proxy/gateway for several of our Networks. We would like to investigate some of the Open Source Antivirus Proxy solutions and AntiViral Network Scanning, however the information we have on them is rather sketchy. Have any of you had experience setting up DansGuardian with the Clam-AV plugin or similar such solutions. Additionally the mail proxy with Clam-AV solutions? If you have, what advice and recommendations would you have for us. Do they work and should we consider using something like snort-inline to scan our network traffic for viruses? I have found little by way of comparisons or reviews on them so I'm hoping you will be able to share some of your experiences on their effectiveness."

Solving the /etc Situation? 293

mrfibbi asks: "/etc is a mess, plain and simple. Each program has its own (incompatible) config file format and the naming scheme/hierarchy is left almost solely to the author. Furthermore, package updates are a mess, either choosing to replace the entire config file, reject any updated versions (which leads to inconsistencies), or, as is the case with etc-update, asking the user to manually merge the files, which takes forever after a big update. We've revamped /dev with udev, but we've still failed to come up with a universal, duct-tape-free solution for the problem. Though solutions exist, there has been little or no adoption, either due to a personal dislike for the idea or API, or just an indifference to the problem. Should we work toward migrating to an Elektra-like system? Something else? Or do most simply find it not worth the trouble?"

OCaml vs. C++ for Dynamic Programming 161

jcr13 writes "OCaml is nearly as fast (or sometimes even faster) than C, right? At least according to the Computer Language Shootout [alternate] (OCaml supporters often point to these shootout results). My results on a real-world programming problem (optimizing a garden layout using dynamic programming) disagree. On one particular problem instance (a garden of size 7x3), my C++ implementation finished in 1 second, while the OCaml implementation was still running after 16 minutes. Bear in mind that my OCaml implementation was dramatically faster than my equivalent Haskell code. It seems that if you program using a functional style in OCaml (which I did, using map, filter, and other recursive structures in place of loops), it is quite slow. However, most of the shootout OCaml programs rely heavily on OCaml's imperative features (unlike Haskell, OCaml doesn't force you to be a functional purist). If you write OCaml code that is isomorphic to C code, it will be fast---what about if you use OCaml the way it was meant to be used?"

DSPAM 3.4 + SBL 1.0 Released 5

Nuclear Elephant writes "After a grueling five months of development, DSPAM Version 3.4 has been officially released. Among the major changes include full LMTP support, client/server support (dspamc), Bayesian Noise Reduction v2.0 technology (as previously introduced at this year's spam conference), many improvements to speed and accuracy, and support for the Streamlined Blackhole List, a machine-automated true-time collaborative blacklist that has tweaked the interest of filter authors from other filtering projects including Death2Spam and Bogofilter. Version 1.0 of the streamlined blackhole list client/server software was also released this weekend. If testing spam filters is your cup of tea, some testing tips for this new version (and statistical filters in general) have also been published on the website."

Graphing Libraries for Java? 51

Node and Edge asks: "Many interesting problem domains involve some form of graph-based or graph-like information: network activity visualizations; social software; workflow management; P2P software development; and version control with branching, just to name a few. It is notoriously difficult for people to visualize a graph structure - unless it happens to be a strictly hierarchical tree-like structure, such as what we know from file-system explorers. Now, with all of that said, what graph libraries can you recommend? The following criteria apply, though they're not absolute: Java or Java bindings; simple to use for simple applications; and polished, extensible UI components. I'm familiar with JGraph, JUNG, Prefuse, OpenJGraph, Tigris GEF, Eclipse GEF, Graphviz, but have not had a chance to evaluate them all. Have you used any of these extensively? If so, can you provide any constructive advice? If not, can you recommend something else, ?"

Implicit SSL FTP Clients with Scripting? 43

malcomvetter asks: "I need a command line FTP client that supports 'Implicit SSL', sports some kind of scripting interface, and runs on Win32. Any suggestions? So far, I have only found GUI versions such as FileZilla." I remember once needing a scripting FTP client long ago. It took me a long time, but I finally found one that had a workable but unintuitive interface. Have scripting FTP clients become more prevalent or is your best bet using something flexible with network bindings (like Python or Perl) to get the job done?

Plextor PVRs Now Support Linux 172

planetjay writes "Plextor PVRs now support Linux with an open source SDK for their ConvertX PVR external USB TV tuner/encoder This is great news for Linux PVR users who want to use an external device with hardware based MPEG-2 and MPEG-4/DivX encoding in their MythTV or Freevo homebuilt PVR. "Plextor is strongly committed to supporting the Open Source Software movement with free development tools that help speed the creation of next-generation Linux-based video software," said Dirk Peters, director of marketing, Plextor."
Classic Games (Games)

Privateer Remake Complete 251

flyboy writes "In a similar vein to the remakes of the Origin's Ultima series games reported in 2001 and 2004 a group of Wing Commander fans has remade Wing Commander: Privateer. Unlike the Ultima remakes, the Privateer remake is finished at version 1.0 with 3d graphics and the whole storyline. For the new kids on the block, WC:Privateer was a much loved trading game similar to the more venerable Elite, which appears also to be in the process of a remake. As a linux fan I was most happy with the remake's use of GPL 3d engine software and release of Linux, Macintosh and Windows versions. See Screenshots here."

Build Your Own PBX 325

Kerbo writes "Kerry Garrison has written up a complete guide to building your own PBX with Asterisk@Home to create your own working PBX system. In the article, he shows how you can build a complete, working system for under $20 (assuming you have some old hardware laying around the house)."

Comparisons of Non-Linear Video Editing Packages? 53

kickabear asks: "I'm working on an independent (that means I'm poor) film. I'm looking for a site (or a book, I'm not picky) which reviews various non-linear video editing packages. I've found a few sites but I can't really find anything that does a side-by-side comparison of the features and capabilities of products such as Premiere Pro or Avid Xpress Pro or the 20 projects listed on Sourceforge. The project will be filmed using a brand new Sony HVRZ1U HDV camera, so if any comparison sites lean toward HDV/HDTV, that would be favorable. Any information, war stories, or advice would be appreciated."

Magnetic Stripe Snooping at Home 397

pbrinich writes "Have you ever wondered what information is actually stored on all those cards you have in your wallet? Well, it turns out you can find out yourself! An excellent project, Stripe Snoop started by Billy Hoffman, a Georgia Tech computer science student, contains schematics, source code and a wide variety of information about the standards used to store all sorts of information on your magnetic cards."

AOL Opening Up AIM Community to Third Parties 241

DaffyD writes "Refocusing its vision for AOL Instant Messenger, America Online is endeavoring to revitalize the service by opening up its community and presence to third parties. In addition to partners such as CareerBuilder, AOL is seeking to enlist independent developers to build extended AIM services and hopes to offer a plug-in architecture by the end of the year. ICQ recently added such functionality through its open XML-based Xtras feature. Maybe AOL is feeling the heat from alternatives such as Gaim and Adium."

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