
IBM Linux Boxes 56

An anonymous reader sent us a link to a PCWeek Article where you can read about IBM and Linux. They supposedly are going to announce Linux based Netfinity boxes at LinuxWorld. Says they'll support Red Hat, Caldera, SuSE, and might even be releasing their own version for the high end mega boxes.

SuSE Cluster 26

nicedreaM writes "Found this link: SuSE will be introducing a new cluster system called SALT (SuSE Advanced Linux Technology). Also they'll be releasing an Alpha distribution."

SuSE 6 Released 38

UU7 wrote in to say that SuSE 6 international is now out for those of us who haven't mastered the German language. I know CowboyNeal will be snagging it.

Big Batch of Quickies 46

gman has started a new site, linuxhardware.net in an effort to create help newbies learn and share information about Linux and Hardware. nickm an insane link designed to bring arts and culture to the Unix community. Apparently Dogman has created a hilarious page entitled "Installing a network PostScript printer on a Sun workstation running SunOS As illustrated through interpretive dance. Whoever said learning can't be fun never saw this. Or maybe they did and just created a mental block so they didn't have to think about that guy dancing. Jerome ALET sent us a link to the Linux Slogans Database Matthew Astley wrote in to where you can buy 25x25mm self-adhesive domed plastic badges featuring Tux to attach to your computer case in that little logo spot. The Phly sent in links to a new Bible for Linux page is up. jgalun wrote in to send us a link to a Washington Post that comapres Sys Admin Salaries average system admin salaries, in which they note that Mac sys admins seem to make very little. Hmm, wonder why...Also noted is that Linux sys admins had the greatest pay raises last year. More to come, hopefully! darius sent us a link to the new apple ad campaign which features the one, the only, HAL 9000. BigZaphod wriote in to announce a new games site:Legions. And rounding in to the more tasteless part of the quickies, kweiheri sent us an great parody of realdoll.com- except this one is (ahem) realhamster.com. What is this world coming to? GraZZ wrote in to send us an amusing parody of Star Wars and the Starr Thing.

SuSE 6.0 released (German only) 45

libtech writes "S.u.S.E. has just released v. 6.0 of their linux distro... Its a german only release but the english version will be out later this month."

SuSE 6.0 Beta Released

L-ViS wrote in to say that SuSE 6.0 has entered beta testing and can be downloaded over at the SuSE FTP Site .

Linuxbierwanderung:The Linux Beer Hike

Jim Gleason writes "Does the idea of hiking the castle-laden hills, caves and medieval hamlets of the German countryside appeal to you? Does the thought of excellent beer preserve your good mood for days? Do you think that Linux rules? Well, Electric Lichen L.L.C. is organizing a week-long trip called Linuxbierwanderung, "The Linux Beer Hike." Scheduled for August 1999, Linux users will hike the hills of northern Bavaria to learn Linux on their laptop computers and visit the local brewpubs. Experts in Linux and the Bavarian outdoors will teach classes to the hikers during the day and enjoy the local pub scene in the evening. " People can subscribe to the mailing list via the Web Page which is also archived. Linux, Beer, and Nature. 2 out of 3 ain't bad.

LinuxWorldExpo Press Info Out

Well, a friendly bird over at IDG has dropped me a line saying that a LinuxWorld press release has come. It's so new, it's not even up on the web site-click below for details. Exhibitors are signing up, and things are starting to take a more concrete shape-looking good. Rob and I will definitely be there-maybe more. Click below to read more-and to find out who the keynote speakers are.

S.u.S.E. 6.0 will ship soon

Robert Wikander was the first to write in and tell us that S.u.S.E. is taking orders for 6.0 and will begin shipping on December 15. S.u.S.E. 6.0 will upgrade to glibc 2.0.7, and feature egcs 1.1.1. You can read more over at Linux Today. This combined with the possible 2.2 kernel release is going to make for some happy holidays.

More Comdex Buzz

Linux Today has another Comdex Report discussing Slackware, SuSe and FreeBSD. And Computer World has an exuberant article about Linux... which does however miss the point that Linux is growing very quickly, invalidating their argument that Linux Users are used to paying little for software. Many newcomers to Linux are used to paying for software. And while many older Linux users (ISPs, businesses, etc) will be happy to buy new apps, I expect a large number of specialist software companies' (think Oracle, Verilog, etc) customers will be migrating from Windows or another Unix.

SuSE and LinuxCare to offer Commercial Support

David Sifry writes "SuSE and LinuxCare just announced a new Corporate Support and Training Program for Linux. The press release can be found here. SuSE also announced a partnership with Muster Learning Architects to provide corporate training programs. "

Linux at Comdex

Nick Moffitt from SuSE has written in with pre-show report from the Linux Pavillion at this the falls Comdex. Things are almost ready to go out there. Hit the link below to read what he has to say. Update: 11/16 07:59 by CT : Kit Cosper of Linux-hw wrote in to send us a link to a page of Pictures from the show.

Controversial Linux World article

LinuxWorld has an article which may have some valid points, but would discourage me from porting my apps to Linux. How many of you have had difficulties porting from libc to glibc? (Please only answer if you tried it). How different are the different distributions for your app? How much does autoconfig solve? Any people from Red Hat, Debian, SuSe, Caldera, PHT, etc are encouraged to relate their experience. S: My comments are that Ian Nandhra was one of the founders of the LSA, and that his article is inaccurate in assuming that software will be sold at a 60 percent discount.

Oracle reaffirms Linux commitment

Ed Finch writes "There's an article on InfoWorld Electric in which Oracle reaffirmed its commitment to Linux at ALS." Interestingly Oracle stated that existing support from Red Had, SUSE and the like betters their own, somewhat casting doubt on previous reports that Oracle was to provide its own support service. (Speculation: perhaps that news came from internal discussions at Oracle. The director of Oracle's Intel Technical Divison, Parikshit Bhaduri seemed pretty open to some idea of Linux support by his company.) Ed continues: "Note the sharp contrast about the eventual support of Baan, PeopleSoft and SAP on Linux between Oracle's statements and HP's "

News from ALS

It's all fun and games out here at ALS, hopefully I can sit down now and actually get the summary out before either netscape crashes again, or something else occurs that forces me to leave the safe haven that is the Slash/Themes/Meat booth. Hit the link and read the deal...
GNU is Not Unix

Initio Violating the GPL?

In potentially one of the first direct attacks against the GPL, we received the following from yacc: "I've been wondering about INITIO 9400UW support for Linux (the idea is cool: 4 UW-SCSI channels on one PCI card). In looking around, I've found the following page, which offers a 2.1.x Linux kernel zImage binary only, requiring you to sign an NDA. Just wondering how this can happen, and whom to contact to correct this problem? (I'mean, a binary only module would be not much better, but at least legal, right?)" S: Unlike a company using GPL'd software internally this qualifies as external distribution and must be accompanied by source as I understand it. It is unclear whether they intend to release source code eventually or not given that they have released source code previously, but never-the-less they would still be in violation of the GPL. update: Just got an e-mail from a Paul Peissner at Initio who will force the issue to be addressed at a meeting at 1:30pm Pacific Standard Time. Update 2: Apparently this was a mistake due to a new web admin. Source should be posted shortly, and Initio would like you to report any bugs/patches to them as they are the maintainers. Business as usual. Final Update Source code is now posted. Thanks, Initio.

SUSE: Shipment of Linux Office Suite 99 Delayed

An Anonymous reader writes "S.u.S.E., Inc. announced today that the shipment of Linux Office Suite 99 will be delayed. Originally scheduled to ship during the week of October 12, S.u.S.E. now expects the Linux Office Suite to ship closer to the end of October.

SuSE preferred in Germany

Christian Selig writes "As this poll at Linux.de shows, SuSE is the preferred distribution in German-speaking countries" SuSE is the largest European commercial distribution, making it like RedHat in the US.

National French InstallFest

slashtom writes "Just after their good-old-brothers (Canadians), various LUGs across France are organinizing a national installfest (sorry, French only) on Saturday October 10th, 1998. The operation is co-ordinated by AFUL (Linux Users French Association). They have sponsors (SuSE, Red Hat), and more than 15 cities will have their own Linux-Party. If you are in France, don't miss it. If you (or your LUG) would like to participate in helping to spread the word about Linux, as an organizer, sponsor or volunteer, then go to this URL. "

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