
Try to Name the SuSE Mascot 247

Maschendrahtzaun writes "After the green chameleon has been the mascot of the SuSE Linux AG for such a long time, we finally want to give it a name. We are therefore announcing a name competition for our chameleon.

The competition will begin in New York at the Linux World, which was staged Feb. 1, 2000 through Feb. 4; the final decision will be revealed at the CeBIT 2000, at the end of of February 2000 in Hanover. From all suggestions which we receive SuSE will select the most funny or best fitting ones, which will be presented to the public on our Web site. From these suggestions the public will then be able to choose the winning name. One of the suppliers of the name which gets the most votes will be invited by SuSE to the largest European Linux event, the "LinuxTag in Stuttgart". SuSE will also draw further winners from the hat, who'll receive a current version of SuSE Linux as well as the newly-named cuddly green chameleon. " Ya know, 'Rob' has a nice ring to it...


Best distribution award goes to .... SuSE 154

ZDNet UK reports that people who voted for best Linux distribution at the LinuxWorld, chose SuSE. Congratulations SuSE! (and if I might add a comment, please improve the GUI installer, maybe even release a beta version before going gold).

Mandrake for Alpha & UltraSPARC 75

Soko writes "Linux-Mandrake has joined SUSE, Red Hat and Caldera in porting their distribution to Alpha and SPARC architectures. The announcement was originally found on freshmeat and talks about getting help from Alpha Processors Inc. and Sun Microsystems Inc. MandrakeSoft has ported its latest popular version of the Linux operating system, Linux-Mandrake 7.0, to the above processors. "

Interview: Larry Augustin Finally Answers 203

Yes, we know this is overdue. We put up the original Ask Larry Augustin post on Jan. 10, and here we are posting Larry's answers on the 27th. The first few weeks after an IPO are hectic for any CEO who is involved in one, and we understand this, but the wait has been as frustrating for the Slashdot staff as for anyone else, and there was nothing we could do about it. Anyway, finally, here are Larry Augustin's answers to your questions.

Uruguayan SuSE Reseller Trying to Trademark Linux 201

Ysidoro writes "With No. 316.081 of August 30, 1999 has been filed before the Uruguayan Trademark Office a trademark application for registration of the LINUX name to International class 42 (computer related services). This application has been filed by Mr. Francisco Pereira and Mr. Enrique Place de Cuadro, of Montevideo, Uruguay. In accordance with the official publication from the Industrial Property Bulletin No. 6 of December 1999. See the open letter writed by a group of Uruguayan Linux users. "

ReiserFS Alternative FS

Hans Reiser apparently was offended by us mentioning ext3 and not mentioning his own FS. Under most circumstances we don't care, but he says "ReiserFS version 3.5.12 at is faster than ext3, it is stable, it is on our web site, and SuSE's." Anyone wanna try this out and do some benchmarking? I'm curious.

Loki to Distribute Quake III Arena 277

Everyone in the known universe has been submitting the news that Loki Software will be publishing and distributing Quake III Arena for Linux. The game will be published Dec. 27. The box will be a limited-edition collector's tin box and will include SuSE Linux 6.3. Asking price is 50$.

SuSE 6.3 Released Today 89

Tap noted that SuSE.com notes that 6.3 of the distribution should be released sometime today. Features include NEW X-windows installation, KDE 1.1.2, Star Office 5.1a, and XFree86 3.3.5. It should appear on the ftp site soon, and the Alpha release ought to follow shortly.

Intel Invests 12 Million Euro in SuSE 107

Bartmoss writes "Intel and the venture capital firm Apax are investing 12 million Euro in SuSE. Read the press release online. Looks like they want to open up new offices in parts of Europe, start moving into the Asian markets, and do the fashionable IPO thing. "

SuSE and VA Linux Partnership 37

calibanDNS writes "SuSE has a news article on their web page announcing a new partnership with VA Linux. Apparently SuSE will help develop a software load for VA systems. " Co-development is set to start in December and will mean that SuSE will be an option on VA systems.

SuSE Coming on DVD 155

SuSE has announced that its next release, 6.3, will be available on DVD as well as CD. The release date is supposedly December. I hope this practce catches on. Debian 2.1 was 2 discs for just binaries, and it's much larger now. I have a 6 disc set of SuSE 6.2. The packaging is both neat and clumsy. Too bad the only DVD player I own is connected to my stereo....

Oracle SQL Development Environment in Linux? 118

Jón Ragnarsson asks: "I develop Oracle applicatons for a living. And they are usually internet-related. Right now I'm developing on a Oracle 8i / Windows NT4 machine. But I have more and more become aware that NT is very limiting compared to un*x when it comes to selection of tools and servers for Internet development. I have installed Apache, perl, php and other stuff on the NT, but with much difficulty. So now I'm planning to switch my development environment to Linux (RedHat, Debian or SuSE). The thing I would miss most is the SQL Navigator, a tool I don't know how I could live without it before I started to use it. :) I know there are some utilities available for postgres and mysql in KDE, but AFAIK, they don't work on Oracle databases. Any ideas what I could replace SQL Navigator with? Or should I start writing my own database front end?" Hey! I develop Oracle apps on Solaris and could use something like this myself!

CodeWarrior for Linux: Reviewed 76

Kurt has returned, continuing his reviews of Linux IDE [?] environments. After reviewing Code Fusion, he's reviewed Metrowerks CodeWarrior (for Suse). The full text of the review is below.

Compaq Helps You "Test Drive" Linux and Unix 129

Ron Rangel writes " This website gives you quick, open, online access to simply run your applications on Linux. Or at least thats what they say." I tried it and it was kind of fun. You sign up (moderately intrusive questions), then Telnet (no ssh) into servers running several flavors of Unix and several Linux distros on different (Compaq) hardware platforms. Want to play with SuSE Linux on an Alpha (or whatever)? Here's your chance!

New X servers (ATI Rage & SiS) 54

SuSE has released new X servers for the Rage based cards, as well as for SiS. It looks like it was too late to be included on the XFree86 V3.3.5, but its good to see SuSE doing lots of efforts to write those drivers for those chipsets.
Red Hat Software

Slashdot talks with Red Hat 95

C|Net talked with Marc, but we got hold of Red Hat's Donnie Barnes yesterday, and interrogated, er, asked him questions. Click below to learn more about what to do with IPO money (Hint: Think missle-toting Lear jets), software patents, open source licensing, and trademark issues.

SuSE and Siemens Release Linux Memory Extension 150

hussar noted that SuSE and Siemens have developed a memory extension that will allow Linux to use up to 4GB of memory. Linus has reportedly approved its inclusion in kernel 2.3.15. The strangest part is excite has taken to posting about Linux Kernel Patches. Pretty crazy stuff.

XFree86 3.3.5 released 101

DirkHohndel writes "The XFree86 Project has released XFree86-3.3.5. The release notes should be a good first place to start. It might take the mirrors a while to get updated, distribution specific packages for SuSE, Red Hat and Debian should be available at their web sites, soon. Dirk " Dirk was also kind enough to include a short list of importat features which can be viewed below.

S.u.S.E 6.2 English released 128

josepha48 writes "I just found out that SuSE 6.2 is released. Check out the latest details in English It has X 3.3.4 and kernel 2.2.10. " Release schedule looks like 18th for English, tomorrow for French, and Italian/Spanish on the 24th of August.

Feature: The End of the Tour 194

Stewart Rosenberger has written an interesting piece about what the success of Linux means for the users out there who are currently using it. Will it mean that the pioneers will move on to other places? Is this already starting-rather then Linux fragmenting, the user base fragmenting? Click below to read more-it's well worth it.

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