Ogg Vorbis 1.0 443
uvasmith writes "According to the Ogg Vorbis website... Release 1.0 is now ready and tagged as 'vorbis1_0_public_release' in CVS. This is a full release of a 1.0 encoder, decoder and tool set. The encoder, decoder and tools now implement all Vorbis 1.0 specification features including low-bitrate, cascading and channel coupling." Update: 07/19 17:05 GMT by C :It seems someone jumped the gun a bit in mentioning the release, but now it's official! Check out the download page, the letter from their CEO and (if you wish) cough up a few bucks at the donation page! For those audiophiles among us, you can check out a side-by-side audio comparison here. Oh, and don't forget the free music!
Debian packages (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Debian packages (Score:4, Funny)
Replace JPEG! (Score:4, Funny)
more importantly (Score:3, Funny)
Yay! (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Yay! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Yay! (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Yay! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Yay! (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Yay! (Score:2, Funny)
I mean who the hell wants to eat somthing called that?
Re:Yay! (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Yay! (Score:2, Funny)
So what's the word for somebody who takes a humorous comment too seriously?
Re:Yay! (Score:2, Funny)
Argh Too Early (Score:2, Insightful)
The Vorbis Way (Score:5, Informative)
<xercist> sites are down, and staying that way until it's ready. period.
And slightly afterwards:
<xiphmont> Hello. Slashdot jumped the gun. So that we can actually get to our own servers, xiph.org and vorbis.com have both been taken down so that we can finish the release in peace. Or at all.
Might be a bit off still? (Score:2)
You're sure? According to a post on hydrogenaudio [hydrogenaudio.org] (search for '#vorbis') the release might be a few days off due to updates needed to the specification. I quote:
"I'm sorry, folks, but we have to wait. We're being very thorough with the spec, and it has inadequately documented areas. Official 1.0 release is soon, days as opposed to weeks. It's my call, and I take full responsibility. See you soon" -- Emmet on #vorbis
Re:Might be a bit off still? (Score:2)
Re:Might be a bit off still? (Score:5, Funny)
Yeah, well, if he went by the book, hours would seem like days.
Re:Might be a bit off still? (Score:2)
Re:Argh Too Early (Score:3, Funny)
Nah ... that would be just too easy.
Re:Argh Too Early (Score:2)
Slashdot is blind-rolling-monster that nothing can stop.
Serious question: iTunes (Score:5, Interesting)
I'm not sure I'm ready to give up my beloved MP3's, but I wouldn't mind trying something that isn't tied to somebody else's patent.
Re:Serious question: iTunes (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Serious question: iTunes (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Serious question: iTunes (Score:2)
Re:Ogg support for iTunes (Score:2)
Use Google, silly (Score:4, Insightful)
Goodie #1: Ogg Vorbis QuickTime Component
This allows the user to play Ogg files in most QuickTime applications. As for iTunes support, this will soon be available. At the moment, iTunes doesn't use the standard QuickTime protocol, so it doesn't automatically take advantage of the component. Bad Apple! Not following your own standards!
A quick search turns up several iTunes plug-ins for visualizations, but not for audio codecs. I don't think the new iTunes 3 changes this. Developing plug-ins for iPod would be a whole 'nother ball o' wax. So I think you're out of luck.
oggenc -1 mode (Score:5, Informative)
Re:oggenc -1 mode (Score:5, Informative)
Re:oggenc -1 mode (Score:2)
Re:oggenc -1 mode (Score:3, Interesting)
(for those of you interested, the 3:52 song was only about 974k at -1, from a 16bit 44100kHz stereo
Kudos to the OGG team and all the hard work they put in to the codec, as it performs extremely well for a wide range of bitrates!
The march of OSS (Score:5, Insightful)
BTW: OpenOffice 1.01 is out Re:The march of OSS (Score:3, Informative)
Re:The march of OSS (Score:5, Informative)
Um, stick to the standards dumbass, not the IE standards and you'd be just fine.
Um, untested...You don't consider 3 YEARS of open public testing and bug tracking to be testing?
I know you're just flaming, but you're also a fuckwit.
All servers down - thank you slashdot! (Score:4, Insightful)
Thank you slashdot, you just ed us.
Re:All servers down - thank you slashdot! (Score:4, Insightful)
[1] libogg, libvorbis, and vorbistools
Re:All servers down - thank you slashdot! (Score:2)
Lesson Learned... (Score:2)
Mirror everything before announcing the release.
Re:Lesson Learned... (Score:5, Informative)
Mirror everything before announcing the release.
Tell that to Michael. The Vorbis team was mirroring everything when he leaked the story. The release has not been announced yet.
Re:Lesson Learned... (Score:5, Funny)
Mirror everything before announcing the release to Michael.
Re:All servers down - thank you slashdot! (Score:2)
FreeBSD 4.5 NOT Released (Updated) by timothy
FreeBSD v.4.6 (NOT) Released by chrisd
FreeBSD 4.6 by michael
It's so nice to have more "not released"s than "released"s - makes FreeBSD look real good eh?
Re:All servers down - thank you slashdot! (Score:4, Insightful)
Why not let the freshmeat.net handle the software stuff. At least then, it is a matter of the author announcing it and all you have to do is point to freshmeat and say, "look! it's out! see!?"
Ogg Vorbis 1.0 sounds better than ever (Score:3, Interesting)
ALL YOUR BASE IS OGG TO US! (Score:3, Informative)
ff123 [ff123.net] will be conducting a 64 kbits/s blind listening test [hydrogenaudio.org] where people will send in their results, and that will show how vorbis stacks up against the likes of wma8, mp3pro and quicktime-AAC.
IMO it doesn't really matter if it is better.. if it is at least comparable, than that should be enough for us to make the switch. Because besides being a flexible codec of high quality, it is open source AND completely free of patents (amazing!).. oh yeah, plus it has that really cool bitrate-peeling feature. Anyway, this is one of the few chances we have to get something right in the computer world (for a change!), so let's not blow it! Spread the word and take your hats off for xiph and vorbis!
The waiting is over people, at last we can start ogging for real! ^_^
Ogg at Emusic.com (Score:3, Insightful)
The problem is that Emusic uses mp3. If they would offer songs in ogg vorbis they would be greatly increasing the quality of their product, giving listeners less reason to pirate and more reason to do legit consumer purchasing. I might even consider joining their service myself.
Quality? (Score:2)
How so? MP3 isn't all that bad. I suspect for many casual listeners, the difference between MP3 and Ogg isn't hugely noticeable for most files.
Re:Quality? (Score:2)
At 128kbps, probably not so easy. But try 64kbps
Re:Ogg at Emusic.com (Score:2, Interesting)
Now begins the hardest part... (Score:5, Insightful)
Any piece of technology, no matter how open, free or innovative is useless unless adopted and widely used.
Microsoft uses Market Development Funds to "assist" adoption of their stuff... Such funds are usually in the form of paid holidays to some exotic location for some key executive/manager of companies.
Opensource usually cannot afford such gimmics and rely solely on the merits of the technology.
We can hope (and prey for the religeous among us) that the powers that be at the corporations like the BBC, CNN, ITN, News-Corp etc realise what is the best way to go and don't get their decisions bought by a company which is willing to spend millions of dollars on MDF.
Re:Now begins the hardest part... (Score:3, Interesting)
One question was: What is your favourite audio format?
And, tadaa, OGG was one of the options.
If you are curious to know which hardware vendor has public beta testing. Heheh, I'm not telling.
Re:Now begins the hardest part... (Score:3, Interesting)
Yah, I get the emails from those people, too, only my notice came over a week ago =) Notice how the first questions they ask are about whether you want something that looks good with lots of colors, or something with lots of features? My guess is that since this is a beta step, they've already decided which way the hardware will be, and this is actually a way to cut people from consideration. Also, ironically, they probably only want people for the solid state player who have already got one, based upon their questions... which doesn't make sense. Should they be going after the small segment of the market that already owns players, when they'd have to find some way of convincing them that what they already have sucks, or should they go after the large segment of people who haven't yet found something that appeals to them?
Oh, and to get this back to topic: I picked only MP3, because there should always be MP3 players around, so that's the format I'm storing everything in. I have lots of gigabytes of space, so I don't care about the best compression. I've already had problems some AVI codecs no longer being supported, and don't get me started on the whole Quicktime for Windows not playing some MOV files mess. =) MP3 is a standard standard, with the only real question being whether a player will support high-rate VBR, which I prefer. Now, if you could get me totally lossless compression of sound, then I'll consider switching...
OT: Ogg is such a crappy name for a format, anyway. OGG stands for "hi, I'm a geek, I'm going to name what I create after fantasy characters."
Re:Now begins the hardest part... (Score:2, Insightful)
Since OGG doesn't have ~$50 billion in the bank to promote itself, it's up to us to tell companies that we want this technologies in our iPods, Rios, or player-du-jour. You can have the best piece of tech in the world, but if there's no consumer demand (Read: Money) behind it, it'll fail.
Not intended as a troll or flame, just stating facts as I see them.
Re:Now begins the hardest part... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Now begins the hardest part... (Score:2)
Contrary to popular belief on
Try Speex too (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Try Speex too (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Try Speex too (Score:3, Insightful)
One problem that turns up when compiling with Visual C++ is that all the float[] arrays initialized with constants cause the compiler to emit thousands of warnings about casting const double to float. It's not an actual error, of course, but it IS irritating. I could be wrong, but I think the ANSI spec does state that a constant like 1.234235 is considered double by default. It's possible that it's just a M$ thing, though.
Nice work, though! I'm looking forward to the final version.
On the patent issue which you (and many others in OSS) are facing: I've often wondered if perhaps these projects might make good projects for law students specializing in intellectual property. You know, the sort of deal where the student does all the work under the supervision of a professor.
I have no idea if law students do anything like this. It's pretty common in engineering and computer science.
Yeah, thanks Cmdr ;) (Score:2)
2002-07-15 15:54:22 Ogg Vorbis Goes Gold (articles,announce) (rejected)
ObOnTopic: So, can anyone recommend a good Ogg-friendly CD-ripper for win32? I'm a big fan of CDex [n3.net] (GPLd even!), but I wasn't sure if there was anything better out there.Re:Yeah, thanks Cmdr ;) (Score:2, Offtopic)
You probably should also take a look at Exact Audio Copy [exactaudiocopy.de].
CDex only good on 98 (Score:2)
Slow encoding, random crashes, etc. plague it.
I've tried it many, many times using different configurations of Win2k and XP and various aspi drivers to the same effect.
This is using 1.40 release.
Transcoding == Bad (Score:5, Informative)
If you have an mp3 collection, and want to use ogg instead, please do not convert the mp3s to oggs. It's like faxing a document, then re-faxing the fax. It just gets all unreadable. The result is that people will hear the ogg file and think "Oh my god this sucks! Ogg really blows! I'm not using this format!".
If you have the original CD, rip it and encode. If you don't, keep the mp3s.
Re:Transcoding == Bad (Score:3, Informative)
I'd like to add something to that, AFAIK the patents on MP3 only apply to the encoder so if you already have the MP3 file, there's no problem for decoding.
Good! Now they can get back to work on CDParanoia! (Score:2)
March 27, 2001
Things on hold for now: No, that doesn't mean the project is dead, just that active development is on hold while we throw all the time we have available to get OggVorbis to 1.0 in a reasonable amount of time. Once Vorbis hits 1.0, we'll get back to Paranoia.
'Bout damn time! Lossy encoding I could give a rat's ass about, but byte-perfect audio extraction... now that's real software!
Re:Good! Now they can get back to work on CDParano (Score:2)
-q Quality:Bitrate graphs (Score:5, Informative)
Radios streaming in Ogg? (Score:3, Insightful)
Could you please point me to your favorite ogg streaming radio? I only know of Radio WOPN [wopn.org] and I need some change...
The sites are back (Score:3, Informative)
Hopefully, R3mix.net will pick this up (Score:3, Interesting)
Anyone know of any good links?
Re:Hopefully, R3mix.net will pick this up (Score:3, Informative)
>analyze the OGG format so I can be ensured that at
>x bitrate, it is the same as CD-quality. I
>currently rip mp3s at 256k, using options that
>r3mix.net recommends, and I must say I've been very
>happy. However, now that ogg is out, I will switch
>all future rips to that format.
Most of the analysis on r3mix.net is way outdated, and most people involved with LAME left it after it turned out the author wasn't intrested in maximal quality, but just to promote 'his' preset. Most codec developers hang out on hydrogenaudio.org nowadays.
Ogg Vorbis has by default highly tuned VBR modes, which get to r3mix quality at about -q4 to -q5, so there is little need for 'special' presets.
Re:Hopefully, R3mix.net will pick this up (Score:5, Insightful)
What is the recommendation for OGG to produce CD-Quality sound - regardless of bitrate?
Is it still 256k? Is it 192k? Do you tell the VBR to go between 192 and 320? I'm not familiar with the ins and outs of ogg (yet), but I will convert as soon as I find some (or do some) good analysis between OGG and CD audio.
Re:Hopefully, R3mix.net will pick this up (Score:2)
>Is it still 256k? Is it 192k? Do you tell the VBR >to go between 192 and 320?
As I said above, if you used r3mix, then -q4 or -q5 is safe.
Re:Hopefully, R3mix.net will pick this up (Score:2, Informative)
I'm not quite sure as to how effective the 1.0 Quality scale is, but in RC3 many felt that 5-6 was about CD transparent. Personally, I prefered 4.99 because it was as close to 5 as you can get without activating lossless stereo coupling(5 or above)... which gives a nice bitrate spike. This behavior has probably changed, so again... I'm not quite sure.
Give it a few test runs for yourself and see what you prefer.
Dare to compare! (Score:2)
(don't flame me) Why? (Score:3, Interesting)
I have about 400 CDs at home, but six months or so ago I ripped 'em all to MP3 at 160 Kbit-- small enough to be reasonable, big enough to sound find through the stereo system I have wired up in my house. They're occupying about 15 GB on my iMac at home, and when I want music I fire up iTunes and play 'em. I can't think of anything about this setup that I'd change.
What is there about Ogg that I don't know yet that would make me say, ``Yeah, that's way better than MP3?'' Is it technically better, somehow? Can I squeeze that 15 GB music collection into 1 GB with no noticable loss of sound quality, or something?
I don't mean to detract from anybody's work or achievement, but I guess I just don't understand why this is cool. Somebody please educate me.
Re:(don't flame me) Why? (Score:4, Informative)
- Quality & File Size
Ogg Vorbis files sound better than MP3s at the same bitrate.
Or, if you don't care about quality, think it as this: Ogg Vorbis with the same quality as MP3s are smaller. Which means that Ogg Vorbis can save you a lot of space.
You can probably squeeze your 15 GB music collection down to 10 or 8 GB, while preserving the same quality.
One thing you must NOT do is convert MP3s to Ogg Vorbis! Both MP3 and Vorbis are lossy audio codecs, which means that the codec throws away information in order to make a file smaller. MP3 throws away information, Vorbis throws away other information, and throws it away differently. The end result is a file that sounds worse than the original MP3.
What you should do instead is rip the CD directly to Vorbis. CD -> Vorbis = good; CD -> MP3 -> Vorbis = bad.
Think CD->MP3->Vorbis as sending a fax, then fax the fax. You lose quality.
Other reasons:
- The file format is more flexible. Ogg Vorbis can be easily streamed. Perfect for Internet radios. Vorbis has a flexible tag system; in MP3s, all you can speficy is the name, year, type of music, and some other comments. Vorbis however supports freefield tags. You can add *any* information you want, and it can be as big as you want.
- It's open source (BSD-style license), which means that you can do anything you want with it (including using it in your commercial programs).
- It's not patented. No need to pay $$$ to patent holders.
Re:(don't flame me) Why? (Score:2)
Rediculous. Ogg has just been born and you already declare it dead just because not many people use it yet?
Ogg is far from dead. Until the last developer dies, and the last user deletes his Ogg files, *Ogg Vorbis is still alive*! It's as simple as that. DOS is still alive because people still use it.
> Name one portable music player that supports
> ogg. Name one that will.
I'll name 2. iPAQ and Zaurus.
Re:(don't flame me) Why? (Score:2)
>player that supports ogg.
iPAQ. Zaurus. Oh sorry, thats two.
>Name one that will.
NDA, sorry
Re:(don't flame me) Why? (Score:2)
Absolutely! I've bought a few drives from Other World Computing, and I've been blissfully happy. You can get 2.5" drives for your iBook for about $100 for 20 GB all the way up to 60 GB for almost $400.
Their web site is at macsales.com [macsales.com]. Don't let their crappy site put you off; they're worth doing business with.
MD5 Sums (Score:3, Informative)
b1422a6ff7f58131921b9f2fabe2295c libao-0.8.3.tar.gz *
7d4fbdc48b443109618e9739648302bd libao-0.8.3.zip *
6e840822cf8d6a680917383444afe361 libogg-1.0-1.i386.rpm
c0f08ce15f1b0fe44539facc8dd0108a libogg-1.0-1.src.rpm
382a7089f42e6f82e7d658c1cb8ee236 libogg-1.0.tar.gz *
b0cb84b5f03321eb0fbe2c07350205e9 libogg-1.0.zip *
f5f8e08a0afbc3e0196955c4aa73b78a libogg-devel-1.0-1.i386.rpm
c461acec225454aeca034eeca7ecf62e libvorbis-1.0-1.i386.rpm
daec58d8a9d550889391f3f971c9840b libvorbis-1.0-1.src.rpm
d1ad94fe8e240269c790e18992171e53 libvorbis-1.0.tar.gz *
d300b3e50b97a4f4c14ceab8124db539 libvorbis-1.0.zip *
941621aee4865417f4c34b571b74f04a libvorbis-devel-1.0-1.i386.rpm
08090c4f17f531fc9b815b09d9d53a50 oggdropXPd.zip
5e81e5bff436dbe122531db0b63a053e oggvorbis-macosx-libs1.0.tar.gz
7ac318eb6ab3551059fa7232618be2ea oggvorbis-win32sdk-1.0.zip
d956ed3e3af7e0c8623142256f4d331d vorbis-tools-1.0-win32.zip
c0a9fee54835e9c5b32d1f42c02964c9 vorbis-tools-1.0.tar.gz *
e745ccaf378aeb6d057327b391803150 vorbis-tools-1.0.zip *
4ed76d186209fe2eafa5e77854e5d6d8 vorbis-x86linux-libs-1.0.tar.gz
This is great and all... (Score:2)
I know people that still don't even know whan an MP3 is. Furthermore, the differences between mp3 and ogg are pretty infintesimal... with the only startling difference being in the fact that ogg is an open standard.
Who cares?
Free tools are out there for mp3 encoding/decoding. Does ogg help make for "free-er" programs?
Moderators - FYI, this is an inquisitive post, not a troll.
Last Week's News (Score:2)
webcasters won't use it until icecast works (Score:3, Informative)
There is currently no way for one Icecast [icecast.org] daemon to serve both MP3 and Vorbis streams. You have to run two versions of the server, on two different ports. Aside from being inconvenient to administer, this also means you can't do total-bandwidth-usage new-connnection throttling: you have to assign half of your bandwidth to one server, and half to the other, instead of letting the usage determine it.
I'd like to start streaming Vorbis at DNA Lounge [dnalounge.com], but I won't do it if it has to be a "flag day" where I tell the users "today you have to stop using MP3 and start using Vorbis." The only way I (and, I suspect, just about everyone else) will start streaming Vorbis is if it is convenient to give people a choice of whether to listen to MP3 or Vorbis versions of the stream. As you can see on our audio page [dnalounge.com], we stream in many different bitrates, by having the "master" stream be downcoded into various lower resolution streams. Until I can do exactly that with Vorbis, there's no way I'll use it.
The way to encourage adoption of Vorbis is to make it be an option without shutting out existing MP3 users. As the number of Vorbis users grows, you can then think about phasing out support for MP3. But a flag day will never happen unless they give us a convenient upgrade path.
The new version of Icecast has been an even bigger vaporware disappointment than Vorbis has been (weren't the both targetted for release by the end of 2000?)
(Not to mention that the current releases of Icecast still have completely broken metadata streaming, and are (again) incompatible with Shoutcast's directory services.)
Re:Woohoo! (Score:4, Insightful)
Backwards compatibility with pre-release versions? Uh, yeah. Since the RC's were started, OGGs have worked right up through the chain (or at least mine have).
Now, if the next release means you can't play any previously encoded OGGs, then go ahead and repost your rant.
Re:Woohoo! (Score:2)
Re:Still no specification (Score:5, Informative)
A reference implementation is great and all, but until they get off their arses and release an exact specification of the Ogg format and codec, it's never going to take off.
Vorbis 1.0 comes with a full specification.
Re:Still no specification (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Still no specification (Score:5, Interesting)
Will Vorbis become Windows Media Audio 10? (Score:2)
Will there be any adoption of this format, or will vorbis only be useful on computers?
Serious Sam 2 uses Ogg Vorbis for its background music streams. If more games adopt Xiph.org's technology, Microsoft may add the BSD licensed .ogg codec for WMPlayer to Windows YQ (even Microsoft likes the BSD License, which requires only credit in the manual), possibly calling it "Windows Media Audio 10" or something.
RCA still owns MP3 (Score:2)
hardware companies ... don't have to pay to implement MP3
THOMSON multimedia [mp3licensing.com], the sublicensor of the MP3 patents in the United States, charges a royalty for decoders [mp3licensing.com], at $15,000 for the first 20,000 annual units and 75c/unit thereafter.
The latter option is infeasible until they get their act together and put out a specification.
Wait a few days for the Ogg Vorbis 1.0 release to be finished, and you'll apparently be able to download the specification as part of the libvorbis manual.
Re:Question about licensing? (Score:3, Informative)
Ogg Vorbis is public domain, BSD, and GPL. (Score:5, Informative)
The reference library is BSD-ish.
The reference tools are GPLed.
gcc licensing (Score:4, Informative)
There's also the basic C runtime stubs (e.g. crt1.o), though I think that's part of glibc.
However, if you actually bother reading the licenses on the code that gets embedded by bison and gcc, special excemptions are made --
Thus, code compiled with gcc may be distributed under any license you want. Sorry, thanks for playing.
Re:Depends if you use GCC to compile it (Score:4, Informative)
You don't work for Microsoft do you ?
There are zero, nada, none, zilch, 0 licencing restrictions on code created with gcc. There are specific statements to that effect in the code and licencing. Perhaps you should read them.
Blame can lie in any of 4 places (Score:5, Informative)
I find that when I "rip" music from CDs into OOG Vorbis Format that it has poor playback quality (very crackly).
Does the same thing happen when you rip from CD into .wav without encoding to .ogg or .mp3? What happens when you look at the .wav in a spectrogram?
If you hear crackling from the .wav, and you can see it on a spectrogram (it'll look like vertical lines through the whole spectrum), then you're seeing copy protection or some other form of physical CD damage.
If you hear crackling from the wav, but you can't see it on a spectrogram, check your audio drivers.
If you don't hear crackling from the wav, then use the reference encoder and decoder (oggenc and ogg123) to turn .wav into .ogg into .wav. If you get crackling from this, then libvorbis is at fault.
If wav->ogg->wav->player works, but wav->ogg->player doesn't work through the same player, contact the developers of the player.
Re:Bad Quality (Score:2)
Why the equalizer is fluff. (Score:2)
The people who produce these songs are usually working out of hundred thousand dollar studios with better equipment and ears than you. They probably do a much better job of equalizing than you so just leave it alone. If you have crap speakers tho, then you might need to adjust to correct for them.
Re:Why the equalizer is fluff. (Score:2)
In general, you're right. However, I have alot of
Re:Quality (Score:2)
Current group listening tests contradict this. You didn't state how you arrived at this conclusion either.
We used both MP3Enc and LAME (Score:3, Informative)
The first sample on the demo page is encoded using MP3Enc, because that demo is actually drawn from a larger test being done by an independent party. It also shows Ogg competing against a commercial encoder.
All other MP3 samples on the demo page (the 'Heavy Hitters' section) were encoded using LAME. If you check the auxiliary data in the samples you'll see that.
I'll go mark the samples as such to avoid furhter confusion.
Re:Speed! (Score:3, Informative)