Reduce, Reuse, Recycle 216
An Anonymous Coward writes "Out in Oakland, CA a group is taking donated PC's and breathing new life into them with Linux. They turn around and donate the computers to schools, build POVRAY render farms (with MOSIX) and generally promote Linux."
Cool program (Score:2, Informative)
Sounds good to me.
Re:Cool program (Score:2)
Why does that scare me? A non-profit training organization that takes the unemployed (lots of people are unemployed, this isn't the scary part) and unskilled people in the art of system administration? Damn. How about unemployed and skilled volunteers? There has to be more too this, otherwise I don't see how the program could churn out admins ready to work in a production enterprise environment. We've got enough junior hacks in the industry who think they know how to run Linux properly... "Hey! I know Lunix, hire me to run yer servors and computors, I am Linuxconf Certified"... *shudder*
Maybe its a <sarcasm>cleverly hidden school for 31337 hAx0rs who will run a flotilla of platforms useful for waves of DDoS attacks</sarcasm>
But... (Score:1, Troll)
FUD, FUD, FUD (Score:1)
That's assuming we believed any of that FUD.
Maybe we should start buying the Wal-Mart OS-free machines. I'd love to see Microsoft try to take Wal-Mart on over that.
Re:But... (Score:2, Interesting)
2: "Naked" - So? You need an OS.. it's your business what you do with the hardware you purchased.
3: "exposes them to the possibility of unwittingly purchasing pirated software": Which has more pirates... those for linux or windows?
4: Technical troubles: I'm not even going to comment, after all this is MICROSOFT saying this.
5: Upgrade problems *cough* *splutter*
6: Viruses. I really can't believe microsoft, #1 willing (outlook?) distributer of viruses is saying this
8: I'll translate the last bit: Tell them to buy windows or we'll stop supplying you.
Three cheers to this group and their efforts to promote Linux. I hope they convert many people to the Power that is Linux. This article has impressed me so much that I'm going to donate towards this scheme: It's a hell of a lot better than paying the annual M$ tax. Cheer's to an organisation that is 100% Microsoft Free [accrc.org]
Re:But... (Score:5, Insightful)
If I take a computer I own, format the hard drive with an electromagnet, and donate it to a public school with a free copy of a Linux distro, what the screaming Hell(tm) does it matter that it once had Windows on it?
1) I am not giving them Windows. I am giving them the hardware.
2) I am not encouraging them to steal a copy of Windows in any way, shape or form.
3) Microsoft does not own the computer. They never did. It was my computer, therefore it's entirely my choice what to do with it.
Re:But... Bullshit! (Score:2, Insightful)
"Q. Why should a donor include the operating system with their PC donation?"
"A. It is a legal requirement that pre-installed operating systems remain with a machine for the life of the machine. If a company or individual donates a machine to your school, it must be donated with the operating system that was installed on the PC."
Bullshit! This is just MS FUD twisting the language of their EULA, which they assert is a legal document. True, per the EULA, you cannot move an OEM license to another PC. But that has nothing to do with any legal requirement that the license must transfer with the PC.
Re:But... Bullshit! (Score:1)
Re:But... Bullshit! (Score:1)
Re:But... Bullshit! (Score:1)
Not that the majority of regular
Typical Microsoft dishonesty (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Typical Microsoft dishonesty (Score:2, Funny)
Hey, M$, look over here, I'm giving a computer away... please come and try something.
Re:But... (Score:2)
Impressive (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Impressive (Score:1)
Are there any other operations like this around (and if not, why not), and where do I go to voulenteer?
850 MHz (Score:3, Interesting)
I sure hope the 850 MHz Athlons weren't donated by anyone....until this week my main home machine has been an PII 300. If the Athlons were rescued from landfill that makes me feel _really_ inadequate.
Re:850 MHz - inadequate (Score:5, Funny)
Re:850 MHz - inadequate (Score:1)
as is your ability to form a grammatically correct sentence
Re:850 MHz - inadequate (Score:2)
Looking to the future... (Score:1)
Re:Looking to the future... (Score:1)
Yeah there is Apple. All my schools from KG to grade 10 used Apples with System5/6/7.
I think unless you put a flashy gui on Linux no 6 yr old is going to want to use it. If anything it will push kids away from computers.
If you are going to put a flashy pretty gui on Linux you might as well use MacOS [or winXP] anyways!
The only benefit to Linux for schools is that it is free. However, being free and shitty is not a good selling point.
Re:Looking to the future... (Score:1)
Requiring effort, and being shitty, are two VERY different things. Having a knowledge of multiple diverse operating environments is a GOOD thing.
P.S. Schools teach more than just 6 year olds...
Re:Looking to the future... (Score:2)
Also, have you ever heard that most teachers (at least in america) get insane amounts of time off? Maybe they could use that time to train these people.
The real problem isn't what computer system we use in the schools, it's that we just don't care about education anymore. Maybe America never did, but here in the land of the free, I think that the only reason we think we are free is because we are too stupid to realize how trapped and shackled we truly are.
Re:Looking to the future... (Score:2)
What if instead of a flashing cursor, you printed out a small list of commands before every prompt?
cd ls fortune netscape
user@localhost / >
Repeat after me, computers are not intutive, computers are not intutive. They are not easy to use and they are hard and intimidating to beginners no matter what. The difference between a CLI and a GUI is that a GUI limits your options to those on the screen so that you always see what you have done and what oyu can do next ( at least in a GOOD GUI ). A CLI throws all that away to speed up the process of working if you actually know what you want to do next.
Children are very smart, they just need some sort of stimulation and feedback. Unlike adults, they are more likley to play with things just to play. While adults get fustrated when things don't go the way that they think that they should.
Only geeks are willing to spend the time playing with these infernal machines to get them to do what they want.
Re:850 MHz (Score:1)
of course, a G4 eats through integers even faster than an athlon...
Site of actual organization (Score:5, Informative)
There site navigation is totally borked so here are all the links on the site I could find:
Home [accrc.org]
About [accrc.org]
Donations [accrc.org]
Internships [accrc.org]
Press [accrc.org]
Re:Site of actual organization (Score:1)
The address details are copied below.
The ACCRC is located at 5725 International BLVD. Building D.
Oakland, CA 94621
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2167
Oakland CA 94621
You forgot the Gatorade page! (Score:1)
Gatorade is a bad neighbour. [accrc.org]
Re:Site of actual organization (Score:3, Informative)
Too bad for us slashdot folks who aren't in CA
Well, there are other such efforts in the world. In Portland, OR, there is a group called FreeGeek [freegeek.org] that does the same thing.
There was an earlier Slashdot story that mentioned some other places to donate PC's: this one [slashdot.org]
Re:Site of actual organization (Score:2)
Many groups doing this (Score:3, Informative)
If you don't live in the Oakland area there may be a group near you who you can either volunteer to help, or donate those old PCs gathering dust in the attic.
If you can't find anyone near you, why not go it alone? I installed Linux on an old box and gave it to the neighbours kid, with a bashed up old 15" monitor from the local tip.
Even in Canada (Score:2, Informative)
They do good work.
Re:Many groups doing this (Score:2)
Re:Many groups doing this - Freegeek.org (Score:1)
OH GOD NO! (Score:4, Funny)
I hope my wife doesn't see this site. she will try to donate my he-man figures.
Re:OH GOD NO! (Score:1)
What an excellent idea... (Score:5, Funny)
"We recently turned down donations of an aircraft carrier and a 727", says executive director James Burgett. "But we are ready to handle a 727 the next time one is offered."
C'mon, guys...we were this close to having the Linux Air Force!
"Roger, Blue Leader, this is Blue 6...I'm taking another pass at Redmond." "Stay on target, Blue 6, stay on target..."
Re:What an excellent idea... (Score:3, Funny)
How about:
"Roger, RedHat Leader, this is RedHat 7.3...I'm taking another pass at Redmond." "Stay on target, RedHat 7.3, stay on target..."
Re:What an excellent idea... (Score:1)
Re:What an excellent idea... (Score:2)
Turned down an aircrat carrier?!?!?!?! (Score:1)
Re:What an excellent idea... (Score:3, Funny)
Taking World Domination Seriously... (Score:2)
Might have been a good meeting room, though, or you could set up your Beowulf Cluster on a slightly larger Viking Dragon Boat than Mr. Beowulf himself used.
I used to work for them (Score:5, Interesting)
the interesting part was that there were little optimization on the network and on the linux - it was a standard redhat 6.2 kernel, and the computers were just put on a shelf, connected, booted with a floppy that got the image from the network and self-installed the machine, rebooted, and you had a node ready for rendering.
on the other hand, the people working there were the most easy-going and honest I've seen so far - there were no hypocricy going on, and basically there was a place for anyone in it - still without too much trouble.
just wanted to share that with you guys, in case you wondered if such a non profit company was really working - it is. definitively.
anyone wanting to start something like that in norther italy?
Re:I used to work for them (Score:1)
Just clarifying the reference.
Linux and Schools (Score:5, Informative)
It seems this organization not only refurbishes the computer, but also trains people to do it as well. If Linux is ever to get a foothold in schools, it will take a lot more effort than just donating X number of computers with Linux preinstalled. The community will have to invest time in making sure those computers are filling the need and that people on site are trained and commmitted to maintaining them.
Linux and public schools seem like a match made in heaven. Even though Microsoft gives a lot of lipservice (and money, you do have to give them some credit) to supporting schools, it still doesn't make sense to spend that kind of money on Windows licenses. One could make the argument that exposing students to an alternative like Linux will improve their technology skills (they're still gonna get the Windows exposure, no matter what's used in the schools).
Just my 2cents.
Toronto... (Score:3, Informative)
here [reboot.on.ca] and
here [linux.ca].
Re:Toronto... (Score:1)
Re:Toronto... (Score:3, Insightful)
What does it take? It's shit like this that holds volunteer organizations back.
Re:Toronto... (Score:1)
Oh wait, that site doesn't exist anymore. Now I remember. We set up a bunch of computers by holding two night a week classes and training the kids and the parents together how to build machines from scratch (not literally, but from donated parts) and how to install and run Linux (RedHat 6.2 in this case) as well as how to use the Internet, type, etc. Built a fairly decent lab in the basement of their apartment building in FoxHill NJ. Then we ran into problems...
You see, these machines cost money to run, and the dsl line cost money too. While old computers are fairly easy to find, money is not and these folks didn't have any of it. That and more fundamental problems like trying not to get shot or beaten by cops occupied a lot of their time. So, when we volunteers could no longer afford to come down there all the time, the site disappeared.
The problems with these types of operations are the same problems that many groups from the Peace Corps on down have faced for years: maintenance. Until the kids/adults/whoever is being trained on these machines are able to make enough money themelves through the use of the machines to keep them running, they going to eventually fall by the wayside.
What do they update with? (Score:1)
Re:What do they update with? (Score:1)
Re:What do they update with? (Score:1)
Re:What do they update with? (Score:2)
good enough fol linux? (Score:3, Insightful)
One day one student will say, "all linux boxes I worked on were lame-ass". Because they runned on some old Pentium 166, while the windoze of course just had to have the new 1.5 GHz processors, with 40x cdrom speed.
I remember a friend telling me that installing his linux told so much longer than the winxp. Of course! He installed linux on an old PC with a quad 4x speed cdrom, but winXP on one with a 32x cdrom. Now who wonders....
Same with people "trying" linux they give it a 512MB partition on the harddisk and nearly no swap drive, while windows is allowed to take the other 20GB. Now who wonders why you have that less hard disk space available on linux... (or just run it in some linux emulator at all)
Re:good enough fol linux? (Score:1)
Yes, Linux is far more efficient.. to the point where running it on a 'lame' computer is better than windows. My P166 over there in the corner has FreeBSD (4.5!) and Staroffice and it sure as hell runs a lot better than if it had windows 95 or 98 on it.
How about you take out the HDD one day, swap it with a blank one, and get him to run windows.. from installation to using it with office. Better leave a whole day for this activity though, cause you're going to need it.
Re:good enough fol linux? (Score:2)
I uderstand your sentiments, but I'm starting not to care about what the Lexus-crowd thinks about Linux and free software.
Here's an amusing story:
We do competitive bids on services/projects, and one of our prospects decided to do some due diligence on one of our bids that contained OpenBSD. [openbsd.org] We'll he wasen't amused with the funny-looking pufferfish. Microsoft doesen't have pufferfish.
With a little education, I was able to show him that the funny little pufferfish, doesen't BSOD, and doesen't have hardly any security holes.
He now has the set of OpenBSD 2.9 stickers that you get when you order CDs from Theo et al.
Just give a little bit of education and thinks will work out fine. If not, then screw them. Laugh when they get rooted, send their money to bill, and put up with BSOD's.
Re:good enough fol linux? (Score:1)
You just contradicted yourself. "Far more efficient with resources" means that Linux (or any other *nix for that matter) doesn't NEED as much in the way of resources on those same "lame" machines to run rings around Redmond. You say the INSTALL took longer: I wonder how well the OS itself ran overall AFTER install? And how much more robust it was than anything Billy-boy and his gang ever turned out?
No machine is "lame" in my eyes if it lets someone discover that the Way of Bill is not the only option, and teaches something about networking and such along the way. Criminys, my NIS server is a MicroVAX (NetBSD based) that I saved from the local landfill! How "lame" is it to cut back on filling said landfill? Or any other for that matter?
No "bad reputation" here. If anything, just the opposite. Think about it: If Linux runs as well as it does on these older, slower systems, that should definitely make people wonder how much quicker it might be on a much newer box.
? No-one bothers to check linujournal.com? (Score:2)
Boy.. talk about slow newsgaring...
For what it's worth, the centre is running on volunteers. If you happen to live nearby why not go and help a hand... i would like to know what their "bussiness model" is. Here in the Netherlands we do not have something similar while we really could use one.. Perhaps something to start up here as well...
The downside to this (Score:2)
Oh well.
Re:The downside to this (Score:3, Insightful)
It would be like a health inspector fining a restaurant for having eggs kept too warm when the restaurant doesn't even have eggs.
Inspector: "That's a $200 fine. That area of the kitchen is too warm to store eggs in."
Restaraunt Manager: "But we don't store eggs there. In fact, there isn't an egg in the entire restaurant!"
I: "Doesn't matter. You could store eggs there, and that's all that counts."
Re:The downside to this (Score:2, Informative)
Re:The downside to this (Score:1)
Hell(tm), schools are usually incredibly restrictive about allowing people onto the grounds who normally do not have a right or obligation to be there. Claim security issues.
It's Happening (Score:2)
Total world domination is just around the corner
Reusing old computers destroys the environment (Score:3, Interesting)
just to help you "reduce, reuse, and recycle".
Does that make any sense?
Re:Reusing old computers destroys the environment (Score:3, Insightful)
And when children are in school learning how to use a computer, any computer beats no computer.
Re:Reusing old computers destroys the environment (Score:2)
Re:Reusing old computers destroys the environment (Score:1, Insightful)
Re:Reusing old computers destroys the environment (Score:3, Insightful)
thats 10 computers not in a land fill, 10 computers not seeping toxic chemicals into the ground water, its teaching someone how to do a cluster, its teaching people that they can use old equipment to get the same power as new.
That means fewer new computers that need to be made, which mean your saving production energy and production by products.
I doubt its actually 10 times more power, but you point is certianly a valid concern that should be put in with as many factors as possible. Its also a concern that often gets overlooked.
It is important to rememer that computer are dreadfully toxic to the enviroment in all phases of their life cycle.
now if I can only figure out an after market need for monitor glass, I'd have it made.
I had this idea a while back (Score:2, Interesting)
(this is the correct story for this reply, btw)
Beowolf Cluster (Score:1, Offtopic)
Can you imagina a beowolf cluster of 727s?!
Computer Angels (Score:3, Interesting)
They're called Computer Angels [ca.asn.au]
For thos who aren't familiar with Pov-Ray (Score:2, Informative)
If you want to see some example of what can be done with Pov-Ray, check out my site at docbrown.net and click on "Portfolios"-"Renderings".
Getting warmer... (Score:1)
Re:Getting warmer... (Score:2)
Check this [toefl.ath.cx] out.
It's actually about PET plastic, but should be workable for polyacrylate as well. I've welded them together with solering irons, works great.
If you want to see a hardcore plan for using CDs, then check this [toefl.ath.cx] one. I aint fucking around when it comes to recycling used CDs, or plastic bottles for that matter.
Amazing concept (Score:1)
Life for POV-Ray! (Score:1)
My heart swooned joyfully. There is still life in POV-Ray
Please note my name
Re:Life for POV-Ray! (Score:1)
Gatorade just lost a customer (Score:1)
And also theres . . . (Score:1)
Free Geek (Score:2, Informative)
Destroying Data Before Donating Your PC (Score:1)
Re:Destroying Data Before Donating Your PC (Score:2)
I've hear other people prefer to drill a hole through the drive.
Yet others disassemble it, wipe off the oxide and burn the rags and stomp up and down on the remains and put it in a canister of nuclear waste and bury it in a volcano.
I think mailing it to the sun would suffice.
other projects (Score:1)
this helps people who can't afford a computer very well.
Puscii is built out of old hardware like 486's, slow pentiums, sparcstations, old alpha's and even an ultrasparc. all machines run linux
people are very content with the service we provide.
the only thing which costs money is the coffee (30 eurocents)
for more info, please visit the website
have a nice day
Re:other projects (Score:2)
Don't you feel horrible exposing all these people who previously didn't have to deal with the intense RF radiation of a computer and monitor to debilitating RF radiation?
Microsoft gets good info faster than slashdot (Score:1)
Because we can... (Score:1)
Sometimes we get bad components.
We see to it that they are recycled and not filling up our landfills.
Sometimes we break them first.
Why? Because we can.
Monitors? (Score:1)
openMOSIX (Score:2)
I just attended a small presentation about Linux clustering, and the talk about openMOSIX was really interesting. Since we are experimenting with small clusters (6 PCs for now, just to test things out), I went to www.openmosix.org but found the web site a bit confusing. Anyone can point me good resorces?
Re:Bahahaha! - Supply & Demand (Score:1)
Re:Stop Recycling! (Score:1)
Maybe.. but the relevant comparison here is if they dump
more effulents into the atmosphere and water table than most large landfills.
Recycling is last because it doesn't work. (Score:2)
Reduce and Reuse. Those are the hard ones, but they have an effect. Nobody likes reducing or reusing, however.
Most brainwashed green people who recycle assume it goes away magically when they put it in the dumpster. They fail to take into account all the energy and oil that needs to be used to truck the recyclables around; the subsidies that need to be given to make it viable; the fact that nasty chemical and industrial processes need to be used to reclaim materials (paper is the best. breaking down processed paper is nasty, check out a pulp mill). The end result is that you've consumed more energy in recycling the good than producing a new good, and it's the energy consumption on this planet that's a problem. Beer bottles, on the other hand, are more than viable to recycle. Wanna know why? Because they're not melted. They're just cleaned, i.e. reused. If you had to melt them, it'd be cheaper to make new ones.
If you care about the environment, find a way to stop commuting and work from home. Not driving your car a few days a week will have an order of magnitude more effect then recycling plastic bottles.
Not that it matters, have a look around, wonder what happens when oil gets scarce, and how hard people are working on fusion. Note to americans: $2/gal gasoline prices are not sustainable, dependance on foreign oil reserves is not a good thing.
Re:Recycling is last because it doesn't work. (Score:2)
You're one of those people who like to be contrary just for the sake of being contrary, even if it means being flamingly wrong. Recycling of aluminum, for example, was started by aluminum companies, because it takes much, much less power to recycle aluminum than to process raw bauxite. Ditto for glass, paper, and scrap metal recycling. Plastics are a different story, in that they're harder to recycle and the result is much lower grade. That's why you see contrivances such as recycled soda bottle pullovers and park benches. But to say across the board that recycling uses more engergy than to create new goods from scratch? No. That has never been remotely true.
Certainly, reducing and reusing are still much more important. And most people don't want to hear anything about them, especially fanatical computer purchasers ("I absolutely need a new PC, because my 1.2GHz machine only gets 126fps in Quake III").
Re:Recycling is last because it doesn't work. (Score:2)
Flamingly wrong? Show me some numbers that show me that recycling paper or plastic make any kind of energy sense. Recycling paper is STUPID. Burn it, bury it, and plant a new tree. Recycling plastic is stupid. Use less, or re-use what you have, and if you really care about the environment, reduce your consumption of petroleum products any way you can - because once they're used up, we're going to start burning coal.
My point is (and yes, I like to get people fired up) is that most of the time, it makes SENSE to throw things away. Residential waste is a small fraction of the garbage produced anyhow - industrial waste is a exponentially larger problem. If you need to use more energy (oil), then you're probably just shuffling the pollution around than doing any good. Thermodynamics is dismal stuff.
And, relative to other concerns facing our world - specifically, reducing petroleum consumption to a sustainable level, and/or finding a real alternative (and hint, solar and wind don't come close), recycling an aluminum can is a joke that just makes people feel better about driving their SUV back and forth between the suburbs and work.
Uh... Electricity production (Score:1)
If you ever visit Orlando, drive east on SR-520 (the Bee Line). About halfway out, look to your left. That is a coal-fired plant.
Near Atlanta? Plant Wansly is coal-fired. So is McDonnough. I may be wrong, but all power generation plants in Georgia besides Votgle and Hatch I think are coal-fired. (Hatch and Votgle are nuclear)
Closer to where I live, between Cocoa and Titusville are two gas-fired power generation plants. Natural gas. To the south in Fort Pierce is a nuclear plant. Another nuclear plant is in Crystal River. FPL and other Florida generators seem to be more diversified in their fuel choices.
As for recycling, I do it because I pay to do it. Every month on my city water/waste bill is a line item for recycling. If I'm paying for the pick-up, I might as well make use of it. Don't get me started on the ethics of PAYING for a recycling service. It's obvious that it doesn't work if the pubplic has to PAY for the privelige of recycling!
Re:Uh... Electricity production (Score:2)
Re:Recycling is last because it doesn't work. (Score:2)
Well then why even bother to reduce or reuse? Who cares! All those giant landfill outside of major cities are irrelevant!
Re:Stop Recycling! (Score:1)
Re:Microsoft are u listening !!! (Score:1)
For what? When did it become illegal to take computer parts from two broken machines and put them together to make one working machine? If they were keeping copies of Windows on the machine without also handing over the licence to that copy of Windows, then there would be a problem.
I kind of like this. Microsoft sued all those people from non-profit organizations that donated used computers (with Windows on them) because of licensing issues. Now people are saying "Fine.. If Microsoft is going to give me trouble about this, I'll just bootfuck Windows and install something else". Excellent. Suing those people wasn't the smartest idea, eh Microsoft?
Re:An M$ free operation? (Score:2)
On your second question, you have a lot of links that look like this: instead of this: So I keep getting sent to http://p3.html, which does not exist.