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Movies Media

Review: Not Another Teen Movie 282

Not Another Teen Movie is a delicious bit of film criticism, hilarious, outrageous and on target. And REALLY raunchy. No genre ever needed a drubbing more than the teen movie, and it gets one here. A dizzying spoof of a parody of a satire, the movie takes this oddly American cinematic genre and rakes it vulgarly and happily and over the coals. There's the token black kid, the rebelliously individualistic girl who's enmeshed with the most popular guy who would like to be less banal and shallow than he is (and who is enmeshed with the cruelest girl in school), the geeks and the nerds, the horny pubescents, and the ever-pathetic best friend of rebellious girl, who wants the rebelliously individualistic girl (who morphs of course into a ravishing beauty) but hasn't got a chance. The movie makes some real points about contemporary American teen life. Spoilage Declaration: Don't worry, there is no plot.

From the opening shots, you know you're going to have fun, as the movie is set in the "John Hughes High School." Unable to win acceptance mimicking African-American culture, one JHHS student decides it's now hipper to be a Jackie Chan clone and dresses and talks "Asian." One of the interesting subtexts of all teen movies is that white suburban kids want everybody else's culture, since they don't seem to have one of their own. A cheerleader with Tourette's Syndrome tries out for the squad and wins a spot.

Like all the best teen movies, this one is obsessively self-referential. Even if you've seen all of these movies, from She's All That to Karate Kid to Not Another Scary Movie to Scream to Pretty In Pink to Clueless, you still may miss half of the insider jokes and references, which whiz by in a steady, sometimes hilarious stream. Spoofs of spoofs of spoofs can work. The movie skewers almost every teen star, from Tab Hunter to Freddie Prinze Jr., even offering a cameo role to Molly Ringwald, the teen star of the Reagan era.

Not Another Teen Movie even takes shots at movies outside of the teen genre, like American Beauty (represented by a weirdo in a funny hat with a camcorder followed around by a hovering plastic bag labelled "the most beautiful thing in the world.") But American Pie comes in for the wittiest and most relentless drubbing, with Randy Quaid as the drunken Mr. Briggs who stuffs his kitchen with apple pies when he isn't hallucinating about the Vietnam War. There's also a foreign exchange student named Areola, who shows up for school wearing nothing but a backpack, pointing out that her only purpose in coming to America is to titillate brainless and horny American schoolkids. In terms of raunchiness and scatalogical humor, the movie goes farther than American Pie, pausing along the way for good measure to take on the recent spate of stupid feel-good sports movies like Remember the Titans. There are also some pointed pokes at the way the teen movies manipulate race in the shallowest of ways. "Mr. T" makes an appearance as the befuddled but wise black school janitor dispensing incomprehensible but mystical advice.

It would be pointless to try and suggest or describe anything like a plot, which the movie enthusiastically avoids. Suffice it to say there is a prom coming up, and there is a wager about whether the school's most ungainly girl can be turned into a prom queen by the venal and manipulative jocks, one of whom falls instantly in love with her. The bulk of the teen movies revolve around the same two or three points: shallow cheerleaders, dumb but noble-hearted jocks, obnoxious nerds and geeks, and faux individualists who claim they are different, but who always seem to always end up dating the best-looking kids in school and hanging out with the most popular cliques. It's a big fat target, and Not Another Teen Movie scores with surprising wit and skill. It's all in the writing.

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Review: Not Another Teen Movie

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  • Re: (Score:1, Flamebait)

    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • I thought /. sent Katz on assignment to Afghanistan as their field correspondent.

      I even remember reading melodramatic overly wordy reports from the front from his Tales from the AfghaniHellmouth series.

      Was it all just a dream?


      Reality can be so cruel!

  • Argh! (Score:1, Offtopic)

    by Have Blue ( 616 )
    This article has one major flaw: Do not put quotes around Mr. T's name! Thank you.

    Also, first post.
    • Bleah... (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Baldrash ( 544048 )
      Why must we be exposed to another piece of teen movie garbage? Granted, it's a spoof, but it has the trademark "lack of intelligence" that every teen movie has...
      • Re:Bleah... (Score:4, Insightful)

        by PhuCknuT ( 1703 ) on Saturday December 15, 2001 @12:13PM (#2708274) Homepage
        It's called comedy. It may be vulgar and unsophisticated, but that's what makes most people laugh. If you're not one of them, too bad. Studios aren't about to start making movies targeted at 1% of the population.
        • Re:Bleah... (Score:4, Funny)

          by jackal! ( 88105 ) on Saturday December 15, 2001 @07:30PM (#2709405) Homepage
          It's called comedy. It may be vulgar and unsophisticated, but that's what makes most people laugh. If you're not one of them, too bad. Studios aren't about to start making movies targeted at 1% of the population.

          Reminds me of a Simpson's quote:

          Lisa: Only one in a million would get that joke!

          Professor Frink: Yes, we call that the 'Dennis Miller Ratio'.

      • Re:Bleah... (Score:2, Funny)

        by Anonymous Coward
        >Why must we be exposed to another piece of teen movie garbage

        Aren't you paying attention? Exposure to bad movies is now mandatory through federal legislature pass just last week hidden in an anti-terrorism bill.

        You will be required to report to the nearest RIAA re-education camp where you will be subjected to forced viewing of all 3 of the scream movies, followed by every other crappy teen-oriented movie ever made. You no longer have a choice.

    • ...who doesn't take T seriously !
  • Although I have not been to the movie yet, I could have written that review just by watching a 30 second spot on television!!!
  • Like all the best teen movies, this one is obsessively self-referential.

    So it refers to itself all the time? I think he just means referential.

    You just have to love the well thought out and witty prose of JonKatz. The same JonKatz who has not yet apologised for his made up message from Kabul [slashdot.org].

    I like to convince myself that Slashdot posters actually read the responses to their articles, so here it is Jon: Would you please reply to all those posters (including myself) who asked you directly in your Kabul article - did you make it up?

    I await your response with eagerness.
    • it is i, junis, posting from my chicken coop. don't worry, i am very much alive and well.

      many people have posted mean things about mr. katz lately. none of those things are true. mr. katz is very smart man, and very popular here in afghanistan. along with eagerly awaiting new episodes of survivor, we can't wait for mr. katz's new articles on our favorite website, slashdot.org.

      i for one, won't be seeing this monstrosity of a movie. thank you mr. katz for letting the people of afghanistan know about this bad movie.

      -junis from afghanistan
    • I still can't believe that after having that posted on a public website, the DCMA didn't go and arrest Junis for downloading copyrighted movies. Just because his country is in ruins doesn't give him the right to rob artists of their income.
      I'm suprised Katz actually sat and watched this movie. I would have thought he would have took one look at the title, and then illegally (He's such a rebel!) gone and seen a different movie!
    • by jonbrewer ( 11894 ) on Saturday December 15, 2001 @12:59PM (#2708388) Homepage
      What in the world is wrong with you that you have to say such things just because you dislike Katz?

      I would normally let this go, as it's off-topic, but your aggregious slander of Mr. Katz has prompted my reply.

      I had skipped the Afghanistan article, as I do most of his articles, but have just read it because of your post.

      It is entirely plausable that a man has dug up an Amiga, plugged it in, and has connected to the Net. It's not rocket science. Having lived in and travelled around Eastern Europe, I've seen and used some pretty low tech solutions to surf the net.

      You can get a modem to connect at 9600 baud across lines that you wouldn't think could support a telephone conversation, and computers you wouldn't think could run a browser. (The web is still very usable over a 9600 baud connection, especially with images off as older browsers allow)

      And answering how an Afghani would have this knowledge and ability, you ignore reality:

      1. Five years ago you could still have a computer in Afghanistan
      2. It's a country with many smart people, educated there and abroad
      3. People with chicken coops aren't necessarily poor peasants
      4. Borders are porous and different people have different reasons for living in a particular place; this guy may well have lived half his life in New York for all you know.

      Before you slander Katz you should get out of college and in to the rest of the world. See what goes on and how people adapt to not being in an environment so sheltered as yours. At 21 you may think you know everything, but in time you'll find you most certainly don't.

      We may not like or appreciate Katz, but he is one of the few legitimage journalists (in Print and on the web) with an extensive knowledge of technology and it's impacts on the world. Don't call him a liar if you don't have some serious proof.
      • I'm assuming your reply is not a deliberate troll, purely because of your low userid, not your comments. Perhaps this is foolish of me.

        All I can say is read the Message from Kabul (see link in parent), and the comments, and try telling me that his article is genuine. I won't discount the possibility that JK was duped, but the fact of his continued silence and refusal to respond weighs in heavily against him.

        1. Five years ago you could still have a computer in Afghanistan

        Sure. Not a powerful enough one to play DIVX's on. Just think - One DIVX over 9.6kbps modem = one week and a day at maximum transfer rate. Then he's going to play it on his 486?

        2. It's a country with many smart people, educated there and abroad

        I never intimated that this wasn't the case.

        3. People with chicken coops aren't necessarily poor peasants


        4. Borders are porous and different people have different reasons for living in a particular place; this guy may well have lived half his life in New York for all you know.

        I recommend you read the article again.

        "Junis"' attitude, as imparted to JonKatz, implies heavy Ameri-centrism, (Baywatch, Microsoft, Independence Day, porn, etc) almost as if it were written by an American with little knowedge of any genuine Asian mindset or culture. Don't humiliate yourself further by professing complete belief in what is obviously, at best, a very stupid journalist being laughed at by some hoaxer.
        • Sure. Not a powerful enough one to play DIVX's on. Just think - One DIVX over 9.6kbps modem = one week and a day at maximum transfer rate. Then he's going to play it on his 486?

          Nope. He said his Commodore - and the Amiga can play DivXs. plus, if he was out of the loop all this time, he may be looking forward to downloading movies, but be unable to. Now he has the opportunity, not the capability.

          "Junis"' attitude, as imparted to JonKatz, implies heavy Ameri-centrism, (Baywatch, Microsoft, Independence Day, porn, etc) almost as if it were written by an American with little knowedge of any genuine Asian mindset

          You're right! Most Asians with an American are interested in Baywatch, Microsoft (to the point that there is a Korean business trend of dressing like Gates), and TITANIC, not Independance Day. (Of course, when it comes to porn, as Haruka Inui will tell you, American Porn is the best). When emailing an American, wouldn't it make sense that he'd show off his in depth knowledge of American culture?

          And if either Americans or Asians feel insulted by that, Americans by and large think Japan = Asia, and everybody watches Sailor Moon and Godzilla. The reality is, of course, that different people have various levels of knowledge about each other's culture, but whatever happens to be played in your area becomes an example of "popular x culture", Thus Titanic and Godzilla making the crossover, while both mezuzahs and kadomatsus don't.

          And yes, I am as ignorant as you about Afgani culture. Why don't you admit it? True, it is very plausable that he was duped - I see no reason for him to fabricate the story (that is a career killer for a journalist). But we shall see - certainly the kid could probably get another message out sooner or later.


      • We already blew up the only phone exchange in Afghanistan. No telecom lines exists in the country anymore (assuming there were a usable number to begin with, which there weren't). So unless his Amiga came with a satellite modem, no, it isn't possible.

    • I assumed he actually meant "self-referential". As in, the movie makes fun of itself.
    • He replayed and said that it was real. Why the hell would he lie about it?

      http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=23886&cid=25 97 680
    • I don't think he made it up. I think he was suckered by a forged email. JonKatz is certanly smart enough to fake something better than the Kabul email.

      Added for relevance: I like the spoof of spoof of ... NaNTM. It's great to see an industry that can satrize itself. For money. Anyone that thinks they did this without an eye for the boxoffice profits is kidding themselves. They know that there's a community out there that will go to this kind of movie just to agree with the spoof. And pay the ticket price anyway.

      It's Just Hollywood.

      yea, right.

    • So it refers to itself all the time? I think he just means referential.

      If you were in the habit of reading movie reviews, instead of just browsing through this one because it happened to be on Slashdot, you would know that the term "self-referential" means that it depends on gags that refer to the genre itself, not the movie itself. For an example I refer you to The Onion's movie reviews [theonionavclub.com], where you will find that pretty much every cartoon movie's review uses the term (at least Shrek and Monsters, Inc.). Granted, the term is confusing, but so are terms like "functional computer language" or "operating system kernel" if you don't already know what the writer is talking about. Maybe instead of automatically assuming that you're smarter than the writer, you should start by assuming that you're the ignorant one, because in this case it's true.
    • I can smell a major human interest story here :-).

      JonKatz, stung by attacks on his journalistic integrity, scours the Earth for 'Junis', then makes a triumphant comeback with the guy himself and writes all about it in a Slashpost, enjoying the discomfited posts about it. Giving you the benefit of doubt, Jon. How 'bout it?

      Hell, if the /. gang cared about running an actual *news* site in their spare time from being bartenders at the busiest open source joints in town, they actually be *doing* such a thing!
  • Interesting (Score:2, Insightful)

    by MicroBerto ( 91055 )
    That was a surprise to see this morning -- this movie's actually GOOD?!

    Allright, I'll accept that, but Jon, is it worth paying almost eight dollars to see? I think i'll pass..

    • And I thought we were getting ripped off at 7 dollars here in Atlanta! :-)

      My comment: if your liked Scary Movie, or if you just think the Breakfast Club was sooooo stupid it was funny...or even if you just want a good laugh...go see it.

      My question: I'm still not to sure if he liked it or disliked it...he sounds like he doesn't until the end. Jon Katz articles are a decent yarn but my God he couldn't give a eighth-of-the-way-to-decent movie review if his life depended on it!
    • don't most movies have matinee prices still? the ones i go to do. anything before 5pm is $2-3 off the regular price. granted, it's still $4-5, but it's better than the usual.

      best time to see movies is:

      late on a weeknight, everyone else has to work the next morning, so they're in bed when the 9/10pm show starts.

      early on saturday in a suburban megaplex, all the soccer moms are out with their kids at the games, so no one's there. some theaters don't open till 11am or so, but the theaters are usually empty till the 3-4pm showing

      early on sunday in a suburban megaplex, all the families are at church till noon or so, and then there's the obligatory church lunch, so they won't be able to go to the movies till 3-4pm anyway.

    • $4.50 if you see a matinee here in Calgary, and in Saskatoon too.
  • What the hell is this crap? What in the world does this have to do about News for Nerds? I mean, I know you guys all want to keep your job at Slashdot and keep your 6 digit salaries for surfing the web and watching anime. But seriously, ease us in to completely selling out, don't do it all at once.
    • my momma always told me, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
    • What in the world does this have to do about News for Nerds?

      Since when can't nerds be interested in movies?!

      Just because this is a site for geeks doesn't mean every article has to be about BIOS revisions, Kernel patches, and medical science breakthroughs. Yes, that makes up the bulk of what we want to see here, and it is the bulk of what we DO see here, but geeks do have interests outside of those fields.

      Frankly, if /. refused to carry articles about things like this, I would be quite saddened. We aren't all a bunch of shut-ins who can't appreciate a good laugh every once in a while...
      • by mwalker ( 66677 ) on Saturday December 15, 2001 @01:02PM (#2708397) Homepage
        Since when can't nerds be interested in movies?!

        I think a lot of nerds are interested in movies. Personally, I'm very interested in making sure that the MPAA doesn't get any of my money for making them, because they helped fund the DMCA to strip me of my First Amendment rights.

        But while we're talking about seeing movies for free in one manner or another, I think the point was that this particular movie probably doesn't fit our audience very well. It's a spoof of a special-interest genre (movies for teens 17 and under), and doesn't have the broad-based appeal to a general audience that nearly anything else would.

        In short, there's no problem with reviewing general-interest movies on a special-interest site. But there's a big problem with reviewing special-interest movies for high school kids on a site for professional and amateur programmers.

        What a joke. The only good thing about this movie is that it will teach those "popular kid" idiots like the atheletes at Columbine that their movies just aren't funny.
        • But while we're talking about seeing movies for free in one manner or another, I think the point was that this particular movie probably doesn't fit our audience very well. It's a spoof of a special-interest genre (movies for teens 17 and under), and doesn't have the broad-based appeal to a general audience that nearly anything else would.

          Oh come on, we all know that 90% of slashdot readers are 14 year old Hax0rs
        • A few things...

          "I think the point was that this particular movie probably doesn't fit our audience very well" -- because it's intended for under 17s? And how old exactly do you think most readers here are? Do you read the misguided Linux-zealotry that appears here? Reviews for kids films fit in well here.

          Secondly. "popular kid idiots". Get bullied at school by any chance? Ranting against people who you consider to be elitist with equally elitist comments seems wrong.

          Go on, mark it as flame bait. Show the world how mature the readership can be.

        • It's a spoof of a special-interest genre (movies for teens 17 and under)....

          Oddly enough, isn't it rated R? As in restricted under 17? So their target audience is 17 year olds, or people under 17 whos parents would actually go to see this with them...
          Or are they encouraging people to sneak in and/or theaters not to card people?

          I don't agree with the ratings system here, but i mean, if its there, use it, ya know?
          • isn't it rated R? As in restricted under 17? So their target audience is 17 year olds, or people under 17 whos parents would actually go to see this with them...

            I was wondering about that myself. Can you imagine taking your parents to see this thing? It sounds like they'd faint! The rating reads "R for strong sexual content" and then /. backs it up with "it is RAUNCHY". Was 20-something so long ago for me that I don't remember what constituted "funny"??
        • [T]hey helped fund the DMCA to strip me of my First Amendment rights.

          Of exactly which First Amendment right have you been deprived by the DMCA? The right of the people to peaceably assemble? Has your personal freedom of speech been abridged? Ooh, I got it! You've found an otherwise overlooked passage in the law that prohibits you from petitioning the government for a redress of grievances!

          Idiot. Have you even read the DMCA? Argue about it all you want, but make sure you're at least informed first.
    • No one shoved this post down your throat, did they? Skip on over, I don't think it's actively affecting your life at all, or that there's a limited number of articles that can be posted. "Well, there's this science piece, but let's post a review instead!"

      It's a fairly decent review, conveniently placed in a place I check already. Oh, and welcome to the internet, where we don't run out of space to print stories.
    • Selling out? Oh you must be one of those anti-social geeks! Some of us are geeks with lives, and movies actually interest us! Odd concept I know...human beings doing something other than messing with computers all day long. Even movies are news for us nerds man! I'm sick of people makiong posts like this: the people who run the site are nerds...so if it interested them enough to post it, it's automatically news for nerds by definition. If you're not interested, don't fucking read the story!!!
    • What in the world does this have to do about News for Nerds?

      the movie has b00bies in it. thats enough of a qualifier for me!

  • Ok, Remember the Titans (imdb rating 7.5/10) was stupid, but this one (imdb rating 3.9/10) is wonderful? "Feel good" movies (even when they're apparently based on true stories) are bad now, but getting more raunchy and scatological than American Pie is a good thing?

    The only reason this movie exists is because the Wayans brothers didn't get to it first. The real question is, is that because the Wayans brothers knew that it would be stupid?

    TAB HUNTER? You mean to tell me that they so quickly ran out of satirical fodder that they had to go back....checks imdb...40 years (The Tab Hunter Show) for material? Do they really think that their audience, a bunch of 13yr olds who found pastry masturbation hysterical, are going to get such references? Most of the kids that will be going to see this probably get "She's All That" but never even saw "Pretty in Pink".

    Oy. Look for Katz to next reveal that "A Beautiful Mind" sucks because there's no nudity.

  • The problem... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Nematode ( 197503 ) on Saturday December 15, 2001 @12:40PM (#2708344)
    The problem is that spoofing "teen movies" is shooting fish in a barrel.

    No, I take that back, it's even less challenging than shooting fish in a barrel. The inanity behind "teen movies" is so self-evident, that claiming to spoof them is redundant. It's like trying to spoof Roger Corman movies - unnecessary, and not particularly clever.

    I will admit, normally I don't mind Katz articles, but the movie reviews are just off the wall. I read the reviewers whom I usually trust, and invariably what they call boring, derivative, and recycled drek will apparently get raves from Mr. Katz. I guess that's the beauty of opinion being, well, opinion and all, but still....is there ANY lowest-common-denominator entertainment he doesn't lap up and ask for seconds?

    Maybe the specific "jokes" in Not Another Teen Movie are worth a chuckle, but the satirizing the "teen movie" genre is like aiming at the kid in the wheelchair in dodgeball....there's just no sport in it whatsoever. And to read a gushing review like it's some genius stroke of parodic insight...stick to sermonizing about the youth-empowering effects of the net, Katz!
    • "Like shooting fish in a barrel" is a rather tired similie, and I think it's time to upgrade it.

      s/like\ shooting\ fish\ in\ a\ barrel/like\ taking\ a\ barrel\ full\ of\ fish\ and\ throwing\ in\ a\ stick\ of\ dynamite/i

      A bit more wordy, I'll admit. But with the cost of digital media plummeting, I think the world is ready for it.
  • If, perhaps, you do not favourably like JonKatz and/or his reviews, there is also an option to simply ignore the reviews, not read them, and not post anything in regards to them. Judging from the posts here already, this would cut down posts to a mere handful and then maybe JonKatz would get a subtle hint.

    Agreeably though, I think a review for a movie of this calibre is completely out of place on /.


  • by A Commentor ( 459578 ) on Saturday December 15, 2001 @12:57PM (#2708384) Homepage
    90% of these comments is just whining... If you don't like the article, don't read it, and don't post trash comments. Try to keep the comments on topic...
    • by nomadic ( 141991 ) <nomadicworld@gmaWELTYil.com minus author> on Saturday December 15, 2001 @01:00PM (#2708392) Homepage
      Ummm, this is slashdot.
    • If you don't like the article, don't read it
      Intentionally turn a blind eye? Good advice.

      don't post trash comments.
      Your comment is pure trash.

      Try to keep the comments on topic...
      Your comment is offtopic.

      But those which you describe as OffTopic weren't. The topic is Jon Katz's review of the movie. When I say "I think the review was average but the movie doesn't belong on Slashdot" then I am On Topic.

      Now quit whining.
    • If you don't like the article, don't read it....

      Nice sentiment, but how would you know you don't like the article until after you read it? And once read, might as well comment. That is after all what Slashdot is about.

      • Interesting point, but irrelevant for most of the comments he's talking about. I'd bet you three pez dispensers that 90% of the anti-Katz posts are written by people who know well ahead of time that they're going to hate the article. They read it anyways because they enjoy flaming him.

        Done correctly, such behavior can turn into valuable constructive criticism. Done on slashdot, I don't see the point. The only saving grace is that Katz is a rather minor target, which improves the S/N ratio on the rest of the 'Net.
    • How precisely do you suggest we go about achieving this feat?
    • Well it's Katz, I don't read the article, and after the little I did read, trashing it is doing it a favor. Once he said it was funny, I know that I wasn't missing out on anything. "Not Another Teen Movie" is just another Scary Movie [theonionavclub.com]. You're talkin to the guy who liked Tomb Raider. I know a pervert wannabe hacker who makes his own Angelina Jolie porn, and he didn't like Tomb Raider.
  • Who the hell writes a review about a stupid movie like this??? It's ABSOLUTELY SCRUMPTIOUS!!! I do say!
  • Way Off the Mark (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Murdock037 ( 469526 ) <.tristranthorn. .at. .hotmail.com.> on Saturday December 15, 2001 @01:08PM (#2708416)
    Alright people, understand the following disclaimers:
    1. I am a student and my major is film, and as such I think I know everything.
    2. I actually like some teen movies for what they are-- "Election," most notably, but I didn't think "The Faculty" was that bad, either.
    3. I have no problem with Jon Katz, prior to this review.

    Here we go then.

    I saw this movie last night, as the concept amused me and a friend offered to pay. I regret it immensely.

    My tastes are not what I'd call extraordinarily sophisticated; I can be amused by dumb comedy, so long as it's *smart* dumb comedy, if you catch my drift. "Scary Movie" got a few laughs out of me.

    "Not Another Teen Movie" did not.

    Every bit of humor is obvious and cliched. There is no wit whatsoever to this-- it seems that the makers of the movie are responsible for this heap not because they would want to pander to and work at the level of 12-year-olds, but because that's the best they can do.

    It's not enough to say that an adolescent boy could have written this thing. It's more like an adolescent boy could have written it the night before it was due.

    Katz gets one thing right: plot is almost non-existant. Unfortunately, without plot, we would need some other cohesive element to this the movie together-- characters, say. But there's so many characters crammed in here, haphazardly and without rhyme or reason, that the whole thing becomes difficult to follow. I've seen just about everything the movies spoofs, so I recognized the "archetypes" of the characters, but each was so bland and unfunny (although I'll admit the token black guy was vaguely amusing at one point) as to completely blend into the next.

    I was worried going in that I would have seen all the jokes already in the previews. This was a mistake. I should have wanted to see more of the jokes in the previews, so that I would have known enough to save myself the 82 minutes it took to suffer through this abomination.

    Save yourself from it, boys and girls. Go see "Vanilla Sky" instead. It may mess with your head, but at least you'll be thinking about something other than the eight bucks you just lost on your way out of the theater.
    • by elmegil ( 12001 ) on Saturday December 15, 2001 @01:32PM (#2708497) Homepage Journal
      I was tempted to moderate you up, but I'd rather respond instead.

      I can't understand how anyone could have found Scary Movie funny in any way. Perhaps it would be informative if we had a Katz review of that too, to compare and contrast. The fact that you found Scary Movie in any way funny makes you very suspect as a reviewer. What the hell is funny about word-for-word citation of the script for Scream with slightly different footage? I liked American Pie with all its sex jokes, but I could not find it in myself to laugh at the 3rd blowjob joke in 5 minutes in Scary Movie--and proceed to have the pace of blowjob jokes continue at that rate through the entire third I was able to make myself watch.

      So tell me who I should believe, and more importantly, why I should believe them?

      • Alright, you've got me on the defensive here. Allow me to explain.

        It was probably an error in my writing to follow a statement about my fondness for "smart dumb comedy" with the admission that I laughed a few times at "Scary Movie." This probably suggested that I considered "Scary Movie" a good example of a smart movie-- if so, well, allow me to correct myself here and now.

        I remember Marlon Wayans fondly from "Scary Movie," mostly because I have a friend or two that has made pot-related humor amusing to me in some small way, and I tend to laugh at small touches more than the outright jokes. If his comedy isn't your thing, and you don't buy that Marlon Wayans could ever do quality work, check out "Requiem for a Dream."

        But I will stick to my fondness for smart dumb movies. In trying to think of examples off the top of my head, I'm coming up with "Wayne's World," although that's probably just a hold-over from my youth and I haven't watched it in awhile, and "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure," which features exceedingly dumb characters in a subtly clever script set within a conventionally moronic genre, the surfer-dude-buddy-flick.

        My favorite comedy is "Rushmore." My favorite directors, in no particular order, are David Fincher, Wes Anderson, Cameron Crowe, and a few other relatively low-key types. As I said, my tastes aren't necessarily sophisticated, but I'd like to think they run towards quality.

        So believe me. As I said way at the beginning of my first post, I'm a film student, so I know everything.
        • by The-Bus ( 138060 ) on Saturday December 15, 2001 @03:01PM (#2708781)
          A film student that names Cameron Crowe and Wes Anderson as his favorite directors? Of what? The past 5 years?

          Where's Godard? Clouzot? Fellini? Eisenstein? Bergman? Cocteau? DeSica? Truffaut? Antonioni? Powell and Pressburger? Hitchcock? Coppola? Kurosawa? Argento? Sirk? Tarkovsky? Svankmajer? Buñuel? Bertolucci? Lean?

          As a student, you seem to immensely dissapointing. Have you seen any movie that is from before 1995?

          I wouldn't be so obviously confrontational if you hadn't stated that you "know everything" and then said that your favorite director is Cameron Crowe who has had the luck to bake up such snores as "Jerry Maguire" and then tries to one-up Abemanar by remaking "Abre Los Ojos"... Pfft!!
      • I was tempted to moderate you up, but I'd rather respond instead.
        You should have moderated! Discussing what you find funny and claiming that something you don't find funny makes the reviewer suspect is asinine. It's like thinking that someone who likes Peppermint is dubious because it reminds you of a dentist visit.
    • >1. I am a student and my major is film, and as such I think I know everything.

      You're right, you're WAY of the mark.
      did you know you sounded arrogant?
      did you know that This was the last link visited by your dad [realhamster.com] Last time he used your computer?

      > 3. I have no problem with Jon Katz, prior to this review.

      No shit sherlock, NOBODY has problems with Jon Katz PRIOR to his reviews.

      But some mystical force at works can't stop us from bitching AFTER his reviews :)

  • movie was good, but all the previews before it? damn, that shit is whack.
  • Well, Jon katz offered to let Slashdot readers decide his te in this poll [slashdot.org], but instead, here he is pretending to be a movie critic again (much as he pretends to be a journalist). Why? Because someone's been manipulating the poll to drop anti-Katz votes. They were leading a couple of weeks ago, then some 1500 anti-Katz votes magically disappeared. I mean, it's not even a particularly subtle manipulation either. Even on the current poll the percentages don't even add up to 100%!

    • Katz will remain a poster as long as his posts generate as many comments as they do. Consistantly, no matter how clueless his posts are they generally have the most replies.

      This is further proof that the posters don't actually read this site. If they did they would realize that 80%+ of the comments in Katz threads are corrections to fallacies in Katz's logic and not worth while discussion.

      I would love to see the bum off this site. But I will admit that his posts and their inaccuracies are amusing in their attempts to be insightful.
  • by PsyQ ( 87838 ) on Saturday December 15, 2001 @01:22PM (#2708460) Homepage
    JonKatz wrote: "[...] the movie takes this oddly American cinematic genre [...]"

    It might be true that nowadays teen movies are primarily made (and viewed) in the USA, but Israel and Germany had their jointly produced Eis am Stiel ("Lemon Popsicle" in the US) series from 1979 to 1988 starring Zachi Noy among others. They weren't afraid to show full frontal nudity - they probably had to, the movies being so bad that otherwise they would have all flopped. The US movie Porky's seems to have been inspired by these flicks.

    The series portrays teens as stupid drooling sex addicts whose primary motivation is invariably getting laid. There are still a couple of teen movies made in Germany from time to time, but since the Germans like (and partially understand) US lifestyle they also import all of the US teen movies.

    This goes to show that the US aren't the only nation capable of making silly teen movies.

    Some info about Eis am Stiel [pair.com] (German)
    A Lemon Popsicle fanpage [devoted.to]
  • by Jeremy Erwin ( 2054 ) on Saturday December 15, 2001 @01:32PM (#2708496) Journal
    The Washington Post panned this movie. One of their critics (Kempley) said "Save your time, save your money, save your soul. Stay at home." [washingtonpost.com] Now, I have a dilemma. Should I trust Kempley or Katz?
  • Chris Evans (Score:1, Offtopic)

    by Dr. Sp0ng ( 24354 )
    Heh, I went to high school with Chris Evans (he's one of the main characters... I haven't seen the movie, but he's the one they show in the previews wearing whipped cream on his nipples). He's as much of a dumbass in real life as he is in that movie, so for that reason alone, I always laugh at the previews :) I'll probably have to rent the movie at some point, but you're not gonna catch me spending (3 * $pack_of_cigarettes) on that piece of shit movie.
    • Not that I particularly have a problem with smoking, but the combination of:

      1) Doing a drug that gives more misery when you're off of it than it does pleasure when you're on it,
      2) Thinking of money in terms of how much of that drug it buys you,
      3) Mocking someone else for being a dumbass

      ...is a hell of a combination :-)

      • Heh.

        1) Doing a drug that gives more misery when you're off of it than it does pleasure when you're on it

        Tell me about it. Smoking sucks.

        2) Thinking of money in terms of how much of that drug it buys you,

        Hey, I'm broke. Money is counted in units of food, cigarettes, and weed.

        3) Mocking someone else for being a dumbass

        Ah, but he smoked too! :) He used to bum cigarettes off me in the parking lot at school.
  • What the hell is a fucking teen movie review doing on fucking slashdot?! If no one else has noticed this is normally a slightly TECHNICAL site. Get the shit off of /.'s front page. Thanks, and you moderators can go to hell considering your motto is, and I quote, "News for Nerds. Stuff that matters." I thought that slashdot was the 'root' of all tech news. Now it's anything they can put on the damn front page to attract attention.
  • by justinstreufert ( 459931 ) on Saturday December 15, 2001 @05:15PM (#2709113) Homepage
    JonKatz's review is "Offtopic." However, let me bring this article into Slashdot's realm of coverage by pointing out an issue related to Your Rights:

    If you have a DVR or can otherwise record the TV teaser for this movie in a high-quality way, check out the scene where the woman in a dress falls through the stairs.

    Just after they switch to a shot looking down on her (or more likely, her stunt-double) falling into the abyss, there are about 6 frames where her dress most obviously should hike up to the point of heavy undergarment exposure. However it is quite obvious that someone whipped out the Paintbrush tool and did a ridiculously fake-looking, blurry censorship job.

    This was only a guess until I dropped my TiVo remote and punched up www.apple.com. I visited their generous selection of trailers and viewed the same footage through the wonders of Broadband. Frame-by-framing with the Quicktime viewer, I located the same set of frames and confirmed that, in fact, the online version displays a great deal of unadulterated Good Old White Cotton American Freedom.

    This posting is not intended as an exercise in lechery but instead as an anchor, attaching in some small way this obviously matter-free, nerd-unrelated article to the Slashdot favorite topic, Censorship.

    JonKatz should thank me. No personal checks, plesae.
  • Granted, the movie was about twice as long as it should have been, and simply ran out of things to make fun of. And, yes, they beat the dead horse that became Cruel Intentions into anthrax-worthy particles of meatjuice.

    That being said, I have to respect movies that have some decently obscure and enjoyable subtexts. For example:

    1) The Title. Not Another Teen Movie. The joke is, it *is* another teen movie...so, "Not ANOTHER Teen Movie!?!", instead of "NOT Another Teen Movie." Possibly unintentional, but given the ending(worth gritting through, just to hear the last words from the last speaker) I doubt it.


    2) Amanda. So they mocked the bejesus out of Jennifer Love Hewitt's role in Can't Hardly Wait. Sure, fish in a barrel. But giving Lacey Chabert, who costarred with her on Party of Five and probably had to choke on Hewitt's silicone-enhanced shadow for years on end, the opportunity to lay waste to her former colleague...heh. Impressive.

    Incidentally, am I the only one who is tired of "I used to like Katz, but now, with this horrific review of such-and-such, I have to change my mind"? STFU. Quit cloning Indy Rock Pete [dieselsweeties.com]; Katz at least can choose to like or dislike whatever the hell he feels without consulting IMDB to make sure that he's rating Remember the Goddamn Titans higher than a silly hyperreferential uber-spoof of a flick.

    And that's more than I can say about at least one of you. :-)


    • Small Self-Reply (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Effugas ( 2378 )
      There was one other pretty decent set of metajokes in there -- note the reference to asians:

      1) The only asian "character" was a white guy.
      2) The asian male actors didn't speak but did know kung fu.
      3) The asian female actresses were bitchy but subordinate(indeed, could only speak in unison) behind the white head cheerleader.

      Mind you, I'm just some white guy. But I have noticed there aren't actually, um, any asian male stars in Hollywood. Like, at all.

      Unless they fight.

      By contrast, there *has* to be a Token Black Guy, and he *has* to be obvious. Bonus points if he's got an African name.

      For a crude movie, this was some elegant subtlety.

  • I love Jon Katz!!!
    He is roll model for m3
    I have seen this trailer but not full DiVX
    You send to me Mr. Jon Katz?
    Many computers arrive in Humanitarian Aid Package
    Microsoft XP is good!!!!! No more BSOD! I still using C64 - but for musical program, my bazouki was smashed, so now I program Midi!!
    I like this Trance Style music - boom boom boom - like bombs!
  • When in fact, it simply takes the same old tired "plot" (and I use the term quite loosely) devices and takes their obviousness above and beyond what is normally done? It sounds to me like the same writers who write the kind of dreck the movie is trying to spoof just turned around and made it even more obvious, banal, and raunchy. So all they're really doing is taking the same content to a new level. It's hardly "achey breaky song" type spoofing, that's for sure.

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