What's Up With FSF VP Bradley M. Kuhn? 198
There's more to the Free Software Foundation than Richard M. Stallman, you know. Like bkuhn, AKA Bradley M. Kuhn, who has been a full-time employee of the organization since February '01 and has taken over some of the duties that were previously RMS's exclusive province. Got a question for bkuhn about the FSF -- or anything else? Post it below. We'll select 10 of the highest-moderated questions, forward them to bkuhn, and post his replies as soon as we get them back.
Hardware Companies? (Score:2, Interesting)
Does the FSF have anything in mind to deal with hardware issues in the future?
DotORG-Internet? (Score:1)
"Raving Lunatic" Image? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:"Raving Lunatic" Image? (Score:1, Troll)
You shouldn't use words you clearly don't know the definition of. I'm sure you're using "pinko" in this sense because you've heard the circa 1950's insult "commie pinko" but the word pinko is a slur towards gays, not towards communists. People were called commie pinkos in order to insinuate that they were gay as well as communist. The word "pinko" comes from "pink triangle" which they were forced to wear under Hitler.
I seriously doubt that you mean to accuse RMS of being a homosexual, so I suggest you read up on the meaning of the things you say before you say them.
Re:"Raving Lunatic" Image? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:"Raving Lunatic" Image? (Score:1)
You cant accuse someone for beeing homosexual as it isnt a crime.
"Better Dead than Red" (Score:2, Informative)
While it's obviously true that words often change their meanings over time, the term "pinko" was originally a reference to suspected Communist sympathizers, originating in the McCarthy era and subsequent purges shortly after WWII. They weren't "Red" (i.e., actual Communist Party members), but they were supposedly sympathetic to Communist views (i.e., "Pink"). Of course, the McCarthy trials turned into witch hunts, but that's a subject for another day...
Re:"Raving Lunatic" Image? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:"Raving Lunatic" Image? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:"Raving Lunatic" Image? (Score:2)
That's not the point here. The queston is, "Does the public perceive him as 'moderately leftist'"? My contention is, for better or worse, the public (or at least the media) sees RMS this way. The question then becomes, what's to be done about the perception?
NOTE: The answer may very well be to do nothing! In other words, perhaps this is the sort of thing the FSF wants to encourage. Personally, it's not what I would recommend, but that's not to say that there aren't some people who still believe in the fundamental concepts of Socialism.
That's why I asked the question.
Re:"Raving Lunatic" Image? (Score:2)
I would think most christians fall under this category. It seems like Christ was very big on helping the less fortunate and spreading the wealth around. In fact I think he might have said at one time "it is harder for a rich man to go to heaven then a camel to go through the eye of a needle". If the quote is not right please forgive me I am an atheist. It's just something I have heard attributed to him.
True Radicals (Score:2)
However, now that you mention it, I have no idea what Stallman's religious beliefs are, but it is true that some of the primary people behind the Free Software and Open Source movement are Christians, and base a lot of their philosophy of giving things away on their religious convictions.
I will say however that Christians don't all fit into neat categories. There are some who believe that Socialism is based on Christian principles. There are others though who will quote the passage: "He who does not work should not eat." There are plenty of conservative Christians who believe in being rewarded in proportion your work, and that riches (when held on to with a spirit of generosity) can be an indication of God's blessing.
Point is: When you get down to it, neither Socialism nor Capitalism is a really "Christian" economic system. They both have their strengths and pitfalls, and trying to shoehorn Christ or Christians into either one is no more useful than trying to pin a particular economic theory on all Athiests as if they were a monolythic group. You can still promote what are considered by the general public to be "radical ideas", without having to paint yourself Red or True Blue.
Re:True Radicals (Score:2)
I don't know that it applies to RMS or FSF, You were talking about socialism (which also does not apply to RMS or FSF as far as I can see). I was commenting about socialism in general.
"There are some who believe that Socialism is based on Christian principles. There are others though who will quote the passage: "He who does not work should not eat."
As an atheist it has always amused me to no end that for any idea expressed in the bible the aooposite idea is also expressed. One the one hand god says "turn the other cheek" a few chapters later (earlier?) he says "kill them all, kill their women, kill their children, kill their animals and salt the earth so that not even plants survive". It must be massively disorenting to be christian. I suppose I should not pick on them because the moslems and the jews probably suffer from the same level of dissonance. Maybe that's why they seem to enjoy killing each other so much.
Getting back to the point (sort of). It seems to me that if christ designed a society it would look a lot like socialism. Surely he would not let people starve or suffer in poverty. If the devil designed a system it would look a lot like capitalism. It would be based on greed, envy, gluttony, pride, and all the rest of the seven deadly sins and the endless devotion to accumulation of money. If the love of money is root of all evil then capitalism is indeed based on evil at it's core. I certainly have never heard any passage from the bible, koran or any budhist texts that say "accumulate all the wealth you can, become so rich that you can never even spend all the money you have earned, hoard cash and use it to corrupt politicians. Buy the most expensive car in the world and then buy 20 more becasue a righteous man shall have many forms of transportation with burled maple dashboards" etc.
Like I said it must be very disorienting to be christian in the capitalistic country.
Re:True Radicals (Score:2)
It is disorienting, in the sense that people who come to the Bible for easy, pat answers to complicated questions aren't going to find them. Also, the Bible (and I'm sure every other "Holy Book") is full of statements which are easily taken out of context. If you don't look at a quote as it fits into the larger picture, you're bound to come up with a twisted understanding of what it's trying to say.
Methinks it's not that different from Stallman. Look at a quote here and there, and he looks like a raving loonie. Take all his statements together and they start to make sense, or at least follow a logical pattern.
However, this thread is getting out of hand. Please send me an email address if you wish to continue, and I'll be happy to respond.
> Like I said it must be very disorienting to be christian in the capitalistic country.
Unfortunately, there's more truth to that statement than a lot of people want to admit...
Re:True Radicals (Score:2)
It's my pet theory that it's the single biggest reason why america is such a mentally ill country. America has the highest percentage of churchgoers in the world.
Re:"Raving Lunatic" Image? (Score:1)
Re:"Raving Lunatic" Image? (Score:3, Interesting)
I met rms about a month ago, on a LUG meeting. He said that if he ever 'retired' from the fsf for whatever reason, they had a very good VP to continue with the fundation. So, some questions to get an idea of how 'the succesor' is like:
What do you think about free software? 'free software vs. open source'? Do you ever think about the future? Are you obsessed (in a good way) with things like changing the names of the LUGs and distributions to 'GNU Linux', or asking people to use savannah instead of sourceforge? Do you like Linus?
Re:"Raving Lunatic" Image? (Score:2, Insightful)
Then, it was an officer election day and Bradly asked everyone to abstain from the election since all the members were not able to vote since some were not present. I don't know about their bylaws so maybe there is an article allowing non-present members to vote so his action may be well justified.
In any case I was taken aback since I came to the meeting (my first one) hoping for a great discussion of linux material. The clug [clug.org] page says: We don't have a formal mission statement. Our goals are very simple. We have discovered Linux and want to talk to others who have made the same discovery. We are experts and novices, professionals and hobbyists, young and old. Whoever you are, we hope we have something for you. I was really taken aback with the political nature of the meeting, and much of this I suppose could be attributed to Bradly's behavior.
Now (years later) I understand the nature of GNU and why GNU/Linux is an appropriate name for the entire system. I understand the GPL enough to know why it's good. I could now probably digest a meeting like the one I went to. But I do know that FSF now does have a man that will walk in the footsteps of rms.
Next big technical effort? (Score:5, Interesting)
What do you see as the GNU project's next big release? Mono and DotGNU? Bayonne? Something else?
FSF and the cause. (Score:5, Insightful)
When will we see the "GNU System"? (Score:2, Interesting)
to as "GNU Systems", and that the GNU offerings are an important part of making many OS's useful.
I wonder, though, when there will be a pure GNU
system, running HURD, shipping with the GNU Software Source CD set, and building the base
system purely from that at install time.
If such a product existed, and was packaged with secure server systems in mind, I'd definitely buy a copy.
Is this something that is on the FSF map?
Re:When will we see the "GNU System"? (Score:2)
How long will it take? (Score:2, Interesting)
This model is very centric to the idea that the software can't (or ideally won't) be copied for free (beer), but instead will require a fee to obtain a copy of the binary only software. In my opinion, this is Open Source/Free (liberty)Software's only downfall. For the current software market, Open Source and Free Software don't seem like to have standing ground. I know about other business models that do work based on the idea of Open Source and Free Software, but what I wonder is:
How can Free Software be applied to current markets and be made profitable?
How long will it take for these newly made Free Software business models to penetrate the market, and become a better alternative to current business models?
Re:How long will it take? (Score:1)
GPL for web-apps (Score:5, Interesting)
While I certainly feel that it should be possible to do this for applications that are deployed internally without having the deployment count as 'distribution', I am less happy about deployments on public websites. I would want web-applications that I create to have an additional 'public-performance' clause in their license that would require modifications that are publicly deployed to be made available in source form.
This is the so called 'web-app loophole', and I was wondering what your thoughts on the matter were?
Re:GPL for web-apps (Score:1)
Re:GPL for web-apps (Score:2)
In other words, if "software should not be owned", then where do the legal rights come from that allow you to restrict what someone else does with their copy of a software package?
Re:GPL for web-apps (Score:2)
Thus, private modifications that a company made for their own internal use would be treated no differently than now, but exposing a service to the world in general would constitute a public performance, and require that the modified source code be made available.
If such an option is not made available to developers seeking to create Free-as-in-speech implementations of key web services, then users who increasingly rely on web services will face a marked decline in their Freedom, as proprietary interests deploy non-free versions of the code.
Re:GPL for web-apps (Score:2)
If such an option is not made available to developers seeking to create Free-as-in-speech implementations of key web services, then users who increasingly rely on web services will face a marked decline in their Freedom, as proprietary interests deploy non-free versions of the code.
The purpose of Free Software is to give freedom to the user, not a big stick to the developer. I fail to see how a user has less freedom when they excercise their free will by freely choosing to use a web application. If they freely choose to rely on someone else's copy of the software, then that is their business, and not yours.
Benjamin Franklin once said that those that trade a little liberty for a little security deserve neither. More and more I see the Free Software Movement(tm) trading freedom for security. To claim that users have the freedom to use the software for any purpose and that the software should not be owned, yet to assert ownership over the software by restricting how it may be used is nonsensical.
Re:GPL for web-apps (Score:2)
The GPL does not restrict how one may use the software at all. If I release code under the GPL, then I do not want users' freedoms restricted in regards to derivative redistributions of my code. I also do not want users' freedoms restricted in regards to derivative public performances of my code.
I do not want a big stick. I specifically want to reduce the size of other developers sticks when they are using them to beat users away from code derived from my code.
This is all about Freedom for the user.
Re:GPL for web-apps (Score:2)
Public performance is in the user's domain. You are restricting how the *user* may *use* the software.
If the GPLv3 has this clause in it, then it cannot be a Free Software license, because the definition for Free Software says "the freedom to run the program, for any purpose". But a restriction on public performance is a restriction on running the program.
Re:GPL for web-apps (Score:2)
Closing the 'web-app loophole' doesn't involve disallowing public performances at all. It simply means that if you *do* publicly perform a modified version of the software (that is, you make it available as a service), then you must provide the source to your modifications, just as if you had distributed a copy of the modified software.
I simply meant that publicly performing the modified software without making the changes available would be disallowed.
Again, my apologies for my imprecision.
Re:GPL for all Nth-tier apps (Score:2)
This is exactly why the GPL was modified with respect to gcc and Bison to allow the output (even though it was in part derived from the software itself) to be exempted from the GPL.
The line must be drawn somewhere in the vicinity of exposing the functionality of the software interactively. 'Public performance of the software' is the best attempt at tying this into existing case law that I'm aware of.
What I'd like is for exaqmple a modified gcc that was exposed as a compilation service to be required to distribute it's modifications, but the compiled output (the result of using the service) to still be exempted. And if the modified gcc was being used internally as a service, then the resulting compiled binaries should still be able to be distributed publicly, without the gcc modifications needing to be distributed.
Re:GPL for web-apps (Score:2)
I guess this is why it's taking so long...
Re:GPL for web-apps (Score:2)
If I wasn't concerned about proprietary free-riders, then I'd be using a BSD style license, and not the GPL.
Re:GPL for web-apps (Score:1)
This doesn't sound too good to me. It will kill the GPL as a viable license for writing MUD codebases (and probably other kinds of games where you don't want the users to know all the secrets).
And plz don't tell me to put all of the information into data files and just have a GPLed driver. If the license is making major design decisions for you, then there's something wrong.
Re:GPL for web-apps (Score:2)
Let's say that you write an interesting codebase for creating MUD games, and you release it under the GPL. obviously, your intention is to have derivative versions of the code remain Free, so that no-one is locked in to a proprietary vendor.
However, an unscrupulous company can set up a proprietary service that uses your code without having to distribute their modifications, since they don't actually distribute their modifications in binary form either. They merely expose a service. Result: Reduced freedom for users. This is very similar in result to a BSD license.
Now, since the GPL allows private modifications with no requirement to distribute the modifications (for a companies internal use, say), then I think a good extension of this principle would be to allow 'private performances' of modified code, with no requirement to distribute modifications.
Also, I have a feeling that any 'public performance' distribution requirement will be an optional clause in the GPL, rather than an across-the-board requirement.
Re:GPL for web-apps (Score:2)
Hmm. Actually, to take your argument to the extreme, wouldn't there have to be an NLGPL as well? I guess that's four licenses that could be combined in 16 different ways...
I'm still saying: "I dunno".
Consumer space? (Score:4, Interesting)
For corporate consulting, and business to business software, I can see the financial viability of working only with GPLed software. But, that is not the only segment of the software industry. For the average consumer (read: home user, non-geek, non-businessman, "where is the any key" 90% of the computer-using world), any program that requires "service" means calling tech support, which is a bad thing. If you need support, the program is flawed in their eyes. So how does one make money in the consumer market? Custom add-ons are a market that can support maybe 3 people. How can one make money writing, say, a computer game if it's GPLed? If you have to get support for a game, something is wrong. How could a company like Blizzard, Id, or other game companies big and small survive with GPLed software? Then there's the thousands of independent shareware authors for whom selling the software at a few bucks to a lot of people is their bread and butter. How can they make money by writing GPLed software instead?
I am not against the GPL, far from it. But I am still uncertain as to how it maps into the half of the market that deals with end users rather than businesses. Considering that is the industry that I wish to go into, I am faced with the moral dilema of supporting Free Software on the one hand morally, but also needing to find a way to feed myself. What do you suggest as a way to be both morally secure and financially secure in the other half of the market?
Larry Garfield
At home? (Score:5, Insightful)
How do you justify/reconsile RMS/FSF position? (Score:1, Troll)
Yet, when RMS is not invited to an Open Source conference, the FSF issues a press release expressing dissapointment for not being invited.
If you are not "Open Source" and that is the message of RMS, then why be dissapointed when you don't get invited to a conference?
Would You Consider A Stronger Term of GPL? (Score:1)
Hi, I am currently building an automated software verification. I am planning to put it into GPL as soon as I released it. For me, it is really sad to find my software later on be used to verify a closed-source software -- or even worse: To verify software that limits our freedom. To my opinion, all enemies of freedom do not have right on whatsoever the freedom offers.
Is there any consideration for amandments on GPL version 3 to address this matter?
Question for the GNU project: (Score:2, Interesting)
Is the Linux kernel the official GNU kernel now? If not, I will humbly suggest that AtheOS [atheos.cx] be considered as the GNU OS. It's a modern, multi-user OS that has its own aims but doesn't abandon UNIX compatibility. Much GNU software already compiles and runs on AtheOS. Would the GNU Project consider this?
Re:Question for the GNU project: (Score:3, Informative)
For more information, look at the GNU Hurd site [gnu.org]. You should also check out Debian GNU/Hurd [debian.org].
New term for "Free"? (Score:5, Interesting)
Much better, I think, would be to come up with a new adjective to describe such Free software ("Free" with a capital "F", that is). One idea that has been batted about is "liberated software", but that has the connotation of "stolen software" [dictionary.com] to some people. Of course, this isn't to say that the term "Free" wouldn't be used anymore -- but it would be nice to have an alternative for use at, for example, picnics or family gatherings.
Re:New term for "Free"? (Score:1)
I like "liberty software."
How has the techslump affected your business plan? (Score:4, Funny)
Alas, all good things must come to an end, and so the tech bubble burst. Some key players such as AOL had managed to leverage their inflated stock prices and buy up some meatspace companies like Time/Warner. It doesn't appear the FSF took advantage of whatever opportunity it may have had to do so.
My question is this: how has the collapse of the technology sector changed the FSF's business plan? Companies that formerly gave their products away for free are now charging a price (such as Britanica.com [britanica.com]). Does the FSF have any plans to start charging as well?
Most tech companies have seen massive layoffs with the realization that it is simply not feasible to maintain a hundred/thousand-man developer base. The FSF claims to have a base far in excess of even these most optimistic of companies. Do you have any plans to cut back on your headcount?
And the few companies that haven't actually laid off their staff have asked their programmers to take a big paycut and participate in unpaid-leave programs. Does the FSF plan to follow suit?
I've been running the numbers, and I just can't see how the FSF's small capitalization and dwindling revenues can keep up in the fast-paced cut-throat economy of tomorrow. Will the FSF's ship be steered off its path to destruction? Or are you merely content to stick your collective heads in the sand and hope for the best?
Moderators: please mod the parent down. (Score:2, Informative)
Also, the FSF is over 15 years old now, and I fail to see how it can be related to the tech bubble burst in any meaningful way.
ummm. (Score:2)
Re:How has the techslump affected your business pl (Score:1)
FSF business plan! FSF capitalization! FSF dwindling revenues! LOL!
What happened to Tim Nay? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:What happened to Tim Nay? (Score:1)
Now the question becomes "Why was he fired?"
View on freedom? (Score:5, Insightful)
In particular, how do you interpret what the word free means in respect to software and programmer's rights?
Re:View on freedom? (Score:1)
FSF International (Score:1)
What do you think of FSF getting more sister-organizations over the world, like FSF Europe?
And how well do you think FSF Europe has done so far? Are you planning helping new sister-organizations to life other places in the world in, say, the first 5 years from now?
Freedom Zero (Score:2, Interesting)
This freedom (which sounds so reasonable to me) often puts the other four in conflict, as the FSF always describes software as a public good.
Questions to Craig Mundie (Score:4, Interesting)
We met at the O'Reilly Open Source Convention. I remember you beeing the first person taking the microphone to ask Craig Mundie some questions during the debate [oreillynet.com]. You invited him to discuss the philosophy behind the GPL compared to the philosophy behind Microsoft's shared-source license.
I wanted to know. Did he accept your invitation? What will you ask him when you two meet face to face?
The GNU GUI Effort (Score:1)
A couple of years ago, RMS switched support from GNUstep to GNOME. Most of GNU seemed have followed, as GNUstep participation and user base appears to be slipping while GNOME popularity has taken off. What kind of user interface and development environment do you favor? GNOME\KDE? *step? Something else entirely? Why?
Your opinion on Java (Score:4, Insightful)
Sun has its sole control to their Java VM, and the control is extended to other JVM versions. As Richard said, free software build on non-free platform/program is useless to Free World.
We had much expectation on kaffe [kaffe.org]. However, it has halted its development long time ago, since Microsoft made business deals with Transvirtual [linuxjournal.com]. The only free JVM is basically dead now.
I'd like to have your opnion on this: do you have Java in your vision of Free World?
Re:Your opinion on Java (Score:2)
Recently I work on mobile device and have seen the immense potential of Java in this area.
Bad news is that unless you made a HUGE business deal with SUN and mobile carriers, you probably have problem embedding JVM/KVM in your device for mass production.
Nokia can do that, Motorola can do that; but absoultely not a tiny startup can do that.
So unless we could find a gullible VC, kaffe [kaffe.org] is our only hope. Unfortunately, checking the bug database you'll find many unsolved problems(probably will never be solved) hinder the decision to put kaffe to use. java.security [kaffe.org] make it unusable for e-commerce apps, for example.
Trust me, we sincerely hope that kaffe can replace SUN's JVM/KVM. The news that Microsoft bought up Transvirtual worried us, and now our worry come true. As Sun said, Microsoft's sponsorship on Kaffe is just to disturbing Java's development. Now we can see many vital parts of kaffe seems to be missing.
Nevertheless, kaffe still has hope - it's GPL and anyone could create a better derivative from it. It'd be a huge prospect in mobile business.(Man I love GPL).
Kaffe would be killed by dirty business practice, but I'm sure a better GPL JVM will be emerge sooner or later....
How justify only _some_ software must be free? (Score:1)
How do you justify, in the RMS/FSF view, that only some software must be free, and that for some software it does not matter? (Desktop/Laptop PC software vs. all other software -- Internet appliances, set-top boxes, embedded systems, etc.)
When Linux is embedded will the FSF not care about those embedded systems? Can Hurd be embedded? What happens when it is in a cellphone someday?
Many embedded Linux distruibutions already do not supply source code (for those interested in that, do a Google search for the distros and investigate, not all, but some do not supply the sources).
Noone can claim that they have 100% free software in their PC/Laptop -- there is the BIOS, ATA, IDE devices, all which are software that is not free.
When PCs transform into household electronics more like stereos are now than PCs are now, what will happen then?
Media Misconceptions (Score:4, Interesting)
The future (Score:2, Interesting)
Emacs 21 (Score:3, Insightful)
We've heard a lot about it, and the prerelease of the users manual is out on the web and being checked for typos and such. However, there's no communication with the community at all as to where Emacs 21 currently is, progresswise.
Thus my question -- when will the community find out how Emacs 21 is progressing?
Re:Emacs 21 (Score:1)
And a related question: How come XEmacs is better integrated with Gnome than GNU Emacs, considering that Gnome is the official GNU desktop? Is this going to be adressed in version 21 or later?
MartWhy do you answer Richard's email for him? (Score:1, Funny)
Apple and the FSF (Score:5, Interesting)
What's it like working for the FSF? (Score:1, Offtopic)
GNU/Bradley GNU/Kuhn? (Score:1, Funny)
The ownership question (Score:1)
What is it which distinguishes software from other forms of creative or intellectual expression? If you recognize an author as owner in one setting, why not in another?
Question for Mr.Kuhn: GNU/Linux (Score:1, Redundant)
My second question is about why he feels the need to place GNU in front of Linux? He was quite persistant about it and would protest anytime someone posted without GNU in front of it? Aside from coming across as pathetic, it doesn't surprise me that he wound up where he is today.
My next question is related to the second question. Doesn't placing GNU in front of Linux suggest that GNU/FSF own Linux? I would like to know if Mr.Kuhn feels that anything released under the GNU license is actually property of FSF/GNU? To me insisting that GNU be the prefix in front of project names would suggest some hidden agenda on owning a large body of Intellectual Property? Personally, I also equate GNU to the GPL, nice license folks and thats about it.. I do realise that GNU brings some software but this excessive need for placing GNU in front projects released under the GPL is just plain stupid :)
My final question, how does Mr.Kuhn feel that despite his current position, the majority of his local peers have still little or no respect for him? :)
Re:Question for Mr.Kuhn: GNU/Linux (Score:2)
Sorry, I was busy working all day. I'd put $50 on it being Lance.
Re:Question for Mr.Kuhn: GNU/Linux (Score:2)
The last thing we need on here is a Knipferspot.
I got one! (Score:1)
Who is your daddy, and what does he do?
Politics (Score:2, Interesting)
How can you get the average person to support FSF? (Score:5, Interesting)
So, how will you rally the non-techie public to the FSF and GPL, dispelling the image of both as the product of socialist, somewhat freaky nerds? And how will you pay for such a campaign?
The Middle Initial (Score:2)
Re:The Middle Initial (Score:1)
I think it's Richard Martin Stallman.
I don't remember how I found this out, and I don't know if it's correct, but when you do a Google search for "Richard Martin Stallman", it returns a few results that refer to RMS.
Re:The Middle Initial (Score:1)
Interesting, a Google search for "Richard Mathew Stallman" will also return some results. Any other suggestions?
Forks, patches, and control (Score:2)
Wannabee writer (Score:2, Interesting)
Professional Free Software Programming (Score:2, Interesting)
I understand of course that the FSF's main priority is seeing that Free Software gets developed, by any means, even by volunteer work.
But looking to the future... it would be nice someday if most or all programmers could all work on Free Software for a salary. Is the FSF leading any efforts in this area? How far away is this?
RMS (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:RMS (Score:2)
Given RMS' public persona, I imagine his managerial style would be somewhat rigid.
Re:RMS (Score:2, Funny)
I suspect he refuses to go to restaurants where they won't give you their recipes. So KFC with those secret herbs and spices, and McDonalds with its secret sauce, are right out...
Does RMS (Score:2, Troll)
Patents and the GPL (Score:4, Interesting)
What about patents and the GPL? Can I release code under the GPL, but limit distribution by encumbering it with patents? What about if I license patents from someone else; under what conditions can I use them in code that I write and release under the GPL? Finally, what happens to code that I release under the GPL, but later discover infringes on patents belonging to someone else?
I've been wondering about this for a long time, first with gif, then mp3, and now Lineo has apparently licensed a patent for their realtime embedded GNU/Linux OS.
Re:Patents and the GPL (Score:1)
Re:Patents and the GPL (Score:2)
How about this scenario: I obtain a license to a patent with permission to distribute it freely under the GPL for any code that I own. The freedom to redistribute is unlimited, but derivative works would be illegal unless the copyright was assigned to me. How would the FSF interpret the GPL in this case?
The case of post-distribution discovery is also interesting. Since the GPL says no encumbrances are allowed, does the patent invalidate the GPL on that work?
FSF Goals in Idea-Space (Score:2)
Would you like to eliminate all proprietary software? Could you live with free and proprietary software, and under what terms? What about protection of ideas, such as copyright and patents; what protections do you think are justified or necessary, and why? What would have to happen for the FSF to say, "We've successfully done our job," and disband and go home/ continue coding/ whatever?
Free Software and Trademarks (Score:2, Interesting)
Playing by different rules? (Score:3, Interesting)
The individual gives up his IP rights but companies still uses them.
You don't control the software you have written but big companies like redhat and IBM is using their trademarked brands to associate Linux products with them in the pulics eyes.
One recent example of this is when Redhat grabbed postgresql and just changed its name to Redhat DB without compensating great bridge (that makes postgresql) for their hard work.
It seems to me that capital strong companies are playing by entire different rules than the people who are developing free software.
Re:Playing by different rules? (Score:1)
Accounting... (Score:2, Interesting)
Has this changed? If not, do you intend to or why not?
The Hurd (Score:3, Interesting)
working at cross-purposes (Score:2)
What About Other Freedoms? (Score:3, Insightful)
Does the FSF also support the inane freedoms provided by the United States constitution such as the freedom to bear arms?
Re:What About Other Freedoms? (Score:2, Funny)
GPL V3 (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Major problem (Score:1)
Actually they want to convince people that Open Source sucks, and is evil. The FSF willt tell you that Free Software is good, but Open Source Software is evil. I think I talked to this guy at OSCON... we had a friendly debate or three.