Kenny Baker Will Be In Ep2 126
linderdm writes: "It looks like, once again, we have been subject to misinformation concerning Episode II. According to the Official Star Wars Web site, Kenny Baker will indeed be returning to act in Episode II, making him and Anthony Daniels (C-3PO), the only two actors to appear in all of the Star Wars movies to date."
Good to hear that the old bit was just a nasty rumor.
Re:Jedi Mind Trick (Score:1)
Re:*Subject* to misinformation is not an excuse... (Score:1)
Perhaps posters should check "THEIR" facts before replying.
Vulgrin the MAD
One generation? (Score:1)
The dark ages didn't come about in one generation. It took a lot longer than that. Say Vader was 40 or 50 in IV. Anakin Skywalker was 10 in I. It does NOT make sense for such rapid de-generation.
Re:The nature of the rumors is the most interestin (Score:3)
"The old Star Wars movies were made despite the System. The new movies are made by the System."
Oh my God... (Score:5)
Re:One generation? (Score:2)
As I see it, it works like this: you're making a 6-part film about Vietnam. Parts 4, 5 and 6 are set in the jungle. Lots of fighting, not any particularly high-tech stuff on show (especially on the rebel's side). Everything that is on show looks battle-worn and knackered.
Then you make part 1, going back 30 years to look at the politics behind the fight. Hey presto, you're in the 1930's, where technology is less advanced BUT everything looks nicer and the story takes place in the centre of some major cities rather than in some southeast Asian jungle.
Kinda makes WWII the Clone Wars, doesn't it?
Wow! (Score:1)
but he will be shot at one or all of the other locations.
Sheesh! I didn't think he was THAT bad. Certainly not bad enough to get shot.Re:Karma recipe: Star Wars edition (Score:2)
Incidentally, I expect hiding for 2000 years hasn't done wonders for your skin tone and nubile appeal? Or did you survive by being *gasp* naked and petrified?
Rumors (Score:1)
Re:One generation? (Score:1)
These aren't the rumors... (Score:5)
These aren't the rumors we're looking for
You can go about your business
You can go about your business
Move along.
Move along.
one more... (Score:1)
(until he passed away)
(and I'm not talking about Star Trek)
Re:Down with the CGI! (Score:1)
CGI has progressed to the point where a 'virtual' person can be added to a motion picture, and you'll be hard pressed to tell the difference between them and the 'real' people.
The 'unnaturalness' refered to is probably because the movement of such a virtual person is generally too smooth, and you're left sitting there wondering what it is that isn't quite right about the character.
Re:R2-D2 written in Perl (Score:1)
Both of these articles are correct (Score:1)
Adolf Lucas (Score:1)
Q: Is it true that George Lucas has been consulting with some fans who have web sites to get help with writing Episode II?
A: Absolutely not. How ridiculous. George has a very clear vision about the story of Star Wars that he won't allow to be swayed by the whims of the Internet, the media, critics or anyone. The Internet rumors this time around are possibly even more funny and off base than they were for the first film.
Actually give his audience what it wants to see? Hell no! Don't be stupid. What could they, the people paying to see his silly films, possibly know about what those films should be like? They'll line up days in advance to buy tickets regardless of how many Jar Jars we put in the next one.
Re:More from the George Lucas rumor mill (Score:1)
Re:When did Kenny appear in Episode 1? (Score:2)
Secenes featuring R2D2 can be found here [jedinet.com].
Behind the scenes photos showing Kenny Baker at the Episode I set are here [jedinet.com] and there [jedinet.com].
Re:More from the George Lucas rumor mill (Score:2)
I admit, I was there in line for Episode 1 (which I've since convinced myself doesn't exist), but I've come to realize that not only has Lucas grown up (a painful surprise) but he's sold out just like Spielberg and Ford. Which makes me REALLY worry about any new Indiana Jones movie, despite any rumors I hear about it.
Re:R2-D2 written in Perl (Score:1)
Re:Jedi Mind Trick (OT) (Score:1)
Ford's actions concerning the Pinto (back in the 70's) was utterly reprehensible. You will get no argument from me there.
However, the way they handled this recent Firestone problem is more open and ethical than I've seen from any company in a long time!
For those who are not up on the news... A recent Firestone tire has a flaw: if it heats up above 175 F (which is sometimes possible in southern states during the summer), ka-blooie. Ford uses that tire on their Explorer trucks. Although there have been no cases reported of accidents caused by this flaw, Ford and Firestone immediately put out a recall. The CEO of Ford has also bought up a shitload of prime-time TV spots to announce the recall, and they have committed millions to getting these tires replaced as fast as possible.
I still think the Ford Explorer is a total piece of crap, no matter what tires are on it, but I gotta give props to both Firestone and Ford for going far beyond what was simply legally required of them.
Re:Truth somewhere in the middle? (Score:1)
This seems to be a tabu among short people. A big no-no.
So, a female short person is attracted to Micky ("there's something new about you") but Micky's nemesis finds out about the footwear, spills the beans, and Micky loses big time. He's now a pariah.
A good episode.
Re:The supporting cast (Score:1)
Man, its 400 years into the future and Labor Unions still are in control!
Re:Rumors and comments on Episode 1 (Score:1)
Perfect Storm? (Score:1)
Re:Jedi Mind Trick (OT) (Score:1)
175F surface temp is not easy to accomplish north of the Mason-Dixon line. Nearly every documented case of tread separation has happened in the south. It ususally has to get over 100 degrees outside for this to happen.
The U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found out about the problem on Aug 3, and by Aug 9 Firestone had issues a recall on all 6.5 Million tires, even though there is evidence that some of the recalled models do not even have the defect in question. Confirmation from the NHTSA of 62 fatalities related to tire blow-outs (the vast majority of which were in Florida, Texas, and California) came on Aug 15.
While making the tire was definately a f*-up, it reflects well on Firestone that they addressed it right away instead of trying to fight it and suppress it. I'm sure they had lawyers telling them that they could have disputed the claims.
Spelling blah blah (Score:1)
The way things are going... (Score:1)
1,2,3,4 Moderation has to Go!
Slashdot readers do it again... (Score:3)
George Lucas is denounced for cutting Kenny Baker out of Episode 2, and a whole series of posts come out denouncing Lucas. Then it is announced that Lucas isn't doing that, and it is touted as proof that Lucas is as evil as the previous denunciations said.
Now, I'm not saying Tom isn't biased, or that Lucas isn't evil. But it does seem that there are people who are awfully eager to denounce others at the drop of a hat, and who don't have enough courage to admit that they were wrong...
Steven E. Ehrbar
Dammit Slashdot (Score:2)
Re:Slashdot news (Score:2)
You forgot:
Re:More from the Slashdot rumor mill (Score:1)
I think it's just another case of, "/. reported it, it must be true!" Nothing new to see here, move along.
OTOH, if this was George's doing, he's quite good at it. Kenny and Anthony are all that remain of the "good ol' days" of SW. George knows what SW fans would respond to.
Shame (Score:4)
George Lucas should reconsider his decision not to use CGI for R2D2. It's not fair to abuse Kenny any farther by forcing him into that tiny costume to play a robot any more, when CGI can deliver the results much cheaper, and create a far more realistic looking robot than a costum ever could.
Oh well, i can only hope George comes to his senses.
What ??? (Score:1)
Did you already read the script ??? LOL
And thanks, one less person to crowd the line !
Renting over the web (Score:1)
Anyone know of a website that does this?
Re:Constants in the Saga. (Score:1)
The supporting cast (Score:1)
After all, the only actor to appear in as good as every Star Trek episode of every Star Trek series is Majel Barret (sp?) who "plays" the computer voice. :-)
Misreported (Score:2)
Re:More from the George Lucas rumor mill (Score:1)
P.S. what a poor, poor, little disgruntled troll.
Re:More from the George Lucas rumor mill (Score:1)
Re:Truth somewhere in the middle? (Score:2)
Re:Kenny might not make it for the third prequel (Score:1)
I don't think it's funny lauging at shorter people.
Slashdot news (Score:5)
original report mostly true (Score:1)
Cynical (Score:1)
false; I'm glad (Score:1)
Some scenes that stand out in my mind as really bad; The announcer at the Pod Races: Cartoony in quality, totally bottomed-out my suspension of disbelief. . . The scene where queen Amidala's ship landed on Tatooine; the shadow cast on the ground looked like the drop-shadow filter from Alien Skin 2.1. . . The scene where the two Jedi sneak out of an air-duct into the landing bay of the trade-federation ship - can you say "poor understanding of physics"? While there was a lot of good stuff in this movie, there was also a lot of really, really bad stuff. Bad enough for me to think that the technolgy for CGI isn't quite ready to replace live actors for some time, even if the live actor is an R/C mockup. Sometimes, the old, tried-and-true methods are best.
if it ain't broke, then fix it 'till it is!
Re:Argh! (Score:1)
Re:Renting over the web (Score:1)
Troll? (Score:1)
1,2,3,4 Moderation has to Go!
George would never leave Kenny! (Score:1)
I know I'm milking the same joke twice, and I know a jedi craves not these things. Consider it influence of the dark side of the Force... Or maybe it's Bert's [fractalcow.com] fault.
An actor? (Score:2)
Re:An actor? (Score:1)
There have been a mixture of robotic and "live" R2s. Even in the first movie there were some simple robotics used. Generally, three-legged R2s are robots, while ones standing and doing stuff have Kenny inside. If you look closely, you can see tubes from the body into the legs for Kennys feet!
While I agree they could do a lot with robotics, shots like the one of R2 stretching up to see into Yoda's hut would be difficult and would probably require a specially constructed R2 for each shot!
I'm glad Kenny's in Ep2. I met him once and he's a very nice man.
JamesDown with the CGI! (Score:1)
Re:Slashdot news (Score:1)
Re:Truth somewhere in the middle? (Score:1)
That's becase Jerry is an anti-dentite!
Re:Are you people nuts? This isn't news! (Score:1)
Slashdot (Score:5)
Star Wars Rumors (Score:1)
Re:Jedi Mind Trick (OT) (Score:1)
I do think that Firestone acted as responsibly as they could in this situation, and I would applaud them for their actions. The defect seems limited to one plant during one stretch of time, but they did the 'right thing' by issuing the larger recall. Myself - I only buy Pirreli 8^)
measuring geekiness in movies (Score:4)
making him and Anthony Daniels (C-3PO), the only two actors to appear in all of the Star Wars movies to date."
I guess you can really judge the geekiness of a movie when the only two guys that have a social life are a couple of robots. :)
"Horrible acting" in STAR WARS (Score:3)
It's fashionable too to scorn Mark Hamill for his horrible acting, especially in A NEW HOPE; but is this entirely Hamill's fault? He was quite good in another film which appeared a few years later, Sam Fuller's THE BIG RED ONE; but then Sam Fuller was a better director by far than Lucas.
And this, I think, is the problem. To get good performances from actors, good direction helps, a lot. A good director can flog a decent performance out of a mediocre actor (consider Ray Liotta in Scorsese's GOODFELLAS, or Ryan O'Neal in Kubrick's BARRY LYNDON--they're good in those movies, and forgettable in almost anything else.)
George Lucas, though...consider, for example, Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor in PHANTOM MENACE. Both have superb performances to their credits (e.g. SCHINDLER'S LIST for Neeson, TRAINSPOTTING for McGregor.) But, if you'd seen these actors for the first time in PHANTOM MENACE, would you have seen _anything_ which suggested that they had great talent? Hardly! I can only conjecture that so uninspiring was Lucas's direction that Neeson and McGregor didn't feel themselves called upon to expend more than the minimum effort needed to act out their parts.
And now I'm remembering Hamill's words to the effect that if Lucas could make movies without actors, he would. I suspect that Lucas doesn't really know _how_ to direct actors, perhaps feels uncomfortable doing so; he'd rather play with computer graphics. It's not just the creation of fully animated characters like the androids or Jar Jar; if the IMDb is to be believed, Lucas also resorted to computerized "directing" (altering Natalie Portman's voice electronically, altering which way Jake Lloyd's eyes looked in a particular scene. And need I mention the alterations to the "Special Editions"?)
I'm a little saddened. STAR WARS holds a special place in my heart, all the more so because I'm a latecomer to it (I first saw all three films, in their entirety, only upon the theatrical release of the Special Editions.) But THE PHANTOM MENACE left me with little hope for the second and third films. I'm pinning my big-budget fantasy-film dreams to Peter Jackson's LORD OF THE RINGS movies
Re:Somebody should (Score:1)
I can only wonder what a robot's version of "I am Cornholio" is....
Re:An actor? (Score:2)
I think there were some technical problems in getting a robot to act like a, erm, robot.
Re:false; I'm glad (Score:1)
if it ain't broke, then fix it 'till it is!
The nature of the rumors is the most interesting (Score:3)
Consider some of the rumors floating around before Episode 1: the one that stuck up the most was that Lucas considered using a digital version of Sir Alec Guinness to play the young Obi-Wan. The fact the rumor spread around meant that people were excited at the upcoming special effects and dreamed of wild innovations.
Now, post-Episode 1, we get rumors that even R2D2 will receive an unwanted CGI facelift. This goes to show that people are now jaded of SW special effects, and fear the movies are losing their dimension of humanity.
By extension, these rumors then expose the bias a particular news source. How often do you see positive rumors about Episode 2, lately? What about the comments themselves?
Re:Slashdot should be changed from (Score:3)
First off, we "Nerds" are a pretty diverse group. Therefore your idea of "news" may not be the same as my idea of "news." If you are that pissed off about it, then DON'T READ THE TOPIC, let alone reply to it. It always amazes me how out of the way people go to make themselves and others around them miserable.
Second, tell me if I'm wrong, but Slashdot is NOT an associated press. They produce news items based on submitted postings and interesting tidbits that they find. So if anyone is to blame on the content, blame yourselves. And if you don't go as far to submit a story to
Of course, I'm being a hypocrite just by posting this, but I gotta vent my frustrations that have been building up for the past month. Sorry.
Vulgrin the MAD
don't blame slashdot... (Score:2)
Damnit Malda, You lied to us! (Score:1)
Slashdot is supposed to be "News for Nerds, Stuff that matters," not this technical tabloid for all the linux gnomes out there, like we've been seeing for the last six months.
Official Slashdot Screening Procedure (Score:1)
Re:More from the George Lucas rumor mill (Score:1)
Mod this up
Constants in the Saga. (Score:1)
ever since Lucas came up with Midiclorians, I don't know whats going on in his head...
I think you're right. I always imagined the Force as more of a spiritual than biological/chemical thing. Anyway, back to the subject at hand.
I'm actually glad Kenny is going to be inside R2 again, it will give the Saga a greater measure consistency. With all the technological changes happening in the real world, the Star Wars universe will seem extremely lopsided. Think about it - a universe that was more advanced in Episode I, II and III than in Episode IV, V and VI? That doesn't make a heck of a lot of sense, so it would be wise to at least take the precaution of making some parts of the story consistant in effects, character personalities, etc.Unlike a lot of Star Wars viewers, I didn't think Episode I was bad. I liked it, and I liked Jar Jar too. So sue me. "Midichlorians" were the thing that partially messed up the scope of the movie, for me.
So really, yes. Even if a robot would be more "Realistic", they should keep Kenny in the role just for the sake of a constant in the series. If Lucas loses touch with elements of the previous movies and goes off on a cinemalogical tangent, he will end up with a finished Saga that just doesn't fit together well. He should avoid that at all costs!Are you people nuts? This isn't news! (Score:1)
Re:An actor? (Score:1)
Nothing has changed (Score:1)
Truth somewhere in the middle? (Score:5)
Judging from the story on starwars.com, it's not entirely clear whether Lucas is 100% disavowing this rumor or not. Take a close look at Lucas' exact words:
Lucas certainly isn't enthusiastically stating that only Kenny Baker can play R2D2. It sounds to me like Lucas is saying that most of the R2D2 shots can be done with robotic technology; he just wants Kenny to come in for a few specific shots that, for whatever reason, the robotics can't handle. (I'll leave speculation as to whether this is due to technical limitations or to avoid looking publicly like he was dumping Kenny Baker as an exercise for the reader.)
Truth be told, for all the to-do about this story, my sentiments are mixed. While Baker made a great R2D2, Terry Gilliam makes a great point in his commentary track on the Criterion Collection DVD of Time Bandits [express.com], which Baker starred [imdb.com] in. He says that it's a shame that actors like Baker are forced by their height to spend their lives playing robots and Ewoks, hidden under costume and makeup, rather than playing actual human beings who just happen to be shorter than most. Something worth thinking about while we all wring our hands over whether Kenny gets to spend a week in a robot suit.
-- Jason A. Lefkowitz
Re:Official Slashdot Screening Procedure (Score:1)
I think James Thurbur worte a short story about something like this. I forget the name of it, but I remember the moral was: "Don't get it right, just get it written."
Rumors and comments on Episode 1 (Score:1)
As far as Episode 1 goes, I'm sick and tired of hearing people trash it. People who didn't like Episode 1 are simply not true Star Wars fans. Their either:
a)fringe fans who see Star Wars as infantile and finally have an excuse to bash it and distance themselves from it, or
b)people who were 5 years old when the old ones came out and were expecting the same magic they felt then, now.
Get a grip people! Seeing the new Episodes isn't going to be as magical as when you were 5 because you've grown up now and your tastes have changed. The same age group who liked Star Wars when it first came out is liking the new Episodes. I haven't talked to one person under 12 who didn't like Episode One. If you're just a fringe fan, bashing Star Wars doesn't make you look cool any more than liking it does. Star Wars came out before I was born, and I've only come to like in the past couple of years. I really liked Episode 1, even if Jar Jar was a little annoying. I think the people who bash Episode 1 wouldn't have been happy no matter what the movie had ended up like.
Argh! (Score:1)
CGI stands for "Common Gateway Interface", and is for web pages. CG stands for "Computer Graphics" and is for special effects.
Has someone come up with some clever meaning for the "I" so that they can ignore the difference between the two acronyms?
I'd feel like I'm nitpicking except that every post I've seen mentions "CGI".
Re:Slashdot should be changed from (Score:1)
Re:Slashdot (Score:3)
You make it sound like a bad thing!
Sir Alec Guiness' was cloned before he died. The clone, named Skippy, will appear in Ep3 with the shocking revelation that he is [a legal gnome slips in and attempts to serve a C&D, but to his utter embarrassment realizes this isn't an Apple leak and slips back out again] Han Solo's father's cousin's mother's hyperdrive mechanic's valet's kid brother's best friend's lawn bowling partner! Needless to say, this comes as a stunner to everyone, including Natalie Portman [natalieportman.com] Sources close the story claim George Lucas vigorously denied this claim, retorting, "The clone's name is not Skippy, it's Fred!"
Vote [dragonswest.com] Naked 2000
Re:Slashdot news (Score:2)
Dammit Slashdot (Score:3)
And remind that Kurt the debian reviewer while your at it
Slashdot "news" hits rock bottom (Score:1)
Right that's it
Re:An actor? (Score:2)
Most of the shots with a 2 wheel mode R2D2 in the earlier films are using a model, while most of the 3 wheel mode shots are with Baker inside.
Re:Argh! (Score:1)
What misinformation? (Score:1)
From the original IMDB article:
[Baker] says, "Of course I am disappointed. I missed the chance to go to Australia with the cast. I'm not in the movie to the extent I was expecting and no one has really explained to me why..."
From today's article at Starwars.com:
Lucas said. "The robotics technology inside the Artoo models have advanced to the point where they can achieve most of the performance I need right along side the other actors. Still, there's an element of humanity to Artoo that comes from having Kenny Baker inside. We've always had Kenny scheduled for a number of shots during the final week of shooting at Elstree Studios."
Nothing about these statements is mutally exclusive. Lucas' comments are only corrective for those that misread Baker's comments as meaning he wasn't going to be in Ep2 at all, which is clearly not what he said.
That's a lot of makeup ... (Score:1)
My brother once told me of a movie entitled "The Legend of the Loch Ness Monster" or something like that. He then said that it starred Ted Danson.
My immediate response was, "Wow, that's a LOT of makeup!" :-)
Thank the Maker! (Score:1)
I think the best bit of Ep1 was when R2D2's chums were getting creamed on the stainless steel Royal Starship.
Re:An actor? (Score:1)
My understanding was that Kenny Baker is used mostly in the instances where R2D2 is acting like a human, such as when he bounces around and whistles to show excitement or unhappiness. In those cases, they had an R2 "suit" that KB got into and could put his feet just above where R2's wheels are. Especially towards the later movies, most of the shots where R2 drives around were remotes and just the closeups with human-like movements were done by Kenny Baker
Re:Truth somewhere in the middle? (Score:1)
Droids (Score:1)
Robo World Cup (Score:4)
Recipe for R2D2: (Score:5)
o 1 part Cylinder,
o 1 part Sphere,
o Various Cubes,
o 1 part Chees-O(tM) blue and white random splotch texture map
Instructions -
1. Place Sphere on Cylinder.
2. Place Cylinder and sphere on Rectangles
3. Place Chees-O(tM) blue and white random splotch texture map on everything.
4. Hit Frapee!
Real life Version
o 1 part trashcan
o 1 part dome-thingy
o Various size shoeboxes
o VerySmallMan(tM) (note that midgets don't work in this recipe)
o Silver and light blue spray paint.
o Duct tape. Lots and lots of duct tape.
1. Place VerySmallMan(tM) in trashcan and place dome on top of trashcan. Seal with duct tape. Ignore ear shattering screams from VerySmallMan. Yes, he can breath, you did punch holes in the trashcan, right? RIGHT?
2. Duct tape shoe boxes to trashcan.
3. Spray paint.
4. Frapee!
Jedi Mind Trick (Score:2)
This reminds me of things like Ford covering up problems with the Pinto and their tires. I mean, corporations have such power to manipulate the media. And, the media, Slashdot included, is very willing to help the spindoctors. How many times has a press release turned into "news", eh? Information, disinformation, ahh! What a pain in the arse. Who can we believe? Who should we believe?
Damn, I'm just going to basically ignore any Star Wars news I read. Or any news for that matter. I'm heading back into the cave now...The Future Doesn't Need Us [wired.com] anyway.
John S. Rhodes
WebWord.com [webword.com] -- Industrial Strength Usability.
Re:More from the George Lucas rumor mill (Score:2)
The Divine Creatrix in a Mortal Shell that stays Crunchy in Milk
Nitpick, but... (Score:3)
Isn't that a bit of a misnomer? After all, neither Kenny Baker nor Anthony Daniels actually appeared in either movie. Anthony wasn't even physically in Episode I, either, for that matter, just his voice.
you forgot... (Score:2)
Correct spelling! :)
Freedom is Slavery! Ignorance is Strength! Monopolies offer Choice!
Re:Jedi Mind Trick (OT) (Score:2)
Two quick points:
the 175F+ tire temp can happen in northern states (i.e. Minnesota) in 95-100 degree weather, too...
Two: As of several weeks ago, nearly 50 *deaths* were directly attributed to the tire failures. The newest government study looks to place that number somewhere between 70-90... No cases? I think you are quite misinformed....
Re:Truth somewhere in the middle? (Score:2)
More from the George Lucas rumor mill (Score:5)
Why are people here naive enough to actually believe anything they hear about the next Star Wars movie? It seems blatently obvious that all of these rumours are being put about deliberately by Lucas and co. just to drum up extra interest in the film without paying for it.
After all, he's already shown how little he cares for the people that buy his films with his DVD and "special edition" video policy, so what's a bit of public manipulation to him? Just ignore the hype, go see the film if you have to (it must be nice having fans that will go no matter how crap the film is) and then realise that it's another massively overhyped CGI-driven movie for ten year old kids with no tolerance for a plot.
Jon E. Erikson