The Tick to be Cancelled 302
mr.buddylee writes "This is a short write up, but evidently The Tick is going to be cancelled. " There
really isn't much there to read except the notice. I'll keep watching until
the last episode airs on Jan 24. I enjoyed it even if it was put in
a terrifying time slot guaranteeing that nobody saw it. I think if it
had a full season to find a footing it would have been a real winner.
Ah well, good luck to Ben and his future projects.
Good riddance (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Good riddance (Score:2)
Re:Good riddance (Score:3, Insightful)
IMO, it had a different "silly magic." I loved Warburton's Tick, though it was as different from the animated version as Tom Welling's "Superboy" is different from Kirk Allyn's "Superman." His deadpan simplicity remins me of Dave Einstein ("Super Dave") before he got old and lost a bit of his skills.
I lost all hope for the series' continuance just a few minutes ago when I checked the TV sched and found an all-night marathon of the crappiest cartoon on earth, "The Family Man."
This does not make the world a better place. YMMV.
Re:Good riddance (Score:2, Informative)
Awh (Score:1)
Re:Awh (Score:1)
Invader Zim (Score:3, Interesting)
Also the brainchild of a independent comic...uh...guy, the fellow who did Johnny the Homicidal Manic.
Doom Dooom Doom Dooom Doom Dooom De Doom Dooom....
Johnen Vasquez vs Ben Edlund (Score:2)
I've also never seen Invader Zim. Is that what happened to Vasquez after the second issue of "I Feel Sick!"? There was mention of a cartoon, but...
But there is a world of difference between The Tick and JTHM. The first time I walked into my favorite indie-friendly comic shop (and I still patronize that sort even if it means going 40 minutes out of my way and spending a lot more than I would on subscriptions, because I value their existance, damnit!) and laid eyes on the grotesque and fascinating work that was Johnny, I was blown away. Twisted. Sick. Perverse. Strangely compelling. His world is the polar opposite of The Tick. With the same innocent disconnectedness, but nothing else in common, Johnny sees himself as artist and equalizer, striking out against the "righteous" and popular, the petty and mostly harmless bullies and bureaucrats of his world, sometimes with a spork. And while he terrifies poor Squee (see Squee's own title), he never considers harming the victim of the condescending, the contemptuous, the too-perfect. And somehow, you're never quite sure if Johnen himself is sane, or even safe.
Now, a show (cartoon, of course) based on JTHM would be... frightening. It would never sell. But... the kid brother of a friend, who I had introduced to JTHM, actually contacted Johnen and got his permission to adapt a play from that same series... and managed to produce and run it at a rather uptight and proper elite high school. And it went over well. Remarkable...
So, your thoughts... whither bound the properties of The Tick? Will we ever see another show, animated or otherwise? Perhaps a new patron could be found, one willing to give it a real chance?
For now, I must actually record myself some episodes of this "Invader Zim"... it will be some consolation, at least.
Eh, wasn't enough to keep you watching (Score:2, Interesting)
It wasn't the worst show of the fall season (Score:1, Offtopic)
Well, I'll miss it. (Score:2)
Oh, well, I watched it on ReplayTV and skipped the commercials anyway, so I'm sure I made them no money.
Spooon? Spooon! (Score:2, Funny)
all I can say is: grip too tight. Must... Break... Free...
Re:Spooon? Spooon! (Score:1, Redundant)
Re:Spooon? Spooon! (Score:1)
Nigh InVULnerable (Score:1)
glad I didn't carve THAT on the moon though...
Jeez Louise, Man - Where's the Villainy? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Jeez Louise, Man - Where's the Villainy? (Score:1)
Re:Jeez Louise, Man - Where's the Villainy? (Score:5, Informative)
Issue 1: The Tick jumps around buildings, meets some ninjas (but does not bother to fight them much, as they clearly pose no threat to him whatsoever), sits in a diner and argues with a waiter about being a tick, passes out and wakes up in a subway tunnel, is rescued by "Clark", a badly disguised superhero.
Issue 2: Tick spends the entire issue trying to become Clark's friend, mostly pissing him off.
Issue 3: The Tick actually fights some Ninjas, but 90% of the book is dialogue between Tick and Oedipus, or funny dialogue among the ninjas.
Issue 4: More ninjas, but mostly time spent getting to know Arthur and Paul The Samurai.
Issue 5: Ninja story resolved.
Issue 6: Tick fights The Red Scare, who is not, in fact, a real villain, but an actor hired to pretend he is a villain. A lot of the focus is really on building the relationship between Arthur and Tick. ("You're not... funny, are you?")
Issue 7: Chairface.
That's right, folks, it took 7 issues (of a comic that only ran for 12) before the first major villain was actually introduced.
And then from there... Issue 8 Tick and Arthur argue with Arthur's sister, and decide to leave the City.
Issue 9 is a road trip story.
Issue 10 is more road trippin'
Issue 11, Tick and Arthur coping with New York superhero culture.
Issue 12, Tick moves into his new home.
The truth is that The Tick live-action show, with all of the time spend hanging around exchanging funny dialogue, was much closer in pace and tone to the original than the cartoon was. The cartoon could not really spend time pondering stuff like the sexuality of superheroes (which the book did A LOT, although in more subtle ways that the recent show did). Most of the fights in the comic were over in one or two panels, as the Tick was so absurdly hard for anybody to seriously hurt.
Re:Jeez Louise, Man - Where's the Villainy? (Score:2)
While I've watched all the live episodes I've been able to, I've rarely found myself laughing out loud, which happened regularly with the animation.
If I had to blame the death of "The Tick" on something, it would be weak writing.
Re:Jeez Louise, Man - Where's the Villainy? (Score:3, Informative)
Episode 1: The Idea Men
2: Chairface
3: Dinosaur Neil
4: Mr Mental
5: The BreadMaster
6: El Seed
... and so on.
Practically every episode had a humorous villain, which gave every episode focus but made the general "life" problems more funny because of the disconnect between supervillainy and trying to fix the microwave, etc.
Re:Jeez Louise, Man - Where's the Villainy? (Score:2)
You just answered your own question. The Tick was, in fact, a wanna-be superhero.
Oh well...I won't miss it... (Score:2, Interesting)
*yawn* (Score:1)
Re:*yawn* (Score:2, Interesting)
Patrick Warburton (Score:2, Interesting)
(Before this gets modded down, Warburton portrayed the Tick. Not completely random.)
Re:Patrick Warburton (Score:1)
Dang (Score:5, Funny)
Now, I'm not saying everyone who watches Fox is cranially deficient, but think about the kind of shows the network survives on. Ally McBeal. Melrose Place. Temptation freakin' Island! The network is built on running low-brow shows that copy from other successful shows. When The Tick delivers one of his trademark metaphors, most of the audience is wondering why they aren't seeing any car chases or strippers.
Now I'll admit that Fox's early reason for surviving was the Simpsons, but that's an exception in a sea of low-quality knock-offs.
I'll miss ya, Tick.
Re:Dang (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Dang (Score:2, Insightful)
Actually, if I recall correctly, it was "Married with Children..." that was Fox's first major success.
This, however, lends even more credence to your argument. ;)
Married with Children (Score:2)
Kind of like the topless donut shops that pop up in California: an incredibly stupid idea, but you're pretty much guaranteed that NOW will show up and protest, getting you press coverage, and the thing works for a few months (before succumbing to the "incredibly stupid idea" thing).
Re:Dang (Score:2)
Or, maybe, the show only has three or four jokes and, while they're funny, they wear out after a few weeks. The Tick speaks in weird metaphors, his fellow superheros have the foibles and frustrations of ordinary mortals and -- OK, two jokes. Oh, and he used to yell "Spoooon!" but he doesn't do that any more for copyright reasons.
It was good for a few laughs but did you guys really think this was going to stay on the air for more than a season or two?
Re:Dang (Score:2)
Why should anybody expect the gag to be pounded out during the first 6 episodes of the live show?
All these fucking fanboys whining about how it's not the same as the dumbed-down cartoon make me want to puke. The original books WERE the tick. All else (Tick issues by other authors, the cartoon series, the live show, the toys, etc.) are merely Ben Edlund's well-deserved opportunity to pay off his college loans.
Personally, I thought the cartoon was okay, if a little shallow... and the live series started out kind of weak in the pilot episode but found its legs quickly and was easilly better than 90% of the shit that gets passed on as comedy these days.
Re:Dang (Score:2, Funny)
"You're on a first name basis with lucidity, chum. I have to call him Mr. Lucidity, which is no good when you're in a pinch."
Re:Dang (Score:2)
Re:Dang (Score:2)
Other Stations (Score:2)
The Simpsons? (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:The Simpsons? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:The Simpsons? (Score:1)
Re:The Simpsons? (Score:1)
Try Simpsons DOOOOOO
they are still running new seasons man.......the last simpsons episode is going to be a real lost to an entire generation of people....I grew up with them....I still remember the first season and how it was such a scandal for Bart to say "Eat My Shorts man" ahhh....how inocent we were in the late 80s
Re:The Simpsons? (Score:1)
Re:The Simpsons? (Score:4, Informative)
The commentary on The Simpsons season 1 DVDs explains some of that history, especially how ripoffs of simpsons merchandise started appearing even before the end of the first season.
And I gotta say, I saw The Tick's pilot a long time before the series actually debuted, and loved it. But aside from the pilot, the show itself has been a big letdown. Though I held out hope it would get better, I'm not at all surprised it's being cancelled. It just wasn't that funny. Maybe someone'll give Mr. Edlund another cartoon instead. Whether it was the Tick or something else, I'd watch it.
Re:The Simpsons? (Score:2)
and the theaters (Score:2)
Maybe not so bad news (Score:1, Interesting)
I think it could work. It won't be a huge success, but it'll definitely have a cult following.
Comedy Central? (Score:1, Offtopic)
Re:Comedy Central? (Score:4, Insightful)
It's certainly in their price range. How much did they spend on production values? $1.98?
Without the epic grandeur that was the Tick comic book and animated series, the live-action series became smaller than life, becoming more of an ironic statement than a big, steaming cup o' hommage to the glorious yesteryear of comic book superheroes!
Ahem, but I degress. Where were the villains? The villains with villany so insane they could be called mad! Where was Charles, the evil brain-child? Where was Chairface Chippendale? Without these larger than life adventures for the Tick to rail against with his child-like enthusiasm for Justice, I just don't see the point. I mean, where's that call to the Heroe's Quest, chum? Where's the kind of adventure that makes you want to cry, "SPOOOOON!!!"
Ahem. Sorry, I don't know what came over me. I haven't been the same since I found moth suite at a garage sale the other day.
Re:Comedy Central? (Score:1, Interesting)
Re:Where the villains are (Score:2)
Oh, I know that. What I meant was why couldn't they create new villains who were larger than life. I mean, they could at least have done Tommy the Evil Boy Genius. The problem is they backed away from creating really epic villains to doing a Seinfeldesque sitcom about the main characters dealing with anemic villains that couldn't scare Police Chief O'Hara from the old Batman series.
Advertising (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Advertising (Score:2)
Re:Advertising (Score:2)
Frontline (Score:1, Funny)
The Tick is gone?!?!?
I bet its because PBS [pbs.org] put Frontline [frontline.com] against it!
-MichaelTake a hike! Go to http://www.mtnhike.com
Live Action Tick (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Live Action Tick (Score:2)
As for live-action Johnny Bravo... Why do I get the feeling that parts of it would look like a Tool video?
The cartoon rules (Score:2)
Re:The cartoon rules (Score:2, Interesting)
--I feal----Funnky---monnkey---
Re:The cartoon rules (Score:2)
Oh well... (Score:1)
Sigh... (Score:2, Interesting)
"Jeez. I thought Ninjas just got sucked up into jet engines.."
Given Fox's recent fare of programming, I didn't expect it to last. The only thing left is the Simpsons, since I can only get the last 15 minutes of Futurama because football runs over. C'mon guys, if the game goes too long EVERY WEEK, don't you think you can schedule around it?
Re:Sigh... (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Sigh... (Score:2)
Typical Network Antics (Score:5, Interesting)
Networks are great at shooting themselves in the foot when it comes to innovation. Remember the Clerks animated cartoon? It only lived long enough to spawn 6 episodes but was hilarious and had the trademark Clerks humor out the wazzoo. The episodes built the plot successively, so if you didn't see episode one before 2 you could be slightly lost.
Guess what. NBC (or was it CBS) aired the 4th episode as the pilot! People were lost and wondering what the hell was going on when they saw it. After 4 was 5 and 6 but that was it. It got canned. I suggest everyone go grab it on DVD. A true jewel.
Re:Typical Network Antics (Score:2)
Worse, it was ABC (Disney)...
Re:Typical Network Antics (Score:2)
Actually Clerks was cancelled before it ever aired. Thats why there were only 6 eps, they were contractually obligated to make at least 6 so they made the minimum and then aired it during the summer in obscurity. Crusade faced a similar fate on TNT. JMS refused to make it the bikini sci-fi adventure and so it got cancelled before a single episode aired. Its network politics.
Re:Typical Network Antics (Score:2)
What? You don't watch Enterprise?
Potential wasted (Score:1, Interesting)
The Seinfeld Curse! (Score:5, Funny)
For those who don't know, Patrick Warburton (The Tick) had a part on Seinfeld as David Puddy.
Like all the ex-Seinfeld cast members before him, Warburton's show seemed doomed from the start. This makes the 3rd flop.
Hmm. I wonder if Julia Louis-Dreyfus' show will be cancelled before it starts. Good luck.
Re:The Seinfeld Curse! (Score:2)
Re:Here's your answer! (Score:2)
I Enjoyed It! (Score:1)
The world simply wasn't ready for The Tick (Score:5, Funny)
Re:The world simply wasn't ready for The Tick (Score:1)
Shoes of justice will one day kill the bug of evil (Score:2)
The day that business executives are mostly slashdot readers, and the "working man" watches cartoons. The day is coming, my friends. Cartoon network has "adult swim" now - with comics specifically for adults.
It is only a matter of time. Quantum computing may or may not be a reality, but the Tick will rise again. And so will Shaft.
anyone know where... (Score:1, Redundant)
Maybe if it'd been on (Score:5, Insightful)
Won't be missed ... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Won't be missed ... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Won't be missed ... (Score:3, Insightful)
Other shows that should of been better off animated:
Power Rangers (all series)
Most(if not all) live-action shows comming from Saban Enterntainment (usually on Fox).
Well, one less Tick for me to be confused with... (Score:3, Interesting)
Seriously, though, I think the two biggest problems were 1) flimsy plots (i.e. crimefighters not really fighting much crime and 2) FOX.
It is unfair to say things like, "How did the Simpsons do in its first season?" as I've seen a few people do, since the series, as everybody knows, spawned from the Christmas special, which came from the Tracy Ulmann show short pieces, so it had at least a little exposure before its first true season. Also, the expectations of new shows are different now than they were in the late 1980s. It used to be that networks would be willing to give shows more of a chance to build a fan base. Nowadays, if a show isn't a serious hit by midseason, it gets swept away. Sad, but true.
Re:Well, one less Tick for me to be confused with. (Score:2)
It was great (Score:1)
yet they can play 4 episodes of... (Score:2)
Re:yet they can play 4 episodes of... (Score:3, Insightful)
Speaking of Good Shows being Cancelled (Score:1, Offtopic)
hmm... (Score:1)
Gimmick? Evil.
Cheap? Evil.
by the way, I can sit through the first season of the simpsons and I did this christmas with my brother because he brought home the DVD set. Not only did I watch them but I watched them with commentary as well.
The Simpsons analogy doesn't go well because it was popular when it came out. I mean they were made into a series because the Tracy Ullman shorts were popular (even though those, for the most part, are REALLY lame). The reason why the first season simpsons seem kind of lame now is just because it's a totally different time now. I mean, the first season was 12 years ago, can you think of many things from 1990 that don't seem a little lamer now than they did then?
Once again, the networks screw the show (Score:3, Interesting)
Futurama at 7 on Sundays?! This show is as good, if not better than, the Simpsons, yet it flounders...
Re:Once again, the networks screw the show (Score:1)
Of course (Score:2)
The live action show was not funny at all. The closest I got to a chuckle was when they did a closeup on his face and the antennas would wiggle depending on his emotion. But then that just got creepy.
Now if someone told me they were going to cancel The Family Guy, then I'd be shocked and start talking about bad time slots. But in The Tick's case, it just wasn't funny, sorry.
And who's suprised? (Score:1)
If you don't want to see it canceled.... (Score:1)
Save it (Score:1)
However, you can always try to save that show [savethatshow.com].
link to an interview with Patrick Warburton (Score:2, Informative)
Standard Network Male-ox-excrement (Score:2)
That sort of nonsense is not, actually, why I don't watch TV. The simple fact of the matter is that television is finely crafted to be as appealing as possible. As such, it s deuced difficult not to be attracted to it. And if one's not careful, one might spend all one's time in front of the tube. So I play on the computer, which is slightly less bad, or read books, which is much better. More of the former than the latter, I'm afraid:-)
Time Slot (Score:2)
Re:Time Slot (Score:3, Insightful)
I cannot believe no one has posted a "Get a Tivo" or "get a ReplayTV" note yet. So I'll do it.
2 VCRs? Dude, get a Tivo or ReplayTV. Then it will take a month to wipe the smile off your face.
Tick was opposite Survivor!!! (Score:2)
I think that was drawing a lot of people away. Perhaps it will pick up a bit, but it sounds like it wouldn't be soon enough to save the show.
Ben Edlund's future projects (Score:2, Interesting)
So, while I'm sorry to see The Tick go, I got the impression that Ben's ready to move on. Personally, I'm looking forward to seeing what's next. Ben, you made the world a little weirder - thanks.
no big surprise there (Score:2)
So long, live action Tick. I hardly knew thee, and now I won't have to.
Timeslots (Score:2)
Furthermore, as TiVo and similar technology popularizes, hopefully the networks will realize that they can run more series in the 2am-7am timeslots, because suddenly timeslots are irrelevant because people will watch the show whenever they want to. It'd be nice if they would run entire seasons of the simpsons, etc. marathon style during the off hours for the convinience of tivo viewers.