Lessig @ OSCON 206
passthecrackpipe writes "Leonard Lin has put up the presentation Lawrence Lessig gave at OSCON (mirror). It is great. It requires Flash." Nice Flash work, very impressive, and of course Lessig is a superior speaker. Worth your time and the 8Mb download.
8 mbs? only? (Score:1, Insightful)
Re:What can the average computer user do (Score:5, Interesting)
Number one, Vote with your pocketbook!
Issues, DRM enabled devices...
I did not buy the new Magellan Meridian GPS because it used SD media.
I bought a CD burner
I bought a CD MP3 Player. It does not support WMA, Liquid Audio, etc. It only supports red book audio and MP3 audio.
The Archos Digital Jukebox/recorder is on my to get list. It viloates the SDMI standard by allowing a stereo analog high fidelity recording to be made. It allows the recording to be exported and copied in an unprotected format (MP3). I plan on transferring my pre-recorded tapes and vinyl to CD. The SDMI standard includes the requirement for voice grade mono analog recording and nothing better. A good stereo cassette deck will outperform a SDMI recorder everytime! Is a HI-FI VHS or 8mm VCR going to be my next audio recorder? I hope not! I will not support the SDMI audio recording standard. Voice grade mono recording does not meet my needs to back up my aging music collection. SDMI stuff is analog input bandwidth limited This input will be restricted to voice-grade mono and band-limited (-3dB at 100 hZ and -60 dB at 8 khZ) It is also to be imediately converted to SDMI protocol for local use. This translates to "it'll never be burnt to a CD or shared with your friends" This is useless to use to record the baby's first words to share with the grandparants. A tape deck is more capable in this regard. The SDMI compliant hardware is uncompetive in the marketplace due to the severe restrictions placed on it.
Read the SDMI spec here if you need to know the rest of the restrictions.
Most people have no idea this spec even exists.
Don't buy anything supporting these standards.
This includes portable media (memory cards).
Support companies that provide useful quality products and support open standards.
This is the biggest reason I use Compact Flash and CDr.
What I don't have...
A DVD player,
A DRM enabled book reader, audio player, TV/ computer monitor/ USB speakers, music in WMA or Liquid Audio format, portable devices supporting SD memory, etc..
I'm picky about my hardware and the content providers will have to cater to my needs or miss my purchases when they move into protected media.
I do not buy software that requires "activation" or a "dongle". The only exception is software that is part of an access to a service. An example is the firmware in my cell phone and pager.
New Shot In Copyright war! The Coders Rebel! (Score:1)
Imagine this a p2p sharing app that is so kewl that it runs on linux as well as all other platforms..
Now imagine it being free and runnning on mobile devices as well..
Now imagine you involved as one of the coders in this project..
Dreams? Smoking weed?
HumanMotion just got approved at sf.net
More details and press release Labor day weekdn..
bookmark my weblog site and be ready to code!
What YOU can do... (Score:2)
Don't email - write a letter and include a check made out to the representatives who support reigning in copyright law. There are so few right now that I can list them. They are:
Rick Boucher [house.gov]
Chris Cannon [house.gov]
That's it - all the U.S. Representatives who understand this issue. Support em cause they're all we've got right now. However, there is hope on the horizon....
Hank Perritt [perrittforcongress.com], the former dean of the Chicago School of Law, is running for congress. Help him win his seat and it'll help. If you live in Chicago, volunteer at Perritt's campaign headquarters. He needs all the free help he can get.
In your letter that includes a donation, make it clear why you support these particular men.
You can also send money to Eff [eff.org].
You're not helpless, you can do something. The thing is to DO IT - not whing about it.
Do it now, not later.
Have no cash? Then at least get and display your free Free the Mouse [bumperactive.com] bumper sticker.
Re:8 mbs? only? (Score:1)
Although their apparently most responsive to checks.
Re:8 mbs? only? (Score:1)
superior (Score:1)
Re:superior (Score:1)
I dunno, but I think I'll stick with Altec Lansing. Too much bias ruins a speaker.
way to go /. (Score:1, Insightful)
meanwhile, i can smell the smoke from the fried processor in the site's cisco
Re:way to go /. (Score:1)
Re:way to go /. (Score:2)
Re:way to go /. (Score:1)
- ask
How do you pause the thing? (Score:2)
Re:How do you pause the thing? (Score:1, Informative)
Re:How do you pause the thing? (Score:1)
Re:How do you pause the thing? (Score:2)
More Mirrors (Score:4, Informative)
http://lessig.org/freeculture/ [lessig.org]
Re:More Mirrors (Score:1, Informative)
Re:More Mirrors (Score:1)
Admittedly, with the short attention spans of the average
Links (Score:1)
For those of you who don't want to download the massive 8mb presentation here are the links at the end.
eldred.cc [eldred.cc]
creativecommons.org [creativecommons.org]
publicknowledge.org [publicknowledge.org]
eff.org [eff.org]
lessig.org [lessig.org]
Awesome Presentation (Score:1, Troll)
THis is really well done.
echoing (Score:3)
Re:echoing (Score:1)
Re:echoing (Score:2)
And yes, the echoing makes it somewhat incomprehensible at times.
I fixed it... (Score:2)
(It took a little while to realise it wasn't creative license on the part of the Flash author!)
Interesting...... (Score:1, Interesting)
Look, I'm all for bringing down these tyrants and returning to the 'free society' he speaks of, but what chance do we have? We're geeks and creators, not lawyers and politicians. And the way this world is currently set up, the latter group rules the earth and are usually easy to sway if enough money is thrown their way. Big media giants like Disney can afford to do this, but what can we do? The only real contender I can think of is Microsoft, but they're not exactly the free society posterchild.
And even if the whole geek community does something substantial (like boycott all mainstream movies and music, etc), we're STILL the minority. The masses don't give a shit about this stuff. I know this to be fact, because practically all of my non-geek friends (which is about 70% or more) show no interest in these issues at all. They feel as though it's so distant to them that it's not even a concern (much like the whole Israel vs. Palestine conflict). I've tried to make them see that it will effect them, but they are too apathetic to look into it any further.
I know, I know. All I've done is restate the problem and I've failed to provide any solutions, but that's because I simply do not have any solutions to give. So here's my question: what the hell can we do to stop our society from becoming what we fear it will some day become?
Re:Interesting...... (Score:1)
What would Jim Morrison say? "Yer' all a bunch of f*cking slaves!" Boycott -YES! You are only the minority if you think it and sleep on it. Then you wake up in the Morning as the Minority. It has never been a Free Society. Fight For Your Right to Parley.
That's the message you ... !! (Score:2)
Step 2: You can't do much alone
Step 3: Profit! (well, donations)
Ok, it's not a business plan, but only the EFF coordinated effort can aleviate the problem, so please donate if you can.
How do you eat an elephant? (Score:3)
Keep talking to your friends. Show them articles you come across about the evil effects of laws like the DMCA. Bring some copies of your coolest personal CDs to work to play, and mention that you won't be able to make those copies much longer. If your co-workers don't believe in the existence of Tux, give them a Knoppix CD-ROM to play with.
Sure, most people are asleep, I've found that too, but it's a funny thing; every one who gets interested in this stuff starts talking to other people about it too.
Oh, and let's not forget; give your support to the EFF [eff.org] and others, write to your elected representatives, or if they're utterly hopeless like my own Sen. Hollings write to their opponents; try to persuade them over to the Light Side, offer them your support (financial and otherwise) if they do support your issues.
Remember, if you can't support them financially, maybe they could use some volunteer Web support, or an envelope stuffer. Have you been to your local library lately? Librarians are usually a pretty strong free-speech demographic, and library patrons are the kind of people you're likely to reach best. Make up CD-Roms with fun free games, useful utilities and some interesting presentations on important issues; give them away to everyone you meet.
It's not going to be effortless, but you're not as helpless as you think. You undoubtedly have skills and resources you haven't even touched yet.
Re:How do you eat an elephant? (Score:1)
The Solution is Coming!. (Score:1)
HumanMotion has been approved by SF.net
its a P2p cool sharing applicaiton running on Linux and all platforms, not just desktops all as in mobile also!
It sin planning stages now..
More full details Labor Day Weekend!
Are we ready to code?
Highest Order of Power (Score:2)
That's nice but, (Score:5, Insightful)
I just sent EFF $100. If we invoke "Chinese arithmetic" (anyone who's looked at a business plan involving China knows what I'm talking about- "if we could just capture
Re:That's nice but, (Score:5, Informative)
Better idea: click on this link [eff.org] and open your wallet. Seriously. At least give them what you gave the MPAA & RIAA's members over the last few months.
Re:That's nice but, (Score:2, Insightful)
You're missing the point of moderation. Sure, it's nice to get karma but that's secondary to the function of letting me filter through all the crap that gets posted here.
Re:That's nice but, (Score:2)
And keep up with the action alerts - You don't have to even write anything. Just click a couple buttons and a letter is faxed to your Senators.
Re:That's nice but, (Score:2)
The next day the shit hit the fan and I figured my donation was wasted in the face of the powergrabbing to follow. The pendulum still isn't shifting back towards sanity yet...
Re:That's nice but, (Score:1)
I went to the EFF booth downstairs afterwards and signed up to have $25/month charged to my credit card. It's a start.
Heh (Score:2, Funny)
Don't those two statements contradict eachother?
Re:Heh (Score:1)
Re:Heh (Score:1)
Re:Heh (Score:1)
Re:Heh (Score:2, Informative)
I will not run software that endanger my computor.
BTW Flash for Linux contains a security hole...
Re:Heh (Score:1)
I guess that includes spell checkors?
Re:Heh (Score:1)
It is a good presentation (Score:1)
here lessig speak (Score:1)
Download time (Score:1)
I am running on a dialup, the fastest that I have ever connected is 32.xxx. I have a 56k modem, but my phone are bad, so they slow down the transmission. I average (on a good day) 1mb = 10 minutes. Let me see.
1mb = 10 min download time
8mb = 80 min download time
80 = 1 hour 20 min
The only time I am going to download something that big is when it is something I need, which isn't that often. I am not going to sit and wait that long just to see a flash animation. I don't think it is worth that long of wait.
Re:Download time (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Download time (Score:2)
Geez... I guess I'm so used to my crappy DSL line. I don't even blink at an 8 MB download. I used to though, when I still was on single channel ISDN.
I'll take a look at that site of yours. I don't need the CD. :)
MP3? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:MP3? (Score:2)
The MP3 algorithms may be patented, copyrighted and regulated to hell and back, but the content sure isn't. I assure you it's perfectly allright to re-encode it to something more to your liking.
Re:MP3? (Score:1)
p2p mirror (Score:1)
title=Free Culture
artist=Lawrence Lessig
Once again: KaZaA bad, KaZaA Lite good.
Re:p2p mirror (Score:1)
reconnect (Score:1)
So we like Flash today? (Score:1)
One thing I really liked.... (Score:5, Insightful)
I thought that was an awesome way to measure it. As far as I'm concerned, my bandwidth bill just doubled... any amount I spend on that, I'll match in donations to EFF.
Bandwidth means little without the freedom to use it.
Another unemployed Flash designer accounted for. (Score:2, Insightful)
Now I know what all those unemployed Flash designers are doing with their time.
Seriously, could this guy make it any more *difficult* for us to listen to his message.
Re:Another unemployed Flash designer accounted for (Score:2)
Seriously, could this guy make it any more *difficult* for us to listen to his message.
Obviously you didn't check the link. It is available as Flash, MP3, and a text transcript. Mirrors were also provided. This guy makes it easier than anybody else to listen to his message.
Re:Another unemployed Flash designer accounted for (Score:1)
I was talking about the size of the swf file; it's 8MB!
And don't even get me started on Flash's usability issues [dack.com].
Re:Another unemployed Flash designer accounted for (Score:1)
Almost all of that is the 32kbps mp3 file... it's more than 30 minutes, remember.
- ask
Let's get serious (Score:5, Insightful)
I think it's a great idea, which is why I'm bringing it up again. Lobbying congress and educating them on these matters just isn't going to work. Politicians aren't passing things like the DMCA because they're ignorant -- they are doing it because they are bad politicians. After failing to do the right thing over and over, we can't give them the benefit of the doubt anymore. We can't reform corporate shills, but maybe we can replace them.
Instead of pleading with them to do the right thing, we need to at least try to make them do the right thing. In a case when it's hard to identify the good politician -- especially the good and effective politician -- it's a lot easier to identify the bad guy. There's lots of politicians that aren't standing up for the public's rights. But there's only a few that are standing up to actively take those rights away. We should focus on them.
When we do, we can run online ads, radio ads, and grassroot ads, anything to try to defeat this person. It doesn't have to be that expensive. We play the negative game -- it doesn't matter who the opponent is, this is a question of symbolism, of asserting our power. Because if we can cost that one politician the election, that will really mean something. Sure, there'll be more to step up in his place, but maybe we can get them out too -- do it a couple times, and people will be afraid to be the corporate media lacky.
And yeah, that's not the nicest political game. It's classic "special interest" tactics. But shit... if politics was so nice, we wouldn't be having these problems. And we're not doing this to get ourselves subsidies or for other selfish reasons (mostly) -- we're doing it for the public. And there's nothing wrong with negative politics -- that's how this country has worked since the beginning.
Unlike all the other techniques -- that dream of the day when there's massive participation -- this doesn't seem that remote. I bet $50,000 and a lot of volunteer manpower could could counter $500,000 in campaign finances, if the target was right and the manpower clever.
Re:Let's get serious (Score:2)
Or, perhaps, we're doing it for the right selfish reasons. There's nothing wrong with looking out for yourself, especially when you're looking out for others along the way. It's only when you actively crush others and abuse their rights that you've entered dark territory.
Or joined the MPAA.
Ask Slashdot (Score:1)
My vote's for Sen. Hollings. Uh, let me rephrase that... my vote is to make him the target! ;-)
Re:Ask Slashdot (Score:2)
I'm also a canadian. I'm also already quite involved in more local politics.
Here's what you do:
register eliminatehollings.com or somesuch.
collect some basic information, put it on the site.
get slashdot to post a link for it. set up for paypal donations. Donations should pay for the site, (bandwidth and hosting, *nothing more*) and the rest should go to the EFF, or better yet, an opponent of Hollings that there is a general agreement is better than Hollings.
Set up credit card donations. All along the way, you should be asking people (credit card people, hosting companies, etc.) for a discount or free stuff, as you're running a non-profit site to promote traditionally guarded rights in the digital era. If nothing else, you'll get the message out in an interesting way.
Post anything you can find about the amount of money Hollings has received from Hollywood, and the bills he has introduced, sponsored, supported, etc. Post anything about his voting record you can find. Use lines like "Hollings has been convinced by Big Media that their profits are more important than any of your rights!"
If you want more elaboration, reach me at r a e w a s c h a t u w a t e r l o o d o t c a
But *you*, yes *you* need to run with this. You need to do it quickly, well, and you need to get it posted on slashdot. Then some other people will take over aspects. Once Hollings is gone, you pass the torch to someone else.
It will become your life's work (other than your job & family, hopefully!) for a year or two. If you do it right, you *can* succeed.
Re:Ask Slashdot (Score:2)
Your post really made me think the proper question: what if no one takes the lead on this? Isn't it up to me? I can't, though, not if I'm going to meet the obligations I already have. I am genuinely doing what I can; if someone takes the point to create an organized effort, I can redirect some of my resources, but I cannot lead the charge.
Re:Ask Slashdot (Score:2)
I'm curious about your other obligations. I'm a student, I'm heavily involved in making student life better. I'm also canadian, which puts me out for this sort of thing, but I would turn it down as well, because of other obligations. Are yours family? work? Do they go beyond that? If you're already involved in some aspect of your world outside family and work, then you're doing your part...if everyone did that, we'd be doin' just fine.
I'm glad you thought about what I had to say. I think that the idea of singling out an elected official is an excellent one - one of the best (in terms of manageability, understandability, explainability, cost, time, and effect) that I've ever seen WRT to "your rights online." It brings things into the realm of what one voter, one citizen, one consumer, can understand, while having a broader "chilling" ("warming"?
Someone needs to run with this, for the sake of US online rights. In Canada, I am monitor the "battle," and will dig in and help out if the time is necessary. The politics of the game here are very, very different, though.
PS. -- I'd prefer this be by email, if you're indifferent. my address is in my last post.
I dislike guns, but the NRA's tactics work (Score:2)
Remember that negative publicity hurts. Exagerate, tell the public that big business wants to take away their video recorders. Tell them that the fast forward button is being banned. Yes, this is a little strong but isn't what the NRA do when they tell Americans about their rights. Tell them that some idiot has got protection on work they ripped off from someone else over 50 years ago. Ask them whether they believe it is right for them to be able to take apart anything that they own so that they can maintain it themselves...
Leave the techie stuff out. The public and politicians won't understand.
Re:I dislike guns, but the NRA's tactics work (Score:2)
The attacks don't have to be entirely based on their IP policies, though. You could mark the politician as a corporate whore without getting into anything technical -- maybe by talking about businesses they've been involved in, conflicts of interest in their past, hints of graft and kickbacks, and publicizing who's payed for what (not just campaign funds, but suspicious activities like funding parties and whatnot).
I'm convinced we can be very truthful and very damning at the same time. Especially with the sort of corporate scum that we'd be attacking, where IP policy is not their only ethically compromised position.
Re:I dislike guns, but the NRA's tactics work (Score:2)
Many persons claim that the media companies don't want so much control, if that is the case, why do some of them disable fast-forward on DVDs? We already have seen other aspects of IP law abused, so we need to show what can go wrong here too!
Re:I dislike guns, but the NRA's tactics work (Score:3, Insightful)
"If you're explaining, you're losing."
Trouble is he's right. We need to tell people what they will lose if the MPAA and RIAA get their way. Tell your friends, your relatives, everyone you know what will happen. Things link, you won't be able to tape TV shows anymore, no fast forward, you'll have to buy an new DVD player, TV, stereo, etc. because they're going to break things so your old equpment won't work.
The NRA's basic premise is to fight against any action that could conceivably lead to you losing your right to keep and bear arms. This fight should be the same.
Fast Forward Already Banned (Score:2)
I'm really sick of the "That function is not permitted on this DVD" when I try to fast forward through the crap they put you through before the film.
And I'm not just talking about the FBI warning either.
That's fine, but who? (Score:2)
This is the most important idea (Score:2, Interesting)
For people who think that linux will lose its coolness or its purity if it gets too popular. I want to tell them that they will lose linux if it doesn't get very popular, soon. Linux should get a market share of at least 20% before some form of DRM becomes mandatory by law, in US and Europe. DRM will kill Linux if it succeeds, and there is only one thing that can kill DRM and that is Linux.
The solution is that technical people should develop linux, and if they don't have anything really important then they should lobby to the government. And if the Elections are around the corner (like they are now) then get going against your local Senator if he/she was in favour of DRM/DMCA et.al. Local LUGs should be able to get this thing going collect as much information about the senator that you can and go after them. And if your senator is against this thing then also work in his/her favour.
Its important to delay DRM as long as possible, by any means possible.
Re:Let's get serious (Score:1)
Re:Let's get serious (Score:2)
All the Slashdot readers in South Carolina can help us all by voting for Fritz Hollings' opponent this next go around.
What scares me, though, is that his opponent could be just as bad (southern politicians are yecchy). What do we do then?
A political candidates section (Score:2)
Then post problems. Organize. Change their minds or work to vote them out.
Yes, I realize this is a pipe dream.
A little off target though... (Score:3, Interesting)
On patents, I think the most sensible argument against them was presented in a letter [mit.edu] to the US Patent Office [uspto.gov] by Donald Knuth [stanford.edu], where he points out that software and the algorithms used therein are mathematics, and mathematics have previously been exempted from patents.
Regarding copyrights, while I would be quite happy with a short limitation on the life of a copyright (5 years would suit me just fine... 10-15 would be ok, anything longer is ludicrous in the technology field), I think his presentation is quite a bit more radical than most professional programmers might agree with after putting some thought into it.
Some of us don't particularly like working as employees of companies which we do not own, but without the protection that copyright provides it would be impossible to make a living by creating consumer software products. Yes, you could write custom software under contract to a corporation for money, or write software as an employee of a company, but to write a product for consumers? Who would pay for that? The average person who'd want to use a word processor certainly isn't going to cough up enough money to pay my rent for the amount of time I'd need to write one...
Without copyright, if I write a cool app and want to sell it, I'd only sell it once before anyone who wanted it could just get it for free... This is absolutely great for code I write in my spare time for fun, or tools and libraries I write to help me do my work where they might be useful to others, but *something* has to put food on the table.
However, I do think that once you buy something, at least the copy you own should be able to be used by you in whatever manner you wish. So his speech seems misguided... The real threat is that with recent legislation [anti-dmca.org], that is less and less true.
I support the EFF [eff.org] and donate.... but the presentation is off target. I hope his arguments before the Supreme Court are less radical and stay based on the fact that 100 years is way too long for a copyright, rather than implying that copyright is bad.
Think he used a pirated copy of PowerPoint? ;)
Re:A little off target though... (Score:2)
sure the whole thing makes more sense to people who actually really care about the issue, but it's not so narrow that an average person might not get a grasp on the scope of it either.
i didn't get the impression that he is totally against copyright in any form, just that the state of where copyright is right now really does suck.
Re:A little off target though... (Score:1)
Yes, it's an example of DRM in action, but you can also go out and buy the book or you can legally transcribe the book from the screen, since the content is in the public domain. The thing they are trying to protect and reap a profit off of is the time and money spent transcribing it so they have something to sell - feel free to transcribe Aristotle's works into an online version and give it away for free in your spare time. The copyright laws don't prevent that. As far as the rights to his own $24 e-book [amazon.com] are concerned, well... kinda sounds like he should have negotiated better with his publisher if he wanted people to be able to copy it for free, eh? Or maybe just made a website with a free, printable .PDF and given it away.
In other words - graphic example, but not of the problems with copyright in as much as the problems of software written against the users' interests. It's perfectly legal to write software that you can print Aristotle's complete works from, or even that allows you to copy the whole thing to the clipboard. You just have to do a lot of typing and have happy people be your reward....
Re:A little off target though... (Score:2)
Why is this "Small Print!" statement here? You know: lawyers.
They tell us you might sue us if there is something wrong with
your copy of this etext, even if you got it for free from
someone other than us, and even if what's wrong is not our
fault. So, among other things, this "Small Print!" statement
disclaims most of our liability to you. It also tells you how
you can distribute copies of this etext if you want to.
i'm not sure i could afford the lawyers required to do so, even if i wanted to throw a few months away doing so
Re:A little off target though... (Score:1)
A copyright term of *95* years instead of say 50 or even 14 years is not going to make you sell more software. What software did you use 14 years ago?
- ask
Re:A little off target though... (Score:1)
An interesting editorial [washingtonpost.com] linked off of the Edlred case site [eldred.cc] has a good explanation of how this has worked through the judicial system. Two lower courts have rebuffed the plaintiff's argument, saying that the term of the copyright is up to Congress and the courts can't judge that. But one dissenting opinion in a lower court argued that Congress's actions (extending the copyright term, even for existing works, every few years as the deadline approaches for major companies such as Disney), amounts to a perpetual copyright, which is unconsitutional.
I tend to think that having a fixed term copyright, regardless of length, is better than having a copyright that just keeps growing and growing.
Do Something (Score:1)
What Lessig Doesn't Point Out. (Score:4, Insightful)
What Lessig doesn't point out is that technology has completely blurred the boundary that used to exist between the red circle and the white background. In the absence of DRM, there is no meaningful distinction between publishing an e-book (red circle) and making a purchased version available to a few of your 'friends' on a p2p network (white background). Or, if you prefer, there's no meaningful distinction between purchasing an e-book from a publisher, and downloading it from your p2p 'friend'.
In other words, the world is going to be all white or all red, not because Valenti, Rosen, and their ilk are trying to actively expand the red circle, but because technology has made the circle meaningless. The content distributors understand that they're fighting a 0-1 war, and know that their days are numbered unless they make the whole world 'red'.
I don't think I'm being unfair to Lessig by saying he misses this particular point. One of the examples he uses was that sales of CDs only went down 5% last year, so the content distributors are presumably over-reacting. But that's too myopic. Within a few years, with unregulated technology, John Q. Public will be able to fire up their p2p client, type in the name of the album they want, stick a CDR in their burner, then go away for 15 minutes while the software queries freedb, downloads the songs on the album at CD quality, burns them to the CD-R, downloads the cover art and lyrics and sends them to the color laser printer. It could possibly even schedule a micropayment to the artist's account and put a shortcut on John Q. Public's desktop in case he decides the album was worth it.
Who in their right mind would bother to buy a CD then?!
Re:What Lessig Doesn't Point Out. (Score:2)
Basically he states that now all forms of use (reading it,.sleeping on it...etc) are now copying. This is what he's trying to show when the red circle expands to fill the whole of the white area. "The Internet" now means that all actions are copying, even those that in the real world (lending someone a book) arn't. So suddenly, all actions (including the p2p sharing you mention) come under copyright law.
Remember, as he puts it, it's "law + technology" that give copyright holders control.
Re:What Lessig Doesn't Point Out. (Score:1)
CD quality, burns them to the CD-R, downloads the cover art and lyrics and sends them to the color laser printer. It could possibly even schedule a micropayment to the artist's account and put a shortcut on John Q. Public's desktop in case he decides the album was worth it.
Who in their right mind would bother to buy a CD then?!
uh, in what you described you just did, actually! You paid the artist, did you not?
And before you play that argument, you should read what Janis Ian [janisian.com] has to say. (Selling cd's and performing music is what pays her bills).
Who is stealing now?
- ask
Re:What Lessig Doesn't Point Out. (Score:2)
No meaningful distinction? How about this - the sharing of copyrighted material over p2p networks without the copyright holders' permission is illegal and unethical...
Re:What Lessig Doesn't Point Out. (Score:2)
"Why is it unethical though?"
Because it is stealing. Why do folks have such a hard time understanding this concept these days?
Very impressive presentation (Score:1)
1. Creativity and innovation always
builds on the past.
2. The past always tries to control
the creativity that builds on it.
3. Free societies enable the future
by limiting [the power of] the past.
4. Ours is less and less a free society.
Must... Kill... Disney... (Score:1)
If ever there was a reason to spam your friends... (Score:2)
I just sent the following email to some friends of mine who work at Disney.
Dear friend, I hate spam as much as the next guy, so you will understand that I wouldn't be sending this email if it wasn't important. The following is a link to the audio and slides from a speech given by Lawrence Lessig, a professor of Law at Stanford University, on an issue that is very important to me - namely our freedom to create. http://www.perl.org/tpc/2002/lessig/ I would urge you to listen to it, it is about 30 minutes long, so put on your headphones and pretend you are listening to music ;-)
If, after listening to it, you agree with me that this is an important issue, then please do as I have done and encourage your friends to listen to it, and to pass it on to their friends.
All the best,
How about both (Score:1)
Oh wait. We can do that now? You mean no one's forcing anyone to keep the source code private? Interesting. So what was the problem again?
We need a revolution!! (Score:1)
What we need is a revolution!
A REAL revolution.
Revolution of the minds of individuals that make up this world.
We have been led astray by the powers that be.
Them being the money hungry capitalists.(WIPO, GATT, at the forefront and several keiretsu behind them)
We need to get rid of the things that we don't need. Money, Copyright and other Oligarchic practices that are ruining this planet.
We need to get more things more of the good things. Activation of the masses, Education of the masses, Democracy (People in a bipartisan corporate republic can shut up right about now!)
, Restructuring the society for the humans that are creating it and not for the corporations that are thriving because of it and at its expense.
Now who's with me?
Anyone willing to create a world that they are proud to call home can contact me at my e-mail address.
I'll send you an action plan.
NOTE: I do not condone violence.
Great speech by Lessig by the way. It inspired me to write the previous bit.
What CAN We do? (Score:4, Interesting)
We have brick-walled on what public interest political educational and advocacy groups can do. If we are to be able to make a living at high-tech, we can no longer afford to send delegations to DC to give dog and pony shows which will be greeted with polite applause and be followed up by backroom political deals involving money comming from Hollywood.
Here's the minimum specification for starting something effective... along the lines of the NRA/AARP style political advocacy group I've been calling for which is the only chance we've got of reversing this tide before it rolls over our jobs.
What would it take to form a REAL political activist group with a chance of winning?
All it would take to start an organization along the lines of what I'm calling for would be for ONE person (or a handful of people) to hire a political organizer with experience, either out of NRA/AARP/etc. or one who understands their methods, an experienced political lobbyist, set up a domain, a server, a contract with a political fax server outfit (to do the "fax your legislator" setup), and a PAC registration... and announce on slashdot and Politech that "we're open for business"... that person doesn't even NEED to put together an overview, I've posted one in several versions.
The startup budget might be as much as $200K. That just gets the office open, the Webserver up, and minimum support staff, to actually make donations to politicians means raising money... as in open your checkbooks, we as a group must at least match Hollywood's spending on politicians. The good news is that we as a group collectively have a hell of a lot more money than they do. All we need is a group to aggregate our donations and get them to our friends and our enemies' opponents.
Note that there are people who've been saying "if you think this needs doing, why don't you do this?"... that's the answer. This is not something any random geek can put together, there's a cost of entry here and most of it goes to buy expertise that isn't in the average geek's head.
Anybody who believes otherwise is wasting his time, and if you get sucked into his trip, yours as well. (Greetz, GeekPAC! - *snicker*) If you can't do this, don't start a group, wait until somebody else does that can. If nobody else appears, start making plans for America's non-tech future. Saying "We're gonna take back Congress" is a waste of time unless you have access to at least some budget and expertise.
If nobody in our community can do this... as in pay the cost of freedom... we don't deserve it and we won't have it. We CAN win... but somebody's going to have to get together the framework described here to do this.
Losing on this issue is going to cost anybody in a position to do anything serious about our situation a lot more than $150K.
Re:What CAN We do? (continued) (Score:3, Insightful)
Yes, I know that $150K != $200K, I revised one number when I should have fixed both.
There are a lot of people who made have made their pile in high-tech, the latest ones being the ones who exited high-tech stock before the dot.bomb . If you are one of them, ask yourself "If Hollywood gets everything it wants unopposed, what are my chances of profitable high tech investment or starting a successful new technology with the Feds and Hollywood in control of what my company can and can't do? If you know one, show them this post and my other one on this thread.
Here's a fair usage quote from a recent slashdotted article by Cory Doctorow which might help you answer this:
"The tech companies at the BPDG had been there with the understanding that the BPDG's job was to establish a set of objective criteria for new technology. Those criteria might be restrictive, but at the very least, tech companies would know where they stood when they were planning new gizmos.
Hollywood suckered the tech companies in with this promise and then sprang the trap. No, you won't get a set of objective criteria out of us. From now on, every technology company with a new product will have to come to us on its knees and beg for our approval. We can't tell you what technology we're looking for, but we'll know it when we see it. That's the "standard" we're writing here: we'll know it when we see it."
Can you do business in this environment with CDTBPA thrown in and more legislation designed to lock down and lock out technology as Hollywood builds on its success? How much is it worth to you to have an America you can do business in?
I'm asking you to open your checkbook, your Roladex, and give some of your time.
The next person who asks you this in a few years may be asking for "your life, your fortune, and your sacred honor". It won't be me, I won't be in the USA at that point. I won't be able to make a living here.
Of course, you might be looking forward to retiring in a non-tech, sleepy, backwater America where bright, ambitious kids emigrate and high tech is something you buy or have smuggled in from Japan or Europe or Canada. If this is your wish, just do nothing, the Senator from Hollywood and his friends will bring this to your door.
If you who have benefited most from high-tech business are not ready to come forward and protect your own interests as well as those of the rest of us, fine. If your next vacation home or a high-end Lexus are more important to you, your money and your right to spend it as you please.
When you discover that your choices to do technology yourself are to beg the government and DMCA/RIAA for permission and wait or to emigrate, at least you'll know who to blame. Not Jack Valenti or Hilary Rosen. The person you see whenever you look in the mirror. "Shoulda, coulda, woulda" won't stop the content industry from turning the US high-tech community into roadkill.
I'm not nominating myself as the head of a geek-oriented version of the NRA/AARP.
I can say that I know how to find that person and the other resources needed to get started. But nothing can be done without the seed money. The people we need to get this running don't work for free and the services we need have price tags attached.
For the rest of you, if this happens, be ready to participate. No mass-action political organization works unless there are people who really will partipate, with your $5 and $10 and $100 and $1000 contributions, with the willingness to point-and-click a fax "message to Congress", talk to your non-tech friends, and to walk precincts for our friends if you're asked to do so.
If this doesn't happen and Declan is proved right, the best advice I can give you is to start preparing for a future when there is no longer a significant high-tech presence in America. Will you emigrate or figure out how to make a living in a depressed economy that isn't ever coming back?
Re:Lessig rocks! (Score:2, Informative)
Some links.
When I grow up, I want to be a karma whore.
Re:Who really cares about this presentation? (Score:2)
-- JC Watts
(that's a quote used in the presentation, and no, I don't use Linux. I don't support the "other side" either.)
Maybe someone should make a verbatim transcript of this, or is it already available somewhere? If yes, links please :)
Don't download it (Score:1)