Music 20 Cents a Track in India 346
xzap writes "Indiatimes.com , an Indian portal is now offering "International Chart-Busting" music for download legally at Rs 10 (20 cents U.S) a song. They say they (through a partner) have tied up with music labels like BMG, EMI, Warner, Tips, Times Music, Lahari, Enrico Hindustan (which is the oldest catalogue of HMV) and Archies Music "." I still believe that if the bigs let us download MP3s for
a quarter a track, we'd do it.
This will get to the US soon enough. (Score:2)
When a business model fails, it is not the government's responsability to make laws to sustain it. There might be a temporary period with a oush for that with lobbying $$, but it'll stop eventually. New marets will open, and purchasing music online will take over.
Re:This will get to the US soon enough. (Score:5, Insightful)
Robert Heinlein, I had no idea you were still alive...
"There has grown up in the minds of certain groups in this country the notion that because a man or corporation has made a profit out of the public for a number of years, the government and the courts are charged with the duty of guaranteeing such profit in the future, even in the face of changing circumstances and contrary to public interest. This strange doctrine is not supported by statute or common law. Neither individuals nor corporations have any right to come into court and ask that the clock of history be stopped, or turned back." -- Robert Heinlein
Re:This will get to the US soon enough. (Score:3, Insightful)
I see this argument over and over again in the copyright-related threads, and it irks me. The laws are designed to combat something that is already illegal.
Awhile ago, the government came out and said something to the effect of, "Okay, we're creating this copyright thing. Yes, it's essentially a legal fiction (then again, so are currency and government), but we think it's good. Basically, we'll reward people who devote time, effort, money, and talent to creating information-based works by giving them a time-limited exclusive control over that work."
Now in the interim, we've had the government do stupid things related to copyright, such as the Sonny Bono Act and the DMCA. However, that doesn't change the underlying principle that people who venture into the business of creating works for commercial sale are doing so because the government has created an artificial system that allows them compensation.
When it comes to P2P music sharing, the problem isn't that it's invented a new loophole that isn't covered by copyright. Instead, the problem is that it's a new form of massive copyright violation that's nearly impossible to prosecute on an individual basis. When something's already illegal, (allegedly) massively cuts into sales, and unstoppable, that's not a failing of the business model, per se.
Anyway, getting back to the point of the article, it looks like an interesting idea. I'm honestly curious to see whether or not it succeeds. It's a service offering cheap, legitimate equivalents to what's already available free on P2P services.
Re:This will get to the US soon enough. (Score:2)
However, it's safe to say the VHS argument can. The movie industry makes a metric tonne of money off of video sales every year. In the early 80's, video was heralded as the Death of Hollywood. Hollywood looks rather not-dead to me.
The medium is changing again. People like their music in files. We'd like to purchase it that way too, but the industry won't let us, so we get it for free elsewhere.
I would say a business model that nobody wants to support is a dying one, wouldn't you? Sorta like selling ads on the Internet, really. Nobody wants them, people go out of their way to get bypass the business model, and businesses die because of it. This isn't because people are bad, its because the business model is unrealistic.
Re:This will get to the US soon enough. (Score:2)
I still don't think it's the same thing. There's a noticeable quality difference between watching a video and going to see a movie -- even the most unobservant viewer would be hard-pressed not to notice the giant movie screen. mp3s, on the other hand, come much closer to CD quality. Overall, I'd say a better analogy set would be: Theatrical movie release ~= Concert; Video/DVD ~= Tape/CD; mp3 ~= DivX ;-)
Furthermore, the DIY crowd has had no problem getting legitimate mp3s (at least until the recent copy protection uproar). Personally, I just pop CDs that I own into my CD player and then run a script that handles all the effort of identifying the artist/tracks with CDDB, ripping the CD with cdparanoia, and finally encoding the music with LAME. I got what I wanted, and I paid for it.
Instead, the problem is in rampant duplication. Yes, if I'm patient, if I have 2 VCRs, and if I can bypass Macrovision, I can make a copy of a tape for a friend. It happens, but it's small scale. There's also something of a quality degredation issue after a few generations.
With mp3s, on the other hand, people have the resources available to trade them far and wide. A 50th generation copy of an mp3 is identical to the original mp3 (provided you don't reencode it). Also, P2P lets me share it with hundreds of thousands of my closest friends.
I dunno. It just seems that there's no clear win for the music industry in this scenario. Maybe it'll work. Maybe it won't. But I don't think it's the same situation as before.
Mp3 vending machines (Score:2)
of course record companies are too stupid to change their business model
25 cents a track? (Score:2)
Re:25 cents a track? (Score:2)
As if three or four songs by a given artist wouldn't tell you whether or not to keep downloading them. You'd demand the right to return an item that cost you $0.05 to purchase in the first place? What are you going to do, download their entire library and send back everything you don't like?
Re:25 cents a track? (Score:2)
hell yeah! (Score:2)
I'd definitely be in for that shit. Screw kazaa and the myriad of hidden programs inside of it.
Soundbuzz (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Soundbuzz (Score:3, Informative)
A google search [google.com] did come up with a lot of mirrors for "Soundbuzz - The Digital Music Revolution" (Christ, what a
ip is:
(looks like a basement project
Anyway, I got this to work: but when trying to actually get a file, it was not available.
.... which would explain them not linking to soundbuzz in the article.
They can't extort these people (Score:2, Interesting)
If they did something like this in America, I would use it. I would very gladly use it if the monet wet to the musicians via FairTunes (FairTracks?), without the big record companies and the RIAA getting their cut of the loot.
Re:They can't extort these people (Score:2)
I completely agree that major labels suck. They take massive cuts, only push certain bands and sneak in lots of bad terms in contracts. However you should get paid for what you do.
.25 US per song..hell yes. (Score:2)
Re:.25 US per song..hell yes. (Score:2)
Re:.25 US per song..hell yes. (Score:3, Insightful)
I'm not sure the U.S. price would be that low. It's 10 Rs (20 cents) for an Indian mp3, but the regular CD there costs 250 Rs ($5). So if the prices are proportional, it'd be 50-60 cents per song here.
Which is what in comparison? (Score:5, Insightful)
There's a huge difference between 25 cents here and 25 cents in India. The average income is much lower.
For instance, 25 cents in India could equate to around $4.00 there.
Now do you really want to pay four bucks a track? $40.00+ per CD?
I didn't think so.
Re:Which is what in comparison? (Score:2, Insightful)
Well, by your logic, real CDs would "cost" $240, so I guess $40 would seem like a bargain.
Re:Which is what in comparison? (Score:2)
The average income may be lower, but the difference is not that steep.
Look at it this way: a typical CD costs Rupees 200; and the cost per song is Rs 10 (or, 1/25 the cost of the CD). Use the same formula here (US), where a typical CD costs $15, and the cost per song works out to $0.60.
Re:Which is what in comparison? (Score:4, Interesting)
There's a huge difference between 25 cents here and 25 cents in India. The average income is much lower.
For instance, 25 cents in India could equate to around $4.00 there.
Now do you really want to pay four bucks a track? $40.00+ per CD?"
found here [slashdot.org]
"Rs = Roupees, current exchange rate is about 1 dollar = 49 Roupees.
Studies vary, but the "average" family income in India works out at about $450 per year." found here [slashdot.org]
Very interesting and informative here. Proves price fixing doesn't it? You see, if the cost/person in Indea compaired to their income is the same as the cost/person in America compared to our income and the cost in the UK/person comapred to their income all work out to about the same rate, then we know they are fixing prices globaly.
I think that 10 Rp to an Indian making $450/year works out at about 22,050 Rp. That means an average income equivalant to the US, about $20k/year/citizen.
IANA Economist, but I would love to know if Indians are having to pay the same amount of their salary for music as Americans would have to pay for their music.
Re:Which is what in comparison? (Score:2, Interesting)
Bottom line is that the median income of the folks with Internet access is well above the average income of the total population.
Re:Which is what in comparison? (Score:2)
The target market for music is probably not the driver the maid and the nanny. The target market is the wealthy Indians who make a significant amount of money. For these people spending a few rupees on a MP3 download isn't all that bad.
The group of servants probably cannot even afford a computer let alone internet access and an MP3 on top of all that!
Re:Which is what in comparison? (Score:2)
Note: One dollar ~ Rs 49.
What a Rupee Buys (Score:2)
Museum admission (for Indians) was 5 Rs. when I was there (50 Rs. for us westerners), and meals at restaurants wound up being 8-25 Rs. per person. So roughly 1 Rs. equals $1 U.S. in what it'll buy.
That comparison breaks down quickly, though. Petrol was 25 Rs./liter when I was there (January, 2000), and electronics and internet access seemed to be a straight ($1 * exchange rate) conversion. The commercially produced cassette tapes of Hindi songs sold for about 60 Rs, for a price comparison.
While 10 Rs. is cheap by American terms, it's pricey by Indian terms. I think the U.S. would settle on $3/track, which would kill the service, intead of $1/track, which would generate revenue and business.
Re:Which is what in comparison? (Score:2)
learn your damn economics (Score:2)
You are suffering from a confusion between the exchange rate of a currency, and the purchasing power of individuals in other nations. The exchange rate is (apparently) 1 Rs to 2 cents. That does not mean that the average Indian makes Rs 25,000/week if the average American makes $500.00/week.
The original poster was indicating that for an average Indian citizen, the Rs 10 was roughly the same in relation to his income as $4.00 would be to the average American.
These numbers may not be exact, in fact they were probably pulled out of the Management Information And Statistics System (MIASS). The concept is correct, though.
Re:read the damn article (Score:2)
Re:read the damn article (Score:2)
Would anybody have a source for that $450 a year figure btw? The CIA Factbook [cia.gov] lists India's per capita GDP (PPP) at $2200 (for the year 2000).
Well FINALLY! Some questions though... (Score:2)
One can only hope that this doesn't fall flat on its face. I'd hate to see this service cancelled because the record companies scream too much about 'lost revenue' due to trades/etc. But from the few details in the article, they have a decent business model set up.
Having said all that, there are still alot of questions that need answering. The article's short on technical details. I'd love to hear from someone who's familiar with the business. What format will the songs be in? Have they come up with a proprietary file type? How'd they manage to get the record companies to agree? How do they control who gets to download the music (ie - can I download from their site even though I'm not in India) ?
I'd be very interested in statistics on usage, downloads, burn rate, etc. This is going to be a fun one to track.
Some sample returns (Score:3, Interesting)
(Maybe if I search for "All Star" or "Lucky Star" individually....)
Clearly the major record labels are giving Soundbuzz.com nowhere near their entire collections of music. At this price, I'm reasonably certain they never will. Nothing to see here, folks.
hey.... (Score:2)
Entertainment Industry piracy (Score:2)
I'd pay 20 cents a download if I knew the money was going to artists and not to Virgin or BMG or whatever.
Buying Power Is More Like $2.50 USD (Score:2, Informative)
Please understand that most all of the costs in this situation are sunk costs and that the buying power of 10 RS in India is perhaps equivalent to $2.50 USD or more. It is not really so different to what would be charged in the U.S.
Blowing smoke (Score:4, Insightful)
Don't delude yourself. As long as something is free, people won't pay for it. The only correlary is that some people will pay more for convienience. But again, be serious...if you bought more than one or two albums worth of songs each week it would STILL be money you don't have for beer. Free is always cheaper than cheap for most people.
Convenience two ways (Score:2)
The only correlary is that some people will pay more for convenience.
Legitimate music download services such as eMusic [emusic.com] and the one that this article mentions provide more convenience than Gnutella, KaZaA, and WinMX in two big ways:
Re:Convenience two ways (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Blowing smoke (Score:2)
I don't use any of the file sharing utilities any more because I spend hours online to try to download an assortment of stuff (not exactly what I want, just whatever I can find that looks good).
If there was somewhere that I could download over a fast http connection and just find what I wanted without it being an all-night struggle, you bet I'd pay a quarter a song, or 5 bucks a movie.
And maybe everyone doesn't feel this way, but I would certainly feel better if I thought I was giving a fair price for what I got. In fact, there is a recent article in Scientific American (maybe 3 months ago) of a psychological study which showed exactly that: given the choice between paying a cheapish price for a good or service and getting the good or service for free, people will consistently pay the cheapish price. We don't really want to be freeloaders. Go figure.
Re:Blowing smoke (Score:2)
I think that's a case of academia being in contradiction to real-world observable facts.
I've sold shareware. Damn cheap. And no, not low quality. I can assure you, most people are freeloaders even when given the chance to pay a very small price.
Shareware (Score:2)
That's really what we are talking about. We are a society that throws money in pools of water for crying out load. Why? Because it is easy to do.
Re:Blowing smoke (Score:2)
Not really. Most people put in money at the "Suggested Donation" box at museums. Now, museums don't receive enough revenue from the box to stay afloat, and they sure as heck don't have the outrageous benefits of being a music exec, so the RIAA wouldn't go for it. Still, if the music was priced reasonably, I think a lot of people would pay. Not everyone, but a lot.
Re:Blowing smoke (Score:2)
Then how come people buy bottled water? (Yes, I know even tap water costs money, but for all intents and purposes, its free.)
Re:Blowing smoke (Score:2)
Aside from the convenience, such a site could be a community where I could rate songs, find similar music, read news about my favourite bands, meet other fans, buy the CD, buy concert tickets etc. If such a site was prominently placed in AOL, MSN etc. the pirate market would dry up overnight.
Gnutella et al would be second rate by comparison. Yes you could get your song eventually but it would probably cost you more than 50 cents of your time and connection to do so.
Re:Blowing smoke (Score:3, Interesting)
If most people will choose free over inexpensive, then why do the major Linux distributors, such as RedHat, make the money they do (looking at gross revenues)? This isn't pocket change, here.
For example, I have decided that I don't want to pay $600/year for a broadband connection and that my 33.6kbs modem is mostly just fine. However, I also found that the time involved in downloading software packages is prohibitive. I, then, quickly decided that time saved is worth some money, which is why I have purchased CD distributions of Linux and OpenBSD without any regrets. Also, I like the idea of providing some money in support of free software.
If the music industry can achieve something similar--providing high quality downloads & CDs for the market value of the time saved by not using peer-to-peer priateware--then they just got for themselves a guranteed revenue stream, since time will always equal money in the minds of many people for as long as people exist.
Re:Blowing smoke (Score:2)
Your arguement that free is always cheaper than cheap for most people couldn't be further from the truth. People pay for services they could do themselves all the time. Some could do some repair and plumbing work for pretty much free, but prefer to hire a plumber or handiman. Milkmen just drive milk to your house. Many technical people choose not to build their own computers because it's so much less hassle to have Dell or Gateway or the shop down the street do it for them. People pay for quality service. If the music industry provided a high quality service that made it quicker and easier to download high quality mp3s, they could charge for it. It's not going to be a p2p solution, most likely, but a centralized site (perhaps with a downloadable ap) where I say, I want song XXXX or every song from cd yyyyy and a little bit later, I've got it at a fraction of the cost of a CD and a fraction of the time of finding all the songs myself.
The kind of user I am:
  I can't say I'm the most sophisticated mp3 digger out there, but I use tools like limewire and audiogalaxy pretty well.
Re:Blowing smoke (Score:2)
Heh. I think this mis-statement underlines the point nicely.
But... (Score:3, Funny)
What, me biased?
Yours objectively, Rajendra.
Re:But... (Score:2)
for any western music.
P.S. I am not an indian, and am not related to the subcontinent, or even
Asia in any way.
You can't force people (Score:2, Insightful)
If it were easy (read: cheap, fast, convenient) to get music legally, I'm quite sure the illegal methods would become much less popular. On the other hand, squash one illegal method with the "might" of the law, and another springs up to replace it.
At the minute, it's very easy to get music illegally without being caught. It's going to cost a lot of money to make it a lot more difficult whichever way you look at it, so a scheme like tis seems the only viable option!
not that different from emusic.com (Score:2, Interesting)
eMusic's offerings are subscription based, but allow unlimited downloads.
I poked around their site, but don't yet see enough artists/titles in their database to be worth my $9.99/month yet. Too bad. It's sort of a catch-22 for them. Probably need more subscribers to build their collection, but can't get more subscribers until their collection is bigger.
Re:not that different from emusic.com (Score:2)
25 cents? Hell yes. (Score:2, Insightful)
In short, let me buy and download MP3s for a buck (real MP3s that will play on any platform) and I'll stop about 75% of my pirating... it's not that I"m not willing to pay, I"m just too lazy to get to the record store, and I don't always want the whole album.
Buying music by the track. (Score:2, Interesting)
Dumb fucks. (Score:2, Funny)
Dumb fucks.
Re:Dumb fucks. (Score:2)
Well...Universal [universalrecords.com] does pump out a lot of music around that length...so maybe you're just getting confused over capitalization.
ten cents a pop (Score:3, Interesting)
25 cents a track is three bucks for a CD's worth (twelve songs) of music. I can do better than that by clever manipulation of CD clubs [hansen1.com].
I think more like ten cents a pop would defintely do it - think ten bucks, one hundred songs.
And if we cut the middlemen out, most artists would probably end up ahead.
Worth it. (Score:2, Insightful)
IF...you could get any track you wanted. Imagine if the labels had giant servers that contained their entire catalogs in 192kbps MP3 format. No more hunting around for what you want. MP3s ripped by people that know what they're doing. Ahh
THAT would be worth 25 cents a track.
oldest catalogue in HMV? (Score:3, Informative)
not sure where indiatimes got their info from...
bastards (Score:2)
well, I guess I could get into the south pacific nations music
25 cents... and "we" would pay? (Score:2, Insightful)
25 cents
0 cents (and a nil chance of getting busted).
Let's try again:
You have to wait until the Tuesday of release.
You can go out, get a full promo copy of a cd that isn't out yet (El-P - Fantastic Damage, Blackalicious - Flaming Arrows) or a cd version that will never be released (N*E*R*D - In Search Of (import version), Latyrx).
Hmmm, ok. No, there has to be something that will prove that an honor digital music system would work:
You get to be monitored by a large corporate service and are accountable to the government.
Complete and utter anonymity (for sake of argument).
Conclusion: There is no way in Hell that commercial digital music sharing will take off as long as a viable free PtP service(s) exists.
Re:25 cents... and "we" would pay? (Score:2)
You download the track once, assured that it will be a complete, high-quality encoding with full ID3 tags.
You download the track once only to discover that the end is cut off, so you download it again from somewhere else, only to discover that the quality sucks, so you download it again from somewhere else, only to discover that there are skip/stutter artifacts in it, so you download it again...
I know a lot of people (including myself) who would pay for the convenience and assurance of a legitimate system!
Pay For Play? (Score:4, Insightful)
I am the type of person who listens to Spinner, hears a song I like, goes to the new Morpheus and looks for it. I may be atypical, but I don't think I am. I think a lot of people would do the same if given the opportunity. Hear a song on the radio and have the option to buy it immediately . . . it is a great sales strategy. Music stores do it, they play stuff that they think people will buy once they hear it.
Get the service software bundled with PCs with the downloading option disabled until an account is activated, people will still get the radio ability which can have little ads between songs letting people know that if they really liked they song, they can download it.
Re:Pay For Play? (Score:2)
I'm equally skeptical that people will pony up money when they can still easily get it for free
The problem with stuff like Gnutella, Kazaa, etc. is you generally have to know EXACTLY what you're looking for. One of the reasons I joined emusic.com (a pay service, $10-15 a month depending on which subscription you get) is because I can find all sorts of stuff simply by genre and style, or by specific artist/song if I choose.
I can't go to Gnutella and say "find some contemporary jazz" and expect to get anything decent. I can go and type "Louis Armstrong" if I know that's what I want, but I don't always know what I want. Most people don't either.
Here's a sum-up list of why I pay for emusic:
Other than that, all I can say is - go try out the 30 day trial [emusic.com] and see for yourself. It's pretty sucky you have to have a credit card to sign up for the friggin' trial, but you may be surprised what good music there is to be found on there. Personally, what I find is worth paying for.
Quarter a track? (Score:2)
I would cheerfully pay $0.25 per track (for uncrippled MP3s). That would be infinitely more than I spend now. Currently, my music budget is $0.00 because I won't pay $17.99 for what amounts to be one track, distributed with some other junk, all of which is potentially crippled by copyware. And to think RIAA blames their problem on piracy! Idiots!
RIAA better get smart before everyone's music collection is limited to what they bought during the heyday of "orange book compliance". Then again, waiting for them to get smart is like waiting for hell to freeze over.
Up to a dollar would even work (Score:2, Insightful)
I cannot see how anyone else out there would not be willing to do this as you would get exactly the songs you want and you would download them at a fast rate. Downloading over a DSL line with at a max rate instead of at 5-20k a second would be well worth the 50 cents to a dollar.
I know I would still go out and buy the cd's because there are some kewl things that come with cd's like memberships to sites to download other hidden tracks and lyrics or what not but I can promise, like most people, that I would go to a site and pay 50 cents to a dollar before I go to limewire because I know it would take a lot less time.
Of course we would... (Score:3, Insightful)
Colin Winters
RIAA Strawman? (Score:4, Interesting)
Why, then, are the bells going off in my head, telling me that RIAA will use the argument, "We tried. It cost only a quarter a song , and it failed. See! That business model doesn't work!"
Nobody would pay? (Score:2)
Right now, with no structure, pretty much the only way to get MP3s off the Internet is from Kazaa or some other illegal source. So, you don't feel guilty or obliged to pay... this is how everybody does it and it's the only way.
Think about if there was really a well-known structure in place. Everybody knows, this is where you go to get MP3s, and it costs 25/50/whatever cents per track. And think about Joe Average consumer. He would probably use this service without a second thought. The interface would be nice. He could find any song quickly, probably with a 15/30-second sample so he knows he's got the right song. And then he'd get a guaranteed speedy, uninterrupted download, and without those little blips, or a cut off end to the track, etc.
If he could then burn that song to a CD or put it in his MP3 player just like the "free" versions, I honestly think that Joe Average is almost certainly going to do this!
We're not the market they want (Score:2, Insightful)
My friends who are not geekish have this in common: They do not buy a lot of music because it's expensive and they don't download any music because they think it's a hassle and probably wrong.
The second group has the largest growth potential for the music industry and the artists themselves. If they make downloading cheap and easy they will make mo' money.
Now if only the US were as smart as india (Score:2)
THIS is the answer, Id gladly pay 20 cents a song
A. if the money goes directly to musicians and only musicians
B. If i have the right to distribute the songs in a non commercial way.
Think of it this way, like software, I want music to be free, not free in price, but in freedom. GNU music, think of it that way.
I'd gladly pay for mp3s if musicians set it up via paypal or whatever 20 cents a song, I swear to everything holy that if it were setup this way, I would have no reason to rip musicians off using napster.
When i use napster like products (Im not saying I actually do but lets pretend I do)
I use it to rip off the record companies, the fake musicians like nsync and britney spears, you know what i mean?
Same reason I dont think most people would pay for photoshop is why most people dont pay for music.
All who agree with me, please comment positive confirmation.
I'm sure theres certain people here who disagree, I'd like your comments to, If you look at my posts from my history, I'm someone who likes to debate about this stuff, and I have an opinion that information should be free, I guess I'm a GNU zealot and im not ashamed to admit it.
Had the record industry done this pre-napster... (Score:2, Interesting)
Let's face it, the only reason why Napster et. al. came into being was that it was friggin difficult to find mp3 music! Had the record industry been there with every song ever made for .20 a track, they would have probably expanded sales considerably.
Music has never been 'secure.' Whether it's a dual deck casette boom box or a cd burner, people have always copied music. But the industry managed to still sell it when it was reasonably priced. I believe the same would have occured had the industry flat out adopted MP3.
Here's a link to the site. (Score:2)
A Nice Idea that will Never Work (Score:2, Interesting)
Problem is, once you realize many non-geek computer users still have 650MHz Compaq Presarios or 300MHz iMacs with AOL and a 56K modems, you stop thinking streaming to 8-10 users at once would be a good idea :-D.
Of couse, workarounds could be to have the client (i.e. the streamee) search for the fastest availible connection with the requested track, and also implement a system of queues, etc. but this quickly becomes a bandwidth-hogging pain in the ass.
Oh well, maybe in a perfect world when we all run > 1GHz and everyone has fiber-to-the-home...
Do you really think so? (Score:2, Insightful)
The big problem is I (and I'm not alone) am still nervous giving out a credit card online - it's not that I'm worried about someone hacking HTTPS and listening in - it's the fact that the majority of eCommerce sites have been focusing too much on bleeding-edge innovations to worry about good ol' security, and I'm sure many large sites get their entire (unencrypted) customer credit card database hacked into more frequently than we'd all like to believe.
In certain cases, I'm willing to chance it, but those are typically for large purchases, or when I have no other choice (the product isn't carried locally). When we're talking 2-bits a track, and for something I could get without the hassle of giving away my credit card, I doubt I'd bother.
(This is why most eCommerce sites are still struggling to make a buck - and I know because I run one of them - it's not that consumers don't WANT to buy from us, but the worries of credit card fraud are too real)
Of course, we have to pay for the music at SOME point if we want to keep hearing it, but I just don't think this would be as successful as everyone hopes.
Comment removed (Score:3, Insightful)
Cribs (Score:2)
Awesome. The cost is effective! (Score:2)
Then I noticed that each track would cost me $1.60. Whoa man -- that's more expensive than a can of pringles, and for one song. Ten second skits and intros cost the same. All told, to download the whole album would have cost me 12x$1.60 = 19.2$, for an album that cost $16 to buy and ship.
And their definition of "CD Quality" is 128bit. I'm not sure if you're aware of the arsonists, but they're a hip hop group that relies heavily on vocal texture -- they may have three of four guys rapping behind the main guy, as well as a thick beat and a nice, crisp loop.
Hopping on half.com, I noticed I could buy the disc & ship it for $10. The artists make no money, but I save $9 from the mp3 solution.
Cost effectiveness is the key...i worked out that on my hosting service ($10 per month for 1 gig, www.webslum.net, we love you), a 5 gig MP3 download costs the host $.05. And that's after our service markup! An artist selling that track for $.20 is making a profit of $.15 per download, close to $2 per album.
Re:Awesome. The cost is effective! (Score:2)
Put your money where your mouth is (Score:4, Insightful)
If you want to support downloadable tunes, then go join eMusic [emusic.com]. For 5 - 10 bucks / month depending on the plan you choose, you can download unlimited tracks from their website. These aren't crappy proprietary tracks either, they are high bitrate MP3's, no restirctions. And I have checked out their content, they have some really good stuff available. Not just a bunch of unknoqns like MP3.com has, they have stuff from all kinds of people including GooGoo Dolls, Rancid, Bush, Green Day, and many more. These artists all have multiple full albums available for download.
So if you really want to show your support go sign up. Or, if you want to keep whining and leeching free stuff from Gnutella, go ahead. But don't complain when the whole MP3 format becomes outlawed when no one uses it but pirates.
Re:Put your money where your mouth is (Score:2)
So to show my support, I'm supposed to pay money to join a website to download mp3s of the same crappy bullshit artists the big record companies are in love with?
Um, no thanks.
I'll stick with the latest file sharing program, find music I like and that's actually good, then go down to the local record store and buy or order the CD.
Re:Put your money where your mouth is (Score:3, Informative)
Firstly, emusic isn't 5-10 bucks a month, it's 10-15.
Secondly, their range is pretty restricted. For example, their "Rock / Alternative" section lists the grand total of 45 bands - if they're trying to promote new music, why isn't there more available? I may be missing something but when I trialled emusic I basically couldn't find enough to occupy me for a day, let alone the minimum three month subscription (or 12 months if you want to get the lower, 10 dollar a month rate).
Thirdly, their MP3s are hardly high bitrate - everything is as 128 kbits, which might have been classed as high quality a few years ago, but in these days of vbr lame rips sounds decidedly shoddy.
The emusic concept is quite good, but to entice me they'd need around 10-100 times as much content and decent quality mp3s.
Re:Put your money where your mouth is (Score:2)
Here's the response I got:
So it seems that they have no real plans to increase the quality of their tracks, and I would have to actually be a customer for my feedback to matter to them anyways. When somebody starts to offer better quality at comparable prices, I'll join.
DVD region-encoding. Music CD's are next. (Score:2)
Don't Be Surprised If You Can't Find Brtiney... (Score:2)
Why? Because in India, most of the most popular music is not US pop music. The most popular music comes from movie soundtracks. No, not the soundtrack The Scopion King, either.
In India, movies are primarily used as a vehicle for promoting new music. Indian movies have a large number of song and dance numbers, and the plot is typically a vehicle used to tie together the diferent numbers (this is why I was really surprised to see an Indian movie up for an Oscar nod...unusual).
So, the most popular music Indians will be searching for will be Indian movie soundtracks. Still, though, this may seem like a move in the right direction, it will ultimately not prove to be worthwhile. Why? Simple. The US Dollar goes a lot further in India, thus 25 cents is not cheap over there. Besides, why pay for music when you can get it for free?
Music piracy in India is EVERYWHERE. It is so bad, in fact, that it is common to be able to download (or buy) the soundtrack for a summer blockbuster movie months before it is even released! So, no one will ante up to this subscription service until all of the piracy has been virtually eliminated.
...and the piracy in India will probably be eliminated right around the same time I open up my Texas Steakhouse in New Delhi.
Its just so obvious.... (Score:2)
Why couldn't our companies figure this one out? Why, because it's so much easier to demonize internet users and those (in their eyes) pathetic teenagers that download movies/mp3's/warez. Saying these activities are costing them more and more each year, while out of the other corner of their mouths claiming they have made more money then ever before.
Yeah then freedom/innovation limiting legislation.
Land of the free!!
Re:Har har har. (Score:2)
I guess you've never used emusic.com (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Har har har. (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Har har har. (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Har har har. (Score:5, Insightful)
Shall I give you my number one reason? DRM.
The partner in this instance is Soundbuzz [soundbuzz.com], and - as usual - they're missing the fucking point, big time.
The one thing that their site managed to tell me before it squealed and died was that they use a Digital Rights Management system.
Sigh. Forget it then. If I want to listen to music where and when it suits the music to be listened to, I'll use the radio. I won't pay 10 cents for a crippled .wmf. I wouldn't take a rights restricted .wmf file if you gave it to me, and if the labels keep pushing on down this insane road, it might very well come to that.
It's a pretty simple proposition. We can all get completely uncrippled music for nothing. It's no big secret. And the labels just don't have a big enough stick to threaten us with. The guilt trip doesn't work, because we can all see that sharing isn't hurting the music industry nearly as bad as they claim. DMCA hasn't made a dent in it, and CDBPTA looks like it's failed the laugh test. Crippleware music disks (not CD's, dammit) are about the worst idea they have come up with yet; if you buy one and want to assert your fair use rights to space shift, you have to break the DMCA (which demonstrates how insane that is) and/or grab an MP3 from a P2P system (and they are all over it like a rash). DRM just illustrates how great MP3 (/ogg) is for music lovers.
I can't believe that the labels don't get that. They must understand that by trying to sell DRM content (on disk and online), all they're doing is driving people - including their best paying customers - to P2P.
It's not a difficult proposition. Give me a site where I can enter my CC details, listen to a low quality streaming mp3, then download a high quality (200 kb/s+) version at 25 cents(*) a pop. Bill me monthly. I'll use it. Yes I damn well will.
MP3.com is close, but no cigar. It's too service oriented, too limited, too much aimed at pushing specific end uses ("burn CD's!") and maintaining a customer relationship. Often you can only buy without streaming. Sometimes you can stream without buying (!). I don't want a relationship, all I want is the mp3. Just give me the track, and I'll give you money, and we can both go away happy.
I mean, what is the label's major malfunction, that they can't understand this simple proposition: I'll pay them 25 cents for the same content that I'm already getting for nothing. I hadn't paid a red cent for music for ten years before Napster appeared, and I haven't paid any since. If I'm allowed to, I will pay for tthe good tracks, even though I don't have to. However, if they continue to offer padded, over produced, over promoted, over priced CD's and DRM protected music disks, and crippled DRM downloads (at any price), I'll just keep on doing what I'm doing right now and sharing it for nothing.
Don't they want my money?
(*) 25 cents a track. Yes, that's right, not a dollar, not fifty cents, twenty five cents. Maybe less. Because as we've seen with the instant Slashdotting of an Indian site, we're in a global market, so we need a global price. If you're wondering about the real reason why the labels won't offer online music, keep on thinking about the implications of global pricing on their market segmentation.
http://www.digitalconsumer.org (Score:2)
Re:Don't be so cynical (Score:2)
Re:Don't be so cynical (Score:2)
Um, no, it's not. How would you technically do such a thing? You can't check the file extension, because that's easily changeable. What about scanning the file contents? Well, then people might start zipping first. Or using encryption. Or whatever.
So the only way you could outlaw such a thing would be to outlaw any programs that do file transfers. That means FTP servers (like ProFTPd), Web servers (Like Apache), file servers (like Samba), terminal programs that do Z-Modem or something similar, IM clients that do file transfers (like AIM, gAIM, ICQ, etc.), and quite possibly all removable media in existence.
Don't be in favor of laws when you don't know the repercussions of those laws or understand the consequences of said law being taken to the extreme.
Re:Why the difference? (Score:2)
And then the average per capita income is less than $1000 in India. So you have to take that into account too.
Re:Don't believe it (Score:4, Interesting)
Oh yes you do:
1) Guaranteed quality - no chance of an incomplete, low bit rate copy of a CD that skips part way through the track
2) Guaranteed availability - no searching for tracks, only to find that the host is too busy, just go to the website and there it is, quick 'n' easy
3) Peace of mind - no worries about getting busted for having illegal copies of music on your machine, no worrying about your ISP logging your activity, etc
Okay, so 3) is pushing things a little, but I'd pay for 1) and 2). In fact, I only started using P2P apps to find music when I was unable to find a way to legally, quickly obtain a certain song that I just had to listen to (I get like that sometimes). I couldn't even find anywhere online to buy a CD single of it, let alone download it.
20 minutes later, I'd installed Kazaa (yeah, I know now, and it's history), found it, and downloaded it. At the time, I would have happily paid 2 or 3 pounds sterling (roughly 3-5 dollars, or around 10 times as much as in the article) to have legally downloaded a high quality electronic copy.
Of course there will be people who will download illegal copies regardless of how cheap, quick and easy it is to buy them legally, but I think you'd be surprised how many people will think "how cheap? At that price, I might as well just buy it"
Re:Don't believe it (Score:2)
you will not get a nice clean Mp3 that can be played on your audiotron,NEX-II portable, your rio car(empeg) or your rio reciever. you will get one special audio format that play's on your PC with a special player that is serially locked toyour pentium's serial number or your computer and name/etc...
you get to listen to a song that is useless on anything but that computer and will more than likely DIE within a timeframe. I will bet $1000.00 on it. there is no way in hell the RIAA will allow anything but crippled/timebomb songs to be legally downloaded. those of us that bought legal mp3 player hardware will have to resort to illegal activities to use the legally purchased hardware.
so sorry... it wont happen, dont even try to say it will.
Re:Don't believe it (Score:3, Insightful)
Yes, there are always people who don't pay for things. But if they were truly reasonably-priced, of high quality, were easy to get, and had no strings attached, I think you'd be surprised how many people *would* pay.
Re:Don't believe it (Score:2)
You're obviously not a shareware author. Given the choice between free and cheap, people will choose free.
It's not just being cheap or free that's at issue. It's the whole "relationship." It's easier and "safer" to hop online and grab the song anonymously from someone you don't know (and who doesn't know you, and doesn't care) than it is to log on, identify yourself, probably provide your credit card number, etc.
Selling music, even online in MP3 format, can't compete with free music on price nor on ease-of-use and on privacy points. The only possible benefit is quality, and that can be resolved by looking for a high BPS version of the track you want. I normally download 128k which is sufficient for most pop music; but I almost always see the same track in 160, 192, and even 256k versions--for those that really need to hear every minute frequency of Britney Spears.
The music industry is a losing proposition as it stands now. They can't just "move" to an online model. They are obsolete. The current music market is history.
As someone else said, it used to be artists went on tour to promote their CDs. Now the music will be given away free to promote themselves so people will go to see them in concert. The tours and live concerts is where the money is going to be made in music in the future--not in the digital or analog representations of the music itself.
Again, as someone else said, it was a market fluke that allowed people to become rich distributing music. They made billions of dollars providing a service and product that was necessary in its time. But they are no longer necessary. Laws, bitching and moaning, lawsuits may delay the inevitable for a few years--but it cannot change what is inevitable: Music will be free, and those artists wishing to make a living in music will have to tour. God forbid they actually have to "work" on an ongoing basis...
Re:Don't believe it (Score:2)
That's true, I've heard about shareware woes. And I could end up wrong about it. But I think an MP3 service could have an edge over "illegal" MP3 trading that might make it a good buy.
Shareware is freely and widely distributed. It is easy to download and install, and completely legal. But then when it comes to paying, there's trouble. I see the major blocks to be:
- It's already on their computer, so they don't feel like they are getting anything by paying for it.
- It's easy to put off paying for "later".
I know it's more complicated than that, but I would see an MP3 service as not having these tough problems.
With the MP3 service, you pay, and then get a song. The song is of high quality, quickly downloaded, is not mislabeled, distorted, or cut off early.
Yes, there is the credit card issue, which some people might not like. But I do think this service could be easier in all other ways than illegal trading. If they did it right.
If the service tried to cripple the MP3, make it proprietary, or price it too high ($2.00 or something), then no way will it work. And maybe it wouldn't work anyway. But I think it's possible, thinking about it this way.
Re:Paying per track == stupidity (Score:3, Interesting)