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Star Wars Prequels Media Movies

Tribute to Nien Nunb and other Star Wars Bit Parts 171

Nien Nunb writes "This Star Wars feature tries to give the little guys a leg up, like the aforementioned Nien Nunb, who only shows up for one action sequence, but he was copilot of the ship that destroyed the second Death Star. Star Wars is full of forgotten faces like his and you can see all their wretchedness here."
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Tribute to Nien Nunb and other Star Wars Bit Parts

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  • Bah.. (Score:2, Funny)

    by b0r0din ( 304712 )
    There's no mention of N'Sync here. What about the really important secondary characters, like Justin Timberlake!!


  • Itchy's sex fantasy was DIAHAN CARROL??

    That's almost as bad as those damn SciFi channel popups! **twitch twitch**


  • We should also give a leg up to the following little guys :

    Erik Schmoll : he made a 2 second appearance as the toilet paper delivery boy in Lethal Weapon III

    Raymond Swzarznik : the much acclaimed actor how played the back of the 56th passenger in Airplane II: the Sequel.

    Eugene Smith : the driver of the first Chevrolet passed by Drew Barrimore in Charlie's Angels.

    Joseph Sixpack : the 6th left buttock from the right in "Anal orgy IV"

    Good work guys, it's about time your talent and the talent of the approx. 500.000.000.000 people like you are recognized !

  • by kitts ( 545683 ) on Thursday January 03, 2002 @10:20PM (#2783120) Homepage
    Obi Wan and Luke are walking through Mos Eisley, right after they leave the cantina, and they're talking about selling off the speeder. For a brief second, a long, thin pair of legs, stilt-like, walk across the foreground. No picture of the body or the feet. No second pair of legs, as though half a camel just walked through the shot.

    The genius is how the rest of the alien's appearance is left up to the imagination. I mean, what fluke of gravity was that creature?

    More importantly, how does Lucas's creative insight go from that to Jar Jar? He used to have a pretty keen eye for subtle details. Now it's like getting an ice pick through the brain.
    • by nizo ( 81281 ) on Thursday January 03, 2002 @10:39PM (#2783172) Homepage Journal
      Am I the only one who thought that the jedi master shown briefly in The Plotless Menace with the 6 foot long neck would be toast in any kind of lightsaber duel?
      • Jedi Master, Yarael Poof.... i.e. - the guy with the 6 foot long neck. On the following Star Wars bio page, apparently his weapon of choice is the lightsaber indeed. Maybe he has some sort of neck harness that wields the blade. lp oof/
        • Maybe he has some sort of neck harness that wields the blade.

          If you look on the expanded universe tab of that page [], it says he has four arms hidden under his robes. It also says he prefers to rely on mind tricks to befuddle and mislead targets, "though like all Jedi, he carried a lightsaber". Not the same as it being his weapon of choice.

        • From the Star Wars site:

          "He is a member of the Quermian species, a race of sentient invertebrates related to the Troiken of Xexto. Poof's sensitive olfactory glands were located in his hands. Poof had two brains, one located inside his skull and the other in his chest cavity.

          A sly Jedi Master, Poof was a master of Jedi mind tricks and could use the Force to quickly befuddle and mislead targets by conjuring false images in their minds. This is Poof's preferred method of combat, though like all Jedi, he carried a lightsaber. "

          An INVERTEBRATE? How the hell does an invertebrate have a long, spindly neck like that...and olfactory glands?? Does that mean he smelled with his hands, or that his hands smelled.

          Poof: Here, use my lightsaber.

          Other Jedi Dude: Uh, no thanks Poof, I'll see if i can't use my Jedi powers to get it back from the Rancor.

          Poof: Naw, c'mon, really you can use it - it's a cool green you know.

          Other Jedi Dude: Um, actually Poof, it kinda stinks. Yeah... me and the other Jedi's have been talking about your "saber" and how much it smells. Could you look into a few sets of gloves or something"
      • Actually, whenever he was challenged to a lightsaber duel, he waved his head and neck back and forth like a cobra coming out of a basket, all while humming that famous "cobra hypnotism" song. It wasn't a very effect combat strategy, but it was pretty damned amusing.

        In fact, his greatest enemies weren't bad guys with lightsabers; they were clotheslines, and doorframes, and chandeliers, and low-flying Star Destroyers.

        It was not uncommon for Star Destroyer commanders to lurk in orbit, just hoping to catch this guy out on the streets so they could "buzz" him. Great morale booster for the crew, although Long-Neck tended to get a bit irritated.

        Sometimes, at those wild and wicked late-night Jedi parties, Mace Windu and Obi Wan would pull his neck really, really tight, and then Yoda would pluck it like a guitar string. Depending on how tight Mace and Obi pulled, Yoda could play a pretty awesome version of Neal Young's "Rockin' in the Free World."

    • Remember that Lucas made those movies in the days where he was wanting to make a big name for himself, and trying to get his first break. Now that he's got the money, it's not as an important thing - less motivation for greater imagination. He's getting old anyways. After seeing Ep 1, I'm not really enthusiastic about the coming ones.
    • Here's an image of the character you are talking about from a deleted scene that never made it into the movie:

      Really Tall Guy with Really Short Guy from Episode 4 []
      • "Oh my God! That CAN'T be real!! The horror, the horror...."

        (see above link for context)

        As for Mr. Nunb, that dude rocked when he did his laugh thing! "Yub, yub, yub" or whatever; I fell out of my chair laughing, thinking "I gotta hire this dude for a party sometime!"
    • Kal Falnl Cndros. Apparently a really good pilot or something. He's featured in the Star Wars CCG.
  • Lobot. (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Lobot Lobot.

    omg. Lobot.

    you know who I'm talking about.
  • No IG-88? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by haighworld ( 194832 )
    Droid gone bad.

    And a freakin' cool action figure too!
  • Yak Face (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    I can't believe Yak Face [] didn't rate in the top 10.
  • Porkins? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by grub ( 11606 ) <> on Thursday January 03, 2002 @10:29PM (#2783144) Homepage Journal

    "Stay on target...Stay on target!" Porkins
    "I've got the death sentence on 12 systems!" scumbag in cantina
    "flubbablorgafthstuknirmblaaaa.." Greedo in cantina

    Why are the most memorable characters from the first movie or two (or IV and V, depending on your viewpoint)?
    Good thing we have these gems to counteract the Jar Jar/Nsync crap.
    • Always remember that the phrase "Loosen up!" was some poor schmuck's last words... And make sure that anyone who tells you to knows it.
    • Why are the most memorable characters from the first movie or two (or IV and V, depending on your viewpoint)?
      Good thing we have these gems to counteract the Jar Jar/Nsync crap.

      Have to give you a big "darn tootin' here"...

      There is no reason in the universe that Star Wars needs to do anything special to "appeal to kids". It's just crap. What about the original star wars was "kid-friendly"? Besides Leia being a cute chick, there's nothing remotely like that, but it's part of my youth and many of yours too.

      I'm almost glad that Lucas decided they were never going to make episodes 7, 8 & 9... Imagine the hokey shit that would be in there...

      ...A 75-year-old Harrisson Ford makes a cameo in #7 holding a can of Pepsi and talking about Sprint.

      ...Yoda appears in a vision to Han & Leia's children to extoll the virtues of Microsoft cybernetic implants v11.3.

      ...A 45-year-old Britney Spears attempts a comeback in part 9 that fails when her leather pants split during filming.
    • I believe the guy's name who said "I've got the death sentence in 12 systems" was Dr. Evazan.
      His friend, the walrus-faced Aqualish who got his arm lopped off, was Ponda Baba.

      Also, for those who don't read SW novels, Porkins' first name was Jek, and he had the nickname Piggy.

    • I was hoping somebody would mention porkins. He was widely admired among both my fellow high school and college star wars fans.

      Somebody actually made an elaborate SW RPG scenario wherein we learned that porkins crash landed on the death star, and it was he who hit the self destruct button, destroying it (not luke's proton torpedoes, which missed).

    • Was this Porkins? I thought it was one of the leaders, maybe Gold Leader, that said this. I couldn't find the quote listed on IMDB though.
  • by Nathdot ( 465087 ) on Thursday January 03, 2002 @10:35PM (#2783155)
    Forgotten Characters:

    No. 1 - "That Little Kid Who Played Anakin and said 'Yippee' A Lot"

    I'd like to forget but I just can't.

  • by schussat ( 33312 ) on Thursday January 03, 2002 @10:37PM (#2783161) Journal
    This story was featured nearly a year ago at x-entertainment [] (see that link for the story without the page-by-page popups).


  • by xTK-421x ( 531992 ) on Thursday January 03, 2002 @10:38PM (#2783169) Homepage
    My namesake, TK-421.. The ill-fated stormtrooper who gets shot by Han Solo, and ends up with a bad transmitter...

    TK-421 Fan Club []
  • the torture (Score:4, Funny)

    by Alien54 ( 180860 ) on Thursday January 03, 2002 @10:41PM (#2783179) Journal
    Only here would we find the referance to Chewbaccas Father, but we also have the infamous Star Wars Holiday Special [], with Carrie Fisher singing

    The torture of it all.

  • by dpilot ( 134227 ) on Thursday January 03, 2002 @10:44PM (#2783189) Homepage Journal
    Takes the cake for me, as far as bit parts go. You can tell the guy always wanted to get into movies, and this was his BIG CHANCE. He crammed as much of his life as possible into those three words. But ya know, three words just doesn't have enough space to pack that much into, especially those three.
  • Why is this a slashdot story? It's rubbish! Have you read it, here's some of the juvenile going's on []: "Amanaman presents one of the more interesting phenomenons in the Star Wars universe, that being creatures that cannot possibly exist. Because I created the theory on evolution, and yes I did, I can tell you...anything with arms this ridiculously long would've been wiped into extinction years ago. Amanaman can't possibly do anything - much less the alleged 'headhunting'...." Seems appropriate for some starwars freaks site, but not Slashdot.
  • I never really thought about it until now, but Luke had nothing to do with the destruction of the Death Star and the defeat of the Empire in ROTJ!!! Han, Leia, and the rebel detachment took out the Shield protecting the Death Star and Lando (with Numb) and the other rebel pilots took out the Death Star. The emperor would have died anyway when the Death Star was destroyed! A depressing thought since Luke was the main hero. At least he turned Vader (who would have died with the Death Star as well). Guess he did do something after all...
  • funniest name. neeneeneeneenee [his laugh]
  • ...I caught my dog with a leg up on my Episode I DVD.

    I let him keep it, he seems to have more fun with the thing than I ever did.

    - A.P.
  • I see they have Nien Nunb and Hammerhead, but what about Greedo? I am also wondering if that Greedo-looking dude who was friends with Anakin in Episode 1 really is Greedo...
    • The Anakin vs. Greedo fight in TPM ended up on the cutting room floor, but is included in the deleted scenes section of the DVD. If you watch it, you'll understand why it was cut. The other Rodian (Greedo's race) that was hanging out with Anakin and his friends was someone else.
  • In twenty years, there will be a page similar to this, but the top 10 will be a little different, as Lucas daughters make more casting requests []:

    10. Jay Leno
    9. George Clooney
    8. Penelope Cruz
    7. John Travolta
    6. Brittney Spears
    5. Backstreet Boys
    4. O-Town
    3. Carson Daily
    2. Snoop Dogg
    1. NSync
    • Christs sake...
      His little doughter likes N'Sync.
      "Daddy I want those boys to to in the movie"... aaaaahhh...who gives a *uck what she likes.
      They should place that Justin moran together with Breasty Spe*ms and will have a great @ucking movie. And have all boys from N' be a jedi knights. And once they all got toghether they should sing their songs. Remember that late mid-evil movie where all people were singing with help of Queen's "We will rock you" and with nice electric guitar solo.......agrrrrhhhhh....agrrr....
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday January 03, 2002 @11:55PM (#2783416)
    "Thirdly, and most importantly....the voice. Do you have a friend with a really, really annoying laugh? The kind of laugh that entices thoughts of saliva slobbering and just general unpleasantness? The kind of laugh that literally keeps you from saying something funny in fear? Well, Nien Nunb doesn't have that laugh. He has that VOICE - he talks like that CONSTANTLY. What's more? LANDO UNDERSTANDS EVERY WORD HE SAYS. Fine, Lando's been around the block a few times, he's pretty well travelled. But COME ON FOLKS, WHY ON EARTH WOULD LANDO TAKE THE TIME TO LEARN THE IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGE USED BY THE MOUSY SLAVE MINERS OF THE PLANET SULLUST?!!!"

    Nien Nunb spoke swahili, and when the movies were shown in africa, audiences were know to standup and chear when that scene came on.

    • Nien Nunb spoke swahili, and when the movies were shown in africa, audiences were know to standup and chear when that scene came on.

      Ok, and who's the first karma whore who can provide us an english translation of what he said?

      • I remember reading Hot Dog magazine (or something like that) back when I was a kid. It said that his dialogue translated something like, "What are you doing over there? We need you over here!" Makes no sense whatsoever in the scene.

        OK, this is relying on a vague memory of something seen once about 18 years ago. So take it for what it's worth.

        • Reminds me of some low-budget sci-fi movie I was once saw...
          A yeti-like creature was supposed to be speaking some ancient Tibethan dialect, which in reality was simply Dutch...

          If I remember correctly he was blabbering something about "What's going on here?" ;-)
          • Reminds me of some low-budget sci-fi movie I was once saw... A yeti-like creature was supposed to be speaking some ancient Tibethan dialect, which in reality was simply Dutch...

            Or the Star Trek movie, where the Norwegian whale hunters speak Finnish. God damn.

      • From []

        ELEPHANTS,NEIN NUMB AND FEET (curiosity) (*)
        Lucas used several linguists to create languages for the aliens. The one which Nein Numb speaks is based off a Kenyan dialect. By accident or design, one of his lines ends up sounding like, "One thousand herds of elephants are standing on my foot" in this language.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      To be fair, Nien Nunb is speaking gibberish, but, it's Swahili gibberish. It's probably something like "tree apple candy lion eye goo." ;)
    • by Anonymous Coward
      Actually it's kikuyu, a tribal language of Kenya.
  • Actually, it turns out that (like every other minor character in Star Wars), the Amanaman have a fairly well-developed history and anatomy. You can read all about it at STAR WARS: Amanaman [].
  • Is this where the simpsons got "Itchy and Scratchy" from?
  • Pathetic... (Score:2, Insightful)

    by rramir16 ( 267180 )
    How pathetic is this? Star Wars was a set of MOVIES. These people were EXTRAS. Yes, they did have interesting costumes, but that's it. Perhaps this article would be better entitled "Extras from star wars about whom the coolest fan fiction has been written", because that's all the various stories written after the trilogy are.
  • by Captain Zion ( 33522 ) on Friday January 04, 2002 @06:30AM (#2784364)
    Nien Numb... I know this guy. He's the one that, after blowing up the second Death Star, declared that "1000 herds of elephants were standing on his feet."

    That happened because Lucas based the alien languages in real (obscure) languages, and Mr. Numb's is based in some African dialect that translates to this bizarre elephant statement.

  • by Kombat ( 93720 )

    Great, I was hoping for another Star Wars thread to air a complaint if mine. I'm getting really sick of people ditching on Star Wars Episodes I and II (despite not even having seen Ep. II yet!), and holding up Lord of the Rings like some holy grail, proclaiming "Look! This is how it should have been!"

    Well I'm sorry, but I've seen both movies, and LOTR was looooooong and boooooring. I didn't read the book. I didn't read any of the Star Wars books, either. But for entertainment value, if my friends and I were in Blockbuster(TM) and the choice was SW:TPM or LOTR, I personally find Ep. I far more entertaining.

    Sure, LOTR is this great, untouchable, epic work, but unless you're a basement-dwelling D&D-loving introvert, it's not really that great. It was too dramatic. I mean, come on - 3 hours??? And they didn't even manage to finally destroy the ring at the end of it??? Gimmie a break. It was waaaay too drawn out. I mean, OK, sure, they have to destroy this ring. I GET THE POINT! Just destroy it already! I mean geez, just how far away is this mystical, magical volcano, anyway!?

    But the good news is, we have 2 more whole movies of mono-plot, unresolving boredom to look forward to. Sure, it had its moments. And the effects were great. But you know what? Those exact same things apply to SW:TPM, and yet the know-it-all Ebert-wannabes here refuse to concede it.

    Gaa! It just drives me mad to hear these guys rail against SW:AOTC before they've even seen it, criticising Lucas for wanting to make enough money to actually pay for Episode 3, and knowing that these same hypocrites are still going to pay to see Episode 2! Just so they can say "I told you so." Well guess what, Lucas will still have your money, and he doesn't care why you go see it, just as long as you go see it. And to see them turn around and hold up this agonizingly long and overhyped LOTR like some work of perfection just makes me wanna scream. So you can consider this my cyber-scream: Gaaaaa!

    • I have just two things to say to you, "Ewoks" and "Jar Jar Binks"
    • I am one of the biggest Star Wars fans out there but LOTR is better on a whole than Episode I and probably Episode II. The effects were better (i.e. subtle enough not to notice them) and I cared more for the characters in it. The little dipshit, Yipee! yelling Anakin and 'Meesa Lame dumbass' Jar Jar should be shot. I liken it to Empire Strikes Back, it leaves you wanting more, ends on a down note, showing that a bigger battle is brewing later on.

      The reason they didn't destroy the ring in the first movie is because the ring was not destroyed in the first book which LOTR: FOTR is based on.

      Not reading the book is excusable, but to say and mean that they should have destroyed the ring in the first movie is just retarded. And then to bitch about movie length Get Over IT. Star Wars movies are at least 2 hours long.

      *sarcasm* Ok sure they have to destroy this 'Evil Empire' I GET THE POINT! Just Destroy it already! Why did they wait till ROTJ to do it? Why didn't Luke just go fight Vader in the first movie! GAWD! Star Wars was too Dramatic with all that acting. I wish it had more puerile Hollywood Crap in it. There should be more Jar Jar less Terrance Stamp and Liam Neeson. Acting and Drama in movies sucks!*sarcasm*

      I bet you liked the Jackal and the Replacement Killers. Those movies have no drama or cohesive story, but plenty of action and a nice tight little ending under 120 minutes to boot.

      Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. But come on you really prefer Episode I to LOTR? Good lord!

  • I have heard reports that those who haven't been thoroughly disgusted by Lucas and Co, what with Ep1 and N'Sync and all, are begining to line up in Seattle for Ep2. This is inane. Now yes, I admit waiting all day or night for the Special Editions. But after Ep1, no more, I may even wait for video.
    Don't these people have jobs to go to?
  • My favorite "forgotten character" is Admiral Piett. You know why Darth Vader didn't kill him? Because he didn't want to get his ass kicked.
  • Rebel guy: "We... are... on... a... diplomatic... mission."
    Vader: "If this is a consular ship, where is the ambassador?"
  • If you notice, most of those bit parts are non-human species, like the aformentioned, Nien Nunb. In the Star Wars universe, the only people who make any major changes are a hand full of humans. The non-humans are there to add color, but not detract from their human saviours.

    They fade away because they aren't as important as the humans. Damn speciesists!
  • The author of the article writes
    "I'd assume that someone, somewhere, at some point wrote a story about how Momaw was finally allowed back onto his home planet of Ithor."

    Hopefully he's wrong, since that would mean Momaw Nadow is most likely a dead man (rather Ithorian), as Ithor was one of the many planets destroyed, or laid waste, by the Yuuzhan Vong [].

  • Anyone else notice the resemblance to Perry Farrell?
  • Everyone loves to forget about the most under-credited character in Menace: Sabé, the queen's decoy. Without her interference at a crucial moment of the palace battle, the Trade Federation would still be holed up in Naboo.

    So instead, who do we get to see on plastered on one SW Insider magazine after another? Aurra f-ing Sing, the bald freaky long-fingered antennaed albino who has the important job of, get this, looking from right to left (or is that the other way around) as the podracers go by. Oh my, let's all bow down to her; after all, she's a bounty hunter!

    Not Entirely Serious

In specifications, Murphy's Law supersedes Ohm's.
