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Tenchi Muyou 3? 78

randomErr write: "AIC, the people who did the good Tenchi episodes, has announced here that they are doing another series. They haven't said if it would be a based on the OVA series or a continuation of Tenchi in Tokyo. BTW, if you can't read Japanese, Click Here for a bad translation by Anime News Network." You guys know about Tenchi, right? It's about the high school kid that meets up with a demon, and the creepy 700-year-old mummy morphs into a girl space pirate? I love anime.
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Tenchi Muyo 3?

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  • Ok, i'm old enough to know about MST3K, but for the uninformed, what series is this? I think i missed this one.
  • by mmt ( 140340 )
    Tenchi Muyo: 6:00pm PST on Cartoon Network []
  • Thanks, I used to get B-side cable for a while before i turned net-only, about the same time our free cable went out.. coincidence? :)
  • That would be really cool. I am chemically addicted to Tenchi Muyo; it easily rates as the best anime I've ever seen. Hell, it's probably the best thing I've ever seen on video, anime or no..Hopefully if there is a new series, it will be more along the lines of the OAV (or at least the first TV series) rather than Tenchi in Tokyo, which was somewhat painful to watch.

    Of course, the movie Tenchi Forever was billed as the last chapter in the series', and it will be hard to live up to those standards (the last few scenes were just incredible; just ended everything perfectly).

  • Tenchi Muyo was one of the first anime series that I saw that really got to me. The idea of a mega spaceship made of wood and a huge tree as part of a data cluster, oooo :)
  • Except that I've heard that last few scenes of TMIL2 were actually repeats of the last few scenes of Tenchi Universe.
  • Even people from other cultures cant connect with anime . I live in India and I find the Japanese anime series on Cartoon Network pretty sickening not that a number of the movies shows and series on Star [] arent sickening for that matter.(e.g Oprah is totally sickening but then its a free society anyone can watch anything even if its pukingly bad) Coming back to yr point about anime the same applies but thats not such a big problem here at least coz nobody in India likes to watch them anyway I don't really see who would find such things interesting but then again even B movies get audiences..........
  • It might be referring to images shown on the ending credits; I mean the actual last few scenes of the movie...
  • This message has no content and no relevance to the discussion. Ranting about pornography/violence in Anime when talking about Tenchi Muyo makes as much sense as ranting about porn in video stores when talking about Forest Gump.

    Anime has nothing to do with porn or violence. There are as many varied types of Anime as there are types of American films or television shows; there are children's shows, thought provoking social commentary, and, yes, even porn. To group them all under one catagory is to ignore the many works of fine artists.
  • You're joking, right?

    I challenge you to check out any of the works of Hayao Miyazaki (see []) and tell me if you still think all anime compares to the tripe put out by Disney.

    I challenge you in particular to see Grave of the Firefiles and still tell me that anime is solely a medium for fantasy and lacks merit as an art form on the level of film here in the U.S.

    You won't see kiddie porn in any of those movies, by the way.

    And what's this nonsense about our collective Christian morality? Please. We can't be held responsible for your superstitions. There's a lot of anime out there that most of the rest of us can see for what it is -- an art form that's often a hell of a lot more interesting than what we see here in the States.
  • Have you even WATCHED Tenchi Muyo? How about Gundam wing, Patlabor, or DBZ? Please do not speak on a subject which you know little about. IF you are Christian, then you know that we are not to judge, but to be understanding, and stay firm in our beleifs. ---- "Just another peacefull day, on planet Earth." Kamidake, Tenchi Muyo.
  • You obviously have no bloody clue what your talking about. Anime in fact runs the gamit on subject matters, but 'child porn' is way way off. Heck the occasional view of flesh you might see in anime is on the same level as barbie dolls and US mainstream comics who would have us beleive that normal parts of the human anatomy don't exist.

    Now I'm an anime fan and my two favorite series of anime are Ranma 1/2 (which is a romantic comedy and is equal to anything of the sort doen be real actors in the US) and Macross (in which people use giant transformable jets to oppose the vast forces of evil). Both series have only good things to show us in the west. Their is nothing that should offend your prudish views of how people should behave than anything real actors do in movies these days and you might even learn something.

    Now their is another form of animated enetertainment in japan called hentai that does ahve a strong sexual component (ok it's all about sex). This form of animation has nothing to offer except being stranger than any porn your ever likely to see. I won't mind you putting Hentai down, but keep your paws off of anime.
  • So I can add it to my exclusion list? I don't care for it, and 'Japanese company to make another cartoon' isn't very newsworthy, even on a slow news day. How about Cartoon Network to make Powerpuff Girls movie? Don't remember that one passing by.
  • by Morgaine ( 4316 ) on Saturday July 15, 2000 @02:28AM (#931247)
    That was such a grossly silly and utterly uninformed assessment of anime that it'd be funny if it wasn't so tragic to read it here on Slashdot, a place where people didn't used to accept journalistic fud. But times change.

    The medium is not the message, nor vice versa. You can express any message in any medium, and I don't hear you say "[film/Internet/TV] is child porn" despite the fact that each of these mediums occasionally features an item with those qualities. And so it is with anime. The vast majority of it doesn't even feature sex, let alone with children, so your remarks are utterly ridiculous.

    But if you still have an open mind, let the medium itself do the convincing. Watch the wonderfully produced DVD set Tenchi Muyo Ultimate Edition (a hilarious comedy with wonderful characters) and the Ghost in the Shell DVD (a beautiful and pensive thriller), and try to find a trace of child porn in them.

    Having said that, if a person sees children in films and instantly thinks "child porn" then maybe it's time to wonder not about the films but about the person that's watching them. Under that kind of skewed judgement, all anime, all of childrens' TV and a hell of a lot of other things are also tarred. It's a ridiculous assessment.

    The medium isn't the message.
  • by Morgaine ( 4316 ) on Saturday July 15, 2000 @02:39AM (#931248)
    Nerds like mecha design, and traditionally anime features a lot of it, or at least the large SF sub-genre does. It's quite pervasive, from nano to mega gadgets and worlds and universes, to the mechanization of the mind and soul, as well as advanced science as magic.

    But yes, those that don't relate to anime ought to be able to filter it out.
  • First of all, not anime is equal. That's sort of like saying "Western Live-action Shows" are all the same. Last time I checked, WWF != Touched By An Angel != Baywatch. Get a clue, and don't condemn the ways of foreign lands before looking at the ways of your own people.
    Secondly, have you actually --watched-- Tenchi Muyo? Yes, some of the girls are hot. In the uncensored versions, they are even naked (not any degree of detail, thoguh) when they take a baths.
    (Cartoon Network simply paints bathing suits over on them.) More often then not, it is a device to get nosebleed comedy out of Tenchi, and not done out of lustful desires of animators. Besides that, there is nothing wrong with the naked body. I'm sorry you have trouble understanding it, but when you have statements issued by the Pope (who I consider far more christian and understanding of the ways of the world than you might ever hope to be), there is absolutely nothing wrong with the human body in any state of nakedness, however, when it is lusted after outside of marriage (and inside marriage in extreme cases), that is when there is a problem.
    You even seem to think that stories that include themes of violence serve no purpose and should be condemned by Westerners. First, you should probably burn your copy of the bible, because you will only get a few pages into it when you read of murder in the story of Cain and Able. Considering that much of Western society is based on teachings and lessons from the bible such as the ones brought up by said story, do you really have __ANY__ position to judge the "moral-less" people of the East? I doubt it. In fact, violence is very rarely rewarded in any for of anime I've seen, except for the perverted type, which you really have to actively hunt for if you want to find any of it anyway. Otherwise, most anime still plays out like more of the Western shows and movies should. It's generally obvious who the heros and villians are, and in the "WWF" of Anime, Dragonball Z, you can hardly count the number of times Goku grants mercy to the villian and gives them a second chance to live their life.

    I'm sorry, but I just had to correct you blatant lack of clue.
    BTW, I believe that anyone who commits violence and rape have a genetic disposition for it and no fear for the law. Media has very little effect on decisions that flawed. I believe western punishment should be a bit more like that of the east, sans tendencies to punish those who are not quite proven guilty.
  • This has been news in Japan for quite a long time now, and anyone who visits virtualy any Tenchi Muyo website that features an epsiode listing would know this.

  • This is just OVA episodes 13-18.
  • by peterb ( 13831 ) on Saturday July 15, 2000 @02:59AM (#931252) Homepage Journal
    Tenchi is a fabulous series of series. In many ways, each series is a retelling of the same story: Tenchi, a young boy with a past he doesn't no about, collects around him 6 or 7 women from other planets, all of whom are madly in love with him. The humor and tension in the series comes from the conflicts between Tenchi and the girls, and between the women themselves. (And, of course, there's the occasional standard animé "evil alien comes to destroy us and we must work together to defeat him!" plotlines as well.

    There are also 3 Tenchi movies. In English, they are called Tenchi Muyo in Love, Tenchi Muyo 2: The Daughters of Darkness, and Tenchi Forever. They are all good, but my personal favorite was Tenchi Forever, since it was in my opinion the one that dealt with issues of love and sexuality in the most mature fashion.

    The women of Tenchi are each worth a book in themselves, and it would take too long to list them here, but I'll put in a plug for my favorite, Ryoko the silver-haired asskicking space pirate.

    Both the dubbed and subtitled versions of the Tenchi material is good (although I don't like the English actor who does Tenchi's voice.) The American actor who dubs Ryoko is fabulous. On this topic, by the way, I have written an article discussing why I prefer dubs to subtitled animé movies [] when the dubs are good quality. If you take a look, please let me know what you think!

  • "I am MOOOOJOOOO JOJO. And once the Powerpuff Movie that is being made will be released after it is finished filming, the film that is being filmed, then I will go to the theater and purchase a ticket for one to see the Powerpuff Movie, and the one ticket that I have purchased will be used for my admittance so I can see the movie. I will then proceed to go into the theater to see the Powerpuff Movie and NOT the new Charlie's Angels movie and NOT the new Cheerleader movie, that peice of crap about the cheerleaders at a competition, however, I will proceed to enter the Powerpuff theater and walk into the doors, which will be opened, for if they are not, than I shall open them so they will be opened......"
  • I absolutely cannot believe I misspelled "know" as "no." Now I have to go kick my own ass.

    My only excuse is that I haven't had my coffee yet. Mea culpa. Mea culpa!

    Hey, as long as I'm talking about animé (this isn't offtopic! Er, not much.) I watched an animé porno movie the other day and reviewed it. It is called F3: Frantic, Frustrated, and Female []. Enjoy.

  • Sigh.

    Anime is not a genre purely intended for children. Anime is just another way of making films and TV shows in Japan. The genre ranges from kids shows to.. um.. definitely not for kids shows. While there are a number of rather sick movies that no one in Japan would think are appropriate for children, they are, by far, not the majority of what is on TV and in the rental stores.

    It's also worth noting that the Japanese read comics, known as manga, well into adulthood. It's just another media to them, like TV and novels. I think you should do well to remember that the earliest cartoons in America weren't targetted to children at all. The creators of Bugs Bunny were targetting adults when they were making their cartoons, not kids.

    However, the Japanese portrayals of violence are starkly different from American ones, and I believe this is related to the radically lower levels of violent crime in Japan. Violence in anime is often shown with the full context of its consequences. Murder is not censored as it is in America, because the Japanese choose to show what happens afterwards. It establishes just how far the villians are willing to go, and it shows the wreckage and ruinage that violence leaves in its path.

    Maybe the Japanese can deal with this kind of disturbing imagery, but for us in the West this is nothing more than a primer for violence and rape [...]

    Its funny you mention that since the rates of violent crime, rape, child molestation, and teen pregnancy in Japan are far, far lower than in America and even than in large parts of Europe. It seems that we're the ones doing things wrong, doesn't it?
  • Don't know why I'm feeding the trolls, but ... am I ever glad I don't work for *your* company.

    ...signed me, living happily in Japan without all that moral majority crap (but a pretty low crime rate nonetheless).
  • "The Japanese are known for their different outlook on sexuality..."? You're talking about a culture where it is considered impolite to kiss in public. You're living in a country where you can find people having sex in a movie theater. As for violence, American movies are easily as violent as anything you will see in anime. And considering Japan has very strict gun laws, and has a much lower crime rate than the U.S., obviously violence in the movies or on TV isn't as much of a concern there. As for the Western world, I assume you are referring to America, as a very large portion of Europe has a much more liberal outlook on sexuality than either the Americans or the Japanese. Anime is in Japan exactly what TV shows and movies are here. They don't think of them any differently than any other TV shows or movies, whereas we tend to think of them as "cartoons". There are just as many sexually explicit and violent TV shows and movies out here in the West as there are sexually explicit and violent anime. I'd also like to note that the people I know who enjoy anime are also some of the most decent, intelligent people I know. You might want to give that some thought, if you ever come down from the high horse you are riding.
  • I know I shouldn't respond to flamebait, but this is ridiculous. Anime is many things, but it is NOT pornography. Perhaps you should learn a little more about yourself and about the art before saying things like this?
  • That would be insightful, except Tenchi doesn't feature too many "mecha" designs (outside of the space ships). It's pretty much a romantic comedy, but with a ton of twists. Nerds like mecha, but I think they like a good story as well, and Tenchi has some pretty funny moments.
  • For those interested in possible storyline information for the 3rd Tenchi OAVs, I recommend you take a brief look at the recent Tenchi Muyo Canon and Storyline FAQ. Note that these documents are still in the process of being written by Tenchiken [mailto], and contain mostly information from the Tenchi Muyo novels. I've only included links to the 2 out of 7 sections that have been posted so far.

    Tenchi FAQ Part 1/7 []
    Tenchi FAQ Part 2/7 []

    BTW, anybody know what happened to What Is Tenchi Muyo? [] or The Jurai Royal Library []? Those were two of the better general Tenchi info sites around, and they've both disappeared. I've also been looking for an old R.A.A.M post that was an lengthy and amazing dissertation/plot overanalysis of the Tenchi OAVs, but I haven't been able to locate it anywhere on Dejanews.
  • And your comments make no sense when applied to my post :)
  • As for the Western world, I assume you are referring to America, as a very large portion of Europe has a much more liberal outlook on sexuality than either the Americans or the Japanese.

    Keep in mind that the US was founded by:
    a) Gun toting puritians and,
    b) Slave owners who wanted to be free.

  • You guys know about Tenchi, right?

    No we don't, which is probably why a post entitled "Tenchi for the Uninitiated!" is the highest-rated comment at the moment.

    Will someone please explain to me how some manga series fits into the "News for Nerds. Stuff that matters." definition?

    I think it would be interesting to be able to see what sort of stories get rejected by Slashdot's editors, to make way for stuff like this. And it shouldn't be too difficult to extend meta-moderation to allow us to approve or disapprove of editor's acceptance or rejection of stories, either.


  • "Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki Third series. Listen to the fans cry out for it! Tenchi fans gave us their thoughts with 1500 reader questionnaires. We are investigating the status of this new series."

    I still haven't seen anything even semi-official that this will be a TV series rather than an OVA, just the rumors on the internet, but I could live with 9 hours more of the OVA continuity. That would make up for Shin Tenchi/Tenchi in Tokyo, which was utter tripe in comparison to either of the other two series. (Well, the first LD set box had pretty good cover art of Ryoko. But that was about it.)
  • Pokémon is child porn?
  • A little while ago, I made a theme based around Tenchi Muyo's Ryoko, so I wouldn't have to be jealous of all the Windows users who had their own Ryoko theme:

    KDE Ryoko Theme []

    All I really did was take Ryoko art from the Web and create a bunch of configuration files to map it to the K Desktop Environment, so I don't deserve much credit. The real credit goes to [] where there are a lot of Ryoko pictures available for download (and which I have no involvement with at all except to think it is a cool site.

    I'm glad that the reports of Tenchi's demise were "greatly exagerated," I only hope this movie will be as good as the first Tenchi OAV series.

    "So," said Ryoko, as she prepared to blast Tenchi to smithereens.

  • You realize you are just splitting hairs here. You sound like ESR [] trying to force cracker [] on everybody instead of hacker. Hentai is simply a subset of Anime, but it is anime none the less. Sorry but movies about tentacles raping 15 year old girls is kiddie porn. Have you ever seen Kekko Kamen []? That is some disgusting pedophilia.

  • It's vastly oversimplyifying things to place the blame for all that simply on cartoons. The Japanese culture and values go back thousands of years. Their culture and mentality seems to be much less superficial than ours. And their values are drilled into them from an early age.

    This isn't a slam on America, by the way. We started with a pretty much empty slate a couple of centuries ago and as nations go we're still in our youth. Culturally we didn't have the best upbringing (Puritans, bleh) so it'll take a few centuries before we've settled down to the same sort of relaxed and mellow vibe that you get anywhere in the older cultures like Europe and Japan. Time will tell whether aging will turn America into a fine wine or a vinegar.

  • There is also the fact that otaku is Japanese for nerd, and the defining characteristic of the stereotypical otaku is a love of anime and science fiction. (Think trekkie, otaku dress as their favorite characters, cosplay, and go to conventions, and stand online for hours... not much different than the current series of strips about X-Men on Userfriendly []. Actually, though I think it's kind of pointless to argue with these, "How is this news for nerds?" people, as the majority of people reading /. these days are not geeks or nerds but greedy .com wannabes. It's sad really, I hate to see a site go downhill like this one has. Next we'll be seeing people as "How is a new Star Wars/Star Trek/Babylon 5/Lord of the Rings/Dungeons and Dragons movie 'News for Nerds'?"

    As always, I refer people to Otaku No Video, to see how otaku are the geeks of Japanese society and how this relates to anime.

  • Will someone please explain to me how some manga series fits into the "News for Nerds. Stuff that matters." definition?

    It's not manga, it's anime. Manga are comic books - usually in black and white - but anime are the animated "version" of them, in a way.

    And watching Japanese animation - with or without tentacled aliens raping schoolgirls, of which Tenchi as none - is definitely nerdy. Unless the anime happens to be called Pokémon the Movie, in which case it's for kids. ^_^

  • Sorry, but I have to speak up on this moderation. The post above is not a troll, it's a PERFECTLY VALID OPINION (albeit one that I don't necessarily agree with). He's certainly at least partly right, so don't knock him down just because you happen to like watching thirteen OVA's in a row every Saturday night. That's censorship, pure and simple.
  • Hentai is a small subset of anime. In fact most Hentai isn't even made in japan anymore, because the laws against allowing children to see Hentai in japan (it's hard to amke moeny off of it because of that, so it's gone elsewhere). Hentai makes up a grand total of 1% of all aniem produced. That is hardly enough to call anime kiddie porn as the original poster did. The Great majority of Anime is in no way 'kiddie porn', that is what I had the biggest problem with.

    Not to mention this whole argument is the ancient "is it art or is it porn?" debate, which still only effects Hentai & not mainstream anime. Mainstream anime has held to the tradition of never showing the lower anatomy of women or men and Hentai has it's own name because it was a bunch of rogue artists of the anime style that started the Hentai concept. Btw just knowing about Kekko Kamen (& what's in it) implies you've been looking at this 'kiddie porn' now doesn't it? Got a kiddie porn and tentacle fetish yourself?

    My whole point was that anime never shows anything worse than an occasional breast shot that isn't any worse than anything in most US movies (and in fact compared to most R rated movies thsoe shots are so tame it's not funny). Heck you cna see worse things than what you occasionally come across in anime on eroupian TV! Their is no reason to insist Anime is any type of porn because it isn't. 'Nuff said.
  • You have a trailing 'u' in the title.
  • For those who aren't as enlightened with Tenchi Muyou, you can find out information on the series and characters from The Anipike's Tenchi Muyou! Links page [].

    However, if you wish to be held over until this third series appears, one of the largest fan sites online happens to be a fan fiction site dedicated to Tenchi Muyou! itself. You can visit the Tenchi Muyou! Fan Fiction Archive [] and read several hundred pieces of works in nicely organized categories.

    Many people have gotten hooked on Anime with Tenchi and would love to see it continued. This is why Slashdot figured it would be so newsworthy. It's been one of the major shows to help the explosion of anime in America.
    Dragon Magic []
  • Checking out the translation, it gives the name as Tenchi Muyo Ryo-oh-ki, which is the name of
    OAV Series, which makes me belive that it will
    be a third oav series. That would be great, as it
    might finally answer alot of question left hanging during the second oav series.

    This is unusual since after the third tenchi movie
    they announced that there would be no more tenchi at all.
  • "The obsession with subtitles is a quintessentially American phenomenon"

    No, not really. In the Netherlands Schindler's List was presented theatrically subtitled. Armitage III: Polymatrix (a butcher of the OAVs) is only available with an English dub, presented theatrically in Japan with Japanese subs (even the US DVD has the J-subs, although with English audio. I can provide more examples, but the list wouldn't be exhaustive. It does bug me that Italy, France, etc have some legal restrictions on the availability of subbed theatrical presentations. Do they not want to poison their constituents with a foul foreign language?

    I agree with you that a BAD dub is all too common, there is disagreement in the community on which titles are bad or worse than others, but many seem to know they exist. Viz Video seems artfully skilled at removing cultural references in the dub and I'm NOT talking Pokemon here! This happens in Ranma 1/2 and Video Girl Ai that I recall, I haven't watched much other Viz stuff yet.

    Viz's motto for their dubs is "Japanese Animation in ENGLISH!". I have to ask, how much of the Japanese nature of the show if you rip out the Japanese voices? I'll let the reader decide what they want though, the US market has room for both dubs and subs.

    I watch the subs so I can pick up some of the foreign language, I learn Japanese words from time to time, you really can't do that with a dub nearly as much.

    I WILL say that all things being the same, the dubs outsell the subs by over 5:1, ADV has been quoted as saying 10:1 but they have a bigger price differential than other companies on the tapes at least, but the dubs carry the market and make more licences profitable and available for sub lovers, as few titles are dub-only (they do exist, thankfully not too common, now the move is to shift the subs to being available only on DVD).

    I can go on much longer, but it's not quite worth my time or your time to deal with it all, there's lots of info out there.
  • not the first person to think this article sucks. leave anime to cartoon sites. leave linux bigotism to slashdot.
  • I'm not sure who you're referring to with your use of "you"; it's obviously not me, since I'm not the one that got moderated down.
    Also, since you seem unable to put your name to your post, it would appear that either you have never been a moderator, or you are indeed a coward.
  • *snip snip* Voice acting ranks right up there with janitor in terms of how the job is perceived in the US *snip snip*

    Actually, i thought the voice actors were janitors? Are you telling me they aren't? I know some janitors that are better than many american voice actors.

    -Elendale (however, the people who did Kagato and Ryoko rock!)

    Karma burn coming
    As i meta-troll again

  • Will someone please explain to me how some manga series fits into the "News for Nerds. Stuff that matters." definition?

    I'm a geek. I read slashdot. I love Tenchi. This post matters to me. Looks like I'm not the only one. 'nuff said. :)
  • First read this [] And the japanese word otaku is not confined only to anime (or manga, or even hentai). I could be a car otaku, a computer otaku, and/or /. otaku! I think you get my point. thanks.
    Your ass can be found here [], laughing.
  • It's vastly oversimplyifying things to place the blame for all that simply on cartoons.

    Oh, I'm not. In fact, I'd say it's the reverse in action. Their culture's emphasis on responsibility for one's actions is probably the primary reason that they portray violence in that fashion. Of course, they also often have good ol' cartoony violence where someone bonks someone over the head with a fatally heavy object and tears just stream from the victim's eyes, but that's known to be comic exaggeration. Such behavior in real life would be considered unacceptable, but it's funny for the extreme personalities in anime to do it.

    I've taken Japanese, and some of their cultural constructs -- responsibility, in-group/out-group mentality, and levels of politeness -- are drilled into their language itself. It seems to be that it'd be much easier to instill a group ethic in children when your language doesn't distinguish between singular and plural. One is just the smallest group.

    Culturally we didn't have the best upbringing (Puritans, bleh) so it'll take a few centuries before we've settled down to the same sort of relaxed and mellow vibe that you get anywhere in the older cultures like Europe and Japan. Time will tell whether aging will turn America into a fine wine or a vinegar.

    I'd just like to comment that like the analogy here. Don't completely knock the Puritans, though. Our country was founded by their descendants, and much of the reason for the First Amendment comes from their reactions to religious oppression (even though they did a little themselves).
  • by Valdrax ( 32670 ) on Saturday July 15, 2000 @08:16AM (#931283)
    You have a trailing 'u' in the title.

    Don't try to correct spellings, when you don't know a thing about Romanization. Japanese pronunciation includes what is known as long vowels. When a mora (Japanese syllable) is followed by a repitition of the vowel component (i.e. o-ka-a-sa-n), the vowel sound is held for twice as long. By default, all Japanese mora are pronounced just as fast as each other.

    This means that there is a difference between obasan (aunt) and obaasan (grandmother). The Japanese vowels are a, i, u, e, o (Ah, Ee, Oo, Ay, Oh). Combinations like 'ai,' 'ue,' and 'au' make sounds like 'Aye,' 'Oo-Eh,' and 'Ah-oo' (or Ow as in Chow). However, 'ei' and 'ou' are a long 'e' and a long 'o'. In fact, a long 'o' is more commonly spelled 'ou' than 'oo,' and a long 'e' is more commonly spelled 'ei'.

    Now for Romanization. Muyou, or "a lack of need for," would be spelled differently under different romanization methods. Most romanization methods would have you spell it either "muyou" or "muyo" with a bar over the "o." Since it's hard for people to type the "o" with a bar over it, which is the most common way of spelling a long "o," people drop it.

    However, this is incorrect. This spelling would confuse "muko" (bridgegroom) with "mukou" (beyond) and "oki" (open sea) with "ookii" (large). Few people would drop double consonants (which I haven't covered here), but many drop double vowels. The correct way to handle it is indeed the way that they did for the site. "Muyou" captures the actual pronunciation and kana spelling of "mu" (nothingness) and "you" (use).

    Side note, tenchimuyou is also how you say "this side up," or "do not turn over."
  • I couldn't believe it when I saw dubbed Tenchi Muyou! being played on Cartoon Network the other day. I almost threw up. I absolutely hate this new American anime fad. Post-'90 America just can't live without fucking up the whole world, can we? Otakon is coming very soon, but I'm not even sure if I'll go. I'm sure I'll end up leaving in a blind rage if I do. There will be twice as many people as two years ago, and all of them will be looking for dubbed Dragon Ball Z and crap like that. (Ha ha, no offense, right Taco?)

    Maybe this is why I stopped watching TV. Leave it to my dumb luck to turn on the telly for the first time in three months and see that.

    If I ever see anything I really love on American TV, like Shinseiki Evangelion or Serial/Visual Experiments Lain, I'm throwing the TV out the window and moving to the UK. Hey, otaku, remember when we were just another breed of comic-book freaks? Ahhhh, those were the days... I never had to worry about it gaining "acceptance" (if you can really call the whirlwind rape and pillage that is a 90's American fad "acceptance") . . .

    And FYI, Taco, you dumbfuck, Ryoko never "morphed" into anything. You just saw the first half of the first episode, right? Don't try and sound familiar with someting you're not. You're starting to sound like Katz. What's up?


  • Seems like a post of a deliberately inflammitory nature against the topic of a discussion group. I believe that's the very definition of a troll.

    While I do watch a lot of anime, I also recognize Sturgeon's Law in effect. However, the poster didn't site any examples. He just made a blanket assertion that seemed intended to offend people in the way only ignorant blanket assertions can. That he did it as an AC instead of being willing to take the karma as it can shows that he knew it would be found offensive.

    By the way, do you even know what censorship is? The whole point of the moderation system is that nothing is censored. Posts never get pulled off of Slashdot articles. They are just subjected to peer evaluation. If you want to read every post, they are all still available for viewing. However, if you are willing to set the threshhold a little higher and trust your peers to raise the signal-to-noise ratio, then it's your own doing that block you from seeing them. Browse at -1 if you want to read it all or don't. Just don't accuse moderators of "censorship" when it clearly isn't.

    Fah. I bet you'd accuse of scientific journals of censorship for bothering to check the research before posting any crackpot theory that gets submitted.
  • Maybe you're right, but I don't think so. The first anime I watched (DNA^2, Fushigi Yuugi), that made me fall in love with the genre had no element of SF or mechs in them. In fact, there's only one anime that I would rank among my favorites that has mecha in it (Eva). But I fit the definition of a 'nerd' pretty closely. Also, there's lots of american stuff with cool technology in it also, but that doesn't necessarily make anime fans like it.

    No, I think there's something more fundamental about anime that makes us like it. Hard to define, though. Maybe it's just the creativity of anime in general, compared to formulaic american TV. I can't think of anything else that Lain and Sailor Moon have in common :).

    I'm against letting people filter out anime news :). Slashdot is doing people a favor by introducing them to anime; the whiners don't know what they're missing. If this article causes a few curious people to check out some Tenchi Muyou, that's a Very Good Thing. As anime fans, it's our duty to share the wealth.

  • Here's my translation of a few bits. The stuff on the middle right of the cover picture says:

    "Tenchi Muyou!"
    A new publication enters the stage!!
    700-year Ravaazu (Lovers?) 3

    The bit right below the small picture of the cast relaxing on the beach says:

    A "Tenchi Muyou! Ryo-oh-ki" original comic, "700 year Ravaazu (Lovers?)" (I can't find a translation of the "chiba jirou" on picture or immediately following this.)

    It will be a biographical comic that once again searches the world of "Tenchi Muyou!". Even though it is early/soon [to say so], [it is in] the middle of a rise in popularity. (Then after that, I can't even guess at what the katakana's supposed to say. "Karaa 4 P & Monokuro 28 P")

    It sounds to me like they're just running an original comic series in their magazine. No new anime series, I'm afraid. I haven't gotten into the text next to the picture of Ryouko or the text at the bottom with the various cast members.
  • Oh wait, I figured it out. "Karaa 4 P & Monokuro 28 P" means that it will feature 4 color pages and 28 black and white pages.
  • And FYI, Taco, you dumbfuck, Ryoko never "morphed" into anything. You just saw the first half of the first episode, right? Don't try and sound familiar with someting you're not. You're starting to sound like Katz. What's up?

    Dude, she's nearly skeletal when she rises up out of the water. Take a good look at her ribcage next time. Ryouko was not in the best of shape when she was set free. Presumably she healed the damage being locked in place for 700 years did to her.
  • Personally, I think there should be a seperate anime section, since there do seem to be a lot of articles about it posted lately... And, FYI, there is a lot of anime that has nothing to do with mecha at all.

  • Anime always seems to have very interesting or at least neat-o plots and characters, at least to geeks and guys in general (possibly because of the much larger men/women ratio in japan), but why does _every_ _single_ anime cartoon, be it a series, a movie, or anything else, have to have such god-awful voice acting? _I_ could do better voice acting than I've seen in any anime, and I know a lot of people who could do better than me. How expensive can it be?
  • This is the type of reponse I expected, so thanks for not disappointing me. It wasn't special because it was rare. It was special because the people involved in the scene were there because they loved it. These days, the scene is dilluted. Half of the people at the cons now are there because of the current fad. Americans are creating cheap knock-off anime and getting rich just because their drawings look vaguely similar. The events are cheapened.

    As for developing a "real sense of individuality", I think I've done quite well in that regard in my lifetime. I know who you're confusing me with, though. Sorry, I'm not a groupie. Perhaps you'd have more success trolling the UF forum.

    The same thing is beginning to happen to the GNU/Linux scene. Maybe in five years, kind AC, you'll know how I feel.

    Dammit, this happens to everything I've ever been in to. I've learned to ride the wave. But I'm not looking forward to it.


  • Are you watching the dub? The american voice acting in it is notoriously bad, and is often heckeled by fans of the series (sub). If you are referring to the japanese VAs, then what the hell are you smoking??!? I mean, c'mon! Have you ever heard any American voice actors as animated/realistic/intense as you hear in anime. The japanese display an amazing talent in being able to produce emotion, be it comedy, drama, depression, or whatever. I suggest you go watch some more subbed anime and rethink your opinion.
  • Actually, this post restored my faith in their story posting ability...
  • Sadly, yes, I've only seen dubbed anime. I don't speak Japanese :/

  • Oh come on, get a bloody anime category or go somewhere else for your anime news. I'm sick of all this idiotic anime talk... at least with a category of its own I can ignore it and don't even get the stupid headlines in my way!!!

  • I am the writer of the Tenchi Muyo FAQ's. They are finished, just not posted yet. If someone will look here later, I will post them. The spoiler pages (which was also maintained by me) is gone for right now, until I post more.
  • i'm sick of this ignorance in the field of anime. some of the best anime is available free streaming at peace.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Little bitter? Yes, Lain kicked booty.

    The little DBZ goons drive me insane too, but think about it. Would you rather be watching crappy tenth-gen copies of the good stuff? Or be able to get it dubbed, subbed and raw on DVD, and either of the former two on VHS? Makes the good stuff more accessable if people are demanding it.

    Now to get Angel Sanctuary translated here...

  • Bull. The Tenchi Muyo dub is very good, and most of the fans realize and admit this.

    There are anime dubs out there that are better/i> than the original, in at least one case it was the director who said this.

  • 1st series: OAV 1-7

    2nd series: OAV 8-13

    3rd series: yet to be done ending to that storyline

    Tenchi Universe, Tenchi in Tokyo: crap that doesn't count.

  • Wrong. This is real news, and appeared about 2 weeks back. Before that, it was just rumors. Now, it's pretty much official.
  • Just because some of it's too intelligent and mature for your poor little mind doesn't mean that others can't enjoy it...
  • Curses...
  • I wasn't talking about Linux as software, I was talking about Linux as a culture. And since you are a self-described old-timer, I refuse to believe that you never yearn for the closely knit scenes of yesteryear.

    I never said the scenes were ruined. Just... different. And while I try to welcome change, I don't forget the past.

    And FYI, many of us are still watching the crappy fansubs, seeing as how the "high quality" subbed releases are two or three years behind the current Japanese scene. Rurouni Kenshin was just finally released by a US distributor, under the ridiculous name of "Samurai X". Fanboys have had the entire series and both movies on fifth-generation dubs since last year. :) It's as new to the American mainstream as Linux is... Linux is a brand new, revolutionary OS, right? LOL.

    Your post almost succeeds, but the pathetic "poor baby" is just too trollish to be considered anything else but a sad troll. Try again next time... maybe one day, you'll learn to flame like a real old-timer. ;p

    I wasn't looking for a confrontation. Chill out and stop being to hostile -- it's only Stashdot, right?



  • You realize you are just splitting hairs here. You sound like ESR trying to force cracker on everybody instead of hacker. Hentai is simply a subset of Anime, but it is anime none the less. Sorry but movies about tentacles raping 15 year old girls is kiddie porn. Have you ever seen Kekko Kamen? That is some disgusting pedophilia.

    And you are making an amazingly overly broad generalization. Are you trying to point out that the existence of hentai, 'anime porn', makes all Anime worthless porn?

    That's like saying that because movie pornography exists, all movies are nothing but worthless porn. Hrm....that really doesn't make much sense when viewed in that context, now does it.

    The simple fact is, Japanese Animation, Anime, is as varied in quality and topic as live action films are in the United States.

  • Really, I wish that instead of just cutting a scene entirely, they would just edit it. The added bathing suits and all in the Toonami edit are rather annoying. It might be better if they would just do a blur on the boobs instead, though they probably can't show even that during the day on the Cartoon Network.
    Interestingly enough, the showings of Gundam Wing at 5:30 and midnight are slightly different. The"Midnight Run" version is advertised as being "uncut," though I hadn't noticed a difference; I figured it was uncut anyway, given that there's very little objectionable content in the series (except for thought-provoking dialogue, maybe ;) However in episode 1, in the 5:30 version, Heero tells Releena "I will destroy you," whereas at 12:00, he says, "I will kill you." A small difference, but I'm sure there are others. Perhaps something similar could be done for Tenchi, as it seems that some scenes are edited to the point of not making sense.
  • Sex slaves, even. Interesting trolling, if it is such, it is indistinguishable from a post of a person that actually believes such. I think I know people that actually believe what the original poster said.

    Rule #1) Short, blanket statements are usually false.

    "Anime is cartoon child porn"
    even "Hentai is cartoon child porn" isn't accurate either, as AFAIK, even hentai rarely involve identifiable children (pre-teens or pre-pubescent). Real child porn is illegal to have here anyways.

    Rule #2) Prejudices are exactly that, judging something without / before having seen or experienced it.

    Try My Neighbor Totoro, Kiki's Delivery Service, Record of Lodoss War, Slayers, Lupin, Trigun, Battle Athletes, Wanderers (El Hazard). There are many more.

    I don't think any of the above have much nudity, and they definitely don't portray sex.

    Oh, yes, not all anime gets here and not all anime is any good. We do tend to get the better stuff and it is usually pretty good.

A fail-safe circuit will destroy others. -- Klipstein
