Classified Data Missing From Los Alamos 176
LightSaber writes: "Here we go again.
This time it is computers and hard disks with nuclear weapons data that are missing from the lab vaults. This is really becoming pretty much a regular feature by now." Similarly, bapya writes:
"CNN reports a
secret nuclear information leak
from Los Alamos lab. Apparently, the disappearance of the records was reported on June 1. One official said part of the problem in tracking down the missing data is that the record keeping is so unorganized it is difficult to tell who had access to the lab and who could have legitimately signed out the material. How can we manage our critical information???" Oscarfish points out coverage of same on Excite News.
Blame Canada! (Score:2)
It's scary, very scary. They look like Americans, talk like Americans (except for "eh", "zed", and better grammar), and are pretty much allowed to cross the border willy-nilly.
Meanwhile, they're driving energy prices up (they're the U.S.'s biggest petroleum supplier, if you include natural gas), and for god sakes, they have nationalized health care!
God save us!
new /. topic (Score:5)
What's with all this secret nuclear weapons info? (Score:1)
Let the masses have a play with the source - it can only make it better - better yet, GPL the weapons information :)
Re:The (Lack of) security of the United States (Score:1)
I kind of thought the shot that blew Kennedy's head off was right on the money screw up's my ass!!!
Thank you for the most amazing bit of political journalism that I have ever read
PS ever thought of working for a Government Think Tank or the NSA they need genius like yours!!!
Re:Bill Gates is a petty goon not a mastermind (Score:1)
Bill Gates is not an evil genius, but, pretending he is makes for Quality Humor, IMO.
Old (Score:1)
But let's not worry about this new missing information, it was probably just Tom Cruise looking for the NOC-List.
Do I get bad movie reference Karma?
Maybe a mushroom cloud? (Score:1)
Military Just Trying to Help Out Clueless Wannabee (Score:1)
Encryption ?? (Score:1)
Probably not (Score:1)
The interesting part is that all NATO classified materials were required to be locked in a safe and signed out when in use. Likewise, despite it not required by regs we used 2 man control procedures on our COMSEC crypto keys just as we did with the nuclear certified devices/information.
ObUselessInfo: 1 target listed on a piece of paper is classified Secret. 2 or more are TS.
Re:Other Los Alamos Security Links (Score:1)
We tread no moral high ground where Dr. Lee is concerned, and we set a dangerous precedent: The civil rights of a solitary individual are meaningless when confronted with almighty politics and a bloodthirsty public.
Re:Bill Gates is a petty goon not a mastermind (Score:1)
They had the plans, but then some guy in marketing decided to integrate IE and WMP into the warhead. Then they changed the colour. Then they decided aluminuim would be cheaper than enriched plutonium. Last i heard, they're working on a public beta right now, but the date has slipped 'til 2005.
haha (Score:1)
Re:Clinton's campaign contributions..... (Score:1)
Surely Not (Score:2)
Now what? (Score:1)
More about the missing data (Score:4)
The Reuters [excite.com] story at excite is pretty thorough; basically it's unclear whether the two hard drives were destroyed, lost, or stolen. Funny thing is, they were discovered lost May 7 - but the Energy Department wasn't notified until June 1. Employees are to take lie detector tests, and it seems they whole search setup is becoming a big mess.
The Washington Post story [washingtonpost.com] also has a good wrap-up. According to most sources, the drives were last seen in a suitcase in a vault in a Los Alamos lab. I think the confusion of the evacuation due to the recent fires might have something to do with this...
And here's the Los Angeles Times [latimes.com] article.
By morning I guess most major newspapers will have it in print and on their websites, but in the case of something like this I've always thought earlier is better. Let's just hope the drives are recovered...
Question: Was fire an accident or part of plan? (Score:2)
Re:Clinton's campaign contributions..... (Score:1)
Heh. Nothing new here... (Score:2)
I was once astonished by the ineptitude of our various national organizations; now I realize that they're simply composed of people, most of whom are just trying to get their jobs done in a timely way.
Scientists (even top secret burn-your-publications-before-submitting-them nuclear fizzicists) are smart enough to outwit almost any security scheme -- especially one thought up by the kind of "experts" who end up in government jobs rather than academia. Witness Wen Ho Lee, who, while under investigation for possibly sharing secrets with the Chinese government, was able (for whatever reason) to smuggle hundreds of megabytes of ultrasecret bomb simulation data through the security barrier onto insecure tapes.
Further, the motivations for leaking data are so numerous -- from carelessness through the simple convenience/laziness factor, right up to giant moral dilemmas (such as was explored in Durenmatt's The Physicists [amazon.com]) that it's impossible to address them all. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
On some level, it doesn't really matter if someone leaked classified data. There's probably nothing there that can't be computed with Metropolis, Runge-Kutta, and a gazillion-node Beowulf cluster of next year's K6's. The basic principles are an open book, and compute technology is growing too quickly for the radiation transfer and nuclear reaction simulations to be more than a few-year barrier. In the long run, everyone interested knows everything.
"When people treat items of a highly classified nature just like it's ordinary stuff, something's wrong," Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., chairman of the Senate intelligence committee,told NBC News (in the MSNBC writeup). Arguably, the real problem comes when people treat items of a highly classified nature just like they're going to stay secret forever. These kind of debacles are just a wake-up call for those who would pretend otherwise.
Re:No foul play this time it seems (Score:1)
Dear god...Microsoft is just covering it up! BILL GATES HAS THE BOMB!
Technical expertise (Score:1)
Re:Surely Not (Score:1)
Re:Surely Not (Score:1)
That's hardly information that needs to be publicized.
Re:Difference in security. -Seriously (Score:2)
lets get paranoid (Score:2)
This controversial, billion dollar project will require their support but also the support of the tax paying citizens in the USA. I'm cynical enough that the US is trying to convince their own people that such a shield is needed by 'leaking' this sort of news.
Re:Clinton? "Liberal?" You're joking. (Score:1)
Clinton is a liberal, Bob Dole is a moderate (and no, he hasn't exactly moved to the left since the '70s.), Rush Limbaugh is a serious political commentator, and Pat Buchanan is a serious political candidate. Face it, if good 'ol Tricky Dick, McCarthy's sidekick, were running for office these days, he'd be lambasted as a flaming commie.
Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it.
Re:What nuclear secrets do we have? (Score:1)
Information known about foreign nuclear capabilities can be VERY important to keep secret -- not only might the info itself not be something normally shared with others (even allies), but one must consider protecting the sources involved.
Re:But Seriously, Folks...It *Shouldn't* Matter... (Score:1)
Ah, well, you see, that particular computer was supposed to be sent overseas...and they couldn't get an export license from the BATF.
Re:I just don't see what the big deal is (Score:1)
Normal explosives also likely won't do the trick -- one would suspect shaped charges are far more useful for an implosion effect.
I know it's OT but... (Score:1)
Hmmmm (Score:3)
all persons, living and dead, are purely coincidental. - Kurt Vonnegut
Canada, Bush, Gore or Hilary (Score:1)
Another prob: for who are those disks? The Chinese? No, they got already all the info from Clinton and since Bush is going to win the elections they do not have to do an effort anymore. He will give them everything for free, on a serving plate.
Last question: what is the top secret on these hard disks? They contain 25 years of Tetris high scores. This is outrageous. The greatest loss in time. Let's immediately declare a world war!
Pirate parrot
Re:Isn't anyone out there TERRIFIED what this is m (Score:1)
Simplest Explanation: (Score:1)
Are you sure they didn't just burn down?
Re:Encryption ?? (Score:1)
While searching for an icon - (Score:2)
Busted NY Times link.. (Score:2)
Maybe the URL you meant was http://par tners.nytimes.com/library/national/061300los-alamo s-theft.html [nytimes.com] ..?
What it's about (Score:1)
Oh, my GAWD...... (Score:1)
Sheesh (Score:1)
I'll bet their database of pr0n websites is more secure...
Good grief!
Check this one out! (Score:2)
This Washi ngton Post article [washingtonpost.com] reports that Los Alamos employees are concerned about their image, because most everybody thinks they're running a really sloppy ship. I think they should be less concerned with their image and more concerned with the massively confidential and top-secret U.S. and Russian nuclear data they're missing.
Re:Other Los Alamos Security Links (Score:1)
What nuclear secrets do we have? (Score:2)
What's that I hear on Slashdot? Information wants to be free? I'd be willing to bet that someone's head is going to roll because information escaped that's already out there anyway.
Cripes... (Score:2)
Re:Encryption? (Score:2)
Let's have some fun (Score:1)
We'll just add a few extra HD's that don't exist onto the inventory list and see what happens.
I just don't see what the big deal is (Score:1)
The hard part about building a bomb isn't figuring out how to build a bomb, the hard part is getting enough high-quality fissionable material together to actually pull it off.
Of course, just scraping a bunch of watches and spraying the glowy bits around with normal explosive is technically a "nuclear bomb", but I digress.
You can go down to your local library and pick up a text on how an A-bomb is assembled. Does that enable you to build one? I thought not.
Re:the irony... (Score:3)
In the case, say, of an SLBM launch that may not be readily feasible in the time before impact.
In the case of accidental launch (possible, given that systems have been breaking down to the point where incoming ICBMs have been reported (falsely) by alarm systems), you generally don't WANT to retalliate, as if it's a single launch it's a bit petulant to destroy all life on Earth.
And so forth. MAD works only versus known enemies, like nations, that don't launch anonymously.
Re:Difference in security. (Score:2)
employees. They work for UC Berkeley, as do Lawrence Livermore
Contractors and Security on Government Facilities (Score:1)
Even with all the training (read trying-to-pound-in-common-sense) we receive, the number one security problem is contractors. The very same people who zealously guard "their" company's secrets are the one's who think nothing of sending classified information out via unclassified e-mail systems. They think nothing of violating rules that forbid anyone (except the sysadmin) from writing data to a floppy that they take home with them. Those of us who are responsible for systems security have also watched in horror as the management of these contracting companies have covered up security violations.
I have seen many of the things that officials from Los Alamos are claiming as possibilities for why the data is missing. During the shutdown of another facility, some of the tapes and records on their books were found to be missing. After much searching, it was found that the librarian had failed to file the appropriate paperwork for the destruction of those records and they were never removed from the inventory. There have been occasions where people have checked out material and then failed to have it signed back in when they returned it. Once, we were declassifying old hard drives only to find out, when we were finished, that we'd been given the wrong drives to declassify! Fortunately, we have never had anything stolen.
Make no mistake, the government and the military take the security of their data quite seriously. It's the unattentive, careless, and clueless contractors and other workers who don't take the security of the U.S.'s information SERIOUSLY that pose the greatest risk. The rules and regulations that we are required to follow in the handling of sensitive material are just the kind of rules many corporations use:
* If someone doesn't need to know, don't tell them
* Don't leave sensitive information laying around unattended
* Follow the proper procedure for checking out/checking in documents/tapes/disks
* Don't use internet e-mail to send sensitive information
Boy, I sure hope no one finds this (Score:1)
Seems to me that the Gov is like Calvin, dropping a "secret" message near little Suzie Derkins while LOUDLY proclaiming "BOY, it sure would MESS UP ALL OUR SECRET PLANS if someone were to READ THIS LETTER".
If you know you have misplaced sensitive data, would you then go about telling everyone?
This doesn't pass the smell test and the BS detector is pegged.
Re:What nuclear secrets do we have? (Score:1)
the irony... (Score:4)
most of the comments go along the lines of "stealing OUR information". Hrm. So like, it's evil for a company to not disclose source code of its competitive assets (ie: MS's kernel), but it is ok for America to keep its competitive assets (ie: nuclear tech) secret?
Isn't there something wrong here? Everyone on
And don't tell me its because atom bombs are far more destructive than the source code to a kernel. Go look at how Open Source tackles security - ie: Bugtraq, vunl-dev. That's all "open" - and everyone benefits because we can protect ourselves from attackers much better if we know their tools. So, likewise this should be the case on a larger scale - if we knew what weapons existed, we could better prepare ourselves against them.
See my point?
What ARE you then??? (Score:2)
>especially about American deaths?
Canadian? There's this little thing called fallout.
English? We don't know WHO got those hard drives. What if it was the Irish and not the chineese?
Israeli? You're SURROUNDED by nice guys whose biggist wish is the chance to finish what the nazis started.
Get my point? Rogue nations with nukes is a BAD THING(tm).
Not to mention that if anyone starts throwing nukes at the US, or any of the other legitimate nuclear powers, such as the UK, France, or Russia, they're gonna get a handful right back in their faces... MORE fallout, MORE environmental damage.
And that's not EVEN considering economic consequences. Imagine the effects of a 25 Megaton airburst over, say, Sunnyvale.
(Or better yet, go see for yourself: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/bomb/sfeature/mapabl
Looks to me like you'd better START careing.
Resistance is NOT futile!!!
I am not a drone.
Remove the collective if
Who Cares? (Score:1)
Why no passwords? (Score:1)
Given the nature of the neat hacks that picked apart seemingly unbreakable encryption schemes in the past (Enigma, etc.), I wouldn't trust PGP with nuclear secrets (though it might be good for hiding things from the causal observer).
Bottom line... if you own a database, you'll protect it, if nobody owns it, nobody can protect it. The system is set up not to trust any person with the whole picture (apparently), so no person is going to be able to do a really good job of security. The best you get is a well documented set of prayers. (Just like untested backup procedures... but that's another story)
Re:the irony... (Score:1)
'til then all that can be done is security through obscurity. Something most of know doesn't work for very long.
Vaporized if you do, Vaporized if you don't.
Oy Vey.
Sad that I really believe it was aliens (Score:1)
This is just stupid (Score:1)
First they need to apply some voltage to him judiciously though, so they can find out where the stuff went. :-)
Re:Clinton's campaign contributions..... (Score:1)
You may have noticed that I said nothing about Republicans or Democrats. That was your idea.
Crypting / Splitting Data ? Why not? (Score:2)
1) Crypt it with a nice proven encryption algorithm
2) Split it onto 3 drives, two containing data and then the third containing an xor.
3) Store all three drives in separate "secure" locations
4) Use video cameras with offsite video archiving to tape vault entries.
5) Store encryption keys in the 4th and 5th extremely 'secure' locations with multiple security teams and monitoring at each
This way, 2 drives must be stolen for data to be valid and decodable. 1 drive may be lost (We know the feds do that a lot). Encryption keys can become lost (at one location).
Data is safe from nuclear attack (unless 3 nukes are targetted at all three locations of data store or both locations of key storage).
Is this excessive or am I just paranoid? I know there are many more ideas to do in order to secure data, lets hear comments from the rest of
(I know this will get moderated as a "Good Thing" (tm))
Free Porn! [ispep.cx] or Laugh [ispep.cx]
Re:Blame Canada! (Score:1)
Re:What nuclear secrets do we have? (Score:1)
I say we spin the chamber, put the gun to our heads and pull the trigger already. Put it all on the internet for everyone to see. Lets see what happens.
But Seriously, Folks...It *Shouldn't* Matter... (Score:4)
Why oh why is my fetish for doggie porn and Britney Spears fakes more well-guarded than classified data? If I can get into the habit of entering a passphrase to access my data drives, why can't the DoD, State Department, et al. make disk encryption an across-the-board standard for all employees dealing with sensitive data? We can be sure that this isn't the case, because otherwise the government would be downplaying its irresponsibility by mentioning that the stolen data encrypted and secure. So the question becomes, why isn't this policy, and when will they wake up and make it policy?
[For the curious, I use a free Windows program called Scramdisk which can make encrytpted "virtual drives" or encrypt whole partitions. Its source code is freely available, but is not GPL. It's very secure with a choice of 256-bit Twofish or eight other ciphers. It ensures that family and friends will not uncover my secret she-male fixation. Oops, did I type that out loud?]
Re:I just don't see what the big deal is (Score:1)
Biological weapons are much easier to produce.
I have experienced several restaraunts and fast food chains that are quite adept at developing them.
Re:the irony... (Score:1)
Sorry, but this is perfectly potty. Have you ever heard the saying, "When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail?"
Put down your hammer. Open source is not the solution to everything.
Weapons plans are not "competitive assets" in the same sense as the secret Windows APIs are.
Microsoft's abuses get us overpriced, crappy software that's forced on us.
Abusing US nuke technology results in more nukes being made and aimed at us. I hate MS as much as the next guy, but please don't tell me the two are comparable.
If someone steals our plans for suitcase nukes or whatever, it will affect the balance of power in the world. I would rather have the US be at the top than China, Russia, etc. Wouldn't you? We aren't perfect but we have a better track record in a lot of important ways.
I'm going to say a couple things now that will be extremely unpopular with some folks here.
1. It's OK for governments to keep secrets, even secrets about exotic weapons.
2. It's OK to charge people for software.
Like it or not, we'll be living with both of these for the forseeable future. Deal with it.
"Officials said" (Score:1)
Misinformation campaign? Letter on the tabletop? Leaks? Incompetence? Morality? (the public should know, Mr. President
Re:Isn't anyone out there TERRIFIED what this is m (Score:1)
BTW this is the Internet: why should I care especially about American deaths? I find your "it's dangerous for anyone else to have the bomb" attitude about as worrying as the original news.
I know some guys in Los Alamos whose homes have been reduced to scrap metal and ashes. Give them a break if they mislaid a few bits of kit in the process.
Just out! They are not missing! (Score:1)
Re:Clinton's campaign contributions..... (Score:1)
Re:No foul play this time it seems (Score:2)
Microsoft Windows 2000 Small Country Edition
United States NEST Intergratioin
Nuclear Launch Plugin for Internet Explorer 5.7
Internated with the Kernel, Launch Pad 2.0
Real Time Denation 3.0
Real time Denation Montior 2.0
Supports up to 2000 differant types of Nuclear Weapons
Devices Drivers for NaPalm Techonlgy Included
500 Pre-programmed Country GPS locations
OutLook Express 6.0 with Advanced Scripting and Automatic Attachment opening
Re:Clinton? "Liberal?" You're joking. (Score:1)
So much for counterterrorism (Score:1)
Re:Other Los Alamos Security Links (Score:2)
It's funny, our government wants to bend over for the PRC because there's money to be made in trade and nobody seems to give a damn, but it needs to crucify it's citizens when embarrassing security lapses are exposed.
The ironic part is that this man probably hates the PRC more than any US politician, being of Taiwanese birth and (I assume) ethnically Chinese. But of the course the dumb yokels in Washington and the media aren't going to explain that, it being so convient to have a Chinese man to take the fall.
Not new, unfortunately .. (Score:1)
geez, I know it makes it harder to do the research if somebody's always bugging you to fill out forms when you check things out, and we'd all like to work at home, wouldn't we?
Re:Difference in security. -Seriously (Score:1)
Somewhere I read that somplace was so paranoid about info leaks that hard disks were actually dissolved in acid. I think it was the old removable disk paks.
It's common practice to erase floppy disks with powerful wall-mounted magnets before incinerating them in many embassies. But then, it's also common practice to confetti-shread documents, incinerate them, then mix them with water to make sure people can't read said documents from the trash.
It's so much easier to bribe somebody in said embassy...
Michael Tandy
We've got a Broken Arrow (Score:3)
-- Give him Head? Be a Beacon?
Re:Encryption? (Score:2)
But you have to agree on some level, encrypting all the data on a hard disk could provide "extra" security in case the drive came up missing. Sure there is only a 1 in 1000^80000 chance that someone is going to be able to breach security and take the drive, but couldn't the encryption on this drives used as a "safety neat" or "back up plan"??
One thing I was always told by the Senior admin here (or was here, he left about a year ago) was that when dealing with security, there should be more than one thing to "stop" someone looking to breach your security.
For example, we setup a firewall that block 2 computers from the Internet, then put tcpwrappers on both computers. I asked, "what is the point of tcpwrappers, everything will be stopped by the firewall", he told me to just install them and make sure they where secure.
One day when we had a hard drive crash on the firewall, we quickly rebuild the machine (our backups wheren't up to date (this was a mistake on our part)), and in our inpatiences it got seriously misconfigured. (this was also our screwup)
That night, we had a ton of log files from tcpwrappers from one IP that was trying to telnet, ftp and everything else into those 2 computers, guess what, the tcpwrappers stop them from even getting a log in prompt (even if they did get a login prompt, %90 of the accounts had
Setting up a second (or even an eigth) security measure can be a pain, but once in a while it can really save your ass in a bad sisuation.
Re:Difference in security. (Score:1)
Perhaps this is the wrong forum to bring this up, but is the world ready for information to be free, and if not, where do we draw the line?
Re:Natalie Portman Missing From Slashdot (Score:1)
Stolen data files, hmmmm... (Score:2)
Re:What nuclear secrets do we have? (Score:3)
Ok a little information on the level of security (Score:2)
Re:I dunno about that (Score:2)
Point is, it would be very, very difficult for someone who was not supposed to have access to get it -- but you can never totally protect against either insider espionage jobs or people being stupid. Los Alamos is particularly prone to both of these problems because a) it does work that a lot of people care quite a bit about, and b) it's friggin' huge.
Stop letting foreign nationals work at US labs (Score:2)
Which brings me to my next rant. If you need people to do this research, find American Ph.D. students. Encourage them to finish their degrees. I left my Ph.D. program because most of the breaks were given to the foreign students. Why should I stick around a degree program when non-US students are given more funding? Why should I stick around when I can take a job somewhere else improve my lifestyle?
Re:Accountability (Score:3)
Or the opportunities in materials processing in Kansas? I expressed the same confusion to a co-worker because of a similar background, and he pointed out that those opportunities are part of the reason for the differences.
In the military, you are dealing with an enlisted workforce that can't leave (except for a window of opportunity every 3-6 years). The military has broad flexibility in the variety and degree of punishment, ranging from scut details to Leavenworth, and there is little difficulty in assigning that punishment, expecially at the lower end of the range.
On the other hand, government labs have to attract and retain researchers who are willing to work for lower salaries than their commercial counterparts. These researchers are more likely to look into work rules beforehand, can leave at any time, are subject to a limited range of punishments ranging from unemployment to prison, and have a high barrier toward applying these punishments. In such an environment, it is probably impossible to establish or to enforce security policies to military levels (which are not themselves perfect).
No foul play this time it seems (Score:2)
Fixed CNN Link (Score:2)
"Give him head?"
"One World, one Web, one Program" - Microsoft Ad
los alamos eh... (Score:4)
After 16 years, MTV has finally completed its deevolution into the shiny things network
Clinton's campaign contributions..... (Score:2)
Re:Backups? (Score:2)
Yep. What are the chances of a forest fire taking out Los Alamos and Peking?
Re:los alamos eh... (Score:3)
The information is public knowledge, and yet still classified.
Makes me wonder just how paranoid they are when they say 'classified'. For all I know, they've deemed the Los Alamos cafeteria schedule classified because it might be used to help poison some foolhardy scientist in ten years. Or perhaps they've classified their work schedule, because they don't want the GAO to know they work twenty hour weeks and bill for forty..
Re:los alamos eh... (Score:3)
Nope. The Los Alamos cafeteria schedule is in fact available on the web for the entire world to see at [lanl.gov]
Re:No foul play this time it seems (Score:2)
If it wasnt foul play, then it has to be chalked up to some really stupid play.
Other Los Alamos Security Links (Score:2)
Conflicting opinions on Los Alamos fire heard on Capitol Hill [cnn.com]
FBI told Taiwan-born physicist he failed polygraph exam that he passed [cnn.com]
Nuclear physicist Wen Ho Lee charged with 59 counts in Los Alamos case [cnn.com]
China spy suspect fired by Energy Department [cnn.com]
... "Be a beacon?"
"Give him head?"
"One World, one Web, one Program" - Microsoft Ad
Difference in security. (Score:4)
Missing? (Score:2)
Re:los alamos eh... (Score:3)
Accountability (Score:3)