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Hospital Brought Down by Networking Glitch 575

hey! writes "The Boston Globe reports that Beth Israel Deaconess hospital suffered a major network outage due to a problem with spanning tree protocol. Staff had to scramble to find old paper forms that hadn't been used in six years so they could transfer vital patient records and prescriptions. Senior executives were reduced to errand runners as the hospital struggled with moving information around the campus. People who have never visited Boston's Medical Area might not appreciate the magnitude of this disaster: these teaching hospitals are huge, with campuses and staff comparable to a small college, and many, many computers. The outage lasted for days, despite Cisco engineers from around the region rushing to the hospital's aid. Although the article is short on details, the long term solution proposed apparently is to build a complete parallel network. Slashdot network engineers (armchair and professional): do you think the answer to having a massive and unreliable network is to build a second identical network?"
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Hospital Brought Down by Networking Glitch

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @09:44AM (#4766996)
    according to the coverage in the printed 11/25/02 Network World magazine I read yesterday. My immediate reaction was that this person who brought down the net using his research tool should not have been using a production network.

    Large campus networks hosting extremely critical live applications may need to be subdivided by more than a switch, yes.
    • by cryptowhore ( 556837 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @09:51AM (#4767050) Homepage
      Agreed, I work for a bank and we have several environments to work in, including multiple UAT, SIT, and Performance Testing Environments. Poor infrastructure managment.
    • by sugrshack ( 519761 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @09:52AM (#4767067) Homepage
      that's a good initial assumption, however my experience with similar issues tells me that you can't pin all of this one one person.

      Yes, this person should have been using an adhoc database (assuming one is set up), however access to various things like this tends to get tied up due to "odd" management practices.

      realistically a backup network sounds good, however there are other ways around this... it could have been prevented with correct administration of the network itself; for instance, in Sybase systems, there are procedures set up to handle bottlenecks like this. (of course, I could be talking out of my a$$, as I'm one of those people without real access anyway... far from root... more like a leaf).

    • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @09:56AM (#4767108)
      So a researcher with a workstation isn't allowed to use the network do to his job? No, this stems from incompetence on the part of the network engineering team.
    • I don't buy it (Score:5, Insightful)

      by hey! ( 33014 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @10:02AM (#4767168) Homepage Journal
      The same explanation was floated in the Globe, but I don't buy it.

      People when they are doing debugging tend to fasten onto some early hypotheses and work with it until proven definitively false. Even if jobs aren't on the line people often hold onto their first explanation too hard,. When jobs are on the line nobody wants to say the assumptions they were working under for days were wrong, and some people will start looking for scapegoats.

      The idea that one researcher was able to bring the network down doesn't pass the sniff test. If this researcher was able to swamp the entire campus network from a single workstation it would suggest to me bad design. The fact that the network did not recover on its own and could not be recovered quickly by direction intervention pretty much proves to me the design was faulty.

      One thing I would agree with you is that the hospital probably needs a separate network for life critical information.

      • Re:I don't buy it (Score:5, Informative)

        by DaveV1.0 ( 203135 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @10:27AM (#4767390) Journal
        Actually, if you read the article carefully, they say that the application the research was running was the straw that broke the camel's back.

        "The crisis had nothing to do with the particular software the researcher was using."
        "The large volume of data the researcher was uploading happened to be the last drop that made the network overflow. "

        While it is never said directly, the implication is that the network was a in bad shape to begin with, and when this guy started doing whatever he was doing, it just pushed things over the edge.

    • by nolife ( 233813 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @10:16AM (#4767289) Homepage Journal
      Not only that but they gave the impression no one had problems using the old paper method. Actually noting that at times the network was fine but they decided to stick with the backup method until the issue was resolved because it was harder switching back and forth when the network was working. All in all though they made a point that no appointments were missed, no surgeries were cancelled etc.. Meaning business was as usual but using a backup manual method.

      I have not read Network World enough to form an impression of their style, is it watered down to favor advertisers and the general IT purchasing people or is it really a nuts and bolts down to earth mag?
    • by fanatic ( 86657 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @12:51PM (#4768662)
      No application can cause a spanning tree loop. It is simply impossible.

      A spanning tree loop causes broadcast frames - correectly used in small numbers in many different circumstances - to loop endlessly about the network (clogging it up), using paths that are provided for redunancy, but which are normally stopped form passing traffic by the "spanning tree protocol".

      There are 2 likely causes:

      Unidirectional link failure. If a connection between switches passes traffic in only one direction (normally they are bi-directional), then spanning tree can be 'fooled' into allowing traffic on a path that creates a loop and lets frames loop endlessly.

      Misconfiguration of switches, possibly combined with erroneous cabling. If spanning tree is configured off on a port, (or, maybe, put into a mode called portfast), it's possible for interconnection of switch ports (through a crossover cable or other means) to cause this to occur.

      A third possible cause is that the spanning tree software itself screws up and allows a loop when it shouldn't have. This was known to occasionally happen in Cisco switches some years ago. I haven't heard of it lately.

      This all happens way below the application layer. Unless the application is speccific written to send huge numbers of broadcast frames (there is no legitimate reason for an app to do this), it couldn't bring down the network. And even if it did, this would not be a 'spanning tree loop' and disconnecting the offending station woul immediately fix the problem.

      Probably, the network should be using routers to partition it into smaller LANs. But ths can stilll happen to any single LAN so creaeted and if it happens to the one your servers are on, you're still cooked.
      • by khafre ( 140356 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @01:56PM (#4769241)
        Actually, it is possible for an application to cause Spanning Tree to fail. Most switches have a management port that allow remote access (via telnet, ssh, SNMP, etc.) to the switch. This management port is normally connected to its own VLAN isolated behind a router so user brodcasts & multicasts in another VLAN can't affect the switch CPU. This port can be overrun with brodcasts and multicasts from user applications providing both the user and the switch are on the same VLAN. If this CPU is consumed by processing broadcasts, it may not have enough CPU time available to process and forward spanning tree BPDUs. If a blocked port becomes opened, a switch loop could form and, BINGO, network meltdown.
      • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @05:56PM (#4771207)
        Third possiblity - and what I'd be confident is the initial cause.

        The amount of traffic the researcher was putting onto the network caused spanning tree hello BPDUs to be dropped.

        After a period of not receiving hello messages (20 seconds if memory serves), downstream devices believe the upstream device has failed, and decide to re-converge the spanning tree.

        During this re-convergence, the network can become partitioned. It is preferable to partition the network to prevent loops in the layer 2 infrastructure. Datalink layer frames eg ethernet, don't have a hop count, so they will loop endlessly - potentially causing further failures of the spanning tree protocol.

        Once the bulk traffic source is removed from the network, STP should stabilise within a fairly short period - 5 minutes or so - so there may also have been a bug in Cisco's IOS, which was triggered by this STP event.

        Altneratively, the network admins may have played with traffic priorities, causing this researcher's traffic to have a higher priority over STP messages, causing the STP to fail.

        Radia Perlman has a good description of STP in her book "Interconnections, 2nd ed" - but then she should - she invented it.
    • The last time I had a problem with a spanning tree algorithm I lost 12 points on my CS final!

      Ok, so seriously, I'd be embarassed if I screwed up a spanning tree algorithm on a test. If it took Cisco engineers 6 days to fix it, it musta been something really quirky, most likely the software not configuring something right. I can't imagine an application problem that would hose a network past a power toggle.
    • by aheath ( 628369 ) <adam.heath@comca ... et minus painter> on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @03:45PM (#4770093)
      I contacted Dr. John D. Halamka to see if he could provide more detail on the network outage. Dr. Halamka is the chief information officer for CareGroup Health System, the parent company of the Beth Israel Deaconess medical center. His reply is as follows: "Here's the technical explanation for you. When TAC was first able to access and assess the network, we found the Layer 2 structure of the network to be unstable and out of specification with 802.1d standards. The management vlan (vlan 1) had in some locations 10 Layer2 hops from root. The conservative default values for the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) impose a maximum network diameter of seven. This means that two distinct bridges in the network should not be more than seven hops away from one to the other. Part of this restriction is coming from the age field Bridge Protocol Data Unit (BPDU) carry: when a BPDU is propagated from the root bridge towards the leaves of the tree, the age field is incremented each time it goes though a bridge. Eventually, when the age field of a BPDU goes beyond max age, it is discarded. Typically, this will occur if the root is too far away from some bridges of the network. This issue will impact convergence of the spanning tree. A major contributor to this STP issue was the PACS network and its connection to the CareGroup network. To eliminate its influence on the Care Group network we isolated it with a Layer 3 boundary. All redundancy in the network was removed to ensure no STP loops were possible. Full connectivity was restored to remote devices and networks that were disconnected in troubleshooting efforts prior to TACs involvement. Redundancy was returned between the core campus devices. Spanning Tree was stabilized and localized issues were pursued. Thanks for your support. CIO Magazine will devote the February issue to this event and Harvard Business School is doing a case study."
  • by Anonymous Coward
    ... "an old boys' network"
  • No. (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Clue4All ( 580842 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @09:45AM (#4767009) Homepage
    do you think the answer to having an massive and unreliable network is to build a second identical network?

    No, the answer is to fix what is broken. This might be a new concept to some people, but things don't break on there own. If you're doing network upgrades and something stops working, REVERT THE CHANGES AND FIGURE IT OUT. This is reckless and irresponsible behavior.
    • good idea, the problem is that most institutions don't do enough regression testing to see if *absolutely everything* is working. Oh sure, my cat's webpage with the 3-d rotating chrome logo still loads, but what about the machine that goes ping keeping Mr. Johnson alive just down the hall?

      • Life threatening? (Score:3, Insightful)

        by saider ( 177166 )
        I hope "The machine that goes ping" does not require the network to run. My guess is that much of that equipment is plugged into the red outlets and can run on its own for a fair amount of time. If it is hooked up to the network it is to report the machine status, which is independant of machine operation.

        The network crash in question screwed up the document process, slowed everything down, and made life inconvenient, but I doubt anyone's life was at risk.
        • by benwb ( 96829 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @10:41AM (#4767519)
          Test results and labs come back on computer these days. More and more hospitals are moving to filmless radiology, where all images are delivered over the network. I don't know that much about this particular hospital, but I do know that hospitals en masse are rapidly aproaching the point where a network outage is life threatening. This is not because the machine that goes ping is going to go off line, but because doctors won't have access to the diagnostic tools that they have now.
    • Re:No. (Score:5, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @10:01AM (#4767153)
      As an employee at BIDMC (the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center) I can tell you that they did not just install a parallel network. The first network was completely redesigned to be more stable and once it proved its stability, then a second redundant network was put in place to ensure that if the network ever became unstable again for any reason there was a backup that was known to work immediately instead of having to wait to fix the original again. Most of the housestaff at BIDMC were already familiar with the paper system as the transition to paperless had only occured over the last two years and in stages. The real problems was obtaining lab and test results as these have been on computer for years.
      • Fraternal Twins (Score:5, Interesting)

        by SEWilco ( 27983 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @10:51AM (#4767610) Journal
        I hope the "second redundant network" uses equipment by a different manufacturer and has at least one network technician whose primary duty is that network. That person's secondary duty should be to monitor the primary network and look for problems there. Someone in the primary network staff should have a secondary duty to monitor and check the backup network.

        The ideal would be to actually use both networks, such as by using each on alternating weeks. This ensures that both networks can handle full normal operations and are both operational.

    • Re:No. (Score:5, Insightful)

      by barberio ( 42711 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @10:02AM (#4767163) Homepage
      The problem here is that it will take days, maybe weeks to do this. Hospitals want the data flowing *Now*.

      So the answer is - Yes. In a situation where 100% uptime is demanded, the only solution is redundant systems.
      • Re:No. (Score:5, Insightful)

        by ostiguy ( 63618 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @10:27AM (#4767386)
        If a network problem breaks down network 1, what is going to stop it from breaking network #2? If the problem was with the firmware in device#23a, the problem will reoccur on network 2 with device #23b

    • This assumes.. (Score:5, Informative)

      by nurb432 ( 527695 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @10:07AM (#4767221) Homepage Journal
      That it was a network upgrade, sometimes its not, and you have no clue what was changed, by *someone else*...

      As far as a parallel network, thats a tad overkill.. proper redundant pathways should be enough.. and plenty of packet filtering/shaping/monitoring.

      and keep a tighter reign on what is allowed to be attached to the PRODUCTION network..

    • Re:No. (Score:5, Interesting)

      by pubjames ( 468013 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @10:38AM (#4767492)
      I spoke to an electrician at our local hospital recently. He told me the hospital had three separate electricity systems - one connected to the national grid, one connected to an onsite generator which is running all the time, and a third connected to some kind of highly reliable battery system (sorry can't remember the details) for life support and operating theatres in case both the national grid and the on-site generator fail simultaneously.

      If they have that level of redundancy for the electrics then I see no reason why they shouldn't for the network.
    • Re:No. (Score:3, Interesting)

      by dirk ( 87083 )
      No, the answer is to fix what is broken. This might be a new concept to some people, but things don't break on there own. If you're doing network upgrades and something stops working, REVERT THE CHANGES AND FIGURE IT OUT. This is reckless and irresponsible behavior.

      While in the short term the anser is to fix what is broken, they should have had an alternative network set up long ago. When you are dealing with something as important as a hospital, you should have redunancy for everything. that means true redundancy. there should be 2 T1 lines coming in from 2 different vendors from opposite direction if that is something will endanger lives if it breaks. If something is truely mission critical, it should be redundant. If it is life-threatening critical, every single piece should be redundant.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Yes, a second, fully redundant network would be "good" from a stance of giving better fail-over potential.

    But will anyone know when one network fails? If not, then how will they fix it? If they don't fix it, then doesn't that mean that they really only have one network?

    Which puts them right back to where they were.

    Of course, if they put a redundant network in, then fix their problems to try to prevent this issue happening in future, then they'll be in much better shape the next time their network gets flushed with the medical waste.
  • by MS_leases_my_soul ( 562160 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @09:47AM (#4767020)
    A Bank in America [;)] had an outage back in 1998 where all their Stratocom went down for similar reasons. The Gateway/Network Engineering group had been saying for a couple years that we needed more redundancy but senior executives just saw the expenses and not the liability ... until every single Stratacom went down.

    We had to rebuild the entire network ... it took a week. All non-critical traffic had to be cut-off as we pushed everything through the backup T1s and ISDN lines. It cost the bank MILLIONS of dollars.

    Suddenly, that backup network was real cheap. They are now quite proud to tote their redundancy.
    • If triple-redundancy is good enough for San Francisco's BART [transdyn.com], and this "major bank", then why can't it be good enough for a hospital, where there are most likely many people on life support, or who need instant access to drug reactions, etc?

      • by sjbe ( 173966 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @03:01PM (#4769745)
        My wife is a doctor. From what I've observed hospitals tend to be penny wise and pound foolish, particularly with regard to their computer systems. Largely for financial reasons they are generally unwilling to hire the IT professionals and spend the $ they need to do the job right.

        The computer systems at my wife's medical school were apparently run by a herd of poorly trained monkeys. Systems would crash constantly, admin policies were absurd, and very little was done to fix anything. At her current hospital, the residents in her department are stuck with machines that literally crash 10+ times daily. Nothing is done to fix them because that would take expertise, time and $, all of which are either in short supply or withheld.

        Hospitals really need serious IT help and it is a very serious problem. This article just illustrates how pathetically bad they do the job right now. I wish I could say I was surprised by this but I'm not.

  • Leading question (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Junks Jerzey ( 54586 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @09:48AM (#4767028)
    do you think the answer to having an massive and unreliable network is to build a second identical network?

    Am I the only person getting tired of story submitters using Slashdot to support their personal agendas?
    • Re:Leading question (Score:4, Interesting)

      by enkidu55 ( 321423 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @10:23AM (#4767351) Homepage Journal
      Isn't that the whole point in posting a story? To foster your own personal agendas? What would be the point in making a contribution to /. then if everything was vanilla in format and taste. You would think that the members of the /. community would feel a certain sense of pride knowing that their collective knowledge could help another business/community out with some free advice.

      IMHO if you don't like it then stop reading the damn thing. It's just like TV... If you don't like the channel you're watching then turn it, or turn it off and do something else, but don't bitch because you don't like the content.
  • Spanning tree (Score:2, Interesting)

    by skinfitz ( 564041 )
    do you think the answer to having an massive and unreliable network is to build a second identical network?"

    I think the answer is to disable spanning tree.

    We had a similar problem here (large academic installtion, hundreds of workstations, several sites) with things (before my time I hasten to add) being one Big Flat Network (shudder) using IPX primarily and Novell. Needless to say this was not good. I've since redesigned things using IP and multiple VLANS, however there is still the odd legacy system that needs access to the old net.

    My solution was to tap the protocols running in the flat network and to put these into VLAN's that can be safely propagated around the layer 3 switched network and presented wherever we wish. The entire "flat" network is tapped into a VLAN and the IP services that are running on it routed into. Any problems with either network and we just pull the routes linking the two together if it were to get that bad.
    • Adding on to the VLAN idea, I'd also change the routing protocol to OSPF. They would be squandering a lot of money to run two networks side by side.
    • Re:Spanning tree (Score:5, Interesting)

      by GLX ( 514482 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @09:57AM (#4767118) Homepage
      This would imply that either:

      A) A campus could afford to do Layer 3 at every closet switch


      B) Live without Layer 2 redundancy back to the Layer 3 core.

      I'm sure in a healthcare environment, neither is an option. The first is too expensive (unless you buy cheap, and hence unreliable equipment) and the second is too risky.

      Spanning tree didn't cause the problem here. Mis management of spanning tree sounds like it caused the problem.

      Spanning tree is our friend, when used properly.
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Re:Spanning tree (Score:3, Insightful)

      by TheMidget ( 512188 )
      I think the answer is to disable spanning tree.

      On a network as complex and messy as theirs? That's basically the situation where you need spanning tree, or else it just crumbles to dust once they do produce a loop...

    • I think the answer is to disable spanning tree.

      Are you talking about a different spanning tree protocol than I think you're talking about? Spanning tree is a very good thing to run to stop loops exactly like this. More than likely one of the hospital network techs misconfigured something and ended up disabling it (portfast on two access points linked into another switch accidently or a rogue switch?).

    • Re:Spanning tree (Score:5, Interesting)

      by stilwebm ( 129567 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @10:21AM (#4767337)
      I don't think disabling spanning tree would help at all, especially on a network with two campuses with redundant connections between buildings, etc. This is just the type of network spanning tree should help. But it sounds to me like they need to do some better subnetting and trunking, not necessarily using Layer 3 switches. They might consider hiring a network engineer with experience on similar campuses, even large univertsity campuses, to help them redesign the underlying architecture. Spanning tree wasn't the problem, the architecture and thus the way spanning tree was being used was the problem.
    • Re:Spanning tree (Score:3, Informative)

      by jroysdon ( 201893 )
      Disabling spanning tree on a network of any size is suicide waiting to happen. Without spanning tree you'll be instantly paralyzed by any layer two loops.

      For instance: Bonehead user wants to connect 2-3 more PCs at his desk, so he brings in a cheap hub or switch. Say it doesn't work for whatever reason, so he leaves the cable in and connects a second port from the wall (or say later on it stops working so he connects a second port to test). When both of those ports go active and you don't have spanning tree, you've just created a nice loop for that little hub or switch to melt your network. Just be glad it's going to be a cheap piece of hardware and not a large switch, or you'd never be able to even get into your production switches using a console connection until you find the connection and disable it (ask my how I know). How long does this take to occur? Not even a second.

      Spanning tree is your friend. If you're a network technician/engineer, learn how to use it. Learn how to use root guard to protect your infrustructure from rouge switches (or even evil end-users running "tools"). A simple search on "root guard" at Cisco.com returns plenty of useful hits [cisco.com]

      At my present employer, we're actually overly strict and limit each port to a single MAC address and know what every MAC address in any company hardware is. We know where every port on our switches go to patch panels. If anything "extra" is connected, or a PC is moved, we're paged. If a printer is even disconnected, we're paged. The end-users know this, and they know to contact IT before trying to move anything.

      Why do we do this? We've had users bring in wireless access points and hide them under their desks/cubes. We want to know instantly if someone is breaching security or opening us up to such a thing. Before wireless, I'd say this was overly anal, but now, it's pretty much a requirement. The added benefit to knowing if an end-user brings a personal PC from home, etc., on to the network (which means they possibly don't have updated MS-IE, virus scanners/patterns, may have "hacking tools", etc.). This isn't feasible on a student network or many other rapidly changing networks, but on a stable production network it's a very good idea. Overhead seems high at first, but it's the same as having to go patch a port to a switch for a new user - you just document the MAC address and able port-level security on the switch port:
      interface FastEthernet0/1
      port security action trap
      port sec max-mac-count
      With Syslogging enabled, you'll know when this occurs and if you've got expect scripts to monitor and page you when another mac address is used on that port, and if you've got your network well documented, you can stop by the end-user while they're still trying to dink around hooking up their laptop and catch 'em in the act.

      Yes, I know all about MAC address spoofing. Do my end-users? Probably not, and by the time they find out, they're on my "watch list" and their manager knows. Of course, that's where internal IDS is needed and things start to get much more complicated, but at least you're not getting flooded with odd-ball IDS reports if you manage your desktops tight so users can't install any ol' app they want. Higher upfront maintenance cost? Perhaps, but we've never had any end-user caused network issue.

      I'm fairly certain that if someone was running a "bad" application like what hosed the network in this story, I'd find it in under 30 minutes with our current network documentation. Would it require a lot of foot traffic? Yes, as the network would possible be hosed so management protocols wouldn't work, but I could isolate it fairly fast with console connections and manually pulling uplink ports.
  • Hospital Systems (Score:4, Informative)

    by charnov ( 183495 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @09:49AM (#4767033) Homepage Journal
    I also used to work at a teaching hospital (Wishard for Indiana University) and I learned more there about networking and systems support than in years of college. I remember one day we found a still used piece of thick-net (you know...old firehose). It was connecting the ambulance office's systems to the rest of the hostpital. The rest of the hospital ran on DEC VAX clusters and terminals. To be fair, they have gotten much better (I don't work there anymore either), but this wasn't the first hospital network I had seen that truly terrified me, and it hasn't been the last.
    • by gorf ( 182301 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @10:17AM (#4767301)

      To be fair, they have gotten much better...

      You seem to have forgotten to explain why they were worse.

      If they are running thick ethernet and VAX machines, it is probably because nobody has looked at the system recently, presumably because it hasn't failed. This is how things should be.

      ...truly terrified me...

      What terrifies me is that places like hospitals (where things really need to keep working) run systems which have only been around for a few years, and in that time proved themselves to be extremely unreliable, in general.

      New features should not be added at the cost of stability, and this is what people seem to be doing all the time. People are perfectly capable of carrying on using paper, and should be trained and have a procedure to do so at a moment's notice. If the job is so complex that paper is simply not an option (this seems unlikely; even air traffic controllers can manage without computers), then computers should have a ridiculous amount of redundancy built in to them, something I've only heard of NASA even approaching.

  • by shrinkwrap ( 160744 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @09:49AM (#4767037)
    Or as was said in the movie "Contact" -

    "Why buy one when you can buy two at twice the price?"
    • Why not buy M$ wireless 802.11b install W2K/XP on every computer and set up an MS exchange server. Who needs BSD when you have M$ :)

      <I>just kiddi'n the uptime of the above mentioned network would be measured in nanoseconds, and then they will have to switch MS paper'n'pen method</I>
  • Disaster recovery (Score:4, Interesting)

    by laughing_badger ( 628416 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @09:50AM (#4767041) Homepage
    do you think the answer to having an massive and unreliable network is to build a second identical network?

    No. They did everything right. Falling back to paper and runners is the best they could do to safeguard patients lives. An 'identical' network would be susceptible to the same failure modes as the primary.

    That said, hopefully it wasn't really six years since they had run a disaster exercise where they pretended that the computers were unavailable...

  • Um.. (Score:4, Insightful)

    by acehole ( 174372 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @09:50AM (#4767049) Homepage
    In six years they never thought to have a backup/redundant system in place in case of a failure like this?

    Even the best networks will come unglued sooner or later. It's surprising to see that most business' networks need prime operating conditions to function properly.
    • Re:Um.. (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @11:47AM (#4768063)
      They're called "accountants". My father is a netadmin by trade, and the thing that stresses him most about his job is how, quote, "fucking bean counters" make the purchasing decisions for him.

      Example: They want to replace Netware fileservers (they've something around four years uptime, and that's including them having their RAIDs expanded. All that's going to stop them is a man with a sledgehammer) with Windows ones. While Windows servers, if configured correctly, are really stable, they are not stable enough for truly mission-critical jobs (in this case, dealing with insurance companies and medical evacuation. Time is not just money, it's life) yet the idiots in charge have been suckered by Microsoft's marketing.

      In this case, staying with netware has saved lives.

      Accountants have too much control. They do not understand that if something in vital, you do NOT give it anything less than the very best money can buy. So it'll cut into your profit margins. So what? At least you will still have the margins.
  • 2nd network (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Rubbersoul ( 199583 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @09:51AM (#4767053)
    Yes I think having a 2nd network for a vital system is a good idea. This sort of thing is used all the time for things like fiber rings were you have the work and protect path. If the primary work path goes down (cut, maintenance what ever) then you roll to the protect. Yes it is a bit more expensive but in case like this maybe it is needed.
  • by bugpit ( 588944 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @09:53AM (#4767076)
    The Boston Globe article was a tad on the sensational side, and did a pretty poor job of describing the technical nature of the problem. This article [nwfusion.com] does a somewhat better job, but is still pretty slim on the details. Almost makes it sound like someone running a grid application was the cause of the trouble.
  • Should there be a few replacement devices on hand for failures? Yes. Should there be backups of the IOS and configurations for all of the routers? Yes. Should this stuff be anal-retentively documented in triplicate by someone who knows how to write documentation that is detailed yet at the same time easy to understand? Yet another yes.

    If it is so critical, it should be done right in the first place. If a physically damaged or otherwise down link is ESSENTIAL to the operation or is responsible for HUMAN LIFE, then there should be duplicate circuits in place throughout the campus to be used in the event of an emergency; just like certain organizations have special failover or dedicated circuits to other locations for emergencies.

    Last but absolutely certainly not least; the 'researcher', regardless of their position at the school, should be taken severely to task for this. You don't experiment on production equipment at all. If you need switching fabric; you get it physically separated from the rest of the network or if you really need outside access you drop controls in place like a firewall, etc. to severely restrict your influence on other fabric areas.
    • You've never worked in the Real World, have you? It is very rare for a network to be put in place, with everything attached in it's final location, and then never ever upgraded until the entire thing is replaced.

      In the Real World, where you can't shut everything down at upgrade time, a PDP-11 connected to terminals was put in 25 years ago. The PDP-11 was replaced with a VAX, which ran in parallel with the PDP-11 while it was brought online. A few years later a couple of PC's (running DOS 3.0) were hooked up to each other via a Novell network, which was connected to the VAX. Ten years ago the VAX was replaced with a few servers, which ran in parallel with the VAX until they were trusted. Along the way various hubs, switches, and routers were installed. And upgraded as the need arose. The cables were upgraded, also as the need arose, and not all at once.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @09:53AM (#4767088)
    Spanning-Tree Protocol is a link management protocol that provides path redundancy while preventing undesirable loops in the network. For an Ethernet network to function properly, only one active path can exist between two stations.

    Multiple active paths between stations cause loops in the network. If a loop exists in the network topology, the potential exists for duplication of messages. When loops occur, some switches see stations appear on both sides of the switch. This condition confuses the forwarding algorithm and allows duplicate frames to be forwarded.

    To provide path redundancy, Spanning-Tree Protocol defines a tree that spans all switches in an extended network. Spanning-Tree Protocol forces certain redundant data paths into a standby (blocked) state. If one network segment in the Spanning-Tree Protocol becomes unreachable, or if Spanning-Tree Protocol costs change, the spanning-tree algorithm reconfigures the spanning-tree topology and reestablishes the link by activating the standby path.

    Spanning-Tree Protocol operation is transparent to end stations, which are unaware whether they are connected to a single LAN segment or a switched LAN of multiple segments.

    see this page [cisco.com] for mode info
  • by virtual_mps ( 62997 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @09:54AM (#4767096)
    Why on earth would a researcher be plugged into the same network as time-sensitive patient information? Yes it's expensive, but critical functions should be seperated from non-critical functions. And the critical network needs to be fairly rigidly controlled (i.e., no researchers should "accidentally" plug into it.) Note further information in http://www.nwfusion.com/news/2002/1125bethisrael.h tml [nwfusion.com]
    • by pangur ( 95072 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @10:18AM (#4767304)
      There are several non-exclusive answers to the Beth Israel problem:

      1) introduction of routed domains to seperate groups of switches

      2) insure that more than one redundant switching loop does not terminate in a switch. I've had a single switch be the lynch-pin between two loops, had the switch go down and back up, and spanning-tree would not converge. If you want redundancy in your switches, spread out the loops.

      3) Put QoS on the network. Identify mission-critical traffic and give it priority and guarenteed bandwidth (Cisco uses LLQ and CBWFQ using DiffServ, CoS, and IP precendence). That way even if someone puts loads of traffic on mission critical paths, the effect should be limited to the local switch port or router, depending how it is implemented.

      4) lastly try a redundant network. You would still want QoS to stop a jabbering NIC from hosing your local bandwidth, and you might want to run diagnostics with your pocket PC or laptop, so you would still need to plug into that isolated net anyway. I would recommend that last due to cost, space, and connectivity issues.

      Thank you.

  • All Layer 2? (Score:5, Informative)

    by CatHerder ( 20831 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @09:55AM (#4767104)
    If Spanning Tree is what brought them down, and it had campus wide effect, then they're running their production networks as one big flat layer 2 network. This is almost definitely the root of the problem. Modern network design would divide the campus (and often individual buildings) into multiple subnets, using routing to get between nets. That way if something like STP goes wrong in one spot, it doesn't affect the others.

    Building a parallel identical net is almost definitely the wrong answer. Especially if it uses the same design and equipment!

    Unfortunately, often older networks grow in a piecemeal way and end up like this, commonly having application level stuff that requires it to be flat. The job of a good network engineer (and diplomat) is to slowly have all the apps converted to being routable and then subnet the net.
  • OMG! (Score:2, Funny)

    by jmo_jon ( 253460 )
    The crisis began on a Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 13, and lasted nearly four days.

    Did that mean the doctors couldn't play Quake for four days!?
  • by stevens ( 84346 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @09:58AM (#4767132) Homepage
    The network at my company is quickly becoming so complex that neither I nor the admins can troubleshoot it.

    We have redundant everything -- firewalls, routers, load balancers, app servers, etc. The idea is to have half of everything offsite, so either the main site or the co-lo can go down, and we still rock.

    But with all the zones and NATs and rules and routing oddities, the network is less reliable than before. It takes days for them to fix routing problems or firewall problems. Every little problem means we need three people troubleshooting it instead of one admin.

    Developers suspect that there's a simpler way to do it all, but since we're not networking experts, it's just a suspicion.
  • by eaddict ( 148006 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @10:01AM (#4767154)
    was a human error. We were a smallish hospital (270 beds). I was the new IS Manager. I was looking for power outlets in the computer room for all the new euqipment I had ordered. Well, there were a lot of dead plugs. Also, I was told to stop since electricity based things like that were left up to the union guys. No big deal. I called them and asked them to locate and label the outlets under the raised floor. While I was sitting at my desk later that day the power went off for a sec then on.... I got up and looked toward the data center. The lights AND the equipment went off then on. I ran in to find the union guys flipping switches on the UPS (on/off). They had stuck a light bulb w/plug in each of the open outlets and were flicking the power on and off to see what bulb was effected. They were on the equipment side of the UPS! All of our servers, network gear, and such took hard downs that day! Ahhh!!! Who needs technology to make things not work! This was the same union that wrote me up for moving a cube wall to get at an outlet. Moving furniture was a union duty!
    • by Ashurbanipal ( 578639 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @11:31AM (#4767933)
      There was an electrician named Joe at the place I used to work who was counting the days to retirement. He never did a lick of work he didn't absolutely have to, and he never cared if his work would last 24 hours after his retirement.

      The NEC (National Electrical Code) was the first casualty of his attitude. But not the last!

      I discovered that he carried a heavy-duty plug in his pocket with the two hot leads wired directly together. He called it his "pigtail".

      When Joe needed to find what circuit breaker controlled an outlet, he jammed in the pigtail (with an audible *snap* of electric arc) and then calmly walked down to the nearest breaker box to see what had tripped.

      You could tell he was working in a building because you'd see scientists running down the hallways tearing their hair and screaming "My research!!! My research!! Ten years of research ruined!!" as the voltage spikes destroyed their equipment...
    • Union "help" (Score:3, Insightful)

      by ces ( 119879 )
      Most union tradespeople I've encountered do actually take pride in doing their jobs right and well. You just have to realize that even the best ones won't generally work any harder than the work rules require them to.

      My advice is to get to know any tradespeople you may have to deal with on a regular basis for things like electrical work, moving furniture, etc. It's amazing how far just treating them as fellow skilled professionals will get you. Resorting to bribery (aka "gifts") can also help. If you give the union electrician a bottle of nice scotch or a box of cigars when he adds some new circuts in the server room he is much more likely to come out at 3am on a Sunday morning when you need him NOW.
  • by xaoslaad ( 590527 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @10:01AM (#4767158)
    I am not up to speed on spanning tree, but speaking with a coworker after reading this article it is my understanding that Cisco equipment runs a new instance of spanning tree each time a new VLAN is created. As you can imagine in such a large campus environment there can be many tens if not hundreds of VLANS. In a short time you turn your network into a spanning tree nightmare. I'd much rather use some nice Extreme Networks (or founrdy or whatever) Layer 3 switching equipment at the core and turn off spanning tree. Use tagged VLANS from the closets to the core and voila no need for spanning tree... Use cisco edge devices for WAN links. Building out a second rats nest out of the same equipment seems foolish.

    I'm not even sure how much Layer 3 switching equipment Cisco has; not much at all from my talking around in the past. It may not be possible to turn around and re-engineer it with the existing equipment; but I think that I would much rather throw out the vendor and reengineer the entire thing correctly before putting in a second shabby network.

    I speak from having assisted on something like this on a very small campus environment (1,500 nodes maybe) and we basically tore out a disgusting mess of a LAN and implemented a fully switched, beautifully layed out network with redundant links to all closets an 8 GB trunk between two buildings etc in the breadth of one weekend. Obviously there was tons of planning involved, cabling run in preparation and so on, but what a fantastic move it was.

    Sure there were hiccups Monday morning, but everything was perfectly fine by the end of the week.

    Two wrongs don't make a right.
    • by netwiz ( 33291 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @10:20AM (#4767325) Homepage
      Cisco only runs per-VLAN spanning tree if you're using ISL as your trunking protocol. The reason you don't get it on Extreme Networks stuff is because they use 802.1q. In fact, Cisco devices trunking w/ the IEEE protocol run single instances, just like the Extreme product.

      There are tradeoffs, of course. STP recalculations (when running) can be kind of intensive, and if you've got to run them for each of your 200 VLANs, it can take a while. However, for my particular environment, per-VLAN STP is a better solution.
  • The real problem (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Enry ( 630 ) <enry AT wayga DOT net> on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @10:02AM (#4767165) Journal
    There was no central organization that handled the networking for the associated hospitals, so more networks just got bolted on until it couldn't handle the load.

    So what's the lessons?

    1) Make sure your solution scales, and be ready in case it doesn't.
    2) Make sure some overall organization can control how networks get connected.
  • by tomblackwell ( 6196 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @10:03AM (#4767175) Homepage
    If you have something that's broken, and you need its functionality soon, and don't have a fucking clue as to what's wrong with it, you might want to replace it.

    It may not be the right way to do it, but they're running a hospital, and might not have the time to let their network people puzzle it out.
  • by mekkab ( 133181 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @10:08AM (#4767223) Homepage Journal
    Yes. You do things in parallel and you make things redundant. You are fabricating reliability out of unreliable components vis-a-vis TCP over IP.

    Lets talk about real-time systems. No, not "Voice over IP" or "streaming video" crap, I mean REAL human grade real-time systems.

    How do they get 99.99999% reliability? The components they use may be good, but nothing is that good! They get it by 1) removing single points of failure and 2) rigorously analyzing common mode failures (a sequence of failures that brings everything down).

    How is this done? You put things in parallel. Machines are multi-homed. Critical applications are Hot-standby, as are their critical servers. You have the nightmare of constant Standby-Data Management (the Primary sending a copy of its every transaction to the secondary and to the tertiary) but when the power on one side goes out (of course your primary and standby are in differnet buildings connected to different power supplies, right?!) the secondary steps right up.

  • by nt2UNIX ( 16001 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @10:09AM (#4767235) Homepage
    In a large switched network spanning tree can save your butt and burn it. We try to test our switch changes before they are implemented. ON A TEST NETWORK.

    I know it's hard for everyone to believe, but vendors lie and those whiz bang network tools can screw you over.

    We have several thousand users on our campus with several thousand computers. We run about a half a dozen 6500 series Cisco Switches. Spanning tree re-calculations take about a second or 2. This is no big deal. And your traffic is re-routed nicely when something goes wrong. But if an interface (which is an uplink into the other switches) is freaking out and going up or down, the whole network will grind to a halt with spanning tree.

    Test Network GOOD (if you have the money).
  • The Solutoin (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Shishak ( 12540 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @10:09AM (#4767238) Homepage
    Is to not bother with a second network. They need to break the spanning tree up a bit with some layer 3 routers. Sometimes it is fun to have a nice big layer 2 network. It makes life easy. It sucks to debug it when one half of a leg goes down and you get spanning-tree loops. The switches go down in a ball of flames that way.

    The solution is to put some edge routers in every building (Cisco 6509's with MSFC cards). segment each building into different IP networks. Route between the networks. That way you may lose a building if the spanning-tree goes futzed but you won't lose the whole campus.

    Sure you'll be a touch slower routing between the segments but you'll have much more reliability.
  • by markwelch ( 553433 ) <markwelch@markwelch.com> on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @10:11AM (#4767245) Homepage Journal
    > Do you think the answer to having an massive and unreliable network is to build a second identical network? <

    Of course not. Two solutions are more obvious:

    1. Fix or replace the existing network with a more reliable one (probably one that is less centralized so outages would not affect the entire campus); or
    2. If a second network is going to be added to provide reliable backup, then the second network should certainly not use the same technology as the first.
    A third, and somewhat obvious, solution would be to make sure that
    • crucial data is kept on the local server farm, but also copied in real time to a remote server; and
    • a backup access mode (such as a public dial-up internet connection, with strong password protection and encryption) is provided for access to either or both servers, in the event of a crippling "local" network outage.

    This might also be a good reminder to get very aggressive "liquidated damages" clauses in contracts like this, or to buy insurance. If a patient dies because of the network outage, I am sure that everyone in the supply chain will be named in the lawsuit.

    The liquidated damage clause is intended to provide an unambiguous motivation for the technology provider to fix the problem quickly, while the insurance would cover all or a portion of the losses if there is a failure.

    I would be extremely surprised if a huge campus like this one did not have a substantial number of different technologies in use, including wireless, and clearly networking them all into the same patient-records database is a challenge.

  • by FleshWound ( 320838 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @10:13AM (#4767258)
    I live in the Boston area, and I have the perfect solution: they should hire me. I'll make sure their network never fails.

    Well, maybe not. But I still need a job... =)
  • by XPisthenewNT ( 629743 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @10:14AM (#4767268) Homepage
    I am in intern in a networking department where we use all cisco stuff. Spanning tree and some other protocols are very scary because once one switch declares itself a server of a given protocol, other switches "fall for it" and believe the new switch over the router. Getting the network back is not as easy as turning off the offender, because the other switches are now set for a different switch server. Power outages are also very scary because if switches use any type of dynamic protocol, they have to come back up in the right order; which Murphy's Law seems to indicate would never happen.
    Networks are fragile, I'm surprised there arn't more massive outages.
    The answer might be to hire competant network staff, and perhaps train some other IT employees with basic knowledge to help in emergencies. A second network seems a little extreme--both cost and management wise.

    KISS: Keep it simple, stupid!

  • by bolix ( 201977 ) <bolix&hotmail,com> on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @11:05AM (#4767709) Homepage Journal
    I've consulted here. No not on the network design! Desktop staff - big hello to the much expanded Research Support team!

    AFAIK the BI network has gradually evolved from the 60/70s and has including several massive growth spurts to incorporate the expansions, refits, windfalls etc. I once participated in an after hour Cisco cutover where we yanked connections and waited for the data to flow (IPX round/robin servers listing) to find the specific segments affected. Very much a live trial and error process.

    I got the feeling no-one is completely certain where/how all the data flows especially in the older Research segments e.g. Dana Farber. In fact, I'm guessing this is where the failure originated. Heavy duty number crunching and spanning tree errors lead me to some sort of distributed unix process across network segments. I want to blame a certain notorious geek (Dr P's) unix and mac labs but in truth it could be any one of the overworked and underfunded labrats in any of the segments.

    The wiring closets used to look way worse than any posted at the recent Register article. A single Cat 5 cable run to a data jack is sometimes split to host 2 connections: unfortunately as the Research areas are grant funded, this is still bloody cheaper than a hub/switch! There is probably still some localtalk cabling in some labs, coax runs to a DG and Novell serial connections with 1 or 2 Mac Classic and SE holdouts running Dos and DG terminal emulators!!!

    The network team in the Hospital (2 afaik) coped with daily routing failures, buggy failovers, the crappy Novell IPX 802.3 implementation and servers around every corner. Those folks team with a great desktop staff to nursemaid outdated equipment into the 21st century. It stuns me to this day what a superior job these folks did and probably do. They certainly made my job easier.

    I feel this could have happened any time and disaster has been averted one too many times before. Halamka and the exec staff owe these guys more that just a few column inches of chagrined praise.
  • by rhoads ( 242513 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @11:11AM (#4767741)
    One of the fundamental concepts in building mission critical networks is what is referred to as "A/B Diversity" -- also sometimes called "salt and peppering". The idea is that you build two or more physically and logically separate network infrastructures and distribute the user population evenly across them. Thus, when a catastrophic failure occurs in one of the network "domains", the other will continue to function and business can continue in "degraded" mode.

    We have a long way to go before data networks reach the stability of, for example, the public telephone system. The modern reality is that these networks are susceptible to a host of trivial yet potentially catastrophic failure scenarios. Spanning Tree (STP) is a very unreliable protocol. If has the potential to fail under many conditions such as the presence of physical errors, very high load, or as a consequence of a bug in the OS of one or many network devices.

    Broadcast storms will occur. ARP storms will occur. OS bugs will crop up. Facilities personnel will play jump rope with your cable plant.

    These problems can be mitigated, but not eliminated, by good network design. Thus, in environments such as hospitals and banks, where the cost of network downtime is too great too bear, it is common practice to build one or several parallel infrastructures as I have described.


    I used to be in charge of the NOC at a large investment bank in New York. One of our buildings had six floors each housing 1,000 equities traders -- and this was during the stock market boom. Network downtime was not tolerated during trading hours. Therefore, the building was divided into four separate network domains connected to each other, server farms, and the WAN/MAN environment via a layer-3 core.

    -- One time a printer became wedged and proceeded to send out ARP requests at the rate of thousands per second. The flood of messages pegged the CPUs of the routers servicing that domain and brought network services to a halt. Time To Resolution: 20 minutes (proud to say) to deploy sniffer, identify offending host, and rip its cable out of the wall with extreme prejudice. % of building affected: 25.

    -- Over the course of several months, the Novell/NT team progressively decommissioned Novell servers and replaced them with W2K servers. Unfortunately, nobody thought to turn off the Netware services in the roughly 1,000 printers deployed throughout the building. On one glorious day, the very last Netware server was decommissioned in a particular domain leaving the printers in that domain with no server to "attach" to. The resultant flood of SAP messages became so great that the Cisco routers could not service them in a timely manner and they became cached in memory. The routers would gradually run out of memory, spontaneously reboot, and repeat the cycle. Time To Resolution: ONE FULL DAY. % of building affected: 25. Number of hours spent in postmortem meetings: ~15.

    -- On several occasions, Spanning Tree failed resulting in loss of network services for the affected domain. Time To Resolution: 15 minutes to identify problem and perform coordinated power cycle of Distribution switches. % of building affected: 25.

    And the list of stories goes on. You get the point.
  • by Kraegar ( 565221 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @11:17AM (#4767784)
    Posting this kind of late, but it needs to be said.

    I work at a hospital, on the networking side of things. It's a fairly large hospital, and we've got some pretty amazing tech here that runs this place. But BY LAW we have downtime procedures. ALL STAFF MUST KNOW THEM. We have practice sessions monthly in which staff uses downtime procedures (pen and paper) to insure that if our network were to be completely lost, we could still help patients. It's the friggin law. Whoever fucked up and hadn't looked at downtime procedures in 6 years should be fired. That's just bullshit.

    I don't know how that hospital was able to pass inspections.

  • A Case History (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Baldrson ( 78598 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @11:45AM (#4768048) Homepage Journal
    A major corporation wanted to go paperless. They had all sorts of IDEF graphs [idefine.com] and stuff like that to go with. I was frightened for them and suggested that maybe a better route was to start by just going along the paper trails and, instead of transporting paper, transport physical digital media -- sneaker-net -- to workstations where digital images of the mail could be browsed. Then after they got that down they could put into place an ISDN network to the phone company which would allow them to go from sneaker-net to a network maintained by TPC. If TPC's ISDN support fell apart they could fall back to sneaker-net with physical digital media. Only after they had such a fail-safe "network" in place -- and deliberately fell back on it periodically and randomly to make it robust -- would the IDEF graphs start being generated from the actual flow of images/documents. By then of course there would be a general attitude toward networks and computers that is quite different from that of the culture that typically surrounds going paperless.

    Unfortunately more 'radical' minds prevailed and the project was eventually abandoned after $100M.

  • by m1a1 ( 622864 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @11:49AM (#4768078)
    If the problem is with spanning tree protocol then they already have redundant connections in place (or they wouldn't need spanning tree). From my experience spanning tree works really well on its own, and is even a little robust to people fucking with it. So the question is, why not deny everyone access to the switches and routers except for one or two administrators. It sounds to me like if they kept people from screwing with the network it would be fine.
  • by jhines ( 82154 ) <john@jhines.org> on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @12:02PM (#4768193) Homepage
    That this happened in a teaching hospital, rather than a large corporation, makes their response much different.

    They have been open about the problem, in a way that a for profit corporation could never be. This allows the rest of the world to learn from the experience.
  • by Radical Rad ( 138892 ) on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @12:42PM (#4768595) Homepage
    Mail any lucrative^h^h^h^h^h^h^h^h^h job offers to:

    Former MIS Director,
    Beth Israel Deaconess hospital
    Boston, MA 02215

  • by wandernotlost ( 444769 ) <slashdot@trai l m a g ic.com> on Wednesday November 27, 2002 @03:23PM (#4769903)
    Senior executives were reduced to errand runners as the hospital struggled with moving information around the campus.

    It's always nice to see those people doing useful work for a change.

Real programmers don't bring brown-bag lunches. If the vending machine doesn't sell it, they don't eat it. Vending machines don't sell quiche.
