MacArthur Foundation Announces Genius Grants 123
Chagasi writes: "The MacArthur Foundation has announced this year's
'Genius Grant' awards. The complete list of the 24 recipients can be read
here(1) at
their web site and here(2)
via Google's news service. The
winners include a robotics researcher from Dartmouth studying robotics,
and a paleoethnobotanist from Penn State
studying the ancient plants and foods of prehistoric
Google Google Google (Score:1)
Does Slashdot have a co-marketting agreement with Google perchance? This is the second reference in the last few hours...
Re:Google Google Google (Score:1)
Re:GoogDot doesn't sound SO good. (Score:1)
Reputation can conceal new realities. Blind Loyalty to /. is like any other Blind Loyalty.
The fact is, we need /. because it is the tool where people can speak their mind to the masses. Amazing meme distribution. Amazing freedom.
But, the general subjects that are given to us to discuss, are controlled by the few who run /. They have the power to direct the flow; the focus. And if that power is influenced by business agreements, ie. GOOGLE, then I believe the ethics of the /. community is violated.
Re:Google Google Google (Score:1)
Heh, maybe we can get a front page article here about google news and see if we can get a news loop going.
diversity (Score:3, Interesting)
There is no diversity!!! (Score:1, Funny)
The MacArthur Foundation is racist to the core. The white people should be stripped of their awards, and the awards must be given to the real genius inventors of our multicultural society: blacks, asians, arabs, and latinos -- not whites!
The most prestigious award should be given to Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe for his revolutionary actions in uniting the workers against the white ruling class.
Re:There is no diversity!!! (Score:3, Insightful)
Ie. There are few major women scientists from the renasiance.[sp?] This is not because they are dumber. Its because the culture didn't allow them to discover the genius inside them, and go out and do something about it.
C'mon slashdotters.. this is simple logic ,no?
Re:There is no diversity!!! (Score:1)
Re:There is no diversity!!! (Score:2)
Re:There is no diversity!!! (Score:1)
I hope so, for the sake of your soul/karma (and who can tell the difference these days *B.S.E. Grin*).
If one (you) bothers to look at the current recipients, one (you) will be hard pressed to find an undeserving award.
The truth: If you choose to perceive/dedicate yourself as an emmisary for your race/ethnicity, then the greatest good you can do is to excel at your chosen field, and show the world at large that you/_others_like_you_ can do well in said field.
The wise path is to rise above/beyond racial/cultural ambitions and make yourself noteworthy. Do, and you will be noted.
To get WAY off-topic (even more than [parent] post, _IFYOUCANBELIEVE_), I myself have risen from 'white trash' to become a relatively respectable member of modern society. If you can't rise above the expectations of your environment, what are you but a slave to the LOCAL_MACHINE?
To be way too serious for a moment, shouldn't anyone with any business posting to this site' be on the same team?
Re:diversity (Score:3, Informative)
i.e. Musical geniuses can be easily split between two groups: Those who can write good music, and those who can play it exceptionally well.(not neccessarily excluding each other).
It is good that genius isnt just Menza members. High I.Q. doesnt quite mean genius either.. Its all what you do with your brain.
1% inspiration, 99% perspiration (Einstein(I believe))
Re: diversity (Score:1)
> Musical geniuses can be easily split between two groups: Those who can write good music, and those who can play it exceptionally well.(not neccessarily excluding each other).
Whoa - you're forgetting the fourth group: those who can do neither.
Re:diversity (Score:1)
One of the awarded and his work (Score:3, Informative)
His homepage [colorado.edu], and research on Speech Recognition and Understanding [colorado.edu] and Computational Psycholinguistics [colorado.edu]. They have for example designed a discourse tagging system [colorado.edu], in 1997.
Re:One of the awarded and his work (Score:2)
That SWBD tagged [colorado.edu]: fp, ad.
Re:One of the awarded and his work (Score:2)
No, what I am really saying, that the stuff that he has concentrated his research on is quite interesting, if you happen to develop anything related to the area. Apparently you could use some of the research results as well.
You don't say? (Score:5, Funny)
Among the other nominees I see we have a seismologist studying earthquakes, a historian studying history, and a novelist writing books.
Re:You don't say? (Score:1)
Ok, I have to give you the robotics researcher.. ;p
Re:You don't say? (Score:1)
Re:You don't say? (Score:2)
Re:You don't say? (Score:1)
Re:You don't say? (Score:1)
Does a Genius Grant translate into success? (Score:1, Funny)
An artist working in three dimensions with glass beads (Lou)
--wow, beads with 3 whole dimensions?
A molecular ecobiologist studying bacterial communication (Bassler)
--I think Gary Larson has this one covered
A journalist chronicling tales of those left behind or left out (Boo)
--hasn't this been done many times over?
Does anyone know whether Genius Grant recipients tend to distinguish themselves above their artistic/scientific peers later in their careers? Or do they just fade back into obscurity?
Re:Does a Genius Grant translate into success? (Score:1)
Re:Does a Genius Grant translate into success? (Score:1)
exit TheScienceKid.
Re:Does a Genius Grant translate into success? (Score:3, Informative)
Here's the reference to the Genius Award:
http://www.stephenwolfram.com/about-sw/interviews/ 81-nyt/ [stephenwolfram.com]
peliethtono%toboedonist (Score:2)
Re:peliethtono%toboedonist (Score:2)
Re:peliethtono%toboedonist (Score:1)
OT: Google News (Score:1, Offtopic)
Two of the the recent
Google News seems to find the good stories and push them to the top *really* fast. I see myself relying on them more and more.
Don't bother applying (Score:2)
You don't say... (Score:1)
Let's try that again, shall we...? (Score:1)
(That'll teach me to use 'Preview'... Ok, I'm lying.)
Re:Let's try that again, shall we...? (Score:1)
Re:You don't say... (Score:1)
No way for you to know this, but that robotics researcher is a she.
Google Images Shows Genuis Drawings (Score:4, Informative)
They're "Fellows" (Score:5, Informative)
From the FAQ [macfound.org] about MacArthur Fellows:
So calling them "Genius Grants" is apparently not quite right.
Re:They're "Fellows" (Score:2)
Its not pc anymore.. I believe they were originally called that and then later with it became unpc to say such things, they changed it.
Woo hoo, arxiv.org founder wins big (Score:5, Informative)
Way to go, Macarthur Foundation!
about genius (Score:3, Funny)
Re:about genius (Score:2)
Grants for open source developers (Score:1, Interesting)
Re:Grants for open source developers (Score:1)
"Just For Fun" a vision ?
Re:Grants for open source developers (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Grants for open source developers (Score:1)
Re:Grants for open source developers (Score:3, Informative)
But if you want to lobby, good luck. The Macarthur process is set up to prevent lobbying. The nominees are secretly chosen by a secret group of nominaters drawn from a diverse group of people noted in their fields. The best way to get a Macarthur grant is to be known in your field for doing good, interesting work. So I think that Linus or Larry Wall actually have a good chance to get one, one of these years.
Good (Score:1)
What a great award ;-) (Score:2)
Oh what a great award ;-)
Something tells me these award wouldn't necessarily be used for the kind of projects they might be expecting. "Well first I had a supermodel, then one of the Superbabes then..." ;-)
Then again maybe this is a kind of reverse eugenics; perhaps this IS what it's for. e.g. Richard Stallman got a girlfriend after winning this...
Re: (Score:2)
Sheesh (Score:4, Funny)
Ok, i can see why they would need to tell us what a robotics researcher does, but sheesh, who in the world doesn't know what a paleoethnobotanist does??
Uncommon Genius (Score:2, Interesting)
What she found was that none of the winners could imagine doing anything else.... they did what they did out of love for their field.... and that they had all been doing it for a long, long time, day in and day out, just doing their work. Even the youngest winner she interviewed -- who I think was a linguist in his 20's -- had been studying languages since he was 6 years old.
Also some interesting background on the MacArthurs and the Foundation if I recall.....
Excellent book (Score:3, Interesting)
This is a great book about the Macarthur fellows and the fellowship program, and about creative thinking in general. It contains a series of interviews with forty fellows and tries to understand how they get their ideas.
Anyone want to write a /. review?
Someone's missing (Score:2)
Who John MacArthur was (Score:2)
His biography, The Stockholder, by William Hoffman [writer-services.com], is forgotten and out of print, but was one of the best business books of 1968. The Library of Congress has a copy.
He set up the MacArthur Awards scheme in his will the way he did to annoy people. (The Skipper probably said "piss people off"; he was that kind of guy.) He thought the other big foundations were too establishment-oriented, and giving money to people outside the academic establishment, and not through it, was intended to annoy academia.
Making the world a better place? (Score:1)
Over the lifetime of the Macarthur Grant,
12 people have won in the category of DANCE, while 11 people have won in the category of PUBLIC HEALTH
Dance, genius, dance!
chrisnull.com [chrisnull.com] - read my book, Half Mast [sutropress.com] - filmcritic.com [filmcritic.com] - New Architect [newarchitectmag.com]
Geography of the Selections (Score:1)
I saw one CO, TN, and MI. That's all. 4 from NY, 8 from CA, 8 From New England, (Not NY).
There are talented people everywhere, these folks were just in the right place at the right time.
Go Luck!
Diversity and shit (Score:2)
Not to pick on the bead lady... that's kind of cool, actually. But you see my point, I hope.
UpClose is going to interview then tonight (Score:2)
"Genius is perhaps something one is born with. Creativity is something I
think which requires effort."
--Daniel Socolow, director MacArthur Fellows Program
It's a cross between the Publishers Clearinghouse Prize Patrol and that
classic television show "The Millionaire," where a man comes to your home
and presents you with a check for $1 million. Suddenly and without
warning, you receive a call that makes you $500,000 richer. But you
haven\222t entered a contest. You've been secretly nominated and then
selected as a MacArthur Fellow.
For this year's 24 winners, ranging in age from 29 to 60, the news came
both as a shock and in strange ways. Photographer Camilo Jose Vergara was
shopping for a mattress when he retrieved a message on his cellphone that
the MacArthur Foundation President was looking for him. Vergara began
photographing the World Trade Center towers in 1970 with the construction cranesbehind them. Today, his exhibition of World Trade Center photographs is
at the New York Historical Society.
He's one of the new crop of MacArthur Fellows correspondent Michele Norris
will introduce you to this evening on UpClose. She'll profile seven of
the winners, including Liz Lerman of Takoma Park, Md., an
award-winning choreographer; George Lewis, a LaJolla, Calif. jazz
trombonist and composer at the University of California, San Diego; Liza Lou, a
+California artist who turns glass beads into something extraordinary; New York+documentary filmmaker Stanley Nelson who picks historical African-American
+subjects for his spotlight; Daniela Rus, an associate professor at Dartmouth
+who works with robots that can change their shape; and Brian Tucker, a Palo
+Alto seismologist who works to minimize damage from natural disasters in
+developing countries.
What these and the other 17 MacArthur Fellows have in common is a sudden
infusion of cash -- $100,000 each year for the next five years -- to
pursue their creative interests or whatever they choose. There are no
strings attached.
They've been nicknamed the Genius Awards. But Daniel Socolow, the
director of the MacArthur Fellows Program tells UpClose: "The true genius
is that the awards are designed to remind us that once a year that
extraordinary talent can be found anywhere."
Richard Harris
Senior Producer
Nightline UpClose
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Last Post! (Score:1)
operating system for Intel systems, Linux, has employed a number of top
programmers from the underground world of virus development. Bill Gates stated
yesterday: "World domination, fast -- it's either us or Linus". Mr. Torvalds
was unavailable for comment
-- Robert Manners, rjm@swift.eng.ox.ac.uk, in comp.os.linux.setup
- this post brought to you by the Automated Last Post Generator...
Re:Parent is a pussy (Score:4, Funny)
I had been wondering how the MacArthur folks can so astutely tell the difference between geniuses and the rest of us, but perhaps it's not that challenging.
Re:Parent is a pussy (Score:2)
Handle with care. This post may contain humor. Not intended for children under three. Do not moderate in or near water. If you experience confusion consult your doctor immediately.
Re:Parent is a pussy (Score:1)
an artist in Los Angeles who creates large but delicate drawings in wax, oil and pencil... could so easily turn into an artist who creates drawings out of ear wax, chewing gum and red crayon