T-1000 To Replace Mulder On 'The X-Files' 166
Jacque Strapp writes: "This may be old news by now, but I haven't seen it yet on Slashdot; Robert Patrick (the T-1000 from Terminator 2) will be taking over as the male lead on X-files, though he won't be playing Mulder. Seems pretty final, the article says he starts shooting on Monday. " This is follow-up to last week's who will the replacement be -- too bad for Campbell.
Is David Duchovny marrying Bree Sharp? (Score:1)
Re:but.. but.. (Score:2)
If the writing continues to be as bad as it was last year, I might turn the sound off, but I will not change the channel. :)
where's the jargon file? (Score:1)
Re:Know your Terminators! (Score:1)
Re:Too bad indeed... (Score:1)
(coming from a long, long-time fan of Hercules and Xena, who just doesn't give a shit about the crappy replacement shows).
if it ain't broke, then fix it 'till it is!
Re:but.. but.. (Score:1)
Re:not the same robot (Score:1)
Cause the name of the movie is Terminator 2, or T2 to be short and trendy.
Now as to how the movie H20 got it's name...
- Isaac =)
I can hear it already... (Score:2)
(holds up pictuce of Mulder)
"Have you seen this Agent?"
First Case for the new duo! (Score:1)
Re:Suitable... (Score:1)
Mulder leaving the X Files (Score:1)
Way back in the early 90s, (prolly between 91 or so at the very earliest, and 94) society at large began discovering Usenet, and in particular groups like alt.paranormal, alt.alien.visitors, and alt.conspiracy.
Although demented, the conspiracy theories and alien visitation stuff showing up in these groups provided some fairly fertile inspiration for good science fiction.
It's my guess that either Carter himself, or whoever told him about it, downloaded fairly substantial wads of this stuff and began spinning it into the episode storylines of what we came to know as the X Files. The Lone Gunmen in particular are a net stereotype...three reclusive, highly intelligent geeks who spend most of their time in dark bedrooms in front of screens, away from civilised humanity. *grin*
Sound familiar?
Anywayz, back then all of this stuff was new and different. The whole nerd lifestyle thing hadn't seeped into the public awareness as something special, and for a while there was a kind of deliciously grim fascination in the idea that a coalition of the Greys and the UN were trying to take over the world. The MJ-12 documents and Milton William Cooper's diseased ramblings in particular would have provided Carter with some great inspiration on the UFO side.
These days however, we're seven years into the X Files. The above mentioned conspiracy theory has been done on the show, not only once, but over and over and over again. Not only that, but I get the feeling that Usenet has once more sunk into it's deserved place in universal awareness...basically that of an online asylum for the mentally ill, for the most part.
For most of us, the X Files is no longer relevant...back when we were new to the net, taking our first tentative steps out into the online world, Carter was able to cash in on the momentary novelty of a somewhat deranged (but highly entertaining) element of it. But we've seen the novelty, IT has come up out of the sewers for several encore performances, and the Greys would have abducted enough people by now to depopulate the planet. As an earlier poster in this thread said, it's grown old.
Re:Anyone still going to watch it? (Score:2)
(not that flying them down to LA, from time to time, would be that expensive -- but the Immigration paperwork could be like closing an X file)
is this the part ... (Score:2)
Re:Ditch The X-Files (Score:1)
Re:Mysteries to be solved this season... (Score:1)
Thesp = actdroid (a/k/a "Talent")
Segs = segments
Sked = schedule ("line-up")
Skedded = scheduled
Skein = series
Topper = Executive ("suit")
More wacky showbiz lingo here [variety.com].
Hey, let's do lunch some time, okay?
"In spite of everything, I still believe that people
are really good at heart." - Anne Frank
It's been dying... (Score:1)
Of course, the show has sucked for other reasons too. I think probably the only episodes worse than the FPS one were the "celebrity" writer episodes, including Duchovny's own self-referential brain fart.
Re:Kill off Mulder? (Score:1)
Re:Hollow Shell (Score:1)
Re:Ditch The X-Files (Score:2)
Microsoft conspiracy theories abound, as well as stories on the 'Evil' Big Government taking our rights and the 'Evil' Big Corps turning the world into a stockholder controlled police state!
Oh, and at least half us have a thing for Scully, too..
Too bad indeed... (Score:5)
From Brisco County Jr. to Xena, Bruce has either been under-appreciated or under-used. Personally, I think he would have been the perfect fit for the X-Files. After so many years of dark, brooding, rambling commentery from Duchoveny, it would have been a nice change of pace to see Bruce in that role. They could have even done the old role reversal: have Bruce come in as the sceptic, and force a now almost-ready-to-belive Scully to play the role of the crackpot. Instead, we are saddled with Robert Patrick, who undoubtedly will come in and try to be Mulder2, and fail miserably.
I used to think the X-Files was still as good as show as it ever was, but after getting the Season1 DVD's and watching them in between Diablo2 marathon's, I can definitely see a drop in quality. The show seems to be on cruise control. I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but it's probably a good thing that next season will be the last.
the x files sucks now (Score:1)
but lately, the show really sucks now. the mythology makes no sense anymore, i don't even care now that it's so confusing and convoluted. the regular episodes are just rehashes of old plots done before, and it has now become a parody of itself.
i wish the show would just rest in peace after next season. it's better to flame out and slowly burn away.
Re:Know your Terminators! (Score:2)
Who's right ????
Re:I hate to say this... (Score:1)
Re:Peaked long ago, circling the drain (Score:1)
Re:Agent Ash..... housewares (Score:1)
Besides -- Them two sucking face would simply take time away from the plotline. If you want to see pictures of Skully getting boned by a Fox, go hunt down alt.binaries.pictures.nude.celebrity.fake.kinky
Re:Hollow Shell (Score:1)
Re:How many seasons left (Score:1)
Re:Sigh (Score:1)
Re:Good choice, if true (Score:1)
"One of them was disguised as a woman, but wasn't pulling it off . Like, her hair was red... but it was a little too red, you know?" :) (Probably my *favorite* episode...)
Suitable... (Score:2)
Re:Why an FBI agent? Why not the Lone Gunmen? (Score:1)
"In other "X"-related news, Carter said he believes Fox execs are considering a plan to launch the "X" spinoff "The Lone Gunmen" in "X's" 9 p.m. Sunday slot next spring. The one hitch: Fox has already said the skein will bow on Thursday nights starting in January."
Not trying to be rude, just thought you must have missed it.
Re:Too bad indeed... (Score:1)
Good point about the Mulder opposites. Scully is obvious. Krycek was first introduced as a Mulder boot-licker, then ultra-evil. Spender is just a dick: I try not to think about him too much.
I think they might have missed their calling on this one in the form of Skinner. Skinner all but admitted he was a believer at the end of last season after what he saw. It would have been kinda cool to see the normally by-the-book, maybe-I'm-compromised-maybe-I'm-not Skinner take Mulder's spot. Lot's of great potential material in seeing just how far Skinner would go in investigations, would he have contacts Mulder didn't, would others higher up be worried by his "turning", etc. Hell, Skinner chilling with the Lone Gunman would be worth a season right there.
Pipe dream, I know. Skinner probably doesn't have a high enough Q rating or something with network execs. Still, it would have made for some interesting TV...
Re:It's been dying... (Score:2)
Yeah, I think the California thing is pretty key to why recent seasons have been really bad compared to the earlier ones. The X-Files' theme colors are black and green, something you can get a lot of in British Columbia, and almost none of in LA. Plus, and I've figured out that this is the thing that really bugs me, because they're in Los Angeles, they don't have access to *actors who look like normal people.* I swear, nothing kills an episode fast than not being able to have any empathy at all for the main character because they look like some Hollywood layabout rather than a normal person with some horrible alien parasite inside him.
There were a couple episodes last season that might have been all right. Take that one ep for example, the one where the high school kid finds a secret cave that gives him the power to move with impossible speed. That had some things in it that might have made it enjoyable to watch, although the three high school kids in it all looked like they were twenty-six years old, and they just looked completely wrong and unappealing.
Sigh. I guess I'll just have to watch episodes on tape when I want some good television.
Re:Kill off mulder {joke?} (Score:2)
Scully to Mulder!! (Score:2)
New Mulder : Its called Cubic Environment Mapping baby...yeah!!!
Ditch The X-Files (Score:2)
Even if our kung-fu is better than theirs...
pb Reply or e-mail; don't vaguely moderate [ncsu.edu].
Re:Suitable... (Score:1)
Why are we even posting this? (Score:1)
Light traveling faster than c in a vaccum? Rejected.
New 1petaflop computer IBM is working on? Rejected.
Unfilmed Crusade scripts posted online? Rejected.
New actor on X-Files? Post that right away!
Evading the mob! (Score:2)
(look up Robert Patrick at IMDB [imdb.com] for clue if you don't get it...)
I was hoping for Chewbaca. (Score:1)
People wouldn't even notice the character switch!
but.. but.. (Score:1)
will t-1k become the new character with the perfect 'gut-feeling' all the time? or what?
maybe scully will be the new person with the "trust no one" motto... she seems to become less skeptical every episodes (or maybe this is just the fact that's so sexy in that fbi uniform distorting my perception
It really doesn't matter... (Score:1)
Now all the scenes are full of cloudless days and bright sunshine, how is that supposed to assist in setting a moody, cryptic, "the truth is out there" environment!?!
Bring back the rain and the clouds!
Za's Vid
Kill off Mulder? (Score:1)
Re:Kill off Mulder? (Score:1)
Re:Don't believe it! (Score:1)
BBC Article [bbc.co.uk]
Yahoo Article [yahoo.com]
Mysteries to be solved this season... (Score:3)
sked or skedded
as well as the contextual meaning of "skein" and "topper", all of which were found in Variety's article, or should that be "arkle"? Possible interpretations include updated versions of "fnord", or possibly hackneyed "showbiz" "lingo."
Re:How many seasons left (Score:1)
True Terminator fans know their Facts (Score:1)
Re:Don't believe it! (Score:1)
I don't know about you, but I'd hate it if they switched him over to a totally new character, even if it was only 1 episode that he played the demon in.
Frightening. (Score:1)
I've scared myself quite enough, now.
Re:Arnold will be the next Mulder? (Score:3)
Robert Patrick was the T-1000. A mimetec poly-alloy, liquid metal terminator.
Re:Arnold will be the next Mulder? (Score:1)
then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel is just a freight train coming your way
Re:Too bad indeed... (Score:1)
I agree, they really missed the boat with Skinner. Skinner has already admitted he's a semi-believer (while in Vietnam, he saw something he couldn't explain, he thinks it's a UFO) AND he has got the HUGEST crush on Scully. Imagine a no-nonsense, quietly pining Skinner, searching through all this paranormal bullshit trying to help Scully, the woman he is attracted to, find Mulder, whom he views as his competition.
The few Skinner episodes they've done rank among my favourites. Hey, Chris, if you're listening, ditch T-1k and use Skinny!
not the same robot (Score:1)
What I don't get, though, is if the Robert Patrick robot isn't T-2000, then why did they call the movie, T2: Judgement Day?
They should have gotten a girl (Score:1)
Re:Too bad indeed... (Score:1)
hehe, add to that the fact that she's apparently pregnant to increase the tension. Gee, Scully, you sure look nice today in that, uh, maternity dress and all.
Yeah, Army of Darkness rules. Too bad it made about $2000 at the box office and effectively ended his movie career.
Oh, well, I guess we're stuck with T1k for now. At least they didn't choose Lou Diamond Phillips. I still wake up in a cold sweat because of Young Guns 2.
Re:Anyone still going to watch it? (Score:1)
One more degree of Kevin Bacon for me! (Score:2)
I personally would have liked to see Bruce Campbell there, only because he's completely loose to how tight Scull is, but I think Robert can play the part well, especially if he's lighthearted like I saw him on the golf course, as opposed to hard nosed T2/"The Falucty" character, though he can play both decently.
An interesting tie-in... (Score:1)
Oh, great! T-1000 (Score:2)
Why an FBI agent? Why not the Lone Gunmen? (Score:2)
I wonder why they decided to bring in another FBI agent, rather than not just "promote" the Lone Gunmen? Wasn't there talk in the past about a possible Lone Gunmen spin-off [slashdot.org]? Obviously, there's interest from the fans
New plot (Score:1)
T-1000 To Replace Mulder ... (Score:1)
And killing the audience
Good choice, if true (Score:2)
Re:Know your Terminators! (Score:1)
Clarification ... (Score:2)
Dog(get) chases Fox -- heh!
Long Running 'Franchises' (Score:2)
A principal character leaving the series (Mulder).
A 'love story' (Mulder/Scully) which can't continue without said character (Okay, there are still people who don't want to see this, but it is central to the series).
Another principal character who's storyline is basically defined by Mulder's (Scully: please don't flame me on this; 'the Enigmatic Dr. Scully' is one of the most interesting characters on television), and who may not continue past this season when Gillian Anderson's contract ends.
A sizable chunk of the interesting secondary characters (the Lone Gunmen) being given their own show.
A new guy (I don't envy Robert Patrick here) who will probably be blamed for everything when the series tanks.
Don't they remember what happened when they replaced the 'Duke Boys'? (*g*)
If you look at franchise series that are successful (Star Trek being a prime example), they tend to be built on ensemble casts, with overarching storylines involving everybody in some way. Whenever a character leaves, there are still established characters you care about who take on larger storylines. A replacement, if needed, is given time to establish something new by giving other characters more of the limelight. And finally, if a given series and cast has run it's course, it is retired and replaced by a new one, with at least a shared mythology and frequently characters from previous series.
The current series is running out of steam. With the Gunmen gone, the only remaining characters who can carry a show are Scully, Skinner, and Krycek. Robert Patrick is a good actor, but I can't see his character meshing with the established main storyline enough for us to care.
The solution, IMHO, would be as follows:
Either kill off or send away both Scully and Mulder. (Sending them off somewhere would be better. It would also make more movies possible). If you keep them alive, give them some kind of closure (either on the small screen or the large), then bring them back as guests when the situation demands it.
Concentrate on the Gunmen series
If you have to keep a second series going, create something with a stronger ensemble cast (here's an idea: X-Files Black Ops - a secret special ops team at war with the Consortium).
If none of these are an option, do the smart thing : Just end it.
Mulder gone (Score:1)
Will replace the agent Fox
By becoming him
Re:Know your Terminators! (Score:1)
RTFA! (Score:1)
Saw Gillian Anderson having dinner yesterday... (Score:3)
Hmm... I should've taken a closer look. *Definitely* looked like an industry meeting, though. Gillian had a very stern look on her face, listening to the guy across the table explaining something.
Well, as useless as it is, that's what I saw.
Re:Hollow Shell (Score:1)
Speaking of which, did anyone else catch William B. Davis on the SciFi channel's Poltergeist last night (or was it 2 nites ago).
Please moderate up the above post (Score:1)
However, I don't get the reference to PPC. Are you refering to MacOS X, or to X-Window, or both?
Also, you lost me on the bloatware reference, I don't see this applying to either MacOS X or X-Window.
Info on Cleo 2525 (Score:1)
Learn more (as they used to say on CBS) about "Cleopatra 2525" here [theonion.com], at this week's The Onion news briefs.
Fun stuff, this issue of The Onion. Check it out.
(OT) (Score:1)
Back to the quarry I go...
The Divine Creatrix in a Mortal Shell that stays Crunchy in Milk
Re:Carter is a genius! Where does he get it! (Score:1)
Dog gett...yeah, ok, sorry.
Re:Anyone still going to watch it? (Score:1)
Drive out into the middle of Antarctica, run out of gas, enter an alien ship, escape the ship, ship blows up real good... Scully and Mulder are safe & sound in the middle of a frozen wasteland, near the south pole, with no food, shelter, transportation, communication, or suitable clothing. On top of that, one of them is almost completely incapacitated. CUT TO: Debriefing in the FBI headquarters. I could not stop laughing.
The one good part of the whole movie was early on when Dana got stung by a killer bee, and clinically described each of her rapidly-developing symptoms as she slowly passed out. That was pretty damn funny, and captured the spirit of her character better than any single episode of the show I can think of.
Take that, and the bomb scene from the beginning, and you would have the first half-hour of a pretty good episode of the show. Instead, we get 90 minutes of loose ends not being tied, along with plenty of Ghostbusters slime.
T1000 (Score:1)
Re:Kill off Mulder? (Score:1)
Francis Muldrake (Score:1)
Pics (Score:2)
A fan page [robbecker.net]. Lots of pics here.
In the imdb [imdb.com].
A basic bio [360entertainment.com].
Comment removed (Score:4)
Sod this! (Score:2)
Seriously! If the actors are growing tired, and the script-writers are growing stale, it's time to call a halt. Hey, they could have held back this season, for a while, on the off-chance that a rest could revitalise the series.
Scamming the fans for ratings & money is an act of true betrayal. Giving things a rest, then returning refreshed would be an act of consideration and kindness. It might even win more cash & ratings, in the long-run.
As for Sapphire & Steel, yes, I'm serious there, too. This series would be an IDEAL replacement for the X-Files, being even stranger & more surreal, but with a similar enough format to appeal.
Besides, Scully can't make time run backwards or round & round in circles!
Re:Hollow Shell (Score:2)
Hollow Shell (Score:2)
I'll probably end up getting bored and playing Diablo II instead, or whatever game is occupying my attention at the time.
I hate to say this... (Score:2)
I know you all know this already, but I need someplace to vent.
Re:Leftist *trendies* are in vogue (Score:2)
Wow! You just described my last weekend!
I can't wait for tomorrow -- going to pour some cancer-causing chemical waste in the public pool and cancel your grandmother's social security and medicare. Sunday, Rush Limbaugh and I are planning to drive our big gas-guzzling SUVs to a nearby preschool where we'll sight-in our full auto assault rifles.
Did I leave anything out?
Re:Kill off Mulder? (Score:2)
Re:How many seasons left (Score:2)
However, the Variety article linked in the article has Carter hinting that the inclusion of Patrick may be the series' ticket beyond this upcoming season. I'm torn on this; I think Patrick could provide an interesting new dynamic in the series, and I wasn't as displeased with the previous season as some, but it may not be a good idea to push it too far....
The horse isn't dead yet? (Score:5)
Mulder: I know its strange Scully, but our informant from FOX *swore* that there was still life in it.
Scully: Hm. There do appear to be some strange foot or shoe marks on its hide - almost as if somewhat kicked it repeatedly...
Don't believe it! (Score:2)
Guys, it's a trick... (Score:2)
Anyone still going to watch it? (Score:3)
I like the idea of still having the show, but I'm getting tired of being able to predit every episode of the X-files.
Death in first 5 minutes of show, regular wierd stories guessing death by Mulder, another death confirms part of Mulder's story, Mulder and/or Scully almost die, bad thing stopped, Mulder still thinks it happened like he said it did, Scully doesn't know for certain or thinks otherwise. End.
It gets old..
Carter is a genius! Where does he get it! (Score:2)
Of course he will be Mulder's opposite. Every character introduced starts out as Mulder's opposite. Scully was the skeptic. Kraicheck (sp? sorry) was the perfect FBI man, right down to the boring, wide-striped ties. I wonder what Doggett will become.
+00 tRu, D00D!! (Score:2)
+h3Y R +0+@11Y n0N-31337!!
h@x0r L|nG0 1$ \/\/@y C0013R!!!
A wealthy eccentric who marches to the beat of a different drum. But you may call me "Noodle Noggin."
The Cool Surface (Score:2)
Marc A. Lepage (aka SEGV)
From the Devil's Mouth (Score:2)
Re:Ditch The X-Files (Score:2)
The obvious choice is Dale Cooper (Score:3)
Howard Roark, Architect