
More Investments to come

Not to be outdone, Caldera will be receiving investments from as yet unspecified companies, Ransom Lowe has been saying. Ed: I'd like to see some other companies/organisations from around the world getting backing (think Suse, Kheops, DLD, Debian Japan etc). Anyone from Siemens, Philips, Fujitsu, NEC, Sony listening?

New X server from S.u.S.E

S.u.S.E has released a new and well accelerated X server for the Matrox G100 & G200 cards.
Supported cards:
- Matrox Millennium G200 (SGRAM and SDRAM)
- Matrox Mystique G200
- Matrox Productiva G100
Here you can check out the details
I would like to take this opportunity to ask you which card is better: Riva TNT or Matrox G200?

Feature:Who is the Software Communist?

Philipp Koehn wrote in with a piece addressing something that always seems to come up any time you start talking about free software. His piece is called Who is the Software Communist. It's a pretty interesting read, although I suspect that most readers will disagree with it. I figure we'll hear some opinions on this one.

Oracle partners with 4 Linux Companies

Hetz Ben Amo sent us this link talking about how not only has Oracle decided to go work with Linux, but has setup parternships with Red Hat Software and VA Research, SuSE, and Japanese firm Pacific HiTech. Very cool-anyone know anything more about this?

S.u.S.E. 5.3 Available

Joe Hamelin writes "S.u.S.E. 5.3 is now out. Get it at suse.org, the Seattle Mirror. Lots of new X config stuff and gimp 1.0 in the release. S.u.S.E. has been so easy to install and maintain that I hesitate to switch. It's reliable too.. all slashdot gifs are served from a S.u.S.E. box. " Last time I tried S.u.S.E, the install seemed a little wierd, but I think I might try it again soon. Anyway, S.u.S.E's official web site is here, and if any of the S.u.S.E folks are reading this, what the heck is zuse.suse.de?

Batch o Quickies

Alex Prestin sent us This Link to a strange picture of the iMac, and what appears to be its long lost little brother. Ewan Leith wrote in to tell the world that "PC Plus in the UK goes on sale tomorrow (the 27th) with Suse 5.2 on the cover CD, along with another CD full of linux programs." Donovan was the first to warn the world that the 2.1.119 kernel is now out. I compiled my 2.1.118 kernel a wopping half hour before the 119 release. Sigh. Colin Walls sent us a link to the latest Spencer F. Kat cartoon thingee. There's another piece of aftermath from last weeks standards hoopla. icetrey wrote in to say "OctobrX and Bishop have chosen me, icetrey, to be the new blackbox themes webmaster. It has a new look, as well as a few new themes for 40.x."

SuSE releases Matrox G200 X Server

Patrik Nordebo writes "SuSE has released an X Server supporting the Matrox Millenium G200 (the Mystique G200 isn't mentioned). It's available at SuSE's ftp site. It seems Matrox are willing to work with the Linux community... I wonder if they'd release the 3D specs for a Mesa dirver, as well? "

Feature:Wine Update

Morten has written in with an excellent summary of the Wine project, and an updated status report. This is definately a critical project and deserves attention. Click below to read what he has to say about it.

Xig launches own linux distribution

vasquez was the first to tell us that X inside, now Xi Graphics, the makers of Accelerated X, will be releasing a new Linux distribution targeted at Fortune 500 companies. As they already sell and support their own commercial software to the above companies, they know what level of support to provide, and how not to get sued. What's funny is that they were asked to do this by the said companies... what's wrong with Redhat? Suse? Dld? Caldera? Maybe Xig will produce updates at a slower rate. Let's hope they also contribute to all Linuxes, like Redhat, Caldera and Suse have done.

Thursday Quickies

Looks like it's time to clear out the quickies again! First, Erv Walter sent us a note about S.u.S.E releasing more X servers. Hmm. S.u.S.E...aren't they those guys who've been hitting us about 13,000 times/day recently? I wonder what kinda soa they drink over there...Next off, David Kindred wrote in to tell us ISE is releasing the source code to Eiffel under an open source license! Maybe I'll have to take a look at that language again. Finally, Promethus sent us a link to a Bill Joy interview. Bill is one legendary man - one of the cofounders of Sun, I believe. A very interesting interview.

KDE pre1.0 Oficially Announced

Mark Feathers writes "Apparently KDE has made an official announcement for the pre-release of 1.0. The bummer is, no Red Hat RPM's. They are supporting SuSE but decline Red Hat stating incompatabilities with different libraries and versions. " Update Sirtaj Singh Kang wrote in to explain why there aren't any RPMs: they weren't planning on distributing binaries of pre2 at all. So give up the conspiracy theories people, its getting old.

Jury still out on NT 5.0 replacing Unix

The Butler Group (UK) has published a technical paper pointing out that NT 4.0 cannot be considered an enterprise solution because it lacks the directory services that Netware provides. However, despite Unix's scalability and robustness, it costs too much in expertise, hardware and software, so the main battle will be played out between Novell and Microsoft. But NT also has its disadvantages: skills shortage, and general robustness. Since the report costs money, you can get the low-down in this Register Article.

Samba provides SMB support, there's also AppleTalk support, so is there any Netware support for Linux other than through DosEmu.


An Avalanche of Linux

The Economic Times have an in-depth look at Linux, first throughout the world, and then in India. The articles are full of interesting tidbits, for instance that the largest UK ISP runs Linux, or that Suse is 40% of the German market. One less certain fact is their statement that Intel will help port Linux to Merced.

Rob's Return/LinuxExpo Wrap Up

Our drive back proved much less eventful then the drive down, and now having had a nice nap, I'm ready to post a final batch of rants and rambles about the Expo and my experiences there. Hit the link below to read more. And now since I'm back, I should be reading email again, and of course posting articles more regularly.

The X Situation (editorial)

Jim Knoble has written us an editorial on the recent situation involving the OpenGroup and their new cost structure related to X11 6.4. I'd say if Netscape was the biggest Open Source success of the year, this situation may very well be the biggest failure. Fortunately XF86 will remain free, and will very likely define the future of X. Anyway check the link below and read Jim's take on the situation.

New Dosemu

Max Lingua writes " a new (development) version of dosemu is avaible from S.u.S.E. at suse.com And - what's more - Hans Larmen (one of the project developer) has mailed me letting me know that a know stable (even) version should be out in the fist quarter of this year."

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