TiVo To Support RealNetwork Formats 205
rtphokie writes: "The flurry of announcements coming form the Consumer Electronics Show in Vegas has started with
RealNetworks ' anouncement that it had struck deals to include its technology in an array of microchips and devices, including TiVo PVRs. This is the latest move in an effort to expand from the desktop to consumer devices."
uh oh... (Score:4, Interesting)
Standards, standards, we only want standards implemented in hardware!
Re:uh oh... (Score:5, Troll)
Now I'm not against proprietary software and companies making money. But jeez, these people are as bad as the X10 ads.
Their software is slow, resource intensive, buggy and ad ware.
But let me tell you how I really feel. . .
Re:uh oh... (Score:2)
Oh, Heavens No! (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Oh, Heavens No! (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Oh, Heavens No! (Score:1)
I'm having vomitous visions of 56K RealVideo streams playing on a 50" TV. Gross. It'll look like that video phone footage from Afghanistan. *shudder*
Re:Oh, Heavens No! (Score:1)
Re:Oh, Heavens No! (Score:2)
That's it, Convergence! (Score:2)
In the future, computers will not be programed to help you select the content you want, they will be programed to force you to watch even more comercials. "Don't touch that dial while I play this new Lexus advert. I won't let you anyway."
Really, I hope not but it looks like the TV is creeping closer to my computer than the other way around.
Re:Oh, Heavens No! (Score:1)
Re:Oh, Heavens No! (Score:2)
Re:Oh, Heavens No! (Score:2)
While I don't agree that the video on the TiVo looks excellent(there are often MPEG artifacts, even at the highest quality, this seems to have gotten worse with the "smoothing" option in 2.5), I certainly agree that the Real Video codec will certainly look much worse. I have many episodes of the Simpsons that are in .rm format and I can't even stand to watch them. They are encoded about 175-250 kilobytes/s (compared to TiVo's 250-300 k/s for basic quality) and look absolutely terrible. And how are people going to get these clips onto their TiVos? Through the 56k modem? It is possible to hook your TiVo up to a standard network using PPP or TiVoNET (I use the former, so I don't even have a 56k connection, it is only 38,400 bps), but it would still be a hefty download for even one half-hour show. IMHO, the Real codec is one of the worst codecs currently available. I would much rather they implement OpenDivx, Ogg or even [shudder] Windows Media.
Re:Oh, Heavens No! (Score:4, Informative)
Actually, yes ;-). A 30 hour (at basic) TiVo has a 30 GB hard drive, which equals about 1 GB (1024 MB)/hr at basic quality. This equals 17.06 MB/minute and .284 MB(or 291.27 Kilobytes)/second. This of course discounts the parts of the TiVo that do not store MPEG data, like the root filesystem, swap, etc., so the actual bitrate is even a little less than that. I based my .rm rates on the Simpson episodes that I mentioned in the previous post. An average episode is ~250 MB for 22 minutes of video. (250 MB / 22 minutes / 60 seconds) * 1024 KB per MB = 193.93 Kilobytes per second. Just because I didn't quote my math in my original post doesn't mean I didn't do the math. These are comparable bitrates and the .rm looks much worse than the mpeg.
Say what you want about RM's shitty software, almost never do we see RM files encoded at a bitrate even approaching most MPEG files.
That was my point, that I do have .rm's at a bitrate approaching many MPEG files and it still looks like dog shit.
Re:Oh, Heavens No! (Score:3, Informative)
Who said they were dropping MPEG? They've agreed to use RealNetworks technology for music management [quote.com], not to replace the video codec for recording television programs!
Re:Oh, Heavens No! (Score:1)
Re:Oh, Heavens No! (Score:2)
And so the battle lines take shape (Score:2)
Reminds me of that Tolkien battle with all the armies and the Nazgul and everyone.
Re:And so the battle lines take shape (Score:1)
I'm still working this out... there's:
Microsoft/Comcast and the XBox, possible further development which ties it and set-top into same platform
RePlay, dunno who they're teaming up with yet
Real & TiVo (I like TiVo)
Microsoft and DVD players for Windows Media
Real in bed with Hitachi, Philips, Sony, STMicroelectonics (They're right across the street from me) for DVD and PS2
What else? A Linux box with Ogg Vorbis or MPEG-4 thrown into the mix?
It's kinda like when all the armies are showing up, dwarves, men, elves, orcs, Nazgul, etc. and ya figure at some point there's going to be a big shakeout (the market commoditizes for good and for bad)
Oh great... (Score:5, Funny)
Real, TiVo & Big Brother Databases (Score:5, Insightful)
Am I the only one who remembers when RealNetworks was Progressive Networks, and Rob Glazer was helping to support liberal politicsl causes?
Re:Real, TiVo & Big Brother Databases (Score:1)
Liberalism is not really progressive (Score:1, Insightful)
Last time I knew, the progressive.com was taken over to sell car insurance.
Re:Real, TiVo & Big Brother Databases (Score:2)
Re:Real, TiVo & Big Brother Databases (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Real, TiVo & Big Brother Databases (Score:2)
Screw real player and mpeg... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Screw real player and mpeg... (Score:1)
Re:Screw real player and mpeg... (Score:1)
Re:Screw real player and mpeg... (Score:2, Funny)
1) DivX **IS** MPEG
2) and so is DVD
Hope you were sitting down...
Might be useful (Score:1)
Re:Might be useful (Score:1)
That would be my guess - the RePlay 4000 series already has Ethernet support (and the hackers are already figuring out ways to extract the videos from your RePlay to your PC) and in theory has the ability to d/l video via the 'net. I'm not aware of any sites providing video at this moment, however.
Just wait, in a couple of years the new Pr0n viewers of choice will be DVRs. Pay a couple bucks & d/l "Bigguns #14: Attack of the Clones" overnight for later viewing. I can hardly wait!
need new Tivo? (Score:4, Interesting)
For me to shell out more money for a new box, they better be offering some real compelling content. The Tivo already records more stuff than I could possibly find time to watch.
Re:need new Tivo? (Score:1)
Why? Just a update to the software (which happens from time to time as is) and a card [9thtee.com] to older boxes and you are set.
(I'm sure some things can be done without the card, but if you don't otherwise use 56K, you should force your TiVo to.)
Real (ha) compelling content. (Score:1)
Or they just stop supporting the old boxes. But such a blow to their established market would be a fatal error, no matter what promise the new technology holds.
Suppose, though, that cash strapped as they are, they offer you a trade-in/upgrade. What would you do?
As far as I'm concerned, the choices are getting muddier. Things aren't getting better, they're getting worse because some of these companies are now soley focused on profit. Technology of tomorrow with the quality of VHS, all for a subscription fee. Gee, thanks.
Re:Real (ha) compelling content. (Score:2)
Great (Score:5, Funny)
Maybe TiVo can get their codecs to perform (Score:5, Troll)
On the exact same connection I can get near VHS quality streams (BBC online is a great example with their 300 Kbps feed) using windows media. I've tried many different Real feeds that claim the same bandwidth targets, and I've yet to see one that is watchable. I wish Real were better, but it not even in the same ballpark.
I think Real has done more to give streaming video a band name, than any other company out there.
Perhaps TiVO can figure out what's wrong.
Re:Maybe TiVo can get their codecs to perform (Score:1)
Re:Maybe TiVo can get their codecs to perform (Score:2)
Of course I don't watch a ton of long feeds on the net, mostly short things like movie trailers or clips. Maybe thats the difference?
Re:Maybe TiVo can get their codecs to perform (Score:2)
An opportunity for Tivo (Score:4, Insightful)
Tivo is hamstrung in that it has -- for most consumers who don't specifically modify the device -- only a 56K modem to get video into the device. Tivo's got to come up with something else, and darned if RealNetworks doesn't already have ready-made code that can run on Linux. What else would they choose? Microsoft's Media format?
Seems to me that Tivo needs to take a page from SonicBlue's playbook and start making broadband-capable Tivos ASAP. You might as well forget about asking me to download
Re:An opportunity for Tivo (Score:5, Insightful)
How about photocopy the whole damn book? Their whole business model sucks, "giving away" the player and "making money" (obviously not) off the guide fee. It only leads to people getting pissed off for being charged for 3+ guides (TiVo, DirecTV, Digital Cable etc.) They might as well give you the player for free and charge $50/mo for the TiVo logo.
It seems they could have a much more lucrative business if they built an entire accessory line around the base device. They should take at serious look at the game console market if they want to know how to make more money after selling the basic box. It's all in the expansion, stupid.
- Put in 1394 ports and sell external expansion hard drives that every moron can install w/o a kernel recompile. Sell a purple TiVo-branded 30GB 1394 HD for $200 or so, and you would actually make money off hardware. Don't limit the number of drives, and you'd be surprised how many drives you'd find in some homes.
I would bet that just offering external storage expansion alone would seriously improve their bottom line. They could easily co-brand an ADS 1394 enclosure, throw in a cheap 30GB HD--all for $60 to them, while selling it for $200 or $250.
- Add an Ethernet port and sell PC (and Mac) software that lets you manage the TiVo over the network: provide a more powerful (and quicker) version of the on-screen menus, save shows to PC for possible burning to CD/DVD, watch streaming video on multiple PCs from the TiVo etc. IOW, sell all the stuff hackers are working on anyway, while actually making money off it.
- Sell a purple TiVo-branded broadband router as a "broadband adapter" or under some other such Joe-Blow-appealing label. Take the opportunity that you're actually providing a killer app for home networking to become a major force in home networking. Become a pioneer in phoneline, powerline and wireless networking appliances.
- Otherwise expand the digital entertainment management idea that the TiVo introduced.
Instead, they're resting on their original laurels with nary any innovation since (save the DirecTiVo, if that's innovation). TiVo could have worked hard and become THE digital media company, but they pretty much paused their vision along with live TV. They remind me a lot of Palm.
Re:An opportunity for Tivo (Score:2)
> ). TiVo could have worked hard and become THE digital media company, but they pretty much paused their vision along with live TV. They remind me a lot of Palm.
LOL. I agree. The inovators or pioneers must continue to set the standard or be rushed under by someone who can take advantage of the core product -- with the features the consumers REALLY want. Case in point: RioVolt MP3 players. I almost bet that the fact that a small group of programmers (and their managers) at iRiver who have constantlly listened to consumers and implemented these requests into multiple firmware updates regularly for their products is the biggest reason that RioVolts (in the us) and Iriver's in the rest of the world -- have literally walked away with everyones dollars, in the wake of dozens of competing models. (I mean if you are already bleading millions of VC into a product -- it does not hurt to spend a bit on little pirks to the consumers -- it will pay back tenfold)
Re:An opportunity for Tivo (Score:2)
Actually first party companies don't make money on peripherals. Usually someone like SONY will sell a memory card for say $34 and joe-bob third party will sell one for $20. Well guess which one most people buy (but guess which one sucks). Most console makers lose money on hardware (sega) and make it on software licensing (SONY). The hardware biz sucks. I do agree though they they need someway of transferring data off the device before I'll buy one. I know the critics would scream about piracy, but I want to be able to burn a show onto a DVD or at least store it on my 100 gig drive on my Linux box. Oh well
Re:An opportunity for Tivo (Score:2)
Excactly, that's what the consumer wants, and frankly, it's the most natural extension of the base idea one can think of. I believe sooner or later this moronic phobia of piracy will have to subside one way or another, because it clearly does not serve the consumer. Not being able to do anymore something that we've done for well over a decade (tape shows on TV for later watching or showing to friends)--just because we're moving to a new medium--doesn't make any sense and doesn't sit well with consumers. People expect more choices from new technology, not less. It's the old saying all over again: just because we can (exert more control) doesn't mean we should.
Re:An opportunity for Tivo (Score:2)
No, but look at the market they are in. They have stiff competition between several products that all have benefits. They're potential customer may also be very wary of spending a fortune on one of the new fangled PVR's. "Will I even use this thing?"
What if they follow all of the EXCELLENT advise in the above post...
By being the company that offers super-easy and flexible upgrade options, it allows Joe Sixpack to buy a low-end model now with the assurance that when he's totally hooked on the Tivo experience, he can easily turn the 30hour unit into a 120hour unit by going down to Circuit City, buying an external hard drive that looks great stacked, going home, and plugging in power and a daisy chain cable to the Tivo.
He should also be able to replace modules to deal with upgrades and expansion. Would I buy a "next generation" Tivo for ~$400? No, probably not. But I sure would seriously consider buying an upgrade module for my existing unit at ~$100-$150 if it offered some decent options without taking away any of the freedom that I enjoy now.
Re:An opportunity for Tivo (Score:2)
> to buy a low-end model now with the assurance that when he's totally hooked on the Tivo
> experience, he can easily turn the 30hour unit into a 120hour unit...
Exactly. The thing is, most people probably wouldn't be interested in all the possible options (though most
Re:An opportunity for Tivo (Score:2)
Re:An opportunity for Tivo (Score:2)
Not that I support the Man or anything, but it could be done.
Re:An opportunity for Tivo (Score:2)
That's the major caveat with some of my recommentations at the moment. Yet it is something that I think will eventually be solved one way or another--maybe through a sensible extension of fair-use laws into the 21st century, who knows. Or maybe some large manufacturers banding together against the content owners, such as Philips and others. Or maybe some large conglomerates like Sony that have their fingers both in the electronics and the content pies, being torn between losing potential revenue from one or the other, will come up with some fair use ideas that will compromise between the two camps. I really don't know, but I know that people will get more and more pissed at having all these new unfulfilled possibilities with digital media, all because of artificial restrictions.
Re:An opportunity for Tivo (Score:2)
Re:An opportunity for Tivo (Score:2)
If you add a NIC, and a modem, and (of course) a wireless NIC when you only need one of them you start getting into real money that drives the initial price of the unit way up. What they need is to offer externally pluggable communications modules. They should build NAT into all of them to facilitate home networking. If you choose the modem module, it should dial the 800 number by default, but allow you to set it up to dial your ISP whenever someone on your home network needs access or it needs to download updates.
There are so many great things they could do. I bought my Tivo about a year ago and absolutely love it. I chose Tivo because of their willingness to allow folks to mess with the system.
Great (Score:2)
I'm still rooting for RealNetworks (Score:3, Insightful)
Nevertheless, I'm still rooting for RealNetworks, inasmuch as they're still giving Microsoft a run for their money. It's not that I especially hate Microsoft, although I do; it's that the last thing this industry is yet another concentration of formats in the control of one corporation. Windows Media is no more or less proprietary than realmedia, but when there are two competing crappy proprietary formats, at least they're more likely to keep each other honest that way.
And thankfully, this is just another sign that RealNetworks has what it takes to continue leading in this sector. Back in April, RealNetworks negotiated a deal with AOL [pcworld.com] to bundle their software with AOL's, putting them at #1. I'm certainly not a fan of AOL, for what it's worth, but that's probably the second easiest/best way to get one's software on the desktop of millions of ordinary users, next to bundling it with Windows itself.
Now if only TiVo would stay solvent long enough for all this to make some sort of difference....
Re:I'm still rooting for RealNetworks (Score:1)
Linux quicktime important, but not necessary (Score:1)
Try supporting the one that does a good job (Score:3, Interesting)
It's people like you who put Netscape where it is today. While MS was improving IE, you and your ilk were sitting around saying, "Hey, it's okay that Netscape munges tables and needs to reload everything if I *gasp* resize the page -- everyone should support them because they're not Microsoft!" Keep supporting screw-ups just because you hate their enemy and you'll ensure that they always remain screw-ups, because the only thing they need to do to retain that particular business model for a while is to not be bought out by said enemy -- that is, until they finally go out of business because people couldn't take the crappiness anymore.
Oh, and this is coming from someone who prefers Windows Media Player 8, hates all versions of QuickTime, and is happy enough with Real to be a GoldPass subscriber ('though not a Real One subscriber, although that's the player I use for Real now). And call me crazy, but I let them bill me every month because the service they provide is worth it to me, not because they ain't Microsoft.
Real in a nutshell... (Score:1, Funny)
Real = terrible (Score:5, Informative)
it is "spyware"
it is non-secure: that is, use of it injects data into your system that you don't have the control over to save, copy, or do what you want.
Unless you are careful, it splatters itself all over your desktop
If you are a real idiot, you get spammed if you enter your e-mail address during set-up.
Unless you are careful, it keeps nagging you to upgrade to a version that is less secure and works worse than the previous version.
Re:Real = terrible (Score:3, Funny)
The optimum, of course, is free, open formats like MPEG. But no one sends cocaine and hookers to the hotel rooms of content providers and hardware manufacturers to support free and open formats, so it doesn't happen.
Re:Real = terrible (Score:2)
Re:Real = terrible (Score:2)
That's your problem right there. Howard the Duck was a horrible movie. The software was just trying to protect you.
Wheres Open Divx? (Score:2)
Allot of closed codecs with high license models seem to be the only ones competing. I want to see more open hardware and less reliance on costly software.
BTW, Realplayer is icky. With 200meg quality divx ep's of Star Trek Enterprise, I can fit 3-4 on a CD.
Re:Wheres Open Divx? (Score:2)
All I see out there is Windows DLL files and Pentium-optimized Linux source.
I'd pay good money for a hardware MPEG+DiVX encoder/decoder on a PCI card with an open API.
Pay only now (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Pay only now (Score:2)
I'm waiting for the day that you have to pay to watch streaming content on the web.
Well, you'll either pay for it or watch ads during the content. Did you think all that bandwidth was free? Or that content providers were just going to do it out of the goodness of their hearts for you, because they think you're just such a special guy?
I won't hold my breath. (Score:1)
Compatible with RealPlayer? (Score:3, Interesting)
On a lighter note, maybe I can now watch flash movies on my TV. Hyakugojuuichi! [cwru.edu]
What the fuck? (Score:2)
I really don't understand why real has deals on the playstation2 and the tivo... last I checked people don't use either of them for listening to badly-encoded audio or video.
Just like Realplayer (Score:1)
Great... (Score:3, Redundant)
PDA's, QuickTime (Score:1)
Apple better come out with a set top QuickTime digital recorder fast. They're getting left behind again (no offense to you Apple folks out there, kudos on OS X).
Re:PDA's, QuickTime (Score:1)
Quicktime 6 ff will be MPEG4 (Score:2)
TiVo to Support Canada! (Score:3, Funny)
This is the first of many... (Score:2)
While I say, "Hurray!" for content being able to be downloaded over the Internet directly to my television, I already know where this is going. Vendor lock-out. And if you want to broadcast your videos over the Internet to your special interest group, you're going to have to marry a vendor. Ugh.
Reason #8 we need an open source PVR/VOD box. Convergence is happening in the television space.
Famous quotes from Slashdotters (Score:2)
"Would you like some open source fries with that?" :)
Re:This is the first of many... (Score:3, Informative)
RealNetworks should DIE! (Score:2, Troll)
On top of that their windoze product annoys you enough to classify it as nagware, specially with the impertinent 'agent' or whatever that will not leave your system tray alone.
RealNetworks should just plain die and disappear. They'd be doing a public service.
Look for RIAA implications (Score:2)
i can't wait to see Hilary Rosen's comments on this.
possibly the most interesting and contentious item mentioned in this blurb.
Of all the horrible formats... (Score:1)
It's been asked so much that it's pointless, but WHY DO WE NEED proprietary formats?!? What's wrong with MPEG4?
***sigh of exasperation***
A Pity Case (Score:2)
Now of course everyone's response to this is that TiVO should start using open-source codec x or version of DiVX y, but let's face facts people, huge corporations aren't going to give some little-known format a try in their mass-market products just for kicks. If you really want to see RM and WM go away, you have to look to MPEG-4. I would expect to start seeing the big names involved in the format start rolling out big-name products that use MPEG-4 this summer. Apple just started including MPEG-4 support in their OSS QuickTime Streaming Server [apple.com] and it seems likely that they will start including the codec with the player so everyone can export MPEG-4 streams sometime this year.
Re:A Pity Case (Score:2)
Especially since it offers no "strategic business synergies". Whenever a manu pairs up with a software company like real, Apple or Microsoft, they get more than just a codec, they get a partner. As time has shown us, being partnered with the OSS community doesn't offer the same business advantages, since the OSS community doesn't actually have any, eh, money.
Overreacting? (Score:2, Insightful)
hardware decoding (Score:2)
Enough TiVo power for this? (Score:2)
I'm just wondering if the poor little TiVo will be able to cope with all the rest of its housekeeping (like streaming the broadcast data to and from disk) and still have enough left to run Real's codec. Perhaps I underestimate the TiVo's CPU power here, but there are times when it definitely chugs (e.g. in displaying the menus after hitting the TiVo button on the remote--that can take up to 7 or 8 seconds in some cases).
Bringing the reliability of the desktop to... (Score:2)
Re:Bringing the reliability of the desktop to... (Score:2)
I suspect a lot of the DVD compatability problems affect non-R1 discs more than R1 masters, though.
Wow, real video! (Score:1)
Somebody besides Microsoft _REALLY_ needs to develope a good streaming MPEG4 video codec implementation and start licencing it off for cheap.
What I want in my next TiVo. (Score:3, Interesting)
For my next one I want HDTV support. Right now I have to switch in and out of TiVo to watch HD shows.
I want broadband support. My monthly service for TiVo is effectively doubled since I have to keep a phoneline around for it. I guess I could hack in TivoNet...but I don't have time right now. I want to totally switch to my cell phone.
I want the ability to move shows to other recorders..or better yet, have one master box and several slaves on other TVs similar to that new one that was just announced.
Hacking in TivoNet doesn't take much time. (Score:2)
Getting more useful things like TivoWeb set up takes a bit more time, and some Linux experience, but I'd be shocked if anyone who could basically follow a sheet of paper with directions couldn't install TivoNet without any problems at all.
RM quality (Score:1)
I encode a fair amount of content using they're free realproducer frequently. The difference between something as simple as s-video sources rather than composite video or coax.
Also, the bitrate and how it is allocated makes a big difference, I don't mean just throwing the highest quality samplerate at it and letting it go. I've seen to many people encode something at 200kbps+ and leave the audio at "Voice Only" which sounds like absolute crap
I wouldn't be surprised to see (Score:3, Interesting)
This is probably for advertising. (Score:2)
People's TiVos also went and recorded a Lexus commercial which many claimed interfered with another program they had expected the TiVo to record. People were up in arms about this, and for a time, the online TiVo forums were swamped with requests for information on how to opt out of this nonsense. (To opt out, call TiVo. They'll gladly kill future adverts for you. I did, and haven't had any more junk.)
Presumably what TiVo wants to do now is to have video downloaded during the nightly call, so they can do future video advertisements without interfering with program schedules and, more importantly, avoid paying broadcasters to display the commercial/video they want recorded.
As an aside - how many of you bought your TiVo to avoid watching commercials, not to have new ones added?
Re:This is probably for advertising. (Score:2)
Video downloading is the only thing that makes even a little sense. Low bandwidth, computationally inexpensive video is the only place Real has an edge compared to the free alternatives.
Great! (Score:5, Funny)
err. wait. That's what tv is.
Re:Why? (Score:2, Insightful)
It's so you can download content to your Tivo to view on your TV.
They are probably thinking in terms of PPV movies.
Re:Why? (Score:2, Informative)
"One of the emerging themes this week (at CES) is the whole digital convergence in the home, and what we have in place with TiVo is what I think is the most concrete practical example of that," Glaser said.
In short, they are looking at an internet appliance of sorts. Hook TiVo up to the TV and the internet and you have a way of interfacing with internet content.
For Video Compression (Score:2, Interesting)
I believe that up until now they have used some flavor of MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group) compression. If TiVo were to use license Real's software, they could program their boxes to create low-bitrate copies of shows for viewing on PDA's, etc.
Re:Virus alert (Score:2)