New Baby in the Torvalds Home 288
Celeste Amanda Torvalds was born at last night, at 8:25pm pacific time. She weighs in at 7lbs 5 oz. Congrats to Linus, Tove, Patricia and the fam.
The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra
Hacking kernels (Score:1)
Congrats, Linus!
Re:Except its not 2.0! (Score:4)
It should be OK - Linus is running IIS 5 with the latest Service Pack, so it can hold up to any load. ;-)
Re:what??? (Score:1)
I find it quite ironic that ppl use their 21" monitors as display of their manhood... "hey, look at me I've got a big fscking monitor", but in reality all that radiation is making them impedent.
Congratulations (Score:1)
redhat's next dist named after the little penguin? (Score:1)
Re:Congratulations! (Score:1)
The best and the worst (Score:1)
A bit like the Richard Stevens story.
Linus Torvalds -- Rivals Old Nuts (Score:1)
agm-1.1-1.i386.rpm is too much fun.
Re:Except its not 2.0! (Score:2)
Aren't most babies? Most of the ones I've been around almost constantly dump core.
youngest post (Score:1)
Congrats Linus!!! (Score:1)
Congratulations! (Score:1)
Re:So what your saying ... (Score:1)
DNA test (Score:1)
Tree (Score:1)
Re:So now can Torvalds be a US citizen? (Score:1)
Now what would H if E fourth W was abbreviated in my P? T Jargon!!! L at me, 1 4m L!!
Re:So now can Torvalds be a US citizen? (Score:1)
Re:linus torvalds (Score:1)
When she's older... (Score:1)
"Titanic was 3hr and 17min long. They could have lost 3hr and 17min from that."
What about other women? (Score:1)
On second thought, nevermind. I don't want to see Michael Copland get his dirty Corel hands all over it... [shudder]
"There's a party," she said,
"We'll sing and we'll dance,
It's come as you are."
Re:Except its not 2.0! (Score:2)
Seriously, congrats to Linus! I have four kids and they are truly a blessing.
To Linus: (Score:1)
SIGCHLD (Score:1)
It's clear that the Linux^Hs bottom half still works properly, does it scale to menage-a-trois^H^H^H^H SMP?
Stupid comment, but I couldn't stop myself, moderate it down...
A Release? (Score:1)
Shock, Horror, A release from the Torvalds household... Will Debian mark this by naming the next version with the 2.4 kernel Diaper? ;-)
Congrats! (Score:1)
Obligatory schedule comment (Score:5)
Is This Like The Next Christ? (Score:2)
Open Source Baby-Making! (Score:1)
I think Linus should Open-Source his family. I'd love to try doing a "make install" on his old lady.
Tove? (Score:1)
Tove? Long or short o? e like a long or short a?
Some oddness unrelated to english?
Re:DNA test (Score:2)
Think of all the different versions of Linus...
Re:Hooray, another girl geek-to-be (Score:1)
Re:Hallmark cards. (Score:1)
I mean no disrepect to the writers of Hallmark cards and such, as they're obviously good at what they do. I just feel that if you truly want to get your feelings across, sit down and write it out. I think most people would appreciate that more even if it didn't have any entertaining graphics or creative poems.
Re:So what your saying ... (Score:1)
An idea for the next release of kill. Instead of using the switch -9, I would just love to write:
>kill kenny
Re:any of our business? (Score:1)
True, most kids get cards or flowers and junk (I believe somewhere there's a tape of a radio broadcast basketball game my father did play-by-play for the day i was born when he anounced it to all of Southern Illinois that was within the broadcast area- yeah, he should've been at home with my mom, but whatever) This will be a little more unique for the little geek.
Congradulation! And Best of Luck!
cant wait for CAT 5 (Score:1)
Re:A Blessing for the Blessed (Score:1)
Why does Slashdot only value funny, informative and insightful? I want +1 touching, damnit!
Moderate this up - +1 hearwarming - I always cry at weddings!!!
Re:Congratulations! (Score:1)
So where is the kernel? (Score:2)
Anyway congratulations to the big daddy. His wife gave him two daughters and the computer a penguin.
Re:Why Celeste? (Score:1)
woohoo (Score:1)
let me just say thats an awsome name (considering its the same as mine)
go girl geeks!!
Let's make a pilgrimage (Score:1)
Big tough guy... (Score:1)
I'm not losing any sleep.
Re:Except its not 2.0! (Score:1)
The ability to dump core without segfaulting...
I wonder if this technology will ever get into Linux.
Congrats (Score:1)
Re:obligatory wise cracks. (Score:5)
OK but you get to change them *ALL*.
Mozel Tov to the Torvolds' Family!
The Cure of the ills of Democracy is more Democracy.
Re:RMS and baby announcments (Score:2)
A man may be remembered in two ways: his work or his posterity. His work will pass away and fade, and soon he will be nevermore recalled. His posterity wil honour him forever by its very existence.
Those who wish their lines to end with their deaths are free to do so. For what purpose did their ancestors live, though? Indeed, for what purpose do they live? Millions of years of evolution leading to a dead end: a selfish, miserable, pewling wretch. More power to him.
My congratulations to Linus. I wish him and his wife the very best. His children are certain to excel. He must be a very proud father.
Re:one question (Score:2)
Re:Except its not 2.0! (Score:2)
Re:Except its not 2.0! (Score:2)
Shame on you. Are you suggesting she's unstable?
Re:You thought YOUR caffeine intake was bad (Score:2)
1st Law Of Networking: Loose ends are bad, termination is good.
Syntax (Score:3)
make config
make dep
make clean
make baby
sleep 23328000
make clean
make install
make modules
make modules_install
make diaper
make clean
make diaper
make clean
make diaper
make clean
Re:A Blessing for the Blessed (Score:2)
Go ahead, blame me... I voted for Nader!
is the baby gpl compliant? (Score:2)
Great. One of a kind. (Score:2)
And to think, I didn't think I could have a lesser opinion of him being that I already considered him a mentally insane, socially isolated, thoroughly unpleasant radical communist hippie. Now I have found that it was possible.
Of course, I'll get modded down for my ruthlessness, but I'm allowed to have my informed opinion. I see everyone talking about him as a great man around here... in my eyes, he's simply a man of accomplishment and a man of strong opinions. However, a great man he is not. Great men probably wouldn't flame others over baby announcements.
obligatory wise cracks. (Score:5)
Now, for the questions
1- Is the baby going to be open sourced ?
2- Is this going to delay the release of 2.4 ?
3- I'd like me a beowulf cluster of these...
Mod me down if you must, but I at least made myself chuckle writing this one.
Re:Great. One of a kind. (Score:2)
The truth is hard, isn't it?
Face facts, nobody cares about you, your children,
or your grandmother. I'd bet that the person
who originally sent out the birth announcement
sent it to every other mailing list that s/he is subcribed to. RMS is totally on the mark;
we don't need stupid people who don't know
how to stay within the scope of a mailing list
spawning children left and right.
Congrats (Score:4)
So in accordance with the Open Source philosophy, are we gonna, um, see how this release was accomplished?
Nope (Score:3)
New from Norway Torvalds 2.0!! (Score:5)
I guess this proves at least one thing.... (Score:2)
Re:Woah.. (Score:2)
Check out the birthday paradox, and please don't write any code that needs to be secure. Thank you.
Re:RMS and baby announcments (Score:2)
Re:A Blessing for the Blessed (Score:2)
RMS and baby announcments (Score:5)
The Context:
The kabuki-west mailing list is for planning dinners and get-togethers the San Francisco Bay Area. Somebody made the horrible mistake of posting a baby announcement, and RMS replied, at his finest.
RMS's Natalism Flame:
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 93 15:14:50 -0500
From: rms@gnu.ai.mit.edu (Richard Stallman)
To: mcuddy@ctbu.rational.com
Cc: kabuki-west@mica.berkeley.edu
Subject: Another mcuddy..
Could people please not use this list to announce information of no particular interest to the people on the list? Hundreds of thousands of babies are born every day. While the whole phenomenon is menacing, one of them by itself is not newsworthy. Nor is it a difficult achievement--even some fish can do it. (Now, if you were a seahorse, it would be more interesting, since it would be the male that gave birth.)
Following your example, I might send the list an announcement whenever a new GNU program is written. That happens less often than babies are born, it does the world a lot more good, it reflects more conscious creativity and hard work, and some of the readers might actually find the information useful. Even so, I think most of the readers would consider this outside the scope and purpose of the list. Clearly that goes double for babies.
Of course, we have another place for announcements of new GNU programs. If some people like to read birth announcements, perhaps you should set up a suitable list or newsgroup. Perhaps rec.births? (While you're at it, start rec.deaths for obituaries--they're usually more interesting to read.)
These birth announcements also spread the myth that having a baby is something to be proud of, which fuels natalist pressure, which leads to pollution, extinction of wildlife, poverty, and ultimately mass starvation.
Perhaps the people who have decided to have no children should start making proud announcements, so as to set a better example. I could start. I'm sure everyone on this list will be glad to know I don't plan to reproduce myself.
This could get interesting. (Score:3)
First, obligatory congrats.
Now, consider the probabilities here...
Conclusion? Man, forget John Connor. When Microsoft accidently gets involved in that super-secret Skynet project, and the Terminator units come for our collective asses, this is the person I'm expecting to save humanity. ;)
I'd elaborate, but the voices in my head say they're coming to give me some of those pretty pills again and I have to go hide.
Re:Great. One of a kind. (Score:2)
Can't you differentiate between RMS the thinker and programmer, and RMS the person? While I don't know him personally, I don't think he'd be much of a drinking buddy, but that doesn't stop me admiring his work.
To me those two traits, particularly if those accomplishments and opinions are truly exceptional contributions towards the greater good (and RMS's arguably get close to that), put you well on the way to one form of "greatness".
Argh. Hero worship (Score:3)
Of the tens of thousands (?) of current Slashdot readers, who here has ever talked to Mr. Torvalds? I'm not saying "who has seen him onstage at a trade show", or "who has been part of a mailing list he writes on", but who has talked to him one-on-one, face-to-face? Who knows him well enough to consider him a friend?
Ok, now the rest of you. Why do you care that he just had a kid? Is this any different than following hollywood celebrity gossip? What difference does it make to you that he just procreated? I'm sure at this point he doesn't mind having his new baby announced on Slashdot, but that's because it's good, happy news. If he has a vasectomy next week will that show up here?
He may be an amazing programmer. I don't know. I have never seen any code he's written himself. In fact, I don't particularly care to see code he's written just because he wrote it. To me it seems pretty unhealthy to fixate on one person like this.
Let the man share his personal life with his family and friends and look to your own personal life instead.
Re:RMS and baby announcments (Score:4)
Let me ask, how many people are aware of your work in producing offspring? How many aware of RMS's work? What has your producing offspring achieved, for the good of humanity? What was your 6th generation gradnfather's name? Was he anything like you? Will your 6th generation grandchildren know who you were? Will they know what you did? Will they find that you had children in any way remarkable? Will any of your traits be recognizable in them, or will they be diluted from all your descendants mixing to produce more descendants? Your descendants may be huge in number, but they're also a lot of other people's descendants.
Those who wish their lines to end with their deaths are free to do so. For what purpose did their ancestors live, though?
Same as you, to selfishly propagate their genes. Perhaps you should be so lucky that a descendant of yours may do something worthwhile with their life, rather than just sustaining and reproducing.
Indeed, for what purpose do they live?
To make a difference, to help people other than those directly related to them. To do something with their lives, rather than just try to be "remembered" by reproducing. Just about anyone can reproduce (as evidenced by the large number doing exactly that), but not just anyone can change the world.
Millions of years of evolution leading to a dead end: a selfish, miserable, pewling wretch.
How is *your* end any better than his?
I find it highly ironic that RMS is fighting to secure the freedoms and rights of society, for people just like your kids.
Aim to find meaning in your life through yourself, and your own actions, not your offspring. Don't worry about being remembered because in the end, everyone and everything will be forgotten, and those who count will be the ones who made good use of their time here.
And of course, I have no objections to anyone having kids, only to those who think doing so makes them better than people who choose not to. Congrats to the Torvald family.
Congrats! (Score:2)
From one geek to another, here is a simple statement on babies:
They start simple: Input, Output
As they get older, they add more functionality.
Best of luck!
(From the co-creator of Kayleigh 0.45)
I Use Napster. I use DeCSS. I buy over $1000 a year in CD/DVDs.
A Blessing for the Blessed (Score:5)
May she have her father's brains and her mother's looks,
The beauty of Venus and a love of Penguins,
The mind of Einstein and the fluency of Shakespere,
And may she be as loved and admired in the field she chooses as her own Papa.
May her parents have infinite patience,
The time to spend with her,
The wisdom to raise her
The courage to teach her that which she needs to know,
And may they be as proud of her accomplishments as if they were their own.
Congratulations Mr. Torvalds.
www.matthewmiller.net [matthewmiller.net]
Re:RMS and baby announcments (Score:2)
Do you know much about children of Einstein and Socrat, Sun Tzu, Paracelsius (sp?) and Thomas More? You know about Judy Garland's daughter only because she is Lisa Minelli.
By your logic Eastern shahs and emperors with their hareems and numerous offsprings should be the ones who made the biggest difference!
Sure, some of their heirs became important or so, but most of them were just a miserable "consumers", wasting their lives in luxurious idleness (I remember Stalin's children as modern example). History had played jokes with them, and many of them were killed when the new dynasty conquered the throne. But somehow only the founder of the dynasty left some memories of himself in the history in most cases.
How will you look in the mirror, and what will you tell yourself when you learn that you daughter became a lesbian and your son is sterile and second son dies for his country (hopefully, nothing of that will happen to you) if you consider them your only legacy ???
One famous Soviet writer said that you can' stay in history forever, but you can linger there for a shorter or longer term depending on you.
All that said, I don't think that being childless/monk is a virtue. It is just that I don't consider spawning a virtue. When having a baby you just give a new human a chance to achieve something in this life and spend a lot of time, money and effort trying to educate/train/indoctrinate him or her into success. You can succeed, you can fail, but don't hope that your greatgrandchildren will proudly display your bleaky photo on the wall of their house and remember your name unless you deserved it by your hands and/or brain, not by your crotch
Read the Misantropic Bitch at bitch.sutdown.com
It's pretty interesting and funny reading on this topic
copyright issues? (Score:2)
Re:Great. One of a kind. (Score:2)
So he's a bit opinionated...there are quite a few intellectual programmers who through social isolation, arrogrance and ignorance manage to upset people with their opinions
But that does distract from their acheivements and the good they bring to soceity through their innovations.
Whatever his personal opinions he should be remembered for his GNU manifesto and above all else for EMACS.
For EMACS alone I would forgive him anything.
Incase you think I'm a heartless bastard myself for defending him, I became a Dad myself last summer and I feel able to judge myelff a 'family man'
Why Celeste? (Score:2)
Re:Horrible pun (Score:2)
Except its not 2.0! (Score:2)
one question (Score:2)
no shortage of stuffed toys, i bet.
Congrats... (Score:2)
Greetings Joergen
And of course the inevitable... (Score:5)
Re:RMS and baby announcments (Score:2)
Re:Meanwhile, Linus' other creation is festering. (Score:2)
2000 - 1991 = 9
Simple math
Horrible pun (Score:3)
Re:RMS and baby announcments (Score:2)
For those who call RMS a "damn b*** commie agent".
You're WRONG!
He is an anti-communist! Worse he is DAMN ANTI-COMMUNIST!!!!
What is written here is almost a citation of what communists named the evil of capitalism ideology: Thomas Malthus. Even some capitalists named thsi guy a "damn reactionary b***".
Well, so long for the theories that RMS "came from the cold"...
Re:DNA test (Score:2)
Re:obligatory wise cracks. (Score:2)
3- I'd like me a beowulf cluster of these...
I believe this is daughter #3, so it looks like Linus & Tove are working on that. =)
So now can Torvalds be a US citizen? (Score:2)
Re:Oh no! (Score:5)
Well, yes, that's where babies come from.
Oh, you said forking
Children of Thomas More!? (Score:2)
What do you mean? He was a Catholic bishop!!
quick rant (Score:2)
these are the same moderators that think people who say shit you can't make sense of are "deep"
mod this one down too. i got karma to burn.
After 16 years, MTV has finally completed its deevolution into the shiny things network
Open Source? (Score:2)
Re:So now can Torvalds be a US citizen? (Score:3)
Re:Lazy fuck (Score:3)
Re:Children of Thomas More!? (Score:2)
oh great . . . (Score:2)
God forbid she's BSD licensed Re:Congrats (Score:3)
Let's all just hope for Linus' sake that she didn't come under the Badly Soiled Diaper license... ;-) A kid could turn out to be a real devil under those circumstances...
Re: (Score:2)
*sniff* ... *sniff* (Score:5)
Re:Children of Thomas More!? (Score:2)
Re:I agree (Score:2)
Its a number, its supposed to be what it costs to bring up a child, for a week. Heard that in an interview with Groening.
Re:So now can Torvalds be a US citizen? (Score:2)
and please don't mod me down as a troll, i AM entitled to my opinion even if it is not wanting to be a US Citizen (I'm already an American because I live in the American Continent).