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'Indiana Jones 4' Finally A Go 380

Steev writes: " is reporting that Indiana Jones 4 (they have a title, but don't want to say it yet) is a go. It'll be Speilberg's next project. They say that they were just waiting for the right screenplay. Rejected ideas were Indiana Jones And The Sons Of Darkness and Indiana Jones And The Garden Of Life."
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'Indiana Jones 4' Finally A Go

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  • by angryflute ( 206793 ) on Wednesday January 23, 2002 @02:04AM (#2886536) Homepage
    Let's hope it's not something assinine like "Indiana Jones and the Attack of the Clones" or something.
  • by grytpype ( 53367 ) on Wednesday January 23, 2002 @02:04AM (#2886537) Homepage
    Indiana Jones: So Old. So Very, Very, Old...

    Indiana Jones and the Quest for a Reasonable Bowel Movement

    Raiders of the Lost Dentures

    and so on.
    • by MrBlack ( 104657 )
      People get old? Why can't superhero archaeologists? You'll be looking for a reasonable bowel movement too one day - if you're lucky.
    • Speaking as a future old guy, I have to say this: being 59 does not make you incapable of kicking the ass of a younger man. You just have to be more devious.

      Indy can't swing across a canyon on a vine, but he could be a deadly bastard nonetheless. I'd like to see how they pull it off.

      Not to mention, I'd like to see the story about how he lost his eye.
    • by Dog and Pony ( 521538 ) on Wednesday January 23, 2002 @02:28AM (#2886652)
      ... how about "Indiana Jones and the Leather Goddesses of Phobos"?

    • by dimator ( 71399 ) on Wednesday January 23, 2002 @03:03AM (#2886762) Homepage Journal
      So Old. So Very, Very, Old...

      That reminds me of a Conan OBrien episode, where he was discussing another IJ with Ford. Conan said they should make a movie where Jones is too old to get out of bed, and people bring him artifacts for his approval.


      I guess you had to be there.
    • You think Harrison Ford is old. Well how about Pierce Brosnan. He is 50 years old and has plans to do at least one more [] James Bond movie. Maybe even 2 or 3. After that there are two other Bond movies in the works that he might star in. I even heard that Brosnan was too old to star in Goldeneye.

      Haven't you ever noticed most movie stars in Hollywood are in their 50's? Clint Eastwood, Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Robert DeNiro, and Sean Connery just to name a few.

      Look here []

      Harrison Ford was picked as the most popular movie star the last couple years. All of these actors are probably working on new movies so it's nothing out of the ordinary for someone this old to be in a film.
      • by abolith ( 204863 )
        thats because:

        A) they are the "old guard" of movies

        B) have made so many good ones ( and some bad ones) that the name they carry brings in people.

        C) have stunt doubles with good makeup, in a controlled enviroment.

        D) there really haven't been any other REALLY REALLY good actors pop up in recent years (maybe so the old guard could still command the prices that they do?)

        my two cents.....
      • by edmudama ( 155475 ) on Wednesday January 23, 2002 @04:30AM (#2886922)
        Courtesy of IMDB...

        Actor - Birthdate (age)

        Pierce Brosnan - 16 May 1953 (46)
        Clint Eastwood - 31 May 1930 (71)
        Tom Hanks - 9 July 1956 (45)
        Denzel Washington - 28 December 1954 (47)
        Bruce Willis - 19 March 1955 (46)
        Arnold Schwarzenegger - 30 July 1947 (54)
        Robert DeNiro - 17 Aug 1943 (58)
        Sean Connery - 25 Aug 1930 (71)

        I guess with a name like Metrollica, I guess having only 6 of your 8 facts wrong is pretty good.
  • Well, cool (Score:3, Insightful)

    by autopr0n ( 534291 ) on Wednesday January 23, 2002 @02:05AM (#2886542) Homepage Journal
    Not really much to say about this, other then 'cool' that is. Hopefully they can keep George Lucas as far away from this as possible, thereby reducing the SUCK as much as possible
  • by NecroPuppy ( 222648 ) on Wednesday January 23, 2002 @02:06AM (#2886550) Homepage
    Indiana Jones and the Curse of Montazuma
    Indiana Jones and the Temple of Penguins
    Indiana Jones and the Lost Source Code
    Indiana Jones vs Laura Croft
    Indiana Jones and the Halls of Microsoft
    Indiana Jones and Avacado Women in the Jungle of Death
    Indiana Jones Does Dallas
    Indiana Jones and the Search for the Missing Socks
  • ...and the lost treasures of the Taliban.

    It's with the times, and we can all kill Nazi's at home with RTCW.

    Like he meets bin Laden, but in a twist of humor, he can't do anything to him because there are snakes and he's afraid of them.

    Or you could go rip off other movies and do a I.J. And The Golden Ring. Maybe a Indiana Jones and The Beowulf Cluster.

    He just sits there drinking jolt cracking RC5, and runs all the current Seti data.

    [[will *he* be the father in this one? we aren't going to introduce the 'new' Indy are we? I've heard this is a possibility]]
  • Fate of Atlantis (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Cutriss ( 262920 ) on Wednesday January 23, 2002 @02:11AM (#2886579) Homepage
    I think it's reasonably obvious - Spielberg had been eyeing this script ever since the game was published by LucasArts, and for good reason - It's got all the important Indy elements, with what I feel to be a much more gripping and encompassing storyline than Temple of Doom or Last Crusade.

    If you haven't already played this one, give it a shot - It's well worth it, even if it runs in DOS. And hey...while you're at it, play through Full Throttle and The Dig again too, why don't you?
  • but hey... (Score:3, Funny)

    by vex24 ( 126288 ) on Wednesday January 23, 2002 @02:11AM (#2886582) Homepage
    ...they dug up Arnold's corpse for that Commando-remake thingy, why not whip out (sorry) Harrison for the quick cash in these dark economic times? I defy you to show me a /. reader who's not going to see this movie!
  • by vex24 ( 126288 )
    ...and if you can't trust, who can you trust!?
  • I loved the Indiana Jones movies and gew up watching them. Consider this: a great blend of imagination, storytelling, and fantasy, and George Lucas the Movie Destroyer won't be writing or directing it! I just hope we get the original trilogy on DVD sooner rather than later. (ahem, $PIELBERG!)

    Harrison Ford is old, sure, but we saw in 6 days and 7 nights that he can still throw a punch or two. ;o) Sides, he's just the right age for his character to have fathered a bastard or two and now meet them in a climatic plot moment.
  • Actually I was fascinated, when I was a child, about the legend of the Ancient Astronauts. Various carvings on stone were found in Mexico (near the Yucatan, I believe) that depicted what appeared to be astronauts or ancient people who were sitting vertically as if in a spaceship.

    I think it would be neat if they made an Indiana Jones where he went to explore the Mayan ruins, or whatever, and perhaps fell through a time portal that sent him back to the time of the Ancient Astronauts.

  • I'm partial to:

    Indiana Jones and the Lost Medic Alert Bracelet
    Indiana jones has Fallen and He Cannot Get Up
    Indiana Jones and the Quest for Preperation H
    Indiana Jones and the Evil Pharmacist who wont' perscribe Viagra
    Indiana Jones and The Search for Depends.

    Yes, I realize those are all incredibly lame, but i'm bored damnit.

  • Idle speculation. (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Black Parrot ( 19622 ) on Wednesday January 23, 2002 @02:24AM (#2886636)

    Years ago Indy^w Harrison said that if he did another one he'd like to play an Indy of his own age. If the script supports that wish, the following logic may apply.

    RotLA came out in '81, and was apparently set in the mid-late 30's (Nazis existed, but Germans could still operate freely in Egypt.) Now it's '02, so roll Indy's age up by 21 years and you get mid-late 50's. Shouldn't be any Nazis -- will we get Commies instead? Or maybe not-so-reformed "ex" Nazis, leading to a stereotyped setting in Argentina?

    Also, given the popularity of episodes I and III vs II, I would look for the key artifact to be something in the Judaeo-Christian tradition again.

    The suggestion re Noah's Ark might work well given the putative time frame, choice of baddies (if Soviets), and J-C tradition. Ditto for Garden of Eden. The Middle East looks like a probable setting, and it might allow some of the secondary roles from the earlier shows to appear again, if the actors are still alive.

    Heh heh, the ultimate laugh -- especially if S.C. is in it again -- would be to set it c. 1960 and have him bump in to the young James Bond somewhere along the way.

      • Harrison said that if he did another one he'd like to play an Indy of his own age [...] given the popularity of episodes I and III vs II, I would look for the key artifact to be something in the Judaeo-Christian tradition again

      Indiana Jones and... the Zimmer Frame of Joseph of Aramathea? ...Noah's Colostomy Bag? ...Mary Magdalene's Incontinence Pants?

  • Sweetheart it's the milage.
  • by b.foster ( 543648 ) on Wednesday January 23, 2002 @02:25AM (#2886640)
    Having watched Harrison Ford's speech the other night during the Golden Globe awards, I am confident that he is in no position to take on a role like this. Consider the following points:
    • During his speech, he expressed a need to take some time off to console his daughter, who is recoving from leukemia.
    • He looks like somebody's grandpa and appears to be quite depressed.
    • For the most part, as he stated, he has retired from acting and will probably only play bit parts in the future.
    • His brush with cancer two years ago took a tremendous toll on him and he continues to recover.
    The speculation in Hollywood circles is that a young, hot stud like Brad Pitt might take the lead (Indy) role.


    • The speculation in Hollywood circles is that a young, hot stud like Brad Pitt might take the lead (Indy) role.

      I cannot even imagine Brad Pitt trying to fit these shoes. I think someone more like the guy who played Wolverine in the X-Men would be better suited to the part assuming that he can continue hiding his Aussie accent.

      • I cannot even imagine Brad Pitt trying to fit these shoes.

        Hey, sillier things have happened to old Harrison Ford roles - like Ben Affleck as Jack Ryan []. Suitability for a part matters little - name recognition is much more significant. Nobody in Hollywood is going to bet a blockbuster-sized budget on an actor who is described as 'the guy who played ...' (that was Hugh Jackman, BTW).

    • The speculation in Hollywood circles is that a young, hot stud like Brad Pitt might take the lead (Indy) role.

      Screw Brad Pitt. Brendan Fraiser has already been Indy in the two Mummy movies. Give him a better script and a better director and he could easily fill Ford's shoes in the role.
      • Ok, I am really going to try hard not to flame you here, but Brendan Frasier is an IDIOT (blast from the past anyone? How about Bedazzled?). He's a horrible actor. The only thing that made the mummy movies worth watching was the effects, it had nothing to do with that dolt.

      • Actually, I thought both Mummy movies would have been significantly improved by casting someone other than Fraser. He tries hard, but is too goofy-looking to be convincing as a hero.

        Plus, it would help to have someon who even remotely resembles Harrison Ford. River Phoenix wasn't the spitting image, but he could pull off a convincing imitation. I don't think Brendan Fraser could.

        I don't have any problems with him as an actor, but I don't think he's suited to the role.
    • ...a young, hot stud like Brad Pitt...
      He's 38. It'd be quite normal for him to have a kid who's now in college. I don't think he qualifies as 'young'...
    • by gwillden ( 447979 ) on Wednesday January 23, 2002 @10:56AM (#2887793) Homepage
      Remember that interview that he did with Barbara Walters a couple of years back. She asked him if he would do Han Solo again he said no. Han was too flat a character. She asked him if he would do Indiana Jones again.
      He said, "In a New York minute!"

      He loves the role. Give it to him. It wouldn't be Indy without him.
    • I adored the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles.

      Flanery was amazing as a teen to early twenties Indy. Now that a decade has almost gone by since the first YIJC, Flanery would be aged to perfection for the adult role.

      If you have only seen the first one or two episodes of YIJC, and were put off by the fact that the stories were not of the same inspiration as the Harrison Ford movies, or if you were thrown by the fact that the story patterns did not fit any of the television formulas we've all grown so comfortable with, to the point of those conventions having become invisible, (and thereby making them feel weird and uncomfortable when they are broken.), well. . . Do yourself a favor and try again. Most of the YIJC episodes are absolutely stunning.

      Sadly, though, an important part of the show was removed for the video tape release. They took out the 90-something year old Indy who walks about town telling his stories. This effectively unglues a significant chunk of the story logic and makes certain repeating patterns in the stories seem irrational and even kind of dumb. If you can find a friend who recorded the originals off air, then you're onto the real stuff.

      Why is it that such treasures as YIJC get lost in the shuffle, while the lamest series get released on DVD and promoted through the roof?

      Ah well. Diamonds are hard to find in the wild, too, I suppose.

      -Fantastic Lad

    • I think a great deal of the charm Indiana Jones is that he isn't (and never was) a young, virile, squeaky-clean hero. Witness the scene in Raiders where he is wincing as he takes off his clothes, groaning "it's not the years, it's the mileage." He gets beat up, shot up, and sometimes limps or blunders his way through his adventures.

      If Ford is willing to do the role, I have no issues with his age. I think it'd fit right in the role.
  • You've got a good (some might say fantastic) director in Steven Spielberg, access to good actors, lots of money, can travel anywhere to shoot the film on the right location ....

    ... and then you MAKE A SEQUEL? Has to be for the money in it! People are going to watch the movie, spielberg are going to get paid, but one has to wonder how much soup you can cook on the same bone!! Use some creativity! Make up new characters, new stories, new worlds. Sigh.
    • Maybe I'm feeding a troll, but here's a list of sequels that didn't suck:

      • The Empire Strikes Back
      • Army of Darkness (subjective, okay...)
      • Star Trek(s) II, IV, VI (maybe more?)
      • Indy and the Last Crusade (okay, bite me :)
      • howzabout LOTR:Fellowship? Sequel to the Hobbit! :)

      Besides, the reason you have Spielberg with good actors, cash, etc. etc. is because it's an Indy can't get that kind of horsepower without some kind of guarantee that the movie will absolutely rake in the dough...which an Indiana Jones flick will do, regardless of whether or not it sucks. Heck, even "Temple of Doom" made money eventually, and the coolest part of that movie was the part when Indy, facing legions of sword-bearing Thugees on the bridge, weaponless, looks left, right, then says, simply, "Shit." :)
  • by zensonic ( 82242 ) on Wednesday January 23, 2002 @02:31AM (#2886662) Homepage
    In order to get this movie out to a broader audience, it will feature things like:

    • Hordes of Jar Jar binks instead of Nazis
    • Feature a boyband singing a tribute to Indiana.
    • A 15 minutes long airship chase (Hindenberg style), so there can be build a computer game over the scene. Ofcourse this chase has to have no relevance to the movie.

    Trust me on this! Got it from at friend who got it from his uncle who does kokain with the celebs!? :)
  • ...a long delayed sequel (prequel, whatever) to a popular movie (or series of movies) that didn't suck horribly and completely diappoint everyone, ever? I really am curious, if someone can come up with one - maybe it's just impossible to do that.

    Oh, and Ford is old... come to think of it, I don't see why 50 people have to post that with some lame joke about medicine in the "proposed title"

  • 4 is rare (Score:4, Interesting)

    by victim ( 30647 ) on Wednesday January 23, 2002 @02:36AM (#2886679)
    I was discussing some files with my film-making-brother-in-law and he pointed out that it is a very rare film franchise that makes it to IV. Even rarer is the IV that is any good.

    I did a quick check on imdb and excluding pornos and slashers there are essentially no decent IV movies. (hmm, odd sentence with that excluding and decent... I'll leave it.)

    So, given the odds I see two possibilities...
    • They have a killer screenplay.
    • They need a project and got funding.
    Let's hope it is the killer screenplay.
    Indian Jones and the Curse of the Third Sequel
  • by red_crayon ( 202742 ) on Wednesday January 23, 2002 @02:44AM (#2886698)
    I hope they bring back the giant ball from the first movie. That's one of my alltime favorite villians.

  • Not to be oudone by Lucas putting N'Sync in Episode II, Speilberg will supposedly call the next Indiana Jones: "Indiana Jones And The Backstreet Boys." Speilberg would neither confirm nor deny if Kevin [] would have the starring role.
  • by doooras ( 543177 ) on Wednesday January 23, 2002 @02:52AM (#2886731)
    "... and the overdone Matrix special effects"
  • by autopr0n ( 534291 ) on Wednesday January 23, 2002 @02:52AM (#2886732) Homepage Journal
    In this film, Indi battles a legion of unoriginal Slashdot posters all making the exact same joke over and over again in an attempt to garner cheap karma.
  • Indiana Jones and Those Fine Leather Jackets

    (sorry, running joke from the old lucasarts games)
  • Dude... (Score:2, Funny)

    by ozric99 ( 162412 )
    .. where's my bullwhip?

    -- In need of some dARK Therapy []?
  • Seriously, though. You could put Indy and his dad in 2002 at their "current" age. (No make up for them) After all, they both drank from the fountain of youth, right? So they should be able to live until an extremely old age.

    It'd be neat to see Indy in modern times. Guns haven't really changed THAT much. I don't know who the enemies could be, though, without being too radically politcally incorrect. Just make it some greedy Americans or something. And go make them find Atlantis. Think Abyss meets Indiana Jones.

  • by hound3000 ( 238628 ) on Wednesday January 23, 2002 @04:44AM (#2886941) Journal
    Harrison Ford is currently 59 years old, and seems to do only one real movie per year.

    Patriot Games (1992)
    Fugitive, The (1993)
    Clear and Present Danger (1994)
    Sabrina (1995)
    Devil's Own, The (1997)
    Air Force One (1997)
    Six Days Seven Nights (1998)
    Random Hearts (1999)
    What Lies Beneath (2000)
    K-19: The Widowmaker (2002)
    info provided by IMDb []

    Now, on that list, I've taken out all the miscellaneous TV appearances and everything else that does not seem to take a major commitment as a movies does. But I do seem to remember reading a few years back that Ford does try to limit himself to one movie a year to spend more time with his family. So, if he has signed to this deal, it would appear to be his movie for the year 2002. (Assuming the K-19 Movie was filmed in 2001.)

    If Sean Connery were to return, he would most likely have to be 'aged' 20 years or so, and thusly limited to a bit part in the movie because he is now 71, and only 12 years older than his 'son.' That of him being Indy's father worked once back in 1989, but I doubt it would work again.

    In any case, Denholm Elliott [] who played Dr. Marcus Brody in 'Raiders' and 'Last Crusade' died in 1992 and thusly, won't return. However, John Rhys-Davies [] could possibly return as Sallah. How feasible that is, I don't know... (but both characters were great) And who will be cast as the new love interest girl in the movie? And will they attempt to close the door on future movies in this one considering that we already know from the Young Indiana Jones that Indy lives to an old age, and gets an eye patch?

    (When are they going to release the rest of the Young Indy adventures [] too?)
  • I just figured I'd get that tune stuck in everyones head.
  • What about "Indiana Jones and the Floggers Of The Dead Horse" ?

    Unfotunately, I don't think truth in advertising is in at the moment...:-)

    Hands up if you want to hear the plot...
  • I mean seriously, we have or are about to have remakes/redos of Planet of the Apes, Rollerball, H.G. Wells' Time Machine, and others that I can't remember.

    New sequels to Terminator, Tron, and Indiana Jones? Argh!

    And you know the sequels to all three of those movies are just going to be showcases for SGI & friends, with little to no plot.

    But hey, if they do it well, good for them. I'll go see it. I'm just kind of getting sick of movies relying entirely on name recognition to drive sales.

  • I mean it. Stop milking a dead horse with geriatric sequals or puzzling over who to get to play Indy and get to work on the DVDs!

    We've been waiting forever for these things and Harrison Ford isn't getting any younger. As well, his mind's not what it used to be and who can remember what happeneded 20 years ago in the middle of the Tunisia desert?

    A nice 3 package DVD with full commentary, deleted scenes and a new documentary is greatly needed to keep things alive. What? You have enough time to put together a $60 million dollar sequal but not enough to sit down for a few hours and talk about your work Spielburg?? Sheesh...

  • track record (Score:2, Interesting)

    by f00zbll ( 526151 )
    Ok, aside from all the jokes and "oh no, not another sequel." SS and HF both have pretty good track record over the last 2 decades. I seriously doubt it will be aweful. The chances it will be good is any body's guess, but there's a good chance it will be entertaining. As HF has said in the past, he wants to play an old Indy and pass the torch to some one else. In one of the E interviews, I remember HF saying "I would hope the character has more than just action, that he can age gracefully." That was a response to "will you do another IJ movie?"

    Probably only HF and SS know who are the likely candidates to take the torch. I for one look forward to it. Except for IJ: temple of doom, the IJ series were great fun and had good character development.

  • Harrison Ford (Score:3, Insightful)

    by gamgee5273 ( 410326 ) on Wednesday January 23, 2002 @09:14AM (#2887364) Journal
    For those of you complaining: Ford could still kick all of your asses. The man may be 60 in July, but did you see him at the Golden Globes? He's still in shape and he still has that Indy way about him...we aren't talking William Shatner here!

    If they're going to do it, now is the right time - they can put Indy in his 50s, make a couple of cracks about him "getting too old for this," and make it the last hurrah for Indiana Jones fans.

    I, for one, am hoping they explain how he loses his eye...

  • by Night0wl ( 251522 ) <iandow AT gmail DOT com> on Wednesday January 23, 2002 @09:17AM (#2887377) Homepage Journal
    Angelina Jolie, star of Tomb Raider will be assisting our old hero.

    Another possible title is: Indiana Johns and Lost Titties.

    (For once seriously consider AC as a posting option... bah, I can take it! Besides, I start at one, there for I can only loose one before I fall under radar!)
  • Indianna Jones and the Horrendous Learjet Maintenance Bill

    Indianna Jones and Colorectal Polyp from Hell

    Indianna Jones and Seducing Women Far Too Young for An Octogenerian

    and the best of all:

    Indianna Jones Makes Harry Potter Bite the Pillow

    (I really should stop reading Space Moose [] archives....)
  • Somebody needs to slap Spielberg in the face, and say "That's for blasphemy."

"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer
