
Slashback: Plexion, Kernelism, Salaryness 87

The list grows of how many OSes Plex86 can boot. Soon you may have an easier time of installing a new kernel (besides turning to page 207 of Running Linux). SAGE wants to know the intimate, personal, steamy details of how much you earn as a SysAdmin. Also, not everyone trusts the proposed data-escrow deal involving Celera and Science. All below, in this episode of Slashback.

Layers Upon Layers: Plex86 Runs Windows95 287

John Roberts writes, quoting the Web page of Plex86 wildman Kevin Lawton: " Plex86 now runs Windows95 on my Linux-Mandrake box, in full virtualization mode!!! That adds Windows95 to the plex86 project's previous list of guest operating systems which it can run: MSDOS, FreeDOS, and Linux. This is full virtualization mode. The CVS server already contains my latest source code. Here's a toast to all the people who have supported plex86 development... [klink, klink, sound of champagne cork popping] Check out this screendump." Woo Hoo! The cost of VMWare may have just risen a bit ...

VOS Patents on Virtualizing OSs? 170

Erik Poupaert writes "I've been following VMWare and plex86 (used to be freemware) for a while now, because I think that virtualization may be a solution to quite a number of problems. It basically allows you to run several operating systems concurrently. IBM uses this approach too, to run a large number of Linux instances on their mainframes. While you can leave the task of managing devices and device drivers to the host operating system, guest operating systems can supply you with the ideosyncracies of their particular versions to run the applications that expect them. Since VMWare is not free, as in free speech, I thought that plex86 would become the lead open-source project in the field. Now there seems to be a new player, that I never heard of before, called VOS, who claims the whole field to themselves, and have filed patents to obtain a monopoly on the entire discpline. Have they got any chance in succeeding? Or do you think that the patent office would not grant such patent?"

FreeMWare: Like VMWare but Open Source 303

CentrX writes "I was surprised that no one has contributed a story about FreeMWare since they started. FreeMWare is "an extensible open source PC virtualization software program which will allow PC and workstation users to run multiple operating systems concurently on the same machine." Like VMWare, only free and open-source. They now have a CVS repository and the latest source can be downloaded. I think this project is needed and needs some support from the community. You can also join the mailing list." FreeMWare was mentioned briefly here in April. Looks like it's come a long way since then.

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