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The IT Labor Shortage 520

Carnage4Life writes "Dr. Dobbs Journal has a very insightful article on the shortage of IT professionals that is constantly being touted by the media and industry execs. It debunks this myth by discussing the results of the IT Workforce Data Project which indicate that there is anything but a shortage of IT professionals in industry today. " Good points, talking about the oft-heard of preference for recent grads and such. What do you folks think? Is it hard to find a job?
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The IT Labor Shortage

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    When companies require a 4 year degree and 3-5 years work expertise, and won't even bother to take into consideration the people who have spent 3-5 years learning, and using the specific technology desired instead, they create a trap for themselves.

    Seriously folks, if you were looking for "IT Staff" wouldn't you want people who knew the technology you were using inside and out, and have worked with it for a few years, or a fresh off the street CS/MIS Grad?

    It would depend sharply on the sort of work I was hiring the person for. If I just wanted someone to put a pretty GUI interface on the front of a database that someone else designed, I'd look for someone with lots of experience with the specific technologies I wanted used, and wouldn't worry about their degrees. If I want someone to analyze requirements, then design the database from scratch, I'd look for someone with a CS degree and some database experience, and wouldn't worry a bit whether or not they had experience with the specific database engine I wanted to use. The second sort of person is far rarer, and far harder to recognize when you encounter him or her.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    I'm 15 years old and i know that they're are lots of jobs now but i'm just afriad what will it be like in 10 years? Do you think it will be as good as it is now or so many parents will want their children to go into CS and IT that it will just become overcrowded. Do you think this is possible or i am just worring too much?
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Please ignore the incomplete copy of this that I already posted. Stinkin' moron posters. Can't figure out that the preview button is on the right.

    The university system is not poised to effectively teach Computer Science. Respected schools like Cal Poly still teach Ada as a core language. The IT world changes much too fast for the university sytem to keep its curriculum current. Recent grads leave with a degree; training in obsolete areas; and a whole lot of theory with little practical relevence.

    I have to disagree with the the claim that schools can't teach real Computer Science with Ada. I also have to disagree that a sound theoretical basis is useless.

    I have a true Computer Science background. Backed up with a lot of theoretical math background. Having a fundamental understanding of Computer Science is invaluable as a Programmer, Tester, Analyst, Project Manager, and all of the other roles that Programmers fill in most software and IT shops. I've filled all of those roles and more.

    What is useless (and comes out of a lot of Universities) is a degree in writing C programs or writing Java programs. My undergraduate work did not involve a lot coding. It did involve a lot of talking and drawing pictures. So many of the young programmers I meet don't really understand the magic box that they are sitting in front of. They lack basic architecture and algorithms understanding. They are clueless about even simple tree-traversal concepts and finite-state machines.

    But, they have written moderate-size school projects in 1 to 4 languages. Big whoop.

    I'd like to see a lot more sound Computer Science taught (with Turing Machines, Ada, Pascal or even BASIC, although I think I'd prefer Pascal or Java. Its pretty hard to develop certain bad habits (which annoy me personally) in either.).

    I'd also like to see some non-programmer oriented IT degrees. The skills that lead to good Programmer/Analysts are not the same as the skills that lead to great sysadmins. Why can't we train them differently?

    Geez, I'm starting to sound like a real old geezer. I'm not even 30. Oh wait, approaching 30 is old geezer these days.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    There is no such thing as a shortage of anything. In economic terms, supply = demand; always! Just because I want to pay a doctor 10 bucks for X-Raying (they still use those, right?) my sprained foot; doesn't mean there's a "shortage" of doctors. What it means is that I don't want to pay the market rate ... more like $400 ... for those services. This society needs more, better police, lawyers, doctors and teachers. Is there a labor shortage in these fields? No. The only "shortage" is people's willingness to pay for those services.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    IMHO, its finding someone truly skilled in the IT field that's the problem.

    *points to the mass of MSCE's next door*

    Granted, some of them _are_ smart. But the majority of IT workers I enounter now would have a hard time telling confs/etc from thier arse. The whole 'I got my cert, Im cool now' attitude I see really bugs me since it devaluates the skilled workers out there.

    Like grits? [] Who doesn't!
  • Good title for a magazine article?

    I agree, it should really be called the "compentent IT shortage". You could say it was just that I didn't look in the right places or didn't study hard enough, but right here in Portland, Oregon I had fair amount of difficulty finding a position programming.

    When I did get one in a small start-up, I found myself working with mostly incompetents. In the past year, we've chewed through three contractors who had resumes making them look ten times better than me, but lasted an average of two months after demonstrating that they couldn't so much as write a half-decent web page.

    I'm not saying that I'm a guru or anything, but I didn't even know what "ASP" stood for before I started here, so I expected anyone who claims to have three years of web development experience to at least be able to teach me *something*.

  • Personally, I don't think finding a job in IT is at all difficult. That is if you're not looking to do web-design. People like that are a dime a dozen because it's something you can learn by just sitting on your computer all day, picking up on little details of web design.

    Harrumph. I'm looking for good web designers [in NW Philly suburbs? Email me], but the vast majority of designers sit around on their computer all day, thinking they are picking up on little details of web design, yet at the end of those days their designs look *very* average.

    I've had about 5 people ask me to hire them, but the URLs they give me are FrontPage, Comic Sans, tables with borders, frames without rhyme or reason, etc. etc. These people are picking up HTML, but NOT DESIGN!

    I'd rather hire someone out of art school with some understanding of color and typography. The HTML they might be able to pick up. At least they'll know whether what they do looks good or bad.

  • They'd rather say "yeah, we can do anything, everything we do is cool" rather than say "we made a crappy OS [bullshit skipped]

    "I" and "we" are completely different, and in this case unrelated things. The purpose of open source community is not to drink beer together, or throw hordes of identical people at large projects but to combine efforts of people with different kinds of experience, goals and background. No one knows everything, but it's very unlikely that among large number of people that deal with the same problem there won't be a person that has the knowledge, experience or idea that will eventually bring the solution. Open source makes it more likely that right people will see others' work at right time.

    Have I mentioned that you look like ZicoKnows?

  • I've written web shopping carts -- in Python. I've written web inventory management system front ends -- in PHP3. And like any other geek worth his name, I can learn a new computer language within a matter of weeks (though I already do know a LITTLE Perl -- why do you think I use Python and PHP3 :-)?

    But it seems to me that you wouldn't consider me for a second, because I don't have EXACTLY the skill set that you want. Nevermind that with my history, anybody with a dullard's amount of brains would figure that I could swiftly move in and do the job. A dullard's amount of brains don't appear to be in the requirements document for personnel departments :-{.

    (Note -- I am NOT looking for a job, I am quite happy with my current one... I was merely noting what I saw as the biggest problem facing job seekers: inflexible employers who want a particular set of 'easy to define' skills, rather than valuing 'hard to measure' skills like flexibility, intelligence, and productivity).


  • The point is that any seriously geeky person who has been exposed to Perl and Perl-like languages can write Perl code within hours, and GOOD Perl code within days -- like any seriously geeky person, I pick up new computer languages the way that women seem to pick up shoes at the shopping mall :-) (not to mention that any seriously geeky person has SOME experience with Perl -- why do you think I use PHP3 and Python :-). And you would not give someone like me the time of day because my prior experience has been the (very Perl-like) PHP3 and (somewhat Perl-like) Python. You want the exact match, and refuse to accept otherwise well-skilled people who could do the job (and do it in Perl), especially if they like poking humorous fun at Perl I presume. ("Q: What's the difference between a Perl programmer and a COBOL programmer? A: 30 years.").

    I'm not looking for a job, BTW, so don't even look for my resume. I'm quite happy with Phoenix AZ and I'm quite happy with my co-workers, who in my opinion are doing a damned good job even when I disagree with some of their decisions. I'll point out that your "must jell well with the other people you are working with" in reality translates to "must be like me". Of course, I must admit that I'm no different... when I'm making hiring recommendations, I'm looking for people who are somewhat offbeat but in a positive way, ability to quote Monty Python optional, and I'm looking for people who I feel can learn anything quickly, even if they don't have the exact skill set for the job. Gosh, people like me :-). But the point is that I realize this, and you, apparently, don't, somehow believing that everybody must be just like you in order to get along. I do believe that there is a value in a diverse workplace. I might not be on the same wavelength as the ex-Air Force officer down the hall (I'm somewhat liberal, he's a staunch Jerry Falwell Republican, I'm the eccentric professor in wrinkled clothing, he's spit and polish etc.), but I do believe he brings something to the company of value, and I don't bother trying to convert him to supporting Al Gore (grin).


  • You have the right idea. The point is to get good people, not to get the "buzzword compliant". The Dallas Cowboys, during their heyday, had the theory of "draft talent, not position." That is, draft the best people, regardless of whether they were "buzzword compliant" (i.e., had the exact skill set that the Cowboys needed at that particular point in time). This kept them on top of the NFL for close to fifteen years because while some players may have been "out of position", if they were good at their job they could adjust quickly with the proper input from the coaching staff (management and co-workers) -- and if they weren't, the coaching staff could tell within a short period of time and can them before they did any damage.

    As for VB apps and $45k or more for new hires, it depends on what part of the country you're in. In the Silicon Valley that would be starvation wages :-). In Shreveport, Louisiana, that would be more than the CEO of the company. I do know that one of our recent new hires (well, "recent" == "last June") said that most of his new-grad friends got a job for between $40k and $45K per year, this being in Phoenix. But they were COBOL/data processing types going out into the cusp of the Y2K-fix job market too... I doubt they'd have gotten that much for doing VB!

    One thing I have discovered, BTW, is that there seems to be little correlation between high college grades and "hacker talent". Most hard core geeky types apparently prefer to be hacking on their computers rather than studying :-}. But you wouldn't know this from the recruiting practices of many major companies (such as Microsoft), most of which go almost entirely upon grades for their pre-screening of new grads.


  • A Temp Worker: $25,000.
    An MSCE NT Professional: $40,000.
    A Professional UNIX Admin: $60,000.
    An Admin who actually knows what that big red button does: Priceless.

    Yep, there's a shortage. That's why I'm not worried about a job.
    pb Reply or e-mail; don't vaguely moderate [].
  • Have you been in a position where you're looking to hire people? I have. We resorted to foreigners because it is _VERY_ hard to find great programmers out there.

    Cheap H1B my ass. The INS requires you to prove that you've looked in the local market for someone to fill the position first, and even then you have to pay slightly above the going average salary for the area.

    I just recently accepted an H1B job offer in New York (I'm from Canada). The offer was more than generous, and the employer definitely does not have me by the balls. If I don't like it, I'll pack up and drive back to Canada. That's key when you're an H1-B: you can't ever presume that you'll stay in the US. You need a saftey net that will allow you to return home.

    And sure, getting out of a lease is annoying, but the signing bonus at my next position would more than make up for that.
  • The dirty little secret of this business is that foreign nationals, even at the same salaries as local workers, end up being cheaper for the company over the long term. Why? They can't leave their sponsor company! (This isn't strictly true - they're free to leave if they pay back their employer for the fees incurred, typically $5k-$10k or more. They also have to have another sponsor or leave the country. Frequently, there's not much real choice.)

    Given the rate of turnover in this industry (I've never worked for the same company longer than a year, ever, and I get the sense that my experience is typical of younger employees in the market), I'm not remotely surprised that lobbying for more H1B visas is the #1 legislative priority for American technology companies. That's why you constantly hear the wailing about a shortage of tech workers - there's a real agenda being pushed in furthering that notion.

    For the record, I feel I should note that I personally oppose all restrictions on the movement of humans across national borders. I'm no xenophobe, I'm just making an observation about our present situation.


  • I got a job last week in a restaurant because some guy saw my [geek.] shirt from copyleft.
  • You write: Personally, i think the shortage is not of IT professionals, but of competent, well-trained ones.

    It goes without saying that the only people that are of immediate highly productive use in an enterprise are competent, experienced ones ("well-trained" on its own doesn't cut it), simply because the pace of development is far too rapid for companies to be able to carry out their plans by training up raw recruits. It takes years to create a top expert, and the ratio of success to failure is low. Most people end up being barely passable, definitely not the kind you'd want as head designers of anything important.

    Having said that, beggers can't be choosers, and alas, while the IT shortage is a matter of some debate in the US (apparently), it is most definitely not a matter of debate in Europe. We're desperate for people in all Internet-related areas except Microsoft, and currently it seems ludicrously difficult to find anyone on the market with even the most basic appreciation of elementary things, say port numbers in TCP. I'm fed up of interviewing guys whose idea of fixing a problem is to phone up support.

    So, if you're a real techie and can't find a job in the US and have a means of entry into some European country (especially the UK, please!), then come and offer us your services. The pay is good too, especially if you're skilled enough to be a freelance contractor.

    (Maybe if enough folks come over, I could get more sleep.)
  • by Darchmare ( 5387 )
    No shortage of IT workers?

    All I can say is, "Shh!".

    Don't say these things out loud...

    - Jeff A. Campbell
    - VelociNews ( [])
  • Don't get me wrong, I'm very much of a market realist. The fact of the matter is that good IT can save a company a great deal of money (not to mention boost earnings). My problem, however, is less a matter of the price being paid for IT, then it is simply utter lack of available talent. The talent that can usually be had by most companies is mediocre, and the price paid is steep. I certainly take issue with anyone who would say that IT talent simply isn't an issue, that it's being fabricated by companies so they can reduce their IT costs by bringing in help from the 3rd world. Clearly when one looks at the avg. IT salary since the growth of "tech" visas, it speaks very much contrary to this fact.

    Furthermore, although I believe in paying what the market dictates, I don't necessarily believe this is ultimately healthy for the economy. While many large companies can afford to hire very expensive IT, most startup companies (except for some of these dotcoms rolling in VC money, but that's more of an abberation...) are being priced out by larger companies because they can not afford these kind of cash outflows. Simply put, this has adverse effects on the economy. It seems particularly silly when the US has a very backwards immigration and visa policy, that effectively only lets in nominal levels of skilled (or even semi-skilled) labor, but hundreds of thousands of unskilled people. I can think of many companies that are desperate for good IT, yet they just can't get it, even though there are millions of highly skilled IT people outside the US who're willing to work at rates they can afford. Simply put, these costs (but more importantly the shortage) are needlessly artificially high because of protectionist and backwards immigration laws.

    The bottom line: If you see the great value of good IT and realize the rarity of it in corporate America, it's hard to argue economically that it would hurt our country to allow more (but not necessarily completely open) talented workers in.

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • I suppose that I see both at my place of employment, I have a co-worker who does nothing but pretend to know the industry.

    I am more of the mercenary type. However there are rules of common decency that apply. 1. Don't divulge any private information about any former employer to benefit your new employer. 2. Don't steal any customers from your former employer.

    If someone is going to offer you more money you have no obligation to turn them down. Liking the people you work with/for has nothing to do with it. You need to weigh the importance of the various benefits and how they affect your situation.

    This isn't 40 years ago when you could expect to work for 1 company until you retire.

  • It's not hard to find a job - If you know what you're doing. I last re-meplyed myself about three months ago, and was getting 4-5 contacts a day over a 2 week period with 3 years of unix experience.

    I dunno what the market is like for recent graduates.. It can't possibly be more difficult. My two best friends got geek jobs without CS degrees, and without any real work experience, and both for good money.

    But, like everything else, it depends on where you are and who you know. We're all in NC, so the labor market is sweeeeet. I think any metropolitan area is going to have a need for plenty of geeks.

    And, warm bodies with 'experience' are never hard to find, but experience (time on a job with a CS sort of title) is no real metric of ability. It all depends on the person - some people work for 10 years at a job and only pick up the minimum to get through it. It would take five of those people to do the work of one person with actual skill.

    YMMV. :P

  • I think to be a well rounded geek, you need both: hands-on practical experience with a variety of languages and systems and a deep understanding of theory and academic subjects.

    Some CS curriculums really aim for that: they expose students to different subjects and languages in a seemingly haphazard way. That's the way to go. Others, of course, pick some kind of stream-lined path around what sells (Windows, VC++) or what is in vogue (Ada or Java or ... to the exclusion of anything else). That doesn't prepare the students for the crazy and ever changing real world.

  • As a guy who just got his first job out of College and used headhunters and online resume websites, forget it. Those things are shit. I got all my interviews with good companies from friends, and newspaper ads. Headhunters are complete waste of time.
  • The TOP TEN reasons why business says there is an IT labor shortage are:

    • 10 - Smaller business is still too strapped for cash, and offers puny resources, such maybe one or two servers to run a network from, poor hand-me-down workstations to develop software on, and on, and on.
    • 9 - Larger corporations might be more attractive to some because of the great resources such a business would have, but these same corporations are a big turn off to most of the technical people that could otherwise serve them well. A large portion (most) of technical people would rather come to work totally casual every day, as well as other things like telecommuting from home, or working whatever hours they like (software developers should be about to do this quite flexibly while network administrators might have more difficulty).
    • 8 - It's quite hard to find someone who is good, even though there are plenty of people out there. Recruiters even have a hard to finding them. One of the reasons for this is that there is no one good central place to look. And this situation has even gotten worse with there being hundreds of JOBS web sites out there now. And none of those sites lists all available jobs, so anyone looking for a job, as well as anyone looking to hire, and to scrounge around lots of them to find good jobs or people.
    • 7 - Larger corporations tend to favor commercialized technology and are afraid of the emerging open source and free software because they don't know who they can sue if it doesn't work. Similarly they are afraid they won't be able to hire someone that knows open source and free software when the one who did set it up leaves for more money somewhere else (because they somehow get the impression the corporate vendor of the commercial stuff can come bail them out if they suddenly find themselves way understaffed with commercial software, which is totally untrue).
    • 6 - The making of internet millionaires (and a few billionaires) has diverted the interests of many to seek out more money, and especially perks like stock options, employee ownership, and even partnership. Some are even starting their own business. And much of this is because the traditional businesses are failing to offer substantial incentives like stock options, which they could (but tend to reserve for the top corporate officers).
    • 5 - Jobs that businesses do have open are often so complex, with so many things to be dealt with, that the requirements for the job end up listing dozens of different skills and experiences that are needed. In many cases HR doesn't realize that perhaps only half a dozen people in the world can qualify. Business doesn't want to hire people who need to learn something to do the job, while at the same time, people do tend to want a job where they are challenged to learn something new, and increase their skills (which in the end should help business, but managers haven't figured that out, yet).
    • 4 - The rapid pace of computer technology, made even more rapid by the emergence of the internet, has put tremendous time pressures on business to implement and deploy everything from software to networks to web sites, quickly. While business has in the past been willing to hire people who've learned the theory in college, and train them on their ongoing technology, business today has found it has to hurry and pull their pants up and bring in people who already know how to do things that the business has no idea about. They need these people to be able to start even before they've finished the paperwork in the HR office.
    • 3 - Unemployment statistics are effectively spin-doctored. At the beginning of the Clinton administration, USA employment statistics rules were changed. They now do not count as unemployed the software engineer who is currently working flipping burgers at the local greasy burger place. As a result, these underemployed people are just not counted and the job market looks different than it really is.
    • 2 - In its zeal to hire only experienced people, and put back on the street those who are not experienced, they have caused fewer and fewer people than otherwise would be to be getting that actual experience they demand. An analogy to this would be tearing down old houses to get wood to build new houses because no one has the time, desire, or money, to plant new forests.
    • 1 - Business wants it, but it doesn't want to pay for it. People come to work for a company, get a few years experience and a certification or two, and get somewhere between no and a trivial raise to compensate. Then the person gets hired away for much more money and the see they can't hire a replacement without having to offer more.

    Anyone who has taken Economics 101 knows (if you didn't sleep through the course) the laws of supply and demand. When the demand goes up and/or the supply goes down, the prices go up. Correspondingly when the supply is up and the demand is down, prices go down. When the unemployment is high, business is happy because salaries and wages stay low. People are willing to work for less when the alternative is no work at all. Business fights to prevent efforts by the government to raise any salaries or wages, as well as fights efforts to impose more benefits like health care. Business insists that economics are at work and things should be left alone. Turn the tables on business and give it a situation where there are indeed fewer people, which would cause salaries and wages to go up, then business suddenly doesn't want to play by the same rules, and wants the government to step in and change things to their benefit.

    I suggest that the real problem in the USA is a shortage of competent management.

  • This article's validity came to a screeching halt about four paragraphs down.

    ...a group of core occupational specialties -- computer scientists, computer engineers, and systems analysts. Programmers were added to this group... In some cases...electrical engineers...were also included...

    I see no reason to say that there is no shortage in the IT market when you only include the high end of the IT market. What about the bottom rungs of the career ladder - tech support, help desk, network admins, etc? That's where you'll find your shortage. Critical, high-level positions MUST be filled, even if you have to take someone who is not highly qualified. Meanwhile, OEMS are staffing tech support lines with people who have a pulse and can spellk "computer".

    Further down, we read
    In other words, if employers are experiencing shortages, they are not shortages of qualified people in general but rather shortages of particular kinds of qualified people.
    Right. So when trucking companies claim there's a shortage of qualified drivers, I expect Dr. Dobbs would say "But there's over 200 million qualified drivers in this country!"
  • I think its to the point where right now people are busy seeing what they want/expect/need to see instead of actually trying to figure out what's going on.

    Reading the article is very informative:
    • The population sampled was pretty specific. I myself, a programmer/analyst who does webwork wouldn't have fallen into their definitions.
    • The "hot market" trend IS a factor in potential shortage - having done interviews, I know not everyone can hack programming/IT.
    • The concern about the age crunch is something I haven't seen - people will hire who they can hire.
    • Neccessary skills *are* rare, because people need combinations combined with pesonality traits.

    Overall, we have more people that CAN do IT, but many aren't or are too limited or in the wrong spot.

    Me, I get plenty of calls a month. I'm 32 (supposedly over-the-hill), and going fine. My guess is there's not a gap statistically - but there's a gap in will and standards.
  • I have to agree with the earlier post about location location location. It may be tough to find an IT job in Philly, but here in Ottawa, Ontario (Canada) its a snap.
    I have just started with a new company(after fielding a few offers and at least 1 headhunter calling me per day for a month) and am working with a client in Kanata, the "Silicon Valley North." Out there comapies like Newbridge, Nortel, Mitel and Lockeed Martin have giant banners on their building asking, nay, begging for skilled workers. Nortel actually has a store in the mall across from their HQ rented out as a recruiting centre - like the Army! Newbridge (who is hiring again after being bought by Actel of France) laid off hundreds of workers a few months ago during restructuring. The competion for labour was so fierce that Nortel had recruiters in sandwhich boards getting candidates outside their AGM in the Corel Centre (arena where the Senetors play). On the day of the layoffs, they rented a Greyhound bus, which waited outside of the Newbridge offices for the laid off workers to be escorted out. HR people then brought them onto the bus, interviewed them and offered them positions then and there.

    Sounds like an IT labour shortage to me up here...

  • >Too many employers brush off the recent grads who
    >didn't choose to work at low or no-pay
    >"internships" *ahem!*slavery*ahem!*

    Hmm... Don't know what internships you were looking at. After my freshman year I made $18 and hour programming and gained a HUGE amount of real-world experience that made me a MUCH better programmer. Most CS students I know had similar (and often higher-paying/more-productive!) experiences. If I were an employer looking at recent grads, I would definitely look for strong internship experience, because there is, as has been discussed a lot on this board, a big difference between academic and hands-on experience (though both are valuable).
  • A wise man once said there are three types of computer users.

    • The novice is calling for help because he's afraid he'll press a key and break something.
    • The average user is calling for help because he touched a key and broke something.
    • The expert is the one who gets paid to break other people's computers.

  • So, what does one do when ones local market is flooded with people who fake it real well. I'm really good at figuring things out with computers but am openly honest about what I don't know. But it seems like everyone I talk to who has a good job, knows even less than me, but looks as if they know more. So I end up working stupid jobs, getting turned down at every chance. Yes, I'm attempting to go the college route but an AA doesn't seem to be enough and I'm having hard enough time just passing classes in junior college (not college material exactly, when it comes to a job I work my butt off for them, but can't seem to equate motivate myself in formal education)
  • *****The university system is not poised to effectively teach Computer Science. Respected schools like Cal Poly still teach Ada as a core language. The IT world changes much too fast for the university sytem to keep its curriculum current. Recent grads leave with a degree; training in obsolete areas; and a whole lot of theory with little practical relevence. *****

    Actaully you go to a college not to learn a specific language, but to learn how to program. To learn about data structures and algorithims. To learn about CS theory and about writing structured modular clode. If you understand the core basics of thinking like a programmer you should be able to learn a new language with little trouble.

    If you are going to school to learn a programming language then you are getting short changed. There is more to programming than knowing syntax.
  • So if you were putting together your resume today, would you still put MSCE down, or leave it off?

    I think the original poster has reached the point where they see MSCE on a resume as being almost at the level of putting down Basic or Pascal - it makes you question more the wisdom of the person who would choose to present that as something they were proud enough of to include on a one page summary of who they are!

    When I look at resumes, I look to them to tell me what the applicant has been proud of, and what they are interested in working on in the future.
  • I'd say that demand for people with actual CS degrees is at an all time high - I hardly ever see resumes from people with a CS degree and am very excited to see that - we just interviewed two CS grads where I work and made them both offers.

    These people had also been just doing stuff on the side in thier room - I think that real interest like that will always show, and make you very appealing to people at any company with half a brain.

    Apart from CS knowledge the ability to communciate well is really important, and you seem fine in that respect as well - I wouldn't worry at all!

    Good luck, and enjoy your career. I know I have!
  • Getting an MCSE has nothing to do with writing sample code OR answering algorithm questions. MCSE's are not programmers. You should be asking them how to set up multiple domains, WINS, DHCP, how a client gets authenticated etc etc. If you're looking for sample code from MCSE's you're barking up the wrong tree. Try MCSD's.
  • At my company I seem to do all of the above. Granted there are others who seem to do some programing or some system admin in addition to their normal functions, but very few who do both, plus can be trusted to open up a machine and install/configure hardware (pick a Unix flavor OR winNT), or do basic database administration, excluding for a moment web-design (html & javascript) which is mostly outside of what we normally do.

    I think the shortage may not be so much people with a few skills, so much as people who:
    1) have a variety of skills and experiance and can be thrown into various 'ad-hock' situations.
    2) can actually learn and expand their skill set relatively painlessly (for their employer) as needed.
    and 3) can actually interact with other people (PHB, other programmers, clients).

  • I'm sorry, I wrote the comment at work. In fact, I think this is the first time I'm posting to /. and not at work. Believe me, posting while working is not the best thing - my job frustrates me considerably.

    I'll be more precise, although I doubt you'll respond to it since as an AC it's harder to find your comment amidst the myriad of others :)

    You're right. I didn't intend to insult VB, nor DLL's in general, nor any of another million things.

    I'm a rather skilled VB programmer (or at least, like to think so). I like the language, and the RAD features. What my comment intended to ennunciate is that my job has been fucked over by those who came before me, who didn't have the skills but were able to present themselves as skilled.

    Thus we have about 40 different DLL's to do things in the most complicated when a straight path would do better that crash constantly, but we don't have time or resources to fix them since we're constantly running prod support in addition to development. It's as much a management problem as a coding problem.

    I have to say for a project that requires or would be suited to RAD, VB is quite decent. But, if you are skilled at VB as you say, I doubt highly your saying the language is decent.

    It's currently at version 6, and about to hop to 7. The IDE is buggy as hell (ever missed a reference in the project file? sit around for about ten minutes for it to open so you can fix it). Optional arguments can't be user-defined types. There's no hierarchical class structure. Forms can't have user-defined properties. Etc, etc, etc. I don't mean to be bashing VB - it has it's place and uses.

    We run an embedded system for computer-based testing.

    I would be greatly interested in any reason you had that would explain why we should be running said system in Windows, using VB, with an Access backend. I can't personally think of any. And that's not a flame.

    *sigh* I'd much rather go for C/C++ with a linux server, have the testing stations on X servers and link off the main server - no more DLL problems on each machine, etc, etc, etc. We have a sick amount of DLL's, and every time we change one thing we have to recompile 90% of them, or else we get the wonderful old "ActiveX Component can't create object". Helpful error, that.

    So I guess this rant is both that VB allows people without skills to more easily foist themselves upon unknowing suits, and that VB is, while a decent RAD language, not suited to the markets the M$ targets it to (mission critical applications and doing "hey, we've integrated VB with IIS! run everything in VB").


    That's enough from here :)
    ls: .sig: File not found.
  • I don't know what kind of crack the previous AC was smoking... I thought the site rocked!

    I couldn't agree more either - I've got most of my jobs because I can walk in and say "I've been doing this since 1983. If I don't know something, I can learn it, quickly."

    That, and a DEMONSTRATION that i actually know something is usually what gets me in the door. One example of this working actually was when I went to work at SBC. Didn't like it much and moved on, but I was still happy that I had been able to get into a company like that.


    Hey Rob, Thanks for that tarball!
  • The "shortage" is really companies wanting to have extra people to devote to growth rather than simple maintenance. They also aren't willing to pay market rate for the skillsets they need.

    The recession in the early '90s made companies used to having a hundred overqualified candidates willing to work for peanuts, and now that the situation's reversed, these corporations are whining about having to take what they can get.

    Any company who looks at the payscale for the position they're trying to fill and starts offering a salary at least at the middle of that scale rather than the bottom will have no problem getting the people they're looking for. Once they start valuing their IS employees as more than mere maintenance crew / union laborers, they'll find themselves having an easier time both hiring people and keeping them.
  • I have to agree. I know of places that have been trying to find good programmers for months. What they actually keep finding is people who took some classes in college but have no experience, or people who have been programming for a few years, but still code like they did when they first started. Too many don't have any experience, while others have not made any progress with their programming skills.

    A friend told me about a potential job candidate that had a nice list of skills, but the person didn't really know any of these tools. He just put them on his resume to try to get hired...and it worked.

  • The reason there are so many H1 visa people and foreigners in the IT business is because they are often the only people available. Here in the US, very few people are getting 4-year degrees in CIS, and there arn't that many self-taught competent engineers. Things are different in India, for example. In India, getting a CIS degree is in the same class as getting a law or medical degree in the US. There's an overabundance of lawyers in this country but very few people graduating with CIS degrees.

    In almost every company I have worked most of the engineers are from India and a lesser extent from Taiwan and China. As a senior engineer who has interviewed many people, it is quite difficult finding talented programmers. It is even more difficult in that in the networking sector I work in most of the work is in embedded systems which requires far more skill than writing standard Unix or Windows programs. For one thing, a bad pointer will likely require a reboot since there's usually no safety net and the debugging tools are often quite limited (and very often home-grown).

    Sure, anyone can implement a linked list, but there arn't many people who can implement interrupt handlers or use a logic analyzer to track down a system hang.
  • Form the PHB perspective, sometimes you want to grow your development team for the future and you don't have any immediate need for skills that aren't currently coved by the existing team. So you find someone who is generally good (smart, problem solver, quick learner, hard worker, good communication, plays well w/ others etc.) and the past experience need not be a perfect match to some skill list.

    OTOH, sometimes you desperately need someone who is an *expert* in some specifc thing and you don't have time to wait for someone already on your team to gain expertice (i.e. your database guru with an MS and 10 years experince just quit and the jr. database guys are good but they aren't gonna aquire 10 years Oracle kung foo in 6 months).

    Most situations probably fall somewhere between these 2 extremes.

    Of course, if a company has the size and the cluefulness, they try to

    While dealing with clueless HR is annoying ("says here you've used HPUX, Solaris and RedHat, but do you have UNIX experience, I really need someone with UNIX experience" True Story!), in some situations the job description is narrow for a good reason.

    Additionally, it's good to bear in mind that job listings are brodcast further and further over time (company corkboard -> newspaper) and the signal to noise ratio increases accordingly so a response to newspaper ad is gonna be screened more anally than a response to a personal recomendation. How would anyone deal with 500+ resumes? _What_Color_Is_Your_Parachute_?_ covers this angle well and is a good resouce for anyone who is job hunting.
  • I have serious doubts about any company that uses headhunters to find fresh graduates. After all, they can interface directly with the univerity career centers and not have to pay 30-100% of a years salary in commission. Because of the prohibative cost, most places will only use headhunters when they are having trouble finding the right person. When the pool of potentially qualified people is extremly small (CEO, expert in some really specific area, etc.) this is quite understandable. When the pool is really large (anyone with a BS in X) this seems very odd.

    IMHO, the best plan is to use any resorces that your school has to offer (a lot of places even do on campus interviews), read _What_Color_Is_Your_Parachute_?_ and research companies and their openings on their homepages.
  • The university system (however one defines that) *is* well poised to teach Computer Science, but not programming... learning *how* to program is more important than knowing a language. A school that teaches you a language or a skill is a trade school. A school that teaches you how to think and adapt is a college/university (at least, that's the way it's supposed to be). As I told all of my prospective employers during interviews when they asked (what I think are) dumb questions about what languages I knew - A language is just a means to an end, a set of syntax that can one can adapt their thoughts and methods to. If you can learn one language, you can learn any language (most people won't believe this, and it is a great stumbling block to them).

    People who are out to 'learn Java' or 'learn Perl' to get a job are shorting themselves. Granted, languages do take more than a day to become efficient in (like C++ multiple inheritance/polymorphism, if you go for that), but if you know *what you want to do* and plan it out, you can make fairly elegant code in almost any language (picking the right language for the job should be part of the planning, too).

    Courses in Models of Computation, AI, Compiler Theory, Operating Systems (meaning scheduling, mm, kernel/library structure - not UNIX, NT, DOS), and Data Structures/Algorithms tend to separate the specific skill schools from the real thing. A semester of nothing but pseudo code can be the most elightening thing for some, because it focuses on the process, not the syntax. Too many programmers get hung up on 'I know how to do these seven things in C' and try to do everything with them... Curriculums that teach languages should only use them as a vehicle for teaching the real constructs of programming. Computer Science has less to do with the language than it does with processing that language.

    I agree that many recent grads may leave without a whole lot of experience or cluefulness. Experience does count - that what internship / co-ops are for, and independant projects. I was bored and was programming BASIC when I was about 7, and by the time I graduated high school, I was proficient in a number of things, and could have gotten work straight out (IMHO). The point is, I went to school, refined my thoughts, processes, and really learned a heck of a lot that, to be perfectly honest, you can't always get from a book (when was the last time your book looked at your code and told you it was ugly? How do you know?). I'm an engineer, not a CS major, so pretty code isn't always as important to me ;-) School is an opportunity to tune, refine, and expand your work, and should be taken advantage of, but just going doesn't guarantee anything. It's all about the work you decide to put into it.

    Some of them are from Mars, though... at least, I wouldn't doubt it...
  • I agree...Sorry 'bout that - I should have probably mentioned that some of that abstract design does lead to real code 8^D In Operating Systems, you would code up a multi-level scheduler, with several inputs, and you would have to use different methods, such as FIFO, Priority Queue, SJF, etc, test your code, and see what works best for the situation at hand. Concepts + real code = some understanding, hopefully. The same way that in a Models of Computation class, you'd have to explore the best methods for, say, parsing input and fetching it later - so, you code up a neat system in Lex/Yacc and try to get some performance out of it... In a few classes I've taken, and several others I know of, you need to achieve certain peformance results (whether sorting, gathering, parsing). I can't think of a better way of trying to teach things than making you think about it and then implement it... and do it *well*. Not good enough that it just compiles, get it to run *fast* and without errors. I probably glossed over the internship/co-op/undergrad research thing a little too quickly before - I've got a friend that is current working with a professor doing some neat things with the Linux kernel - not bad experience for a resume.

    I completely agree that you can't just learn theory, but a good curriculum will show you how to apply that theory and knowledge, throwing different tools in front of you to show you that, as I said before, there are many different tools (languages) out there, and you can be sucessful with any of them, given the right strategy.
  • Initiative and curiosity help you learn to think, and that's what it's all about. There are different paths for different people, and I wasn't trying to say that everyone *has* to go through a CS program, just that it can help refine the thought process (without brainwashing, of course) and hone those problem solving skills. I've always been a hardware guy at heart, and my engineering education has biased me to believe that if you can thrive in any engineering field, you have the abilities you need to adapt to any other field (I liked O-Chem... figure that one). Undergraduate educations are meant to teach you how to think and give you a base of knowledge that you can apply to the _real world_ when you get there. Graduate school is where you focus in on a particular area, and start to learn more recent things. I did hardware development on a uVax and PDP-11 in wirewrap, but the design process is essentially the same in VHDL (with which I am now rather well acquanted). Again, learning how to attack problems is the key. Some people are ready without extra schooling, and some people need that extra few years. Some, like myself, tried to take as much advantage of the opportunities that schools offer. I got a nice job as a multi-platform sysadmin at school (which was also a little extra cash), the reputation of the school helped me get summmer internships, and college was critical in my social developement, which I would have missed out on if I went straight to work - besides, where else can you get a good game of Descent going, and just taunt people verbally from down the hall (or Warcraft 2, Q-II...) 8^)

    Since I've strayed from my original point (I tend to do that on an empty stomach), I'll recap:
    You were right 8^)
    So was I 8^)
    LAN games are fun 8^)
  • That's just it... I know a few people who I graduated with who had degrees in Biomed or other semi-random fields, but had taken two or three CS courses, and a 1 credit Java intro, and made their way into work that way... Some of these people probably couldn't code their way out of a paper bag, while others were actually fairly competent. By the time I graduated, I had a few years of experience doing admin on various platforms (AIX/Solaris/Linux/NT/etc), and had enough of a clue to land myself just about whatever IT job I really wanted (one company even asked me if another offer was binding - wanted to raise my $$$ - of course, I had a tech interview with them 8^D) If you have the (some/any real) experience, are a quick learner, and aren't just faking your way through, you can land a lot of jobs... Heck, 1 credit of Java was all I took and one company wanted me to do that (no thanks!). It's a scramble to find semi-qualified people, but there are a lot who try to get by with less...

    Of course, I went into hardware and microcode... figure that one ;-)
  • ... on many different variables;

    1. Exactly what skills you have.
    2. What region are you located.
    3. How much pay you are looking for.
    4. Who you know and when.
    5. Luck.
    6. What non-pay benifits are do you want.
    7. How much real world work experience do you have.

    Number of workers in a specific job category is, in the end, just one factor in you finding a job.

    I'm sure that there is some baker, tailor and candlestick maker out there which always employeed in his/her field.
  • From the report:

    Programming remains at the heart of all IT work and it is not going to disappear as a profession. Demand for IT specialists is so strong that growth is still forecast for programmers despite effects of outsourcing and automation. Needs for "worker bees" may be diminishing, but interest in the queens and kings of programming is as great as ever. At the top of the field are the gifted practitioners described by Randall E. Stross: "The best programmers are not marginally better than merely good ones. They are an order of magnitude better, measured by whatever standard: conceptual creativity, speed, ingenuity of design, or problem-solving ability." 6 At this level, programming is an elite profession.

    That is, the report acknowledges what you and I and most others here already know--and that is, there is no shortage of morons out there who want to rake in money by bullsh-tting themselves into a well-paying tech job that is way over their head. However, there is a very big shortage of what you call "competent, well-trained ones", and which the report refers to as the "queens and kings" of programming.

    Programming has always been a somewhat "elite" job, where the best programmers can outcode by as much as a factor of 25 or more. (Hell, the book "The Mythical Man Month" aludes to this, and it was written in the IBM OS360 days.) And as more and more complex web sites, applications and embedded operating systems arise out there, the demand for the competent, well trained professionals there will become a "make or break" situation: if you have one on your project, you will ship. If you don't, you will piss several millions of your investor's dollars down the drain real quick.

    What strikes me as very interesting is that (1) the success or failure of a project is directly linked to having a gifted programmer on your staff, and that (2) management's failure to recognize the huge disparity between a qualified programmer and an unqualified programmer means that the chances that a qualified programmer works for a particular manager is largely luck.

    This is a sad situation, but there you go.

    I guess what pisses me off the most is the fact that most managers don't recognize this fact.
  • Come to Boston/Cambridge/Rt128. If you can tolerate working for suits and phbs, you can have all the money you want.

  • I'm shortly graduating from an EE program, and if I ever called myself a "proffessional", I might have to go sit down and cry. Especially if done when looking for work. And there's $hitloads of jobs out there for people that know how to do things.


  • I love technology. There will never be too few jobs in the computing industry. Most of our work is creating bugs. Somebody has to fix those bugs, right? And test. And do it all over again. It's a self-sustaining system. Probably doesn't even need customers. Wooo!
  • Anyone can pass a test. All you have to do is memorize a book. What happens when you want them to actually apply that knowledge?

    Where I'm going to school, I'm constantly shocked by the number of people I have to work with in groups that <i>do not know what they are doing</i>.

    Yesterday I had to teach a guy how to use sockets for a group project in "Distrubuted Operating Systems" (we're creating a system of 5 replicated values, using 2 different methods of transaction propogation). This is the sequal to the Operating Systems class ... it is considered a graduate level course by the proff teaching it, yet this guy still didn't have a clue how to do sockets.

    I've encountered people that don't know what "return" does in a function! (They "passed" the course that was supposed to teach them the stuff).

    Point being, yeah the paper means that they've gone through it, but did they just remember the stuff for a test, or do they really know how to use it?
  • That is sorta understandable.. They've done some interesting studies that the top programmers can sometimes be 10x-100x better and more productive than an average programmer. They might not write as many lines of code as the average programmer, but their code is clearer, more bug free, simpler, or more elegant. And given the cost of maintance combined with the cost of bugs, that number is VERY easy to understand.

    And the rarity of people in that class is also easy to understand. You don't join that class by learning C on your own. Nor by having an MCSE. You learn it by loving computer science, knowing the fundamentals, and gaining experience.

    Remember Sturgens law: 90% of everything sucks. :)

  • I don't think that this is necessarily true. Maybe I just resent the comment, since I am a self taught programmer who deals all of the concepts you mentioned - maybe not the buzzwords, but definitely the concepts. I also spent many months of my life fixing a badly written C++ program from someone with lots of education, but no real world experience. So it really goes both ways. Neither education or experience is complete all by itself, and neither is worth anything if you walk around with your head up your butt. But to imply that there isn't any good self taught programmers is pure bull. Someone had to teach themselves this stuff before they could teach it to anyone else. [RANT COMPLETE]
  • I agree with you pretty wholeheartedly on this comment. But I also believe that learning to be a good thinker, which is the key to learning how to program, is usually self taught.

    I chose a different route than you did. I also learned BASIC at 7, and was a pretty proficient programmer and computer tech when I left high school. I chose the the "work straight out" of high school route, worked building computers for a couple of years, and then got Novell certified and did networking for a couple more. I'm now a Software Design Engineer, working with a team of mostly degreed programmers, and my employer is paying my tuition to finally get that fancy piece of paper.

    Where I work, we have a heck of a time finding competent Software Engineers. Most applicants just don't have the proper problem solving skills. I think the main skill you need on a programming team is the ability to learn quickly. And I agree that knowing how to program is more important than knowing the syntax of a particular language. When I started my current position two years ago, my main language was C (though I'd played with about 5 other languages). Now I mainly work in Perl, Java, and C++, none of which I knew when I started. I feel as comfortable in Perl and Java as I do C, even though I've known C since 1990.
  • Hmm. NT. Halon. NT. Halon. NT needing a halon system to put out fires.

    Although I know quite well these are implemented for any hardware massed in a small room, somehow I just can't stop smiling. =)

    (And yes, unix admins like breathing. in most cases. i've known a few that could live off the supply of hot air in their inflated heads. =D)
  • Could you toss me a couple links to these *headhunter* sites? I am about to graduate with a degree in Electronic Engineering, and am looking for a job.
  • My experience as a student is that there is the same crazy competitive market at the very high end for the (perceived) best students. However, there are a huge number of students, both IT and otherwise, who feel a bit left out of the cold by the whole process.

    Anyone have similar/different experiences?

    Want to work at Transmeta? AT&T?

  • Why Dallas in particular? I have been to Dallas (Irving, actually, but moved around so saw a bit of it all) and I could get a job in Dallas at a big and succesfull company that many admire. I already do work for them but in another location. I would never accept to work in Dallas and, I believe, in Texas in general BUT THIS IS JUST MY OPINION and I really would appreciate to see what is attractive about Dallas.

  • It really depends on where you are. I live in Syracuse NY (upstate, for those who think The City is all there is to NY). There are a few good IT jobs around here.. administrating, programming, etc. (mostly Oracle-related, however). However, there are so FEW IT related jobs in this area (upstate NY is still living in the 80s economically) that it's hard as hell to find a job you're actually qualified for. I've had my resume on DICE for about a month now, and so far, I've had tons of emails and calls from companies in New York City and California, but all my searching and waiting, not a single job has popped up in Syracuse that I could actually do, and that I'm actually qualified to do.

    Those that I know in the tri-state area say that getting an IT job there is incredibly easy, and I believe it. A simple search on dice will show you that - there are SO MANY jobs available it's not even funny (at least not to be because I don't have the money to reloacate).

    It all comes down to the area you're in. It looks like NYC and Cali may in fact have a shortage of workers, because their tech economies are booming, and there are more businesses than workers. In places like upstate NY, where the economy is still sub-par, it's the other way around.

    Isn't that how unemployment works in every industry?

    Man's unique agony as a species consists in his perpetual conflict between the desire to stand out and the need to blend in.

  • I hate Dice, because the only people that see your resume are recruiters. Recruiters who know nothing about the industry, or the job, other than the list of "requirements" that their client has given them.
    I was turned down for a "web developer" job because I didn't have enough CRYSTAL REPORTS EXPERIENCE!! Can you believe that? Sheesh... okay, give me two days to look at it and I'll know your stupid CRYSTAL REPORTS. Unfortunately, it's hard to say that kind of thing in an interview.

    I think in your case, you'd be hard pressed to find a job in a company that specializes in IT. Me too, apparently. Thus the apparent shortage.
    But I can tell you that there are industries struggling to find IT people-- industries you've never even considered.
    I work at a poultry company. I've seen my company hire morons because they can't find real applicants. Another problem is the just-in-it-for-the-money people looking for the "fast track IT job" won't even interview here, because it's a poultry company.
    No, you won't get the highest of salaries (I make $41k a year, which actually isn't too bad for a single guy) but you will get that elusive Job Experience thing. I don't think anybody here has a CS degree, although at least half have a 4-year degree in something. I have a BS in physics, and another programmer has a degree in chemistry.
    I'm learning a bunch of stuff that you can only get with experience, as opposed to schooling. Supply chain? EDI? Barcoding? As well as the underlying database technology, with some web development on the side (ASP). This is the kind of stuff that (hopefully) will be very favorable to a career in B2B (buzzword: Business to Business) E-commerce. Despite what you may have heard, the B2B boom hasn't happened yet, but it's starting to. Why? All the "real" B2B is still happening via good old EDI (875->880 UCS transaction sets, anyone?) which has been around for at least 20 years. That will change, but it won't be going heavily on the internet for another few years. This is very, very different from the "e-commerce" buzzword as most people know it. Actually seeing the internet used in the supply chain is still a ways off, even though the technology is there, which is why now's the time.
    So what am I rambling about?
    Find an ESTABLISHED INDUSTRY, one that has been around for a while and thus knows how to hire and grow employees. Many of them are just starting to grow their IT departments, and to explore what they can do with this newfangled "internet thing" and are looking for people to do it. Talk to them directly. Search them out. Look at packaging companies, manufacturing-- especially the food industry. Find out where they are headquartered. Generally they'll be hiring people with diverse knowledge as opposed to a lot of knowledge in one area-- i.e., you'll be wearing a lot of hats.
    The manufacturing industry as it applies to IT isn't a cash cow (we'll never hire a $80k network admin, don't need to) but it's a definite get-your-foot-in-the-door experience builder for something much more lucrative later.

    Somebody who is just looking for an immediate, high-paying IT job isn't really thinking strategically or long-term, and will often be disappointed.
  • Be careful man, you are one of the extreme minotiry of people alive today. Look at the Open SOurce community. They'd rather say "yeah, we can do anything, everything we do is cool" rather than say "we made a crappy OS that doesn't add anything new, looks like it was written 20 years ago, and if you want it to be easy to use you can go fuck yourself because we hate you". That's just one example thrown in because of the venue, but there are tons of examples of it. My boss goes slack-jawed when I go up to him and tell him how I fucked up. I do it directly, without glossing it over, i tell him exactly what I did, exactly how far behind it put us, everything. I tell him I've learned from it and its not going to happen again. And it doesn't. I've got other coworkers who try to pin things on me saying I put games on their PC and all kinds of other stuff. Well, who do you think gets believed when the lying employees claims are disputed?

    But the bottom line is, if you can't get your job or can't impress people without lying, guess what? You're not worth paying and you're not impressive. Live with yourself.

  • ...I preferred people WITHOUT comp sci degrees. 'Scuse me while I don my flame-proof suit. OK. I have found through the years that people with CS degrees tend to have much more limited outlooks on problems than those from other fields. I want people with real-world knowledge and personal depth, not people who relate mostly to computers. I've seen great programmers with math degrees, degrees in the sciences, and even in English. Naturally, I want these people to have had some cs training so they understand algorithms, but the most important factors for programming success are native intelligence and a willingness to always be learning new things.

    I do agree with you on certification. It's mostly useless.
  • The availability heuristic is a poor method of proof. While you may have never ever heard of such an employer, you may be surprised to read that I have. MSCE's have a bad reputation at certain companies: as another poster put it, they are stereotyped. At many of the companies I've worked at, they have felt burned by trusting the certification only to hire several vastly unqualified workers in a row. There is often a period of backlash where anyone who is certified is disqualified from the position immediately. This often results in the hiring of a competant person because they are looking at the person's other qualities instead of just the certification. This rewards the belief in the stereotype and perpetuates it to other managers through anecdotal evidence.

    I must admit that I am nervous when I see MSCE on a resume. It is really how that particular thing is displayed, though. If it is listed as an important aspect of the person's skills (near the top of a skills section or if the certification section is above the skills section), then I become questioning of the candiate's actual skillset. If it is more subdued, then I with either not notice it or understand that certain things are put on a resume to pass through the "HR filters". The real difference is int one case you are selling yourself as a skilled person, int the other you are selling the MSCE program. Since I, and many others, are disbelievers of the program, it cannot be a large foundation of your sell to me.

  • A post-secondary degree is not a guarantee for a job, certainly, but it can be an important asset in a candidate, depending upon the post-secondary institute and courses taken. The fact of the matter is that to get a worthwhile degree, you must solve problems in a wide variety of domains that you would have otherwise not have even bothered to look at. This makes the candidate more well rounded. Of course, actual workforce experience in a domain may make a candidate more appealing for a particular task (i.e. a contract postition), but when hiring for versatility (i.e. a perminant employee position), a candidate needs a lot of experience to make up for a lack of degree. Even self study does not mak up for it because, as I bolded above, a degree will force you into problems and domains you would not bother to look at.

  • Personally, I don't think finding a job in IT is at all difficult. That is if you're not looking to do web-design. People like that are a dime a dozen because it's something you can learn by just sitting on your computer all day, picking up on little details of web design. Granted you probably won't pick up Java or JavaScript or etc..., but with the overwhelming number of books that teach Java or JavaScript or whatever these too are easy to learn. However, I'm a Junior IT major who just recently got a job at an insurance company making good money working on web design upkeep and development. I had no competition, at least none that I knew of, and they didn't have to think it over, I was offered the job the same day. I think the problem is with computer majors not knowing how to present themselves to the interviewers, i.e. because they sit at a computer all day programming they have little to no people skills and that's the main thing that employers first see when you interview.

    So if CS or IT majors are finding it hard to find the job of their dreams maybe they should quit playing Baldur's Gate or EverQuest all day and have some real human to human interaction. Just a thought...

  • That's funny, I know lots of people who make more than 60k..... I hope they enjoy their current jobs then, because if the market gets flooded with qualified 60k workers, and then they decide to change jobs, it might be a tad bit harder to find an equivalent salary elsewhere. No need to sneer. I'm not saying more visas is better or worse. I'm simply pointing out the economics of the situation. With 4 years military, a CS degree, and 2 years of unix experience, I sure didn't have anyone banging down my door last October. I feel the shortage is exaggerated.

  • The myth might give you leverage in your salery, but I've noticed that it leads to some really unrealistic discussions here on /. I've seen people with problems from sexual harrassment to ethical dilemmas told that "in this market you can immediately find another job so you have no right to complain." Aside from issues of health coverage, golden handcuffs and that fact that "immediately" can mean different things if you are living close to the edge (and no matter where you work, anyone with a new baby or who's just bought a house is usually close to the edge) it usually makes me think people have been reading their own PR too much. A realistic view of your own situation is always healthy.

    -Kahuna Burger

  • That is honestly NOT cool. I know this is redundant and I know how easy it is to use Buzz words and use a little crafty diction to 'answer' someones question.

    You just *CANT* do that if you want any kind of reputation. When im talkingw ith a client and he says, "Do you know how to do this" I will tell him. the TRUTH. If I have an idea and the little mice in my head start turning the wheels I will say, yeah I have good idea of how to accomplish that. Or no clue I can only give it my best and tell you the results. And some of the time my ideas are wrong and things are grossly more complex.

    Is that my fault or his? It is *MY* fault for saying I could do it so I spend the time to learn it and do it. My fuck up im at least going to step up to the plate tell the customer its behind and work my ass off to learn and figure out how to do something.

    Friends and family yeah propogate untruth to them. They are the people who run around raving (MHZ == ALL) because the guy down the street who was Microsoft certified told them so.

    The point is be responsible and just be HONEST!! You are not impressing anyone in the long run.

    I cant think of anything I hate more than people who will sit and argue with me or tell me im wrong when I am reading them a comment out of a Programming book and they say that they are right and I am wrong.

    People who do this are evil I think. Not willing to admit they do not have a clue. It takes a big fella to admit where his faults are yeah. So.. It is in a joking manner you present this but it is a difficult and true thing that I deal with almost every day as I unlearn 10-20 myths to a client whose got a PC Support guy who is just someone who learned to install all their software.

    Problem I can fix it. *reinstall windows*


    It is not cool and frankly it offends me when people lie.


  • It seems that the shortage is in the ability to pay huge salaries for good work.

    When I landed in US 4 years ago without knowing too much English, it took me 2 weeks to find work (in fact they found me). Since then, they kept raising my salary as craizy, so the headhunters run away in fear when I start talking about six digits. They don't want even to know the first digit.

    And when you think that 5 years ago I was working hard, two jobs for 1k/year... altogether.
  • Working in Silicon Valley, I've experienced the completely rabid search for IT people first hand. From both sides. There's definitely a shortage, but it's not clear cut, and it's not across the board.

    When I was looking for a new job 6 months ago, I hadn't realized that there's a distinct shortage of *nix competent people. Being a sysadmin, the second I put out my resume, I got swamped with calls. But I know of other people who live in the M$ world who barely got any calls at all when they started a job search.

    Now I'm trying to get more staff to fill in positions for the company I got a job with. It's REALLY DIFFICULT. We get tons of resumes, and interview dozens of people. But none of them are competent. I've seen resumes that would make you think someone is a sysadmin god, and when they're sitting in the interview, they don't know the name of HP's flavor of unix. Even though it's on their resume!

    So no, there's no shortage of IT people. But there's a severe shortage of competent IT people.

  • the job shortage is a myth created so the larger companies can bring in pros from overseas and have them work here.

    some of the russian, german, indian h1b's i've worked with are *extremely* skilled, and work tirelessly.

    others are...ahem, as bad as the worst american programmer, actually worse because of poor language skills. their so-called degrees are worthless.

    by creating the myth of a shortage, it makes it easier for companies to pressure congress into letting in overseas talent.

    additionally, it keeps the pump primed -- "wow, keannu reaves(sp) was cool in the matrix, i wanna be a programmer, no problem getting a job! the paper says so!"

    the last company i worked for got (literally) 200-300 resumes submitted for each opening. they whittled those down to the top ten or so, then interviewed those final candidates.

    so, nearly everyone in the industry does the old "nudge, nudge, wink, wink" at the so-called "IT Shortage". It's a joke to pressure congress and keep people exciting about being a programmer.

    the reality is, programmers are odd, uncomfortable people that most normals don't want to be around. yeech. i guess it's the same for lawyers, or whatever.

  • I think your point illustrate a noble goal, but is slightly naive.

    Senior people in their fields rarely bother learning about distinct aspects of IT outside their own domain. The lead database architect at Oracle most liklely knows nothing of VHDL nor does he/she need or want to. The lead chip designer at Intel likely knows little about implementing terabyte databases.

    Because these people are unlikely to cross over into each other's fields, they do not represent one labor market.

  • This article, like all articles on IT workers, lumps us all into one group.

    Authors of these articles need to break down the market to the same degree we do. That means people who work on databases aren't likely to become VHDL designiers, and operating system folks aren't going to become games programmers.

    In web programming, the stats may not reflect a shortage, but we can't fill our recs here at work even by half (and we're in the heart of Santa Clara, with good stock options), so my anecdotal evidence doesn't jive with the author's claims.

  • Lomion is dead on when he says the shortage is of qualified IT professionals. The huge demand for people who know how to make these darn machines work is incredible, resulting in a huge influx of people in to the field, many (most?) of whom have marginal talent. The popularity of tools like Visual Basic and Lotus Notes, which allow semi-skilled programmers to produce (somewhat) functional software only makes the problem worse -- the ease of developing a new program feeds the demand for more highly specialized one-off programs, hence the need for more programmers. This also feeds the market for low-level administrators, to support the machines these programs are running on. There really isn't much of a shortage for these people; low-level jobs get filled pretty quickly.

    The real shortage is of senior talent. This isn't likely to change, because (IMHO) there are only a small number of people who have the drive and intelligence to advance their skills to a true expert level. This is particuarly true when looking for someone with a particular combination of skills or someone with 5+ years experience with a specific tool. In my experience, a senior level hacker with mastery of several different tools & languages is a very hot commodity. Judging from the volume of calls & email I get from recruiters, there's plenty of demand for my particular skill set :-)

    "The axiom 'An honest man has nothing to fear from the police'
  • Here in the Phoenix area I've only interviewed with one company directly. All other contacts have come through staffing firms. I may have done myself some harm by asking for permanent placement this last time around instead of accepting shorter term assignments as a consultant. I ended up being unemployed for 9 months and wound up in a temp assignment on a contract that's been extended twice.

    I'm told I produced more work in my first two months here than the last two guys did in five years. Could it be that companies are tired of paying for incompetence and having to go through the process of documenting failures so that they can let someone go without fear of reprisal? There seems to be more short term assignments available than permanent jobs.

    Another problem I had was that my skillset is fairly narrow (Unix Sysadm, Informix development primarily). I have years of experience, but it has all been with smaller companies who didn't run 24/7 and didn't want to shell out the cash for nicer toys, etc.


  • I know that when I graduated from high school, the counselors were saying for everybody that wanted to be "assured a job", they should definately go into IT/Com Sci programs, but now that I'm ready to graduate soon, I am thinking more and more often that the job market may be slowing down, since any jabroni with brains ran out and got their MCSE, and now may be sitting in cushy IT jobs while I sweated out college for 4 years learning things like compiler design, and how to program in MIPS RISC assembly.

    Meanwhile, the reason that many people out of college may not be as intelligent as those who have been in the profession a while is that (as I know from personal experience) many have to work menial jobs while in college that may have no computer exposure in order to simply pay rent. In my college town, the mainly accessable jobs for students are service oriented, not technology oriented. I am very worried that I may not have the job skills to offer an employer that another student who did not have to work through school has from sitting in his dorm room and playing around with his computer for 4 years.

    Essentially, this is a problem of self-improvement, for the market will evetually evolve to a point where only the best and brightest will be tolerated in positions of power.
  • Not only is it not difficult to find an IT job, people who are not computer scientists by training such as mathematicians and other scientist seem to find themselves programming for a living. Anyone who is capable of learning how to work on/with computers is expected to, where I work. It seems to me that programmers will be the blue-collar workers of the 21st century. People will be expected to program, instead of choosing it. (Still there are those lucky few who actually LIKE to program/fix computers...) :-)
  • Personally, I believe the only shortage in the industry is of those who will work for crap wages.

    There is a bit of a shortage of top-notch programmers, which is impacting my business greatly. I can find people easily enough, but finding those who can do the kinds of things that we do (internet applications development) without a lot of hand-holding is difficult. A few weeks ago, I had to can a guy with a PhD in Computer Science for poor performance...

    Any best-of-the-best CGI geeks who can work as contractors without constant supervision can feel free to send me a resume (plain text only)!

  • by mackga ( 990 ) <> on Wednesday March 22, 2000 @12:07PM (#1182354) Homepage
    I work in a small shop - 35 or so people max here and in the SF office. We just went on a major hiring drive for programmers and q&a people. All the new programmers so far are foreign - to date a total of four with more coming. Since I'm not the hr person, and don't really deal with that side of the biz, I don't know what all the reasons are, but I just thought it was pretty interesting given the article's subject.

    Of the nine current programmers, two are Americans - one of whom is the president and founder of the company. Kinda reflective of the current situation, or what?
  • by Signal 11 ( 7608 ) on Wednesday March 22, 2000 @01:07PM (#1182355)
    I've never, ever, heard of an employer (I know several managers personally) who throw out a resume based on whether you passed a certification or not. You're lying, flat out, end of story. The fact that you got moderated up only reinforces a belief of mine about slashdot.

    Let's break this post down, class:

    When I'm reading resumes, I immediately toss out any resume with MCSE on it.

    MCSEs mean they passed a test. That means they likely have more knowledge about X than someone who hasn't. You may place any value for X that you please, it makes no difference. So, given a blank resume with just a name, and another blank resume with a name and "MSCE" on it, I will hire the MSCE. Knowing nothing else, wouldn't you too? So, automatically throwing out said resume is an act of extreme idiocy.

    It doesn't mean anything unless you can back it up with some good sample code or a good answer to an algorithm question in the interview.

    You obviously have neither taken the MSCE, nor gotten past your 2nd year of college. Most engineering degrees focus on problem-solving skills - you are presented a problem and it is up to you to solve it. The Cisco certification does similar.

    Lastly, do you even know what empirical research is?

  • by James Hetfield ( 14513 ) on Wednesday March 22, 2000 @11:46AM (#1182356) Homepage
    I really would have to say that the "IT Shortage" depends on the area you live in, and how many high tech companies are in the area.

    I am sure that areas such as SoCal, and Boston, alon with the Austin, Texas area have a glut of "Paper" MCSE's who have dropped the bottom out of the pay scale and will work for less than half of a qualified, tech with 3-5 years work history.

    If you are talking about the midwest, where "high-tech" companies are supposedly non-existent, finding good people who know the latest technology can be difficult, unless you are in St. Louis, Chicago, or Minneapolis/St. Paul.

    Sometimes, however the "IT Shortage" is a result of unrealistic expectations, on the part of middle management.

    When companies require a 4 year degree and 3-5 years work expertise, and won't even bother to take into consideration the people who have spent 3-5 years learning, and using the specific technology desired instead, they create a trap for themselves.

    Seriously folks, if you were looking for "IT Staff" wouldn't you want people who knew the technology you were using inside and out, and have worked with it for a few years, or a fresh off the street CS/MIS Grad?

    [flame disclamier]
    I by no means am disregarding CS/MIS Majors, however I do know for a fact that a significant number of CS/MIS Programs don't teach the latest technology, and have a difficult time keeping up with all the changes.
    [/flame disclamier]
  • by EricWright ( 16803 ) on Wednesday March 22, 2000 @11:31AM (#1182357) Journal
    Of course, the IT field is really not suited for PhDs in physics who spent most of their graduate work pounding out FORTRAN code and using graphical data analysis packages. I finally found a place that valued people with higher education as highly skilled problem solvers who can learn second (or third, or fourth...) programming languages, etc.

  • by Rombuu ( 22914 ) on Wednesday March 22, 2000 @11:46AM (#1182358)
    Why is everyone so intent on "disproving this myth" that there is an IT talent shortage? Don't you people know this gives you leverage when you negotiate your salary?

  • by Superfreak ( 27384 ) on Wednesday March 22, 2000 @01:20PM (#1182359)
    Okay - you touched on my favorite thing about the job market. I love to see help wanted ads that list something like "5 years DHTML and XML experience blah, blah, blah" the ad is perfectly buzzword compliant, but no-one has bothered to mention to the idiot writing the ad that XML (or whatever) hasn't been around that long.

    As far as I can tell, a lot of these ads are looking for either:
    a. The person who developed the whatever
    b. A time-traveller

    And they wonder why they have trouble finding someone...Hey, they're offering 25-30k per year!
  • by rambone ( 135825 ) on Wednesday March 22, 2000 @12:19PM (#1182360)
    Is there a shortage of VHDL folks? Web programmers? Sys admins? Support workers? C Programmers? Database designers? Database Admins?

    The point is, people in these fields rarely cross over to other fields. You need to tell me about shortages in these various fields. If you tell me there is no shortage of Cobol programmers, thats meaningless to me.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday March 22, 2000 @12:18PM (#1182361)
    There's a shortage of people who will work for peanuts. Employers like the H1B visa holders because they can rule them with an iron fist. Don't hit that "moderate" button just yet! The H1B visa requires an employer to agree to hire you and remains tied to a specific employer. Low pay? Loust treatment? Crap assignments? Too bad. If you quit, your visa is void, immediately. Maybe you can find another job fast, but gov't paperwork will take so long to complete, that your visa will expire before you can get it transferred. The result? You have to leave the country. So the employer knows he has you by the balls. You'll take whatever and like it with a big smile, because you are in no position to bargain. The employer holds all your cards. So yeah, employers like this. They can pay less than you deserve and get away with it. They want more, so they cry about the "labor shortage". Look at It's packed with skilled or readily trainable people looking for jobs. But American workers are too damned expensive, they dare to try and abuse their salary to do things like buy a house, car, support a family, and spend time off the clock with family, and other non-company related activities. Bastards! Employers would prefer a cheap H1B that lives in studio apt, rides a moped, and has no life, and will work 80 hrs/week. Duh. The free market makes this a good choice. But "The Shortage" is totally bogus.
  • by jezzball ( 28743 ) <slash2&dankeen,com> on Wednesday March 22, 2000 @11:39AM (#1182362) Homepage Journal
    Here in the Philadelphia area there is anything but a shortage of IT professionals.

    I use the term professionals very strictly. At my current company we have a strong proliferation of IT wannabes. Horrible, horrible people. And we do multi-million dollar contracts with high-profile clientele which we frankly don't deserve.

    I wouldn't release our product if I had say, but being 19 and definitely the junior in the department, I don't.

    It took me 24 hours to be offered this job. It took me 5 days to get 12 different offers. The market here is very hot for someone with skills, even if they don't have that little degree slip of paper or, heaven forbid, and MCSE or similar.

    The problem with the current employment situation isn't really a lack of good developers or an overabundance of horrible ones, but rather no good way to certify people so non-IT types can verify who they're hiring.

    MCSE as mentioned recently doesn't do the job. No certification does. Programming is as much an art as anything else which, imho, is being hacked away at by things like VB and components people just download of the 'net and hack together to get to work.

    Why write my own work when I can stand on the shoulders of others to create my piss poor crap?

    Whatever, maybe I'm a little sick of working here. I'm looking for a new job, as is everyone else. It's horrible.

    But, with today's market (yes, I've kind of gone tangential) it should be easy to do that. :)


    ls: .sig: File not found.
  • by vyesue ( 76216 ) on Wednesday March 22, 2000 @11:42AM (#1182363)
    If there isn't a shortage of qualified tech-industry workers, I'm very much at a loss to explain exactly why it is that the vast majority of companies I have personally had experience with are staffed by peopel that don't have any clue what they're doing.

    One would imagine that in a situation where there was even anywhere near enough workers in a given field, there would not be half as many completely knowledgeless people running around with "certifications" and "experience".

    Statistics and data projects aside, I think that anyone who looks around them and evaluates the people that he is working with and for can tell you that there are not enough qualified people in this industry.

    that said, I'm not sure there are enough qualified peopel in any industry. but that's another story, I guess.
  • by Mendax Veritas ( 100454 ) on Wednesday March 22, 2000 @12:14PM (#1182364) Homepage
    If there isn't a shortage of qualified tech-industry workers, I'm very much at a loss to explain exactly why it is that the vast majority of companies I have personally had experience with are staffed by people that don't have any clue what they're doing.
    Because the hiring managers are clueless too. As are their bosses, and so on, all the way up to the CEO.

    I've felt for several years now that most companies are best understood as dysfunctional families. Daddy, the CEO, doesn't understand his own life or the role he plays in it, and takes out his frustrations on various wife- and child-surrogates (the rest of the company). The VPs and middle managers, representing the older children, deal with the abuse they receive from above by passing it on to their subordinates and learning, by example, that the way to be a good parent/executive is to abuse your inferiors and blame them for everything that goes wrong. The grunts (the youngest children) take all the shit and hope to be promoted because then they'll have someone to abuse. (Usually they start out with better motives than that, but such idealism is quickly crushed out of them in most cases.)

    To the extent that there is or can be a solution to this, mostly you just need to find relatively non-dysfunctional companies where everyone seems to be not only competent but also pleasant and respectful of other humans. And you need to be pleasant and respectful of other humans yourself, or you'll just contribute to the further degradation of whatever corporate culture you happen to get into.

    It is a truism in psychology that abusive parents were almost always abused themselves as children. I suspect that this applies to the work environment as much as to families. It explains many of the nasty things that happen in companies, including why so many of them seem to be staffed by imbeciles. Many corporate drones aren't really stupid; they've just been beaten into submission by the dysfunctional corporate machine, and no longer really care about anything except not being blamed for whatever goes wrong next. Of course, this defensive attitude tends to encourage things to go wrong, since the workers are thinking much more about covering their asses than about doing things right or looking ahead more than a few weeks.

  • by payneinthe ( 156182 ) on Wednesday March 22, 2000 @11:48AM (#1182365) Homepage
    Where does this idea come from that having an MCSE gets you a job? When I'm reading resumes, I immediately toss out any resume with MCSE on it.

    I found out empirically that people who put MCSE on their resumes just can't cut it. MCSE doesn't mean you have skills. It just means you passed a test.

    A college degree is no different. It doesn't mean anything unless you can back it up with some good sample code or a good answer to an algorithm question in the interview.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday March 22, 2000 @11:47AM (#1182366)
    And good ones aren't hard to find either. It didn't take me long to land this position. I program for a major software firm that I can't name. In addition to the thrill of a job well done, and very competitive pay (I receive $13 THOUSAND dollars every year . . . which my manager assures me is higher than most programming positions), the job is chock full of nifty benefits.

    We always get the newest hardware to work on. Right now I'm sitting with a shiney new 12mhz 286 with FOUR megs of ram!!! These beasts are too powerful to even set loose on the commercial sector yet, and let me tell you, it BURNS compared to my last box. My manager assures me that I'll be the first in the department to get the new CD-ROM drives too. I love my manager so much.

    Everyone gets a company sponsored apartment. It's like I never even have to drive anywhere to get to work! I have a whole 7 foot square room ALL to myself. The rags and blankets I sleep on every night I didn't even have to PAY for! You can't ask for better than that! And there's a hole in the corner that leads down to the sewers for waste removal. And over that hole is a spiggot with RUNNING WATER. It's soooooo cool! The entire package is in the greatest location too; about 75 feet below my office in the sub-basement! That's prime real-estate there!

    And my manager (did I mention he's so cool?) comes and gets me and the other programmers at the beginning of every day. I don't have to spend money on an alarm clock! Not me! He comes down and PERSONALLY wakes us up, and even gives us a good minute to become aware of our surroundings before hauling us out of our rooms by the scruff of our neck! How generous!!!

    He's sure to make sure we're all locked in front of our workstations with three manacles, and surrounded with a barbed wire fence. No, no other company is going to come and drag US away! We get to keep this job FOREVER! And at the end of our 18 hour workday (you can get SOOOOOO much done in 18 hours! You wouldn't believe it!) he unlocks us and PERSONALLY escorts us back home, usually taking the time to kick us into our rooms. Sure, sometimes my head hits the wall pretty hard, but we take entertainment where we can get it, and we get the best.

    And food . . . Oh, we get the best food here at Microso . . . where I work. Thrice daily they pull out any waste that gets caught in the nets and grates lining the sewers and drainage gutters. I don't know what they do to it, but they turn it into the BEST stew in the WORLD! For FREE!!! And sometimes we even get nifty toys, like shopping carts and old needles. Just like a box of cracker jacks!!!

    I know you're jealous and want to hear more, but I have to get back to work before my manager catches me. Last time he saw anyone reading slashdot, they were denied dinner for two months. MAN that must have sucked. But anyway, these jobs are easy to get. Just walk around Redmond Washington. You don't need to look for a job . . . they'll find you.
  • by FallLine ( 12211 ) on Wednesday March 22, 2000 @12:46PM (#1182367)
    No offense, but is english your second language?

    When you say there isn't a "shortage of IT professionals", do you mean people who merely get paid to do the job, or do you mean competent people? The problem is that when you say you use the term "strictly" that would imply the later.

    In any case, as you may or may not know, the market for IT employees in Philly is very tight (I, too, live in philly). Witness: rising salaries, employers willing to pay virtually anything for competent help, the plethora of weak certification courses, etc. In what other career can a high school dropout take some certification course and make 60k++ within a year?

    While you are certainly right that (atleast if I read this much correctly) employers have a hard time finding competent IT employees, I disagree with the cause(s) and some of your other statements. Although I don't disagree that you'll find atleast 20 idiots for every half competent IT worker, the problems extend far beyond just being able to test it. I think there is a genuine shortage of talented IT workers. Truely excellent IT people stand out head and shoulders above the rest, if for no other reason than 1 good IT person is worth atleast 20 monkeys. Regardless of whatever their formal credentials are, recommendations and the like are highly telling. I happen to know many employers and headhunters, the word generally is: If you have talent, give him whatever he wants. Consequently, employers have a very difficult time finding new (not age) talent, because they're generally quickly devoured.

    The bottom line: Most employers have to spend absurd sums of money to get decent IT. Because skilled workers are impossible to find, employers are forced to turn to monkeys. And because monkeys are so damn ineffective, it takes 20 times as many to do the same job. Which causes the market for monkeys to skyrocket as well....

    ...which of course leads to the need for platforms such as NT. Which, ultimately, leads to the need for more monkeys. Which causes even more employee (non-IT) downtime, which only adds to the cost....Any sane skilled/intelligent person, of course, avoids such environments...Which naturally makes the majority of the up and coming generation virtually braindead when it comes to IT....

    ...sorry to run on. =)

    gotta run
  • by Kismet ( 13199 ) <pmccombs@ a c m .org> on Wednesday March 22, 2000 @01:33PM (#1182368) Homepage
    I spent considerable time reviewing resumes and interviewing hopeful candidates.

    People with degrees may or may not be useful. Candidates with a four-year degree in traditional Computer Science were the best candidates. These people generally had the interest to complete the degree and the smarts to apply their knowledge.

    People with certifications were not useful. Their certifications don't give them the creative background and basic understanding necessary to solve a problem from the ground up. They are versed only in the know-how needed to use systems popular at the time of the certification.

    People with lesser degrees from lesser colleges were not useful. Their situation is similar to those who sought only a certification and tend to have skills that are specialized for the systems at the time of graduation.

    Courses and certifications may be useful to those already employed in IT, but they provide little information of lasting value. Those who seek these credentials to get a job in the IT industry generally do not have the aptitude necessary to get the job done.

    Students who apply themselves to a higher education in theoretical computer science have a better chance of being able to do the work. They are also more likely to innovate new technology.

    I don't personally hold any degree or certification; these are just trends I have observed and will keep in mind the next time I find myself in a management position within IT (if ever).
  • by Rombuu ( 22914 ) on Wednesday March 22, 2000 @02:22PM (#1182369)
    If the only thing that is keeping you in your current job is the fact that you are the low bidder to do the work, you deserve to be flipping burgers.
  • by lomion ( 33716 ) on Wednesday March 22, 2000 @11:29AM (#1182370) Homepage
    Personally, i think the shortage is not of IT professionals, but of competent, well-trained ones. I have seen a number of programmers, developers and designers that don;t know anything but fake it real well, or the flip side which is those that know real well but are complete mercenaries and would screw over their employer or client in a heartbeat. I've dealt with both situations too often in the last year.
  • by goliard ( 46585 ) on Wednesday March 22, 2000 @12:44PM (#1182371)

    I finally managed to get into and read the bloody thing. I was not impressed.

    It wasn't about whether or not there was a scarcity of tech workers. It was about all the political crap which gets wrapped around that "issue", e.g. whether or not the US should allow more foreign workers.


    • Yes, most employers are idiots who write nonsensical job descriptions, and then bitch and moan when they can't get applicants.
    • Yes, most employers are feeble in their failure to exploit the talents of their existing employees through training and other career development programs.
    • No, the fact that there are currently lots of open IT positions does not mean you should go to college and major in an IT field; it does not mean those jobs will be waiting for you when you graduate.
    • None of these things really has to do with the scarcity (or lack there of) of high-tech workers.

    And, frankly, connect-the-dots prognostication is silly. What no one wants to admit is that we've managed to create an environment (the net) in which the basics of operating a retail establishment (a store) require personal characteristics (facility with abstract thought) of the store workers (geeks) which only a comparatively small percentage of people have.

    It would be one thing if ecommerce sites were like brick&mortar stores. Once you put up your KornerMart, it stays built, and you can pay all your architects, construction workers, HVAC experts, etc. and send them home. It would be one thing if new-media sites were like radio stations. Once you raise your KLUE transmitter and plug it in, you can send away the engineers who put up the tower. You can staff your KornerMart, your KLUE station with non-geeks and have your business run.

    But an ecommerce site, a new-media site is constantly being reinvented. What's now is passe, so "five minutes ago". The envelop must constantly be pushed.

    So long as that is true, you can expect the market demand for geeks to be rapacious. We are the only people who can run their store fronts in cyberspace, the only people who can keep the store open 24/7. They can't do without us, and as they try to expand, they will only need more and more of us.

  • by onyxruby ( 118189 ) <> on Wednesday March 22, 2000 @12:01PM (#1182372)
    Shortage of people with 7 years of JAVA? How about a shortage of people with 2 years in Windows 2000, or 6 years in NT 4.0? How many times have you seen want'ads requiring a combination of experience that 5 people on the planet have? How many times have you seen want ads that require a bachelors degree? Yet someone with real world experience gets passed over for someone with a degree in forestry (happened at Honeywell). Than their are requirements for more more experience on a product than it has been around. You would not qualify for many of these jobs unless you wrote the original product!

    The shortage is artificial. This is nothing more than an attempt to bring in foreign labor cheaper than local market labor. It is the same thing that the trucking companies do. I mean this as no slam on those IT professionals outside the US, but the reality is they are viewed by IT managers (not my view neccasarily) as a "cheap import". Yes, I realize many of these people are certainly not cheap or unskilled, but 98 times out of a 100 they are brought in because they are cheaper. That is the bottom line.

    Companies complain about not having enough "qualified" tech workers. I wonder how many of these companies are willing to train their internal employees? I imagine very few. My company provides under $2K a year for school. That doesn't go very far. The fact that I (or anyone in my position) will recieve no pay increase when finished shows a shortage of vision on the part of management.

    The shortage could easily be alleviated by companies looking within. When companies raise artificial obstacles (4 yr degree, and 3 years exp for 30K) they are going to suffer. If a company wants a trained & skilled IT workforce they should look at realistic hiring requirements, new people without experience (everybody has to start somewhere), training those employees they do have, and more to the point, keeping them. I have no sympathy for people who throw stones in glass houses and complain of windows breaking...

  • by Nastard ( 124180 ) on Wednesday March 22, 2000 @11:57AM (#1182373)
    Couldn't have said it better myself. That's because I'm an idiot.

    I've been playing with computers since the age of 12, I'm 18 now. I'm A+ certified, and wear a Linux t-shirt to job sites. I have 7 computers of my own in various places around the house, all networked together, and 3 behind my firewall. I have not one, but two 36inch stuffed TuXes from linuxmall. I am a geek, no doubt, but does this make me a genius?

    You see, my friends, family, and the people I have worked with think that I am some kind of computer genius that can fix anything. The downside to this is having to listen to the endless barrage of inane questions I could care less about, and usually don't have answers for. So what do I do? I make them up.

    What they don't know is; I'm an idiot. I have no idea what I'm doing. The reason I'm always working on a computer is because they are always breaking and I haven't a clue how to fix it. I make up answers to questions I don't know, because they expect me to have the answers. You know computers right? Well can you find this part to my 10-year-old apple laptop? (actually had this one)

    My point is, no matter what people label you as, be it IT Professional, computer genius, or landfill worker, you are what you are, and your skills will show through. No amount of IT training or experience can make up for being an idiot.

  • by mynameistim ( 127736 ) on Wednesday March 22, 2000 @12:13PM (#1182374)
    I returned to school 3 years ago to get a degree in Computing Science -- not because I wanted more money, but because I am fascinated by so many areas related to computing. Imagine my dissapoinment when I realized how many other students are in it for the money, and even worse how many don't even really like computers!!! OK, so I was a little naive...

    If there is a shortage of good people (like someone else proposed), as opposed to just a shortage of people in general, then I don't see a solution soon. With all of the "carreer colleges" and "professional education centers" advertising the quick buck and easy employment, the number of people doing it for the money will only increase, and will do so much faster than the number of people who are doing it for fun, so to speak. Unfortunately, the former group is likely to have a very small proportion of "good" programmers (someday I hope to find out what that means), but it is the group that will dominate the workforce. The other group (including me, one day, I hope), as well as those "good programmers" from the first group, will have to accept that the skills of many coworkers are inadequate, or alternatively that there won't be enough people who can get the job done, and so they will be overworked.

    This may cause incomes to increase, and I believe will only cause the problem to spiral out of control. Eventually the whole poverbial bandwagon will crash, and the I see one of two possibilities:
    • The crash is loud and painful (huge pileup on I90). People not involved (i.e. government) will decide that the industry must change, and will come up with some sort of professional regulation -- similar to what exists for architect and engineers, possibly.
    • The crash is quiet an uneventful (a fender-bender). People inside the industry decide that there must be some minimal skill level, and will enforce that standard. Simply having a degree or diploma or manufacturers certification won't always be enough. This is different from the other option in that people who understand the industry use their knowledge to ensure it operates efficiently, rather than outsiders forcing rules on the industry that may be well suited to other industries, but not to computing.

    Either way, something will have to change. Maybe not anytime soon, but eventually.

    Then again, I'm only a student. All of my experience is from another industry (construction), so I may be way off base. Comments?


"From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere." -- Dr. Seuss
