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Star Wars Prequels Media Movies

In Line for Episode II 263

Dave_B93 writes: "They're at it already! According to The, Two Guys have already started lining up for Episode II (To be released May 16, 2002). Updates will be posted at and at their own website will be up soon."
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In Line for Episode II

Comments Filter:
  • ugh (Score:1, Funny)

    by fiftyfly ( 516990 )
    I _know_ I have better things to do - that's why I'm here replying to such drivel @ 6:30am ;)
  • by Average_Joe_Sixpack ( 534373 ) on Saturday January 05, 2002 @08:37AM (#2790330)
    Come on I would have committed suicide after waiting in line 3 months and finally seeing "Phantom Menace"
  • Wait a minute, waiting for Star Wars E2 or Lord of the Rings E2?

    Now, if it was LOTR, I'd be much more sympathetic.
  • Wow! (Score:4, Funny)

    by zephc ( 225327 ) on Saturday January 05, 2002 @08:37AM (#2790332)
    They must be some really big 'N SYNC fans!
  • Wow (Score:5, Funny)

    by ez76 ( 322080 ) <(slashdot) (at) (> on Saturday January 05, 2002 @08:38AM (#2790334) Homepage
    One day, this will be something they'll tell someone else's grandchildren about.
      • One day, this will be something they'll tell someone else's grandchildren about.

      I reckon they'll be telling them about the time that they said that they were going to wait in line for nearly five months to see a lame film, and dozens of - ahem - reputable news sources believed them and ran it as a story.

      News: two guys have waited for five months.

      Not news: two guys have said they will wait for five months.

    • You seriously believe these people will ever have kids?
  • well I guess 4 months of suffering beforehand might make episode 2 actually enjoyable (maybe a lot of mind bending drugs would be needed as well).
  • Is it me, or does this seems like one of those cons from the old days. Where you have a few guys start screaming I want one I want one, to get the crowd in on the hype.?
  • Episode II? I waited in line a whole month for this? What the hell!
  • Just because there are two people waiting to download it off the internet already, doesn't mean their waiting in line.
  • by empesey ( 207806 ) on Saturday January 05, 2002 @08:42AM (#2790344) Homepage
    By having these guys stand in line, they're effectively removing themselves from society where they cannot be a danger to the rest of us.

    I wonder if, while they're waiting, they're listening to N'Sync CDs.

    • By having these guys stand in line, they're effectively removing themselves from society where they cannot be a danger to the rest of us.

      It is extremely likely that these men will never have sex. Thus, they will be unable to procreate. However, there's no telling how frequently they've donated sperm. Luckily, I'm sure it can be tracked and destroyed.
      • by Anonymous Coward
        sperm donation clinics aughta ask that question when reviewing applicants. "27: Have you ever sat in line for tickets to a StarWars movie for over 12 hours? [Y/N]."

        that way, they can reject applicants appropriately
      • It is extremely likely that these men will never have sex.

        Gonna have to place Star Wars beside D&D in my list of sexual repellents. I recall the following posts []:

        D&D Nitpicking (Score:5, Informative)
        by taion on Saturday December 01, @06:55PM (#2642311)

        AD&D is generally taken to refer to the second edition Dungeons & Dragons Rules.

        Neverwinter Nights will be based on the 3rd edition D&D rules (D&D3e), which is different from AD&D.

        A link to the 3rd Edition System Reference Document with all the core rules released to the Open Gaming Foundation (including Psionics!) may be found here [].

        Re:D&D Nitpicking (Score:5, Funny)
        by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 01, @07:13PM (#2642382)

        You my friend will never ever have sex.

  • amazing. (Score:2, Funny)

    by phantast ( 35247 )
    I have suddenly changed my opinion on human euthanasia.

    it would be nicely ironic if one of them got cancer right after the movie (which will suck) and ended kicking themselves for wasting such a large block of their life.
  • Maria Gardner, UConn 1983, 7 month, 14 days, 18 hours and 12 minutes.
  • by MontyP ( 26575 )
    "To be released May 16, 2002"

    That week in May is the time when college students are cramming last minute for finals and finishing up the semester. bad timing...
    • That week in May is the time when college students are cramming last minute for finals and finishing up the semester. bad timing...

      Are you kidding me? Study week is the only time I ever watch movies....

      • Agreed. (Score:1, Funny)

        by Anonymous Coward
        Everyone knows finals week is a time for getting drunk and laid. I don't know about this study thing that guy was talking about.
  • Unbelievable (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 05, 2002 @08:52AM (#2790362)

    Can someone please explain to me how standing in line for a movie three months ahead of time is a good idea? No matter what you weren't the first to see it. Plus, not only does it preclude gainful employment, it brands one's forehead with the words, "Utterly Pathetic Dork."

    You know, the funny thing is, I'm not even trying to flame -- it's just that most of the world looks at people like that with the same sort of expression that they reserve for hare krishnas.

    "Look, Helen, it's one of those Jedi weirdos...I wonder if they know it isn't real."

  • by BreakWindows ( 442819 ) on Saturday January 05, 2002 @08:55AM (#2790364) Homepage
    What a scam...if they're standing in line, how are they updating their website?
  • R.I.P. Star Wars (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Not my cup of tea anymore. I saw Episode 1 and
    did not like. I doubt I will like 2. Star Wars now sucketh and I accept that with great despair but I move on with hopes for other things. LOTR was nice. And there's always hope for a Neuromancer movie that has a Radiohead/Janes Addiction soundtrack to it.
  • by Geek In Training ( 12075 ) <cb398&hotmail,com> on Saturday January 05, 2002 @08:59AM (#2790369) Homepage
    Are these people youngsters living with their parents still? Or "oldsters" living with said mommy and daddy?

    They don't appear to have jobs, but yet are tracking everything with "cameras and journals." Is this some sort of government-sponsored "art" project?

    Seriously, where does the part about making a living and contibuting to society come in?

    Or do they each have to take an hour a week to run down to the unemployment office for their checks, and let the lady know that they applied for work at "Vandelay Industries..." (They make rubber; I'm going to be a rubber salesman.)
    • Are these people youngsters living with their parents still? Or "oldsters" living with said mommy and daddy?

      They don't appear to have jobs, but yet are tracking everything with "cameras and journals." Is this some sort of government-sponsored "art" project?

      Their Microsoft stock probably vested big...
    • And on top of all that, who's to say they are actually "in line"? Who put them in charge? Why can't I just walk up to the booth the day of the movie in front of them and buy a ticket?

      In any case, for TPM I simply bought my tickets on opening day with no problem whatsoever - the ticket drought was contrived.

  • I still do not understand why people around here didn't like Phantom Menace, and why they are certain Attack of the Clones will be a bad movie.

    These guys may be a bit extreme in their enthusiasm, but that just shows how good the previous movie was, to inspire such devotion.

  • This little stunt will only end in tragedy. They'll get their names in the papers, and wind up meeting Uber-Trekkies. The resulting union will result in offspring that will make the monsters in Aliens, seem like the Olsen Twins.

    I weep for mankind.

      • They'll get their names in the papers, and wind up meeting Uber-Trekkies. The resulting union will result in offspring that will make the monsters in Aliens, seem like the Olsen Twins

      Say what? The Olsen Twins are way scarier than Aliens, freaky little All American uber-kinder that they are. Sort of like George Lucas versions of real people.

  • That is fucking stupid.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Now they can't jerk off for four months(i assume they don't have girl friends...)

    Maybe they are enuchs...
  • From the... (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Bocaj ( 84920 )
    lets-do-something-outragious-and-get-slashdotted dept.

    Come on. This has to be another one of those "look at me" stunts. Would they do this if they didn't have a web site, and subbmitting it to slashdot? Mike, how many submitions did you get about this?

    Hey I've got a web site. How about I go wait in line for LOTR:TT? At least it will live up to the hype...
  • Here's a summary of the basic categories expected to appear in this story's discussion:

    1. "This/these guy(s) will never get laid! Dork(s)! huhuhuh. No kids for this/these guy(s)."

    2. "Phantom Menace sucked! Why would anyone bother with another George Lucas thing."

    3. "Back in my day, Episodes 4,5,&6 were really decent...(blahblah)... Now we've got N'Sync in SW."

    4. "Check out these hot Natalie Portman sex shots! []"

    5. "Here's a post summary for this story..."

    Did I miss any?
  • BFD (Score:3, Funny)

    by Chainsaw Messiah ( 223587 ) on Saturday January 05, 2002 @09:17AM (#2790405)
    I'm gonna sit here at home for 2 years until it comes out on TV!! Top that you posers!
  • by shallot ( 172865 )
    The site will soon be down if you continue posting it on Slashdot... :)
  • Hey, Jeff?

    Yeah, John?

    Just in case there is anyone out there who still doesn't know that we have absolutely no life whatsoever, let's put this on a web site!

  • Well, I have to admit, this is one way to get your '15 Minutes of Fame.'
  • by Guppy06 ( 410832 ) on Saturday January 05, 2002 @09:37AM (#2790437)
    Think about it. They're, what, 20-something? And what they are doing now they will remember as being the best time of their "lives." They didn't cure cancer, they weren't the first on Mars, no, they stood in line for five months for a two-hour movie. They'll be sitting around the "retirement village" and boring those around them with the retelling of what happened on day 37 for the umpteen millionth time.

    It's entertainment. It's not real, it's meant as a temporary escape. If you're willing to spend five months waiting for a two hour escape, forsaking all real human contact for a brief work of fiction, what you should be waiting in line for is a shrink.

    Seriously, how can these people differentiate what they're doing from what the crack whore is doing just a few blocks away?
    • by alen ( 225700 ) on Saturday January 05, 2002 @10:34AM (#2790554)
      And the funniest thing is that me living on the east coast, I'll see it before they do. And I'll get the tickets the same day on the internet.
    • by Stinky Cheese Man ( 548499 ) on Saturday January 05, 2002 @10:43AM (#2790569)
      If you're willing to spend five months waiting for a two hour escape, forsaking all real human contact for a brief work of fiction, what you should be waiting in line for is a shrink.

      You are all missing the point.

      Take a look at [].

      These are not merely foolishly infatuated fans. This is being done intentionally and thoughtfully as an "art project".

      "This project also explores the issue of the pursuit of happiness. It asks how much will a person sacrifice for a temporary acquisition, and questions whether a person can be happy with just food and shelter in pursuit of that acquisition. It also asks, will society as a whole fear or accept people for not desiring the things they desire, or for desiring things they consider frivilous or ridiculous."

      Living on the street for five months is hardly "forsaking all real human contact". In fact I expect they will have much more interesting human contact than most of us who are chained to our computers for 40+ hours a week.

      Whether you are a fan or not (and personally, I am not) this project does have deeper implications than what you are seeing.

      • Sure. Getting yelled at by drunk drive-by hooligans is "interesting human contact".
      • by alen ( 225700 ) on Saturday January 05, 2002 @11:27AM (#2790690)
        Are you refering to being laughed at, ridiculed, and pissed on by drunk college kids while sleeping "real human contact"?
      • by Guppy06 ( 410832 ) on Saturday January 05, 2002 @12:18PM (#2790828)
        "These are not merely foolishly infatuated fans. This is being done intentionally and thoughtfully as an "art project"."

        From the looks of it, these two aren't exactly sacrificing themselves for this art. They didn't sit around thinking "You know, somebody needs to sit in front of a movie theater for five months, and since nobody else is doing it, we had better be the ones to do it. It's a tough job, but..." This is "We need an excuse to do this, to make it sound legimitate..."

        Just look at the first sentence you quoted. "This project also explores..." not "This project explores..."

        "Living on the street for five months is hardly "forsaking all real human contact". In fact I expect they will have much more interesting human contact than most of us who are chained to our computers for 40+ hours a week."

        But you know, the people I see on Friday are the same people I see on Monday, and there will be a continuing relationship with those people. That's the real human contact I was referring to. These people will have as much contact with people as caged animals in a zoo. And even then that analogy falls short, as the animals at least have care-takers...
      • These are not merely foolishly infatuated fans. This is being done intentionally and thoughtfully as an "art project".

        Oh, well then, it's okay.

    • Seriously, how can these people differentiate what they're doing from what the crack whore is doing just a few blocks away?

      Well that's easy, the crackwhore is the one that's gonna have sex.
  • I wouldn't even stand in line for 3 minutes to see this.

    If episode I was anything to go by, episode II will be a pile of steaming dingos turd !

    Someone do us all and mankind a favour and get those guys eliminated from the face of the planet !

    May the fart be with you
  • Hm. My birthday. Will this follow the trend of "even year, good present" or "even year, moldy socks"?
  • I don't think I could get away with taking a four month leave of absence to stand in line for ANY movie. Then again, I actually have to work for a living, so who am I to judge.
  • After the Jar-Jar debacle, it just seems this is a bit less prestigious. Not as bad as, say, WIL for Grease II, but certainly not the glorious pursuit of WIL of LoTR. But with the rise in unemployement maybe there'll be more doing this. There's always retraining thru the local Uni Extention or Community College they could do on-line, assuming they're wireless and someone keeps their batteries charged. Best of weather to 'em.
  • I just happen to have the place in line that's the exact distance from the movie theater to my house.
  • ... what a sad pair of tossers!
  • that SW fans are the geekiest. They even beat out those weirdo ST fans who learn klingon. Some say SW and ST are fiction. I say it depends who you ask.
  • Talk about not having something better to do. These guys would be beter off if I told them how it ends...
    Skywalker dies...
    At the hands of his son...
    In another movie.

    Now you can go home and take a bath.
  • by Robber Baron ( 112304 ) on Saturday January 05, 2002 @10:31AM (#2790549) Homepage
    I mean it's not like the MPAA would ever limit it's opportunities to wring every last possible copper out of moviegoers. That's one reason I refuse to line up for movies...or almost anything else for that matter. I'll give someone money for a good or a service, but I sure as hell don't consider it a privlege to do so and won't waste MY time waiting in line just so I can make them wealthier.
  • by jpellino ( 202698 ) on Saturday January 05, 2002 @10:37AM (#2790558)
    Hire a battlebot to stand in for you, put a web cam on it, remote it from your cubicle, head over once a day to change fuel, and you can keep your job.

    That spinning one made by the nice amish-hat guys would do nicely, methinks.

  • So two guys are camping outside a movie theatre for 4 months. Couldn't they eventually be forced off the premises or arrested for vagrancy?
    • I remember my mom telling us that when she was a kid in the 30s, the 'rule' was that you had to have 27 cents on your person or else they could haul you in for vagrancy... wonder if there is in fact a number value still? There's always the 'attractive nuisance' statutes.
  • from the site...
    "Waiting for Star Wars is an art project designed to capture the evolution and journey of one person's wait for a single event (Star Wars Episode II). It will be captured by time-indexed photographs taken every hour as well as pictures and video of the people we interact with. This project also explores the issue of the pursuit of happiness. It asks how much will a person sacrifice for a temporary acquisition, and questions whether a person can be happy with just food and shelter in pursuit of that acquisition. It also asks, will society as a whole fear or accept people for not desiring the things they desire, or for desiring things they consider frivilous or ridiculous. Finally, as we move into the next millennium, I wonder if our fast-paced society has become unwilling to slow down and wait for the things that bring us the greatest joy. This wait will test my mettle as I attempt to do just that."
    By these standards you could relieve yourself in public and call it an "art project" Buy some freaking crayons and go home.
    • "Waiting for Star Wars is an art project designed to capture the evolution and journey of one person's wait for a single event (Star Wars Episode II).

      We wanna.

      It will be captured by time-indexed photographs taken every hour as well as pictures and video of the people we interact with.

      We know that the citizens of Seattle will see right thru this ruse and we're armed to the teeth with the Big Book of Geek Snaps and a fart machine. Bring it on, coffee boy.

      This project also explores the issue of the pursuit of happiness.

      We wanna we wanna we wanna!

      It asks how much will a person sacrifice for a temporary acquisition, and questions whether a person can be happy with just food and shelter in pursuit of that acquisition.

      Yeah, and peeing. Oh, the peeing. Dude, we sooooo underestimated the peeing thing. So just "food, shelter and a place to pee". The catheters cost way too much and we've never seen a Jedi wearing one.

      It also asks, will society as a whole fear or accept people for not desiring the things they desire, or for desiring things they consider frivilous or ridiculous.

      It also asks, will scientists be able to detect the altered precession of the earth due to all the spin we're putting on this crapfest.

      Finally, as we move into the next millennium, I wonder if our fast-paced society has become unwilling to slow down and wait for the things that bring us the greatest joy.

      Oooh! 'Millennium'! Doh! We forgot to use 'paradigm'!

      This wait will test my mettle as I attempt to do just that."

      It will really test my mettle when children in their parents' arms on this very sidewalk speak their first word - "Feh,"

  • Up here in North Dakota two guys waited in line for Episode 1 for like 2 weeks, had tents out and everything. Then the day of the show, 2 hours before they could get in, they got arrest for smoking pot. The guys in line started a fund to bail them out, but noone really cared. They were all just happy to get further up the line!
  • Can you say "Shill"? (Score:5, Informative)

    by AlphaGeekDude ( 548505 ) on Saturday January 05, 2002 @11:10AM (#2790636)
    shill (shl) Slang n. One who poses as a satisfied customer or an enthusiastic gambler to dupe bystanders into participating in a swindle. v. shilled, shilling, shills v. intr. To act as a shill. v. tr. To act as a shill for (a deceitful enterprise). To lure (a person) into a swindle. Link []
    • 5 informative? sheesh

      Lucus could do this movie with sock puppets and still make 100 million. I don't think he needs any shills.
      As for the movie theater, the'vee allready told those people that there is no gaurantee that they'll even get the movie, much less have tickets available.
      I should create a scripts that tryies to buy tickts from fandango, that way I could be the first to buy tickets.Then show up 2 hours before the ticket booth opens ,get in before these guys(they'll need to purchase ticket THEN go to the wait to get in line, and have a good laugh.
  • Isn't waiting in line nowadays not only pointless, but actually a BAD idea. These guys could wait in line for the first show, and it gets sold out by advance tickets ala LOTR. They would be the biggest losers of all time (although that may be a redundant statement). ;)
    • by jheinen ( 82399 ) on Saturday January 05, 2002 @12:25PM (#2790839) Homepage
      Exactly. I saw LotR on opening day at the same theater these guys are camping out at. I bought my tickets a couple of days before via Fandango, showed up at the theater about two hours ahead of time, got great seats, and enjoyed the movie.

      The funny thing is, if these guys are actually waiting to buy tickets, they might not get any. They could sell out on Fandango before the box office ever opens. I know that the first few days LotR was showing everything was sold out well in advance. I can see it now, on opening day the crowd files by them to go watch the movie while they stand outside in the Seattle rain because all the smart people bought their tickets on the internet. 4 1/2 months spent waiting for nothing. I'd pay to see that.
  • I'm really amazed someone would start a line for Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones so early. (rolling eyes heavenward)

    This kind of boggles me considering that I thought there would have been a waiting line started months earlier for the first Lord of the Rings movie (which kind of surprised me that it didn't really happen).

    William Shatner's famous remark GET A LIFE! really applies here, that's to be sure.
  • And they wonder why they can't get laid!
  • by Legion303 ( 97901 ) on Saturday January 05, 2002 @11:59AM (#2790788) Homepage
    Self-employed 01/2002 - present
    * Stood around on the sidewalk waiting for a movie, called it "art".
    * Directed scientific analysis of homeless people urine through unique collection system of personal clothing.


  • Wow, what lunatics.

    Now we know how the rest of society views regular Slashdot readers.

    (I am one, btw.)

  • Ok guys, Slashdot posted your story, you can go home now.
  • When the NEXT person in line is going to be there maybe 4 hours before the movie. That, and how the movie is going to blow goats.

    And moreso, I take this quote from their website:

    "I wonder if our fast-paced society is willing to slow down and wait for the things that bring us the greatest joy."

    I really don't think this one is going to qualify guys. In fact, I think that as you mature, you're going to see this episode of your life as a massive waste of time for something that wasn't that great. As you grow older, you'll probabably realise that in fact, this movie isn't one of the greatest things in life, but just a shallow facade that will put lots of money into George Lucas' wallet. If you're intellectually older than 8 years old, you will probably realise this even before the credits start rolling at the end of the movie.

    What's really funny though is the fact that you'll get to see commercials for Coke, Smirnoff, and Porsche for the priviledge of seeing it for free on TV, as well as paying to see it on the big screen.
  • These guys are actually standing at the BACK of the line!
  • I can see hanging out at the theatre the night before the tickets go on sale, not just to be sure to get a ticket, but because its usually a fun group of people to hang out with for a night.

    But when PM came out, I went later that day, when there were no lines, and got a ticket for the second showing. The 12:01 was sold out, but the 12:30 am showing still had available spots.

    now... I DID go to the theatre 3 hours before the movie started, and one hour before showtime the theatre was packed solid. And when I got there 3 hours early, there were already about 100 people ahead of me.

    But still.. There is NO sense in waiting 5 months to get a 30 minute advance over everyone else. Chill. :)

  • Come on, people. The Star Wars series is now a "for children only" affair. It's embarassing to see "news" about it on /.--and every little stupid detail at that.

    Of course, I'll see it... when it comes out in ASCII!

  • and report this to the S.P.D. Have em moved on, for vagrancy.

    "Yeah, we'll be here for months, and... hang on... hey, Officer.... Four months..... Move? Why?..... uh, OK.... no, no, put the baton away, I'm going, I'm going!"

    This'll be over in two days.

Kiss your keyboard goodbye!
