Rats, Robots, And Rescue Follow Up 78
Dr. Robin Murphy writes "An editorial comparing the proposed roborats with the rescue robots actually used at the WTC response by the Center for Robot-Assisted Search and Rescue appeared last month in
IEEE Intelligent Systems Magazine. A slightly longer version is at
Crasar.org. Note that the rescue robots was in Discover Magazine's Top 100 stories of 2002."
mirror (Score:5, Informative)
for the main page []
try to go easy on poor old google.
They don't call them rats for nothing... (Score:4, Insightful)
would embrace this new tool as a way to check up on citizens. These machines have huge potential in domestic military and political survelliance applications. I'm sure Mr. Poindexter is just drooling all over himself at the possibilities.
Damn, your system is slow this morning...
It has to be said... (Score:2, Funny)
Robotic rats (Score:4, Funny)
Rats and Weeds (Score:1)
I'm not saying rats or weeds are useless, of course... but I can already hear the massive campaign platforms and court cases.
Re:Rats and Weeds (Score:1)
Re:IN SOVIET RUSSIA... (Score:1, Troll)
Typo alert! (Score:1)
Re:Most Deadly of the Seven Sins -- *SLOTH* (Score:2, Insightful)
His article is one giant dismissal of the recently invented "roborat" technology, with a conspicuous emphasis on funding guidelines. I'm no expert and I won't pretend to be able to comment with authority on whether "rescue rats" have any merit, but I believe there is a clear conflict of interest when a robot-rescue researcher who lives off robot-rescue grant money dismisses an alternative approach to assisted search and rescue.
All this aside I'd rather send rats, robots, snakes, worms, or whatever into a flaming nuclear reactor before I'd send people. But that's just me.
Re:Most Deadly of the Seven Sins -- *SLOTH* (Score:2)
Some of the problem is that any press other than journals and a few science magazines won't report any basic research without having some gee whizz possible applications.
Re:Most Deadly of the Seven Sins -- *SLOTH* (Score:3, Interesting)
Btw.. there are many places where humans cant go, but we are not lazy, we are not pleased with not going there. Instead we create new technology that allows us to go even further. How can that be a sin ?
btw.. i think your find out that lazy human scientists have decided to enslave an entire species of animal (the common sewer rat) is highly inaccurate. There are way too many rats out there
Re:Most Deadly of the Seven Sins -- *SLOTH* (Score:3, Insightful)
Sloth? Troll.
Soilent Green is People! (Score:1)
Re:Most Deadly of the Seven Sins -- *SLOTH* (Score:1)
Re:Most Deadly of the Seven Sins -- *SLOTH* (Score:2)
Rats are REALLY cheap - about $15 before you add a few hundred dollars of hardware to make it RoboRat.
And, rats have built in locomotion that is more advanced than anything NASA or any other robotic creator has ever created. It is the best tool for the job. Best performance for the price. Kinda like an avalanche-dog on a smaller scale.
Scientists are slavery-supporting & non-religi (Score:3, Insightful)
As opposed to baiting and exterminating rats. And, we pen cattle and chickens for food. They have no freedom and are procreated strickly for our enjoyment. We care not how they suffer.
Give me a break! Stop being so self-righteous. Are zookeepers evil? Are petting zoos evil?
I have to say... (Score:5, Funny)
Although, this has been happening for a long time...
That's basically what congress is, right, a bunch of rats controlled remotely by lobbyists, right? Of course that group of remotely controlled rats scares me too. I'm just gonna go hide in a cave with some real rats... I feel much safer there.
Amazingly negative... (Score:1, Flamebait)
Plus, he never makes an attempt to see the other side. Rats have advantages too; off the top of my head, (obviously) price. No matter how fine a rat it is, one rat will always cost on millionth (or less) of the cost of a robot. Also, they don't need to be rats; you could derive the technology to use, say, hummingbirds. I don't see a robot duplicating a hummingbird's flight capability and size, not to mention maneuverability. And, as I say, that's off the top of my head.
I have a great respect for scientists, but it's really sad to see them involved in turf wars instead of seeking to increase cooperation. They're only humans, I guess. That's something robots would probably be better at.
Perhaps... (Score:2)
(And I have a feeling that's how they handled this in Soviet Russia...)
Re:Amazingly negative... (Score:3, Informative)
I think the only difference between the rats and the robots here is the motive system and the motion control system. Everything else has to be developed and built anyway, so the costs aren't going to be that different (medical sensors are more expensive than motors I guess).
The best cooperation here would be to study the brain functions of rats in a maze, and use that to build navigation models for robots.
Rats (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Rats (Score:1)
Initial testing of new rats... (Score:5, Funny)
"The critters just aren't as lively as they used to be," said a resident of the 34th street station who declined to give his name. It's about time they found some replacements.
A spokesman for the MTA said that if the robotic rats were proven successful in the testing stages, other metropolitan areas would make the switch in the year to come.
"We really expect these robotic rats to perform." he said. "They don't produce as much waste, and can draw power directly from the third rail."
When asked about the comparatively high price of the robotic rats as compared to the freely available conventional ones, the official claimed that while the organic rats were free to aquire, the Total Cost of Onership was much higher, given the cleanup and maintenance costs.
"You know, these robotic rats, they will never unionize, and we will not have any unrest among their ranks. Overall, we think this switch will reduce our rat-related expenditures by up to 40% over the next few years."
Re:Initial testing of new rats... (Score:2)
More things to do. (Score:1)
Not our place... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Not our place... (Score:2)
Re:Not our place... (Score:1)
Exposing the animal's brain and forcing it to lead a life with a metal skullcap bolted to its skull is quite different than teaching fido to fetch and using treats as reinforcement.
No service dog is ever inflicted with pain to train it. Handlers/trainers bend over backwards to create a loving, caring environment for their animals. When the rescue dogs were searching the WTC ruins, they had to plant people in the rubble so the dogs could find them, all so the dogs wouldn't get too depressed and stop looking.
Re:Not our place... (Score:2)
The animal would not even exist except that it was bred for research purposes. The animal's brain is not exposed - there are small burrholes made through which electrodes with 10-20 microns of exposed metal are inserted.
From a behavioral viewpoint, the two techniques are inter-related. Activation of brain pathways with microelectrodes is just a step closer in potency compared with Scooby-snacks.
No service dog is ever inflicted with pain to train it.
Actually, most of them use choke collars at some point in training. Many of my friends that love their dogs use them, too. Pain is a part of life not just for lab animals, but for dogs and humans too. To think otherwise is incredibly naive. Now, it is a very good thing to minimize pain and suffering, and that is a responsibility of every person who interacts with animals. Or humans.
Handlers/trainers bend over backwards to create a loving, caring environment for their animals.
The environment for RoboRat is similarly caring. The rats are kept in clean environments, are well-fed, and have their health checked regularly and attended to. It is quite a step up from the wild rat. And, quite frankly, rats who have their reward pathways activated are REALLY HAPPY RATS.
Re:Not our place... (Score:1)
Re:Not our place... (Score:1)
Already been done. (Score:1)
I suppose that even with implants, cats are untrainable. Now dogs on the other hand ...
the possibilities (Score:3, Insightful)
A seemingly regular-looking rodent (of any other animal for that matter!) may in-fact be a secret agent!
Ain't technology cool?!
Coming soon to a rescue service near you ! (Score:4, Funny)
Rat Rescue : munch munch, eh no, munch, not yet.
Human Rescue : Whats that gnawing sound ?
Rat Rescue : Gnawing sound ? What gnawing sound ? I dont hear anything.
I can hear the conversation in the labs now... (Score:3, Funny)
Ok see we get these rats but they are not just any old rats.
They are robo-controlled rats, see.
We use them in rescue missions and other noble pursuits.
Scientist 2:
Do you think they will figure we just glued lego blocks to the heads of trained rats?
Scientist 1:
Nah, they are too dumb to check.
Yeah, something like that..
Success? (Score:2)
search-and-rescue robots did perform tasks at the WTC disaster site and were successful by any reasonable performance metric
Number of lives saved?
Re:Success? (Score:3, Insightful)
Purrfect snack (Score:3, Funny)
Only thing you'd need to check is whether the victims are allergic. While I kind of like waking up in middle of night because a rat is sitting on my head (has happened more than once), I and quite many other people would choke to death quite quickly if forced to live with a fat furry rat in a small cavity for a prolonged time.
Cherish your rat [www.iki.fi].
Re:Purrfect snack (Score:2)
Re:Purrfect snack (Score:2)
Well, you can always hibernate the rats by putting them into a dark fridge at about 1..5C temperature.
One psychology book used nicely scientific phrasing about such an experiment: "...20 specimen was used in the experiment. However, one of the test subjects became permanently inactive."
That's a nice way to say it.
Cherish your rat.
Rat Things (Score:1)
Reading Robin Murphy's book now... (Score:1)
Seems good so far, although too many copy editing errors to make me really comfortable with it.
SAR robotic thoughts (Score:1)
Even though I'm not exactly an animal rights activist this still all sounds a bit... unnecessary. Especially when there are alternatives.
I worked briefly in a SAR robot project, while I was at Edinburgh University [ed.ac.uk]. Myself and two other MSc students got together and built 2 SAR robots, to participate in the SAR event at Robocup 2001 [cmu.edu], Seattle. Even though our project wasn't really ready in time (read, the heat-seeking robots rather chase the CNN cameraman than find victims, and didn't report at all to the base station) I did learn a lot from just being there.
For example, I learnt how difficult it is to remote control a robot using only its on-board cameras/sensors. One of Murphy's Urbies [nasa.gov] was due for repair when its human-operator managed to drive it down a flight of stairs, and I quote Murphy, "without ever touching the stairs".
And this difficulty is ever so larger when the robots go inside rubble, with lack of light, and the well known radio control problems/outages.
Human control also limits the number of robots you can deploy, assuming you need 1 operator per robot.
Autonomous robot swarms are only possible if the robots are small and cheap, so you can deploy dozens or hundreds and accept a number of 'losses'. But this approach has its own disadvantages, such as small size meaning less sensorial capabilities for example. What good are dozens of little crawlers that just step on top of the victim's heads without ever detecting them?
In the event debriefing meeting, where sponsored teams had to make a small presentation, this Few_Big_Expensive vs many_small_cheap issue was debated. I believe there must be a compromise, and whoever finds the right balance will be half-way there.
As far as rats... I'd rather hear about research into fluorescent heat-seeking 'intelligent' jelly, that is poured on top of the rubble, seeks victims, attaches itself around their body keeping them worm (but intelligent enough to stay away from eyes, hears, nose, and mouth) and nutritionally rich so the victim can eat it if required...
What's that? (Score:2)
Jimmy fell down the well? Lead the way! Go on, boy. No! Not the cheese! SNAP! Oh, the humanity!
Last Post! (Score:1)
good argument; my position is mistaken,' and then they actually change
their minds and you never hear that old view from them again. They really
do it. It doesn't happen as often as it should, because scientists are
human and change is sometimes painful. But it happens every day. I cannot
recall the last time something like that happened in politics or religion.
-- Carl Sagan, 1987 CSICOP keynote address
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