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Live Action 'The Tick' Pilot 183

ForteBravo writes "Patrick Warburton ('Puddy' on Seinfeld) is slated to star in a live action 'The Tick' pilot on Fox. Link courtesy of memepool. Could there be a more perfect candidate out there to play our favorite bumbling hero? I don't think so." Okay, as long as I get to play the part of Die Fledermaus.
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Live Action 'The Tick' Pilot

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  • "I've been a huge fan of 'The Tick' for years," said Sonnenfeld. "I like it even more than my 6-year-old daughter...."

    It's hard to imagine what a little girl could do in six years to have her dad say such stuff in such a big, industry magazine.


  • by riffraff ( 894 )
    My mustache is touching my brain!


    Gravity is a harsh mistress.


    I'll just bounce off that broad flat surface.


    The Tick is my hero. I've got almost the entire series recorded on video tape.


    Hey! What? Hey! What??? HEY!! WHAT?!?!?


    Too funny.

  • by riffraff ( 894 )
    I would like to see The Human Ton and Handy.


    Read a book!

  • Mystery Men was doubly funny if you could read those signs in Japanese, Cyrillic, and Devangari and knew they didn't say anything.
  • I wonder how much my CHROMA Tick #1 will be worth after this airs.

    First and only comic book investment I ever made.

  • Alley Sheedy as American Maid

    Adam West as Der Fleidermaus

    John Luvitz (sp?) as Arthur

  • When I first heard Elaine's boss at J Peterman
    talk, I thought he was The Tick.

    Similar delivery. Maybe they should get him.
  • Also a good superhero parody (though a bit more oriented on the industry than the actual heroes) is Lethargic Lad.

    Of course there are lots of similarities between the Tick and Him, but afaik they were created independently of each other.
  • Bad man! Hit Dog! With street!!

  • My choice for Arthur would be Miles, from Murphy Brown, but that's just MHO.
    "'Is not a quine' is not a quine" is a quine [].
  • Myself, I've gotten sick of moderating, and I've got karma to burn... Why save a sinking ship when it's *so* much more fun to get under it with scuba gear and an underwater cutting torch?

    I think it's interesting (not in a JonKatz way, mind you) how lately I've been reading the comments for the funny trolls more than for the hope of seeing something truly insightful...
    "'Is not a quine' is not a quine" is a quine [].

  • by leoc ( 4746 )
    Finally, a topic worthy of my .sig!
  • Spoon!!!!!

    I hope it's cool, I miss the Tick cartoons.
    And no I don't have cable. :
  • The first Teen Age Mutant Ninja Turtles....
    It was a, parody of Frank Millers: Ronin and daredevil.
    Ronin, was a realy cool comic, that Frank Miller did in the mid 80's.
    The parody was inspired, and almost as good as the original.
  • Warburton also played a short-lived character on "News Radio" before they canceled it. He played an evil corporate takeover artist..
  • For those of you interested, I have a Tick News [] section on one of my websites that I'll be collecting the various story links on. If you have any more, I'd love to see them. Unfortunately, I'm not as elite enough as /. to allow discussions -- something I'm currently still writing (but there are other Tick discussion boards (and newsgroup) if you really need to vent to fellow Tick fans). I won't make it a secret I'm a little scared about a live-action Tick (I've been a big fan since the comic first came out), but something is better than nothing... and maybe, just maybe this will be popular enough to propel The Tick onto the big screen. I'm tired of waiting. Ben! Hurry up already!
  • by Griim ( 8798 )
  • ...which is really too bad, because if more people had, they wouldn't be saying things like "It'll never stand up to the animated series."

    I don't mean that as a slam or a flame, but the comics were *never* as surreal as the cartoon got, and I actually liked it for that. Everything that happened in the comics was mostly probable (except for Tick being nigh-invunerable [ie. he was invunerable "when the plot called for it"] and the super-strength). Very little happened in the comic that someone couldn't do in real life. For instance, the tv show never covered the legions of poorly-trained ninja, or Tick and Arthur's cross-country journey, and their escapades in Deertown, etc. If you can find 'em, you really should check 'em out.

    Don't get me wrong, I thought the animated series was great in it's own way, but it was much sillier in-and-of-itself than the comic ever was. Tick could basically be entertaining in a paper bag ("Arf! Arf! Barking panther catches the scent of his elusive prey! Arf!"). I mean, they never even mention his secret crime viewfinder goggles in the animated series. :)

  • i wonder who'll get to be the Terror...

    maybe kirk douglas.

    ....waiting impatiently for my long awaited night of a million billion ninjas.
  • Hmm... was this the guy who once told Elaine that she was going to Hell? The same actor who plays the traffic cop on the Cadillac "stabilitrac" commercial?

  • I've found that the best posts are at -1 and 5.

    Unfortunately, most stuff in the middle (such as this post, most likely) is cruft.

    Anyhow, it'll be interesting to see how a live-action series based on a comic book will do. Has anyone compared it to Spawn yet? At least they had a huge CG budget.

  • This is great news. Puddy was my favorite recurring Seinfeld character, and should be perfect as the Tick.

    The next big question is, who gets to play the Man Eating Cow?
  • Judging from all the people here who loved the TV show, someone should really release all of the episodes on video. (There are only two tapes out now...damned bastards!)

  • I agree with the guy who says Bruce would be better for Die Flader Mouse .. or however you spell that .. hehe... others I'd like to see:

    Tim Curry: Chairface
    The guy who plays the squinty eyed guy on third rock from the son: Sewer Urchin
    John Cusak: Dinosaur Niel
    Demi Moore: American Maid
  • Not in the face!
    Not in the face!

  • I remember sitting home on Saturday mornings. Enduring all the 'Fox Kids' commercials with Ronald McDonald and Barbie. I remember reminiscing about my childhood whilst laughing my head off. The Tick was and is a very funny show, but how many adults can say they watched a children's cartoon religiously?
  • Two words: Bruce Campbell
  • Don't get me wrong. I like Puddy.
    But the Tick is a perfect Bruce Campbell part. He does the bumbling hero very well, doesn't quite understand how things really work but full speed ahead. And, he has the chin.

    George from Seinfeld could pull off Arthur, perhaps.
  • The *only* name I've ever heard that sounded better for the Tick? ...

    John Tesh.

    Right voice, right build, right amount of campiness. But Puddy is a great call.

    my $.02
  • "Yes, evil comes in many forms, whether it be a man-eating cow or Joseph Stalin, but you can't let the package hide the pudding! Evil is just plain bad! You don't cotton to it. You gotta smack it in the nose with the rolled-up newspaper of goodness! Bad dog! Bad dog!"

    Hollywood will PROBABLY F' this up but what they hey, the first Batman was pretty decent so maybe there is hope! The question is, who do you trust to Direct this? Sam Raimi? Cameron? Oliver Stone? No-dear God-No!!!
  • I loved the cartoon, I only hope the live action can do it justice.

    Where did the cartoon get relegated to anyway? I haven't seen it in a long time on TV.

  • I can't really think of anyone who could appropriately play my personal favorite Tick character, the Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs at Midnight.

    Also, I would be happy to see if they could get Hank Azaria involved in this show seems right up his alley.
  • Bi-Polar Bear! . . . But... I just can't seem to get out of bed today....

  • It's ok to play with dolls!

    I like squirrels!

  • "LITTLE WOODEN BOY!!! Why do we always hurt the ones we love?"

  • Warburton is great! My favorite Puddy line:

    "All signs point to YES." (his thumbs pointing to the back of his new 8-ball jacket)

    Definitely a brilliant casting move. I've been wanting to see him do something besides Cadillac & M&M commercials.

    On a side note, who else noticed that in the Seinfeld "Superman" American Express commercial, that Warburton was the voice of the animated Superman? And that the actress who played "Lois" was the same one who played "Lois" in an episode of "Seinfeld"? I thought that was funny...
  • No, not die Fledermaus, die. It's as in German, the German 'the'. The Bart, er, The Fledermaus. No one who speaks German can possibly be evil, right?

    On another note, isn't is supposed to be Delflator Mouse (in The Tick)? I thought the whole idea of the name was to poke fun...

  • One of these days...Milkshake... BOOM!

  • ...and what makes you think is reliable? they will deny all information until the movie is released. usually variety (and other such publications) will qualify any of their statements,.. if you go back and look at the 'offending' articles, i'm sure you will see some such disclaimer.

    besides which this is not a secret like episode 2 stuff is,.. stop being paranoid.
  • If I'm not mistaken, he's also the guy in all those new M&M commercials, isn't he? The one who says "That's just disturbing" about the M&M cannibalism.


    "You can't shake the Devil's hand and say you're only kidding."

  • No way - Bruce Campell doesn't have the build to play The Tick. He'd also look stupid in blue.


    "You can't shake the Devil's hand and say you're only kidding."

  • I hope they do the one where the Tick was transmogrified into miniature two-headed chicken that could only speak high school French! And then he laid an egg before he was switched back1
  • I can't seem to remember exactly who this Patrick Warburton person is... I didn't get to watch as many episodes as I would have liked--could anyone post a link to a picture as a favor? Thanks.
  • Aren't ticks supposed to have eight legs?

    Tick: What makes you think I don't?
  • Fav Puddy line:
    Elaine "Is it a problem that I'm not religious?"
    Puddy "Not for me."
    Elaine "What do you mean?"
    Puddy "I'm not the one going to hell."

  • Can't do it again. It failed the first time because the ignorant masses found it unfunny therefore the Network Clods found it unprofitable.

    Same reason why "The Critic" found it's way into the trash bin, and unfortunately I think "Family Guy" is wandering that way as well.

  • I certainly hope the show's producers don't overlook the character of Little Wooden Boy. Without help from this dynamic sidekick, the Tick would not have been able to defeat the Swiss as easily as he did. Damn Swiss bastards....
  • ...I don't see this lasting past one season.

    Don't get me wrong. I love the Tick. I loved the original comic books ("You mean it wasn't just an animated series?") and I loved the cartoon.

    The thing is:

    a) regular super-hero stuff doesn't tend to translate all that well into live action. Even blockbusters like the Batman series really weren't very good.

    b) A lot of the Tick's humor is based on viewer knowledge of the cliches it busts on. So, anybody who ran across the comic book was already part of the audience that would get it. And even though the animated series was a little mismatached for saturday morning kiddies, it did still self select for those adults willing to watch cartoons in the first place -- so again, the people watching it were going to get it. Now, live action shows, on the other hand, target at the general public, and I don't think Joe Public is going to get it. Joe Public doesn't like to think to get jokes, and he's going to take his Neilsen numbers to someplace where he won't have to.
  • This guy would also be great as Superman. He even did the voice on the AMEX commercials with Jerry.
  • Since everyone else is doing it (not all these are from the 'Tick' character):

    "I'm full of tinier men!"

    "HO HO HO"

    "It's a YULE TIDE!!!"


    "BOOM, baby, BOOM!!"

    "And she said to me, are you bad, and I said, yah, I'm bad baby, and she said are you BAD? And I said Yah, baby, yah!! And she said are you bad, and I said HEADS UP SPACE PONIES, WE'RE MAKING GRAVY WITHOUT THE LUMPS!!!"
  • SPOON!!!
  • Eating kittens is just plain wrong!

    And no one should do it!

  • The Tick stands out from that crowd as an example of a comic book that truly rocked! What's more, the animated series was fantastic too :-)

    The comic book still rocks, in fact the guitarist in my band draws it (Gabe Crate). He's quite good, although no one can match Ben Edlund's original and creative issues from back in the day.

  • Puddy was such a moron on Seinfeld, plus he has the beefcake voice and look on his face. Needless to say, he'd be perfect to play The Tick. Sure, superhero productions don't transfer well to live action, but then again this is the Tick we're talking about here.
  • The first Teen Age Mutant Ninja Turtles.... It was a, parody of Frank Millers: Ronin and daredevil. Ronin, was a realy cool comic, that Frank Miller did in the mid 80's. The parody was inspired, and almost as good as the original.

    You mean before they watered it down and sugar coated it for kids? The original TMNT comics/etc were not at ALL suited for kids. Of course, I'm just going off of Pilladium RPG memory here.
  • Heh. Graphic novels, eh? I love it when people try to justify comics as graphic novels... The only comics that actually are "graphic novels" are the ones that are squarebound, and trade paperbacks don't count (that's several issues collected together, like what most people read when they read the Tick)

    Not that I really care, but I don't think the /. crowd is going to be overly critical of someone for reading a comics.
  • "Uh, kinda... fat..."


  • Who exacly said it was for children?
  • "I can taste your back!!!!!!"

    Tom Green as anything?! Thanks for playing, though.
  • As a parent, it really saddens me to hear that this man likes a cartoon more than he likes his six year old daughter...

    "Don't try to confuse the issue with half truths and gorilla dust."
    Bill McNeal (Phil Hartman)
  • Dustin Hoffman as Sewer Urchin!

    Leonardo Decraprio as Arthur, just so he can get the ego beaten out of him! Not in the face, Not in the Face!

    It'd be great if Sam Raimi produced this. He'd give it the right sort of campiness and such, just like Xena's become.
  • oh wait, that was the Matrix...

  • This is why capitalistic America really pisses me off sometimes. Instead of the corporations (in these cases Fox) looking at what is a good show (ie, The Critic and Family Guy), they just look at what will sell the most and earn the most $$$. Which really sucks. They don't give a crap about quality, just money. Feed the corporatate machine...

    I was so disappointed when they cancelled The Critic those many years ago, and put what in it's place? Another clone of all the other generic la-de-da brain-numbing crap that's out there. Why? Because some suits say, "hey, these reports indicate most people like 90210 and Melrose, so let's make another show like that. That will sell". And then it's a circular loop, because that's all there is on most tv, and thus that's what network executives strive to reproduce because it 'sells'.

    Oh well. At least Comedy Central is still maintainning decent shows, and Critic Reruns (albeit there are only like 15 of The Critic episodes made).

  • I've loved The Tick from the first time I saw it (which was the Fox cartoon series). Warburton and Sonnenfeld are good choices to continue it, but the very best part of the cartoon was the tremendous voice work (especially Charles Townshend, who always balanced the fine line between heartily enthusiastic and dangerously manic). "Puddy" will be working under a HUGE shadow!
  • >There are probably actual news-worthy/nerd-worthy >events (that matter). Too bad -> > -> doesn't realize it. Yeah, some kid in Nevada just got Linux to run on his blender. Big fucking news. I think a lil change of pace is nice, dont you like? I DONT CARE IF YOU LIKE!!!!
  • Hmm... Apparently that whole Star Wars casting thing wasn't enough to teach us not to trust Variety. Hopefully they're right this time.

    Now if they'd just bring the cartoon back...

    This is not my signature.
  • "By rubbing my carpeted feet on the ground, I will create a static electricity it hot in here?!"
  • You forgot the 8-ball jacket. In one episode he bought a leather jacket with a big 8-ball on the back.

    What did he say about that jacket? Something like,"Tell it to the 8-ball". I can't remember, anyone know?

  • Bad guys always have an antidote. They're funny that way.

  • More parody comics:

    • Boris the Bear - Mid-80's character that started off slaughtering anything cute, then moved on to obvious Marvel and DC lampoons, but quickly became formulaic and dull.
    • Flaming Carrot - Bob Burden's waaaay off the wall super hero ("Yes, I'll play against you Mr. Death, but not chess. Bah, Fooey! My game is whiffleball!).
    • Cerebus the Aardvark - Started life as a blatant parody of Barry Windsor Smith's Conan...
    • Ninja High School - Originally this took shots at anime stuff, but it did eventually branched out to poke at comics too.
    • The Inferior Five - Older types might remember this mid-60's series (featured in DC's Showcase) that parodied a variety of then-current super-groups (including the X-Men).

    Of course, the Tick is still high on my list... I hope they do this right. ("Ninjas. I Hate these guys.")

  • AFAIK Fox only released one tape of two episodes ("The Idea Men" and the episode where Chairface carves out CHA on the moon), but that's all I've seen and not since the second season ended...

  • "When evil is ahead, and you don't have any arms - you've got to get a leg up!"

    I can't wait for this to come out. The Tick is on of my all-time favorite animated series (right next to Attack of the Killer Tomatoes and Eek! The Cat).

    Ahhh Yeah.
  • If we could get these series on the Internet (which would require a totally new video file format... cartoons have an ENTIRELY different dynamic than pure vidoe does that makes them look pretty damn bad... but also opens up avenues where simpler compression algorithms that fail on real video could FLY on cartoons) and work out a way to pay the people providing it on a per-view basis (or hell, they could sell commercials just like any normal show but be able to count their viewers much more accurately) I think they could work. I mean, the people that follow The Critic, The Tick, all those shows on Comedy Central's Animation Block, plus shows like Family Guy and Futurama (even tho it has the Touch of Groenig(TM) I think its going to end up in the dustbin because it has too many technical jokes (how many caught that Bender's main CPU is a 6502, the same processor used in the NES and Gameboy?)) have a cult following which is much different than a normal following. A normal following watches every episode - once. In droves. A cult following watches every episode MANY times, picking apart its intricacies, but on a lower scale of people. The numbers probably end up the same in respect to total number of views... plus, think about how easy it would be to aim those advertisements if its going straight to a cult audience...

  • Not nerd worthy?! Blasphemer!

    Would a non-nerd spend a day crafting a replica of little wooden boy? Would a non-nerd spend the time and money to collect all of The Tick Taco Bell toys from way back when? I think not!

    I bet your belt is a fashion accessory of evil.

  • With due respect to Bruce Campbell's smugness, I think William Shatner would be outstanding as Die Fledermaus. And with the amount of self-parody he's been doing lately, he might just go for it. I can't believe nobody has come up with a decent suggestion for Arthur though. How about Neil Patrick Harris? Granted he's already in a series, and not quite pudgy enough, but his current role on Stark Raving Mad practically *is* Arthur...
  • yeah - that's him. he also stole the "move" from Jerry (even though he varied it slightly, I think he did a pinch in the end... For a while he wouldn't do the move then, b/c Jerry complained he stole it, and Elaine was very unhappy. Even George could (after a while) get some success with this move (counterclockwise swing in the end). :)) -Jan
  • Puddy's the guy Elaine was daiting for a while - they were on and off all the time. he was hilarious: he was kind of dumb and would just sit there and stare, not do anything. Also, he's a face-painter. He's Jerry's mechanic at the garage. He lateron was a car-seller. Anything I forgot? -Jan
  • The /. article Rumors About Episode II Denounced, posted about 5 articles below this one, indicates that Variety is an inaccurate source of casting information.

    Should we trust this?

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • One of the things that made the Tick so silly and so much fun was the seemingly endless possibilities that cartoon media provided. I mean, come on...a guy with a chair for a face!? Can the live action version survive if it can't make the impossible possible as was the case in the cartoon? And how will we react to the new voices of the Tick and the other characters? Many of us have grown accustomed to the voices from the cartoon. This reminds me of the transition Dilbert made from static comic strip to cartoon. All of a sudden fans were introduced to the voice of Dilbert, and to some it just wasn't right. I for one would be satisified with new Tick cartoon episodes. And a DVD boxset couldn't hurt either!
  • I just saw Mystery Man last night (kids, who can get to theaters). The whole time I was watching I kept thinking "Damn, if only the writers from the Tick had been involved...."


    Naughty Spawn, you face the Tick!

  • I've seen it on Comedy Central late Sunday nights. It's part of their "animation block" they run then. (With "The Critic" another show I loved that got canceled. I've got to stop watching shows I like, it dooms them.)
  • "You can't blow up the Earth, that's where I keep all my stuff!"

    Now that that's out of the way. I'm not sure I think this is a good idea or not. I've heard about this before and I was afraid then as well. I feel like "The Tick" will be very hard to do well in live action. I think animation is the right format for the show and really wish Fox would take the money to start that back up instead.

    But what do I know, I think Crusade shouldn't have been canceled and X-Files should have ended long ago.

  • Eek the Cat! ruled. I also liked Terrible Thunderlizards.

    "Sure, it never hurts to help!"

  • I hope they use my band' s [] theme song for the Little Wooden Boy.


  • Comment removed based on user account deletion

  • my own personal favorite:

    "look out world, i'm full of TANG!!!!!"
  • Vice President Al "Internet" Gore has decided to call it quits in his bid for the Office of the President of the United States as he has been offered the part of Little Wooden Boy for the upcomming TV series.

    Also, Bob Dole is being considered to play the part of The Terror, and Bill Gates was offered the part of Brainchild.

    In related news, Hemos the Hamster is rumored to be "putting on a few pounds" so that he can try out for the part of Speak.
  • The Tick is one of the very rare superhero parodies I have ever liked. After 4 years working in comic book stores, I developed a deep loathing for Marvel and DC superhero blandness. This developed into a love of the alternative presses, Last gasp, Rip-Off, Dark Horse (sometimes) and especially the really underground small-press scene.

    Often, people produced superhero spoofs, but most of the time these were weak and lacking in anything to distinguish them from the increasingly uninventive superhero market itself.

    The Tick stands out from that crowd as an example of a comic book that truly rocked! What's more, the animated series was fantastic too :-)

    Can they make it a hat-trick with a succcessful live action series?

    We'll have to wait and see.

  • Butter me, Pat.

  • by _J_ ( 30559 )
    Hey, You're the guy who made my head hot! Well, I'm not going to let you make my friend's heads hot!


  • We must warp to the speed of LINT!

    Yes! YES! Of course! The Speed of... what?

    Lint! Ever wonder why after you wash your clothes you always find lint in your pockets?

    Uh.. I guess.

    IT'S THAT FAST!!!!!

  • This is the Earth. (It's where you keep your stuff.) Now, imagine it. . . GONE!

    Ok, the Tick was good fun. What made it such fun was that it was completely over the top. The Tick getting punched into orbit (and going on an existential journey within his mind), clones made entirely of snot, and armies of corn soldiers ("We're colonels!") and things of that sort were what made the Tick worth watching. Am I the only one that thinks that this is going to be hard to capture in live-action? A lot of the stuff that happened on the Tick was pretty improbable. I have my doubts about the show's ability to pull off effects like talking monkey geniuses on a weekly basis. It seems like either they won't try, and the show will be dull because of it, or they will try, and the cheesy effects will get in the way, and even if they manage to make the effects passable, I have my doubts about the actors' ability to play something that over the top without coming off as hammy.

    I don't mean to sound like I'm dumping on it before it even gets off the ground (although I suppose I am), but I am very skeptical. Seems like a better choice would be to revive the animated series. That's what I would prefer, at least. Still, the ways of Hollywood are, at best, bizarre and inscrutable.


  • a) I thought Mystery Men was very much along the lines of The Tick and retained the same tongue-in-cheek-but-lovable satire of the Tick comics. That movie turned out pretty good.
    Agreed. Most of the characters in Mystery Men would have fit right into the Tick universe.

    ObTickQuote: "Life is a big wild craxy tossed salad, but you don't ear it, no sir! You live it! Isn't it great?"

    (Why, yes, I do have a calligraphic button reading "SPOOON!" hanging in my car, why do you ask?)

  • It probably won't be worth much. The CHROMA Tick was a reprint of the original B&W Tick #1... It's just a reprint with colours added. As a rule of thumb, reprints are never a good comic investment. For the true Tick fan, it was nice to see it all in colour, though!

    Now, my uncut #2 Tick may be worth something... But considering the comic's value didn't go up following the animated series, I guess it never will. What the Tick's series needed was for Ben Edlund to take a break from the animated series and give us some new Tick issues! Plus, I always found the Tick's humour really shone through in the comicbook. There was a surreal and warped sense of humour in the comicbook that you didn't find elsewhere. (Such as the Red Eye, the whole roadtrip to the Big City, the Monolith, the Ninjas, etc.)

  • Marlon Brando or William Shatner. They'd save money from not having to buy a costume or use computer graphics.
  • Well, a lot of times these kinds of things aren't really rumors or misinformation, they're test-marketing.

    Some casting person leaks rumors about Warburton. Net begins to buzz. Some schmoe working at casting companyshakes the net to see what falls out. People seem to be very pumped about this, so it probably bodes well for him, whether they'd already decided to cast him or not.

    If everyone booed and hissed, the production company could just say, "It was a rumor. We'll find someone much more suitable for the part."

    Get it? Suitable? Big, blue suit? Ha. Ha. Oh.
  • Sun-worshipping dog launchers, you face.... the TICK!!
  • If Newmann plays Arthur I will have him hunted down and beaten, along with the casting director.

    Puddy's perfect, he's big and not really dumb, just confused. He's got a quality kinda like the Tick's almost ignorant brilliance.
  • Yes, Ash from the Evil Dead series is the only Actor I'd trust to play the Tick. He has the poise, the humor, the straight lines, and most importantly, the Chin.

    Ok. Let's compare these mugs: Patrick Warburton [] vs. Bruce Campbell []. (sorry, [] was down as I wrote this.)

    I call for a re-cast! All in Favor? SPOON! All opposed? not in the face! not in the face!. The Spoons have it!


Tomorrow's computers some time next month. -- DEC
