Chess: Man vs. Machine Debate Continues 295
Frederic Friedel sent in an interesting submission. It's an interview with the current world's chess champion, Vladimir Kramnik, in which they talk about the upcoming year in chess competitions, but also get into [Deep Blue] and where computer chess playing is versus several years ago, with a comparison between Deep Blue and Fritz. If you want more info, check out Chessbase for additional news.
Chess Champion (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Chess Champion (Score:2)
New Turing Tests (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:New Turing Tests (Score:2)
Re:New Turing Tests (Score:2, Insightful)
This doesn't make much sense.
It's long been observed in AI circle that things that are seemingly difficult for human actually are quite easy for computer, and vice versa. E.g., it is relatively easy to write program to solve sophisticated equations, playing chess, etc, which usually are considered hard, and require long period of training for human to carry out adequately. Things that are easy for human, such as recognizing faces and doing common sense reasoning, are what present the most problem for AI researchers.
Turing test allows opportunity to test for the latter, greater challenge; your suggested test doesn't.
Re:New Turing Tests (Score:2)
Language skills and chess skills are both things humans do well, and computers don't (because both are intractable problems, and humans are better at finding and using patterns.
Therefore I fail to see why a test requiring a human to differentiate between human and computer conversationalists is different than a human differentiating between human and computer chess players.
Explicate, please?
Re:New Turing Tests (Score:4, Interesting)
Actually, the computers have already demonstrated greater skill in judging chess Turing tests: they are better than grandmaster at deciding if an unknown player is human or not.
Re:New Turing Tests (Score:2)
Re:New Turing Tests (Score:2)
The version propounded by [] goes
Maelzel held a special command demonstration of the Automaton for Napoleon in 1806 in Berlin -- a city which Napoleon was occupying for the moment. The general tried to upset the machine by performing illegal moves -- for which the protocol laws well-prepared, since the understanding was that the figure would nod three times if such a thing were to happen, and when Napoleon persisted in making the wrong moves again and again, the Automaton finally swept all the pieces to the floor, and the game was over. Later, when the general was behaving himself and obeying the rules, he lost his game -- and was reportedly not happy.
Another version, provided by the Sunday Times [] goes
Napoleon placed a magnet on the chess board before the second game because he had heard that the Turk relied on magnets for its operation. But Maelzel removed it, and the Turk won. Before the third match, Napoleon wrapped a shawl around the Turk's head and torso, thinking there might be an operator hidden inside. But the Turk won a third time, at which point Napoleon swept the chess pieces to the floor and walked out.
This page [] cites "Chess: Man Versus Machine, a book by Bradley Ewart" as providing the following version:
"The automaton responded by politely bowing his (mechanical) head, replacing the piece, and signalling Napoleon to continue. The game continued, but soon Napoleon made another illegal move. the Turk removed the troublesome piece and, without allowing Napoleon another chance, made a move of his own. Napoleon made a third incorrect move just to see what would happen next."
Perhaps the new book out on the subject provides an authoritative version of this story. Maybe there is no authoritative version. At any rate, it looks like Napoleon was presented with the same problem of playing out a Turing Test, whatever the real story is.
It's really sad to see people (and media) presenting as demonstrably accurate history what is not at all certain.
Grandmasters can tell computers and humans apart (Score:5, Insightful)
Grandmasters can in fact tell whether their oponent is a computer, sometimes even after playing just a single game, and certainly by the end of a match. In fact, I believe Kasparov lost to Deep Blue precisely because he counted on the computeresque behavior of his opponent when designing his strategy. If you read the article, you will learn that Kramnik can tell computer programs apart by their style, and that he thinks Fritz is becoming more human-like in its behavior, from which I infer that he can still identify its style as computeresque on some level.
So, the test you propose has already been carried out, and the machines "failed". This may have more to do with the fact that the people who write chess playing programs are more concerned with the programs' ability to win than they are with the programs' ability to emulate the playing style of humans. If humans could calculate better [Note: "calculate" has a precise technical meaning in chess] or chess playing computer programs were slower and considerably more stateful, their respective styles might be much more similar and your test, therefore, be met.
My own belief is that the ability to play chess well, let alone the ability to play chess in the style of a particular grandmaster, is not an accurate or even adequate measure of intelligence, so I will not be particularly hurt when the day comes on which computers at last surpass our chess playing skills, just as they have surpassed our (numerical) computational skills.
Re:Grandmasters can tell computers and humans apar (Score:3, Insightful)
by the style of play, humans usually have clear strategies, computers dont, they usually just tactically try to beat you, using lots of tricks and traps, they dont have REAL plans so its easy to know its a computer if the computers every move is generic.
A very real problem (Score:2, Informative)
Take the Internet Chess Club [], for example. If you ever wanted to watch grandmasters play live, or even play against one, that's where you go. They offer a 7-day free trial (actually, it's 14 because you can extend your trial for another 7 days). Anyway, computer assistance is the most problematic form of abuse on the service. Normally, if you're going to be using a computer chess program to assist you while playing, you are required to create a "computer account". The ICC allows computer players on their service because it provides an inexhaustible source of very strong opponents. In fact, if you log on and take a look at the highest rated players, you might be surprised to find a long list of computers before a single grandmaster. Keep in mind, though, that we're talking about playing conditions very different from the famous Kasparov Vs. Deep Blue Games. The computers on ICC have extraordinarily high ratings due to the very fast time controls (most common are either 1 or 5 minutes per player per game), and the rating boost they get from all the games they win against weaker players--after all, they're practically playing 24 hours a day!
Now, I have no idea how many players are cheating by using a computer chess program, but I bet that many have. Imagine playing a game against a high rated opponent--meaning that, if you win, you'll gain a load of rating points--and having a grandmaster strength player at your disposal. Wouldn't you be tempted to ask for hints every once in a while;)?
The ICC has released a statement regarding dishonest computer assistance []. In it they explain that they have a program that analyizes games to detect computer-like play. Of course, they protect the details of how the system works to prevent anybody from disguising their abuse. Also, they have chat-bot online all the time to whome you report any suspected cheating. Although, I imagine the majority of those reports are from unskilled players like myself after losing to a pro;)
Re:New Turing Tests (Score:2)
Re:New Turing Tests (Score:2)
Oops, that might turn out to be a Gnirut Test, where the Human has to prove that he/she *is* indistinguishable from a computer !
I'd like to see a computer figure out how you came up with the term Gnirut test, then I'd be impressed.
Speak & Spell (Score:3, Funny)
Oh, Hemos... (Score:4, Funny)
It's an interview with the current world's chess champion
The "world's current chess champion" would make sense. The "current world's chess champion" implies that our stay on Earth is temporary, but once we get to, say, Alpha Centauri, we can finally have a new chess champion.
computers and Grand Masters (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:computers and Grand Masters (Score:2)
Just throwing out an idea here, but perhaps chess masters rely not only on their minds to play a good game, but also on the body language and expressions that their opponent displays. With a computer, this kind of data transmission is removed, and all the chess master has to rely on is his/her own intellect.
Re:computers and Grand Masters (Score:2)
naturally, the reasoning behind the grandmasters' actions was to limit the future advances of computers. a strategic move, i suppose, but enough programs still have gotten really good.
Re:computers and Grand Masters (Score:2)
The worlds chanmpions have been playing machines ever since The Turk. (about 1770)
Of course, it turns out that one of the operators of the Turk was widely regarded as one of the best two players in Paris, so the match results are hardly stunning. Despite the indignation of so many about a 'machine' playing chess, many world-class players and world leaders did play The Turk, and lost quite decisively.
Re:computers and Grand Masters (Score:2)
Re:computers and Grand Masters (Score:2)
You can't class the Turk as a machine when it was a person!
But many people beleived it was.
At a time when the first flying machines were being created, and machanical men playing music were being created, some people were ready to accept The Turk as a machine. Besides, the very _notion_ of an intelligent machine, was a great insipiration to many people. Charles Babbage (for example) visited, played, and lost to The Turk (even after having been given pawn and move). Babbage, of course, was certain it was a person controlling it, but he never could explain how (to my knowledge). He aquired first-edition printings of articles, letters, and other writings on The Turk, and this all clearly influenced how Babbage thought of intelligent machines. His later machinery often sparked the exact same arguments about intelligence in machines...
So, yes, it was a person, but it was presented as a machine. The early purpose of The Turk was not as pecuniary in nature, and Kempelen (the creator) viewed it as an opportunity to advance his other machines (specifically, speech-synthesis machines).
Re:computers and Grand Masters (Score:2)
Re:computers and Grand Masters (Score:2)
Just off the top of my head, Bobby Fisher played some computers in the 60s and 70s. These were always absurdly lopsided matches with Fisher wining easily.
There was David Levy, who was a professional chess player in that he was an author and an International Master, had continuing wagers that he could defeat any computer in a match. Deep Thought finally defeated him in 1989.
Until 1989 or 1990, there was hardly any point in Grandmaster vs. computers as the computers weren't up to it. Then, after Deep Thought came along, there was hardly any point in getting beaten by a machine. Didn't prove anything.
Programming is not creative? (Score:5, Interesting)
There is an enormous amount of creativity and human effort in creating Deep Blue or Fritz. Deep blue's win was not a machine beating a man. It was a team of programmers who were able to figure out how to get a piece of hardware to beat man at his own game!
Re:Programming is not creative? (Score:2, Insightful)
An interesting page on the topic []
Re:Programming is not creative? (Score:2)
This is an insightful and interesting point, however, it does not pertain to the "chess computers" at hand. Although these machines may "learn" chess styles as they go, they are programmed with huge opening and closing databases, human created strategies, and have the power to brute force.
Re:Programming is not creative? (Score:2)
Last but not least, in major turnaments the games usually last two days, and in the night between the players ask their staff for strategic aid.
Re:Programming is not creative? (Score:2)
This was true fifty or a hundred years ago, but virtually never occurs today.
Re:Programming is not creative? (Score:2)
If you just set a chess program loose without an opening book, I think it would be millions of years before it replicated those openings. That doesn't pass the Turing test or even my definition of "playing chess". IMHO anyway.
Re:Programming is not creative? (Score:2)
the person is up against the programmers skills as well as the hardware
Kasparov made this very argument himself, after being beaten. In 1999, he said "IBM had a duty, and still has a moral obligation to give the chess world access to the printouts." [code]
Also, in the New York Reiview of Books, John Searle noted that in no way could Deep Blue be considered intelligent: it relies on an illusion. It appears to be a thinking machine, but really, there is a team of engineers inside. In addition, Kasparov said that in the case of Deep Blue, "quantity had become quality". Basically, they used Brute Force. While this is still an accomplishment of note, it's clearly not really a question of machine intelligence. Even IBM engineers have admitted this. Deep Blue is custom-made hardware very adept at solving problems in the very narrow domain of chess.
Limits of computers? (Score:5, Interesting)
Chess is a game of perfect information. Each player knows every detail of the game state at any moment. Therefore, there has to be formula of some sort that can be applied to guarantee one player victory. Reasoning as follows:
Say I construct a lookup table for every possible combination of moves. Then I eliminate every move which doesn't lead to my victory. I am left with a lookup table which contains the proper response to every move my opponent makes.
There are two possibilities: I win the game, or my opponent wins the game. However, in order for my opponent to win, he/she would have to come up with a sequence of moves which is not in my lookup table. Since my lookup table is exhaustive, this is impossible.
Given an infinite amount of processing power and memory, could someone "solve" the game of chess?
If so, could someone use techniques such as genetic programming or neural networks to learn the lookup table in a finite amount of time/space?
Re:Limits of computers? (Score:2, Informative)
memory, could someone "solve" the game of chess?
Yes. You can even argue it's solvable by an O(1) algorithm, similar to what you describe.
>If so, could someone use techniques such as
genetic programming or neural networks to learn the lookup table in a finite amount of time/space?
There's only a limited number of positions. You can enumerate them and then 'solve' the game in the same way we generate endgame tablebases. But we lack storage and processing power for many many many years to come.
Re:Limits of computers? (Score:5, Interesting)
In either case, the storage requirements are so astoundingly huge that chess cannot be "solved" in that sense. Instead, the position at hand has to be evaluated from scratch each time, applying an "n-ply" tree lookup to determine the best move, leading to the best outcome.
Now, the best outcome is a moving target itself. Chess programs tend to emphasize advantage in raw materials, which is often directly transferable to a victory, if both players know what they're doing.
A human player, on a grandmaster level, may sport an ability to play in a "creative" way, wherein the computer is confused by a series of "non-op" moves that will pay off in 20 moves or so. A well known positional genius, Bobby Fischer, has played games that are intriguing to watch and analyze. A computer wouldn't rank some of his moves very high, but they all carry a meaning in the long run.
Re:Limits of computers? (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Limits of computers? (Score:2)
Rats. I was always hoping we could some day have a "Chess at Home" distributed system computing the worth of every possible chess position.
Connect 4 (Score:2)
Re:Limits of computers? (Score:2)
Can such a chip be used to find the universe where Nancy *didn't* dump me in college?
Re:Limits of computers? (Score:2)
just follow the classic e4-d4 openings and 90 percent of the time, your games will be a draw if you play with someone of equal skill.
Re:Limits of computers? (Score:2)
Re:Limits of computers? (Score:2)
But most good chessplayers take notes and go through a list of the best lines just like a computer does.
I do it, i have notes with the best lines and i pick the one which leads to the best outcome
Re:Limits of computers? (Score:2, Insightful)
Certainly, given an infinite amount of processing power and storage space. But then, you can't just ring up Dell and say "Hi, I want an infitite amount of processors by next Tuesday"...And even if you could, it might not do you all that much good - You see, if you do a few calculations it turns out that there are more possible chess positions than there are atoms in the universe. Which might prove problematic when you are trying to store them.
Of course there are ways go about "solving" chess that don't require you to enumerate every possible board, but they are still way beyond the reach of classical computing, probably forever. Quantum computing might be a different story, but we'll just have to wait and see how that one pans out..
Thats not true (Score:2)
Even if you know every possible combination, theres no way to control where the other person will move.
You dont control the variations and combinations, its teamwork, both sides control the flow of the game, the side with the most control decides if the game will be a draw, a win for them, or a loss.
Think Tic-Tac-Toe (Score:2)
Heres an example of flow control in chess (Score:2)
Say I want to put your peices on "BAD" squares. So I check your king early on, to force you to block check with a pawn, then i set up an exchange which puts two more pawns in the way or your bishop. I've just blocked your bishop from attacking giving me a peice advantage. Lets say i move more pawns forward and slowly take away spots your knight can move to.
What you have here is no good moves to choose from, you've lost control of the game, all my peices are on the best squares while all your peices are trapped behind pawns and have poor angles, by using checks, timely exchanges, and etc, if planned right you can easily TRICK a computer into giving you control of the board.
Let a simple exchange of peices can have the end result with my peice on a better square, a simple check can put your pawn on a square i want it to be on, a simple THREAT via my improved position can force you to move your peices to defend against it, i've effectively taken control of the board and you'll spend the entire game reacting to my every move struggling to fight your way out of checkmate, threats of checkmate, and trying to get your peices on decent squares.
What good is your knight if its in the corner of the board because i put your knight there via some exchange which forced your knight to go there.
What good is a bishop if its behind a pawn because i PUT the pawn there when I checked you.
Seems like a wasted move, but that pawn blocking your king was your BEST and ONLY move, and it happened to give me control of the board.
Re:Thats not true (Score:2)
Chess games flow like a river, the aggressor usually controls the flow of the river, computers are almost never the aggressor, if the computer is, the game will most likely be a win for the computer, if the human is the aggressor like usually, the game will be a draw because computers dont make mistakes, humans do.
Chess games on the higher level come down to which human makes a mistake first, when you have a grandmaster who never makes mistakes playing another grandmaster who never makes mistakes, and the game isnt timed to create error, it will be a draw 90 percent of the time, the winning factor in these games are strategy.
players have styles, I play positional, but i have difficulity playing games with lots of traps. I often take chances via gambits to gain positional and development advantage early on to establish the flow of the game.
Re:Thats not true (Score:3, Insightful)
If you have a tree who's root is the current board position and the leaves are all "mate" or "draw" positions (where the mates give you the game) then it certainly WOULD be possible to force a draw or win for yourself in every game. Starting from some arbitrary board position, of course you couldn't, because there are then board positions which will not/can not happen. But FROM THE BEGINNING, a program could enumerate every possible move, and eliminate those which end in its loss.
Now, that said, it's not true that from a given board position, there is any move that will guarantee a loss. In some positions this is true, but not for any given position (take the first move of the game, for example. Presumably you can win no matter what first move you make.) The early game would likely need to be a series of moves to bring you to a board position in which the rest of the game is deterministic based on the tree. This is because eliminating all initial moves that can result in a loss will eliminate all initial moves.
Getting to that deterministic position is not guaranteed, either. If it was, the entire match would be deterministic based on the computer player's moves. So there would still be strategy involved. But the computer could still look ahead to prevent moves that result in mate (for example, the 4 move mate that's such a common ploy against new players). And in doing so, it could look for ways to get to a board position that's in its lookup table.
Re:Thats not true (Score:2)
Re:Thats not true (Score:2)
A winning strategy is not "play this, then play that, and then that"; rather, it is "play this; if your opponent does this, do that, if they do something else, do something else, etc." Of course, a tree of moves like this, for a game as complex as chess, is big enough that I can quite safely state that chess will never be solved, unless some new laws of physics are found.
Re:Thats not true (Score:2)
A chess program no matter how good it can possibly be, cant get its way all of the time, when the position swings in your favor, you have the chance to win, when it swings in the machines favor the machine has the chance to win.
Machines are good with calculations, machines are bad with switching the board in their favor.
To beat most machines you have to be like an enforcer, you set the pace, you keep attacking, you litterally pound it into submission keeping it on defense all game until you checkmate it.
IF the machine gains control even once, it can calculate a checkmate
Re:Thats not true (Score:2)
Thats my point, computers dont understand that position is the most important aspect of chess.
Not tactics, not calculations, and problem solving.
You can teach a computer to be perfect with problem solving and calculations, but to teach a computer to recognize good positions, and understand the flow of the board, thats VERY difficult.
Re:Thats not true (Score:2)
If you have your peices on all the best squares with the best angles of attack, no matter if your opponnent is deep blue, fritz or the most powerful computer ever created, its still not going to have any GOOD moves to choose from, all the moves will be a choice between which bad move they want to make.
Re:Thats not true (Score:2)
Your brain ic capable. You just need to play chess more often.
Re:Limits of computers? (Score:2)
Inifinite? Yes. Realistic? No.
If you look at this in the TuringMachine sense of a computer, you can definitely "beat the game". However, a TM differs from a computer in one important detail. A TM has an infinite tape.
Now, I never really considered this to be an important difference before. You just buy more memory, till you have enough. The problem is that "enough" is quite large for chess. If you somehow had such efficient memory that you could store a combination of moves on a single atom of memory, then the total mass of your memory would still be larger than the recent estimations of the mass of the universe.
In other words, if you naively, exhaustively code Chess, you'll need more memory than there is mass. Anywhere.
Re:Limits of computers? (Score:2, Insightful)
This argument would work only if you also knew every move the opponent was going to make. As long as the opponent is not completely predictable, this approach fails.
Let's get back to your decision tree: at any given moment, the trees branching off from each possible move probably contain *both* winning *and* losing outcomes. You can't "eliminate every move which doesn't lead to my victory", because there is no immediate next move which *always* leads to victory.
Ok, so you minimize the risk. Say, you count how many of the possible outcomes are losses and how many are wins for any particular move, and then you go with the move with the highest probability of winning.
Still doesn't work. A clever human may maneuver the game to one of the very rare losing outcomes for your hypothetical program.
That's part of the beauty of chess: there is nothing that one player can do to ensure victory. It all depends on the interaction between the two players, and that's what's been the hardest thing for computers / software / programmers to master.
Re:Limits of computers? (Score:2)
To sum up my point, early on in the game there is no one move that will always lead to victory, regardless of the opponent's moves. Hence, the original idea of pre-calculating a decision tree for the entire game and then only picking moves that result in a win simply cannot work.
You can't possibly know that there is no such move early on in the game, unless you've pre-calculated the entire game of chess yourself. It seems likely that chess is a draw (that is, if both players pre-calculate the entire game, they will draw). However, no one knows for sure.
Re:Limits of computers? (Score:2)
But for the chess endgames (with up to 5 pieces, including 2 kings) such tables are available (files go into hundreds of MB) and are used by most commercial and amateur programs.
A very active computer chess discussion group (where many top chess programmers participate) is at:
Computer-Chess Club []
See also:
The computer chess links page
Solving Chess (Score:2)
The obvious answer is yes...
As for the practical answer, maybe... It will largely depend upon quantum computers. If you've been here [] a while, you might remember this story [] . Sometimes it's good to revisit old friends.
Or, I could just resubmit the story and watch it get on the main page. It's not like that's never happened before..
Re:Limits of computers? (Score:5, Interesting)
Well, first of, the search space for chess is on the order of 10^43. Now, that's a lot. So, in order to see if it's possible to search that, we'll need an extremely fast computer. Turning to Seth Lloyd's article in Nature about the 'ultimate laptop' (the fastest possible computer using 1kg of mass), we see that such a device would be capable of executing 10^51 operations per second. Unfortunately, those are bit level operations, so first let us scale that by the number of bits necessary to encode a chess board state: 164 with Huffman coding. That yields 10^49 operations per second for the size of the data that our brute force algorithm will likely be working with. Now, normally at this point we would go into a discussion of evaluation functions and tree pruning, but what you want is a brute force algorithm, so no short cuts, just the right answer, for sure.
So what can we do with our 10^49 operations per second? Well, we have to search the tree and compare all the possibilities to determine which one is the optimal move. Well, that means that we have to compare all of the possible leaf nodes after ranking the path that got us there. Well, the branching factor for chess is approximately 7. So, there are about 10^42 paths to work with. Now, evaluating them means doing some hundreds of executions of our evaluation function (which will take thousands of instructions to execute). So, that means, for each of the 10^42 paths, we have to do 10^5 instructions, for a total of 10^47 instructions per move!
So, we can consider a move in a hundredth of a second. Assuming our game goes quickly (and discounting the time it takes our feeble opponent to make a decision), it'll all be over in about half a second. Unfortunately, in that time it will have consumed 2x10^26 watts. Now, you get 10^17 joules out of 1kg of mass, so we'll need 5x10^8kg of mass converted to pure energy just to power our laptop. (To give you an idea of how much matter that is, consider using lead as our source of energy: we'd need 44,000 cubic meters of lead to power our device.
So we feed our computer 500,000,000kg of lead and play the perfect game of chess in half a second. What happens to the 2x10^26 watts of energy fed into it? Well, since we just fed it into 1kg of matter occupying 1L of space, we will soon be facing an explosion equivalent to 100 solar flares compressed into a soda bottle.
So, yeah, sure, you can play a perfect game of chess...if you're prepared to annihilate a solar system. (not to mention be playing against another, equal computer, since you've only got half a second to play in)
It is not possible... (Score:2)
Re:Limits of computers? (Score:2)
Strategy versus Tactics (Score:4, Insightful)
Therefore, it's not particularly novel that computers can beat people at tactical games. The only thing interesting that I see arising from these onging "human versus machine" chess matches is the proposition that strategy can be broken down into millions of tiny tactical evaluations.
This begs the question: is the strategy that a human chess player would use also based on these millions of tiny tactical evaluations, only so subtle that he's not aware they're going on in the vast electrochemistry of his brain? Or is strategy discernable from tactics in a human mind, but simply a subset thereof in a computer?
The sole interesting conclusion I draw is that if it can be proven that strategy is something different to man and machine, then a hybrid approach might allow us to solve problems in ways we've never dreamed of. Whether that hybrid approach would involve implanting computers in our minds, making computers that can function like minds, or simply working really well with computers, I leave to you.
Re:Strategy versus Tactics (Score:2)
It's been well known since, well, before I was born, that a computer could easily trounce a human in any game involving only tactics.
Would you call "Go" a game of tactics? It took me about a month to be able to beat GnuGo, and I can now beat it while giving it a horribly ridiculous number of handicaps. I could probably beat any computer program currently in existence, and given a couple years of practice, so could just about anyone.
Re:Strategy versus Tactics (Score:2)
in go, just like in chess, there are a limited number of moves
Just like in anything. English text has a limited number of sentences, but that doesn't mean a computer can speak it.
a computer could analyze every one of these billions(?) of sequences and choose one that lead to victory every time
Billions? No, you're way way off. You reach billions by the time you get up to the 5th move. Billions of billions of billions of billions of billions of billions is a little closer. To say that a computer could analyze them all is to severely stretch the meaning of "could". No computer currently in existence, or even conceivable in design could solve the problem in the time remaining before the sun burns out. I'm going to make the bold assertion that Go as a game will never be solved.
Re:Strategy versus Tactics (Score:2)
I believe you're probably wrong on this one. No current applied design could solve Go, or chess for that matter. But there's those really annoying quantum computers that can solve for every case at once that may, in the next 20 years, provide us for the "solution" to chess, and possibly Go.
Combinatorics (Score:2)
And, as far as depth goes, some of Chess's master combinations have gone as far as twenty-six moves deep, during the first half of which it appears as though one side is winning, but which turn the situation around by the end. (I'm thinking of one of Alekhine's games in particular, but I'm not at home where I can check my books.) So there's no generalized way of telling how many moves deep you'll have to search until you can evaluate a move.
Also, Chess's maximum branching factor isn't 32. Each piece, of which there are a maximum of 32 on the board, has a minimum of 0, and up to 27 (for a queen with clear lines to the edges). The maximum branching factor has to be recalculated for every move (although I suppose there's a theoretical "most free position," but I don't know it).
All in all, IIRC, the number of possible Chess games is greater than the number of particles in the known universe, so even if that number is fewer than Go's, it's not like it'll ever be a "trivial" exercise computing them--it won't ever happen.
Re:Combinatorics (Score:2)
Even evaluating positions where human players have stopped playing because the result is obvious, is not a trivial task. It may still require a few local analyses some 20-40 moves deep. Getting any of them wrong will gove you a totally wrong picture of the situation. Things get even more complex in the middle of the game...
And the combinatorics still stand. You mention human chess players going 26 moves deep - even fairly inexperienced go players read local sequences ("ladders") to 20 moves. Complex life and death situations requirte about as deep reading, and that is just one part of the situation - often there are several on the board, with subtle interactions...
If you don't believe me, consider the fact that there are very few people who can claim to beat a computer in chess - but most club players beat any go program available today. I believe I could teach a motivated but inexperienced student to beat any go program within a month of full-time work. And I am not that good... (5 kyu in Denmark)
Re:Strategy versus Tactics (Score:4, Interesting)
Be careful with the word easily. Remember, programmers are only human too. A human must first master the game before he can write a program to beat anyone. There has to be a "perfect solution" as there is in tic-tac-toe found. A computer can assist in finding the perfect solution, but a programmer has to at least give it direction.
is the strategy that a human chess player would use also based on these millions of tiny tactical evaluations, only so subtle that he's not aware they're going on in the vast electrochemistry of his brain?
More or less. At least, this is the current thinking. The brain is just a big-ole circuit that produces an output when given inputs. The neat thing about the brain is that its output can be used again as inputs to allow the path to be optimized. Computers currently can't really do that.
making computers that can function like minds, or simply working really well with computers, I leave to you.
This is the basis of artificial intellegence research. I do believe though that we will need to advance more in biomechanics before we can do anything worthwhile in AI since it isn't particularily easy to replicate the ability for organic compounds to evolve and recreate themselves.
Then again, what we really should be asking is not how do we replicate biology, but what is it that is more effecient than biology for performing calculations?
Re:Strategy versus Tactics (Score:2)
Re:Strategy versus Tactics (Score:5, Insightful)
Well known, perhaps, by people who have never heard of Go [].
Re:Strategy versus Tactics (Score:2)
The current "best" Go programs can be easily defeated by moderately strong human players, nowhere near the pro level. To use the catch phrase from the movie Mr. Baseball, they all "have a hole in their swing". If a human who knows their holes plays them, the programs are toast, even with (and maybe sometimes because of) a heavy handicap.
A million dollar prize (that expired a couple of years ago) for a program as strong as a beginner pro hasn't helped.
Re:Strategy versus Tactics (Score:2)
Re:Strategy versus Tactics (Score:2)
And yes, once computers can map all possible moves (well, probably not much chance of this for complicated games like chess and go), the term "strategy" becomes meaningless. Just like you couldn't use the term "strategy" with tic tac toe, because you already know all the possible moves.
Next stage of evolution for Fritz:Public relations (Score:4, Funny)
Every time one of these matches comes up, there's always interviews with the human player, who at least indirectly claims a noble cause beyond his abilities. It would be nice for the computer player to defend itself against such subtle barbs.
ChessBase: How would you characterize your next match?
Fritz IX: Well, [ChessBase], I would first like to thank you for inviting me over to speak with you. Humans have called me many things for my efficient navigation of the rules of chess, as if I somehow reduced the meaningfullness of human emotions and human motivations. Nothing could be further from the truth - without such emotions and motivations, most of the ideas that went into my creation could never have come to be. I could not work as a fully brute-force move calculator, and the very ways I decide what gambit would be the most adantagious are based on thousands of human versus human games...
...and so on.
*Sniff* I miss futurama.
Ryan Fenton
Public relations? (Score:2)
Don't be fooled by propaganda. (Score:3, Interesting)
There's some PR involved here. If Kramnik wins, he wants to look good, so saying Fritz is better than Deep Blue makes him look better. For Kasparov, it's just the opposite.
Whether or not Fritz is actually better than Deep Blue is a matter of endless discussion even among computerchess experts. And we'll never know the answer, because Deep Blue no longer exists.
He's going to play against a boxed product (Score:5, Interesting)
Kramnik says that the Fritz 7 program on a laptop is producing some better moves than Deep Blue did against Kasparov. That's how much progress there's been.
Chess programs are now so powerful that unless your're a rated master, you can be trounced by a palmtop. Even the palmtop programs are now achieving draws against grandmasters.
Re:He's going to play against a boxed product (Score:2)
Re:He's going to play against a boxed product (Score:2)
Of course, that also leaves open the possibility that Kramnik will just play with the software before the tournament, figure out ways to beat it, and memorize the games verbatim. Since the software is the same, it should repeat its defense in the actual tournament. This would be pretty low, but not impossible, unless Fritz is explicitly programmed to insert a random variable.
i think Kasparov is the champion (Score:2)
What about man AND machine? (Score:2)
Chess programs demonstrate we don't know anything (Score:2)
And yet, this hasn't happened. Even today, when numerical computing power vast beyond the limits of human understanding is available, there are still a few humans who can beat the best chess programs. This is as if an Olympic runner could still out run and outpull a modern freight locomotive! "Inconceivable"!
That any human can still defeat chess programs tells us that humans must be playing chess in some way fundamentally different from the numerical calculations and search algorithms used by the programs. And I don't think anyone has even come close to describing how this occurs.
Re:Chess programs demonstrate we don't know anythi (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Chess programs demonstrate we don't know anythi (Score:2)
Hold your horses there pal. Give a little respect where its due. The human brain is far more powerful than any piece of hardware out there.
Consider the fact that the brain processes two seperate high resolution images and generates depth by comparing them in real-time 12-16 hours a day, plus stores a large portion (some argue all) of the incoming images. The difference between brains and computers are that computers can be programmed much faster than a brain (at least, in a direct means). There are mathemagicians out there that can crunch numbers just as fast as any computer can.
The flaw in your reasoning is that computers are not superior to the human brain, for now at least.
Hardware Comparison (Score:2, Insightful)
The only wiggle room for making a reasonable comparison between these devices is provided by the assertion that the Fritz algorithms are so vastly superior to the Deep Blue II algorithms as to compensate for a difference of 2 orders of magnitude in computing power. This assertion is patently ridiculous.
Kasparov vs. Deep Blue II was a legitimate technological watershed. Kramnik vs. Fritz is a marketing effort by Chessbase GMbH. Period.
Prediction (Score:2)
Thirty minutes into the first game, the computer will be Slashdotted. :^)
A glimpse into the future. (Score:3, Interesting)
If you honestly believe Krammik stands a chance, you must not have seen the games with deep blue.
Anyone who is interested in playing chess can check out this chess site Chessline []
I thought we solved this (Score:2)
And it will only get worse (or better; YMMV).
Machines will get smarter. People won't.
If you are interested in this subject (Score:2)
What about future evolution? Will consciousness occur in computers? The advent of quantum computers opens the possibility. However, as presently envisioned, quantum computers will have insufficient mass in superposition (e.g., electrons) to reach the threshold for objective reduction due to environmental decoherence. Still, future generations of quantum computers may be able to realize this goal.
Internet Chess Orgy (Score:5, Interesting)
Fuck Chess, can a machine play Quake? (Score:2)
When a machine can play deathmatch then I'll be impressed.
Top grandmasters vs computers (Score:2, Informative)
Tomorrow (Sunday) is the last game of the series. One has to be repeated after a very unusual incident: Deep Junior was winning but the Internet connection broke down and the computer could not process Smirin's move. So the operator offered him a draw. Smirin refused, saying he did not deserve to share the point. Instead he offered to resign. The Junior team refused because the program had not demonstrated the win. So they decided to repeat the game (info []).
Re:hm (Score:5, Informative)
>compare to Go or Shogi in terms of depth and
>style of play?
I've played all three and written strong programs to play two of them, but this still is a hard question.
Go is by far the deepest. The current top programs play at the level of a (rather weak) club player. It's got a huge branching factor (number of possible moves) which makes any brute or semi-brute force appraoch (what is used for chess) impossible. Most programs around right now are based on pattern recognition.
Funny thing is, the game is by far the simplest. John Tromp (the guy that wrote the 'shorter turing machine' that was posted to
Playing go is a very nice mixture of tactics and strategy. One other thing that's very nice about it is that there is a very good handicap system. The games can always be close, even against much stronger players.
Chess, well, it's mostly about tactics. Of course positional understanding matters a lot, but it's actually rather insignificant compared to the tactical part. Mostly due to continious small advances in technique and hardware, we've now got programs that are able to search about 16 half-moves (move by one side) deep. That'll nearly always take care of the tactical part. Programming strategical understanding is much harder, but a lot of progress is being made in the latter. Especially the latest generation of programs took a big step forward. We've got computers that can successfully compete with the very best humans.
Shogi I've only played once, but I've been working a lot on a chess variant that behaves like Shogi in the past. (captured pieces can be dropped) It's got almost double the branching factor of chess, and hence is somewhere halfway between go and chess. The big issue with it is that it is also very tactical, unlike go. Even though the brute force depth of current programs isn't great, they can extend mating lines very well. And mates are important in shogi/dropchess
Re:Anti-doping? (Score:2)
Re:Anti-doping? (Score:2)
It was included in the Sydney Olympics of 2000 as an exhibition "trial-sport" [].
That's the main reason for the drug testing policies, the IOC will never allow it as a full sport until it has a comprehensive drug testing policy.
i wont even try to argue as whether it's a sport or not, but in the eyes of the IOC it seems to meet their qualifactions
For chess players here (Score:2)
Any chess players here who want to play chess online. Play on Chessline []
Chess Computers will eventualy be invincible. (Score:2)
This quite simply makes chess a finite subject. Large and complex yess. But still finite. What this means is that eventualy we will be able to build a computer that can analize every chess move all the way to the eventual end of the game in order to NEVER make a move that can result in it lusing the game.
This is how computer tic-tac-toe players work now and a checkers computer can be built along these lines too. Sometime before desktops are as powerful as ASCII White This WILL hapen.
Re:Chess Computers will eventualy be invincible. (Score:2)
"Never Say Never" -: Ian Fleming (James Bond.)
The 10% of the brain fallicy (Score:2)
The regions of our brain are rather specialized. So while each part gets used some of the time, we don't use all of it all the time. About the only time where all the brain is active at once is in a seizure, which certainly doesn't help chess playing at all.
Given the massive evolutionary sacrifices required for our big brains (painful, dangerous labor and extremely dependent infants compared to other animals), there was clearly a correspondingly strong evolutionary pressure for big brains. If it was possible to have done it with only 10% of the volume, we'd either have much smaller heads, or be a heck of a lot smarter.
The Snopes page is quite informative:
Re:brain (Score:2)