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Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines 656

An anonymous reader writes "There is a new Quicktime Trailer avalible for Terminator 3 up and avalible to download. Features include shiny chrome, blue LED's a-plenty and a few seconds of a CGI'ed army of Terminators." Looks like a pretty fun movie.
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Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines

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  • by ekrout ( 139379 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:09PM (#4919776) Journal
    There are *some* disadvantages to having a girlfriend.

    Oh well, I'm sure You've Got Mail II will be pretty cool.

    • > Oh well, I'm sure You've Got Mail II will be pretty cool.

      Ha. Although I suspect it will be called You've Got Mailer.

      Or, You've Got More Mail.

      No wait, I Still Know You've Got Mail.

      Thanks folks, I'll be here all week.
    • by Guppy06 ( 410832 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @10:15PM (#4920144)
      "There are *some* disadvantages to having a girlfriend."

      Shh! Don't admit you won't see it because of a girlfriend, call it an MPAA boycott!
    • by duck_prime ( 585628 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @10:40PM (#4920279)
      There are *some* disadvantages to having a girlfriend.
      Yes, like wasting time trying to think of sly ways to advertise the fact on Slashdot.

      • by btellier ( 126120 ) <btellierNO@SPAMgmail.com> on Thursday December 19, 2002 @04:36AM (#4921483)
        Very interesting that you point this out. I hadn't really considered the male angle of this phenomenon, only the female angle.

        Ever notice how women on the internet almost always advertise their gender? Stained wife-beater, Hitler moustache, playground lurking perverts not withstanding, ACTUAL women truly enjoy the Internet lifestyle. This only increases exponentially with how geeky the forum is. If it's a simple screenname/handle/nick, they might be "jane125851", but if it's an MMORPG forum they might also post a pic (real or otherwise, it doesn't make a difference). I think women who are otherwise jilted by men are very attracted to the Internet, and can become addicted to the way that men act around them in a non-confrontational setting. And not without good reason either. Nerdmen on the Internet are so smitten with women with similar tastes (being on the net constitutes "a taste") that they will do virtually (pun intended) anything to please them.

        I could go on and on, but I guess my point is that male geeks on the net like to advertise that they do have women, female geeks on the net like to advertise that they want attention.
    • Come on baby.. the new robot is a girl. this movie empowers women!..

      (it's worth a try)
  • T3 Looks ShitE (Score:5, Interesting)

    by korea ( 615587 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:11PM (#4919787)
    I know it's unavoidable, but Arnold is getting old and just looks strange as the Terminator. And the fact that the new "girl" bot looks a regression of design versus the t1000 :| Damn I feel bad for saying this. If it's any consolation, I -hope- that this movie is good.
  • by BabyDave ( 575083 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:16PM (#4919824)
    "Terminator 4: Skynet gets Slashdotted"
  • by Myriad ( 89793 ) <myriad@@@thebsod...com> on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:17PM (#4919828) Homepage
    I just watched the trailer and am quite disappointed!

    I was under the impression that T3 was going to tell the story of Skynet coming on-line and the war - taking place entirely in the future.

    Instead we get the same concept as T2: an new, advanced Terminator is sent back in time to kill people (presumably Connor once again), and it appears a new Terminator is sent back to protect them, again (Arnold).

    The only difference is newer special effects and the evil terminator is a buxom blonde, with big breasts, and wearing a tight red leather outfit.

    All these years and all they could come up with is the Baywatch Effect?

    Mr. Cameron, I thought you could do better then that.

  • I hear.. (Score:3, Funny)

    by Jonny Ringo ( 444580 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:17PM (#4919833)
    In this one Arnold passes a kidney stone made of pure medal.

  • hm (Score:4, Interesting)

    by tps12 ( 105590 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:18PM (#4919835) Homepage Journal
    Interesting to see slashdotters so hyped about this movie. The Terminator series is fun, there's no doubt about that. I don't think I've ever met a "common man" who disliked the first two movies, especially the second.

    The films are a blast if you're just watching with your brain switched off. But when I was watching T2 (a movie that, incidentally, stole Willow--a classic and beautifully shot fantasy film--'s fire with the whole morphing thing) for the fifth or sixth time, I started feeling very uneasy. Pretty soon, I realized why: the message of the entire series is blatantly anti-technology, anti-innovation, and anti-future. Which, when I thought about it, is exactly why they're so popular with the average joe, who shells out his union dues each month and fears the same future that we slashdotters anticipate so eagerly.

    I have no doubts that T3 will carry on in this tradition. Expect them to recycle effects invented for The Matrix, Lord of the Rings and the Star Wars prequels, and expect the overarching theme to be backward and Ludditical.
    • Re:hm (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Ranolf ( 255412 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:36PM (#4919956)
      If you watch the credits for the Terminator series, Cameron and Gale Ann Hurd give some credit to Harlan Ellison [harlanellison.com], a crusty sci-fi writer who among other things wrote a great screenplay for I, Robot. What I've read of his works seem to me to be skeptical of the Religion of Technological Progress, but I think it's fair to say that they (and the Terminator series) are not anti-technology, but rather support the idea that since technology, a tool used by men to further their purposes, is subject to certain properties of humanity: a) men don't always make wise choices b) men don't always have good purposes. That's why T2 has the scene with the little boys fighting with toy guns, and the disinterested observer [the Terminator] remarks "It's in your nature to destroy yourselves". This is not a statement about the evilness of technology, but rather the evilness of men.
      • Re:hm (Score:4, Insightful)

        by asparagus ( 29121 ) <koonce@nospAm.gmail.com> on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @10:08PM (#4920118) Homepage Journal
        Gale came by my school a couple years ago. Nice woman.

        Ellison (very crusty, btw) wrote an episode of the Twilight Zone called "Soldier," starring two men from the future hell-bent on killing each other. Cameron made the mistake of asking permission to steal the idea: Ellison sued his share of the residuals out of him.

        And so, your reading is pretty dead on. I don't remember the episode exactly, but it's much more about the nature of men to fight, no matter what the circumstances. Having one of them be a robot is the twist known a genius. Or too many cocktails.

    • Re:hm (Score:2, Interesting)

      by betis70 ( 525817 )
      >>Pretty soon, I realized why: the message of the entire series is blatantly anti-technology, anti-innovation, and anti-future.

      I realized this the first time I watched T2. There is a line in there something like--"People like you designed the nuclear bomb, people like you thought it up". There was an audible groan and shifting of seats.

      I was watching it in Los Alamos, New Mexico. I almost started laughing at the crowd's reaction.
  • T3 (Score:5, Funny)

    by Wheaty18 ( 465429 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:19PM (#4919846)
    That crane destruction scene looks pretty cool, but I'm still half-expecting Arnie to say "Ach, My Back"...
    • > That crane destruction scene looks pretty cool, but I'm still half-expecting Arnie to say "Ach, My Back"...

      instead of Arnie saying....

      The Terminator: Why do you cry?
      John Connor: You mean people?
      The Terminator: Yes.
      John Connor: I don't know. We just cry. You know, when it hurts.
      The Terminator: Pain causes it?
      John Connor: No, it's when there's nothing wrong with you, but you cry anyway. You get it? The Terminator: No.

      This time it could read.....

      The Terminator: Why does our backs hurt?
      John Connor: You mean old people?
      The Terminator: yes.
      John Connor: I don't know. We just get old and shrink. You know, when it hurts.
      The Terminator: Pain causes it?
      John Connor: No, it's when there's nothing wrong with you, but you shrink anyway. You get it?
      The Terminator: No.
  • only that (Score:5, Insightful)

    by lingqi ( 577227 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:19PM (#4919848) Journal
    Gosh I really wish they can just let these things die.


    Why does the movie industry have to pimp a franchise until it runs out of money, but at the cost of running out of charm too?

    Take MIB - it was nice, well, self contained. MIB2 was not NEARLY as good, but they just HAD to drag everyone back to make another sequel (and probably one after that too)

    Arnold is like how old now?

    And there is gonna be another Rocky? - so will I see dentures flying in the ring?

    Creativity just seem really lacking these days. Can't we go and start some new pop legend, instead of feeding on old ones till our brains shrivel?

    *matrix is the only "new" one i can think of it off the top of my head. Fight Club maybe too - and I really hope there is no sequel to that*
    • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:57PM (#4920057)
      Why does the movie industry have to pimp a franchise until it runs out of money, but at the cost of running out of charm too?

      I agree. What the hell is up with making another Lord of the Rings sequel? The original movie was just fine and I think it ended clearly and left no loose ends. Frodo takes the ring off the Mount Doom with Sam and throws it in the lava pit to rid the world of that evil and the other guys (don't know their names... the elf guy and the guy from Indiana Jones and the other dude with the beard) can just go off back to their own people and live happily ever after. Why do all these movies have to be dragged out into 2 or 3 sequels these days? It destroys the franchise and makes the original that much less interesting. Could you imagine if they did this idiotic shit with books? Who would buy a book when they KNOW there's going to be two others they'll have to buy to finish the story?

  • Budget (Score:3, Insightful)

    by tw1z ( 632642 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:23PM (#4919872)
    Given the stratospheric budget on this one ($150 MM at last check), it is really amazing that they aren't even attempting a twist... I mean come on, how hard is it to push everything forward 50 years and show the skynet war details, or do a prequel, or something besides Terminator 2 redone with better effects... it's such a predictable shame when production companies are given such incredible budgets and they destroy such seemingly indestructible plot concepts
  • Modders (Score:4, Funny)

    by Cyno01 ( 573917 ) <Cyno01@hotmail.com> on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:24PM (#4919876) Homepage
    Features include shiny chrome, blue LED's a-plenty
    So someone case modded a T1000?
  • by Geekwad ( 309774 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:29PM (#4919910) Homepage
    Can no one else see that this 'film' looks like complete shit. From the first line in the trailer .. "John Coonnoorrr... It's ttiimmeee.." it goes straight down-hill. What is this? Arny can't even play the TERMINATOR. The lines sound .. BAD .. not writing-wise.. but delivery-wise. Yes, there are only two of them (The second being the completely worthless "She'll be back.") but Arny reads them BADLY. Did no one else notice?

    And a female terminator? Does no one else see something wrong with that. I sincerely hope they didn't just do that for lame PC reasons. Why would the machines opt to make a smaller-framed, less physically imposing killing machine? The only way to justify it would be to have some sort of seduction bullshit and that would be stupid in its own right. Christ. So disappointing.

    I'm not even going to go into the fact that Arny is the ONLY member of the cast/crew who's come back for this. Cameron is gone and for good reason. He knew there was nothing to be done with the Terminator franchise after T2. T2 was as good as a film about futuristic cyborgs can get and it was the best action film of its (if not any) era. That's why Cameron's turned his attention to making True Lies II a good movie.

    God. I can't even count everything that's outlandish and ridiculous about T3. Yeah, we're all gonna see it .. but can we at least have a little backbone NOW and say that this trailer is shit?
    • by ColGraff ( 454761 ) <maron1@minds p r i n g . c om> on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:44PM (#4919997) Homepage Journal
      What, you think all the Terminators look alike? They were created by Skynet, remember, to infiltrate human enclaves. If every single Terminator is a tall white scary guy who looks like Ahnold, then they're no good for covert infiltration. The "hot female" chassis is probably just one of many designs for the pre-T1000 series, with, yes, the added advantage that a female Terminator could have certain psychological advantages in manipulating humans over a male terminator.
  • by DarkHelmet ( 120004 ) <mark@seventhc[ ]e.net ['ycl' in gap]> on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:38PM (#4919963) Homepage
    "Its trained in destroying other cybernetic organisms."

    You mean, it takes T-1000's and sends them off to be on the X-Files [imdb.com]?

    I'd hardly call that "destroying".

    But then, I'd call anyone who could banish a T-800 to the world of Last Action Hero [imdb.com] to be one mean bitch.

  • by acehole ( 174372 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:41PM (#4919977) Homepage
    Okay, for the benefit of the people who havent really looked into this movie I'll provide the following information.

    First off, I was quite interested in this movie so I found out if James Cameron was directing it, he is not... my interest dropped a fair bit.

    Secondly, they tried to get Linda Hamilton to reprise her role as Sarah, she refused to do it after looking at the script. Not a good sign.

    I've looked at the storyline, and this sounds shockingly familiar to a fanscript I read back in '98. Although there are a couple of differences, the overall plot is exactly the same.
  • OMG OMG OMG!!! (Score:5, Interesting)

    by tcc ( 140386 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:43PM (#4919987) Homepage Journal
    Who's been waiting for T3??

    I know that T2 is *MY* cult movie.

    - Superb effects at the time (one of the first heavy-3d film actually and one of the few with a good storyline, especially with the crap coming out since a few years

    - Superb storyline (for an action movie)

    - Superb ending (something that Hollywood is usually good at screwing up (dragonheart comes to mind) on of the main hero "DIES", something you won't see often, because good guys always live and win with hollywood.

    - Overall, one of the best rounded movies in the 90s, I have yet to see a movie that will sustain me that much all long and heck even make me cry at the end (another rare thing with action movies, or totally screwed up that makes you want to laugh (or cry because you lost 10$ :) )

    Heck if T3 would be just 1/2 as good as T2 was, I'd pay 50$ to see it!

    Producers relying on 3D renderings should always look at T2 to learn how to balance that technology, I never seen anything that was as balanced as T2 in the 90s; the CGI effects were coexisting with the storyline (and not only being a CGI festival covering the rest that would be crap, like Hollywood is selling nowadays).

    Can't wait.

    Heck while at it, why not announce Neuromancer the movie, that would make my day! :)

    • why not announce Neuromancer the movie, that would make my day! :)
      Hey, it came out a few years ago! [warnerbros.com] Yes, I know it totally lacks the cyberpunkish and philosophical bent of Neuromancer. Unfortunately it stole its fire and any attempt to do a Neuromancer movie would have audiences crying 'matrix ripoff'.

      All that bellyaching being said, I hope someone does take the risk and do it up! Or "Snow Crash" for that matter.

    • Re:OMG OMG OMG!!! (Score:4, Interesting)

      by tbmaddux ( 145207 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @10:40PM (#4920281) Homepage Journal
      T2 flowed naturally from the end of T1 (moreso if you watch the T1 DVD and see the deleted scenes that explicitly name the factory where the first terminator was crushed). I'd always wondered "what the hell happened to those smashed bits of Terminator?"

      Plus it sets up a classic time travel conundrum: Terminator goes back in time to kill the mother of its enemy, fails and is destroyed, but its broken bits become the very meme that result in the creation of Skynet. T2 twists that around so that another terminator has to terminate itself in order to prevent Skynet's creation.

      T2 was also profoundly anti-violent (not non-violent, anti-violent) for an action film. It was the only Schwarzenegger film to date in which he killed no people (I would have said nobody but he did kill the T-1000 and himself). And Sarah's dream was pretty damn scary! T2 still stands as an all-time S.F. film favorite of mine.

      T3 has none of that appeal. At best T3 looks like it could be good in the same way that Star Trek IV was. Fun, winking at itself. Probably best ignored by serious fans, and it could really really suck.

  • by nemo ( 2417 ) <slashdotNO@SPAMnemo.house.cx> on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @09:44PM (#4919998) Homepage
    Terminator: Human protects Sarah from Terminator
    Terminator2: Terminator protects Sarah+John from advanced Terminator
    Terminator3: Terminator protects John from Barbie.
  • I thought the whole movie would be following along the lines of how the machines took over and came to power, but after viewing the trailer, it looked like it was going to be just another plotless shoot-em-up.

    As an aside, did anyone else just realize what an appropriation of the Terminator universe the Matrix was?

  • Playing under linux (Score:5, Informative)

    by Rufus211 ( 221883 ) <rufus-slashdot@nOsPaM.hackish.org> on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @10:01PM (#4920075) Homepage
    For those of you like me that are on linux and want to see this, here are some tips:

    1) The latest version of mplayer [mplayerhq.hu] does play all QT, including this one. The needed codecs are here [mplayerhq.hu] along with a short how to [mplayerhq.hu].

    2) The standard view-source and play whatever it lists doesn't work. All trailer's on apples website are now redirects. Add an "m" before the size for the real movie (t3_tlr_480.mov becomes t3_tlr_m480.mov).

    3) mplayer http://... usually doesn't work (sits there at 0% cache). Just wget it.

    4) Here's a direct link to the large [akamai.net] trailer.

    5) While I'm at it, here's a link to the large X2 [akamai.net] (X-Men 2) trailer.
    • > The standard view-source and play whatever it lists doesn't work. All trailer's on apples website are now redirects. Add an "m" before the size for the real movie (t3_tlr_480.mov becomes t3_tlr_m480.mov).

      MPlayer outputs the redirect links. Which is probably where you got the "m".

  • mpaa.org (Score:3, Interesting)

    by passion ( 84900 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @10:09PM (#4920122)

    Ironic how just yesterday there was discussion of boycotting the MPAA, and here - just about 100 pixels below the trailer is a link to mpaa.org...

    Are we going to do this, or is a boycott just vaporware? Oh, I see - I'll watch the TT tomorrow, and after that I'll quit. I can quit anytime! They have a link to a really lame writeup on how piracy affects movie sales - they use the example of Star Wars: Phantom Mencace, that once it got to Asia, it was so pirated that nobody wanted to see it anymore. Bah! I say that everyone knew how badly Jar-Jar fucked it up that they didn't want to see it anymore.

    Let's pick a weekend for a big movie opening - at least a few months from now, so that we'll have time to organize and boycott it for a weekend. Then, we'll intentionally all go and see it on, maybe a tuesday afternoon - just to show them how many we are that protest their anti-piracy policies.

    • umm (Score:4, Interesting)

      by geek ( 5680 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @10:38PM (#4920268)
      We aren't the fucking borg man. I didn't agree to any boycott nor has anyone I know. Maybe you did, but don't dare include me in your "we".
    • Re:mpaa.org (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Rew190 ( 138940 )
      Posts like these are old and tired- I wasn't aware that everyone who didn't like the MPAA was boycotting it. Did I miss something?

      I don't like the **AA's, that's for sure, but not enough to stifle my interest in movies/music that I find genuinely worth experiencing or at least learning more about.
    • Holy Fuck (Score:5, Funny)

      by tswinzig ( 210999 ) on Thursday December 19, 2002 @12:45AM (#4920852) Journal
      Are we going to do this, or is a boycott just vaporware?

      I think I speak for everyone on Slashdot when I say, "We?"

  • I wasn't too thrilled about this film knowing that James Cameron wouldn't be involved in any way.
    Kind of ironic that in the trailer, they play the classic Terminator riffs composed by Brad Fiedel, considering that they replaced him with an entirely different composer who's not even using Fiedel's cues from the first two films!
    This reminds me a bit of the transition from Alien and Aliens to Alien3. It looks like in both cases, the producers have thrown out the charm, technical crew and composers from the first two and just put anybody in there.
    As I recall, Alien3 had a spectacular opening weekend, then poor word of mouth killed it in subsequent weeks, because people expected something worthy of the two predecessors, and didn't get it.
    T3 could very well end up in the same situation.
  • by Schwern ( 85675 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @10:18PM (#4920166) Homepage
    A quick look at the cast & crew will tell you that T3 is going to be a big budget train wreck. The most glarring omission? James Cameron. He directed and wrote T1, directed, wrote and produced T2. He's nowhere to be found on T3. Very Bad. Nor do we get William Wishner Jr., co-writer of both T1 and T2. Very, very bad.

    So who do we have instead?

    Director: Jonathan Mostow
    Of "U-571" infamy.

    Writers: John D. Brancato and Michael Ferris
    The people who brought us "The Net", "The Game" and the terminally medicore "Interceptor".

    Writer: Tedi Sarafian
    He wrote the script for "Tank Girl".

    The only returning actor is Arnold, because you can't have the movie without him. Neither Linda Hamilton nor Edward Furlong are coming back.

    Given the exodus of the original cast and crew and the lame second string players they've brought in for replacements, I can predict it won't be worth $10.

    Rent the T2 Special Edition instead.

  • I wonder if the reason why they're not showing the actual "Rise of the Machines," the early days of Skynet's sentience, and the beginning of the actual human/machine war is that the Matrix plumbed that particular notion fairly heavily. After all, both movies share said war as a basic premise and bit-o-history in the plot. Maybe they want to avoid the comparisons, or would prefer to stay more action movie and less speculative fiction?

    I'm not sure this even merits being called my two cents.

  • by Maul ( 83993 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @10:24PM (#4920202) Journal
    Stop terminating a dead horse.

    Seriously, though, I don't understand why they are making this movie, or at least why they are making it the way they are now.

    First off, Arnold is a bit too old now. 5-8 years ago, maybe it could have happened. Not now, though, despite the massive amounts of makeup.

    Second off, looks like they are just turning this into a cheeseball cliche action movie. Very little originality, lots of mindless action, special effects, and the obligatory hot chick.

    Now, the trailor gives away very little except that the machines have sent thier latest robot back in time to kill us. The original Terminator must also go back to stop that machine. Sounds a lot like the Plot of Terminator 2.

    I might be wrong. It might end up being a good movie. I just doubt it.
  • by mraymer ( 516227 ) <`mraymer' `at' `centurytel.net'> on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @10:28PM (#4920218) Homepage Journal
    Here [thearnoldfans.com] is an excellent site with lots of info on T3, including interviews with Stan Winston (the famous SFX guy), Arnold, and others.

    Also, whenever there's talk of T3, the question comes up, well, didn't they stop it from happening? Obviously not, and here's how. Arnie tore off his own arm after the T1000 stuck it in that machine in the steel mill. So, they used his arm for the research instead of the original Terminator's arm and CPU. Also, I've heard the idea that Cyberdyne Systems had off-site backups. ;)

    • Didnt the young John Connor throw the arm into the lava?

      I havent seen T2 in a while

  • Really bad (Score:3, Funny)

    by geek ( 5680 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @10:30PM (#4920232)
    In the future we will be hunted by teenage blondes that look like Buffy the vampire slayer.

    This movie is going to be a joke. No James Cameron is bad enough, but making Buffy the vampire slayer into the terminator is just over the top.

    Yes I know it's not the real Buffy chick, but honestly, does it matter? It's the same cliche.
  • by noodlez84 ( 416138 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @10:53PM (#4920348)
    Direct Link [akamai.net]
  • Urrgghh (Score:3, Interesting)

    by cranos ( 592602 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @11:05PM (#4920384) Homepage Journal
    Well thats one movie Im not going to go and see. Just watched the trailer and I had an amazing sense of deja vu all over again.

    Basically it looks like Terminator 2 with tits.
  • by WCLPeter ( 202497 ) on Wednesday December 18, 2002 @11:58PM (#4920686) Homepage
    Just some quick background information...

    I remember back when I was a kid, I convinced my parents to sneak me into the Drive In to watch the original Terminator on the big screen. I remember being blown away by the action, the story, and well... okay, I had a school-boy crush on Linda Hamilton. ;-)

    Of course when T2 came out I hadn't seen the original in years, so I went out and rented it from the local Video Store and checked it out again. Again I rather enjoyed it, and was able to have an even deeper understanding of the films story.

    Then I went and saw T2, and I started to feel uneasy. For it was then that I started to realize that the entire film was basically just a rehash of the entire first film.

    The structure, plotting, even the scenes are almost completely ripped off from the first movie. From the arrival scene, to the "Finding *insert* Connor.", to the ending sequence where both films ended with a car chase, tanker explosion, and a climactic battle scene in a manufacturing plant with lots of belts and gears and pullies and crap.

    It was almost as if Cameron had didn't really bother to come up with anything new. So when I found out that he wasn't doing it I was quite happy. Not because I think his movies suck, but more because I didn't really want to see a rehash of T1 & T2 yet again.

    But after watching that trailer, I'm pretty conviced that we're going to see the same film as the first two.

    We're going to have a similar arrival experience, although with the Bimbornator it might be interesting. Then we're going to be subjected to a wasteful 20-30 minutes of "Is the Bimbornator bad or good, and just where in the heck is John Connor, and why doesn't he look like Eddie Furlong, anyway?" Despite the fact that all the advertising for the film is going to make it quite obvious that Bimbornator is bad, Arnie is good.

    We're going to probably have a the flimsy filler that will attempt to make a story, but will probably follow quite closley to the original plot, "John you are destined to be this great leader, you better make sure you don't die! Oh and by the way, this evil Sky-Net thing you killed in the last movie, it didn't die."

    It will most likley end with a cheesy car chase scene, /* Arnie hanging from a crane driving down the street? Or would this be a rehash of the "Saving ____ Connor from the evil terminator by jumping in front of, on, or shooting at the chase vehicle?" scene? */ followed by a big truck exploding ending with a fight in some factory type of place.

    The sad part though is that the coolest part, the first 15-20 minutes of the movie that takes place in the future, would probably make a more interesting and exciting movie to watch.

    But the even sadder part though, I'll probably go and see it. Even though I know it'll probably suck badly, deep down I have this faint hope that they might actually make this film interesting, exciting and worth seeing.

    Oh, and one last thing... Did anyone else get the feeling that when the Bimbornator was running through the forest in the red leather outfit; that for just a split second you were watching a trailer for an upcoming episode of Buffy? ;-)
  • theater of the mind (Score:3, Interesting)

    by spoonyfork ( 23307 ) <spoonyfork AT gmail DOT com> on Thursday December 19, 2002 @12:17AM (#4920758) Journal

    The T3 of my imagination is better than this drek. In my T3, we see hubris of man as they give the keys to the kingdom to a machine. Skynet become-self aware and the war starts. John Connor rises up and fights in a dark painful world where the banality of mindless evil crushes everyone's soul and body. His soldiers, friends, and mother die around him.

    Sure, he sends Ahnuld back to save his bacon but that is what is so interesting to me about this mind-flick -- what happens after? I'm sure it would have a Millenium type feel with timequakes or something or would the future just instantly change into something more pleasant, too easy, like Ender at the end of Ender's Game. Where do you go next?

  • by Robber Baron ( 112304 ) on Thursday December 19, 2002 @02:11AM (#4921181) Homepage
    From thearnoldfans.com:

    Like all Terminators, Kristanna Loken WILL arrive naked.

  • by haggar ( 72771 ) on Thursday December 19, 2002 @03:05AM (#4921281) Homepage Journal
    I have already seen Terminator 2!
    Oh this -is- a new episode? Terminator 3? I thought it should be somehow different from the previous two episodes. I thought these people are PAID to be original and creative.

    Joking apart, I am not going to waste my time and money in watching a pathetic re-make of Terminator 2. I wish nobody did, because it's about time that the habit of sqeezing out the last cent from a franchise while adding NO NEW IDEAS, came to an end.
  • by Sits ( 117492 ) on Thursday December 19, 2002 @05:34AM (#4921614) Homepage Journal
    I was watching the trailer and about three quarters of the way through it crashed with the following:
    Abnormal Termination Error
    How apt.
  • by Rothron the Wise ( 171030 ) on Thursday December 19, 2002 @06:05AM (#4921676)
    I'm just curious.
    As you may or may not know, the actory playing the T-X is norwegian.

    Do scandinavian women appear as exotic to Americans? For a native norwegian I get a disturbing notion that the T-X is just about to tell the weather forecast or work in the state financial committee. Personally I think this makes her even more scary.
  • by Hard_Code ( 49548 ) on Thursday December 19, 2002 @12:21PM (#4923248)
    ...here is the transcript of the trailer:

    In A.D. 2101
    War was beginning.
    Sarah Connor: What happen ?
    Kyle Reese: Somebody set up us the nuclear bomb.
    John Connor: We get signal.
    Sarah Connor: What !
    John Connor: Main screen turn on.
    Sarah Connor: It's You !!
    Terminator: How are you gentlemen !!
    Terminator: All your base are belong to us.
    Terminator: You are on the way to destruction.
    Sarah Connor: What you say !!
    Terminator: You have no chance to survive make your time.
    Terminator: HA HA HA HA .... stalavista
    Sarah Connor: Take off every 'zig' !!
    Sarah Connor: You know what you doing.
    Sarah Connor: Move 'zig'.
    Sarah Connor: For great justice.

There are no games on this system.
